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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1964, p. 3

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<== Five Bids : Submitted For Manor Fidelity Construction Limited of. Oshawa has submitted the lowest of five bids -- $485,590-- on the 100-bed, two-storey Hills- REPORT: FROM OTTAWA By Two By MICHAEL STARR MP, Ontario Riding The long-awaited flag debate was launched on Monday, June 15, dale Manor addition. Bids were opened Tuesday night at the Home, before the} 'Manor management committee | Furuishings and the archi-| tect's fee will push the total cost up another $70,000 to $75,- 000. John B. Parkin and Associ- ates are architects and engi- neers on the project. The committee is expected to gested that the resolution em- bodying two flags should be divided into two resolutions. The first resolution to be on Pear- son's 'flag, and the second on the Union Jack, which provides that it may be flown on special occasions, The speaker, who had a pre- pared submission read it and recommend acceptance of the bid at tonight's council-in-com- mittee meeting. Chairman is Ald. Cecil Bint.) {Other members: Mayor Lyman Gifford, Ald. John Brady, Nor-, man Down and John Dyer. '| Council has been working on 'lan estimated cost of $480,000 -|and has put away its 50 per cent ruled that unless there was an appeal to the house from his decision, it was his intention to divide the resolution into parts. No appeal was made and we now have two distinct debates before us. DEFENDS FLAG The prime minister spoke first Parliament Faced Before it commenced a point! of order was raised and sug-} '|share over the past two years,.|and defended his proposed flag. The province will pay the other The leader of the opposition fol- 'half. lowed and submitted an amend- | Council is expected to recom- ee pveftagsee have ene 'aie inti of giving the prime minister a asda rae pag from sportunity to have a roll call | ee i patel le of the people of Canada on this | The wing will point north-/question. west toward Rossland road, con-| The amendment _ provides |verting the T-shaped Home into|'that the government be au- a cruciform. thorized to take such steps as Most rooms in the new wing|may be necessary to conduct a |will have two beds. Closets will plebiscite prior to any further be flush with the wall. Door-|action being taken by the House ways will be wide enough tof Commons,in order that all lallow beds to bé moved from|Canadians may be 'room to room. Normal care|Tightful opportunity to declare 'residents will be on the first! their choice concerning a na- floor, bed care patients on the tional flag". from Dallas and after march- jsecond. The beauty shop and lf this amendment carried, POLITICS CAN BE ROUGh LBJ sign. The action took given their| Debates parliament could tackle some of the pressing business facing it, which in the opinion of many people is far more important than the flag question. The chance that the amend- ment would carry is very re mote indeed. The prime minis- ter has stated on many occa- sions that he rejects complete- ly the idea that the people of Canada should have the oppor- tunity to express themselves on |this important matter. [MAIL INCREASING The mail on the flag has been increasing daily. and petitions are being presented to the gov- ernment. Most of the mail indi- cates the rejection of the pro- posed Pearson Flag and the re- tention of the Red Ensign as a |distinctive Canadian flag. | New models of flags are be- ing submitted daily and the whole matter is becoming more confusing day by day. How long the debate will con- tinue is difficult to know. Many amendments will be submitted) land this