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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1964, p. 9

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PARK GROUP AIDS TREATMENT CENTRE , Elwood Bradley, chairman of the Woodview Park Neigh- borhood Association, is shown presenting a cheque for $1500 to Mrs. A. P. Fulton, chair- Oshawa Robert J. Branch, the execu- tive secretary of the Oshawa Community Chest, hopes this summer to fulful one of his life- long desires and ambitions to become one of those people who spend their time in the field of marathon swimming. Bob, as he is better known, recently started to see his dream come true with his train- ing for the upcoming CNE 32- mile swim which will take place Aug. 20 starting at Port Dal- housie Beach, near St. Cathar- ines. The swim will end around noon Aug. 21, at the waterfront in front of the CNE grounds. In starting his training Bob, who is six feet four inches, weighed in at 249 pounds. He has trimmed down to 219 pounds which appears to be a good weight for his swimming speed. Bob has now stretched his lake swimming to eight miles per day, and has been. encouraged will be used to renovate and furiosh the ground floor play- room. --Oshawa Times Photo man of the Women's Welfare League, which operates the Crippled Children's School and Treatment Centre. The money Whitby Home Ransacked WHITBY (Staff) Thieves ransacked a Whitby home, ap- parently in broad daylight, Sat- urday and made off with some $700 in clothes and jewellery. Whitby PDD learned about 10.25 a.m, Saturday that a va- ' eationing couple, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Coombes Is Top Blood Donor | ©. J, Coombes, of Bowman-)Robbie, E. Lewis, Hugh Smith. lville, who gave his 53rd dona-| 12th Donation -- J. Warring- tion, was the top donor at last/ton, Ralph Jewell, J. P. Gagnon, Thursday's Oshawa Blood Donor|F. Woods, Mrs. H. S. Myers, Cline. Three hundred and|W.-G. Loney, A. Malo, Miss I twelve bottles of blood were|Sawdon, Donald Dick, J. Douglas Pearse of 607 Ma ' . Strest west, were the victims of|@iven at the two sessions. |Hoskin, C. Halliday, R. LeRoy, \Mrs. F. Hartford, R. Losier, J. the break, enter and theft. Other top donors at the clinic, Wilfred Rostek, 23 and son-|with the number of donations Re hara Tova in-law of the Pearse's, told Sgt.|they have given were: A. Greene} erate Eloy. Gerald Robinson and Cpl: Ernie|49th; Norman Lambett, 47th;| 11th Donation -- Mrs. L. Bar- Stoneman that he had checked|Miss Anne Reese, W. Rusnell|low, Mrs. Maude Brooks, G. A. the premises about 7 a.m., andjand Thomas Simmons, 42nd;|McCaughey, G. Rideout, Jas. found the glass in the back door | Robert H. Smith, 4ist. |McCansh, J. W. Gibs¢ } smashed. 37th Donation -- P. W. Ken-|Pendergest, H. Schievink, Miss DeVries Geo. Simeson, Mrs. E. | Gibson, John} Marathon Swim money category, nate all his winnings Simcoe Hall Boys' though at the present time he is acting as his own sponsor field: of endeavor. Man In by his coach, George Mudd, to continue distance. Bob has stated that if he is successful in placing in the he will do- to the Club, al- | | SECOND SECTION It has been announced that a 10-mile qualifying swim may be held this year if c large entry is received for the swim. Bob is quite confident that if a quali- fying swim is held that he will be one of those persons enter- ing the water on Aug. 20 to cross the lake to the CNE grounds. The people of Oshawa can be quite proud that someone from the city is attempting to en:er another new field of the sport- ing world for people from Osh- awa, in another attempt to prove that local people are sports minded in almost every Oshawa Man |qualified for Gold Seal Certifi- Rate Area Cow For Gold Seal Eight Ayrshire cows owned by Ontario breeders have recently |cates by producing 100,000 Ibs. : | IsInjured In Toronto it sort A Metro Toronto woman was/torious lifetime production killed and an Oshawa man and/jachievements. There