Awards Presented At Col Publi Last Thursday afternoon|DRAMA BARS many children at Gertude Col- pus Public School received re-|Ingeborg Duschl, Charles John-| cognition for outstanding phy-|ston, Sheila Jones, Borys Kos- sical] and social as well as aca-|tiuk, Andrew Melnyk, Gordon) demic achievement. Bars, cer-| Pollock, Barbara Scholz, San-) tificates and cups were pre-|dra Thomson, Kenny Yeomans) | sented. Cheryl Cairns, Jeffrey Clarke,| phant, School baj, Lynn Baliski, Billy Oli- Janice Babiarz, Paul Woropaj, Paul Vinson, Robert | Flintoff, Elaine Hazzard, Elean- or Vinson, Peter Scholz, Jackie \Crew, Maureen Hazzard, Nick Holodryzuk, Eric Kouru, Roy Many parents were present for the presentations which were made by the staff, Jim |and Robin Zarowny. /Connelly, Frances Stacey, Bas | CITIZENSHIP BARS 'Bouma, Carol Palmer, Cheryl Sheila Pacey, Debra Thom-|[ypel, Andrew Kouru. Sandra Meeldyk, Anita'yRACK AND FIELD BARS | | |son, Henderson, assistant director of}|Hawker, Debra Brown, Rema) Physical Education in the Pub-|Nestereiczk, Douglas Edwards, lic Schools of Oshawa; Bill) Wayne Wilkinson, Mark McMil-| Smith, the attendance officer|lan, Zennie Kostiuk, Joey Ryba,| and Earl Brown, president of Rodney House, Linda Treen,' the Gertrude Colpus Honie and Bas Bouma. | School Association, CHOIR BARS } The following are the students) Frances Mills, Heather John-| who received recognition: |ston, Peter Woropaj, Maureen} SAFETY PATROL |Mills, Eric Kouru, Peter Vice, | Donna Cieslar, Margaret|Daryl Brown, Paul Chopik,| Browse, Ken Jeffs, Eric Kouru,|Holly Brown, Paul Bouma, Paul Bouma, Harold Drew, Lor-|Brian Genge, Lynn , ~tainte McCabe, Frank Ciesielski,, Barbara Chiplick, Ken Brink- Cheryl Lupel. Bobby Kostiuk,|™man, Sherry Hagerman, Kathy Debbie Thomson, Linda Treen,|Pollock, Sheila Scott, Debra Leslie Kiraly, Francis Stacey,|Brown, Sandra Rumpel, Sheila Walter Fiala, Howard Stacey, | Pacey, Bas Bouma, Andrew Janie Russell, Clancey Laven-|Kouru, Debra Sproule, Anita der, Terry Spence, Larry Cleve-| Hawker, Debra Treen, Sheryl land. ; Marlyn, Douglas Edwards, Judy) Russell , Arbuckle, Richard) Sutherland, Linda Smith. -- Stapley, Richard Mazar, Sheila Lynda Adams, Georgina Pacey, Kathy Kiraly, Andrew/Smith, Maxine Wilson, Helen Kouru, Neil Sheppard, Danny|Fil, Sandra Meeldyk, Mary Chappell, Paula Osmok, David) Johnston, Suzanne Beharrell, Smith, Sherry Rooke, Bas Bou-|Mary Lee Eggleton, Bonnie ma, Wayne Sudsbury, Roy Con- Topping, Anita Bouma, Ruth nelly, Chery] Young, Inge Olek-- Ann Malarezuk, Maria Skoro- siuk, Chery! Richards. bohacz, Cora Mazar, Darci SELF IMPROVEMENT BARS Pavey, Debra Jackson, Margret Roger Norton, Betty Beal,| Browes, Bonnie Bracken, Den- Debra Rout, Paula Osmok, Bill ise. Clarke, Ruth Christensen, Ashby anise "Gletke, Poona Debra Sudsbury, Debra Suther- Cieslar, John Johnston, Dou gland, Norma Hughes, Christine Mitchell. Bonnie Topping, Rich- Browes, Cheryl Lypel, Howard ard Anderson, Brian Warner. | Stacey, Donna Hagerman, John SCHOLASTIC BARS Johnston, Debra Michael, Debra ; i Thomson. ' ag savage tok an Barbara Lenaerts, Londa We- pi Sag ane geile ght ties Dy: therup, Linda Treen, Mike Be- ort ae poergses x *"harrell, Lori Wandless, Seig- riw, Ricky Renison, Debra fried Pflanzer, Kathy Kiraly Sproule, Bob Kostiuk, Francis)payia Osmok, Judy Smith, «tig tec a Nestereiczyk, Frances Stacey, Diane Powlen- : zuk, Chery] Young, Lorraine SOFTBALL BARS ee we Max Wilson, Ruth Ann Malar-| McCabe, Elizabeth = Holodry. cnik; Margaret Michael, Pat zuk, Margaret Michael, Betty King, Debbie Michael, Nancy Lupel, Donna Cieslar, Georgina eal. . ATTENDANCE BARS Bonnie Bracken, Cherry Gathy Michael Jill Whiting, Debra Jackson, Helen Fil, Sher- yl Marlyn, Debbie Milheron, Kathy Pollock, Carol Palmer, Karen Bowler, Debbie Rout, De bie Michael, Valeria DeForge. Margaret Browes, Cathy) Starr, Diane Powlenzuk, Anita) Hawker, Londa Weatherup,) | Barbara Lenaerts, Maxine Wil-| 4 son, Pat King, Georgina Smith, | Lynda Adams, Russell Bahniuk, | © Gary Wiltshire. 