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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1964, p. 15

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soporte ne eaten men eee ee 16--Female Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted _ CLERK "With Some Banking rience For E and General Duties All Employee Benefits Bank ot Nova Scotia WHITBY 668-3301 BOOKKEEPER - TYPIST -- Must be ex- for Whitby tions, Mr perienced and good at figures grea. Excellent working cond TAX! DRIVERS. Preterably between 25-40 Top earninas. Apply MERCURY TAXI 725-477) 18--Male or Female Help Wanted 25--Apartments |27--Real Estate For Sale FURNISHED three-room__self-contained/ |basement apartment. Suitable for two working girls, East end. Telephone 725- 4391 26. --Rooms For Rent | ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. | | | | | Prosser, Whitby 668-5447. WOMAN fo live in with elderly Ukrain- Telephone 728-0685. fan woman, Te . Female Cook and Male BABY sitter to come in daily, housework. Telephone anytime 728-2355. EXPERIENCED HAIRORESSER, 'i part Telephone 728-0761 or or fuli time. 7023. light Short Order Cook COAGH HOUSE 17--Male Help Wanted CITY OF OSHAWA PLANNING DEPARTMENT CLERK Salary ronge $4,165 .00 to $4,826.00. Required to have full high school Including drafting course. Experience in Planning Boord _ office. Required to act as secretary to planning board and com- mittee af adjustment, per- form clerical and research duties for planning board, handle inquiries on zoning procedures, assemble inform- ation on population distribu- tion, land: use, condition of buildings, zoning regulations, finalize plans, etc. Prepare maps, plans and charts from such information. Applications close 5:00 p.m. June 26th, 1964. Reply in writing giving all pertinent information to: Personnel Officer City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario. TWO LETTER PRESSMEN REQUIRED EXPERIENCE WITH CYLINDERS Permanent Employment Day rate $2.68 per hr. Night rate $3.03 per hr. Ful fringe benefits, pension. APPLY PERSONNEL DIRECTOR General Printers Ltd. 723-2233 ELECTRICIAN Required For Maintenance Department RESTAURANT 939 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY 668-2751 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 | | | | lanier furnished. room, centrally lo- cated, suitable for 2 persons. Telephone 728-4403 FURNISHED large bedroom ,twin beds with large kitchen. Suit two gentlemen. Parking space. Telephone 725-1904. ATHOL STREET EAST 253 -- Two | furnished room aparfment. Suit two peo- |ple or couple. No children. Apply above ress. pete liaene et room for rent in a new Position Available AS BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT For well established business, Apply stating qualifications and calary ex- pected, to Box 202 Oshawa Times _Alll_replies strictly confidential in -- writing, home. Suit one or two girls. Telephone 728-0260. ONE-BEDROOM for 2 women willing to share. Blair Park Plaza district, Whitby, ONE furnished housekeeping room with refrigeraotr and cupboards. Also parking space, private entance. Suitable for a Apply 156 Agnes Steet. KING STREET EAST, 410 -- Furnished housekeeping room, hot water, refriger- address. TWO furnished rooms with kitchen on private floor. Suit 2 ladies or gentle 'men. Bloor and Simcoe. Phone 87-443. DOUBLE ROOM for two gentlemen. Also single room, TV privileges. Park- ing. Telephone 725-9035. ACCORDIAN AND GUITAR teachers; full or part time. Please state quali- fications to Box 43, Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED nurserymen tor season, good pay, eventually room and board. Telephone Sowmanville 623-2837. Jerry Trejbal, Mearns Avenue, 20--Room and Board $14. ROOM and board, for men, willing Brock East. willing to share. Single bed. Parking. Close to GM South. 728-4763. ROOM and board for one or two girls. North District. Telephone 725-2305. ROOM AND BOARD, lunches packed, near 'South General. Motos. Telephone 723-1878. