CAPSULE NEWS Great Grandson Of - Joseph Brant Dies - HAMILTON (CP) -- Albert Wilfred Crain, 67, a great-grand-| son of Joseph Brant, the famous Indian chief, died in hospital here Sunday. He will be buried at New Credit near Brantford Thursday. | ELECT OFFICERS WELLAND (CP)--The East- ern Canadian Laitheran League concluded a two - day session here Monday with election of of- ficers. President of the league for next year is Ruth Schmidt of Kitchener. Leslie Yeager of Ottawa was lected secretary and Garry Schenk of Neustadt, Ont.,t reasurer. : CHIROPODIST BINED PETERBOROUGH (CP) Chiropodist John. E. Foote of Peterborough Monday was found guilty of administering anesthetics and performing sur- gery contrary to provincia! and medical regulations. Magistrate W. R. Philps imposed the min- imum fine of $50. The charge was lodged by the Ontario Col- lege of Physicians and Sur- geons. NEED RELACEMENTS PORT ELGIN, Ont. (CP) -- Most of the top union leaders in Canada will have to be replaced because of old age within the next 10 years, says Max Swer diow, Canadian Labor Congress education director PLASTIC BAG KILLS TORONTO (CP) -- A provin- cial police secretary who put a plastic bag over her head to dry her hair killed herself acciden- tally, police said Monday night The body of Monica McGonigie 25, was found in her west-end apartment by a provincial po lice officer investigating her ab- sence from work. Police said she died some time Saturday morning. SIGN AGREEMENT WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) --. The Windsor Police Association Mon- day signed a two-year working agreement with the police com- mission giving first-class con- stables an 11.3 per cent pay in crease. Rate for first-class con stables will increase this year to $5,460 from $5,100. The 1965 rate will be $5,678 MORE ARRANGE LIONS' MEET TORONTO (CP) -- Lions In ternational President Aubrey D Green of York, Ala., and three vice-presidents arrived her by plan Monday to supervise final arrangements for the service elub's annual convention here| lergy duly 8-11. onvention speakers include' Governor George Wal- lace of Alabama. PROPOSES MUSEUM DEEP RIVER, Ont. (CP) -- A mobile museum of atomic en-: ergy was proposed Monday! night as a community project, for Canada's 1967 centennial. Jack Cropley, municipal recre-; ation director, suggested that local industry set up such an) exhibit as the centennial contri-| buion of this Ottawa Valley town, most. of whose residents} work at the nearby atomic en- establishment at Chalk! River. ! OFFICIAL RESIGNS REGINA (CP) -- Desmond H Fogg, director of the Saskatche-/ wan government's -information branch, said Monday he is re-} signing effective July 31 be- cause the future of the branch®------- is uncertain. Mr, Fogg said the Liberal government which took office May 22 after defeating the former CCF administration) has cut the information branch) budget and "virtually wiped out} the possibility of maintaining an! effective public relations pro-| gram . BAIL SET CLOVERDALE, B.C. (CP) -- Bail was set at $10,000 Monday when the suspended Surrey dis- trict fire chief, Franney Lewis Myttenar, appeared in magis-; trate's court charged with three/ additional arson charges. Myt- tenar, who has won fire-fight- ingt rophies for his 'hall's excel-| lent performance, was originally charged with setting fire to an unoccupied home June 13. CASTRO'S SISTER QUITS MEXICO CITY (AP) --A sis ter of Premiér Fidel Castro has broken away: from his regime} in Cuba, accusing him of be-| traying his revolution and turn-| ing the country over to com- munism and the, Soviet Union Juanita Castro Ruz, one of sev- en Castro brothers and sisters, announced her