1 j Randy Weatherup, Ricky Kritschgau, Rickie Schneider, Frank Petrosky, Ron Kulik, Russell Arbuckle, Bobby Kos- tiuk, Dale Tullock, Dave Brack- en, Tom Grant, Jim Pollock, Wayne Wilkinson. John Duncan, Tony Onish-) chuk, Howard Stacey, Nancy} Lupel, Bas Bouma, Janice Cal- ford, Wayne Sudsbury, Leslie Kiraly, Sherry Rooke, Richard Mazar, Erick Kouru, Tom Gier-| man. Barbara Chiplick, Margaret Michael, Roger Norton, Walter Fiala, John Gajda, Betty Beal, Nancy Lupel, Bobby Dudar, Linda Treen, Larry Cleveland, Daryl Brown. SCHOOL LETTERS Bas Bouma, Linda Treen, Francis Stacey, Wayne Suds- bury, Leslie Kiraly, Cheryp Lu- pel, Tom Grant, Walter Fiala,| "*) P. Bobby Kostiuk, Richard Mazar,| Prizes at the "Queen for a Da' Janie Russell, Douglas Ed- mixed doubles tournament held wards, Margaret Michael, How-, Saturday at the Cosburn: Park ard Stacey, Betty Beal, Pat- Club in Toronto. Mrs. Clemence ricia' Ovenden, Billy. Bolton,|received a dozen roses as her Tom Gierman, Barbara Chip- Prize. Se aiiiriawibie LETTERS PATENT OPE ' The current issue of The OF TROPHIES The Outstanding Girl Athlete, Ontario Gazette carries the in- Trophy was presented to Karen) formation that letters patent of Merchants at the Oshawa Shopping Centre last Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday staged a sidewalk sale, For CITY AND DISTRICT WIN TORONTO TOURNEY Mrs. E. Clemence and. Wil- liam Dewland of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club won the top Day" \Bowler by Earl Brown of Ger-| incorporation have been granted the event, which was reminis- cent of the markets held in some European countries, the met Accidents Kill 49 During Weekend | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Road mishaps and drownings' accounted for all but two of the} 49 accidental deaths reported in Canada during the weekend. | A Canadian Press survey from| 6 p.m. Friday to midnight Sun-| day local times shows 33 per-| sons were killed in traffic acci-| dents, 14 were drowned and two} others--a man at Renfrew, Ont.,| and a woman at Canning, Ont.) --were killed when they were struck by trains. s with ats moved their wares SIDEWALK SALE INNOVATION AT SHOPPING CENTRE into the Seen here is a view of one section of the mall area. --Oshawa Times Photo and cash registers mall. The innovation proved quite popular with shoppers. near Port Credit, where they lived, '\Edward Rutley Dupreau, 18, when the car he was in veered off a road.and rolled into a field near Ingleside, 18 miles north- west of Cornwall. | Alfred Bye, 67, Sturgeon Bay, 30 miles south of Peterborough.|when struck by a car at Vic- Charles Beaulieu, 26, when his|ttia Harbor, 20 miles northwest car hit a tree in Windsor, bp cing ee 35. Renfrew, 45 home, |miles west of Ottawa, when run Peter Michael Unterberger, 5,\over by a train. of Toronto, drowned at Wasaga| Glen Hudson, 6, Barrie, in Tor- Beach onto hospital after being found nana ? _ {floating face down in water at George Wilson Jr., 11, and his Wasaga Beach Friday night. 