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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jun 1964, p. 3

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_ASHAWA. LIONS for the ensuing year were installed at a meeting Tuesday night at " Hotel Genosha of the Oshawa Lions Club. Seated, from left, are Jim Porter, third Officers vice-president; Ken Lovelock, first. vice-president; Ross Oliphant of Peterborough; district governor; Alex Smy- kaluk, president and Ray Stephenson, second vice-pres- tor; director; twister; retary; tamer and CLUB INSTALLS 1964-65 OFFICERS Peter Audley, two-year direc- ident. Standing, fro mleft, are Max Palter, two-year director. when the picture one-year Norman White, tail Jack Anderson, sec- Bob Brown, Lion Alfred Pucher, director; past president. were John Gazdik, - Richard. ~ treasurer and John --Oshawa Times Photo | ' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 24,1964 3 Oshawa Trailer Club Pays Visit To Kingston parks and their facilities and|Lorraine Nolte, Phreda Ostler, club activities. | afternoon after taking part in|ston Club in completing arrang- what is hoped was the first of| ments for the Rally were Har: many such Inter-Club Rallies.|and Pearl Blakely and Bill a Working closely with the King-|Helen Mitchener. oes There are 29 great whiskies Twenty - three trailers from the Oshawa Travel Club enter- ed lovely Lake Ontario Park in Kingston 'between two signs: one, the familiar rendezvous "arrow" of the Oshawa Club and the other, a huge Welcome frem the St. Lewrence Trailer Club, to begin a weekend ren- dezvous as guests of the King- ston Club, Members were greeted on ar- rival: at the campsite' by the president of the St. Lawrence Trailer Club, Mr. Lloyd Starna- man. Soon the blue flag of the Oshawa Travel Trailer Club or |Glenna Bakker, Hazel Mosier, The dance pavilion was re-| Vera Johnstone, Helen Mitchen- served for Saturday. evening/er, Ron and Bev. Thompson and it was here that civic greet-|were the popular models who ings were extended to the Osh-| were introduced to their audi- awa group as Lloyd Starna-jence at the close of the show. man read, the following letter; Janice Graham, Phyllis John- from His Worship, Mayor Wil-|stone and Sharon Kent modelled liam T, Mills "I am pleased to) up-to-date teen-age clothing and welcome to Kingstgn the mem-|in so doing unrolled. a scroll bers of the Oshawa Trailer Club| lettered. "Thanks to St. Law- who are spending the weekend rence Trailer Club". To con- at Lake Ontario Park. I 'hope/clude, Ed, Blakely presented that your Saturday night dance/the commentator, Ferne Ball, will be a huge success and that/with a rather interesting floral when you leave Kingston. you! arrangement and number of du- will. take with you many plea-|bious gifts in recognition of her Absent sant memories of your visit! services. , | was taken two-year lack, Norris, BROOKLIN MEETING Horticultural Society Spring Flowers Judged 19 BROOKLIN -- Miss Ada Lin- ton, district director, was spe- cial guest at the regular meet- ing of the Brooklin Horticultur- al Society held in the Christian! colors, three blooms -- no first, R. Healey. Class 20 -- not over 10 inches high s. 7 - 9 blooms in container|-- Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Lock- tainer, five spikes, in variety --| -- Mrs. C. Wick, Mrs. A. Jack-|yer, Mrs. Class 