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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jun 1964, p. 3

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1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 25,1964 3 - Coulter Company Worker ' is ; ceereua oye Is Honored At Dinner jst oo a i '¢ -E. §.\was called upon to present a{of Temple Masonic Lodge. Dur- Pus, (Erie), Reading on the occe-portable television to Mr, Reading the war years be served as oS on NOTICE TO NOTICE TO Ri ing, and a bouquet of red roses|an officer in the Ontario Kegi- 4 j oy cio of his retirement 00 AUE.1!(orbe taken to Mrs, Reading on|ment (R), During the great War 4 CREDITORS CREDITORS behalf of the group. ty) ° e served in the . 7 " ' ice with the Coulter Manufac-) hi aieeniaiian:. lb. wens on| Royal Naval. Ai: Secvice, which , , AND OTHERS AND OTHERS tg on oarmsday eve-|behal! of W. Cave, of Philadel-later became the Royal Air : oe , IN THE ESTATE OF IN THE ESTATE OF ning at Hotel Genosha, phia who was unable to attend.|Force. : : ; } PETER GARDNER MUIR, | EMILY NORSWORTHY, ; __|In making these presentations, | ; The chairman of the evening), aolases expressed the MANY GUESTS -- : , GENERAL MOTORS WIDOW, DECEASED. was F. J. Beattie, Hamilton.) i, t) both Mr. and Mrs,| Guests at the dinner included: b EMPLOYEE, DECEASED After dinner a sinz-song W@S/Reading for a long happy re-|M. Seigel, M. Wortsman, M. , a ve In the Estate of EMILY held with the hit of the evening) ;i.ment Magagon, B, Crawford,.T. Boaz, i All persons having. cloims NORSWORTHY, Widow, being a satire to the tune.) 47, Reading accepted the to- A. West, T. Wilush, G. Brayley, : agoinst the estote of PETER ceased, "There's a Tavern in the Town"|, 01.' and sincerely thanked the|~- Samuel, William Gordon, S. ; GARDNER MUIR, lote of the All having' 'claime written especially for the event group for the honor bestowed Sobol, W. Costick, J. Dorst, J. City of Oshawa, in the Coun- exdieat se ss eelate of EMILY. 4 by A. E. Coulter. Matt Gould- on him Ashton, A. Lewis, H. Irvine, J. ae ty of Ontario, General Motor NORSWORTHY, lote of the burn supplied background music ' Gatt, G. K. Laidlaw, D. H. ~ a Employee, deceased, who died City of Oshawa, in the County. during the dinner and accom-|ASSOCIATION RECALLED --|Hanna, R. Matthews, A. E, ; ee on of about the 24th day of of Ontario, Widow, deceased, panied the sing-song led by Mr.| Prior to his association with) Coulter, A. Acheson, E. L. Mis- q May, 1964, ore hereby no- who died on 'or about K. R, Coulter. the Coulter Manufacturing Com-|sen, J. W. Henderson, H. Stor- % ee ee in ba te ct 3rd day of June, 1964, are pany Limited, Mr. Reading wasjen, F. Gurd, H. Smart, R. E. aera tigate: socthcadl 'ch hereby notified to "ee in 4 HELD IN ESTEEM connected with the Coulter Cop-|Cropper, R, E. Stubbs, A. Hill, . Be chins 'Srvc pit bebe emngg gg Following the sing-song, Mr.