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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1964, p. 7

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TO LIVE IN CHAPLEAU Chapleau, Ontario, will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas Reid follow- ing their wedding recently in Simcoe Street United Church. Mrs. Reid is the former Dor- een Clara Drew, daughter of Mrs, Alice Drew, Bloor street east. Mr, Reid is the son of Mrs. John Reid, Chapleau, and the late Mr. Reid. --Mary's Studio UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES ; The devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Cyril Clark, |who had as her theme . "Mis- jsions"'. Mrs. Calvin Cathmoir jread the scripture. Two selec- CENTRE STREET UCW Mrs. Ross Stevens, Bowman- ville, was the guest speaker at the recent meeting of Cen- tre Street UCW. With map and pictures Mrs, Stevens portrayed \tions were given by Mrs. Ronald \Kellington, Mrs. Archie Britton and Mrs. Percy Fletcher ac- companied at the piano by Miss Irene Winter. It was decided that a June meeting would not be held. Refreshments were served by Wemer Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 17,1964 7 "Latue Melpers" urged the vaiue of each Parish forming a young| / mothers group. This group would encourage the mothers of newly baptized children to join' them and assist in this work. The -Little Helpers Department showed an increase of over 100 during the year. AFTERNOON SPEAKER Guest speaker for the after- noon was Mrs. G. E. Hobson, chairman of the Social Service Department of the Toronto Dio- cesan Board. Introduced by| |) Mrs. John Osborne her theme the work being done in the Congo. Mrs. Stevens, having|Evelyn Goodwin Unit. visited her daughter there, could| give a clear insight into this) work. Her talk was interesting, instructive and very enlighten- ing. KING STAYED PUT George III of England never once left the country in his reign of more than 59 years. FOR FATHER'S DAY TIMEX ELECTRIC _ Compare at 19.95 Compare at 39.95 15.97 29.97 @. MAIN FLOOR « POPULAR 20" MOTORIZED BARBECUES =] ]44 5-lb. Bog Charcoal -- 39c SELF-WINDING tomplete with hood and spit. compere et 20.95. WEEK END SPECIAL AT 0.D.H. All Varieties Special! Cigarettes DuMaurier CARTON 2.99 3 PKGS. 88° REGULAR SIZE 3 BRYLCREEM 1-76 WEK-END SPECIAL AT 0.D.H. @ MAIN FLOOR MEN'S SUMMER DRESS HATS assorted straws, cotton, gabardines WEEK END FATHER'S DAY FEATURE Largest Variety Men's 22 Summer Shirts * ploins ,ploids, patterns, stripes, ete reg. 3.95 Values. WEEK END SPECIAL .. » MAIN FLOOR @ Top Quality Men's "MOCK TORTOISE" HAIR BRUSH 3:33 by Tek Hughes. Reg. 5.95 Value. @ MAIN FLOOR @ FATHER'S DAY FEATURE .. 1,55 00 SET Other style; reg. 1.95 IDEAL'FOR FATHER @ MAIN FLOOR « CABANA SETS Jacket ond swim sizes S-M-L-05. Compare ct 19.95 FATHER'S DAY FEATURE > Mrs. Robert Pepper of Holy Trinity Church, Ajax, was re- elected president, at the 9th An- nual Conference, of the Oshawa Deanery of the Women's Aux- iliary of the Anglican Church of Canada, held at St. John's Church, Whitby, June 10.. At the opening morning ses- sion the Reverend John McGib- bon, assisted by the Venerable H. D. Cleverdon of Christ Me- morial Church, Oshawa, admin- istered: Communion to 97 WA members and clergy. Mrs. Martin Gouldburn, pres- ident of the Afternoon WA, offi- cially welcomed all visitors on behalf of St. John's Church and the WA groups. She spoke brief- ly of the historical background of the church, and the anniver- sary service to be held July 15. Visiting officers from the To- ronto Diocesan Board included: Mrs. H. G. Watts, president; Mrs. A. H. Elder, chairman of deaneries; Mrs. D. M. Cooper, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Roger Priestman, chairman of educational department; Mrs. Robert. Vandenbossche, chair- man of the Pakistani Embroid- eries; Mrs. C. E. Hobson, chair- man of the social service de- partment; Mrs. F. C. Young, officer - at - large; Mrs, K. J. Frampton, chairman of girls de- partment. MORNING SPEAKER : Guest speaker in the morning was Mrs. A. H. Davies, wife of Canon A. H. Davies, general secretary of the MSCC, who was introduced by Mrs. John McKibbon of St. John's Church. Mrs. Davies spoke of her re- cent visit to India, of driving up the Great North Road to North- em India, and observing the Oshawa Deanery of Anglican