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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jun 1964, p. 8

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Siiieionattenntcokenatteatientontianadmantantengimatend! the bride's paternal grandfather, : Since they had never paid back|nice Uttle piece of real estate| You made a poor selection, VERSATILE BUILDERS Mr. Monae Wiliams, of Por t ANN LANDERS any of the other money we| 'The town "catch" phoned me|Madame, but that has' -beem} PICTOU, N.S. (CP) -- Fergu- . "y. g ; loaned them we really don't ex-/twice a day, took me to dinner|known to happen the first time 'son Industries Limited here is _ bride's maternal grandparents, pect to see this money again x ps a ant me. John Nesbitt ya either. aay poet: -_ inn around, too. ___ {not only capable of building "" ernal grandparent of t! 5 i i 3 Gaicedaen vec lewis wee Double Harness | Please, tell me if you. think! Now, Jess than 25 months! WINS SPEAKING TEST |[S00\foot building berth, but also. © wpable to. De. pres. or ar eee Wi s taking advan- deter he has "borsowedl" 91409) -vannom, 6c (CP. Miss|phases >f construction from For their wedding trip to the é et a ee FUMAN|{vom me and is about to lose ee set i heet metal ' tage of us? -- TWO HU a business which I financed.|Lenni.Graaten 18, has won the|@lectronics and | oy east coast, the bride donned an ot or a CASH REGISTERS ' work to ventilation units and ensemble consisting of a sheath g Dear. Registers: It is fio dis-|%* Com I had for 31 years/annual epesking contest heldicnitue making. The firm's ~ dress of cameo pink linen with 7 grace to be tapped out, but it quit because she couldn't standihere. She now qualifies for the|dry dock facilities include ~~ matching three-quarter length) pear Ann Landers: I have is darned dis raceful. 10 con-|im- 1 am fed up on his cory |sectiOnal finals in Spokane, |cranes capable of loading up to coat. She wore a cloche of pink/neen engaged to Burt for so eat ee tees er ee tin "te rants money and eke. ant Me DOES. EO aa, late ty 160 tons silk tulle and white accessories many years I'm ashamed to|{tiend and I are both 16. We re ge =e . How I wish I were alone . . and a white feathered carnation|tei, yoo the number, We were have been dating two boys from e no effor pay lM. |again, watching seven - - year- corsage completed her costume.|supposed to get married three|@nother high school. They are Phil is a pill and so is Bill.|old movies on TV.--NO FOOL i J ' 'pon their buddies. |The shortage of loot is the least! LIKE AN OLD FOOL pon their return, Mr. and Mrs.| months ago. I had my dress i iciencies, T' wi appiness IS a Viamon Gerald E. Jackman will reside| bought and my hair fixed, Then] 'The second time we went out of their deficiencies, They are Dear No: Many lonely wid- at 855 Simcoe street notth, Osh-| his horse got sick. Iam still|with Phil and Bill (made up also short of integrity, Telljows who marry a second time : eats: peti names): they discovered they them to get lost. ee find happiness and _ content- f om ; BURNS Before leaving for their honey- Burt spends every spare min- had no money after we had Poin Bing faaper: } pabens ee 9 2 IT : moon, the bride called on her! ite at the barn. He has broken|Pulled into a gas station and),e... and now I want to tell grandmother, Mrs. John Nesbitt . ordered five gallons of gas. My j : and present '|dozens of dates. with me because|°" ; as. ™Y\you my story as partial repay- ghee oped etal his horse didn't look right. He'd|8it! friend and I gave them|ment for the enjoyment you QUICK CLEAN dal bouquet. $1.50. W : f Out-of-t ts \rather sit around with the vet|*!-°. We were supposed to get/have given me. ent from Gian, Tarate, Whit. and worry about the horse than it Pipl iy perianal Mg ever), Often ea and ot ga CENTRE by; : i .|be with me. said about it so we let it go. |career girls write a lca emuccl ce where all the eligible men are ag Ferro Coldwater, Honeywood and) | like horses, but I like peo-| The next week when we were : anne le better. I am beginning toji i .