|per and Brass Company Limit-|F; E. P. Griggs, J. Smith, A. wd july, 1964, full opader * bes mae yt at... ¥ "we Beattie made a few remarks|ed, Toronto, where he met his|Stewart, K. R. Coulter, all of/ ERNEST §. READING, who. Wednesday night at a party. ton; Charles Robins (Steel) ing and A. E. Coulter, found- | their claims. _ Immediotely Thm doy of July, 1964," Om about his association with the) wife. | Toronto: re retires Aug. 1 after 32 years' in Hotel Genosha. Caught by Company of Canada), Ham- er and chairman of the board | ofter the said date the said porticulate of thelr elalena: west of honor. A. C. West, of Mr. Reading has for many| D. G. Twiss, William Simon,| service with the Coulter the camera during the event, ilton, .who presented Mr. oF the company Personal Representative will Immediately ofter the said Toronto, also commented on the} years been purchasing agent of/E. C. James, G. Eves, George) Manufacturing Company Lim- from left, arc ¥F, J. Beattie. reading with a television ' distribute the ossets of the date the said Person!' Rep- many years of association with|Coulter Manufacturing Com-|Goldblatt, L. Goldblatt, P. Main.) jted, Oshawa, was honored (Wallace Barnes Co.), Hamil- set on behalf of the gather- --Oshawa Times Photo | soid deceased having regord fesentotive Will. dladbate the guest of honor, well known|pany, and consequently, has|guy, H. C. Henderson, J, D. only to claims: of which she the 'ossets of the said de- as "Ernie" by all present, and) made many friends in the busi-/Matthews, William Hall, E. J. \'99---Articles for Sol shall then have notice, ceased having regard 'only by R. M. Wilson of Oshawa, giv-/ness world. Many of these|Baker, L. Crichton, F. J. Beat-| | --Articley for Sale -- DATED at Oshawo this 23rd to claims of which she shall ing the purchasing agent's view| friends took the opportunity on|tie, D. Adamson, Chas. Robin-| OBITUARIES greement TWO BEDS with mattresses, good condi] day of June, 1964. then have notice, of a fellow purchasing agent. J.\this evening to show the good) son, G. Heaven, E. Rodgers, all L |tion, 1 gas stove, Phone Whitby 668-8506. 'dik we oe DATED ot Oshowa this '23rd L, Barribeau, Detroit, spoke of friendship and fellowship, which|of Hamilton. Set Lit crea Sete wl cae er reaamn: Administratrix | doy of June, 1964, the high regard held for Mf.\was developed during the last) D. G. Knight and W. J. Wing MRS, ZELLA JANE RICHER officiating. Burial was in Little Is Sought leble "pricey. els' other: tools, 250/60 "ty her Solicitor MANY ko ence Reading. . .|32. years. of Gananoque; B. Ross, Jas. The death of Mrs, Zella Jane|Lake cemetery, etc NNING F. SWARTZ _& Executri This was followed: by a brief} Mr. Reading moved from To-|Jackson, R. M. Wilson, E. H./Richer occurred at the Cdareal Mr. Crozier was the father of 53 Morkar Becker MA yy he ge i ie pst yor ad history of Mr. Reading's career|ronto to Oshawa in 1931 and in|McCormack, G. E. Coulter, F./General Hospital today. She has) Robert Crozier, of Peterbor- Kenneth Johnst b STRAWBERRIES, freshly picked eve | Barristers & Solicitors, MANNING F, SWARTZ & ' ni j i reni is e! | ; ili ag a s a " SS » fresi ic rr we ' t em Cailiex __Maputacteting| the inlervening, years. hag obr-| Damsham, 4. (Ce Cowl te oe oil tee oe Pane Neat Oe rl" Bor SADE H SOMNSIOD, | DUSINCEE Tay, ie mailes north of King. Strest| 26¥2 King Street - East, RONALD L, SWARTZ Company Limited by A. G./ed the community as president|Thompson, G. V, Hawker, all Of/past year and was in her 87th! Born' in Cartwtight Township,/manager of Local 894, Inter- Wasi Gn thn Town Link A Bank, es: ' , std e | i P y . Oshawa, Ontorio. : Iter. lof the Kinsmen Club of Oshawa) Oshawa; William Bitzer and J.