have been a Toronto woman were injured/783 Canadian Ayrshire cows when his car struck a passen- | qualify for Gold Seal Certifi- ger train late Saturday at ajcates. The cows are all on of- north-west Toronto level cross-|ficial ROP test and all have ing. |been milked on practical two Dianne Joan Nelson, 25, of|times a day milkings, " OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JULY 6, 1964 Etobicoke, died in the accident) and Prosper J. Corbeil, 35, of 739 Oshawa boulevard north, Oshawa, received head and leg injuries. Natalie Shaw, 33, also of Etobicoke, sustained a broken shoulder and wrist in the acci- dent. The southbound car on Kip- ling avenue smashed into the | Green Rock Edith, owned -by P. A. Johnson, Hampton, Ont., has qualified for A Gold Seal Certificate. She has produced 102,765 lbs. milk, 3,917 Ibs. fat jin 3,334 days. He sire is Kings- bille Guardsmen and she is classified Good Plus Two militiamen attached for training to the regular army | at Camp Gagetown, N.B., are shown replacing a bogey wheel on a Centurion tank. They are Sgt. Ernest Kirs- chener, the Governor Gener- al's Horse Guards, Toronto, and Sgt. L. R. Griffith, the She Oshawa Sines PAGE NINE MILITIAMEN REFIT AFTER TACTICAL SCHEME Ontario Regiment, Oshawa. --National Defense Photo He said he checked the house/nedy, C. P. Dolley; 33rd Dona- and found everything in order,|tion -- H. A. Davis; 31st Dona- except for the fact that the door tion -- A. G. Hiltz, S. Skirrow; was open. . |30th Donation -- G. Lawrence; : After eating breakfast at his\o5th Donation -- H. J Hewett; Walton boulevard home, hejoong Donation -- Jack Brown; said he a ge ad ine |2ist Donation -- Thos. Brown; wife) ge Page aig J | 20th Donation -- F. Hender- P. Bligdon, Mrs. M. Lesenko, |train at the level crossing near Stan Krupop, G. Hawker, E./Rexdale boulevard. The vehicle Goyne, Mrs. W. Kuttschrutter./struck the side of the diesel 10th Donation -- R. Jacklin,|engine and was carried 163 feet K. Hoogsteen, Howard Souter,| along the railway tracks, B, Meraw, Frank Markey, N.| The train engineer, Edward Gillespie, John McMillan, Don-| Brooks of Toronto, said _ that) ald Munro, L. Dushene, J. al warning lights and signal| son, Mss. Campbell, 1. Sars nisky, Miss Audrey Lambert |bells were in operation at the jcal Strike In Fifth Week | Youth Injured A sre oy 15 measen og) WHEN Car Rolls| Local 969, Oshawa Typographi-| BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Al against Generallcar driven by a 19-year-old| Industrialists Seek Market For Products | hi ct loss was determin- i ssing. > trai s | pri The exa sth Donation -- Mrs. J. Cur-|cTossing. The train was bound | printers Ltd., today entered its} Scarborough youth went out of to find the place ransacked. | @d when the Pearse family re-|geant, E. C. Cook Max Derry, turned to Whitby Saturday af-|Mrs. G. Pearse; 19th Donation--| ternoon, police said. |Henry Horrocks, Garnet Mc- Some of the items stolen, it) Laughlin, D. Kisel, Ken Corri- Was learned, were irreplacable|gan; 18th Donation -- Mrs. M. jran, D. McDuff, C. W. Minett D. Travis, Grant Glover, T. Van J. Andrews, D. Rooke, P. Keepsakes. | Wright, D. Campbell, Rod Wilt- Mr. and Mrs, Pearse estimat- ed their total loss at $697.70. Investigation of the robbery is eontinuing. «May Purchase 'Moore Estate RICHMOND Hild, -- Metro Toronto: and Region Conserva- tion Authority has approved buying the 153-acre William H. Moore estate in Pickering Town- ship as part of a proposed waterfront park from the Rouge fiver to Frenchman's Bay. | | Procher. jshire, John V. Saunders; 17th |Donation -- G. Pearse; 16th |Donation -- H. B. Trew, John ley, R. J. Johnson, G. Moreau, Mrs. W. Lovell. Boy Injured By Hit-Run Auto 15th Donation -- J. W. Imeson, Harold Cook, Paul J. Ward, Bill Veenstra, F, M. Barnes, Wessell Wubbolt H. Goschi, D. Glover, Joe O'Malley, N. O'Malley; 14th Donation -- D. Larkin, T. Rich- ardson, Michael Faryna. 