affords every member) Lord Bruce, son of the Earl of parliament an opportunity to| of Elgin and Kincardine and speak once on each amendment. | Grand Master of the Grand | GRAND MASTER IS DINNER GUEST Bruce is J. A. Irvine, Grand the guest of honor at a dinner Master of the Grand Lodge in the Chateau Laurier Hotel of Canada in the Province Tuesday night. With Lord of Ontario. (CP Wirephoto) Lodge of Scotland (left), was | The NDP has indicated its in-) -------- itention to rigs a bes pool fone maple leaf. It would also CITY AND DISTRICT seem certain that the Red En-| TO SHOW FILM Oshawa and Ontario County sign will play an important role in an amendment, | The support for the Red En-} isign is growing stronger day by lday and Conservative members are its chief supporters in the\pr2nch of the Canadian Mental! |Health Association will sponsor |House of Commons. The political game can be rough -- even on kids, Aron Stein, 5, takes a belt on the head from his brother, Eric, 7, who lands the blow with an ing around with their signs |women's craft room will be decided a little horseplay |moved to the new wing. would be more fun. Kitchen, dining room and (AP Wirephoto) |jaundry facilities will be enlarg- 2 ~ jed. The present heating system will carry the addition. BRITISH BRIEFS Jewel Presented a, oye in addition: | Tory Ap By Woodmen |tion, $517,195; H. M. Brooks| Limited, $519,000; Wilkinson The 91st convention of. the Construction Limited, Scarboro, Canadian Woodmen* of the'¢59g.999; Dunker Construction Dance Recital Much Enj oyed World opened in Oshawa Tues-\Limited, Kitchener, $547,000 |day at Hotel Genosha. : : Gnasbiatedal The Burns School of Dancing! Jazz Class -- Paula Chopik,| A special meeting of Oshawa held its annual recital recently|Debbie Carmichael, Renee Er-|Camp, No. 339, called to order at McLaughlin Collegiate andj)man, Bella-Marie Parish, Lily|under the chairmanship of Con-| Vocational Institute Auditorium.|and Lenora Harper, Shirley Sax-/sul Commander Sovereign Doug-| A capacity audience thorough-|by. jlas Courtice, saw a display by| ly enjoyed the performance. | Beginers Ballet (5 to 7 years)|the drill team, under the direc-| The two-hour show was bright/-- Deborah Dean, Anne andjtion of Post Consul Commander with songs and dances and col-/Mary McNeely, Alison Berry,|Emerson Procknow in the main orful costumes. A variety of|Jennifer Curly, Dana Olsen,|dining room. dancing. was offered including--|Donna Firka, Diane Shewring,| Mr. Procknow was presented ballet, tap, baton and jazz. One|Mary-Lou Kuttschrutter. |with the past counsul command of the highlights of the. even-| Advanced Ballet (8 to 16) --|¢"'S Jewel by Head Commander ing was The French Can-Can|yan McLaren, Sherry Sorochan,|2°"? Cloustan for his past Dance, pérformed gaily by the|Heather Carey, Irene Jagoda,|Work. Sovereign Gerald Mc- Adult Ladies Class. Their per-|parbara and Yasmin Rymdzion.|C!eneghn, the head secretary, I r formance was received withick Sally Howsen, Brenda Mc-|Ppresented Mrs. Procknow with watch as highly-explosive buty- place in front of the Houston Coliseum where the Texas Democratic Convention was being held. The boys are Special to joe the Oshawa Times Le akin Fuel | LONDON -- Tory MP Sir g Roland Robinson has been ap- s |pointed Governor and Comman- In Rail Yard der-in-Chief of Bermuda. Roland has been member for Bl Th \Blackpool South since 1945, and ast reat had a majority. of 12,430 in the 1959 general election. TORONTO (CP) Thous- ands of persons along Toronto's PLEA REJECTED lakeshore slept with a bomb at) GILIANGHAM, Kent Gii- their doorsteps Tuesday night. /lingham Education Committee Hour after hour, firemen kept/has rejected a plea by the