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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jul 1964, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, July 4, 1964 4 cents to $3.75 which sold at a) high of $3.95. Bell Telephone attracted buy- ing late in the week and closed at $57%, its high. B.C. Tele-| @iphone was active again, mov- aoe ea ke Pots haa h ' Gold stocks attracted little in- terest with the index amost un- changed after four days of trad- ing, On index, industrials were: ahead 1.54 to 157.83, golds .02 to; TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK peat Se 2 ' GARAGE X DINING 22-0" x 21'-2" Baden ae I ak = Ls J Wrench MD. aM 13'=11%9-5" : . { 1120" x 9-5" | | seni eee oe oe kee waite DESIGN No. 350 NIRYE BED, RM, LIVING RM. 171-6" x 13'=4" bread PLANT.BO4 | fi! PORCH _-- ya Site HLS 1161-Sq. Ft. House Goroge 497 Sq.Ft. ing arid Financing in Canada, Heating, Insulation, Construc- tional Details, etc., plus many outstanding new designs Ranch, one and half storey, split level, two storey colon- ial and duplex homes. Also included in this book are full details on how to order Blue- prints. HOME DESIGN NO 350 mail. (Ontario residents must ~ remit 3 per cent SALES TAX) Here is a floor plan that. Now available at this News- gives you maximum livabil- paper Office (or from address ity for a minimum amount of below) is our new DESIGN space. The designers have BOOK entitled 'Suburban and made it spacious, functional Country Homes designed for and beautiful. Rear door and Canadians', price $1.00 tax basement stairs are off the free. This 1964 edition includes kitchen landing. The other information on Cost of Build- half of the floor plan is de- voted to a well proportioned sleeping wing. Here you have plenty of light and air and abundant closet space. Full bath completes this section. Laundry is in basement where an additional lavatory could be located. Design is avail- able for both brick or frame construction. 350-F. is for frame -- 350-B is for Brick Standard Blueprints for this design No. 350 cost $15.00 for the first set, and $5.00 for ad- ditional sets. They are avail- able in Canada by return FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN BASKET WEAVE FENCE \paints, for refinishing awnings,jat least one square foot for QUESTION: We are interest-|beach chairs, fiber rugs, etc.,jevery 300 square feet of attic ed in buying lumber and build-|are available at many paint andjfloor area. You have approxi- ing our own basket weave style/housewares dealers; follow label|mately 1,350 square feet of floor fence. Where may we get in-|directions carefully, Or use ajarea; the two louvers should formation as to plans and best|vinyl plastic spray paint, avail-|therefore be at least 24 square type of lumber for this? jable at the same dealers. Fast-/feet in size. ANSWER: Redwood is an ex-|setting awning or canvas paints The Building Editor, Oshawe Times, Oshawa, Ontario, (0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE". Mail requests 10c extra, (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times), Name Address sor BENCHES PatTERN 279 i ing to a high of $3414, Banks were firm with Royal 132.57, base metals .50 to 64.52. py ag to 75%. 3 Western oils 2.47 to 100.36 and Senior base metals joined the "| upward trend with Noranda and en satiated: --.'|Inco making the most progre:;.| Canadian Delhi and Husky! Volume for the weekxkas 14,- g|Paced a strong Western oils list| 690,268 shares compared with ahead, the latter climbing to|23,196,284. Dollar value was peak of 10% in heavy turnover.! $37,787,182 against $51,865,209. Lake Ontario Level Drops DETROIT (CP)--The United tates army engineers lake sur- vey Friday reported a decrease in Lake Erie and Lake Ontario water levels during the past month but increases in lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron. All measurements with the ex- ception of Lake Superior are well below levels at this time in 1963. The survey also predicted fur ther decreases in Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and Lake St, Clair in the coming month. Level on Lake Superior is expected to in- crease one inch, while Michigan -- and Huron are to remain the same. i "4 Lake Ontario has dropped 15 inches compared: to levels re- corded at this time last year. Lake Erie has dropped four inches, Lake St. Clair, seven inches, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, 11 inches, and Lake Sv- perior' has increased By RUTH W. SPEARS Dining outdoors is a joy with this saw-buck table ahd benches. Short matching benches may be used for seating people at ends of big table or they make good serving tables. Also note supply trough under big