WA Re-Elects Mrs. Robert Pepper ple resulting from floods and poor land. After visiting the schools and churches in Northern India she was able to describe some of the difficulties of the mission- aries and teachers, particularly with language and script. At least three languages and many dialects were to be found in any small grouping of children. Many schools were 'outdoor schools', the weather being quite warm. Children brought their own supplies, and attended until ll years of age. But changes were rapid, and many sought further education. The Govern- ment was rapidly putting up schools, especially in the north. Children were continuing educa- tion, and Mrs. Davies told true incidents of children being help- ed by the Overseas Scholarship Fund established to help provide education in Christian schools for native children whose par- ents could not afford it. AFTERNOON SESSION Opening prayers for the after- noon session were conducted by the Venerable H. D. Cleverdon. Th president, Mrs. Robert Pepper, presided for the busi- ness session, Mimeographed re- ports of all branches were re- viewed. Mrs. Donald Wilson, secretary for the Junior WA, spoke to her report, which clear- ly reflected the valuable work of good leadership in the Dean- ery. Girls were participating in the full program, many stripes and badges were earned, rallies were attended, service given to their churches, and much enjoy- ment found in sharing with others their time, talents and fun. Mrs. John Osborne, secretary for "Little Helpers" in the enormous problems of the peo- FATHER'S SPECIALS PHILLIPS Speed-Shaver Roto-head Action 14.88 Deanery, in speaking of the COLEMAN GIFTS FOR DAD! DAY MODEL "200" LANTERN eis 100 sq. ft. area, Compere of 19.35. WEEK END SPECIAL 13.88 was "Co-ordination of Women', and she told of the discussions held during the past year by a committee on the Diocesan level of representatives from _ all phases of Church work. She stressed that the aim of all church organizations was to promote, encourage and strengthen its work, \ Mrs. A. H, Elder, chairman of Deaneries, spoke regarding the mission appeals, and the collec-| - tion of the day was voted to the| 7 Scholarship. Fund in the Diocese of Amritsar,| India, and to the New Life Sanitorium, Obuse, Japan, The Reverend B. P. Smythe, Dunbarton, voiced the apprecia- tion of all present to the ladies! of the WA at St. John's Church| for the noon luncheon, Mrs. J.) G: Spragge of St. Thomas) Church, Brooklin, expressed thanks to the clergy, diocesan officers and speakers, and dean- ery officers. | Plans were made for a work shop to be held at Christ Me- morial Church, Oshawa, Sep- tember 23. The Deanery Ofii-| cers meeting will be held at! Dunbarton in April 1965, and the} next annual meeting would) be at St. George's | Memorial| Church, Oshawa in June 1965. | Tables were attractively ar-| ranged, showing literature avail- The bridegroom's brother, the Reverend Keith Running, Have- able. and also displaying the|!ock, Ontario, officiated at the Pakistani Embroideries. | marriage of Emily Pasiuk, Osh- Representatives were present|2Wa, to John Wesley Running, from Ajax, Blackstock, Brook-| Toronto, last Saturday afternoon lin, Dunbarton, Oshawa, Pick-|in First Baptist Church, Osh- ering, Port Perry, Uxbridge and|@wa. The bride is the daughter Whitby. jof Mr, and Mrs, Harry Pasiuk, The Ven. H. D. Cleverdon in-| Oshawa, and her bridegroom is stalled the new officers for 1964-| the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 65 as follows: president, Mrs,| Running, Lansdowne, Ontario. Robert Pepper, Church of Holy| Mr. George Bateman, Oshawa Trinity, Ajax; vice-president, /S8n8 © Perfect Love" and Mrs. F. S. Wotton, St. George's Memorial Church, Oshawa; /secretary, Mrs. John McGibbon, treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Lapp,|St. John's Church, jun- Church of Holy Trinity, Ajax;|ior auxiliary secretary, Mrs. secretary, Mrs. A. S.. Evans,)Donald Wilson, Christ Memorial Christ Memorial Church, Osh-|Church, Oshawa; "Little Help- awa; educational secretary,jers" secretary, Mrs. John Os- Mrs. J. G. Spragge, St. Thomas|borne, Christ Memorial Church, Thi slaees Whites} Church, Brooklin; social service|Oshawa. | Oshawa. The ring bearer was TO LIVE IN TORONTO --Ireland Studio Emily Pasiuk, John Running Wed In First Baptist Church "Wedding