local Liberal Association that school playgrounds be kept open during To Bermuda Job Sir] the showing of a film, "The 91st Day", at the E. A. Lovell School at 8 p.m. on Thursday. Since the film concerns treat- ment of a victim of nervous breakdown, branch members are seeking the attendance of all persons interested in mental health. HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General' Hospital he|the week ending June 13: ad- 360; births -- male 27, ; discharges, 355; new- pointed with the proviso that if drinks any alcohol in the next| missions, jthree years he will go to prison| female \for three years. | TROOPS FELL CHIMNEY |male, 38; major surgery, 74; minor surgery, 95; eye, ear, | = nose and throat, 74; treatments | FINCHLEY -- The 101 Corps) and examinations, 308; casts, Engineer Regiment (TA) has|46; physictherapy treatments, ldemolished a 100 foot high|868; visits 609; occupational \chimney at the Finchley sewage|therapy, 245. \disposal work, at the request of| the town council. It was de-| /molished with high explosives. | Perkins Diesel Po eens ae Plans Center HAMPTON COURT, London--| |The famous maze at Hampton} for born discharges -- male 33, fe- Maple Crove Grand Master Personals Dinner Guest OTTAWA (CP) -- A dinher | was held here Tuesday night in | MAPLE GROVE -- Mr. ana #onor of Lord Bruce, son of the : \Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Mrs. Roy Topping, boys, Toron-/ang grand master of the Grand to, were Saturday evening call-\Lodge of Scotland, A.F. and ers with her parents Mr. and|A.M. Mrs, Fred Stevens and brother) Also honored at the Masonie jand wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold|function were Lord Waleran, |Stevens and family. |past grand warden of the Grand Mrs. Ross Grant, Bowman-| Lodge of England and Dr. A. F. ville, spent the weekend at her|Buchan, grand secretary of the daughter's Mr. and Mrs, Bert|Grand Lodge of Scotland. Snowden, while they attended) C. M. Pitts of Ottawa, a past |the Kinsman Convention held at\grand master of the Grand \Timmins, They also visited her|Lodge of Canada in'the province brother Mr. and Mrs. Donald|of Ontario, was host at the din- |Grant at Kapuskasing. ner. It was attended by more Several from this community|than a dozen high officials of jattended Ebenezer anniversary|the order from Ontario and Que- lon Sunday. {bec and was followed by a | Mr. ] .|meeting of Dalhousie Lodge No. Mr. and Mrs. C, P. Swallow). at which: Lone Arasaaume jealled on her mother Mrs. Fred |Ashton, Red Wing Nursing + aon some 300 Ottawa area |Home, Toronto, also Mr. Wil-| lard Stevens and Miss Alma Ste-|, Lord Bruce is in Ottawa at- lvens, Toronto. tending the second Common- Mes Ait Gower Oshawa a Wealth motoring conference. | former resident of this commun-| ae \ity; Mrs. Wilmot Prouse, Mr.! |Charlie Prouse, Newtonville, M and Mrs. Gordon Jarvie and) family, Oshawa, were recent visitors with the latter's mother, great applause and enjoyed by} all | Solos, duets and trios were ably performed by: Linda Boi, vin, Delbert Morgan, Robin Mc- Laren, Karna Brown, Cindy) Kowai, Jane Ferens and Shirley Saxby. Duets -- Debbie Corbett and Karen Anderson, Lily and Len-| ora Harper, Marie Whiting and Debbie Leighton, Robin McLar- en and Delbert Morgan. Trios --Jan McLaren, Joanne si, Wanda Hulaj, Vicky Krout, Anne Murczek, Dorothy Pearee, Debbie Carmichael, Dorothy Parrish, Lily and Lenora Har- per and Jane Ferens. CLASS LINE NUMBERS The class line numbers cluded: Beginners Tap (5 to 7 years) in- -- Sandra Anthony, Sherry Cox;' Dana Olsen, Susan Elliott, Jane let Vi Neely, Christine and Jenny Mas-; ternak, Denise Lyczba, Helen) Firka, Elizabeth Zmudzki, Lily| and Lenora Harper, Jane