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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jun 1964, p. 8

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Jewish folks. Mrs. Niven Aitken thanked the speakers for their messages. A gift was presented ito Mrs. Aitken who is leaving for a trip to Scotland. Mrs. Arthur Alloway closed in pray- er, asking God's blessing and Guidance on all, until they meet in-the fall, as this -was the last meeting of the summer. Gloria Lamb gave their person- al testimony and told of their jwork among the Jewish Mis- sion in New York. A trio sang 'Jesus Brings Peace To Me"'. Sonia Storry, of Brooklin, New York, gave a short mes- sage on the high calling of Jesus Christ, and gave her personal testimony. Mrs. Ward-| ell brought greetings and gave) a short message on the burnt/ offering and how the Lord would provide. Miss Ruth Wardell told of her work. among the young Announce Dates Of CWL Convention Delegates representing the thirteen Diocesan Councils of the Catholic Women's League of Canada in the province of On- tario will gather in Vineland, Ontario, July 7, 8, and 9, to attend the seventeenth anoual \provincial convention. The t UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES CALVARY BAPTIST WMS The meeting opened with a luncheon at twelve thirty fol- lowed by a time of devotion. with special guest, Mrs. Glen Wardell and Miss Ruth Wardell, former members and residents heme will. be 'For God andjof Oshawa, now living in U.S.A. Canada'"" -- A Modern Aposte-|Mrs, Niven Aitken opened the late. St. Catherines Diocesan|meeting and lead in prayer. Council will ba hostess council|Miss Joan Buckner and Mrs. with Mrs, H. G. Lottridge, Wel- land, hostess president, General ai ener is Mrs. L. C, Ander- The Honorable J. Keiller Mac-|Relations and Mrs. MeNab.|con. Wallane. Mrs. Ward Mark- kay who will officially open the! Colonel Warnica will take the le, Willowdale, provincial presi-| Oshawa Dominion Day F 01k' salute as military and veteran|dnt, will preside at all the Festival in Alexandra Park/units pass the base in front of! sessions. | tomorrow, will be accompanied|the Armories and after the| All business sessions and all} by Mrs. Mackay and --_ Son, | opening speeches in the paey pees masses will be held) Mr. Ian seg ere ini the guests will be entertained|in Prudhomme's Garden Centre, | See Se pecygg the(2t luncheon' by the executive. be ig Stee -- fs eer . t ie =mos av. To a . j|Armories prior to oa 8 Many showers and_parties|Carthy, STD, DD, Bishop of St. ing of the parade, uf a Mrs, (nave been given fot~Miss Lee|Catherines,. will celebrate the) Mayor Lyman --t * i and| Dey, Whitby, prior to her mar-|first mass of the conventton on Gifford; Judge A. ble Mich-(Tiage tomorrow to Mr. Patrick Wednesday morning. Mrs. Hall; the er * starr: |D00ley, Hamilton, in St. John) A workshop on the Liturgy of| ael Starr, MP and MPP anq|tte Evangelist Roman Catholic|the Church is planned and pro-| Mr. A. V. Rab srend Al-(church, Whitby. Mrs. Ronald|vincial conveners are preparing Mrs. Walker; the aout of the|@eedron, Mrs. Gordon Kirkham displays showing the scope of fred Woolcock, Liege jation|@%d Mrs. A. E, Gendron, all of|their convenerships at the par- Oshawa Ministeria i sigh tiscatborough, were --hostesses|ish, diocesan and provincial and Mrs. Woolcock; paula a miscellaneous shower. Mr.|levels. : : " ith Reverend Monsignor jand Mrs, Edward P. Killings-| An evening trip to Niagara) centered = w Dwyer; Rabbi Menachen Kut-| : ' i 1) ter of seed-pear! lilies of the val-| shrimp pink roses. Dwyer; Cun tee Mr,| Worth, the Kingsway, Toronto,/Falls fyol!owed by dinner 1s) "af ley held her shoulder-length veil] Master Daryl Davoie was the|4".. ne Bellew Toronto "chair.|°Mtertained at a cocktail party planneq for Wednesday. ie i y of tulle illusion. She carried ajring bearer and Mr. John D a Ce tral Ontario Branch|2"@ Pantry-shelf shower for the)-- - : ES ; spray cascade of pink Seventeen) neCoe, hest man. Ushering were} sida jwhole bridal party. Mrs. M. E.