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage "STORES for sale or rent 40 miles north of Oshawa. Suitable for clothing laun- ramat etc. Telephone after 9 p.m, Port Perry 985-2030 ~~ SMALL FACTORY FOR RENT 1800 Sq. Feet. Industrial Zone 1062 Nelson St. Oshawa 725-1545 [STORE for_iease, Simcoe street South, at Station Plaza. Suitable for any busl- |ness. 18' x 50' approximately. Telephone | 125-6344 MEDICAL offices for rent. 700 sq. ft. For further paritculars. Phone 725-5132. $14 ROOM AND BOARD for men willing to share rooms. Single beds, Apply 147 Brock East STORE DOWNTOWN, two-storey, heated, 2600 square feet, for lease. Reasonable. Call Jack Appleby 728-5123 - 723-3398. Bolahood Brothers Limited. Steady employment with pen- sion plan, medical and hospi- fol Insurance, For full details €oncerning hours and salary please apply in person to DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL GAS BAR ATTENDANT _ 5S day week, experience pre- ferred, but will train if ne- cessary. Apply Manager. 23--Wanted To Rent FOR young couple, old brick type house, two bedroom apartment or duplex in Whitby or Bowmanville. Call Mr, Todd at 723-3274, FOUR-ROOM apartment or small house with yard required immediately by couple with two children. Ten years' seniority in General Motors, 728-7426. RELIABLE FAMILY, with three chil- dren requires modern 3 or 4 bedroom house or apartment, close to schools by duly 15th if possible. Write Box 8, Osh- awa Times. THREE-BEDROOM home required on jlease, August 1 or earlier, by oil com- pany representative and family. 728-5786. REFINED LADY wishes furnished room with breakfast or kitchen privileges, Harmony vicinity. Telephone 725-2483. BACHELOR one-bedroom epartment wanted. Will sublet for summer If nec- essary. Telephone 725-4458. One Stop Auto Service Centre Ltd. 529. King West LINOTYPE OPERATORS COMPOSITORS Modern plant. Open Shop. Apply Personne! Director GENERAL PRINTERS 723-2233 OSHAWA i. SENIOR SALESMAN fo call on stores, offices, garages, motels, Industries, schools, hospitals, etc., with Wer engineered lighting products. Age no barrier, car necessary. Side-line or ful! time. Highest commissions paid weekly on automatic year-round repeat business. Exclusive Premium Program will make '64-the st of our.20 years of success- ful business operations In Canada, Choice protected territory of Oshawa and dis- trict now open. For complete information write Hi-Test Corporation, 206 King West, Hamilton, Ontario. PHARMACIST WANTED, no Saturda fight, Sunday or holiday work, work two nights one week, three the next, every second Saturday afternoon off. Salary ac- cording to experience. All applications tial, Apply F. C. Bouck, Medical ry, 180 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa. Phone 232-4851. WHITBY CLASSIFIED Patio Stones, Screen Blocks, Sand, gravel, top soil, stone, =~ Plastering materials wall- boards, Bricks, Cement, Roof- ing, Tile. 668-3524. * SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED Fuel and Builders Supplies 244 Brock St, $., WHITBY, Ont. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service 30on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. "DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, salterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting . Specialty Mrs. Thoms 668-2372. "BRESSMAKING, alterations, mending. Mrs. F. Gostiin, 1302 Dundas Street East, (Whitby. 668-5085. | WE BUY, sell, trade used furniture and appliances. Goolds Furniture, 215 Dundas East, Whitby, 668-5481. 24---Houses For Rent |GPPER DUPLEX -- seven rooms, three bedrooms, suit adult families, No small children. Stove, refrigerator. Call 725 /5085 after 5 evenings |SEMI-DETACHED three-bedroom. Ten |minutes from downtown. Possession July |1. 728-8107 or 725-4279. } 25--Apartments | THE VISCOUNT 300 GRENFELL New building, modern one and two bedroom apartments. Available Ist July. For in- formation see superintendent | | | Apt. 111. 340' Marland Ave. Anytime or on building site | after 5 p.m, |THREE-ROOM apartment, seif contained. |Telephone 728-6070. ; THREE-ROOM apartment, ground floor, garage. Apply 183 Arthur Street between 6 and 9 p.m. inp salt PSN rear Nae acs |VILLA MARIA, 512 Brock Street South, |Whitby, New modern deluxe two-bedroom Japartment. July 1. Adults only. Apply |Apartment 2 or telephone 723-4729. |LADY with child, will share apartment ith mother and child. Day care avail- ment, refrigerator and only. $85. monthly. sion. 728-4525, UNFURNISHED threé-room apartment, new! decorated, close to shopping and buses, North Oshawa. Vacant. $60. monthly. No children. 