81S a sisters, Catheline, 14, and Mar-; FRIDAY gie Anne, 5, all of Detroit.) yj nie Lockwood 2%, Belle- drowned in Lake Erie at Cedar|yijie, crushed under the wheels Island, 30 miles southeast of|of his uncle's car. Windsor, Mrs. Doris Titus, 45, Ottawa, | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, June 29, 1964 CAPSULE NEWS OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's armed forces are planning a spectacular historical pageant which will be performed in all chief cities during the 1967 Con- federation centennial celebra- tions. Associate Defence Minis- ter Cardin announced Saturday that a tri-service tattoo will be the services' main contribution to the centennial festivities. The tattoo, taking the form of a his- torical pageant set. to martial music, will travel for five months across the country in the summer of 1967. FORM GOVERNMENT ST, LUCIA (AP) -- A United Workers Party government has taken over in St. Lucia, a Brit- ish territory in the Windward Islands. The new party com- prises members of the former} opposition, the Peoples Progres- sive Party and the National La- bor Movement. The seven-man, cabinet was sworn-in Saturday. |Elections were held Thursday. |The new chief minister is John 38, |Compton, a lawyer and Forces Prepare 1967 Pageant Dry Dock Company Limited. Mrs, M. J. Boylen of Toronto, the ship's sponsor, sent a bottle of champagne smashing against, the bow of the 30,700-ton ore and oil carrier, MISS FLIGHT RECORD BRESLAU, Ont. (CP) Members of the Waterloo- ington Flying Club logged hours- in the air during a 48 hour weekend flyathon at the' club here, six miles of Kitchener, They failed to beat, the Ontario record of 208 they set last year. LONDON (Ruters)--Actress: Sarah Churchill, of British wartime prime minister' Sir Winston Churchill, was ar- rested Sunday by London Air- port police on her way to Italy, She was taken to a nearby po- lice station and charged with being intoxicated and acting ia a Y sasdatiad manner, police said. : ' 0S ih j planter. | LAUNCH SHIP SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP) --| Canada's largest merchant ship| was christened the M. J. Boy-) len in a ceremony Saturday at} | Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Neck and Shoulder Pains Nervous Stomach 100 King St. E. 728-5156 the Saint John Shipbuilding and S tefresh your beer supply with Smith, Pat Ovenden. SOCCER BARS Russell Arbuckle, Walter Fiala, Clancy Lavender, Frank Ciesielski, Dale Tullock, Bas trude Co!pus Home and School| to four Oshawa district organi-| Ontario led the province. Association. zations, They are: Drew Merc-'the two train deaths, 11 road The A. H. Glecoff Trophy was|ury Limited, Ajax; Green Gael!mishaps and six drownings. presented to the Outstanding|Lacrosse Club, Oshawa; The bec rted five traffic Boy Athlete, Ruslan Bahniuk,|Oshawa Little Theatre and Welaccive and three drownings. | Sproule, Debbie Jackson, Rick- ey Chappell, Danny Dewey, Richard Anderson, Judy Smith, Briane Genge, Paul Bouma, An unidentified 14» year - old|anq Jennifer Onley, 13, Hamil- youth who drowned in Lake St.|ton, killed in Mrs. Titus's car Clair 15 miles east of Windsor.