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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1964, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, June 22nd, 1964 THE ABOVE OFFICIALS of the Independent Order of Odd- fellows took part in the open- ing ceremonies at the new Warriner and Rebekah Lodge Hall. On the left is Brother Oddfellows Hall Opened, Dedicated In Port Perry | PORT PERRY -- Saturday, it, and felt that every man and|thian Lodge, Oshawa, had been|, symbol of Canadian member- June 13, will go down in local history as a memorable even- ing for members of Warriner Lodge 75 and Maybelle Rebekah Lodge 348. Many hours of planning and hard work culminated Satur- day with the dedication and grand opening of their new In- dependent Order of Oddfellows Hall, situated at the south of the village on the Oshawa road. "The official ceremonies com- menced under the supervision of the master of ceremonies, Bro- ther Earl Geer, district deputy grand master of district 41.| Brother Geer welcomed all the members and friends. The Reeves of Port Perry, Earl Geer, Port Perry, dis- trict deputy grand master of district 41 and a past noble grand of Warriner Lodge. In the centre is the presiding noble grand of Warriner woman should belong to some organization; that behind every good man was a good woman and as Maybelle Lodge was be- hind Warriner Lodge it was as- sured of success. CUT RIBBON At this time, noble grand of Maybelle Lodge, Sister Geor- gina Moore, and the noble grand of Warriner Lodge, Bro- ther Leonard Beadle, carrying a red ribbon, were piped into the new hall by Miss Rosemary Nodwell, of Seagrave. The rib- bon was stretched across the hall in front of the Grand Mas- ter of the IOOF and the vice- president of the Rebekah As- sembly. After the singing of| | REPORT FROM OTTAWA ' By RUSSELL C. HONEY Durham MPP flag debate. The public galler-;wealth." ies were as packed as I have) sion." In recognizing the sincerity| lieve that a national flag . . know there are others wha are} as patriotic as I am or can) er; give that kind of honest disagree-|faith and confidence in devotion feeling may be, however, on onejin Canada, believe side or the other, I am sure we|country. I that House with respect for each/help to produce that result." others' views and in a way, Ip bolstering his Lodge, Brother Leonard Bea- dle, of Port Perry. On the right is the grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, Brother Earl Fox, of Stirling, Ontario. historic importance of this 9cca-|the Prime sion. When a decision is reach-! .+s:ements ed, whatever that decision may| premier Minister in support Stanfield of }secure its universal acceptance! of in this country." UNION JACK Canadian. Clubs, Keiller Mackay, tenant-Governor of to the second resolution now|@9d others. before the House which will| provide that the Union Jack will! continue to "be flown in Can-| H Meeti ada on appropriate occasions as! presented at their first meeting ship in the Commonwealth. of jin the new hall. | Nations and of our allegiance to |SHRUBS PLANTED the Crown. This will, said Mr. Mrs. Lawson Honey and Mrs.|Pearson, "recognize our his- Ryerson Beare were extended ajtoric past and our Common- vote of thanks for the shrubs planted in front of the new ig te jhall in memory of their hus.| Mabel. Disney. Loulse bands who were both past noble grands of Warriner Lodge. BOWMANVILLE men's Auxiliary tary and assistant secretaries, Br ae Sisters Violet Pearce and Jean Appreciation and thanks were|reslie. Past District Secretary| extended to the Lake Scugog Brother George Webster, of ary prayer and Lord's Lumber Co. and to Eleanor's|qshawa was.also on hand for|stm Re Cow : Flower Shoppe for their beauti-|the celebration. Quite a number|arcia) statement ful floral arrangements, This rious é the ceremonies was|%f, Past aa ae, grand! Mrs. Callan reported closed by a prayer given by the chaplin, Brother Lawrence The president, Mrs. were on hand as well as many/Mrs. A. L. Nichol ghd ab: dnvitatlon svhi past district deputy presidents. balance of $9 extended to over 300 guests to|OPEN HOUSE account. Mrs. L. C, Hooey reported Public Galleries Packed During Leaf Flag Debate wealth presence by continuing to honor this flag which is par-|baker delivered a critical at- This report is written as all|ticularly the flag of the mon-|tack on the government. He did party leaders have concludedjarch who is the head, and the/not state the position of the their opening speeches on thejonly head, of the Common- | Conservative Party to be in Referring to a speech of the,weight of his argument was ever seen them as the Prime|Right Honorable Vincent Mas-|directed to the fact that the Minister opened the debate onjsey in Charlottetown on June|government's action would di- what he described as a "'seri-|; at the annual meeting of the|vide the nation and he con- ous, solemn and historic occa-) Association of Canadian Clubs,|cluded by presenting an amend- the Prime Minister said, 'I be-/ment which provided that the of those who support the Red|that will be exclusively Cana-/plebiscite Ensign, Mr. Pearson said, "I dian will bring us closer togeth-|choice of a national flag. The us a greater feeling)wording of the plebiscite, as of national identity and unity.