Pupils Present On Theme 'Wor The UAW Hall was filled to overflowing as the dance pupils of Miss Lillian Mae Marsh pr ted their | Dance Recital Id's Fair '64' Anderson, Sharon Gibner, Peg-| gy Vanderzwet, Rhonda Morri- son, Janet Lawrence, Carolyn Minacs, Mary-Anne Hughes, recital, Friday evening. Tiny tots to teenagers participated in the colorful and varied pro- gram, which was titied "World's Fair '64." The show opened with a midway com- plete with clown, animal acts, hula girls, and even skaters. Then came the American Pavi- lion, A Spanish Show, Divertise- ments, and a section devoted 'to shades of. blue. 'Altogether there were fifty-four separate acts. Wendy Edgar, Sandra Wilson, Rickey Edgar, Lori Thuczuk, {Carol Boudreau, Judy Anne Sellick, Debra Armstrong, Suz- anne Barrett, Peggy Bayliss, Bobby Bell, Lori Cannon, Mon- ica Cotton, Kelley Clarke, Ann Marie Darlaston, Cathy Garri- son, Cathy Knapp, Carol Litchy, Deanna Hogle, Gail Kavasnak, Karen McCordick, Cindy Nor- ris, Lisa Nutter, Stephan Poor, Brenda Rosley, Mary Louise |Reddick, Allison Sheilds, Shar- Ranetyn Root, Warne. tock) UNITS, GROUPS hart, Rosalie Krem, Caroi Brown, Janet Miles, Violet} Root, Wanda Balko, Colleen) Bulger, Debbie Deveau, Annette *-*- Hardsand, Laura Lee rans! SIMCOE STREET UCW Jill Powell, Diane Thornton, (Sunshine Unit) Lynda Bryne, Lorrie Bryne, | . gy gomord Fe ot Sunshine Unit of Simcoe Street kas, Debbie Swicker, Heather|United Church Woman was held White, Dolores Cunningham,|recently in the church parlor, Janina Czeck, Lori Wallace,) During the business. portion Denise Evans, Leanord Farrow,of the meeting, the president, Brenda Frauts, Kathy Weid-\Miss Margaret Haines asked for top. street. Mrs. lbord Supper" a success, The|® |June meeting will be in the form | : ' ; \of a patio party at the home|Sheffield- outlined the duties of|Hug' | The regular meeting of the| of Mrs. Russell Hayward, Hor-! Mrs. Keith Buchanan was in' charge of the worship service| and chose as her topic "Why is the Church Necessary". Robert Sheffield intro- \ volunteers for baby care for{duced two well known members |the Official Board.and the ses the month of June. Mrs. Roy Bunker thanked all AUXILIARIES lsiaae Sites hnso i onsets field who gave an outline of the sion while Mr, Houlden explain: ed the function of the Board of of the congregation Mr. Donald Houlden and Mr, Robert Shef- ganization of the United Church in general and Simcoe Street United in particular. Mr. i} mark, Janice Collins, Dorothy- Ann Flint, Sherry Oke, Chris- tine Robertson, Sharon Stone-|¢ bridge, Vincent Pisani, Michael/¢ Hordziejko, Roma Czeck, Les-| lie Andrey, Kevin Hicks, Bon-| nie Fortin, Anna Mae Muir-| head, Ronnie Melnychuk, Mari-; anne Ratelle, Brenda Shepperd- .. + YOUR WED LAST SATURDAY Outstanding among the solo-| on Sargent, Kim Sheeley, Les- son, Hilda Shewan, Cynthia ; PORTRAIT ists were Bonnie Cameron as\!ey Stevenson, Darla Marie the clown, Miss Marsh herself|Waite, Tracy Wallace and dancing a beautiful Hawaiian|Christine Zedic, | number, Sherry Maddeaux,| Kinderdance children were} Athena Dunn, Patricia Smith-|Catharine Nisbett, Valerie Noel, saat! : TS ers, Natalie Vancurenko, Rene| Debbie McBride, Merna Quen- A Chinese dance done in jazz Mitchell, Dorothy Ann Logeman, {Beverly Hodgson, Pamela Ash-| by, Debbie Sudsbury, and) Chery] Lupel. i Make Your Appointment Today STUDIO 21 ATHOL ST. W. 723-3680 i ' ; ; , Style featured Diane. Lukas Goulding, Diane Lukas and Les-/sel, Brenda Turkovick, Robin, . at eae | ley Ann Overton, who perform-| Delves, Joanne Benkowski, Lau-|£2™ Burk, Cathie Keleman and} ed ballet dances. Tap soloistsjrie Aldred, Courtice Noel Diane, Roser, were Alice Killen, Joanne| Janey Elizabeth Hughes, Lorrie The program moved along. at Fluery, Lynn