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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1964, p. 17

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ee eee eae 1 0 PN A: ssipenioone "GANADIAN BUSINESS WEEK | Earth's Crust Floating Claims Geophysicist - Timmins Lode Hints" Termed 'Conservative By JOHN R. BELANGER Canadian Press Staff Writer The announcement by Texas Gulf Sulphur Co. of New York that its orebody north of Tim- mins can now be estimated at 55,000,000 tons drew most of the business community's attention during the last week. The company announced Thursday that the copper-zinc- silver find in Kidd Township 15 miles north of the Northern On- tario mining community is now more than double the original estimate of 25,000,000 tons with average grades of 1.33 per cent copper, 7.08 per cent zinc and 4.85 ounces of silver per ton, The discovery, at this point, is worth about $1,850,000,000 and is easily one of the richest min- eral finds ever made in Can- ada. The announcement was Accept Windsors| greeted calmly in Canada by both professionals and laymen, One stockbroker said he thought the 55,000,000-ton esti- mate was "conservative,"' while another said he felt everyone "expected a _ higher figure," eventually. The announcement brought only a mild firming of prices of speculative shares on the Tordftte Stock Exchange, in marked comparison to the wild hysteria that followed the firms original discovery announce- ment. | SHARES JUMPED . When Texas Gulf first an- nounced its discovery, shares of some stocks on the TSE doubled and tripled in price rapidly, on the grounds that they held land or minerals claims close to or ce ihe ever, was met. with a ho-hum reception. Townspeaple in'Timmins only glanced at the higher figure and didn't jump back into the? stock market with. the same eagernéss . displayed in late April and early May. Mayor Leo Dei Villano said he was} "very happy' about the whole thing, but added that the eree- tion of a smelter meant more to the town than the higher ore reserves. However, he said "the chanees of a smelter look pretty good," The company said the orebody now can be described as 200 to 500 feet wide, 1,800 feet long and "at least' 1,400 feet deep. Claude O. Stephens, Texas Gulf president, said "although adjoining. Texas Gulf's land. UK Press Presses By ALAN HARVEY LONDON (CP) -- A plea that the Duke and Duchess of Wind-|heart, suggests that the time|tor and building an access road, Pope-Hennessy, stressing the \duke's qualities of mind and sor should be welcomed back tojhas come, 28 years after the Britain without strings is ad- vanced by an authority on roy- alty. James Pope - Hennessy, writes in The Sunday Times: "Surely... the duke and duchess back into this country, granted a grace-and-faver residence and asked to play a part in British public life." The duke, who quit the throne abdication erisis, fer a complete 'reconciliaiten. "Ts it not true that the Duke gratitude? In a society in which divorce is--for better or for reprehensible, is it not hypocri- tical to maintain in this one ease ancient prejudices which jwere fast dying even before the |Second World War?" Lord Kinross, peer and jour- Thursday's anndiuncemnet, how-) one hole has established a ver- tical depth of at least 1,400 feet, the overall depth has not yet been delimited." WORKS OPEN PIT Since the ore hegins at a relatively shallow level (20 feet) lthe company will adopt an open - pit operation for some years, he said, and proceed as quickly as possible to det con- ltracts for apening the mine jconstruction of the concentra- land railroad. The, company plans to mine and process 6,000 tons of ore daily, and the capital required offi-|of Windsor has for too long felt|to get the mine into production cial biographer of Queen Mary,|the winter 'wind of national in-|is about $25,000,000. Also Red MacKenzie Lid week, M Gold Mines last Lake should be welcomed|worse--no longer considered as|president J. C. L. Allan said the mine in the Red Lake district of Ontario would prebably run out of ore by the end of 1945 and would be forced to close. The mine began operations in 1935 \but has shown a net profit in By RALPH DIGHTON PASADENA, Calif. (AP)-- Direct evidence that the earth's crust floats on an "ocean" of half - melted rock -- a gummy layer that blacks out nuclear blast detection in a shadow zone hundreds of miles wide--was reported Saturday by an earth- quake expert. Geophysicist Don of the California Institute of Technology said the 300-mile- thick layer--"like soft, hot glass in consistency'--seems to ex- tend entirely around the earth. "It probably is tapped by tubes from active yolcanoes and is their source of lava," Dr released by the institute. Proof of the existence of the layer was developed from a two-year study of shock waves from the 1960 quake, so powerful it made the Anderson Anderson said in a report) Chilean earth-) whole earth ring like a bell. Some of the vibrations gen- erated by quakes and nuclear blasts travel along the earth's waves, Others, called body waves, radiate through the earth and some of these are re- flected upward by its various layers. Delicately balanced pendu- lums called seismometers re- cord these waves and help lo- cate the point of origin. |FOUND. 