| proposed, would not provide for ever hope to be, who disagree Today, especially, as Mr. Mas-'a choice between the Maple honestly and deeply. I respect) sey has reminded us, we need|Leaf flag and the Red Ensign, our-|but merely provided that, "all ment. Whatever our strength of| selves as Canadians, with pride/Canadians may i v argument which will be worthy of the|for a distinctive Canadian flag quoted} from | N 1 Nova be, we will all, I know, abide| scotia, the Canadian Chamber |by it and do what we can tolof Commerce, the Association Colonel former Lieu- Ontario, The Prime Minister referred|M2ior General R. R. Keefler « ospital Group | -- The Wo-) Opposition Leader Diefen- favor of the Red Ensign. The . |government should conduct a to determine the be given their to the | shee opportunity to declare}; e can discuss this matter in the|adoption of this resolution will their choice concerning a na- tional flag." | NDP leader Tommy Douglas} jcastigated the government for bringing the flag forward at jthis time when there are items much more important for the} attention of Parliament. He! stated, however, that the New) Democratic Party supports: the| idea of a disinctive national! flag and he went on to say that his party preferred- a flag| with only one maple leaf. The| Is Held A letter is to be sent to each : of Memorialjof the principals of Bowman- Clark,| Hospital met on Friday after-| ville, Clarke and Courtice High jand Clara Beatty; past secre-\noon with 26 members present.|Schools stating "the Women's Rudell) Auxiliary will provide assist- opened the meeting with the) ance for one year for a student members repeating the Auxili-/who decides to take an ap- prayer,|Proved course leading to Regi- ie presented a fin-\stered Nurse or Registered! Nurses' Assistant, $50 or $100 gra $28.50/to be allowed to a student with the districts in the flower and gift fund. | qualifications i in academic a|standing, character and apti- 01, in the gift shop|tude, to be decided at the dis-| Mason| cretion of the principal of each! to con-/0f the three schools'. NDP were prepared, he said, to support the government's design for a flag if it could not obtain oe support for the one maple leaf flag. Social Credit leader Robert Thompson has been out of the House for several days and there was no official spokesman for that party, whose mem- bers, in any event, seem to be about evenly divided ~between the Maple Leaf flag and the Red Ensign. FLAG APPLAUDED Creditiste leader Real Caou- ette applauded the introduction of a distinctive Canadian flag Lake Freighter UnderTow | To Pakistan ADEN (AP)--Weyburn, a for- mer Canadian Great Lakes freighter stranded for the last week in harbor here, will be towed to Karachi, Pakistan, within 'three or four days, a spokesan for the ship's agerits said Sunday. Didomenico Galtena, who two days ago said it would be sut- cidé for the vessel to attempt an Indian Ocean crossing, told a reporter Sunday that although this kind of tow had not been done before "I am very optimis- iie;"" The 2,408-ton vessel took on its cargo of U.S. wheat in Texas early in February and Capt. Galtena said it has been dogged by misfortune ever since, The coal burner was built in 1927 by Midland (Ont.) Shipp' for use in the Great Lakes an The skipper, Sicilian CaptainiSt. Lawrence River: and said it would assist in uni- fying Canada, His party, he said, preferred the flag of the Native Sons of Canada which is a green maple leaf on diagon- al red and white backgrounds, However, said Mr, Caouette, "'We will not (press our choice of flag) because we are anxi- ous for a distinctive national flag to be adopted in this House for the whole of Canada. We do not have the right to elay the adoption of a distinc-) ive national flag." | So here we are! All parties are off and running in the flag debate. Passage of the distinc- tive design sponsored by the government in due course seems to be assured, Guesses as to the length of the debate vary from three weeks to two months. My opinionis that the d decide this issue and move on} to other "bread and butter"| legislation. I sincerely hope my| colleagues in the House are lis- tening to the grass roots. If so, the debate will not be pro-| longed. ir y cried A ror AMA SEAL OF ACCEPTANCE ABANDONED IN 1955 to-h leclad Q Ah y ics were * y stated that wher PP d by the y's Medical Association." Does the AMA grant such ep- proval? A. No, in 1955 the American Me