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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1964, p. 31

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CAPSULE NEWS Highways Dept. Transfers Staff SUDBURY (CP)--Jack Wice, a district engineer with the On- tario department of highways, has been transferred to Chat- ham after fiv bury area, effective July 15. Robert E. Dawson from Fort William will replace Mr. Wice. NEW TRUMPETER SWANS MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Fed- eral game officials reported Wednesday that rate trumpeter swans 'have produced 11 young this year in a refuge near Mar- tin, §.D. Latest figures list only 2;100 trumpetres in Canada and the United States. The flsck in and near Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge in South Dakota fumbers 38. FIREWORKS KILL 12 BOMBAY (AP)--Twelve per- gons were reported killed Wed- nesday by an explosion in a fireworks factory, in the ancient town of Aurangabad, 250 north- east of Bombay. Reports said the explosion destroyed 10 houses and damaged many oth- ers. ESCAPE FOILED BERLIN (AP)--East German guards foiled an attempted es- cape across the Berlin Wall by three men during the night, West Berlin police reported Wednesday. The police said they heard cries for help from the eastern side about a mile from Checkpoint Charlie, the Berlin Wall crossing point in the American sector. FORCED LANDING VIENTIANE (AP)--The Lao- tian Air Force announced Wed- nesday that one of its T-28 fighter-bombers made a forced) landing due to mechanical trou-; ble at Phou Khao Khouay, 50 miles northwest of Vientiane. A communique said the propeller- plane, one of a small force of T2s8 suppiled by the United States, was damaged but the pilot - was safe. e P apr in the Sud- OFFICER DISAPPEARS FT, LEWIS, Wash. (AP)--A ranking army officer with ac- lcess to top secret information disappeared July 1 and was last seen on the West Coast, officials said Tuesday. A Ft. Lewis spokesman said Lt.-Col. Oscar T. Buchholtz, assigned to head- quarters of the Continental Army Command, Ft. Monroe, Va., was known to have been in Los Angeles Monday night. BAR PHOTOGRAPHERS LONDON (AP)--Prince Philip came home from the Malawi independence celebration Wed- nesday and paused at the air- port for the usual photographs. Nine photographers were on hand, but not one raised a camera. The ministry of avia- tion had put them behind a security barrier 50 yards from the prince. GOYA SETS RECORD LONDON (AP)--A world rec: ord for a single print sold at auction was claimed Wednes- day by Stoheby's. It auctioned a Goya print for £20,500 ($61,- 500). It was one of s:x known impressions of The Giant and went to an anonymous collector. PEASANTS SEIZE LAND JAKARTA (AP)--Communist- instigated seizures of land by peasants were reported Wed- nesday to have caused blood- shed in central and east Java. seizing lands in what the Com- munists call "arbitrary action" to protest the slow pace of the government's land reform pro- gram. CONJURES PICTURE BOSTON, England (CP) Forty householders in this Lan- cashire town have asked the council not to call their road The Klondyke "because it con- jures up a picture of shacks and mud." ' Greeks, Turks Get Canadian Planes By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP)--The United States has delivered to Greece and Turkey Canadian - made F-104. jet fighter-bombers dur- ing the Cyprus crisis, informed sources here say. .Cantiada, though sharing in the costs of this program, has re- fused to make F-104 deliveries to the two NATO antagonists involved in the Cyprus issue. Moreover, the RCAF said Tuesday its logistics liaison. of- fice in Athens was closed June 2 after 10 years of assisting the Greek air force in main tenance of Canadian-made Sa- bre jet fighters. Th's means that the RCAF won't partici- pate in maintenance of Royal Hellenic Air Force F-104s pro- duced in Canada. The Canadian government has informed Greece and Turkey that if it does deliver F-104s to them, they can be used only "to strengthen the capacity of NATO to deter or resist aggres- In 1961, Canada and the U.S. Peasants have been reported! , 'NO HOPE AGAINST LBJ' Goldwater's SAN FRANCISCO (CP-AP)-- Governor. William Scran- ton's backers today jumped on an admission by Senator Barry Goldwater that no Republican "as of now" can beat President Johnson in the November gen- era] election as a sign of de- featism and tried to pin the