break to a Mex ican commentator WOMAN SUICIDES LINDAU, West Germany (AP) Fearing her unborn child had been crippled by medicine taken during her pregnancy, Mrs. Ai- ina Miller committed suicide Sunday by touching a match to her gasoline - drenched clothes police reported Monday. Physi cians were quoted by police as saying that if Mrs. Miller had lived another two or three days,! she would have given birth to a physically normal child. AOROSS 1. Carries 6, Nobleman 11, Upright 12, Harden 13. Untidy 14. Twisted straw beehives 15, Gone by 16. Exclamation 17, Height: abbr. 18, Boy's nickname 19. Egyptian 21, 22, Right side: god Salt: chem. abbr. | 23. Children's game 24. Summer month 25. A gratuity 26. Herd of whales 27. Stylish 29. Noah's second son 30. Proceed 32. Garden tool 33. A check 34, Smallest state: abbr. 35. Conjunction 36. Coin: Swed. 87. Precious stone 39. Goddess of peace 41, Harangue 42. In the Odyssey, a sorceress 43. A pry (4. Borders CROSSWORD 45. Feats DOWN 1. Disposition 2. Mountain nymphs 3. Hardy heroine 4. Rapturous 5..Pigpen 6. Buffalo 7. Tau cross 8. Regret 25.C , 26. 27. 9. One without parents 10, Cuddle 28. 16. London pall 29. Color 20. Traveler's aid 21, The aggregate 30. Rasped 31, Tankers 33. Algonquian Indians 10} SILIAIT IE! a TIEIL MEL IAWEESIALL | IF JEIRIN|S) _ Oa SISME |i IB] IN|SMESIVIP | VIOIKIEIS CIHIAMEST ISRROIAIN] IRIAIDI LT MEDIOWUISIE} AICI ICIERBATRIRIOWW| ME TTERREYIEIAIRIS| Yesterday's Answer 36. At one time 38. Overlay with cement 40. Unit of work 41. Ancient 2 3 (7) 8 |9 |lo WZ 4 wir 2\ BUZ SAWYER FOR THIS JADE BUDDHAD THE OSHAWA PIMES, Tuesday, AND NEITHER. 1S A JADE BUDDHA, AND MAY T REMIND NOUR EXCELLENCY THAT AN ATOMIC BOMS 1S NOT EASY 'TO COME BY? MICKEY MOUSE LES CANADIENS JANE ARDEN MINERS, eg see CAN SPOT IF YOU OUR FRIEND. WHILE I/M BUYING THE TICKETS..... 1% THAT GIRL FROM THE NEWS- AND THE TEXAS RANGER / "JE SERAIS PRET A ALLER DECOUVRIR LA MER DE L' OUEST $1 LE RO! CONSENTAIT A ME FOURNIZ TOUT CE DONT. S'Al BESOIN," ECRIT LA VERENDRYE AU MINISTRE DES COLONIES, "LA PERMISSION VOUS EST ACCORDEE MAIS ANOS PROPLES RISQUES ET DEPENSES," ZEPOND LE MINISTZE A LA VERENDRYE. Distributed by King Pastures Syndicate. ERES YOUR "TROUBLE! "LE 20! M OCTROIE LE MONOPOLE DU COMMERCE DES FOURRURES...COMME 51 CELA M'INTERESSAIT," : tb ae + Ons: ---- --- ------ is DALI IHS OL] S9LQA G43 1 TT HLM JW NIZUTS OL OI3D TV Deen IML VIS a as ov or ob ba mm aoe / * FO) DAs SL SBI SREY ONY ASI PHOKIY 1M) WONOD, O3)IWOY Sl HOTS DSA nO == a IW OL 193B3Lbe Arey 30 SVM 1) 31 SY BAVA ja" Baa | mae oe 7A IOS OHOW 3H) IW SAD Ly DEMONSTRATOR SPECIAL 1964 BEAUMONT 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON LIC. NO. 99148X V-8 ENGINE LOW MILEAGE 3249 The CLIFF MILLS LTD. 266 KING ST. W. MOTORS 723-4634 19 | Picket Charged After Claim Sugar In Gas MARKHAM, Ont. (CP) -- A istriking union member was charged with malicious damage |Monday after an employee of ithe strike-bound Amalgamated 'Electric Corporation Limited plant complained that two men put sugar in the gasoline tank of his car. |. Carl Salter of the Toronto su- |burb of Scarborough told police he saw two men near his car at his home June 24, He found the tank. cap gone and sugar ;on the ground. John Frederick Carlin, 22, of nearby Mount Albert, a member of the striking United Electrical jand Machine Workers Union |(Ind.) was charged by police. About 160 members of the un- jion are involved in the week- old strike. The union is seeking its first contract with the firm since it moved the plant from Toronto to this village, 20 miles norheast, last fall. In other action Monday, vil- jlage building inspector Miller | Habinson ordered the strikers to jremove. the