nounced that the evaluation of individual drugs, foods, dical Association ane devices and cosmetics, and bestowing the seal of accept- ance on such products had been abandoned in favor of judging evidence of the general value of groups or classes of products. For example, a short time ago the AMA expressed on opinion regardi taining hormones, but made no jpeople are anxious for us to|brands of hormone creams. ng face creams con- mention of specific INJECTION TREATMENT FOR HERN Q. I know several people who have 4 d thet i 1A had expensive hernia operations. | --___--|cheaper (no hospital) and just as satisfactory. true? is Is this |A, Many doctors contend thot the injection treatment of hernia hos not withstood the test of time. For one consecutive quarterly DIVIDEND 37'4¢ a share-payable July 15, 1964 to over 2,600 shareholders of for too many cases. While inject be the choice of your physicion. The true measure of the worth scribed medicine lies not in dol and y it pi thing, hernias treated in this manner tend to recur in ion treatment might avoid hospitalization, and thus be cheaper than surgery, this factor alone would be unimportant if the hernia is not cured. In any case, the method of treatment should of pre- lars and cents, but in the faster relief from pain a 7 er} record June 30, 1964 GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada A.B. RAMSAY Vice-President & General Manager adjourn to the banquet hall for, On Sunday, the members of|@Sked for volunteers lunch and dancing. Music was|both lodges held Open House|Vene the volunteers supplied by a five-piece orches-|and over 150 guests and friends|tWo months. Mrs. E. Thompson Nurses, spoke of the changes| tra and refreshments were in|signed the guest book. will be in charge for August. |!" nursing. The nurses first charge of the hostesses of May-|. Guests were present from, Mrs. D. Smith, buying con- duty is to care for the sick. A belle Rebekah Lodge. Stirling, Niagara Falls, Belle-|vener stated the clock over the| Patient should feel a sense of During the social hour, Sister| ville, Cobourg, Lindsay Osh-|desk in the hospital lobby was|identity. A nurse should prove Mae Bunker, past districtjawa, Whitby, Brooklin, Weston, a eengrate tig 8 pegpong, PA gag she is interested ebekah Lodge great credit/**\" ; : deputy president of District. 8) Etobicoke, London, 'Toronto,)Which had been given the aux- : ; & our 'ootiring and loyal sup- Following the oe tae or and mother of Maybelle Lodge,|Parry Sound, and surrounding|iliary by Mr. and Mrs. Cox in) Mrs. Morrison was thanked port in this objective of Odd-\ble Grand Brother Leonard) nrecented a cheque to Noblelarea. memory of the late Dr. Slemon. |by Mrs. McMurter and Mrs. fellowship. Beadle called on a number of/Grand Sister Georgina Moore,) On Tuesday evening, June 16,|\It was reported there are six|Rudell. A social hour followed. Sister Georgina Moore, noble|the Lodge representatives tojto be used by the members of at the first regular meeting of|full layettes on hand. grand of Maybelle Rebekah|address the huge gathering. Maybelle Lodge in furnishing Maybelle Rebekah Lodge in the, A room in the old surgical] Lodge extended a sincere wel- the new kitchen. _ new Oddfellows' Hall, District|wing has been loaned to the] come. to the Rebekah members| PRESENTATIONS Among the dignitaries pres-|Deputy President, Sister Grace |auxiliary to be used to store and friends in attendance and) Many presentations gob ent at this gala occasion were|Love presented on behalf of|the library cart and books. called upon Sisters Joan Aldred|made to commemorate : €|Brother Vernon Wilson, grand|Sister Mabel Disney, past pres-|Mrs. S. McMurter and Mrs, J. happy occasion. Among these) marshall of the Grand Lodge of| ident of the Rebekah Assembly|Van Nest were added to the | Reach and Scugog brought greetings and best wishes from their respective councils and municipalities. Brother J. J. Gibson, Reeve of Port Lerry, expressed the plea- sure and enjoyment he derived from Oddfellowship and gave ficially open. "Bless This House' by Sister Luella Kennedy, past district deputy president, the ribbon was cut by Grand Master Brother Fox, with the assistance of Vice-President Sister Hillier and the Lodge Hall was declared of-| for each, Mrs. Morrison, Director of @ FREE DELIVERY ® OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. 