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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1964, p. 4

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| Brooklin cannot be too far off The standings and games for .. | the pace, however. this week are listed below: | SENIOR A PW iT Ff Aa _Pen, Min, Brooklin 14 «10 47 311 St, Kitts. 13. «8 135 318 Peterboro 1s: 7 137 248 Brampton 13. 6 128 380 feries of Brampton is in third Port Credit 15 6 160 150 501 Brooklin and St, Catharines|spot in the goaltenders' race, | Huntsville 13 310 0 123 168 341 lare currently waging a real! Cy Coombes, the flashy: play- SCORING niney battle for first place in the On-\8 coach of the Peterborough Cy Coombes, Peterboro G A Pts. "agape Speedy Er leads th tario Sa, Lacrosse division. cal Saini eotiors will oF hoe Paul' Henderson, Port Credit Me - e Brooklin hold a four-point lead|made up of 24 goals and 28 Don Arthurs, Brampton 23 23° 46 the "A's" have hon same tal Pert 6 mtg Henderson of the| Pete Berge, St. Kitts, 18 4% 42 or redit jhand having played only 13/ with 48 rel ge Pl Ra Ee Fe Se ee soba ts |games as against 14 by rBook-| jeague- -leading 29 goals and 19 FUTURE GAMES aso assists, Pete Berga of St. Kitts) Wednesday, July 8 Huntsville at St. Kitts. Goaiiz Bob McCready of St.jis the only player from either Thursday, July 9 Brampton at Port Credit | Kitts leads the goals-against de- of the top two teams in the scor- Friday, July, 10 Huntsville at Peterboro partment, having allowed 119 ing race "hig five," according Brooklin at Brampton / {goals in his 13 game. 'or ~ to the latest release from the| Saturday, St. Kitts at Huntsville Pat Baker of Brooklin has won OLA offices, Glen Lotton of Peterboro at Brooklin a! Brooklin, St. Catharines Battling For Boxla Lead By CLIFF GORDON | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 8, 1964 | WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Uffice 111 Dundas St. West 1D 146 132 salbeaget John Gault Tel. 668-3703 FIVE OF SIX CONVICTED Drunks And Drinkers Have 'Day In Court' It was the day of the drunk cag ger Pol ta Ebbs fined) ee ae against one of the' | the Lumley Trophy tor the last pea. Glen istrate's Court here Tues- : j F ' p two seasons as the outstandin oa ate's Court The most financially-affected It was. alleged, the officer ce pals ts Be, Lacsiies 3 right! *. : was Joseph Albert Finnan of cdntinued, that Finnan had at- ; Sohind blin, saving ahewen tat Six of the grape fanciers ap-| RR 3, Brantford. tempted to drive off in the car. goals over a 14-game span. Jef- peared, and five were convict-| He was fined $50 and costs kane SUaetncbs ed on various offences. under|or one month for public drunk- TO HAVE, TO DRINK the Liquor Control Act. eness -- a July 4 offence -- and PERCHANCE The most active of the sextet|$10 and costs or 10 days for, The having charge emanated was John Faichney, 53 of Wil-|having a case of beer on Whit- {from an incident at the beach lowdale, who was found stag-|by Beach July 5. involving three other: men, the: gering down the centre line of] It was learned that the sec- court learned. Dundas street west Monday|ond. offence occurred while the Sterling Sutherlands, 24, of 227 Pen. Min. 10 48 30 31 12 July 11 TOWN OF WHITBY TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANTIARY SEWER ON DUNLOP STREET Sealed tenders addressed to the Mayor and Members of Councilkof the Town of Whitby, ¢/e Mr. J, R. Frost, Town Clerk ¢ Treasurer, Municipal Offices, Whitby, Ontorio and endorsed "Tender for the Construction of a Sanitary Sewer on Dunlop Street" will be received until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, July 13th, 1964. The work consists of approximately 935 lin. f. of 10-inch diameter sanitary sewer. Plans and specifications with blank Form of Tender may be obtained at the Municipal Offices, Whitby, Ontario or from the office of Gore & Storrie Limited, Consulting Engineers, 980 Yonge Street, Toronto 5, Ontario, on payment of a deposit of $15 00. The deposit cheque should be made payable to the order of the Treasurer of the Town of Whitby, and will be refunded upon return of the said plons and specifications in good condition within two weeks of the date of closing of tenders Each tender must be accompanied by a marked chequé in on amount equal to 5 per cent of the tender surr The lowest or any tender not neces AWARDED PAPAL CROSS COLOGNE (Reuters) -- Pope \Paul Wednesday awarded the Papal Cross to Anna Langohr, 67, a west German teacher who suffered burns while defending jher pupils from a flamethrower laitack June 1 Bight children and two-teachers were killed by the attacker who committed suicide LANDSLIDES HIT CITY TOKYO (AP)--Two days of heavy rains: have caused floods, landslides and new damage to Niigata, the cily ravaged last month by Japan's most violent earthquake in 40 years, Police said Wednesday three persons jure dead and two others miss- ing. Railway transportation has been disrupted and about 5,000 homes floods sentences} sarily accepted pi THESE PUPS WILL DIE out a home meet their mak er, These three friendly pups and a number of other dogs are currently over their time limit at. the pound Mr. Chace, however, is a_ kind hearted man and the dogs yet. Gore & Storrie Limited Consulting Engineers, Warren Mowat, Meyor. ' i J, R. Frost, Town Clerk & Treasurer A wriggling armful of joy--- might not be so joyful if someone doesn't give them.a en- home small black and Sane Sees EEE --eEE eo eee CO eee white won't die --Oshawa Times Vhoto Family Monuments SAVE 13¢ STEINBERG'S FINEST QUALITY STEAK PIES Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. Sleep was removed from the Bruce home of "Mr. Rice" at 111 essary to ensure that this build. ing remains in the public do- main. Compliance with such a Affleck engineered the dismiss- al of a public drunk charge against Clarence Sleep of 410 Brock street north at the own- er's request, the Crown struck. "An apartment is not. pub- MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST NEW SEASON'S e Tender, & 2 to 3 LB. - SMOKED SHANK tess oo: 8 PORK SHOULDER Px Air-Borne RED COHOE SALMON FLOWN IN FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN BY AIR CANADA In the ocean one day, at your Steinberg Store the next day! 668-3552 Henry street, lic," he said, "I am asking that After the court was told that| this. charge be dismissed. dt Sale! COLLINS SHOES Sale! |i 4 TO 6 1B, AVG. me } 7 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 8,9,10,11 MID SUMMER Lhialolaiieeescieo MEN'S SUMMER SHOES Reg. 14,95 NOW ONLY 9.97 & 10.97 McFarlane & Gole's LUGGAGE Men's & Ladies' 10% OFF Regular Stock 39% OFF Broken & Discon- tinued Lines KEDETTES Reg. to 4.49 SALE PRICE HARTT wy eG CANADAS Finest dress shoes have also been reduced at Colllins Values to 24.95 SALE PRICE 19.97 | Moccasin &-Plain Toes Black and Brown SPECIAL TABLE MEN'S SHOES BRAND NAMES Slater -- Me & L Gale Tebbut SALE PRICE 9.97 Only twice a year we AIRSTEP GRACIA Summer stock of better quali- ty. Ledies' dres pumps and dress ties mesh vamps. A ONE PINT CONTAINER OF ICE CASTLE ICE CREAM WITH THE PURCHASE OF A STEINBERG FRESH A12 OZ PKG. OF APPLE PIE RALSTON WHEAT CHEX 2-27: : DIET RITE ORICE CASTLE, ASSORTED FLAVOURS DRINKS--~1 yi 8 : Mma ee ORE : VANILLA A LUNCHEON meron axe MEAT 1202, TIN LEMON 2 AS: GEMS Ph eft2 OD WE cll THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES! NO DEALERS PLEASE! STEINBERGS BRISKET See FRE FANCY CORN i wa F bce E ONTARIO. GROW POTATOES : 1G: 69: mB WATERMELONS 69'5 B BANANAS 2 NEW JERSEY cuitivateo as a + ii H ORANGES 69: RAISIN TEA feo 33 Seta odds & ends TABLE Values to 9.95 No refunds on sale merchandise While they last the BOTH FOR ONLY GOOD SIZE Brand Names McBrine | Travelgard LADIES' ITALIAN SANDALS Reg. to 6.98 Sale Price 4.97 Flat & Wedgies HEELS FIANCEES Hi and Iilusion Reg. 13.95.. NOW LBS. FOR BUY ONE GET ONE FREE LARGE Something for the children SIZE Buster Brown Reg, 7.98 NOW 4.97 Dress and Casual Shoes Steinberg's Fresh ~ Seve 10¢ ie QUALITY CONTROLLED, CABANITA B BLUEBERRIES ene &SH HOME -- BAKED GOODNESS BISCUITS Pkg. of 10 night. 98-year-old was on bail from the Dovedale drive, was fined $10 He was turned over to Whitby first. and costs for public consuming, PD by the OPP officers, the. Whitby PD Constable Fred! las was Jerry Kennedy, 27, of court learned, after they had Baker told the court he appre-|309 High street. , pulled him into their cruiser. |hended the _accused _ Saturday Their' alieniative : were 10 days. DISCUSSION wi COUNTY day on Saturday when Con-| stable Eric Ericson of Whitby} PD found him staggering south-' ward on Brock street south. After observation, Constable Ericson asked the accused where he was going, and was For Courthouse ii Stom f : Home, in this case, would Whitby Centennial Projects, Projects Committee had been have required a trip northward Committee went before the! formed : County Council's Properties 1, . ' LAWRENCE OF NOWHERE Commitee ius fight to fight) Me spoke of the "great The early hours of Sunday Three for the preservation of the his- thusiasm" in the area to ac- | morning set the scene for Con pups wait at the Whit- toric County Court Building on/Wire the building as Whitbv's|stable Gary Winter of Whitby Pg ae Centre street. Centennial Project, Also he raa|PD to apprehend a "drunken, PY pound for a kind owner to over the many uses which suc -+h| fighting: mood" Lawrence Thom- come