tent they have been using as union headquarters be- cause it contravenes the zoning bylaw. However, George Stevens, na- tional union representative, said union lawyers had advised him that the tent could be legally |left in place. June 36, 1964 |New Minister | Of Revenue Ba! Sworn In By JAMES NELSON OTTAWA (OP)--Edgar John Benson, 31-year-okd Kingston, | Ont., chartered accountant and |professor of commerce, was , Sworn in Monday as minister of ; Nationa] revenue in the federal cabinet. | Succeeding the late John R |Garland, the Liberal MP for |Kingston took the oaths of a privy councillor and of his new | portfolio in Governor - General Vanier's study at a ceremony attended by Prime Minister Pearson. | Mr. Pearson said no other | cabinet changes are contem- |plated. "I think we're: all set {now for a while," the prime minister said. | Soon after the swearing-in ceremony, the new minister |took his seat at the treasury ibenches in the Commons and Mr. Pearson announced that Larry Pennell (L--Brant - Hal- dimand) would succeed Mr. Benson as parliamentary secre- tary to Finance Minister Gor- don Mr, Bénson's appointment was roundly applauded by all groups in the Commons and. |Spokesmen for the opposition parties praised his work as par- liamentary secretary to Mr. Gordon, He piloted the budget THE YOKUM FAMILY TOSEE LI'L ABNER (MAN BITTEN By DOG SUES OWNER FOR MILLION DOLLARS! ) DONALD DUCK Distrtirited by King Features Syndienta, | \ | THAM nt WHY OBS $0 WHAT7/ HE'S A DUCK AND DUCKS HAVE WINGS; N'T HE JU6T FLY OUT F SOUND 4 ASLEEP <7 F MiSS GRIZLEy-- |MAY 1. BORROW THAT LONG, SHARP HAIRPIN OF YOURS? @ King | -aturse Syndicate, Ina, 1904. World nights reserved, pee THE LONE RANGER MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES all AFTER THE WAY WE HORSE-DRAGGED ONE OF THEIR BRAVES, DON'T EXPECT FAVORS/ ree Syndicate, lnc., 1964. World rights reserved. /S OUR OUR ONLY HOPE WHILE NEARB' CON a MY DOX.., HE HAS DOG, SKEETER! wa LickeD boES TWICE ' SO YOU SEETHE LINES ARE DRAWN, OBVIOUSLY ARTHUR IS TIVE ADVISED HER TO AWAIT FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS... SIMPLY BECAUSE I COULD NOT ENVISION ANY SOLUTION TO THIS STICKY PROBLEM. 7 MY DAUGHTER. SHELL KNOW 'TO PHONE HER! a | S---- . ty GRANDMA, YA JUST CAN'T START TOO BARLY... wo TRAINING A POTENTIAL BIG- TIME BAGEBALL PLAYER / Kae, 164. World sights rmemrved, resolutions and bills through the Commons this year after Mr. Gordon made the budget speech. Ex-Journalist Gets Candidacy | For Riverdale TORONTO (CP) -- Charles | Templeton, a candidate for lead- lership of the Ontario Liberal party, Monday won the nomin- ation in Toronto-Riverdale for a provincial byelection sched- |uled this fall. Mr. Templeton, a former | evangelist and newspaper. exec- jutive editor, defeated Barry Al- jlen, a motion picture company executive, taking 90 votes to Mr, | Allen's 18. | Mr. Allen was the Liberal candidate in last September's igeneral Ontario election and |was defeated by Progressive Conservative Robert Macaulay. The byelection was called when |Mr. Macaulay, former provin- {cial minister of economics and | develapeient, resigned from the | legislature. Mr. Templeton is one of five persons who. have declared |themselves candidates for the provincial party ladership. He had said before Monday's nom- ination meeting that if he lost the nomination he would quit \the leadership race Riverdale riding has returned Conservat.ive since 1934. It will be one of two provin- cial byelections this fall. The- other is in Windsor-Sandwich, left vacant by the death of Lib- eral Maurice Belanger. la SALLY'S SALLIES "We couldn't wait till he learned to, talk, but now we' can't keep him quiet."