| | hit SINGLE VISION AAU; Mr. Leon Kosser, chait-! noptheott roses and stephanotis. _. {Gary MacDonald and Richard)" Mrs. Norman Beattie of To-)Carpenter. Complete with Frames Lenses and Case > 2 () J Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 8 YUGOSLAVIAN PROVERB A well - known Yugoslavian proverb says: "First look at the mother, then ask for the daughter's hand." "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 30, 1964 PERSONALS --lreland Studio Ethel Gail MacDonald Married To Gary James Dalby At Courtice The marriage of Ethel Gail)panel of Alencon lace. A clus-|santhemums MacDonald and Gary Jana Dalby was solemnized in Cour- tice United Church, recently by the Reverend P. J. Romeril. The bride is the. daughter of Mrs Leandre Savoie, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Eugene MacDona'd and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dalby of Courtice. Mrs. Eldon Essery sang and was accompanied by Mr. Archie Campbell. AAU AUTOMATED CANDIES 4 : se | and daughter, Miss! Britain claims to have devel- man of the Toronto Community) wary Elizabeth Northcott, To- oped the first fully autoniated ronto, held a_ miscellaneous|eandy machine that supplies 699 Bemard Jone S\pojled, clear candies a minute SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT We ore proud to present THE CIRCE, one of the latest, smartest and most flattering frames you will find any- where. Superb styling coupled with a Luma-giow, jewel- like engraved brow-piece, it makes a shimmering controst to the crystal lower rim. Extremely light in weight, de- lightfully comfortable in a wide selection of. colors ond complete with single vision lenses, it is truly a wonderful buy at only $11.95 See King and Save!!! ronto was matron of honor for Folk Art Council, ane nth joc her sister and the bridesmaids) A Yeception followed in the|ser; Mrs. G. D. Conant, past) ower mrs, were Miss Joan and Miss San-/Kinsmen' Centre where _ the|president, Oshawa Historical S0-| nq Miss Eleanor Harrington, dra Dalby' Miss Linda Gra-|bride's mother received in ajciety; Lt. Col. J. R. Warnica,qr Oshawa held a miscellaneous bani wae the Bower pit! blue, two - piece sheath andi/CO Ontario Regiment. (RCAC) | shower. Mrs. Michael Dooley They' were dressed alike in matching jacket with a white and Mrs. Warnica; Major W. ©.| sn Mrs. Ernest Dooley, both shrimp pink organza over tat: hat and accessories. The bride-|paynter, Ontario of Hamilton, held a linen show- When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse Regiment) Given in marriage by her feta in sheath style with organ- step-father, the bride wore a ga overskirts trimmed with groom's mother was in pink (RCAC) and Mrs, Paynter; Mr./or Mrs. James Smyth and Mrs. sheath and jacket with white'j,, McNab, manager special|/Harold Augustus, Whitby, held accessories. 725-2211 BIFOCALS bouffant gown of organza over taffeta with a semi-bateau neck- line, trimmed with sequin which continued down a fronti veiling and carried white chry- jflowers and petals on the skirt front. They wore wedding band headdresses with a breath of | | | { OSHAWA MAN TO WED IN .OHIO The forthcoming marriage fs announced today of Mr. Donald Victor Stroud and Miss Kay Ann Schultz. The the Ohio State University and is a member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. Mr. Stroud, son of Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Later the newlyweds left for Florida and will return to re- side in Oshawa. For going away the bride chose a navy blue jensemble of French linen with a white and navy blue polka dot hat. LODGES AND GM activities section, Blackstock Couple Honored By Friends| On Golden Wedding A pleasant afternoon and eve- ning was spent at the home of | SOCIETIES QUEEN MARY LODGE Queen Mary Lodge held their regular meeting recently. Due to the absence of Sister Marie Blake Siser Elsie Chambly act- ed as pianist. The ceremony "Draping the Charter" took place for the late Right Worshipful Sister Mina Jackson, Past Grand Mistress of Ontario West. It was announced that the Wednesday afternoon bingos will be discontinued for the summer. Past Mistress Sister Gertie Logan was thanked for taking charge and running the after- noon bingos. The Whitby Brass Band will accompany the lodge on the Orange walk July 11, in Co- Mr. Blackstock, a informal reception was held in honor of Mrs. The officers and members of|ents, and Mrs. Fred Trewin, recently, when an Trewin's Mrs. par- Mr. and Albert Wright, who were celebrating | their 50th wedding anniversary. Approximately 75 friends call- ed to offer congratulations and good wishes pleasant and enjoyed a chat with the bride and bridegroom of fifty years, while partaking of a cup of tea and dainty refreshments, com- plete with anniversary cake. The honored couple were the recipients of many gifts among which were many floral ar- rangements, sums of money and many are still arriving as well 100 cards were received and many are tsill arriving as well as visitors still calling with gifts and good wishes. Public) a miscellaneous shower and 7 ee H f Mrs. Reuben Geypens, Oshawa, Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" $4795 held a linen shower. NOTICE Nosbitts ... ENTIRE STOCK DRASTICALLY REDUCED SALE STARTS... THURS, JULY 2nd Nesbhitts. Ladies. Wear 33 KING ST. EAST... OSHAWA "Same Friendly Service & Personal Attention" Complete with Frames Lenses ond Case BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED or REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT, OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT SAME LOW PRICES UARAARUENOOUEAETOU PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES AT SAME LOW PRICE 65 OTHER STYLES, SHAPES & COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM AT SAME ONE LOW PRICE TAAL © APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Tress KinG tical, Co OPTICIANS OVER 3.000.0 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd Floor HOURS: MON. to SAT. PHONE 728-1261 9 A.M. . 