'SHADOW ZONE' | Scientists have noticed, how- ever, that there is a mysterious shadow zone around blasts and quakes in which detection is idifficult if not impossible, This |circular gone starts about 400 |miles out fram ground zero and jruns out te about 1,200 miles. epust. These are called surface) mules are reflected by layers above the newly discovered re- gion, which begins about 60 miles down, Waves recorded beyond the shadew zone appar- ently are bounced off layers below the 300-mile-thick viscous region. There is little or no detection in the 400 to. 1200. mile shadow zone, however, because the vis- waves upward, | Why does such a layer exist? Anderson explained that both temperature and pressure in- crease with depth in the earth. The higher the pressure, the greater the temperature re- quired to melt a given kind of rock. He believes it likely that in the yiscous layer tempera- tures are. high. Two-Car Crash Mars 24-Hour . Le Mans Race LE MANS, France (AP)-- Jean Guichet of France and cous layer is too soft to reflect'Nino Vaccarella of Italy drove a Ferrari prototype to victory in the Le Mans 24-hour endur- ance auto race Sunday, shatter- ing the record for s peed and distance covered. | Guichet and Vaccarella coy- ered the 2, iles at an aver- age 121.85 miles"an hour, unof- ficial calculations showed. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, was 2,828 miles at an average of 117.84 mph, set by Ludovico Scarfiotti and Lorenzo Bandini of Italy in a Ferrari last year. The race was marred by a two-car accident that took the) lives of three spectators. | The victims, part of a crowd estimated 300,000, were cut down by flying debris from the impact of a collision between a Cobra driven by Britain's Peter Monday, June 22nd, 1964 7s, of Britain. Ten, laps-- id. them in third. place--was Ferrari driven by John Surtees of Britain and Lerenzo Bandini. of Italy. "9 MOST EXPENSIVE eee "Bob Hope's Chrysler Theae< tre," a one-hour TV series, wilF* cost about $210,000 per show to produce this fall, ge it the | most expensive U.§. Scoot show. Bolton and a Ferrari handled by Umbero Maglioli of Italy.) Neither driver was seriously) hurt. | Finishing in second place five laps behind the winners was the Ferrari driven by Joachim Bon- RATIO COMEDY i Comedian Bob' Newhart; who* lrecently bought 'an FM. radio station in Chieage, wants to aime all available comedy -- series transcriptions from. radip's; | The old record for distanceinier of Sweden and Graham Hill "good old days." Andersen's studies indicate that waves recorded out to 400 | SINGLE VISION 15492 COMPLETE WITH FRA' | ALL GLASSES we C 17" ME, LENSES AND CASE ab AN 600 780 670 710 800 YOUR CH A Division of the 5. §. Kresge Company Limited m=-rememmmmmd ae ee ICE Y SIZE LISTED AT THIS LOW PRICE x 16 x 14 x 15 x 15 x 14 520 x 14 560 x 14 520 x 13 650x 15 640 x 15 K-MART'S WRITTEN 'OPEN DAILY 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. FAMOUS DUPONT NYLON CORD TIRES FULL 24 MONTH GUARANTEE K-Mart Price Only in 1936 to marry the "woman I} love," twice - divorced Wallis) Simpson, will be 70 next Tues-! nalist, also contributes a birth-/only two of the last eight years day article on the. duke. of operations. GUARANTEE day. The suggestion by Pope- Hennessy appears under a head- line suggesting that the duke's return would be an appropriate 70th birthday present. The Windsors live in France and come to Britain only occa- sionally. The duchess, by Bri-t ish cabinet decision, has not been granted the title of royal highness and has never been re- ceived by a member of the Reyal family. The duke for his part is un- derstood to feel that husband and wife should always be en- titled, in his words, to "use the front door." Writing in The Sunday Tele-| In 1963, net profit was $116,- graph he stresses the duke's|160 compared with a net loss present happiness, but indicates|the previous year of $14,804 the duke would be glad to re-/The mine is the fifth Ontario iturn te the 'green English land-/gold mine so far this year to scape he loves." announce that it would close After the abdication the "'un- crowned king" had nt that the felt bitter, and thought that the restrictions on his wife might ve HUGE HAILSTONES modified but, says Kinross, this is "not an omission which sr (FRACTURE SKULL jiously clouds their life to ATLANTIC, Iowa (AP)-- |gether." A 12-year-old girl suffered a |- "It is largely a matter of skull fracture when she was principle; in practice some of) struck on the head Friday his personal resentment at the night by a large hailstone,. stigma has cooled. Injured was Carolyn China Raps Russ Asia-Africa Aid By JOHN RODERICK TOKYO (AP) -- Communist China has opened an attack on the Soviet Union's economic aid program to underdeveloped countries of Africa and Asia. A Red Chinese economist wamed these countries that So- viet assistance would sap their revolutionary zeal, wreck their economies and make them de- pendent on Moscow. He cited .what he called Peking's own sad experience. In a speech to the second As- sian economie seminar in Py- ongyang, North Kored, Satur- day, Nan Han-chen, leader of the Chinese delegation, said the Russians "have no sincere de- sire to help the Asian and Afri- can countries to develop their independent national econ- omies." "They do not mean what they say and their words are not berne out by deeds. What they boast about only serves