13th Donation -- H. R. Brad- burn, A. Dowdle, C. A. Barnes, W. M. Lambourne, Elton Johs- ton, Geo. Fairhart, A. Taylor, John Goodall, J. David Von Gunten, C. Oke, M. Goldman, Mike Fairhart, J. Britton, Frank Sheppard, Ted Collis, Jas. Mc- suffered a slight knee injury Sunday when his bicycle was wood avenue, auto, which had just left R. J. Tumey's service station, 962 However, the d rests with Metro Council, which will have to pay the $200,000 for the land. Total cost of the estate, with its 3,300 feet of Lake On- fartio cial grant to the authority. Two Fire Alarms During Weekend The Oshawa Fire Department answered five ambulance calls) Sunday, July 3, Mrs. J. Spear, | of Streetsville, Ont., was taken) to hospital following a car acci-| dent at Simcoe street and Bloor street. She was released after) treatment. | The department also answer-| ed two fire alarms. One was to| beach, is $394,000. Half of| this would come from a provin-| Simcoe street north, srtuck his {bicycle near Sunset then sped off. A two-car collision on' King jstreet west, near Queen street, |Saturday, caused a total of $85 Piatti Team Wins J itney property damage. Jack Piatti, Hazel Smith and| Drivers were Yvon Villen- | "Casey" Luke, were the winnersjeuve, Berthier, Que., and Wil- of the prizes donated by Mr, |liam Turrell, 118 Nassau street. and Mrs, Clint Baxter for the) Mrs. M. Van De Valk, D. Net-| Memorial Hospital: Miss Shaw Rose-jis also in satisfactory condition| bush, Mrs. B. Branton, Arthur] at the same hospital. | train was travelling at | A 14-year-old Oshawa youth| Four Teena struck by a hit and run driver.| Frederick Swonarow, 73 Sher-| told police the| avenue, | }for Toronto enroute from Port '| Huron. Mr. Corbeil, an inspector at de Valk, Mrs. D. Cheseboro, R-| General Motors of Canada Ltd., | was reported Stephenson, Mrs. Grant Glover,|po9q condition at the Humber today to be fifth week with the views of| both parties unchanged. D. Miller Alloway, company president, said today that no meetings have been held be- control. Sunday afternoon on Highway 35, rolled over several times and came to rest in a ditch, The driver, David Huckins, |bween po pone i company! was treated at Bowmanville Me- ag strike began. "I am/morial Hospital and released. not aware of any modification The accident occurred at the Brooks told police that the|i" the union's stand," he stated.|north ent to am about| "Things are very quiet." | Slehway Po tie Verne, on 70 miles per hour, He said that|, Thomas Thomson, president of| 4 Toronto woman, M he felt the jolt as the car struck Local 969, said that he polewinaal Jeske Kenley, was injured Sat. the engine and came to a halt/@d the trike to be a success.| | aay afternoon when the car in 1% miles away. 0 i are not turning out very! which she was a passenger col- re enpraiaens --|much work atthe GP plant," hel jidea with another auto on High- Stated, "the strike is going well way 35 near Orono . gers i", ee of the strikers! "Mrs. Kensley was treated at jis high. pect + : | The strike began June 8 when Crt himglierelg! tea = Lois Hurt In Crash jcontract negotiations failed.| Cumby of Scarborough. Driver Union spokesmen said that the of the other. car was George BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --)strike was called because of the) valentine, 1362 Tremb1 ay Four teenagers were injured|failure of management to guar-| treet. Oshawa. The Cumby early Sunday morning in a two-|antee job security clauses in the| car rolled over after the crash. jear collision on Highway 7A, /first contract. Two Hampton motorists collid- bec . msm ae \ed Saturday afternoon on So- our were taken to Oshawa) : lina road, rivers were Raymond General Hospital and on, Helen! Tremors Shake Farrow, 37 and Kenneth Spiers, |Buma, 16, was later transferred . . 