|when it collided with another An unidentified woman whose|during a thunderstorm at Stitts- would do well to keep a goodly supply of Beer chilled and ready. This is b summer. Ontario's light-tasting brew, Bouma, Wayne Sudsbury, Tom Gloria Connelly, Doug Mitch- by J. Henderson, Sales Company Limited Oshawa ell, Rodney House, Peter Woro- paj, Heather Johnston, Debra Thomson, Tony Onishchuk, Bob- by Dudar, Linda Smith, Eliaz-} beth Holodryzuk, Tom Gront, Jim Pollock,| Linda Treen, Jim Carroll, Cora John Dunean, John Johnson, Mazar, Wayne Spence, Ronnie Brian Wilber, John Petrosky,| Pavloff. Larry Cleveland, Danny Smith. Bill Wadnisky, Bob .Topping,|/nert, Dean Spence, Carolyn An- Bob Dudar, Wayne Sudsbury, 'derson, Cindy Crew, Annie La-! Grant, Rodney House, Jim Pollock, Howard Stacey, Bill Botton, Leslie Kiraly, Tom Gier- _ man, David Bracken. HOCKEY BARS Walter Fiala, The Anita Goyne Memorial Trophy was presented to Chris- FOUR ALARMS tine Riedler because of her The Oshawa Fire Department Academic Achievement by Mrs.| answered four fire alarms over William Goyne. the weekend." Two were grass Leslie Kiraly won the boys'|fires, at Athol street east and trophy for Outstanding Achieve-|Stevenson road south, which é ment. It was presented by Mrs.| were quickly put out. A smalljtalities and one drowning and|at Mactier. 30 miles north of Rick Summers, Gordon Loh-| June Smith on behalf of the/fire in a cabinet at Reynold's|Prince Edward Island had one/ oripia. staff of the School. Gertrude Colpus|Extrusion Sales caused minor __|damage Sunday evening. There Oshawa Folk Festival An Historic Occasion jecutive, the chairmen; the busi- Oshawa Folk Festival's Domin-| ness establishments, the army, ton Day Celebration fast ap-'the service organizations, and proaches, it might be of inter-| the citizens of the city has been est to the public in general tO/excellent. It is obvious that inform them what will tran-/Qshawa can do things. This is spire here in Oshawa that day. very gratifying and gives one 'It has been planned in such 4) an incentive and a pride to be way, that this will be a mem-linvolved with a project which orable day in the history of/prings together approximately Oshawa and it is our contention) 95 ty 39 ethnic cultures and 'o establish it as an annual|nationalities. This unity natural- event for Canada's Dominion|iy builds for our children and Day. The centennial of 1967 is|\ourselves a better Canada and already under consideration. /, petter city in 'which to live. eee ,. FESTIVAL PROGRAM There are 17 chairmen worl Oe ing to make this Festival the, The following is the program biggest performance ever held| (Subject to changes): in the open and there are many| Alexandra Park will open at organizations and citizens parti-/8 a.m. Parade starts from cipating. The number of people;Shopping Centre 10.30 a.m. taking part in one way or)|Saluting Point at Armouries, another literally run to Simcoe street North 11-11.30 thousands. a.m. Official Opening. and the The co-operation of the ex-\"'Cutfing of. the Steer" by. the WOODBINE ENTRIES TUESDAY, JUNE 20 As July 1, the day of the FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200, maiden) Netoffa, No Boy B-104 two-year-olds, foaled in Canada, 5 fur-| Sir Gideon, No Boy A-109 longs (15). a jOur Champ, No Boy 104 Miss Scooter. Werris X118 Aso Eligible: Green Goddess, Dittfach Rigeererteete 7 Season 18 104; Knight O' Glin, Remillard 108; Star Comoe, Cowen Daren: V8 |Talk, Shuk 118; Rip Van: Jive, Harrison come Greene Somer te 104; 'Strathroyal, No Boy 111 Victerton Era, No Boy Az118 A--North Star Ranch and Mrs. E. B. Queen's Birthday, Walsh B-118 Seedhouse entry Sea Bee. Ses, Dilttech: 118 |B--Windfields Farm entry Whisti Sea, Harris "X13 Lord , Gordon A-118 Canisteo, Boy 118 Shiny 'Dice, Leblanc 118 Solar Glass, No Boy 118 Also Eligible: Larkfield, Walsh B.115; Hot Honey No Boy C-115; Super Flow, Remillard C-18. ° A--A. Case and Gardiner Farms and Golden West Farms entry C--Bill Beasley entry SECOND RACE--Purse $2,500 ($4500) élaiming, three-year-olds, one and one- sixteenth miles (6). Amajoy, Freed X117 After Clouds, Harris X105 Tarapaca, McComb 110 Dogbane, Harris 110 Limbo Lad, Parsons X105 Fleet Hawk, Fitzsimmons 112 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,900 Allow- ances. Four-year-olds and up, Foaled in Canada. 