723-4621 k A TREMENDOUS BUY... GOOD SHORGAS and Florence Fralick to sing 1 "Thanks Be to God". jwere -- a cheque on behalf of/ Ontario; Brother Harvey Att-lof Ontario, a cheque for $100 to|marathon bridge committee. |the members of Eastern Star/wood, grand guardian of the|the Noble Grand Sister Geor-| Mrs. L. C. Mason, member- CO-OPERATION Grand Lodge of Ontario; past|gina Moore, of Maybelle Chap-|ship 'convener, stated there are Lodge, Whitby, was presented| Sister Grace Love, district deputy president of district 8, Oshawa East, spoke on the co- operation between Maybelle Lodge and Warriner Lodge and was proud to be able to call it "Our Lodge Hall". Sister Love welcomed and introduced Sister Jessie Hillier, of Niagara Falls, vice-president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. Sister Hil- lier, the incoming president brought greetings from Sister MacDonald, the president of the Rebekah Assembly, who was un- able to attend, and wistred the Lodges health and prosperity in the years to come Brother Geer, stated that as children we look to our parents, | as a Church to our minister and as a Lodge to our grand mas- ter -- he then introduced and called upon Grand Master Brother Fox to address those present and officially open the new hall, Grand Master Brother Fox brought official greetings and best wishes from grand lodge and expressed his pleasure in being able to participate at the official opening of the hall. He stated that any lodge was only Mrs. Merlin Letcher, presented noble grand of Warriner Lodge to Brother Harvey Attwood. Brother Mansell A. Gerrow,}| of Warriner Lodge, on behalf of the lodge with a pair of walnut finished desks, a gift in mem- ory of her late husband, a past and a past. district deputy grand master of district 41. Brother Gerrow in. reminiscing on conditions in the twenties stated that Brother Letcher and a few others who have since died, had been the mainstays of. Warriner Lodge when the going was very tough. Mrs, Letcher was given a vote of thanks for her. beauti- ful gift. A lovely fixture in the foyer) was graciously accepted from Brother Aylmer and Sister Effie Ploughman of Warriner Lodge. Brother Blair representing Bee-| thoven Lodge, Brooklin, pre- sented a pair 'of desk lamps lodge. of Britain Lodge, Little Britain, presented a pair of gavels with the best wishes of his officers and members. Brother Beadle, Noble Grand, reported that a as good as its membership made a and brought greetings from his| Brother Parkin, Noble Grand presidents of the Assembly of Ontario, Sistersiwork in the order. great whiskies in gift of cheque from Corin- at Faee... You are cordially invited to attend our GRAND OPENING GENOSHA HOTEL © HEARING AID TEST > HEARING AID CHECK-UP Tuesday June 23 between the ot our office on 10 A.M. and 9 P.M. ~~ Adams Private Stock CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Momus amd © Rebekah|ter for the furtherance of their|50 active, 19 associate and four | life members in the auxiliary. OFFER This Brand New | THOR AUTOMATIC GAS DRYER: NOW ONLY iy 00 NO TRADE NECESSARY FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY !! @scw, Inc. « bs CHECK THESE FEATURES FOR REAL VALUE ... @ FRONT END and REAR MOUNTED DRUM BEARINGS for smoother, trouble-free action . » » longer life. @ SUPER SIZE LINT T air passage even afte RAY provides efficient r several drying cycles. @ TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED DRYING. 3 Mr.. G. L, Scott, Acousticon Man- ager, of Oshawa will be present to consult with you and help you with your hearing problem. Plan on attending. Toke advontage of our FREE 12 Point Check-Up Service, including; settings, "High", "Low", or "Air". @ PLUS FEATURES... Acrylic enamelled top and cabinet, drying time set up to 150 min- utes, safety door switch, @ WRINKLE REDUCER, Each timer setting has 5-minute cool-down period to keep wrinkles from setting. : @ PLUS FEATURES... Acrylic enamelled top and cabinet, drying time set 1 = Check and cleon all up to 150 minutes, safety door switch contacts. 2 - Check and cleon bottery compartment, 3 - Test botteries. 4 - Check receiver 'for intermittency. 5 - Inspect case for cracks 6 - Tighten hinges ond screws, 7 - Inspect cords. 8 - Audio check volume control, 9 - Inspect earmold for breaks on burrs and clean. 10 - Inspect and clean plastic tubes, check for leaks. 11 - Check acoustic quality of aid. 12 - Clean and polish oid, Acousticon Of Oshawa 14 KING ST. E. STEPHENSON'S JEWELLERS PHONE: 723-4822 aa Paul Bellinger, Distributor veg | Years ago Adams distilled 29 great. whiskies, each with its own distinctive characteristics, and then aged them in Gas Genie DOLL (as illustrated) with every Thor Automatic Dryer Sold. It's a lively, Little, lovable doll so perfect for BONUS OFFER the youngsters. A full 18" high. See them on c@- FREE... itetninas SHORGAS CORNER OF CELINA AND ATHOL STS., OSHAWA special oak casks. Now, Adams has married these 209 rare whiskies to create the superb flavour of Adams Private Stock. So be sure to try this custom blend, presented in its crystal decanter at a popular price. Private Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Limited Serving Oshawa & Area Over 25 Yeors Also enjoy Adams Antique, Adams Gold Stripe, Adams Silver Fizz Gi -- 728-9441

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