ean't-win label on: the Arizona conservative in his bid for the Republican presidential nomin- ation day at the Republican convention day here a week hole Scranton himself accused Goldwater and his campaign managers of "'steamrolier tac- tics" including smears and ex- treme pressures to keep the Pennsylvania governor from the nomination. As the campaign begen to heat up with nomination day at the Republican convention here a week away, Scranton himself accused Goldwater and his cam- paign managers of "steam- roller tactics" including smears and extreme pressures to keep the Pennsylvania governor from the nomination. Goldwater's declaration in an interview published in Der Spie- gel, a German news magazine, about President Johnson's po- litical invincibility was de- scribed by Senator Hugh Scott (Rep, Pa.) as an admission that the Arizona senator is re- signed to losing in November if he becomes the party's presi- dential nominee, Scott, campaign director for the Pennsylvania governor, told press conference Tuesday: "Governor Scranton believes that he can beat President John- son. He's won before against odds and he'll win again." Goldwater said in the inter- view that, as of today, no other Republican had a chance of de- made it clear in this respect that he was speaking not only on the South but the country at large. APPEARS ON TV Scranton, scheduled to arrive here for a mid-afternoon air- port rally and press conference, said before he left Chicago that Goldwater's people are using "every conceivable kind of pressure and threat" to keep the nomination away from him. Scranton contended -that "every survey taken" shows he is preferred by Republicans as the nominee over the Arizona lagreed to produce 140 F-104s at Canadair Limited, Montreal, for their NATO mutual aid pro- grams for NATO partners. in Europe. The U.S. put up $150,- 000,000 for this program, Can- ada $50,000,000. The program became. some- what of an embarrassment to Canada when the Cyprus crisis arose and 1,100 Canadian troops were sent to the island as part of a United Nations force, As a result, it was agreed that all the early deliveries of F-104s should belong solely to the U.S. mutual aid program and the later deliveries to a joint Canada - U.S. program. Production is scheduled to con- tinue until October, 1965. Informants said Tuesday no decision has been taken by Can- ada and the U.S. on which NATO countries will receive the F-104s under the joint program. The implication was that neither Greece nor Turkey will get them until the Cyprus situ- sion," ation has been settled. DO YOU HAVE A STORE OFFICE GARAGE WAREHOUSE TO RENT...? You Will ACT Get Fast ION with TIMES CLASSIF IED ADS Business People "On the Move" read The Oshawa Times regularly and some of them are frequently searching for places to establish a new business or re-locate o rapidly expanding business That Shop, Store, Office, Warehouse, Storage Space or gorage you have, now sitting idle, con be offered to Paying Prospects with o Fast-Action, Inexpensive Times Classified. An almost new Classification, 22. Stores, Offices, Storage, will enable prospective tenants and property owners to get in touch easily and quickly. OFFER YOUR VACANCIES NOW |! Telephone Times Classitied Ads. 723-3492 21 Fuels Scranton's Fire feating Johnson in the South, He) 25 920 GET YOUR FREE "CIRCLE 5" A new game will appear in ovr ad each Wednesday and at your RED & WHITE STORE Statement senator, He said the Goldwater forces are circulating a pam- phiet "that questions my patri- otism."" The general belief among the publicly uncommitted leaders putting the finishing touches on the convention program was that there is likely to be only one ballot, with Goldwater as the winner. The Associated Press poll showed that Goldwater gained a peng er and Scranton picked up e, With 655 votes needed for the nomination, this left the reading: Goldwater 711, Scranton 151, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller 102, Henry Cabot Lodge 45, Senator Margaret Chase Smith 15, Richard M. Nixon three, favorite sons 105 and uncommitted 176--a total of 1,308. Marcotte Gets Another Stay For Hearing OTTAWA (CP) -- Georges Marcotte, three times sched- uled for execution as the Santa Claus bank bandit who machine- gunned two Montreal policemen Dec. 11, 1962, has been given another reprieve to allow a court review of his conviction. Marcotte's lawyer, who claims his client was framed, was due in Ottawa