5 P.M. OSHAWA Closed All Dey Wednesdey We fill olf P.S.1., Oculists' end Optometrists' preseriptions ot same low price Bronches in Many Principal Cities of Canada and U 7 enjoy your vacation choose your spot bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robert Schultz of Springfield, Ohio, where the ceremony is to take place Saturday, July 25 in Central Methodist Church. Miss Shultz is a graduate of Stroud, Oshawa, is a graduate of OCVI and is completing his senior year at General Mo- tors Institute, Flint, Michigan. Following the wedding a re- ception will be held at Ker Deen Inn, Springfield SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harold Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robert Jones, Oshawa, wish to an- Schultz of Springfield, Ohio, an- nounce the forthcoming mar- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Daphne riage of their daughter, Kay Marion to Mr. Robert Douglas Ann, to Mr. Donald Victor Kirkland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stroud, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirkland, Whitby. The Kenneth Stroud, Oshawa. The wedding is to take place on Sat- ceremony will take place on urday, July 25, 1964, at 3.30 Saturday, July 25, at 7.30 p.m. p.m. in Faith Baptist Church, jn Central Methodist Church, ENGAGEMENT Stee Cull Mr. and Mrs. John H. Elliott, Courtice, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Annie Edna Francies, to Allen Rex Terry, son of Mrs. William Terry, Bowmanville, and the late Mr. Tefry. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 18, 1964, at 4.45 p.m. in Trinity United Church, Bow- manville. FORTHCOMING Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shaw- cross, Toronto, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Joan "iarie, to Stan- ley Ray West'all, son of Mr and Mrs. ™ Westfall, all of Oshawa. ™ wedding will take place en rday, July .25, 1964 me 70° in Centre Street Unite urch, Oshawa bourg. The prizes for the evening were won by Sisters Annie But- jland, Elsie' Chumbly, Annie Boughton and Lillian Olmstead The next regular meeting will be held July 15. FOR THE FINEST IN Custom Made DRAPES M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 Allergies? Backaches ? Or Do You Just Want To Sleep Comfortably? Ask About PERMA. FOAM Mattresses 1 off Retoil Price. Call RAMA DISTRIBUTORS 725-8762 \ goby bus: Round Trip Fares are low! BARRIE........:$ 545 BEAVERTON... ORILLIA......... 6.90 | GRAVENHURST. MIDLAND........ 7.60 BRACEBRIDGE WASAGA BEACH.. 6.90 HUNTSVILLE. . COLLINGWOOD... 7.50 NORTH BAY... MEAFORD....... 875 PARRY SOUND --QWEN SOUND... 950 BALA........... in advance to have your resort reservation arranged ORANGE TREES IN U.K. The first orange trees were planted in England in 1595, and all died 150 years later because of severe frosts LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 .$ 6.05 8.30 8.95 10.20 14.90 11.30 9.15 MARRIAGE MY DEAR... DIDN'T YOU KNOW: Why everybody, just EVERYBODY who intends te hove their rugs and drapes kept scrumptiously clean see to it thot. BAKER'S do the complete tosk. Their modern equipment and experienced staff (backed by ever 80 years' experience) provide you with a service Cail ROSS MILLS (local agents today! They'll see to it you get the finest. STOP AT Ancus-(;RAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa ©@ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum thot is simply morvelous. prompt service, "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" BAKER Cleaning Co. "Over 80 Years' Experience" GRAY COACH LINES: WHITBY Harry Donald Agent, 300 Dundas St. E., Ph, 668-3675 Your local Agent... ROSS E. MILLS Co. LTD. 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 AJAX (South) The Coffee Cup, (North) Ajax Coffee Shop Ph, 942-2940 Ph. 942-3390 OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 18 Prince Street, Phone 723-2241 Rug Cleaning a tN OOS

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