21 Arrangement a (tall) Class 11 -- Narcissus or daf-jline of one color of tulips. Mrs. faced, arrangement to count -- double. three blooms --|Green,¢Mrs. Wick Mrs. Mc- Mrs. N. Education Building of the Unit- ed Church, She showed colored slides of scenes in Whitby, Eng- land, and judged the 112 entries of spring flowers giving many interesting criticisms of the en- tries as she went along. The results of the May flow- er show were as follows: Class 1 -- Tulips, red, three blooms -- Mrs. C. Wick, Mrs. A. C. McCulloch, Mrs. F. Holli- day. " Class 2 Tulips, yellow, three blooms -- Mrs. A. C. Mc- Culloch, Mrs. Lockyer, Mrs. D. E. Hamer. Class 3 -- Tulips, white, three blooms Mrs. F. Holliday, Mrs, D. E. Hamer. Class 4 -- Tulips, pink, three blooms -- Mrs. C. Wick, Mrs. A. Jackson, Mrs. A. C. McCul- lough. § Class 5 -- Tulips, mauve, three blooms -- Mrs. A. C. Mc- Culloch, Mrs. Lockyer. Class 6 -- Tulips, mixed col- ors, three blooms --: Mrs. G. Stevenson, Mrs. E. Green. Class 7 -- Tulips, parrot, one color, three blooms -- Mrs. Mc- Culloch, Mrs, Wick, Mrs. A. Jackson, lany color, one crown -- Mrs. | Class 8 -- Tulips, parrot,! Class mixed._colors,..three blooms --|phony", flowers a Mrs. McCulloch, Mrs. . Wick. C. Wick, Class-9 ---Tulips, double, any Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. McCulloch. Class 10 -- Tulips, mixed col-j teapot, son, Mrs. McCulloch. fodil, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. B. Jamieson. Class 12.-- Arrangement of pansies. using own foliage Mrs. Wick; Mrs. McCulloch, Mrs. E. Green. Class 13 -- Iris, early, one spike -- Mrs. B. Jamieson, Mrs. L. Hall, Mrs. H. Townsend. Class 14 -- Lilac, single, one spike Mrs, Chas. Pilkey, Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. G. Stevenson. eo eg Class 15 -- Lilac double, one apt spike -- Mrs. K. Holliday, Mrs. F. Holliday, Mrs. Lockyer. Class 16 -- Lilac, in contain- Wick, Culloch, JUNIOR Mrs. Teacher" either ga The Ho |Mrs. K. Holliday, Mrs. F. Hol- lliday, Mrs. D. E. Hamer. | E. Acton. | Class 18 African Violet, ithree in variety, one crown each -- Mrs. L. Hall, Mrs. McCul- loch, Mrs. Acton. | flowering |planted a (no trilliums) -- Gordon Wick, Carol Crawford. Class 2 mantel John Stevenson. } b, */ner garden in its place. They) jHall, Mrs, L. Crawford, MTS.|have also planted more trees in| the parkette to replace old trees which were removed. Several |ways 7 and 120. It is hoped that | Class 8 -- Irish, purple-blend, one spike -- Mrs. B. DeHart,|ed for the entire weekend. Sat-| Mrs. L. Parrott, Mrs. William)urday evening 150 adults and | Davis. one spike -- Mrs. Mrs. Acton, Green. -- "Spring Sym- color, one spike -- arrangement nd-or shrubs -- Mrs. Class _ s Mrs. McCulloch, Mrs. mee 1s ride color, one spike Alves, Mrs. L. Arrangement in) McCulloch. McCulloch: Class 14 Alves, loch, Mrs. Green. Class 15 -- _ Modernistic rangement, ifis predominating, Class 1 -- "Flowers for the using driftwood -- Mrs. R. Hea-! McCulloch, (in container) using ley, Mrs. rden or wild flowers Green. sed flowers. Day'"'|Mrs. Green; Mrs. using "Mother's arrangement don Wick. -- Wood sculpture -- judged in rticultural Society has Ww Class 9 -- Iris, brown blend, Class. 10 -- Iris, one spike -- no first, Mrs. E. Class 11 -- Iris, using jiday, Mrs, Green. Hall, Class 13 -- Iris; Mrs. McCulloch, Mrs, Jackson. Basket of Mrs. Class 16. 