Prayer" accom- panied by Miss Judy Davidson, Onhawa., Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a silk organza over. nite-lite taffeta gown. The bodice, appliqued with French lace and pearls, featured a round neckline and lantern sleeves trimmed with appliques at the elbows. The long train was of silk organza with appliques of French lace. Her Cleopatra headdress held a bouffant veil and she carried a bouquet of red sweetheart roses and stephanotis. The maid of honor was Miss Anne Penicka, Oshawa, the bridesmaids were Miss Arlene 5 Short, Hampton and Miss Lydia Grant, Oshawa and the flower girl was Miss Rebecca Running,| 7 Havelock. They were dressed Mr, Harvey Bodashefsky, Osh-| awa, For the reception at the Masonic Temple, Oshawa, the' bride's mother received wearing a blue lace suit with white ac- cessories and a corsage of white and blue carnations. The bride- m's mother assisted, wear- a blue linen sult with blue accessories and a corsage of pink carnations, As the couple left on their honeymoon to the Pocono Moun- tains, Pennsylvania, the bride was wearing a white lace dress, blue hat and accessories and a corsage of white and blue carna- tions.-On their return they will reside at 110 Jamieson avenue, partment 709, Toronto. Out of town guests at the wedding were from Gananoque, Lansdowne, Ottawa, Maitland, Havelock, Ontario; Mallorytown and Renfrew. HOUSEHOLD HINT Linens destined for summer storage should be laundered but not starched. The starch at- tracts silverfish. TO BE LIBRARIAN Miss Faith Brockman re ceived her bachelor of arts degree from St. Michael's College, University of Toronte at its annual convocation June 4. Miss Brockman, daught of Mr, and Mrs. Donal Brockman, Central Pa south, is a graduate of thé Dr. F, J. Donevan Collegiate, She plans to continue her edu+ cation at Library School. -- _; Ronald W. Bilsky, D.Cy CHIROPRACTOR °° Neck ond Shoulder Pains Nervous Stomach 100 King St, E. 728-5156 -- WEEK-END SPECIALS ENGLISH MOROCCO PHILLIPS SPEED-FLEX Roto-head Action 22.88/|12.88 e MAIN FLOOR 2-BURNER COLEMAN STOVE the popular model LOWER LEVEL Pp for - everyone! pompure et 21.00 WEEK END SPEC- Our Best Quality Bag Sleeping Bags top quality shower proof cotton poplin outer shell; filled with 3-Ib. cellacioud and Y%" insulfoam. Comp! 29..95 FATHER'S DAY Feoture ADULTS ONLY ALLOWED SPECIALS We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities OPEN DAILY SATURDAY "TIL 6:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 P.M. Sleeping Bags Ray-O-Sheen outer covering; 50 Ib. cellutate ae eens et 17.95. FATHER'S DAY & YOUR CHOICE! CREST or IPANA TOOTHPASTE Regular size tubes, WEEK-END SPECIAL AT O.D.H. . th OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 KING ST. W. AT GARRARD RD. LARGE VARIETY 77¢ ~ 1.47 MAIN FLOOR SYLVIKRIN SHAMPOO for regular or dry hair, Compare at 1.29 iY VOGUE PACK TOILET TISSUE 8 rolls per pack. Compare 'at 98c. WEEK-END SPECIAL AT 0.D.H. BAKE DAD A CAKE! CAKE MIXES DUNCAN HINES 7 delicious flovours to choose from, Com- pore ot 49¢ FOR PRICE SAKE AT 0.D.H. WALLETS Retail value 6.50. FATHER'S DAY FEATURE COMPLETELY WASHABLE WEEK-END SPECIAL AT O.D.H. ........ 397 @ MAIN FLOOR @ FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL LOWER LEVEL 44 LOWER LEVEL Pe E e MAIN FLOOR © SUN GLASSES IDEAL GIFT FOR FATHER - 2:37 tteencee @ MAIN FLOOR @ --h @ MAIN FLOOR @ @ MAIN FLOOR Gerber ise VITAMENIZED Pras! 5 "Refresher courses" for your baby ' Five wonderful freshets, of flavour, designed to please your baby. That's the good word on Gerber Fruit Juices. Made from choice, sun-sweetened fruit, they're delightfully mild, delectably good, What's more, all are excellent dietary 'sources of Vitamin C ... needed for sound gums and body tissues, All are carefully strained for easy feeding from bottle or cup. Your choice of Orange Juice, Apple Juice and 3 flavour-crossed combinations; Orange-Apple, Orange-Banana and Orange-Pineapple. Gerber Juices, like all Gerber Baby Foods, are prepared under the watchful eyes of specialists who work "4 solely in the interest of better infant.nutrition: All are quality-controlled according to the strict standards which have made Gerber famous, Babies are our business Our only business! «~ Gerber Baby Foods NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA

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