Fer- ens. Beginners Baton -- Brian and)" Frances Ellesmere, Ra mona| Parish, Dana Olsen, Debbie |\Taylor, Laurie Ann Dean. Intermediate Baton -- Sandra} Cockerton, Brenda Saxby, Bella-| Marie Parish Barbara and Shir- ley Saxby, Christine and Jenny Harper, Barbara and Yasmin Rymdzionek, Marie Whiting. The Ladies in the Adult Class|Tap Exams in Toronto, Evelyn Richards, Margar-|sored by the Canadian Dance) Set off the 11,031 gallons in the |Teachers Association, of' which|tank car. |Miss Burns is a member. are: eenhof, Doris Olsen, Jackie Browning, Willie Kuttschcrutter. Miss Burns performed two numbers -- Ballet Solo on Toe Shoes, and a Modern Jazz Tap which the "audience enjoyed very much. a The pupils of the studio pre-| Wright,Nancy Lee, Laura Wal-|sented Miss Burns with. a beau-| |#fatern |hold a dinner and dance ; |Hotel Genos Bryant and Rose Mary Szakac-|Masternak, Lily and Lenora -- ee for her lene gas seeped from a leaking seven years work as_ financial railroad tank car. Police sealed secretary to the camp. joff 10 blocks to prevent people Three new candidates for the| Setting near it. al order: were given de-|. The car was hauled from the grees by. officers of the organ-/main CNR line, but was later ization, The Woodmen of the' taken to a siding surrounded by World is an insurance organ-| homes and factories on the bor- ization as well as a fraternal,|ders of Mimico and New Tor- with its head camp in London, | onto. Ont. | This evening, Camp 339 will|technician G. N.. Standing of in|Grimsby managed to halt the mem-| leakage by repairing a valve. __|. Butylene is more explosive ~~ |than gasoline and firemen said spon-|the slightest spark could have an emblematic ring The gas, which is compressed Following are the results: to liquid for transport, was en- Primary -- Cindy Kowal, 81\route to Sarnia from Shawini- per cent highly commended; gan Falls, Que. Anne Murczek;: 82 per cent} ----------- -- highly commended; Debbie Leighton, 74 per cent pass plus. | Grade 1. --Shirley Saxby, 95 PROTESTS STATUE THETFORD, England (AP)-- ler, Carol Wallwork and Laurie tifyl white album containing the|per cent honors; Lenora Harper,|John Mayes, an engineer, has Ann Dean Beginners Tap (8 to 11 years) -- Heather Carey, Suzanne and Catherine Bertrand, pictures of the students in the various costumes for the re- cital. The studio pianists--Mrs. M arielresigned from the Thetford bor- pass. ough council over the erection 85\of a bronze statue of American 85 per cent honors; Whiting, 6644 per cent Grade 2 -- Jane Ferens, Mar yiLeta Steinifeld and Mrs. Ruth|per cent honors; Lily Harper,|revolutionary Thomas Paine Pearce' Sandra Cockerton,!Pearce were also presented with|82 per cent 'highly commend-| (1737-1809), who was born here. Cathy Meringer, Brenda Saxby, Linda, Brenda and Valerie Smith, Kathy Copeland, Irene McKnight, Julie Fuller, Debbie Kellar, Elizabeth Zmudzki. a sterling silver pin each. PASS EXAMS Nine pupils from the School jrecently passed their Graded WOODBINE ENTRIES THURSDAY, JUNE 18 FIRST RACE -- Purse $1900. ($2500 Claiming). Maiden three- and four-year- olds. 7 Furlongs. Foaled in Canada. Man Royal, No Boy 116 King City, Dittfach 116 Fortune Cookie, McComb 116 Vaicutta, No Boy 11! Wanless Park, Turcotte XXX106 Kellilyn, No Boy 11) Bonanza Babe, No Boy 111 Haertwood, Harris X106 Bratty, Turcotte XXX101 Dual Tiger, Whyte 111 Round Chance, Freed X11! Bive Boswell, Cosentino 116 Also Eligible: He's Sum Rib, Dittfach 116; Jerry Parham, No Boy, 125; Tel Anna, Potts, 111; Broad Minded, Burton 116; Ornery Floe, No Boy, 111; Knight 0' Glin, Remillard, 116. Purse $2200. ($5000 SECOND RACE foaled in Can Claiming). Two-vear-olds, ada. § Furiongs Scotty K., Dittfach 