723-4449. ELGIN STREET -- three-room furnished apartment, available immediately, Tele phone 728-9028. WHITBY -- one-bedroom apartments, swimming pool, $100. monthly, Occu- pancy July 1. After 5 evenings, telephone | Whitby 668-8561 |ONE an |new building, ali modern Telephone Whitby 668-6560, $95 TWO -BEDROOM apartment, main floor, adults only. Available July 1. Apply 498 Simcoe Strete North, Apt. 1 or phone 723-9258. SELF-CONTAINED fhree-room _apart- ment. Heated. TV oultet. Stove and re frigerator. Adults. Telephone 725-1470. AVAILABLE JULY 1 -- $70. monhtly, hree rooms and bath, private entrance, \Prefer middie-aged couple willing to care for 2hmonth-old baby. Beginning Sep- tember 1 while mother works. Telephone 725-173 ONE and two-bedroom apartments in brand new building on Marland Avenue, Elevator, range, refrigerator, . laundry facilities. Telephone 728-1544. TEACHER requires someone to share 4 furnished apartment, separate bedrooms, range, Adults immediate posses- conveniences. _POR RENT: August |. Four room apart- ment. Private entrance. Private bath. +Business preferred. Telephone (668-4374. APARTMENT FREE fo retired couple or gentieman In return for janitorial duties. +,-apply Box 7001, Oshawa Times, Whitby. GIDE aveliebie to downtown Toronto, leaves Whitby 6.45. Call 668-4928. Telephone 725-5571 after 5 p.m. FIVE - room, two-bedroom apartment, main floor, $85 month including heat, nydro, refrigerator. Between 3 ond 8 apply 187 Rosehi|! Boulevard or telephone 728- 3770. ATTRACTIVELY furnished 3 room apart ment. Suitable for 2 or 3 adults, very 'centrally located, 723-7244 or 725-8851. to share rooms. Single beds. Apply 147/97__Real Estate For Sale WANTED -- Single gentleman to share apartment with three others. Vicinity | South Plant. Cali evenings: 728-9143. FURNISHED room for rent with single bed, sult gentieman. Apply 82 Nassau |Street. 725-2198. |CARGE bright furnished, ing and bed-sitting room. Close to hos- |pital and downtown. Girl preferred. 723- 7 | light housekeep- "GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE yet just minutes from the city; 6 room brick bungalow with attached garage on Eliz- abeth Crescent. Cathedral ceiling in living room and | dining rooms.. Hollywood kit- | chen and 4 pc. tiled bath | with vanity. High basement | with lots of room for recre- ation area. Lot 86 x 250 ft. and wooded. Asking $17,400 FULL PRICE $13,700 5 room brick bungalow with all large rooms on Wilson Rd. South. T.V. Aerial, fenced back yard and aluminum rail- ings. Close to shopping, schools and bus stops right in front 0: house. Carries for $97 per mo. including taxes. BEAT THE HEAT in this spotless 5 room- fur- nished cottage at Lake Scu- gog. Close enough to drive every day and let the fam- ily enjoy the whole summer at the lake, Beautiful view over the lake, nicely wooded lot with garage. Only $5,900. COMPLETELY REMODELLED on the inside with new plas- ter and hardwood flooring. 3 large bedrooms upstairs, kit- chen, living room, separate dining room and den down. 2 bathrooms, 1-4 pc. up and 2 pe. downstairs. Double gar- age end large lot. Just off King St. West. Asking only $13,200. SUBURBAN RANCHER on a large deep lot with dou- ble garage. Red brick .bunga- low with 3 bedrooms and 4 pe. tiled bath featuring co- loured fixtures and vanity. Living room has good wall orea for furniture arranging as well as dining area. This home is brand new and if you hurry you can'still choose your paint colours. 1250 sq. ft. of better living at a full price of only $17,500. HOME AND INCOME 1% storey stucco home on Simcoe St. South just refinish- ed on the outside. New fur- nace and large lot with gar- ege, 5 room apartment on main floor for owner and 3 room apartment upstairs brings $75.00 per month rent. This home is located in a cominercial area priced at $17,500. | 200 ACRE FARM $5,500 with 8 room 1% storey home and barn. Just 2, miles south of Gooderham on Highway 507. Asking cash. Additional 100 acres with creek fed na- tural duck pond adjacent and will sell separately for $2,- 500. Ask for Lloyd Corson. WHITBY 20 Acres of vacant land zoned for apartment build- ings. Sewer and water handy. Asking $4,000 WHAT A BEAUTIFUL LOT! Yes, this is what you will say when you see this 6 room brick home on Simcoe = St. North. Hot water oil heating, 2 natural fireplaces and also 20 x 12 ft. recreation room. A 3 room self contained apartment is rented. for $75. per mo. Double garage. Right on the bus line and: close to both Public and Separate Schools. Big trees and a love- ly deep rear garden gives a sense of being away from it all! This is a better home with the down payment be- ing $5,000. TAUNTON Srick ranch bungalow