today to give the justice department a brief on the case, The 33-year-old carpenter was J to be hanged early Friday in Montreal. Instead, the execu- tion has been postponed to Sept. Justice Minister Favreau an- nounced the new reprieve Tues- day night, along with a decision to refer Marcotte's case to the Quebec Court of Appeal. The justic minister is empowered under the Criminal Code to or- der an appeal court hearing in any case where he feels there might be some doubt. Mar- cotte's own avenues of appeal to the courts have been ex- hausted, Yves Mayrand, Marcotte's 28- year-old lawyer, said in Mont- real Tuesday night he will pre- By RONALD LEBEL OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com- mons passed two important ieces of government legislation esday after bogging for weeks in wrangles about the maple leaf flag and the vanish- ing summer recess. Weary MPs stopped fighting long enough to put a quick stamp of approval on a $10-a- month. "student bonus" and en- dorse the first step in the inte- ration of the three armed forces into a single service. To- day, the House turns to the fi- nal stages of a bill to extend Canada's territorial and fishing limits. Most of Tuesday's debate was devoted to a bill providing $10 monthly payments to parents of 16. and 17-year-olds who stay in school or are disabled. Government sources said the payments, designed to discour- age teen-agers from dropping out of school too soon, will go to the parents of about 500,000 youths and cost $61,500,000 an- nually, Finance Minister Gordon an- nounced that parents who re- ceive the student aliswance will continue to deduct $550 for each 16- or 17-year-old dependent for income tax purposes. QUEBEC STAYS OUT The bill was complicated by Quebec's desire to stay out of the federal student allowance program since a similar provin- cial plan has existed for sev- eral years. The Quebec govern- ment also holds that welfare and education are provincial fields. To get around this, the fed- eral government proposes under separate measure to give Quebec an extra three-per-cent share of personal income taxes collected in that province, some $17,000,000 annually. Health Minister Judy La- Marsh said the allowances will be paid on behalf of about 5,000 disabled youths aged 16 and 17 who cannot attend school. They would not be made to service- men stationed outside Canada. She said application forms for the allowances will be mailed out to eligible parents as soon as the legislation becomes law. Retroactive application would be permitted until August, 1065. Opposition Leader Diefen- baker said the special arrange- ment for Quebec was devious pare an entirely new brief for the appeal court. PR and that he will have more crit- icism of new fiscal agreements CASH IZE: ee J Spat-Tired MPs OK Student Aid with Quebec when that legisla- tion is debated, likely later this week, : GIVE THIRD READING At the opening of the sitting, the House gave third reading without debate to a bill which replaces the chiefs of staff com- mittee with a single chief of the defence staff. The Conservatives, who have objected that the measure places too much power in the hands of one man, shouted 'On division" to register their oppo- sition. Both the student allowances return from a two-week recess THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 8, 1964 31 July 20. Just before adjournment Tuesday night, Mr. Gordon opened debate on the measure enacting the fiscal arrange- ments with the provinces worked out at two federal-pro- vincial conferences last winter. The debate is scheduled to re- HUNTLEY-BRINKLEY FROM CARIBOO Television's most famous two-| Paul St. Pietre of Vancouver man news team, Chet Huntleylwriter of the popular CBC-TV and David Brinkley, came to-|series 'Cariboo Country," hag ag for the first time in|prepared more west-coast cows the 1956 United States politicaliboy material for serial tele conventions, , casting next season. sume after the fishing-limit bill has been passed. CONSECRATED GROUNDS WEST RIDING, England (€P)--The cellar of Sherburn- in-Elmet Methodist church is converted into a coffee bar by members of the chapel's youth club. The cellar was or- iginally used for coal. TV SALES The Television Bureau of Ca- nada reports TV advertising ex- and defence bills now go to the Senate, where speedy approval is expected when the senatorsisame month last year. penditures for March, 1964, in- creased 24 per cent over