'Arrangement of mis- Mrs, a Class 17 -- Basket of flower- spring flowers -- Carol Craw-ing shrubs, faced -- Mrs. Mce- Culloch, Mrs. Green. There. were 71 entries. to be 4 this show. The next regular Mneeting of 5 ic] done much to improve the ap-|the Horticultural sobiely will be re aad ae sn ae - pearance of the parkette on the,on June 29. in the C. F " er, three spikes in variety --/main street of Brooklin. They|ing ofy Brooklin United Church have been instrumental in the'Mrs. oa CM 5 . removal of the unsightly. notice| Nurseries Class 17°-- African Violet, poard and have. planted a-cor- coma Schloen, will judge the Rose/ground received further atten- Private Stock CANADIAN RYE WHISK\ children sat down to the Pot ARABIAN RYE WHISKY Luck supper after being led in ' - 'kver |the singing of Grace by Pearl S. Lockyer, | piakely of Oshawa. As mem-| l : |bers of each club intermingled,!y who was kept busy behin blue blend, the natural drift of the conver-|the scenes getting the models any other Mrs. F. Hol- "NORM" FISHER'S 2 Meat Market ees fF / For Personalized 4 Service Iris, McCul- THURSDAY ONLY ar- McCulloch, Jackson. WIENERS 2," 69: crab trees have been t the corner of High- Karol Sekalski, Two Injured When Cars Crash the yellow flag of the Kingston)...» Dick and Winnie' ~. ae ge ngs prio A word of welcome was also) ochawa were pont ise est traller Sethe Felly: tlle began| ¢xPressed on behalf of the host) Queen of the rally with the offi- to fill det jelub and these greetings were' cial title of Mr. and Mrs. Trail- : 'replied to by Bill Kent, presi-|\crite of 1964. Accompanying -| POT LUCK SUPPER : fm Bie! Oshawa Travel' the crown and the acclaim was Warm sunny weather prevail- NE hes ay a gift presented by Harry and Interested Kingston citizens,'pear] Blakely. vo oee the pb i e A- unique prize presented by {the pavilion, saw membes 0 pie cedars : ; the Oshawa flub present an un- i he a aos ye usual fashion forecast. Director} cari . ore ue of, operations was Pearl gone Star Pai ggg sc d was nimously awarded to "Slim" and Dot sation was to hollday plaus,(rebdy. Vi Wakely, We Kenic So ee | . | The OTTC "Early Birds"| s . were given due recognition also Will Convert MDs Dilemma as Bill and Flo Kent, Bill and| viicihess an Helen Mitchener were presented). catis, any . | with trophies for their fortitude! yr m St A On Beatings jin being - first Oshawa club Mrs. A. jcampers of 1964. orage Area ges 3 : Gets Ra in | The balance of the evening in one con- pp g | was spent dancing. Oshawa En- a i tertainment Committee of Walt! As Classroo _ VANCOUVER (CP) -- What|and Hazel Mosier, Genry and| is the responsibility of a doctor; Vi Shangraw had arranged ; when he comes upon what ap-|some novelty dances with prizes Members of the Whitby Sepa-|pears to be a case of child abuse| going to Bill and Flo Kent of rate School Board have been|by a parent? Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Art Pea- busy during the past month,) The question has many doc-\cock and Mr. and Mrs. Slack, |planning - the sues r work|tors confused, says Dr. Harry) Kingston. ; program, @ property Commit-|Medovy of Winnipeg, chairman . Mrs,|tee held the spotlight at thelof the Canadian Medical Asso- @r baby SERVICE June 12 meeting, as the com-|ciation's conimittee on child b dere a delicious pancake eaittee & Secunia were health. | on rims page if London 3 T-BONE AND WING c ' jexpiained. He 'said 'Tuesday 'that manyl|inational 'church serrlos eo "ti urd approved, erection gators re vara spon anal cen serve, oa] SINE RES tb along the pouth suatiaare "tne" police for fear of unjustly ac-| service was conducted by Harry | of St. John's School yard ing [Cusine a parent. Yet the com-|anq Pearl Blakely assisted by ' Ciudied recommendations {0 mc_(mittee, he continued, was con-/Ril| Kent and Lloyd Mills. With ee m te ane tg cerned about the increasing)the club record player bein Yeats eitinat Polat 'Se er-inumber of cases, ranging from|ysed to provide musical accom: lhs s a ee seaway starvation to physical beatings.| paniment, Eunice Mills led the : repeatedly by the The committee was instructed|members of both clubs, who had E. Build-|yehicles on the garage property.|PY the CMA's general council/gathered around the open-air The problem. of mud and|t® draw up guide lines for doc-| chapel, in song. SKINLESS Ellesmere|water on St.. Bernard's play-|tors to follow when faced with) Although the weekend was : : : [rot of apparent abuse, Dr. filled with various activities, | lon A t : |Medovy said. there was still time for Osh- Bad. itn: Geswaias Sk The committee's feeling nowj/awa members to hold their Pow Ltd., to install a catch basin at el Pig the best procedure) Wow. Two new couples were ; ag sehen : wou e to report to the pro-| welcomed into club membership | "north sido, the schol al commisaaner owe ting mesing, "tw anal | @ FREEZER SPECIALS @ len Centra stneee: : fare. The- commissioner could|Betty Deeth and Phyllis and The hichest Ye ot kindergarten |ePort the matter to the re- Ted Thorndyke of Whitby. It B E E F 9) children registered exceeded|SPonsible authorities, {f neces-|was. also decided to hold the July Rendezvous at the Elora 38, Gorge Conservation area, near of HIND QUARTERS _,. 55° NO CHARGE FOR CUTTING, WRAPPING & FREEZING Norm Fisher's Meat Market | 22 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 723-3732 - ~| jthese trees will have reached|Bloor stree' ; _|expectations, making necessary : i F maturity and will be bloom-|isfactory canara 18 the' Osh. Provision of s second Kinder" invat bg fag afooeg ing on that corner in 1967, Con-/awa General Hospital following|S2tten classroom at St. ' Ber-) " radar oes te ane. federation Centennial Year. ja car accident on Highway 2. jnard's School. A' proposal to tia "w the ebild 'me i cs. The thanks of the community|:.idway between Oshawa and|Covert a portion of the Pres-| henent --_ not the pun- go to the Horticultural Society|Whitby, Tuesday evening. ent 'storage area to a modern) 11.06 '. e parent. who land in particular to Mr. and! Mr. Sekalski was apparently =seroo™ , Was approved, and)" Mrs. Eric Green who have done|westbound, before his car. spun|'"® board's architect, W. W. INVITATION TO PO so much work in beautifying /out of control and collided a wi re aig gy Pope Paul VI has ng in-| Fergus, on July 17-18,19. The exodus home for the Osh- awa members began in early WOODBINE ENTRIES THURSDAY, June 25 NEED A NEW... OIL FURNACE? * Call PERRY 723-3443 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200 Maiden Roman Thunder, Walsh 113 'Two-year-old Fillies 5 Furs. |Batuan, Freed X113 Lady. Victoria, No Boy 113 |Hannibal Miss, Fitzsimmons 113 Day or night