6 Furs. (5) Warriors Day, Fitzsimmons 119 Golden Turkey, Parsons X106 Gay Pageant, Harrison 116 Balinode, Walsh 121 Prince Bubi, Shuk 116 (QUINELLA BETTING SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,700 Allow. ances. Three and Four-year-olds, About One mile on Turf Course (8) King of Maryland, Harris X112 Free Trial, Fitzsimmons 112 Barbara, Fitzsimmons 112 Thule, Harrison 112 Swoon Star, Freed X16 Man of Kent, Parsons X111 Tipont, Turcotte XXX107 Sofisticada, McComb 112 THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,900" ($2500) claiming, four-year-olds and Op, 6 fur- fongs (18) Eternal Locl, No Boy 108 SEVENTH RACE lowances "Lucerne" Three and Four ye_r-olds. About One Mile on Turf Course (Divn, of 6th) (8) Broadway John W., No Boy 126 Apache Dancer, Potts 111 Peter Le Grand A-113 Hamattar, No Boy 113 Chervil Boy, Dittfach 107 Joviat Joel, Gomez 116 Iiustrator, Gordon A-117 Laf'n Bid, No Boy 114 A-Mr and Mrs. Seedhouse entry) Locomotive, No Boy 116 The Avenue, Fitzsimmons 108 Niagara Dritt, Walsh 113 Captress, Harrison 108 Gramp's Pride, No Boy 113 Just Don't Shove, Shuk- 113 Page Copy, Walsh 113 Harrison 108 Queen's Day, Harris X103 Plucky Crest, Harris 108 Big's Low, No Boy 113 Also Eligible: Well Buzzin, No Boy 108 Beva, Leblanc 11) Matinal, No Boy 116 Little Welch, Potts 116 Rye'n' Ginger, No Boy 11} FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,400, allow- ances, three and four-year-olds, 7 fur- fongs (17) Sultan Ruler, Hale 11) Balligaly, Turcotte XXX106 Abitibi, Fitzsimmons 104 Turkey Joe, Parsons X10! Mountain Dawn, Fitzsimmons Lucknow Road, No Boy A Among The Stars, No Boy 11 Canadian Hero, No Boy 8-111 Queen's Courier, No Boy 112 Sauvagette, Burton 1114) Peter Le Grand, Walsh A-113 EIGHTH RACE += Purse $2,000 ($2500) Claiming Four-year-olds and up. Foaled in Canada. One and one 16th Miles (1 Whitville, Parsons X114 Zenarchal, Walsh 117 Secret Star, Walsh 115 Bonnie Flare, McComb 114 Shasta Road, Dalton 122 'all's Pride, Hale 115 Cairnfield, Gomez 117 Enlyn Lad, Fitzsimmons 119 Auntie Nora, Harrison 110 Bella Prestia, Harris X109 Now, mT W X-5 Ibs. APP ALW Claimed 4. OCT Ibs. APP ALW Claimed XXX-10 165 APP ALW Claimed Post. Time 8 p.m. - Purse $2,700 Ale |was one false alarm. The de- |partment also answered six | routine ambulance calls. NAME OMITTED The name of Patricia Neal, | who won the Hislop Scholarship at Sunset Heights Public School |was omitted from the cut lines of the pictures of the winners | appearing in Friday's issue. Manitoba had five traffic fa-| talities, Saskatchewan three, Al-| berta four and British Colum- bia two. Manitoba and Alberta also reporteq a drowning each and B.C. had two. Nova Scotia had two road fa- traffic death. New Brunswick and New- foundland reported no acciden- tal deaths. The survey does not include} known suicides, slayings, nat- jural or industrial deaths. | The Ontatio dead: SUNDAY Douglas T, Harris, 19, Osh- jawa, killed in a car that crash- led into a tree near Port Hope, |Hon. Keiller MacKay 12.30 p.m. Track and Field -- Alex Oak- ley begins 20-mile marathon. Approx. return of Oakley 4.30 p.m. Stage