19. Damage was moderate. Ito St. Michael's Hospital in To- Mexican Capital Bowmanville OPP investigated jronto. In Oshawa hospital are ' jall three accidents. Frank Larmer, 18 of RR 1, Nes- s MEXICO CITY (Reuters) I - tleton; Victor Malcolm, 19 of]; song earth tremors shook RR 1 Nestleton and Sharon Fel- Mexico City ra about' three G d A ' nabetaay | minutes early today. t t Te No major aa or injuries Ta ua es | ef were reported. jtured right leg, and Malcolm,| 'The tremors hit shortly after club jitney held Saturday after-| T | Treated For Shock noon at the Oshawa Lawn Bowl- ing Club, | i Grant Murray, Mrs. Ethe Ward and Hec. Campbell mol After Accident the winners of prizes for second; A_ Streetsville woman place; while Jack Mouncey,|taken to Oshawa General Hos- Alice Drew and Olive Short won| pital, Sunday, following a two- third prize. lear collision, on Highway 401, Prizes for one game went to| near Oshawa. Clint Baxter, George Kerrin and| The woman, Mrs: J. Spear, 135) Laura Robson; Art Brown, Mrs.| Queen street south, Streetsville, who suffered possible chest in- juries were drivers of the two autos. Miss Felstad suffered a lacerated face and Miss Buma is reported to have suffered a fractured right leg, a broken) jnose and lacerations. Bowmanville OPP investigat- ed. was 3'a.m. EDT and people ran out| of houses and buildings to wait) them out. There was no panic. Electric power was disrupted in many. parts of the city. Lights were still out in some sections several hours later. Ask Tshombe Coronation Honored | A party, convened by Mrs. Allen Oke and Mrs. M. McDer- maid, was held recently at the Woodview Community Centre By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Eleven Ontario industrialists, member of the last of the 1964 series of trade missions to Britain and the con- tinent of Europe, have arrived in London, and after some pre- liminary talks with British bus- iness people in 'London, have scattered to various points in this country and on the conti- nent in search of new markets for their products. These prod- ucts range from architectural aluminum railings and golfing accessories to power boats and fruit grading equipment. On their arrival in CGondon,| these Ontario business men were guests of J. S. P. Arm- strong, agent-general for On- tario in London, at a reception at the newly renovated Ontario House. There they met a large! group of British bankers, manu-| facturers' agents and other business men with whom they plan to discuss the extension and development of their ex- port activities. The 11 representatives, all company executives, will be looking for new markets in the) United' Kingdom and Europe,| appointing agents in some cases, and in others, negotiat- ing arrangements for manufac- ture of their products under licence in Britain and Euro- Three Concerts Scheduled For a@ grass fire at 130 Stevenson) Alice Murray and Rosland -Cro- road and the other was a cat|mie; Ewart Alger, Mrs. Louise fire caused by a lighted cigaret} Langmaid and Mrs. J. McLeod. in the back seat. Damage was| was allowed to go home after treatment for shock. She was a | passenger in one of the vehicles. Pigeons Race To Attempt or the graduating class of Cor- |onation Public School. | A most attractive buffet lunch- slight. Mrs, Ethel Ward is sponsoring;No one else was' injured and| ;€on was served after grace was the jitney next Saturday. ' property damage was tight. OSHAWA Employees from the Cher- ney stores in Belleville, Co- bourg; Peterobrough and Osh- awa took part recently in the annual Chemmey Golf Tourna- TROPHY the Carling Trophy from Pe- MAN WINS GOLF ment at the Cobourg Golf and Country Club, Seen here. is William Bowman, right, of the Carling Breweries Limited. Oshawa store as he received » 1860.25; . |Bejkowsky, 837.18; L. Prescott | |All five airmen aboard a twin-| f |search plane were killed when | \they crashed into a mountain, ter Johnson, representative of |2)" --Oshawa Times Photo, | " |said by Miss Grace K dy. | Government 321 Py Mis, Grace Kemeds. 250 Miles LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters)-- °eremonies. Park Bandshell Three band concerts will be held at the McLaughlin Band- shell, Memorial Park in Osh- awa this week. The birds of the General Rac-| pres) s .