table. Pat- tern 279 which lists material and shows construction steps. is 50 cents, This pattern is also in the Outdoor Bench, Chair and Table Packet No. 73 for $1.75. Send orders to The Home Work- shop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. You may remember a swing like this from childhood days. What fun it was for young- sters Their elders loved it for gentle rocking too, Now you can make one for your own yard. Pattern 305, which lists mater- ials, gives dimensions and shows constructions steps, is 50 cents. This pattern also is in the Lawn and Garden Furniture Packet No. 37 which contains four pat- terns all for $1.75. Send orders to The Home Workshop Dept.,| The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, | Ont. | Red Newsman Granted Visa OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana- | dian government has authorized |the granting of a visa to a Com- |munist Chinese newspaper man |to permit him to enter Canada, | informed sources said Friday. The name of the correspond- ent is Pu Chao-min of the New |China News Agency. A visa has jalso been authorized for a trav- elling companion, Hsu Ching- |mei, thought to be an interpre- ter. It is believed that Mr. Pu will arrive in Canada next week. China has thus carried out its jpart of an agreement with the | Canadian government for an ex- |change of newspaper men. Charles Taylor of the Toronto Globe and Mail has already ar- rived in Communist China. | Peter Worthington of the Tor- }onto Telegram and Charles |Lynch of Southam News Serv- ices have applied for entry to Peking. Trent University | V-P Is Appointed EDMONTON (CP) -- Profes- S. G. Denis Smith of Ed- monton has been appointed vice-president of Trent Univer- sity in Peterborough, it was an- nounced Friday. : Last year Mr. Smith was sec- retary of the University of Al- berta campus planning commit- lauto stocks suffered through a ~| mediocre week. Ford of Canada Canadian Stock | Markets Make Modest Progress | | By GORDON GRANT | Canadian Press Staff Writer | Canadian stock markets made modest progress this week de- | spite a June heat wave that ap-| |peared to wilt investors' desire. The Toronto industrial index rose to record levels, huoyed by a surging New York industrial market. | Volumes were slim. Thurs- day's trading figures in Toronto {were the lightest in almost four months. It was basically an industrial week, Natural gas pipeline issues gave leadership. Gains ranged well over a point with West- coast Transmission, Al- berta Gas and Trans-Canada Pipe Lines the favorites. Stee] makers were stronger, jas in New York, with Algoma,| /Dofasco and Dominion Bridge showing the best gains, The |was down $4 while General Mo- itors eased a fraction. Chrysler and Ford U.S. made slight gains. The highlight of the utilities was Brazilian Traction, up 30 Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President © DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas. 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA cellent lumber for this purpose|can also be used. because of its durability and de-| cay and insect resistance. Your SEPTIC TANK USE DARK PARCHMENT SHADE QUESTION: Have a very old floor lamp with a parchment) -- tee, assistant to the president] and assistant professor of poli-| | tics. PHONE 723-1121 | OSHAWA. local lumber yard should have| QUESTION: information about this, and may|tank and dry have plans available. |property and lflicting ideas WATER STAINS ON PLASTER|The water is QUESTION: Due to heavy|pipes drained each fall, At the|made lighter again? snows accumulating on the roof|advice of our plumber, we put) ANSWER: After regular wash- this past winter there has been|kerosene in the traps and toilet|ing of the shade, moisten it with water leakage through to the liv-|bowl for the winter and drainja three per cent solution of ing room ceiling. Some areas|this away in the spring. Is this|hydrogen peroxide, allowing this have a brownish stain along/harmful to the bacterial growth|to remain a few minutes, then with the water stain, others are|in the septic tank? Is the use of/rinsing off with clear water. Or stained very slightly. Is there|detergents harmful in like man-| wash the shade with a mild solu- any way to remove these stains?