Production -- Even- ing Show -- 7 p.m. Closing time (with end of show) approximate- ily 11.30 p.m. There will be many afternoon displays and attractions, eg.,| track and field, karate, tug of| war, national dances, baton twirling, and many more, which will be specially announced through our public address system. Two Master of Cere- monies will handle this. In the event of inclement} weather, the following will take place as arranged: the cutting} {of the steer, the parade, track} and field. The Armories will be} used for the official opening and the band's performance but only} such numbers as legally allow- ed will be admitted. The after-| noon displays will be given in| |the Union Hail. Evening Stage |show to be performed in St. Gregory's Auditorium 7 p.m. Exhibits will be shown in the ; buildings at Alexandra Park all day. APPRECIATION VOICED The executive and committee members would like to ask that the City of Oshawa be decorated 282 King W., Osha body was found Sunday on CNR|Vville, 15 miles west of Ottawa. tracks near Canning, Ont., 10 Mrs. Thelma Wilson, 62, miles northwest of Brantford. | Woodbridge, when her car and a dump truck collided in the SATUDAY Toronto-area community. Edward Rock, 86, Kitchener, | killed when the car he was in|} CANDLELIGHT CEREMONY was involved in a two-car crash| Due to the break in electric power service following last Friday night's storm, the clos- Peter Michael Clancy, 21, andjing exercises at Mitchell's Cor- Joseph Olexy, 20, when their|ners Public School were held by motorcycle collided with a car candlelight. beer, all the way down, O'KEEFE Holiday BREWED FOR SUMMER THIRST r STOP AT Ancus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY wa @ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum Rug Cleaning as much as possible with flags, floral displays and window dressing. Let our visitors see a gay city, and know that we are anxious to make a fine showing for them. What better way to do so than our property or place of living looking its best. It is anticipated that traffic, will be heavy because of: in-| coming visitors to Oshawa, and li would be advisable that local |citizens and as many as possible | leave their cars at home and use the city transport which will) be specially provided for that! day. LON DON PRESENTS Ree A Flavoured Wine "SERVE COLD ON THE ROCKS OR WITH YouR FAVOURITE MIX" 54 SIMC SLICED ,.. PORK LIVER RINDLESS BACON LEAN, TENDER LEAN MINCED BEEF LONDON WINERY LTD iN Tues. and Thurs. Specials ans. Le cnenananeniaeaeemsneneemememeeaiamaial Cie Steaks OE NORTH » 19° me tb » 49: Sits.5] -- a ey Interest: Y, of 1% above current : rate for conventional first mortgage loans, Initial Fee: 2% of the amount of the mortgage.(equivalent to _ insurance fee required on N.H.A. loans.) Write or telephone for The CANADA PERMANENT COMPANIES -- and CANADIAN ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION announce a Combined Mortgage Plan Offering loans up to' 83K of appraised value under a single mortgage contract Repayment: Equal monthly pay- ments amortized on 15 year to 20 year basis plus 1/12 of estimated annual taxes. Available to existing home owners, or purchasers, across Canada. explanatory pamphlet. CANADA PERMANENT MORTGAGE CORPORATION CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY CANADIAN ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LIMITED C.A.C, REALTY LIMITED Over 100 offices from coast to coast Applications : Taken at any of our offices from St. John's, Newfoundland to Victoria, B.C.