\year, Mrs. Richer's last resi-|he was the son of the late MF.| wotional Brotherhood of Elec-\% __ See D | Barristers : og C. A. Robinson, of Hamilton,'in 1940, and he is past master|L, Barribeau, of Detroit. ldence was 242 Golf street. land Mrs, George Crozier. . : |FRESH strawberries, Gellvered dally. Lanne Sienna 5 26% King Street Eost, _-- -- : 25 ----|"She was the former Miss| A veteran of World War I trical Workers, said today thats. Bertrand, RR No. 1, Port Perry.) 1+ O¢ Darlington wa, Ontorio. | ' | bi? : F 51985-7596 725-0468. Oo # ce lZella Jane Jones, a daughter|Mr. Crozier operated a store in|an agreement is being nego aeaeice a a | P 9 | T D er Lindsay Wins | Picnic Held lof the late Mr. and Mrs, Henry|Port Perry before retiring in|ted. betweog the local and 1H ing proces. call afer 7 pm. 780. | NOTICE d s. Bor Uxbridge, Ont.,) 1954. Ss OV . eae rn | een TV ' orga planer hei Bee. 23, For the past three years, he en t fect es oe: own. cn AnSSra Baste meh bank ot| TO PROrenTY One ee . . 1; . * ' Hie 3 "fe rtment project. |Whitby, 1% miles north of Highway 2. 11913, A resident of Oshawa for|lived in Scarborough. | apa | LICENCE NO. B86431-63 * Lf Tennis Action By St. Mark's 134 years rahe came here from| He is survived by his wife,| Picketing began at the 65-unit! M. Keenet- | DESTROY WEEDS | R ed in Ab of Ins ralse The annual congregational/!°ronto. lthe former Pearl Worth, a son,\building June 16 by the local 34__tost 'And Found | eae ggs vt be hag - 7 \ LINDSAY -- In. Kawartha diene of St. Mark's Kneticenl Mrs. Richer was a very active|Robert of Peterborough, and a/ protesting the hiring id elec- Pe ae ee ee ee Notice is hereby given to eo the highest written - bidder ercetinen > Tim Day of|£#ague tennis action here Mon-|Church was held recently atmember of Simcoe Street Unit-|daughter, Shirley, of aaaes § Fg gh Pang ™ sad hon wabbles" in vicinity of Athol and Dun. | er ve PAPEL pines age) ic June 30, 1964 or later under Oshawa made. a strong bid to|day, Lindsay edged Oshawa 3-2.|Waltona Park, Newcastle. Thejed Church and a member of me Lien tie grand-|members, shawa hor un [ge Streets, Whitby. "Reward. Telephone) Wm "Control Act, 1960; the Mechanics Lien Act. cop the title of "thp 'teen-age| The Rey. Father R. J. Hart|Program of races was followed|Group Number Three. bef srvaies Bre ; Don Urquhart, business rep-|LOST -- Red wallet in the vidnity of| Sec. 3, 13 and 19, thot un- driver in Ontario'?. when hejand Larry Skitch beat Ralph|by a free period for swimming|Church Women, For many years chifdren, it see ah teed lo P |Oshawa Shopping Centre. Finder please| less noxious weeds growing MONTY"S B A competed against' 50 other/McKendry and Bryce Brown 6-3,/and sports. After supper the|she was on the executive of FUNERAL OF rose ria. th pilings nat cal|call 723-9700, Reward. =| Soon. their lands within the i. thful candidates in the fin-|6-3 ; children enjoyed a treasure hunt|the Lyceum Art Association and . uaa £ 397, sai at his local sup-\(ost: Pair of dark Bausch and Lomb|. Municipality of Darlington youthful ca ate : | 6-3. ? isan x MRS. THOMAS GRAY | ported the protest and was SUC-|shooting glasses, vicinity of Oshawa Skeet d by July 15 Si St. South wis of a province-wide safe-| Lindsay's Cec Reynolds and|#"4 candy scramble. was a former executive mem-| 1.3 requiem mass for Mrs.