122 Folk Singer, Shuk 122 Merlis, No Boy 117 Chopstick, Remillard 122 Blue Week, Harrison 119 Swanwick Jim, No Boy 122 First Fashion, No Boy 122 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2000 ($3500 Claiming). Three-year-olds, 62 Furlongs. Paula's Flight, Harris X10) $0. Smart, Livingstone X111 Poppy Talk, Harrison 111 Flying Dodi, No Boy mt Woodcote Park, No Boy 111 Dark Erik, Harris 106 Regal Fashion, No Boy 112 Regal Fashion, No Boy 112 Priiynn, Freed X106 Fat and Frisky, Walsh A-106 Will We, No Boy 106 King Rip, No Boy 116 Also Eligible: Cushion, Kissy Missy, Waish, A-106. A~--Bill Beasley Entry FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2700, Allow ances. Three and four-year-olds. About one mile (turf course). Man of Kent, No Boy 11é Queen's Courier, Rogers 116 Lucknow Road, Freed X106 Safety Man, Dittfach 119 Hamattar, Dalton 113 C.C. Street, No Boy 123 Green Goddess, Shuk 111 Marathon Runner, Ne Boy 108 No Boy, 106; FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2400. ($7500 Claiming). Two-year-olds. 5 Furlongs. Into The Sunset, No Boy A-117 River Party, No Boy 122 Journey Home, Shuk A-119 Scadadie, Harrison 119 Bay Phantom, Remillard B-119 }Young Gal, Harris X114 |Win Again, No Boy 111 War Puff, Turcotte B-XXX106 A~--G C Frostad Entry ed; Linda Boivin, 72 per cent/The $28,000, eight-foot statue, a pass plus. he pupils "were presented!dation of America, with their certificates at the an-|says Mayes, nual recital. : bo B--R Papa and Addison Hall Stable Entry QUINELLA BETTING | | SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,700 allow ances, three- and four-year-olds, about one mile (turf course) (Division of Fourth) (9) Tipont, Turcotte ice Jam, Freed Green Meadows, No Boy 119 Peter Le Grand, Freed A-X104 Jovial Joel, Gomez 111 Reap The Wind, Turcotte XXX109 Little Baron, Harrison 116 Swoon Star, No Boy 123 |Nacuba, Rogers 108 |A--Mrs. E. B. Seedhouse entry XKXK109 AMT SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,900, "Th |Yonge-Bloor-Bay Ass'n," four-year-old: and up, fillies and mares, allowances 6'2 furlongs (9) Petres Sister, Potts 112 Reckless Lady, Dittach 114 Thule, Harrison 115 Balaklair, No Boy 117 Dancing Lark, No Boy 119 Well Now, No Boy 115 Court Royal, Hale 116 Menedict, No Boy 114 Ontario Holiday, Gomez 114 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,300 (4500), claiming, four-year-olds and up, one anc one-eighth miles (Marshall course) (9) Blue Fox 2nd, No Boy 122 Non's Charger, Gordon A-116 Crystal Fire, Shuk 8-111 Never Look Back, No Boy 119 Cloud Princess, Shuk B-108 Hannibal Miss, Hale 117 |Grey Beau, No Boy A-116 Action Station, Harris X106 Deal Me Aces, Shuk 108 A--E. B. Seedhouse and $. N entry BH Miss Shapiro K. Christie and Mrs Graham entry XX--7 tbs. apps alw. -ciaimed | X--§ Ibs, app. alw, claimed KXX--10 ibs. app, e@lw, claimed, G. M 4 ROCKEFELLER PUSHES BUTTON New York's Gov. Nelson A. W. Scranton. Rockefeller, ap- Rockefeller holds a big "I'm pearing today at his New on the Scranton Team" but- ip cae tne ie | ton as he boosts the candidacy Republican nominc'ion was of Pennsylvania's Gov. William conducted, said he n. | *sked school holidays and on sum-| mer evenings. | | $3000, IN RIVER | BARKING, . Essex More} than $3,000 in notes and $3,000) worth of premium bonds have been found in the River Rod-| ing, at Barking. They are be- lieved to be part of the pro- After more than five hours,|ceeds of a robbery at a post|Curtis, 38, has resigned after office. | FLYING CATTLE JERSEY -- A pedigreed herd of Jersey cattle,:41 cows and 1 bull, were flown from Jersey) to New York on a Dutch air-} line freighter, which was mak-| ing its first cattle charter flight) from