Leighton, Bever-|Edgar, Leslie Anderson, Dayle|a fast, even pace and a great ley Crowells, Joanne Smith,| Armstrong, Margaret Bull, Mel-|deal of credit was due to those Laurie people who assisted back stage. For Boys and Girls Built to take it! Strong, tubulor steel frame, Donald stopped the show with his jazz tap, and Alice Killen's "Blues" jazz was among the most unusual. Those performing duets were: Enid Black and Helen Zdano- wicz; Judi Simic and Phyllis \Brooks; Joelle Hubner, and Gaetane Hubner; Catharine Mc- and Denise Caron. Rickey Mac-| anie Charuk, Lynn |Clark, Laurie Melnychuk, Mae nie White, Erica Deiderichsen,| \Kelley Lorena, Francis UIl-| lrich, Albert Ullrich, Linda Gey-| ipens, Janet Dodds, Margaret} Haass, Carol Harman, Cindy| |Koss, Judy Nash, Jeffery Poor, |Neena Szakacsi, Nicolle Rath- |man, Jane Walker, Caroline |Millan and Alice Killen; Helga|Whittaker, Viki Smegal, Linda Attendance awards were pre- sented before the finale by Miss Marsh to Ricky MacDonald and Pam Burk. Miss Marsh thank- ed the audience and received a bouquet of red roses and a gift from her students: These were given. on behalf of the children and parents by Catharine Mac- Millan and Aliee Killen. The HAIR STYLIST Your Hair doesn't stay in... ? famous Perry Coaster brakes. Chromium-plated rims. Complete with ehain-guerd and reflector. Boys' model in Red with White trim. Girls' model in Blue with White trim. show concluded with a Grande Finale, in which all took part. Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Neck and Shoulder Pains Nervous Stomach 100 King St. E. 728-5156 LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Sglons Experienced Hair Stylist FROM " EVERYTHING GUARANTEED SELL IS ~Mary's Studio Provenzano-Albero Vows /Edith Marinzel and Ireen Klo-! Catto, Cathy Walker, Lori Alex- leek; Josephine Kotwas andjander, and Maureen Larkin. Sandra. Fry; Barbara Bentley; Ballet groups were Christine jand Ina McMaster; AnitajTurdoyich, Catherine Turko- |Roter and Lindsay Margaret/vich, Wanda Reid, Hannelore} | Overton. | Voellger, Linda Hutchinson, Si-| | Trios included Marlene|bylla Wagner, Louisa Baker, |Mothersille, Michelle 'Wiecha,|Julie Ibbott, Kathryn Boychuk, | Repeated In St. Gregory's Michael Hordziejko, Eileen|Lynn Gagnon, Helen Vanlith, | Monsignor Paul Dwyer nl be veil. She carried a cascade] m, vior., Joanne Fleury, Catha-\Nadine Chenier, Betty Stanley, | cated at the wedding of Car-jof feathered white carnations. |;ine McMillan, Mary Gilmore,| Patricia Parfitt, Barbara Angie-| mela 'Albero to Alfredo Proven-| Her matron of honor was| Susan O'Reilly, Colleen Hare,|lezyk, Karen Boyd, Sandra zano last Saturday morning in/Mrs. Dominic Longo who wore|Diane Thibert, Linda Chaplin-| Boyd, Helen Boyle, Kathy Chen- St. Gregory the Great Romanja blue lace sheath featurng ski, Dianne Taylor, Virginialier, Karen Brown, Jullie Hanna, Hage eyes Sommer, Sharon Chonoskie,|Cathy Kauzneuk, Evalynn Mac- Catholic Church. The bride is|scalloped sleeves and hem and Kathy Gilmore, Lynn Foreman |key, Daria Masiewich, Rose-; the daughter of Mrs. Albertoja scoop neckline. Her head-|Cathy Richard, Christine Lee,|mary Perry, Stephanie Rodg-; Albreo, Oshawa and the late/dress was a rhinestone tiara Dianne Harrison, Pamelajers, Wendy Ritchie, Lisa Tom-; Mr. Albero, Her bridegroom isjand she carried a cascade of Burk, Karen Ashman, Margaret|alak, Margaret Tuteit, Sandra the son of Mrs. Sartorio Proven-|White carnations and blue tint- Lynne Taylor. |Zedick, Ave Marie Winpenny, ed chrysanthemums, Group numbers were danced| Cheryl ReKush, Pauline Knapp, ae es A Ole el The bridesmaids were. Miss| 2Y Dorothy Ann Logeman, Cyn-\Janet Carrie, Joyce: Nelson, Given in marriage by her|Carmela Piraino, Oshawa, and thia Mitchell, Beverley Hadg-| Janice Kwak, Marie Bradbury, brother, Mr. Anello Albtro, the| Miss Maria Picano, Toronto. son, Denise Evans, Beverley|Martha Attley, Verna Povey MEN .