|hiding." Well, I'm oné widow ple better. im beg 4 in a pizza place the boys sud g WHILE YOU WAIT OR SHOP Owen Sound. ss think Burt is --. He ons. denly Peat ge they have 13|who wishes the eligible man she oedipal dreams and thinks horses, He) cents ween them, so my girl|found had stayed in hiding. . MAINTAINS DYING ART | oven smells like a horse most/friend and I paid for the oom Two prt ago I was~ 52,/) LOAD ONLY .. 2.00 PETERBOROUGH, Ont. CP)/of the time. Any advice for me?) Last night on the way to the|lonely (my husband had died 167 Simcoe St. S. G. H. Wilkinson has completed|_pISGUSTED |bowling alley Bill and Philjthree years before) and I felt) -|almost 300 violins. From his} Dear Disgusted: It appearsjasked if they could borrow $2/remarriage was the answer. I) Be Blacks Souths of 4 Comers d home at Burnt River, 35 miles| that you have been left at the/each until next week. We said)had a lovely home, a new cat, |} to 9 p.m. Sot. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. | northwest of here, 84-year-old}post, Dearie..If you are run-!OK and handed over the money.isome blue chip stocks and a e x ee st "Wilkie'--as he is known to the/ning so poorly before marriage locals--has been a sought-after|1'd say your chances for getting violin maker since 1902. What/any attention whatever after ° ° ALD E, JACKMAN MR. AND MRS. GE began as a hobby when he| marriage are about 100 to one-- worked for the railways is now! against. la full-time retirement occupa-| As for Burt, I suggest he take! \ \ : Jackman-Williams Wedding '= nen | Give Your boy or girl a beautiful new / Solemnized in Port Perry | age CUSTOM-MADE CRUISER CUSTOM Miss Jeanne Carol Williams,|skirts of sheer organza bordered|§ t xp Ss ® oniy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. by applique roses and leaves! aimw,s F ' reesapes sername onin G. Murray Williams of Portjin matching tones. The brides-| 2° \ <a Q . 4 C C as : . wen TWO TONE rere ; seven Peer (RED-WHITE OR BLUE-WHITE) Perry, became the bride of Mr.| maids' headdresses were unique) AK : oe Gerald E. Jackman, only son ofjhalf crescents of tulle veiling, NN eae ' 'oy tle enae eens, ae FRAMES AND FORKS Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jackmanjadorned with a semi-circle of q o lovely. silbclibn oF fobdes to. choses of Oshawa, in one of the pret-jorganza petals centred by my "tt 5 from: tiest weddi of the in tchi tones and their a dep, season, in Port Perry Unitedjaccessories were in the same 2 DRAPES @© BROADLOOM Church, last Saturday. shade. They carried cascades of aah " FREE ESTIMATES | The Reverend Mr, E. S. Lin-\Pink carnations. | TE HOWARD DRAPERIES [ CANADIAN if K A ,_____ FLAMBOYANT METALLIC i RE is SARE so agg SION ~ sieed officiated at the double-| 'The little flower girl, Miss| . Bott ring ceremony and was assisted|Elaine Gibson, of Port Perry, | padi TPT) FINISH (RED OR BLUE | | | CLIPPER" by a former Port Perry minis-|was wearing a full-skirted dress Jz ter; the Reverend R, H. Wylie,/in the same shade as the attend- So \ of Honeywood, Ontario, who of-jants, which featured frilled = "§ g CHOSEN ONLY ONCE...CHERISHED ALWAYS ficiated at the marriage of the/sleeves. Her halo : a ee Mi. bride's parents, at Columbus,|was of organza and tulle peta . : ' : Ontario, in September 1936. jheld in place by a matching JE \ | hoceg pee ns phen rong The wedding music was play-|rose and she also carried a NU-WAY RUG SRAKES q Pak \ pri : m the top down, ed by Mr. Glen Taylor, who also|small cascade of pink carna- " \ } respectively ... aceompanied the soloist, Mr.