the ROOM... APARTMENT . . COTTAGE... MOUSE. ..; You Will ACT CLASSIFI Game No. 3--Check Your Card Against These Winning Numbers GAME NO. THREE NUMBERS TO PLAY d - Value Ch 2|8 |10 12 | 14 |20 pants 22) 24 | 26 VALUE 32 34 38 | 40 52 | 54 we | 62 | 64 ™ | 72| 74 82/84 | 86 92 94 |100 (GAVE, 0 HOT MAN, THESE HUMEERS WITH WieNG © Cerrar, 1m srsorure coRroRATiON "am YORK 1, RY, CIRCLE 5 FEATURE -- SAVE 9! RED & WHITE Evaporated MILK CIRCLE 5 FEATURE! -- SAVE 13c! STRAWBERY E.D. SMITH'S PURE JAMS ROvAt Hi FEATURE! -- SAVE 9c! -- 1 PLY Baihroom TISSUES CIRCLE 5 FEATURE! -- SAVE 10c! FACIAL TISSUES3 ' CIRCLE & FEATURE! -- SAVE 4! ROYALE 2 PLY PACELLE Household Towels CIRCLE S FEATURE! -- SAVE 12! REGULAR KOTEX LOIN 0' PORK SAUSAGES." 5 TREND -- Tasty ~-- 1-LB. TRAY Tempting -- sored Just Right ~ " 1-LB, TALL TINS 7 ms 1.00 ---- RASPBERRY OR 2 ics 69° 4 nous 59 "nich oF gage mvc 49? 200's KGS, OF 39° 12's JUICY FR -- NEW! -- 3to 314 Lb. Avg. 53° 45° ke'd RIB PORTION - FOR ROASTING 49: WHOLE or HALF TENDERLOIN PORTION «. 55: Light Smoked -- Well Streaked TREND RINDLESS : fb. BACON Fresh Sliced --Extre Lean COOKED 6-02. FRUITS & VEGETABLES ESH CALIFORNIA on 6-QT. BSKT. ONTARIO BLACK SWEET NO. 1 CALIFORNIA NO, 1 WHITE ONIONS 2 ,,. 29° CALIFORNIA SANTA ROSA NO. 1 FRESH ONTARIO REEN BEANS 2... flet pkg. HAM 53° SAVE 2e! DO YOU HAVE A TORE See with TIMES ED ADS Folks whe read The Oshawa Times are looking for places to live. Since September 1962, property offered to Oshawe Times Readers has been renting faster than ever before. There are few known vacancies and many of the people seeking @ place to live are newcomers to this area. , . If you have a Room, Apartment, Cottage or House For Rent tell it to. the would-be reliable tenants who want to live in Osh- awa and District through Times For Rent Ad. Telephone 723-3492 NOW ! Get Fast ION. JULY... the month of SPECIAL VALUES at WALKER'S a UP TO $10Q0° REDaWHitTeE Sta-Flo Liquid Starch *387 27¢ 8-0Z, CHEDDAR SAVE 2¢ MILD SPECIAL! iN SAVE 4c! -- SUNKIST ADE SUPREME 69° flat pock INSTANTINE Supreme Brand Fig Bars, HOUR + 3 VARIETIES Golden Hour CANDIES ' BAKED FRESH! -- WESTON OR SUNBEAM ANGEL FOOD CAKE FROZEN FOODS FRENCH FRIES DISCOUNT PRICES! CHILDREN'S ASPIRINS Z.B.T. BABY POWDER CHERRY HILL CHEESE WEDGES SAVE 2¢ MED, 39° "xh 47° tt. 39e ELLO JUMBO CELLO UMBO 39¢ CELLO REG, 48e! KELLOGG'S CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! HOUSE AND GARDEN 89° CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! PRE-SWEETENED KOOL-AID CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! CIRCLE 5 EST BUY! FRENCH OR CATALINA CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! 35° 35° CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! PINK SEAL FANCY SPROULE'S CORNER SIMCOE AT MI B LL | BROOKLIN, ONTAR ROWN'S MARKETERIA |MAPLE GROVE MARKET MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO 10 Ross Walls---Brooklin Ruth Mitchell--Brooklin Mrs. Boulo--Brooklin Mes, R. Th Mrs, Dr, Grant--Brooklin A. Hoviand--Brooklin CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY PARCHMENT PACK CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! CORN FLAKES JOHNSON'S RAID GAY DETERGENT Liquid Dressings CLARK'S BEANS WITH PORK IN CHILI SAUCE PINK SALMON GEM Margarine EACH 4ls 6-02, 49¢ : 2-LB, cag 49° REG 39 996 Economy size 196 SAVE 7e! 2 12-02. 55° SAVE 60c! 12-0Z. | 09 oe 5 nu 49° SAVE 18ef SIZE SAVE 13e! -- KRAF 2 BTLS. SAVE 15e! TINS: SAVE Se! TALL 59° SAVE 21c! ToLB, 85* TINS BOTTLE MARKED' s3et OC PKGS. BOMB SAVE 14c! 20-02. Bhe 6-0Z. 49° 20-02. l 00 e TINS PKGS, 4 LIST L OF WINNERS Pat Jock Mrs. Shefers--Myrtle Mrs. Don Mason--Brooklin Mrs. St. W. S. Hogg--Uxbridge G. Aird--360 Wolfe _ Bodak----469 Albert Mrs. C. Davies--630 Park Mrs, E. Parker--471 Simeoe Reg. 7.98 to 14.98 Only *6 to $12 Imagine being able to pick up a name-brand swimsuit during the height of the season, at these spectacular savings! There's a style for practically every beach or poolside whim . . . carefree youth, sophisticated siren, or demurely feminine. All designed for figure flattery. See all the fabulous fabrics -- lastex, pol- ished cotton, knitted, woven lastex plaid, printed cotton and texturised nylon . « « sea-sparkling colors in solids and prints. Assorted Sizes, 30 to 38. + WALKER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Thursday & Friday N Open 9:30 A.M. Mond lights until 9 P.M, Saree

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