| Albert V. Walker, MLA for ing Pigeon Club flew their hard-| agate sa -- | Oshawa Riding, the speaker, est race of the season on Sat-| mer president of Katanga, to try|W@S introduced by Principal R,| urday when they were releas-| to form a transitional Congolese| !!: McLeod. Mr, Walker empha- ed at Danville, Illinois, an air) government sized the importance of higher} line distance of 520 miles Tshombe said Sunday that if|©@ucation in these days of fall-| Strong north-east winds and/requested to form a government|!"8 OPPortunities for unskilled unsettleg weather --prevented| he could deliver a cabinet list|W9Tkers. He told the graduates them from making fast time! within 23 hours ~ ~|that they must set a goal and and several lofts had no re-| "My government will be a|W0rk towards the achievement port ' hard'- working one," Tshombe|° the goal. The appreciation of Fred Cowle's bird won the) said today. |the gathering was voiced by race and the beautiful new) Tshombe returned to The|Mrs. William Morrison. | Armistead Challenge _trophy.| Congo from self-exile in Europe, Miss E. Calvert, accompanied] This trophy was donated by) 19 days ago and has been hold-| PY Mrs. C. Cornelius, entertain- Mr. Armistead, a retired Eng-\ing talks with Kasavubu and|@d with two songs, "Getting to lish pigeon fancier who was|other Congolese leaders against|Know You' and "Climb Every visiting in Oshawa and has now! 4 background of political recon.| Mountain". | returned to England. leiliation moves here. Mr. Guy presented an award Tuesday evening, July 7, at 8.30 p.m., a concert sponsored by General Motors of Canada and The Toronto Musicians As- Jack McLean. Wednesday evening, the fam- ous Milwaukee Continental Youth Band, will entertain at the bandshell, as part of their summer tour. The 125 member band is on its way to play at the New York World's Fair, On Thursday at 8.30 p.m., the regular concert by the Ontario Regimental Band will be given. The result of the race fol-|" phe jer| to Linda Snodden who was the » government of Premier . lows: F. Cowle, 936.65; F.|cyrille Adoula handed in its/Second best student and Dianne Cowle, -906.21; J. and R. Irwit,| resionation last week when its| Parker, who was: the most' im- Strachan, 855.42; '|regular tenure ran out, Kasa. Proved student, Pog J. Greig '|vubu asked Adoula to stay in|Presented awards to Diane L.| office until a transitional gov-|Power, the best all-round girl W,| ernment is formed. \Student and Bill Morrison, the 823.74; J. Strachan, 760.09; Kinsman, 755.56; J. Aske 740.95; S. Grant, 554.61, Bridge Club. High Scores best all-around boy &%tudent. | TAKING A VOTE Principal McLeod presented the The transitional. government,|Fanny Hislop award to Cathy/| to run the country pending new! Morris. elections, is provided for in a! Mrs. John Chamara, president referendum now under way on'of the Coronation Home and a new Congolese constitution. School Association, presented! Plane Hits Peak, | 5 U.S. Men Die KETCHIKAN, Alaska (AP)--| Following are the winners and high scores of the games play- ed last week at the Oshawa Tennis Club by the members of the Oshawa Duplicate Bridge Club: North and South -- Dr. Fer- sociation, will feature an orches-| | tra under the direction of Ber-| | nard Tierney, with guest artist] ; Guard| engined U.S. Coast only a minute or two frum the safety of their base at nearby Tshombe told a press confer-| pictures of the graduating class| ence Sunday a "national recon-'on behalf of the association. --_rier and J. Wild, 102; Mrs, A. ciliation" government must be| Mrs. Chamara also presented|Sheridan and J. Patterson, 88; formed. gifts, on behalf of the associa-|D. McCuaig and W. Heron, 8414; He also scored some Congo-|tion, to Mrs. C. Cornelius and| Mrs. E. Wadsworth and Mrs. E. lese political leaders for repu-|R. Walker, who will not be|Medland, 8344; Mr. and