|tions, The small ring-bearer, OSHAWA'S MOST RELIABLE . J 0:5 son sneliig tia wk ale James Burnett, both of Por t|Master Scott Drew, of Manches- NEW 3 PIECE CRANK . e PRY BRIGHT PARTS ing diamonds in 18K $200.00 7 IS white gold setting ey Wedding|ter, was an exact miniature of eee gene gr the grecensinen in his black tux- pepe mpg tt ates STURDY WHITE \ Nas and. ""The Lord's My Shepherd" /edo, and carried ihe Ses i 5/16" BALL BEARINGS '"CHAINGUARD. \X © A beautiful solitaire ring with during the signing of the regi-/sweetheart shaped, white satin | Italian design influence $ 00 ps NEW RATTLE FREE | _ 75: WHITE DROPSIDE | ® A diamond design to delight any diam . cushion, The bride, who was given in} Mr. Lorne Wood, Oshawa, act- HEAVY NEW CHROME RIM : | : marriage by her dltsie, oun at-|ed as best man and the ushers KEEPS WHEELS TRUE M UARDS. | wa. with - tired in a floor-length gown of;were Mr. Robert Delves, Osh- UDG ' | surrounded Ae -- presen cathedral white silk organza ici Bog hing 8 a. oy SINE HA EAGAAK ths caine Genseae me " LLAORAO : sparking aie 2 | ever taffeta. The long-sleeved,|awa, Mr. John Williams and Mr. ; \NERS, st _broadloom fitted bodice was designed with|Grant Williams, brothers of the WAY Jet Cleans est tls pypddiee prin Pais eas | ALL SI ZE s AVAI LABLE i i if s ivi x i i DET bk cocented to] A soempen wes b IER stot totafung' tim fo fou fers erat fremh bine' : AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN a V at the back, accented by| A reception was held in the and new looking. Using the most modern rug cleon- j -WAY" f p P Alencon lace and seed|Masonic Temple, Queen street, orcas tae er acute Wee ae is ceos BUDGET TERMS--ONLY $5.00 DOWN - i fo rl medallions, The semi-|Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- some a + Or f > skirt formed a_long)liams received their guests with only $9.75. For fast 3 day service call now. $2.00 WEEK (ecm chapel train which was accent-|the assistance of Mr. and 728-4681 ed by a large double bow. (Mrs. Jackman. | " | 'The finger-tip bouffant veil of} The bride's mother wore a NU - WAY RUG wane Aye yeep germ | illusion tulle was secur-|sheath-styled dress of shell pink An Approved Member of the 2 double crown of pearls.| Chantilly lace over taffeta with National Institute of Rug Cleaners \ : ; 1 Becsacete carried a de houquet|matching three-quarter length i, » 88 KING WEST -- 725-4543 J ELLERS a pink sweetheart roses,|coat, Her telescopic cloche of ' ' Open Friday Until 9 p.m. er ees ' ' ne mean ov senna eS 32 KING ST. WEST' stephanotis and variegated ivy.|Milan straw and embroidered =F hr matron of honor was Mrs./tulle and her accessories were Gibson 'of Port Perryjin blending tones. J the bridesmaids were Miss| The bridegroom's mother Hastings of Port Perry;|chose a cornflower blue organ- Vicki Watt, Concord; Miss|za sheath over flowered: taffeta, OR LOW a by - gen me Salon met wes Pordoted BANK s ont § INTEREST RATES her ateessories all were in the silk organza over taffeta. The| same shade of blue. Their cor- street - length, sheath - styled|sages were white feathered car-| sleeve,| nations. | . over-, Among the guests present a YOUR CHOICE OF COLOURS : 6 Solids @ 6 Tweeds © No Seconds | 100% Installed WALL to WALL | FREE "WHEN YOU BUY RIGHT BROADLOOM "xz" YOUR CUSTOMERS =f 3 ROOMS OF CARPETING ENJOY SALES VALUES Jf Woll-to-Woll or Room Size - Completely Installed e LIVING ROOM e DINING ROOM e STAIRS AT ALL TIMES" | 288 sq. ft. of Rooms Installed with Heavy Underpadding. Yes, We Will Completely Carpet Three "£4 Roms, Living Room, Dining Room, Hall Re come to... or Stairs up to 288 sq. ft. NO DOWN PAYMENT RCHOICE-- =m Jayn -Modde --you ware fl , ' ONLY 2 5 a WH Fi e WEEK First Payment For The BEST VALUE IN TOWN F SO ho Se cotta | a + ! DELIVERS 1965 SUMMER DRESSES iR . | "NO SHOCK FROCKS" ae PSS. | OSHAWA CALL 728-3711 But seductive, simplicity in design. E : 4 Call Any Time -- Out of Town Call ace ' \ Within 50 Miles SPORTSWEAR with White Stag coord- poth ere $16.98 Value ' ra inates shorts, surfers, Bermudas, blous- n : : es of cotton or terylene. Sizes 10 to 20, For The 8 4 o> tie 5 nee ; v ge 6 tg a McGraw Eats ; : ; ; : yo 1 le Days, Nights, Weekends BATHING SUITS from France, Instant 1," Electric grind ' No Obligetion. Dry Silk' 2 Piece Zebra stripes, gay va" El i Ay i So . Daisy Trims Multi Color, sizes 8 to 40. DRILL . . "All with tops". Gayn-Modde wes} ONTARIO CARPET INDUSTRIES « Phone oshows 728-371 77 KING ST. E. = OSHAWA j ' (COPYRIGHT 1964

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