with attached. garage" on a large lot 82 x 264 ft. 22 ft. liv- ing room has fireplace ond picture window both front and back. Walkout base- ment with large window réa- dy to build a recreation room. Summer is the time to spend outdoors and what better place then your own back yord just 10 minutes drive from downtown Oshawa. Full price $18,900 | For full particulars 'cal 723-1121 | Open daily 9a.m. to9p.m. | Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. ator, stove. Parking space. Apply above! . METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 SUBURBAN GEM ls the word for this 7 room ranch bungalow with attach- ed garage, three large' bed- rooms, beautifully appointed bathroom, family sized dining room and a kitchen any wo- man would be. proud of, plus a small den, sewing room or that. guest room you've want- ed. In addition the large rec. room is exceptionally well finished with bar and natural stone fireplace. The lot is well landscaped with patio and fence and could pass under V.L.A. Just two blocks from City bus and school. See this gem today, early occupancy can be arranged, ° BERNHARD CRESC. 4 bedroom home with carport nearing completion. Electri- cally heated, lot fully sodded, extra washroom, carport, etc. Phone for more details, We have other choice homes of 3:and 4 bedrooms in this ex- clusive area. © GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS $1,583 down payment for this 5% room bungalow. All services prepaid. Balance on one N.H.A. mortgage. WILSON RD 'N. Close to schools, shopping, bus. Asking $14,300 for this 5 room bungalow with fin- ished rec. room. Lot fully landscaped. Reasonable pos- session given, Shown by ap- pointment only. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Joe Maga Dick Barriage Bob Johnston Jack Osborne Ken Hann 27--Real Estate for Sale ~ KEITH PETERS Maglte: TR.7278 103 King Street East SIMCOE $1. N. -- Valuable commercial corner 70 x 115, ideal location suited to a variety of business uses. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. LOW DOWN PAYMENT -- 7 room, good garage, a good family home, near schools. Call Bill Irvine 728-2868. $15,500 NORTH WEST -- Spotless 3 bedroom brick home, attached garage, rec room, beautiful treed 'lot 51 x 157, forced air oil, ideal district, close to schoo! and shopping. For further infor- mation please contact Ro- lande Tierney 725-5207. THINKING OF RETIRING? Small. white stucco home, 4 piece tiled bath, full base- ment with oil heating, com- petely hedged lot and good garage. Asking price $9,900 with terms. Call Ronald Hetherington 623-3637. COURTICE--1- Ranch bung- alow, 2- attached garage, 3- 1360 sq. ft., 4- 7 large rooms, 5- Construction of home brick and aluminum 27--Real Estate For Sole 27--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 22nd, 1964 18 _ BEAU VALLEY YOUNG EXECUTIVE, type home, in one of wa's best locations, many extras, as well as a well planned home.: HARMONY HEIGHTS Charming three bedroom brick bungalow, near schools, shopping, and bus line, 'just listed, hurry, call now. FOR RENT COTTAGE Sleeps 10 people, suitable for two families, "good swimming, safe SANDY beach, PRI- VATE AREA, ask for BILL HORNER, owner at 728-5157 or 728-2236. FOR ACTIVE SERVICE : LIST YOUR HOME WITH US VICKERY REAL ESTATE 48 SIMCOE ST. S, 728-5157 Mrs, Kirk Mrs. Beal Guy Bell Gordon Campbell Doug Wilson Steve Lehan Steve Zurba Bill Horner Ralph Vickery siding, 6- lovely shade trees, 7- 4 acres. If you are looking for a home with all' these features ---- call Robert John- son 728-2548. PRINCE ALBERT -- Ranch home natural stone front, five rooms, fully decorated, finished rec room,' fireplace, two bathrooms, full base- ment; oil heat, silent switches, double glass win- dows, town water, asking $13,500.00. Phone Bill Rat- cliffe 655-3917. 125 ACRE farm, Rawdon Township, half- mile off No, 14 highway, 2 mile South of Marmora, good location, near Crowe River. 