Britain. | MOVED TO CANADA COLCHESTER, Essex -- Col- chester Lathe, member of a) group which runs one of the} largest lathe factories in the world, has sent a mobile show- room and workshop on a 12- month 'coast-to-coast tour of Canada, as part of a global) sales drive. j DRY OUTLOOK gift of the Thomas Paine Foun-|, HALIFA,X Yorkshire --)The station was closed down the represents,|James:-M. Hornby, 38, of Hali-/next day -- axed by Dr. Beech- | "an anarchist and/fax, was. put on probation iniing. | Halifax Court for shop-breaking, | ie FOR SCRANTON former President Dwight W. Eisenhower to announce for Seranton for the Republican presidential nomination -- but had obtained no comment (AP Wirephoto) |Mrs, Robert Jarvie. | Maple Grove school children will present their annual spring) on Monday evening,| Wilson & Vickery Se BUYER C3 | LO SELLER 728-9474 PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187 KING ST. E, Eight hundred yew trees have been planted there to take! the place of dilapidated mixed hedges. The maze. contains half |, a mile of walks. TRAINER LEAVES SANDRINGHAM, -- The Queen's gun-dog trainer, Jack Court is being ae In Windsor DETROIT (CP)--F. Perkins) concert 4d., British . il diesel en-|June 22, in the new Christian gine producer and subsidiary vj tenet bs Building at 8 p.m. Massey-Ferguson Ltd., Toronto, | 2 Tuesday announced plans to Just a Minute .. e| jopen a Canadian marketing |did you ever think just how en-| jheadquarters in Windsor, Ont.,|joyable @ pleasant Ocean cruise! las part of a North American|.4, be Cell DONALD TRAVEL aren pales inal di land let them tell you just what richar 2a ' ing gun-dogs. lrector of the company, said een ly By booked right : la release the decision resulted|"°W: 999-3908. : HELICOPTER USEFUL from a recent agreement in| PEVENSEY, Sussex --A|Which the company's joint mar-| |keting arrangement with Chrys- British European Airways heli-| f F copter has been used to place|ler Corporation of America in position on Pevensey Marsh|ended. 580 lengths of 12-inch diameter) --------~CS~S~S steel] gas main pipes, each) weighing about half a ton and} 25 feet long. The fields were too soft to use lorries for the job, 14 years with the Royal fam- ily at Sandringham. He is set- ting up his own business, train- Attention Deep Freeze Owners DID YOU KNOW? H. is spe izing in F ing produce, Cauliflowers, Carrots, Beets, Beans, MET AT QUEBEC Lower Canada's first legis- lative assembly met at Quebec) lin 1792 following the province's} {first election. | CAME TOO LATE eC -------- VERWOOD, Dorset -- A sup ply of timetables giving details of summer. train services was delivered to Verwood station, | Dorset, but they came 'too ate. that Pp' Strawberries, Raspberries, and mony others. Whatever You Need Call 263-2193 or See Us At Hampton Gardens Cor. Taunton Rd. & Scugog--7 Miles East of 5 Points P S We have reduced prices for freezing produce on Me Monday through to Thursd NEED A NEW... OIL FURNACE? Call PERRY 723-3443 Day or night FOOD MARKET, 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH EXTRA FEATURE NEW CROP SUNKIST ORANGES 3 Doz. O9: STUART CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 7g) TER O/;, BREAD 24] @ EXTRA FEATURE @ FRESH KILLED 4 5 Ib e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e LEAN MEATY--BEEF ROAST BLADE =. 49 sHouLDER 4] 99 00; Bur = 4555, = BS 39:, | LOIN END 75: isteaxs 69 } STEAKS C Ib BLADE BONE REMOVED Economy 6 & 7 Rib FRESH PORK PRIME RIB BONELESS POT Shl'd. Roast BONELESS BRISKET POT ROAST SHORT CUT Ist 4 RIB PRIME RIB FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER OVEN READY TURKEYS 6 - 8 Ib. aveg.

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