Armstrong THIRD RACE Two-year-olds 5 Furs lee Cold, Dittfach 120 Victerian Era, Rainbow Ri ver, Tuiran, Turcotte A-XXX110 Echo Boy, Lbelanc 120 Ky. Jester, Remillard A-120 City Sport, Fitzsimmons B-115 Cousin. Clem, No Boy 120 Black's Charge, No Boy 120 To The Victor, No Boy 120 Garden King, No Boy 8-120 Sleep Native, Gordon 120 Also Eligible: O'Ken, No Boy ns; Jay 8., Gomez 120; Take Notice, Living- stone X115. Y A-Northcliffe Farms and G. F, Hall enty W. Carmichael and Garden entry B-J. B. City Stable FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,200 ($4500) Claiming Four-year-olds and up 6'2 Furs. Barbara, Fitzsimmons A-111 Briefsin, Livingstone A-106 Lavelia, No Boy 108 Summons, Gomez 114 Bonspel, No Boy 113 Rock Age, Dalton 118 Tipont, Turcotte XXX106 Vineyard, No Boy 116 Field Trial, No Boy 120 All Canadian, Leblane 113 Argo Bound, Dittfach 113 Dawn. Flush, Hale 116 Also Eligible: Final Award, Walsh 123 Ponder On, No Boy 118; Diamond Pete. No Boy 120; Hill, Harrison 118; Em's Pride, Remillard 108 A -- S. Cocomile and Mrs. D. G. Mac Gregor entry. q2tapoo gag BLADE BONE REMOVED FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,900 Allow ances Threeyear-old Fillies Foaled in Canada 6% Furs Menaris, McComb 123 Belarctic, Parsons X111 Ciboulette, No Boy 118 Netoffa,.Gormez 114 Vaisprious, Freed A-X109 Curry Queen, Turcotte A-XXX104 R. Smith entry (QUINELLA BETTING) "Save $7.37 fo $14.28 Depending on type and size FREE MOUNTING | But Hurry! ... OFFER ENDS SATURDAY--JUNE 27 FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER ix BROOKSIDE 24-072. @ EXTRA FEATURE @ BREAD FRESH KILLED 3 7 Ib SIXTH RACE Purse $2,300 ($0450) Claiming. Four-year-olds and up. On enad one 16th Miles Black Raven, Harrison 108 Arctic Swirl, Harris A-X11) Blue Fox 2nd, No. Boy 118 c b FRESH PORK 49; } sHouLpER FRESH PORK 59. Ih 3 BUTT 3 4 FRESH PORK 75 aa ---- osetia ag Grey Beauv, Fordon A-116 ie, Wal Mister Mutt, Freed X111 ; i i i ster Mutt, Fre that part of our town. la car driven by Joseph P. Hot- the work completed in time for ga rare Greek Tar, McComb 113 the re-opening of school in Sep-|vited to attend ceremonies in Wild Lady, No Boy 113 | SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000|SPECIAL SHOW |Whitby. Mr. Hottot- was re.|tember- ka : ish § ; : , s fre-| j 5/400 ivers Blive Red, No Boy Tit [are marcas laiveres A special Irish Show was held||,.e4 from the Oshawa Gen-|.,4, request from the Denis|400th anniversary of the advent Bins Fancy, Livingstone | eee eee Na the following result Bi d ting} y sults: gan oard was approved granting a Five Loves, Leblanc 113 -* $ ; Geille gh ol oagge ornare Top "Toggery, No Boy 118 Class 1 -- Irish, white, one BE ay Dh a aie that board an easement ac- 118; Princess. Sadi, Freed A-X113; Bahia) Greek Form, No Boy A-119 IB. DeHart. Mrs. A..C. McCui-|20ur, and the road was strewn| ink ti f er t Blanca, Freed A-X113 Broadway John W., Dalton 126 loch : Ge MOC with broken glass around ot agp soak oF the 2 and Willow D F try - 7. : ' Sittin Pomvenrolos' ond Op. Poalet ais Speteiig ge spike -- Mrs. L. Hall, Mrs. A.