Mrs, diating earlier statements of|members of the teaching staff| Morris, 8214. Annette Island. The burned and battered wreckage was spotted from the support for him. But he said he|in the fall. had their support in writing. | The valedictorian was Cathy See ees % emer | Morris late Sunday The coast} SHIPS GRAVEYARD The remainder of the evening guard reporied there was no, The Cape Hatteras region of was enjoyed with dancing and| jchance that any of the flyers|the Atlantic has claimed some novelty numbers in the upper| survived, 3,000 'auditorium. East and West -- Mrs. T. Hill and Mrs, Cook, 11%; Mrs. M. Smyth and Mrs. F. Love, 10844; Mr. and Mrs, Jeffrey, 100; Mrs, J. Foster and Mrs. P. Francis, 99; Mrs. M. Dowdle and Mrs, J, Wild, 98%. pean countries. Fruit-grading equipment is of particular inter- est over here at the moment, as the minister of agriculture is now empowered to i ntroduce compulsory grading and new methods are being tested. This mission, which has been sponsored by the Ontario' gov- ernment, is the 25th * be sent abroad since the Ont Trade Crusade was launch in the fall of 1962. The previous 24 missions, to Europe, the Unit- ed States, West Indies and Cen- tral America as well as Brit- ain, sold more than $45 million worth of Ontario products. OSHAWA EXECUTIVE Frederick T, Gerson, engi- neering advisor of the Appel Process, Ltd.,: of Oshawa is with the party and is seeking British markets for the cold farming process and machin- ery produced by his company in that city. He will be travel- ling to various parts of Britain in the hope of securing agents, as well as making direct con- tacts with processing compan- ies in this country. TWO FROM OAKVILLE Two executives of Oakville industries are in the party. R, E. Mason, president of Donn Products, John Street, Oakville, is seeking to interest British construction interests in accous- tic tiles and ceiling suspension systems. James P. Bisilker, of Gram- pion Marine, Ltd., of Oakville, is anxious to take advantage of the boom in boating and sailing which has taken hold of Britain in the last few years. He is in- terested in making contacts in an effort to build up a British market for Oakville-built sail- ing boats and motor boats made of fibreglass. There is believed to be a large and growing mar- ket in Britain for these prod- ucts, ' Another firm interested in the motor-boat market, is Shepherd Boats, Limited, of Niagara-on- the-Lake. James Hahn, presi- dent of this company, which produces motor boats from 25 to 45 feet long, is with the party and is off on a trip to various interested outlets in Britain. OTHERS IN PARTY Others in the party are: George Bartlett, President, N. M. Bartlett Manufacturing Company Ltd., Beamsville; Mac D. Izen, general manager, Cur+ tis - Allbrite Lighting Limited, Toronto; Robert H. Brooks, president, McRobert Manufac- turing Company, Toronto; H. A. Ballstadt, pres ident, Northern Gemcraft, Sault Ste, Marie; James .W Marshall, di- rector and general manager, Ontario Steel Products- Com- pany Limited, Toronto, which was a large plant at Oshawa and is interested in exporting automotive parts; Jack Baylin, vice-president, Ottawa Iron Works, Limited; and William F. Wilson, vice-president, Robert- son, Stark and Holland, Limit- ed, Toronto, exporters of sawn lumber. WIN TROPHIES In a recent competition at Kitchener, two students of the Harvey Dance Academy, Oshawa, won trophies. At right is Cheryl McCune, 12- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L, McCune, 845 Grierson St., Oshawa, who won first place in her Novice Solo. She now enters the in- AT KITCHENER termediate class. At left is Di- anne Shaw, 518 Finucane St., 14-year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Shaw, who placed first in Military Strutt; first in Most. Beautiful Major- ette, 14 years; Miss Conestaga Military Strutter, and Nation. al Queen of Baton. --Oshawa Times Photo

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