|cessful in obtaining a signed|Siub, Simcoe Stgeet North. Reward. rere ig theoughout: the myoees ret driving competition here last|Rhys Williams won over Rob- The winners of the racesiber of the Oshawa Diabetic AS-'1,5mas Gray, who died Satur-| working agreement and having rales raid. AA | season, the Municipality may Oshawa LOST pair of Btydon-Boy water skis on Saterday. jert MacDonald and Murray Har| Were: sociation. She was also a meM-|4,, June 20 at the Oshawajlocal members placed on the/por perry dock, June. 13th. Reward.| enter u '9 Sea , ' . at fre 'a ' ; .1 pon the said lands First prize of the 'Esso"|per 9-7 and 6-0, The third men's) Age 2 and 3: Laura Wilson,/ber of Sunbeam Chapter, Order|~croral Hospital, was held at! project. |Finder Siease call 725-7742. webu | maleate wedi aantiore trophy and-a cash award of} doubles was won by Dr. James Donald Gill, John Beatty. of The Eastern Star, Toronto. 19 gm. Wednesday, June 24, Local 721, International Asso-| ed, charging the costs against | $100 went to 19-year-old Andy| Fawcett and Ches, Richmond.|. Age 4 and 5: David Fear, Mi-- She was predeceased by her|in the Church of St. Gregory|ciation Structural, Bridge andisite receive wages at a union| 'he lond in toxes, os set out ANTENNA Malcomson of Barrie who|They beat Ronald Giltenham| chae| Smith, Diane Howell. husband, Leonard Richer, Jan.\the Great. |Ornamental Ironworkers, which! rate. | in sy Act. The co-operation "4 chalked up 737 out of a possible| and John Dench 7-5, 6-3. Boys 6: David Gill, Ross 2g, 1945. Mr. Richer was super-| Interment was in Resurrection) negotiates working agreements; Plumbers and Pipefitters| of all citizens Is earnestly | Check Up Time 850 points. | The visitors won the ladies'|Marr. intendent of Music for the Osh-|Cemetery. |for 'rollmen' whose work con-|Local 463 with members em- The event was jointly spon-|doubles and mixed doubles." | Gi. 6: Janice Kitten, Diane|awa Board of Education. The pallbearers were William) sists of shaping and installing! ployed on the site honored the WEED INSPECTOR Is NOW! sored by the K itchener-Water- | Shewring. Mrs. Richer is survived by a|Babich, Steve Babich, John Cole,| reinforcing rods to be placed in| protest picket line as did mem- Orval Grills. loo Junior Chamber of Com- TICKET DRAWN | Boys 7: Allan Howells Jimmy|qgaughter, Miss Grace Helen|Cluff Lucas, Rerni Olsheskie and| concrete, was also successful in hers of Local 20, Bricklayers| eee : merce and Imperial Oil pean A cosident of Oshawa whopaure- Richer Oshawa and one son,| William Piech. reaching an aercaniee gg = Union. | fownship of Darlington. | welt. . . al calls receive prompt ee ee ave der | need the pseudonym "Bernetta" wo 7: Cathy Fear, Paula Charles Henry Richer, sp ood FUNERAL OF secant is coeerate Pigeons ae vullding he va CYCLISTS' TRIAL Let GEORGE Do ht > pee, ane representa: ested" for the Trish D Sea Boys 8: Doug Seeley, DrewlEraest Thompson (Minnie), MRS. CARL G. FERGUSON | pouring. work. lalso agreed to negotiate agree-| The Tour of Britain cycle| tives of safety groups. } or Me irisn Mervy Wilson: learns 'Ont. andit chil. The funeral service for Mrs.