|Laroque, Pamela Ashby, Deb-|Ann Beattie, Debbie . Powlen-| bride wore a full-length gown| They were gowned alike in semi-| }., pe Pa 5 of'bridal lace featuring a sweet-|formal dresses of deep rose Lynn Pearson,|chuk, Barbara Brandon, Pam-; - d lei ' af I Deana Crewys, Janet Miles,|ela Evans, Michelle Humphries, heart neckline, lily-point sleeves|Silk chiffon with full pleated) Karen Brown, Kimberly Edgar,|Barbara Lambourne, Cindy and a skirt trimmed with al-|Skirts nipped in at the waist , A ternating rows of ruffled lace|and held by cummerbunds en- Joni Sudsbury, in the baton|/Simic, Arlene Picov, Monique and nylon net with a lace over-jhanced with self roses. The od-| een" Polman, Catherine Power,| skirt. Her headdress was ajices featured scoop _necklines| one tots included Jeannette|Dawn Sheeley and Joanne andell, Jo-Anne Robinson, Di-)Smith. | crystal tiara holding a finger-|and short sleeves. They wore matching accessories, rhine- anna Johansen, Melanie Hoch-| Tap dancing groups were:) ; ol 'n<,{leitner, Heather McNair, Shel-;Karen Morrison, Donn-Marie| oe ee arta an ley Linton, Tammy Smith,|Maykut, Marie Bradbury, Janet| chit a vi : id Susanne Reginbal, Susan Nis-'Miles, Lillian Lavender, Diane| eearye sdiabespi sk _|bet, Nita Nosowenko, Kathleen! Hockett, Joni Sudsbury, Karen| The best man was Mr. Domi-} nic Longo, Oshawa and the ush-| | ers were Mr. Frank Mazzotta) | and Mr. Fioenzo Mazzotta, both|* AT lt hasn't enough body.....? WHY don't YOU have a STEAM PERMANENT WAVE! "For the Lady Who Wants the Very Best' WYlodella. HAIR STYLISTS 725-4531 | ha GOOD*YEAR xe SERVICE STORES 162 KING ST. E., OSHAWA APPOINTMENTS PHONE 725-5512 PHONE AFTER 9 P.M, 728-9317 71 CELINA ST. of Toronto. An informal recep- tion was held at the Polish Hall. Mr. and Mrs, Provenzano will reside in Oshawa. WIFE PRESERVE Cover worn chair seats with| terrycloth towels loosely fasten- ed with thumbtacks, They'll whisk off easily, wash in a wink, | 44 néed no ironing. Penton Ce join hands to bring you a gigantic money saving EATHERS pay When you need "HOME NURSING" | Call a V.O.N. Nurse | 725-2211 'Home-Nursing Care for "SDCCASIONAL CHAIRS, ROCKERS, SWIVEL ROCKERS. RECLINERS, Every popular style ... CONTEMPORARY, A TRADITIONAL, MODERN, DANISH, Foam Cushioning .. . Every popular color ~ Persimmon, gold, turquoise, olive, /-~THESE BARGAINS NOW AVAILABLE AT aa 737 STATION RD. 728-7271 | OUR | Protect Yo Drapes, Ke OSHAWA STORE Summer Comfort ur Furniture. ep Windows Clean, Insulate! All these benefits will be yours right now with smart, permanent aluminum awnings from Simpson-Seors, This is the way to get @ more luxurious look to you for details. e@ FREE ES r home at moderate cost, Ask TIMATES e planned plumbing for your home. ® ALUMINUM DOOR AND STORM SCREEN WINDOWS custom made for your home, ® You get a GUARANTEED JOB ata GUARANTEED PRICE. ® HARMONY HOUSE systerns custom designed OSHAW 43-45 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-9411 TO CHOOSE FROM... It's been a great hit . . . items have been moving rapidly since this sale started last week , »» BUT WE STILL. HAVE AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF UNITS visit us NOW, see how YOU CAN SAVE! MUST CLEAR ALL 1964 MODELS "65 Coming Soon! ALL FLOOR SAMPLES e ADMIRAL e CLAIRTONE e@ ELECTROHOME e RCA VICTOR CONVENIENT 1.A.C. TERMS -- OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. 912 SIMCOE NORTH Your Color TV Store PARKWAY TELEVISION "We Service 'Whet We Sell -- OURSELVES" and Demonstrators « DO OFF REGULAR PRICE @ All Complete with Full New Warranty! @ CLOSED SATURDAY AT NOON (During June - July - August) PHONE 723-2043