85 acres clay loam under cultiva- tion, good house, good barn, other builld- ings, two never falling wells. Price for cash $11,500. George Prest, ivanhoe. Phone Madoc 473-2254, Wnitby and Ajax Built and backed by G. Armstrong and Sons $950 DOWN One N.H.A. Mortgage Carries $79 Monthly 1 and P. Built in ranges and ovens, storms and screens etc. See our finished models. One block east of Ajax Plaza. Models open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. everyday. H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker ___ Ajax_942-3310 ~ FOR SALE OR LEASE INDUSTRIAL BUILDING -- 3,000 sq. ft. of factory are plus office and washroom -- 18 ft. ceiling and door, building stressed and land zoned Heavy Industrial. DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR ' 333 King St. W. 723-1168 j10-ACRE lots, level, ever-flowing stream. |Located at Hampton on new highway. | Full price $4,500. with terms. Real Estate Broker, 728-4285. FOR SALE McGill| COMMERCIAL LA 1250 DUNDAS 10 ACRES, concession 4, side road 30-31, Whitby Township; school one mile, Mr. E. M. Freek, Whitby, 668-478) $11,500 FULL asking price for this five room. Just listed on Wilson Road South. Owner anxious to sell. §. D, Hyman Real Estate Ltd., 728-6286. OR RENT APPROXIMATELY 1/2 ACRES OF ND WITH LARGE 50'x50' CEMENT BLOCK BUILDING equipped with twin post hoist situated between Highways 401 ond No. 2. For further particulars contact: BILL WHITTICK MOTORS STREET EAST WHITBY 668-5871-2 GORD REAL bedrooms, redwood antique kitchen cupboards, ON OSBORNE ~ ESTATE & INSURANCE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY OSHAWA, EXECUTIVE HOME. TALL TREES, CREEK On select northeast Oshawa residential street. Thi i f i is tastefully decorated compact split level home on rolling treed lot may be just what you are looking for with three practical sized pleasant dining room with beamed ceiling effect, two bathrooms, and delightful open fireplace, Many extras including mahogan age, Full price $23,900 with at least $6,000 down. DIAL 668-8831 room, bright spacious living recreation room with quaint y finish, Wide paved drive and attached gar« HOME and APARTMENT KING ST. E. OSHAWA On large lot with 2 car garage, 2 fireplaces. You may wish to have a more modern home but fearful of the tax be one of those careful buyers thot es, interest and payments and have been waiting for an enswer to your problem. This may be it with the basement apartment income possibility to help you with the payments. efficient hot water heating system for the cooler days. $3,000. down payment. Some shade here for summer and an Full price $17,500 with about OSHAWA, 3 BEDROOM BRICK ~-- $1500 down payment and $98.00 monthly moves you into this fine family home in a trim friendly neighbourhooa away from the humid, congested older area of the City. Your children will be near schools and your shopping can be close by too, Only one mortgage here and the $98.00 Payment includes Intrest, Principal and Taxes. Don't wait too long to see this one. NORTHWEST OSHAWA-RESIDENTIAL -- $18,900 nother quality three bedroom home in popular Rossland Road area. Near Plaza on Glens trove, Can be purchased for as low as $3,500. down if you can afford good monthly pay- ments. The Doctor owner has purchased other property and will give quick possession if desired, Mother will be delighted with the fenced in ploy area. California Style kitchen and the gracious open fireplace, Roughed in. fireplace for basement recreation room too, All Father will have to do here is make the payments, Call us now for an appointment to see. HONEY OF A HOME IN WHITBY e $13,800 ond you will say so too when you inspect this 3 bedroom spli i i plit level beauty in popular south west area of Whitby. Near Public and High School. This is one of those popular priced compact homes with on interior decorator's touch and with an owner that takes pride and care to bring out the very best in all departments, The bright, cheery step saving kitchen, spacious dining room section and delightful recreation or family room is about all you can wish for in o modern economy home, on one of our warmer days ond were amazed how cool and refreshing it was inside which speaks well for the air circulation and the builders use of insulation, We inspected this property The outside appearance shows up well here too with a healthy young tree on the fromt lawn and other well placed shrubbery... This haven can be yours with about 47,900. down and monthly payments of $100. to include Principal, Interest and Taxes. ANDERSON ST. WHITBY NEAR SEPARATE SCHOOL Solid brick 2 bedroom and den or three bedrooms if you need, Partially pannelled living room with cosy open fireplace and extra bedroom in basement plus a fine recreation room, Extra washroom. and other built in features. insulation for the warmer days ahead. You must Fine hot water heating system and heavy see this before you buy. Full price $15,300, WHITBY -- 3 BEDROOM -- $9,500 On Brock street, A few blocks from centre of town furnace, good decoration. About $3000. down and 50 with low taxes, good garden, new .00 monthly for balance. Beat the high rent costs with a home of your own. Lumber dealer ow ill put extra finishing touches free, r owner will supply material to KING ST. WHITBY -- 6 ROOMS, FIREPLACE On lovely quiet street in Whitby, Full price $15,900 for this quality home with sun- room, recreation room and other built-in features. Trim landscaping, gcrage, mony extras. No subdivision problems here and so handy to school and churches, A good down payment necessary A CUTE COSY COTTAGE IN AJAX and practically hid behind fine young trees an a well kept hedge giving that extra privacy for folks who enjoy a quiet retreat away from the ordinary, This two bedroom brick bungalow is one of those quality homes with many extras to delight the most fastidious. house seeker, AS soon as you enter the front door and take your first step on the richly carpeted living room and continue through the larger than average bedrooms, the practical kitchen, to the generous garden you will know this could be the one for you. Some of the pleasing. features are the spacious clothes closets, extra plumbing installations and biult in basement rooms . Drive by this interesting property at 38 Exeter Rd. and notice how close it is to the modern up to date shopping centre and other town conveniences, Full price $13,950 with about $3800.00 down $1,000 DOWN PAYMENT -- AJAX -- 3 BEDROOMS Semi-Brfick Bungalow on clean wel kept street near Schools and Churches biving room 15 bi 19, kitchen 10*by 11, three spacious bedrooms and 4 piece bath. A fine package for. $10,90 ond slightly less' if you have nearly $2,800 down payment. The mortgage would be only 6% and monthly payments about $82.00 Principal, Interest and Taxes. LIST AND MOVE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- Real Estate -- -- Insurance -- -- Mortgages -- CHOICE LOCATION $15,900.00. Exceptionally well kept 6 room brick, two storey home in a most desirable location. Situated on nicely landscaped and treed lot. Consisting of three modern bedrooms with ample closets. Large dining room overlooking the rear rden. Spacious living room. stantial down payment re- uired. To inspect call Irwin Crutkshanks ot 728-5123 or 728-5205. $7,600.00 LOCATED near St. Hedwig's, this is a 5 roomed bungalow well worth the asking price. Only $2,000 down will pur- chase with balance at $70 monthly. Call Mr. Rankine now for this one at 728- 5123. $9,800.00 Downtown -- Celina Street-- 6 large rooms, plus 2 sun- rooms, spotless condition, oil furnace, could be duplexed. Asking only $1,500.00 down 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale MODERN RESTAURANT SERVICE STATION Double Motel Unit and Apartment, Highway 11 near Barrie. This business is fully equip- ped ond operating. $40,000 full price. Will exchange for house or farm in Oshawa Area. Call R. D. CARSON REAL ESTATE Barrie 726-6481 or ___evenings 726-6161 PRIVATE SALE Located in a good residential area on a large lot 75 x 200' with wonderful view, beauti- ful brick home in excellent condition throughout, 3 bed- rooms, large bath, separate dining room, Roomy closets. Large recreation room, den ond workshop. Beautiful land- scaped garden, lawn, shrubs and fruit trees. Paved drive, attached garage, All services provided and close to schools; transportation and golf course Down payment to suit buy- er's convenience. Best Offer will be considered. Phone 725-2987 for inspection of property, with easy terms. To inspect call Mr, Jack Appleby at 728-5123 or '723-3398. COURTICE AREA $2,000.00 DOWN 5 bedrooms, just listed ot $11,000. This is one of the nicest country homes we have to offer for sale. Featuring 2 full bathrooms, lot 69 x 500 with a garage. Partial basement with new oil fur- nace, separate laundry rooms. Hurry for 'this one. Carries for $75 per month, on one open mortgage. Call Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725- 9345. $15,200.00 -- NEW Near Gradview, 5 room bungalow with carport, bedrooms, 4 pec. bath, at- tractive kitchen with Norden Taylor made cupboards, ex- haust fan in kitchen, plus many other extras, choice lo- cation.. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo ot 728-5123 or 725-2217. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simcoe Street N. OPEN EVERY EVENING ATTRACTIVE, money-making duplexes, brand new and more underway. One three-bedroom and one two-bedroom apartments. Full price $17,950. Neil S. Campbell, 725-1015, Josepg Bosco, Realtor. SAVE $500 under the winter works pro- gram, only one left. Act fast on this six- room bungalow by Hogenboom Construc- tion. immediate possession, $._D, Hyman Real Estate Ltd,, 728-6286, $1400 DOWN, four-bedroom home with garage. Well landscaped lot with trees. S. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd. 728-6286. TWO LOTS -- ridiculous low price and ready to build. One double lot on Taun- fon Road East for $3,500 and one close to Lake Scugog for only $1,400. Build your home in Port Perry with town water and low taxes. Call Arthur Weinberger Realtor. 725-6851. IMMEDIATE possession three-bedroom choice executive split level, many extras, two baths, garage, fireplace, near bus, churches, Beautiful lot. Substantial down payment. Telephone 728-3893, PRIVATE sale split-level, three-bedrooms, extra washroom downstairs, den could be used for 4th bedroom, recreation room with bar, sink and walk out sliding glass door. Attached garage, Patio, fenced yard, many other extras, Substantial down payment required. Phone 728-4940. TRADE for a new home. See the models from $14,900. Bolahood Brothers Limited, 5123. BUILDING LOTS, rural area by Courtice Public School and High Schools. Large lots, new streets, paved next year, Loans available. 728-5579. BEAUTIFUL FARM -- close to Oshawa, CARL OLSEN Realtor 723-1133 SOUTH-EAST ---- Four bed- room family type brick home, extra large kitchen with loads of cupboards and adjoining dinette, 4 piece tiled bath, new oil furnace, good deep lot and is in immaculate con- dition throughout. This house is priced right. Call Wes, El- liott for appointments--723- 1133, evenings 728-0581. CADILLAC AVE. S. -- Love- ly five room brick bungalow in excellent condition, con- stains three lovely bedrooms, nice size living room, large bright kitchen with ample cupboards, large yard, house newly painted, a good home, priced to sell at $12,500.00 with *'*% N.H.A, mort. gage. To see ask for Russ Lucas at 723-1133, even- ings 725-7982. PHILIP MURRAY -- Lovely five room brick bungalow with walkout basement, com- plete with a beautiful recreo- tion and two piece bath in the basement. Listed at $13,- 900 wit, $3,500 down, Call Tom Jones at 723-1133, evenings 728-1041. EAST END -- New home al- most completed, one only-- 7 room brick 2 storey with carport, living room, dining room, kitchen and 2 piece bath on main floor, upstairs has four. bright bedrooms and 4 piece bath. Listed ot $17,650 with just $3,050 down. To inspect call' Russ Lucas at 723-1133, even- ings 725-7982. SOUTH-WEST --., Five rooms with walkout basement brick bungalow, three bedrooms, L- shaped living and dining room. A really good con- structed bungaow with all conveniences. Asking $13,- 400 with. $2,400 down, Call Wes Elliott at 723-1133, evenings 728-0581. 10 ACRE LOTS -- $1,000 down will make you the proud owner of your own estate, located on the Port Perry Highway, at the ridges, north of Raglan. Only a few left. Call Tom Jones at 723- 1133, evenings 728-1041, 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 WHITBY and AJAX Detached $740 DOWN One N.H.A. Mortgage Low Carrying Charges 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows, twin sinks -- fully plastered walls --- exhaust fons -- storms and screens --- sodded front and rear -- vanities in bath -- hollywood. kitchens -- clay brick --. some with gorages. Phone collect: 100 acres rolling land Including 20 acres of picturesque bush with farm buildings and large house. Full price, $19,000, Low down payment, easy terms. Contact Arthur Welfiberger Realtor, 725-8851. bedroom MASSON STREET -- eight-room house, fireplace and many extras, paved etc. For further information, -call E Goodfellow, 723-7335. H. Millen Real Estate Lid. $13,500 with $3,700 down, Three bedreom brick bungalow, partly finished recres- tion room, large kitchen. Close fo bus it Oshawa. Tele and schools, north eas' phone 728-0727. THREE six-plexes on one lot, three years old, modernly equipped, fully lessed. Shows 15 per cent return on Investment, $22,080 down. NHA morgtage, Write Post Ofifce Box 443 Whitby, Ontat WHITBY -- $14,000, comfortable, three finished th Substantial room, plus many -- extras. down payment required. Phone for ap pointment, Whitby 668-5200. THREE-BEDROOM, modern galow, large bright rooms, paved drive, Close to bus and schools, $14,000, wit $2,000 down, McGill Real Estate Broker. 