| [ocal 793, Operating Engi-|ments to cover the balance ofjrace, held annually, takes place AS reer os rien run Saturday in Ireland. trie, Ont. and two grandchil-|Carj George Ferguson, of Ennis-| neers, also benefited by the the work for all trades afterjthrough 26 counties in England : |be The finalists had all previous-| ; Girls 8: Karen Howell, Diane : Mb : j ly all regional tests. In the bonsthuomnt sitll 60792. Hackett, Janet Miles. jdren, Peter Charles and Le0-|«ijien, Ont., who died Thursday,| picket line in having the oper-|the concrete forming and pour-|and Wales and requires 1,400 Call 723-9525 aemeeen i jnard Richer. June 17, at the Bowmanville ' , Vine ted iles of pedalli deciding event for the Ontario Boys 9: Doug Rae, Mark Wil-) : le li, n , ator of the 'sky-crane' on thejing is completed. miles of pedalling. championship they were re-jand the other contestants were|son, Stephen Norris. |_ Mrs. Richer at the Armstrong)/Memorial Hospital, in her 46th | gees ' Funeral Home for the memor-|year, was held at the Morris quired to do both a written/feted at a baquet where D. A.| Girls 9: Judy Seeley, Joan). I 'os in tha Ohipel: Gatie-lvatcre! "CHAE. eh ill and actual driving test. ane of Imperial Oil Limited|Backus, Catherine Barker. jial service in pel, |Funera apel, Bowmanville, ¥ i f 5 . lday, June 27, at 10 a.m. Rev.|Saturday, June 20. Tim Day made a commend-|spoke on the importance of| Boys 10: Mark Wilson | t intat + Sim J . ab able showing and won praise|making youthful drivers more| Girls 10: Edith Shewring, Lee|); K. Moffat, minister 0! nl The service was conducted by from 'the panel of 10 judges,|safety conscious and commend-|yorrison. | » MClcoe Street United Church,/Rev. Catto, minister of Hamp- 'which included members of theled the Junior Chambers of|- Boys 11: Eddie Mack, Bob|Will conduct the service. Inter-iton United Church. Interment Ontario Provincial Police. Commerce for their safety|sieep, : ' |ment will be in Pine Hills Ceme-|was in Hampton Cemetery. After the competition, he'efforts. | Girls 11: Cathie Seeley,|'€"Y> Toronto. The pallbearers were Jack Ellen Wilson, Debbie Norris. | Donations to the Canadian | McClain, Lorne Annif, Bill Ash- | Boys 12 and 18: Randy Full-|Cancer Society would be appre-|ton, Al Hoskin, Bruce Mont- WOODBINE ENTRIES ling, Mark Seed, Jack Packer. |ciated. |gomery, Allan Dike. | Girls 12 and 13: Betty Sleep, | FRIDAY, JUNE 26 Valerie Gautreau, Charlene MRS. HERMAN CARR Shewring. | PETERBOROUGH -- Funeral| No A eal FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($7500)|Bright Reward, Fitzsimmons 108 | Jr. Three-legged (Girls): Mar-\service was held today for Mrs, | claiming, two-year-old maidens, foaled in| Farmer Jack, Dalton 116 garet McLaren, Joan Backus,|Herman Carr, 84, a resident of] Canada, 5 furlongs. |Payola, Freed X11! , u Jarkworth| Vertex Ruler, No Boy 115 |Dark Fairy, No Boy 114 Judy Seeley, Kathy Fear. the Norham and War! * Woomera Counts, Dittfach 118 Go Ahead, Livingstone A-X111 Sr. Three-legged (Girls): Deb-|areas for more than 45 years. B Africans pial iss hoagie n | Also Eligible: Fast-N-Fieet, Parsons|bie Norris, Edith Shewring,, The service was conducted Hi re ae [A Xi06 Ay canadien, Levan, 113 Charlene Shewring, Betty)from Allen. funeral: home in Bary Bera, Ne