their purposes of great power chauv- inism and national egoism." The text on Nan's speech was| distributed Sunday by the offi- cial New China news agency. ACCUSES RUSSIANS Nan charged that the Rus- sians try to dominate the econ-| omies of the countries they are pretending to help. He said they) these countries to materials at cut- often force supply raw * rate prices; do not trade, at mu tually beneficial prices; some- times provide machinery but hold back key parts or meces- sary techniques to impose their will on these countries He said the Russians eancelled aid to China, had with- drawn experts and torn up con-} tracts as a means of applying pressure. Referring to Soviet Premier Khrushchev's challenge to the West for peaceful competition in economic assistance, Nan said: "This is to create illusions among the Asian and African peoples ahout the 'aid' by U.S. imperialism, and to embellish U.S. imperialism. Actually this is to paralyse the revolutionary fighting will ef the people of various countries and to per- suade them by means of 'aid' to give up their anti-imperial- ist struggles." As an alternate to Soviet and U.S, aid programs, Nan offered BLOW TRAIN, KILL 16 SAIGON (AP) -- Communist mines blew up four cars of a crowded South Vietnamese pas- senger train Thursday, killing 10 Vietnamese and injuring be- tween 30 and 50. An American spokesman said it was probably the worst case of Communist terrorism against civilians in recent months. Black, daughter of Profes- sor and Mrs. Richard Black of Cornell University, Ith- aca, N.Y. Black told' police the hail- stone smashed through the canvas top on his foreign car and struck his daughter. The Blacks, en route to Colorado, were passing through soutuhwest Iowa as storms battered the state There were reports that hailstones as big as base- balls had fallen in the area a Chinese plan for gradual ex-| |pansion of econamic co-opera-| tion among Asian, African and) Latin American countries, in-| cluding an end to trade restric- |tions, dumping, price manipula- tion and monopolies. | with a MOFFAT WATER HEATER Think of the times you've had to postpone a bath, delay dishwashing and do the laundry in two shifts--simply because you didn't have enough hot water. No need to put up with this incon- venience any more.., rent or buy a fast recovery, low cost gas water heater. 29 CELINA 65 STYLES, PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASS BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED O OPTICIANS 17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor -- OVER 3.000 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM OCULIST'S PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT SAME LOW PRICES SHAPES AND ES AT SAME LOW PRICE R REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT HOURS: 9 a.m. to 5 p:m. Daily Closed Wed. All Day Phone: 728-1261 We fill olf P.S.1., Oculists' and Optometrists' Prescriptions at same Low Branches in Many Principal Cities Prices of © You don run out HOT WATER! uP TO 500 GALLONS 4A DAy WITH A GAS WATER HEATER! You'll have all the Hot Water you can use -- all the time - Q) Gallons a day for only 769 * ON THE LOW, LOW GAS HEATING RAT nth 'thave to of E CALL (Gonsumers' ("as | OSHAWA 723-3468 . Guoronteed against all road hozards in- cluding stone bruises, broken glass, punc- tures, bl ts, sidewall pi and rim cuts. . Guaronteed ogainst defects in workmen- ship for the life of the tire tread. i d isf Re- plocement allowance based on the regular retail price; less trade-in pro-rated over the guarantee period for the time used. RRRERRARRRARRAARARRRRARRAARARARAARRRERARRARRARAR | Bétal LINE UP FREE FRONT-END ALIGNMENT WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY FRONT END PARTS YOUR CAR MAY REQUIRE. Loose, worn front end parts are dangerous We specialize in front end rebuilding Firm estimates given -Drive in today for your free front end safety inspection All work done by Licensed Specialists. ANY SIZE MUFFLER SALE Pontiac, Dodge, Plymouth, Ford and Meteor. 6. Installed Free in 15 minutes, Fully Guaranteed. Replace that worn out muffler now with our Quality line at this low, low price. Similar Savings on all Tail Pipes and Exhaust Pipes at K-mart. K K SINGLE EXHAUST K-Mart Price Only Fully Guaran Type shocks wo = > x rm " =) Pr aa = mn --) ON ALL Turtle Bug Turtles screen Easily. Removes ai not injure your ci jack, Sturdy 34 TISSU AH AH Tissue, INCLUDING LABOR and designed to Panoscopic 2 ; : Rear view Panosco; Drive with confidence and stop safely with our ed Optical glass 4 gerous blind guaranteed Bonded Linings. Sizes to fit most cars. on existing inside RAARRAARRARAAARARAARARARRARAR £ t § Bugs and Tar. Safely - Quickly - bugs, oil and stubborn stains. Will BUMPER JACK Universal Ratchet type bumper Kleenex dispenser. spots. chromed, easily installed, just clip ALL PRICES BLACK TUBE TYPE, TUBELESS_ AND WHITEWALL SLIGHTLY MORE NO TRADE IN REQUIRED SHOCK ABSORBERS | K-MART SALE PRICE "4 teed. Original Equipment for a safe, sure ride, Ex- tend tread wear of tires, Give a more comfortable ride, Pin Type. TREMENDOUS SAVIN AUTO SUPPL & Tar Remover = enews E DISPENSER $9.87 $9.33 weapon Il traces of tar, ar finish.- Smart chrome Fashioned swing away. Mirror pic mirror. Hood- cuts down dan- Beautifully mirror,

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