|_ Constable F, C. Miraglia, of|for construction in 1965. EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($2500) Jackson, Mrs. E. Green. OPP Whitby investigated. The] In he past years regular yes a car shall Turf Course) : h x ide, G i" r south | "s 0" Glenscot Miss, Fitzsimmons 106 spike -- Mrs. McCulloch, Mrs, |150 onlookers. jcontinued during July and .Au- ae. Vn, Dine no Bleck Corel; No Boy 8-110 L. Parrott, Mrs. E. Acton. ~ gust. However,' this. year, due : '. [North Sky, No Boy B-109 House Boy, Shuk 120 |-- Mrs. FE. Green, Mrs. McCul-| In a st in Tuesday's Ti ness, it was decided that regu- mr Callaround, Walsh C-111 7 , mrs. 3 a story in Tuesday's Times , , a eee rma scicrte, AX 0s ound Sun, Meth loch, Mrs. A, Jakcson. the name of Walter Kolesnick,|lar meetings shall continue as Hash Boy, Gomez 122 yey Peet a git aed se wn Invader, Navy Grand, Livingstone X110 oO jer, No Boy spike -- Mrs. L. Hall, Mrs. G. peared as. having been the|all work on schedule. ;|Puff n' Smoke, Dalton 116 Stevens , j i int co Saas. care: tad api Maal peale General John, Harris X12 Stevenson, Mrs. McCulloch. driver of an auto involved in June's Choice, Dalton 110. age eg" iy Wee Mrs. N. , Alves, Mrs. §S./street. The Times is informed; For her role in the upcoming ' » Cuddy and 0. R, Courrier'T ockyer, Mrs. McCulloch, that Mr. Kolesnick was in the|film, The 7th Dawn, actress 5 Ibs APP ALW Claimed | XX-7-Ibs. APP _ALW Claimed jspike -- Mrs. N. Alves, Mrs. F./dent. He was called from the/tal of $40 for simple, native i Post Time 2 p.m. Holliday. larena by police. |costumes. : x O U D a Fe e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e cogaiaaai WHOLE RIPE c LEAN MEATY--BEEF ROAST Fs Ib LYONS 100's BONELESS BEEF PRIME RIB I Ih. Senorita Anita, Gomez 118 A --T. E. King and §. N. Shapird entry] /tot, 23, PR seer , : \t of 511 Palace street the Philippines in 1965, the Champagne Lill, Dittfach 119 \"Clarkson'" Allowances. Three-year-olds Monday, evening, June 8, with) .-3) Hospital "lo'Connor Catholic High School|of Christianity there. Fitz's Fancy, Livingstone X119 lintrepdio 2nd, No Boy, 116 spital. Also Eligible: Latin Mermaid, No BoY purnt Roman, No Boy A-I16 {spike -- Mrs. N. Anderson, Mrs.) ross Separate School property A-Mrs. H.. A. Luro entry. ' MA aw a d ae faggoner, Mrs. G. Keane' - Class 9 -- Irish, yellow, one 1@mased cars. lprivate High School scheduled Dee Claiming Three-year-olds. One mile (Mar ming ir ar-olds. ine mile : : . Class 3 Irish, pink, one|accident attracted some 100 to/hoard meetings have been dis- Cluny Miss, Harrison 115 Dandier, No Boy A-I11 : i imi lass 4 -- Iri i § | uantity of current busi- Friend Willie, No Boy 115 PR Rag Bag Fe Class 4 -- Iris, blue, one spike WAS NOT. DRIVING to the quantity Royal Heavy Man, Leblanc 115 Round Sun, McComb 111 ! ] Class 5 -- Iris, mauve, one|70 Westmoreland avenue, ap-|usual, to insure completion of Reactor, Freed X110 Snow Beau, No Boy C-lI7 fortis Kifer Tehran's Den, No Boy 115|_A°° © J. Polizian) and Class 6 -- Iris, red, one spike|a three-car collision on Arena) WARDROBE INEXPENSIVE Purse $2,200 Maidens entry ¢ , , : he x Class 7 -- Iris, brown, onejarena at the time of the acci-|Capucine's wardrobe cost a to- XXX-10 ibs. APP ALW. Claimed. * Economy 6 & 7 Rib E\ tL setter 728-9474 PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187 KING ST. E. BONGLESS BRISKET POT ROAST SHORT CUT Ist 4 RIB PRIME RIB . HOME AND AUTO CENTRE | 88 KING WEST 725-4543 OPEN FRI. TILL 9 P.M. LOIN END ROUND, SIRLOIN | STEAKS OVEN READY CHICKENS 24-3 Ib. av. c lh C Ib Pe

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