Bey Oe sis entry, Sleep. |Warkworth at 2:30 p.m. by the) CAPE TOWN (Reuters) -- an whi SEVENTH RACE -- Py ss Wheelbarrow (Boys): Eddie|Rev. B. A. Sutton, pastor of the|Nelson Mandela and six other Sophiara, Shuk 115. lveriiere" silanes, Pte dB sete iin'| Mack, Mark Seed, Stewart Hy-)Free Methodist Church. men jailed for life after a South We. Notes, Nore, X18 [Res k. fartonge, jderman, Randy Fulling. Her husband died eight years! African sabotage trail have de- Roman Tribune, Shuk 118 Thole Dalton tin | Three - legged (Boys): Dougiago on June 22, almost to the|cided not to appeal either Also Eligible: Cheer Up, Harris X113;|Puss N Boots, Shuk 117 s |Rae, David Gill, Jimmy Laurie,|qay of Mrs. Carr's death. Shej against their conviction or sen- Lucky Charm, Leblanc 115; Royal Pleas-| Montedeb, Potts 112 / |Allen Howell, Mark Wilson,|js the daughter of the late Mr.|tence, their lawyers said Wed- ure, No Boy 118; Royal Autumn, No Boy,|Sheree, Harris' A-X107 | e " a 115; O'Ken, No Boy 118; City Sport, Tur-/River Bully, Leblanc 1 Drew Wilson, d Mrs. Nicholas Mattis. | nesday night. 7 | _ (an cotte XXX108. Ring Around, Harris A-X112 | Novelty Shoe (Adults): David) she is survived by three sons,| Mandela, former leader of {Royal Spirit, Walsh 118 |Pugh, seat, yee on ~ ; ; SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,200 ($4500)| : | Earl, of Whitby, Gordon, ofthe banned African National Also Eligible: Burnt Roman, Fitzsim| Treaure Hunt: Jack Pavker,/RR 2, Warkworth, and Clarence Congress, and the others were claiming, three-year-olds, 6 furlongs. ens 117 Eave Pride, Renn : | wat wbx Ais" AL. C. Morrisroe and Mrs. N.Jen-| aye Laurie, Doug Seeley, ¢ Norham. There are seven|sentenced in Pretoria June 12 "Around the. Hills, Shuk 112 saul ahd FD a Edith Shewring,|,+andchildren. Mrs, Carr is the after being convicted of plotting Sitiees Kate, Hors Ai Five CE -- Puree $2000 (92500 th lla last of a family of five brothers|the violent overthrow of, South Bd claiming). Four-year-olds and . On | sis ica' i i Full Honors, Fitzsimmons 110 aha Gnd aictdanth pallies, up. e jand sisters. Africa's white regime. Satta Roly Hew tie |Four Chimes, No Boy 116 | QUARTET FOR MOPPETS Burial was in Stone's ceme-|_ On June 16 Premier Hendrik Noble Score, Freed B-X105 [Plucky Crest, Harris X108 | wim | MONTREAL (CP)--Blinky the|tery in Norham, |Verwoerd rejected over seas ler | Ridge Road, No Boy 119 3 Bright Hope, McComb 110 | genced: POnch.: Livicestene 100 Lobster and other puppets cre- [pleas for clemency for the Pi Badin Blas 105 |By Command, No Boy 116 jateqd by Montreal artist and de- NORMAN E. CROZIER jeight men, whom he described Bors. F. H. Merrill. Jr. and L. w./crend Willie, Ne Boy 13 lsigner Joel Barg will perform) PETERBOROUGH -- Funeral|as "communistic criminals." Ruby entry Bobby Brier, Walsh 119 at the Summerside Lobster Car-|of Norman Edgar Crozier,.79, of THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,300, maiden|Charlie's Folley, McComb 113 inival in Prince Edward Island|Scarborough was held Wednes-| BIG CATCH f X--5 Ibs. i | , ; threeveor-ctds,: foaled WW Coneday WOON iS 5 te" Meroniice Altos July 13 to 18. Barg's puppets|day, June 24, at Duffus Funeral) Swedish fishermen landed Right Chief, Parsons A-X113 XXX--10 Ibs. Apprentice Allowane jinclude the four Mopkins, a|Home with the Rev. J. B. Spenc-|327,000 tons of sea fish in 1963, Cheongsam, Livingstone X108 | POcST TIME 2 P.M, 'quartet made out of dish _mops.