|ner? Is it advisable to use tion of household bleach, then ANSWER: If the plaster in the|yeast? If so, in what amount|rinse thoroughly with clear stained areas has not de-|and how frequent? Are there water to remove all trace of the teriorated from excessive mois-|any. governmental bulletins bleach solution. ture, and is thoroughly dry, the|available on this subject? only suggestion I can offer is to) ANSWER: According to the CLEAN CONCRETE apply a thin coat of pure, fresh,|department of health, education) ESTION: Is there any white shellac over the stained|and welfare, normal, moderate treatment we can apply to our] areas, then a finish coat of any|use of detergents, bleaches,| concrete patio to make it easier good quality flat paint. drain cleaners, etc., has no ap-'to clean? We found it a real preciable adverse effect on ajchore last summer, keeping it LEANING POSTS properly installed septic tank of "respectable". QUESTION: What procedure adequate size. The kerosene an- ANSWER:Apply a_ colorless, should be followed to make sure nually drained into the tank is silicone-based water repellant, a steel clothesline "T" post wil]|Probably. adequately diluted to following labe] directions care- remain erect? We are planning|overcome harmful effects on the fully. Available at masonry sup- to install "T" posts but have) bacteria. plies and large paint and_hard- noticed. many leaning posts of Yeast is used frequently to re-/ware stores. The coating acts as that type. start bacterial action in a septic a moistureproof surface, so that ANSWER: Simply insert the|tank; six or more yeast cakes rain or water from a garden clothes pole in a pipe embedded/ate dissolved in tepid water in hose carries dirt away quickly. in concrete which is poured into es a plumbing fixture and alowed joe a hole in the ground about 14 to drain into the tank. | i feet deep; the concrete should sides of the pole. This should), QUESTION: What is ble | 0' ALLEY! extend a good six inches on all ATTIC VENTILATOR. SIZE anchor the pole strongly enough smallest ventilator permissible for the heaviest line of wash. for each end of a ranch type i Construction Ltd. home, 28 feet four inches by 48 @ Homes @ Additions We have a septic|shade. The parchment has _ be- well at our lake|come much darker than it was) hear many con-|when new, interfering with the} as to their use. light it supplies to the room shut off and the|now, How can the shade be McLaughlin Coal & Supplies ----- announce -- Faster 24-Hour Delivery Service -- With our Fleet of -- RADiO-CONTROLLED DELIVERY TRUCKS !! i Budget Plan - Automatic Weather-Controlled Delivery } Men's and Young Men's Cool Cotton Slacks Much Below Usual Price! Ban-Lon Knif Sheath Easy-care with a Cosmopolitan Air! Lithe, lovely and versatile simply styled in cool and silky smooth Antron textured nylon -- packable shape-holding launders automatically and retains its vi- brant colour and glistening texture. Navy, lemon yellow or melon. Sizes 8 to 16 W . : 0 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA EATON July Sale Special, each PICNIC Each 25.00 2.99 «ui 3.99 T A B L E S beieshcpales ablisred actions wih eua PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 929 ¥y i MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Nylon Stretch Socks First quality socks with an elasticized top for a neat fit . . . available in plain basic col- Good quality cotton slacks are washable and San- forized for lasting trim fit. Included in the group are cotton cords and cotton gabardines . . . Sum- mer shades of tan, green or beige. Even waist sizes 28 to 38. "Turn To Modern: Living With Oil Heat' TELEPHONE 723-3481 McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Lid. PHONE 725-7373 PAINTING FIBER RUG feet four inches? I refer to the QUESTION: We used a fiber triangular unit and the specifi- rug in the children's bedroom cation should be in square feet. during the winter. It got quite ANSWER: I assume you have soiled and spotted and now welinsulation, with a vaporproof want to transfer it to an en-jbarrier, under some type of closed porch during the warmerj|attic flooring. Louver openings, wer"-~ How can we paint it? |to provide adequate air circula- J ANSWER: Plastic fiber fabric'tion and ventilation, should have @ Offices @ Remodeling , ours. One size stretches to fit sizes 10 to 12. Colours of grey, brown, navy blue, charcoal, black or white. rascheeses s * PHONE 725-7373 'ONE-PIECE CONCRETE SIEfa MUMELITE DELIVERY ALL YES £4/ EATON July Sale Pre-cut 27" x 6' West- st a ern Cedar. Complete with all hardware, Knocked Down ... EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 901 Visit EATON'S Outdoor Shop For e@ Sports and Camping Gear e Plants and Gardening e@ Summer Furniture | Equipment. e@ Outdoor Living Accessories ENJOY COOL AIR-CONDITIONED SHOPPING! 9.95 Ask About Our 6-Month Deferred Payment Plan @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS hs havens 655-3311 hy G6, GRETE PRODUCTS LTD. ONTARIO MILLWORK & Building Supplies LIMITED 1279 Simcoe N. 728-6291 Open Daily: 7 A.M. till 6 P.M. FRI, TILL 9 P.M.

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