728-4285. $1000 DOWN modern three-bedroom Bure galow, large living room, kitchen, recre ation room, two acres, In Oshawa, Pull price $13,000. Call McGill Real Gstete Broker, 728-4285. ROSEHILL STREET -- Bungalow, five rooms, brick, perfect condition, Het water, oll heated. Only $12,700, Veur chance! U. Jones, Realtor, 725-6412. FIVE-ROOM, three-bedroom brick, ed rec-room, tiled bathroom, fenced, landscaped, North Whitby, Terms aff ranged. Whitby 668-5451 after 5. BEAUTIFUL TWO-BEDROOM 1 two blocks from ee in ped treed, landscaped, large rooms, "condition. Telephone aped lot on wurdesee $13,800, Full price, immediat Six-room bungalow carries like rent. Allan Dockrell, Whitby, 668-6779, hill' Real Estate Ltd. OWNER ANXIOUS = three-bedroom, brick -bungalow, recreation room, extra bath, schools nearby. Call Irwin. Crulck- shanks, 728-5123, Bolahood Brothers, Realtors. THREE bedroom spllt-level with carport located in north-east end, built ay. se and oven, plus decorating Incl . Call $. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd. 728-6286, 28--Real Estate Wanted REQUIRED For Service Call ACTIVE VICKERY REALTOR WILSON REALTOR 48 Simcoe St. S. Bill Horner Steve Zurba Hertha Kirk Ralph Vickery Gord, Campbell Steve Lehon Pauline Beal Doug. Wilson 728-5157 ----d HAVE CUSTOMER with large down ment for three-bedroom red galow, St. Christopher School 28--Real Estate Wantdll i ares. san Mrs. Kirk at Vickery Reel @stete, 5157 or 726-2842. of Park Road and north Call John Kitchen DO YOU WANT TO SELL We are looking for a 3 bedroom home in area west of King. Home must be well kept and suitable for newlyweds. Cash buyer. 3-3788 or 8-1679 H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. (Continued on Page 16) COMING EVENTS FINAL RUMMAGE SALE TUES., JUNE 23 - 10 A.M. to be held at BETH ZION SYNAGOGUE 144 KING ST. EAST (downstairs) Childrens, mens, ladies new and used clothing, also house- hold items and upholstery RADIO PARK OPENING EVERYONE WELCOME JUNE 24th and 25th Rides--Games--Races--Ete. Bingo--Pet Show----Bake Sole Music for Dancing By The Town and Country Boys ATTENDANCE PRIZES pieces. East Coast Tour Worlds Fair | 16 DAYS $205 July 25.to Aug. 9th Escorted, Travel air condition- ed, wash room equipped mo- tor coach, No night travel. Hotels. Sightseeing arranged. For information contact Rowe Travel Aaency Port Hope 885-2527 Fernhill Park Bingo At Our Clubhouse Tuesday 7:30 P.M. Sharp 20 Regular games $170 in Prizes Eorly Bird Games Share The Wealth-- Free Admission WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos. 50 and 54 | TONIGHT--8 P.M. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES RUMMAGE SALE, Tuesday, June 23, Unit 1. AM 7-9712 to see the models by appoint- ment only. MANDERHILL Real Estate Ltd. TWELVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED, brick bungalow, $98., principal, interest and taxes. Hanover Kitchen cupboards. poles Tierney, 725-5207, Kelth Peters, ealtor. LARGE four-bedroom, two-storey frame house, two baths, two fireplaces, double lot, two-car garage. Conveniently locat- ed. Terms. W. J. Carnegie, Realtor, Port Perry. Telephone 985-2881. SIX-ROOM brick home, two furnlshed| rooms in the atte, oak floors. Excellent| feondition. Apply 224 Bruce Street. Silver Collection for . PROGRAMME OF SOLO and TWO PIANO NUMBERS Will be presented by pupils of Edith Summers, Assisted by PAUL ARMSTRONG, soprano TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 23rd at 7 P.M. WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH BINGO St.. Gertrude's Auditorium TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M. 690 KING ST E. AT FAREWELL . FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot -$120.-56 Nos. $20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 57 - Nos. $100 $20 Consolation Good Prizes Washington Tour $59 5 days -- June 26 to 30 Travel in air conditioned mo- tor coach, no night travel, Hotel, Sightseeing Tours and Boat Cruise arranged. For ine formation phone or write Rowe Travel Agency' PORT HOPE ~KINSMEN' BINGO. TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jockpot Nos-51 and $0 EARLY BIRD GAMES 12.30 pm. at Centre Street' Church.) KiNSSMEN) COMMUNITY CENTRE 1°) COLBORNE ST. W. the Building Fund

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