|ley,of St,James United Churchithe-highest-catch_on_record,_--}-- + Maple Queen, Dittfach 113 aoe solicited. Don't wait until you. need it! Let us fix it NOW... no job is teo Prime Princess, Harris B-X108 Cairnarctic, No Boy 113 } . Cap Ferrat, Dalton 118 | Seccs, | HAMBLY BEVERAGES LIMITED "terse 2cttr Mr. Possum, No Boy 118 Mixed Colors, Dittfach 118 of Coca Cola Dear Susie, No Boy A-113 eae ENT APP Also Eligible: Faith, Gornex 113; Wan- : e . fess Park, Leblanc 118; Esprit Gai, Fitz- simmons 118 Tartrazne, Harrison 113 Wee Lass, No Boy 113 Xalapa Curry, Parsons X113 A--Mrs. J. Doiden and Mrs. M. Korn blum entry 8--J. M. Hardy and & R. Miller entry FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,200 ($500) claiming, two-year-olds, $ furlongs. Bunty's Triomphe, Dalton 117 Our Princess, Fitzsimmons 114 Doli ODell, No Boy 119 Wee Annie Dory, Harrison 114 Smokey Bive, Shuk 117 War Puff, Turcotte XXX109 First Fashion, No Boy 117 Saas : | Are you a Gold Stripe type? FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,500 ($7500) j ee tien Chennai ween" " , j j : Do you insist on rea/ character in your rye whisky ?... Welcome to the clan--you're a GOLD STRIPE man! Here's Nardoo, No Boy A-116 i 4 ' ', * . Mull "Bene, Gomer 118 Ci, ae 7 a quality rye that's blended for smoothness but does not sacrifice flavour. Whether you take it on the rocks, with agsilia, itzsimmons " . . . . 4 . Little Baron, Harrison 113 ' ; 4 water, soda or ginger ale, GOLD STRIPE gives you its full-bodied rye goodness right to the bottom of the glass. Masey On, No Boy 116 Rococo Rogue, MComb B-116 ; : ~ | } ' We think you'll like the price, too. Next time, ask for GOLD STRIPE--it's your type of rye. Tres Suave, Dalton A-113 Nona's Charger, No Boy B-116 A---Lanson Farms entry B--E, B. Seedhouse entry (QUINELLA BETTING) ghimine, osryerata any & R.G. HOUSTON K. R. WALKER L. W. FOX Adams GOLD STRIPE Pdi sna eo Bag Hombly 's Beverages Limited announces the appointment of Mr. R. G. 'Bud'? Houston as Vending Manager... Mr, Houston CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Sree Buti, Parsone XI11 will be in charge. of all Pre-mix and Cooer Sales. His former position was Route Manager, and before that, Route: Salesman. Winsmanship, Leblanc' 116 | Mr. K, R. "Ken" Walker has been moved to the position of Route Manager. Mr. Walker will be in charge of all the Lady se Raat, Fbcomo kd ROEM Bottle routes in the territory serviced by Hambly's Beverages Limited. These routes involve both Cold Bottle and Home Package claed Prhatees; Ne Our ie Distribution, Mr. L. W. "Les" Fox will now hold the position of Assistant Bottling Manager. Mr, Fox's duties will concern Al : NTIQUE Ad: P 7¢°TC . Royal Piper, Shuk 117 the bottling operation of all products, as well as dealing wi th Quality Control of these products.. The Products of Hambly's so enjoy Adams A QUE . ams PRIVATE, STOCK bai Adams SILVER FIZZ GIN Nothing Secred, Gomez 117 Beverages Limited ore: COCA-COLA, SPRITE, FANTA end TAB. i Popaaysno, Herries X112 Wise Command, Boy

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