and take them home. and one in which the first few a cultural and recreational cen- rounds of a long battle were! tre, as was envisaged, could address Chace is holding the pups and | fought. Now the Projects Com- be put After he explained to Magis- anyone who is interested: in mittee will have to wait untill "As chairman of this Commit '"#'¢ Ebbs that he could not) a small, tail-wagging pet September or even later untiljtee," he said, "it is my priv- pay his ie hagpe costs fine, he! with a wet nose and a pink it knows whether it has won the jlege te address the County of eect ja spend 10 days in) tongue can claim same for a building for the town. Ontario the following request -- "y a On gine way: io King small pound fee. Looming in The Committee's case was put jthat the County Court building ston, I had a couple beers aay: Ma rage pass ral gH ' : ure is the small metal cham- cil members. Whitby wants the A building offered to the town at of Whitby at a nominal fee. to explain. a 'nominal fee' so it can~be "It is recognized that some Noy 4 PUBLIC MATTER made into a cultural and recrea- legal safeguard would be nec- Crown Attorney tional centre for the area. "Tt could", Centennial Com- mittee member John Pantony told the meeting", house facili- request would speedily be ach- for a children's library, thea- tre group, museum, senior citi- zens, office space for service clubs, Chamber of Commerce 'and Red Cross. "Remember", he went on, "we are a growing community | and there is a great need in our "Think of the impact a Recre- ational Centre could have on all our lives, young and old alike. Think, for instance, how happy) parents and perhaps the Judic- iary might feel if kids were not) left any longer to whiz around) our streets in their cars but had thing other than Hockey and Lacrosse. "Now after much study the people of Whitby have decided that they would like to partici- pate in the preservation of this building by acquiring it as a Centennial. project. Sizes includes 5-11 includes future there is no future AA - D width, let's pass on the inheritance REG. 15.95 which was left to us -- men of vision left us the old County building. This has now outlived the purpose for which it was built " 1 ei But let us be men of vision w part of an inheritance meas- . : ured in decent human values," White, Beige, Tan he concluded Whitby Town Councillor Tom- my Edwards outlined to the meeting _how the Centennial Brass Band Concert Set The combined music of mass- ed cornets, trumpets and big double B's wil! echo out over Centennial Park tomorrow night when Whitby Brass Band holds the first of its summer concerts at the band shell, The concert begins at about dusk. Further and regular con- certs will octur | throughout the summer. : Right now the band is hard at work rehearsing at its Dun- das street headquarters. New members will always be wel- come, Especially needed are Sutherland also had a "'full} C i ommittee Fights going home, the court was told doo eongtenss aerate ed as Chambers, 42, of rio fixed Dog Control Officer George quite simply to the County Coun-/he made available to the Town| be a few too many," he began : ber in which small dogs with. ties for a new library, facilities|ieved."" midst for these facilities. a place to participate in some- "If we don't invest in NOW ONLY and pass on this building as For Thursday 8 p.m. and will continue until solo cornet players. Machine. washable Many styles and colors. MEN'S SPECIAL Scampers 4,97 Summer canvas Reg. 3.97 2.87 Sandals 3.97 Reg. to 6.98 Sismans Cools 6.97 Reg. 9.95 SANDALS Reg. to 3.98 2.87 Brown-White-Red WOMAN FINED TORONTO (CP) Alice Knox, 30, of Toronto, told by Magistrate P. J. Bolsby that bookmaking. operations won't : flourish hidden behind skirts, White & Bone Ton n was fined $1,400 Monday. He reprimanded her for covering up for the profit makers--"'the| bosses the rats.' Mrs | Knox had admitted to police! that she had been taking bets) for six months and was earning 4. > 7 $100 weekly. is * SORRY NO REFUNDS More ComfortWearing FALSE TEETH Flere ia 2 pleasant way to overcome lonee piate discomfort. PASTEETH, an improved powder, sprinkled on upper and lower pistes holds them | firmer so that they ne more com- fortabie cuminy ney, pasty taste of feeling Its al Saline (nen- ac Thies not senor Checks "plate odor' denture breath) Get FAS- TERETE today at any drug counter. | REG. 6.98 have a sale to make WHITE DRESS STRAP FLATS Rea. 4.98 NOW 3.97 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. Sale! COLLINS SHOES Sale 119 BROCK S. WHITBY Ph. 668-3476 room for fall & sum- @ KELVINATOR FREEZERS © FRIGIDAIRE. APPLIANCES @ A WEEKEND FOR 2 AT THE BIGWIN INN @ SUNBEAM APPLIANCES @ CASH JACKPOT o "PINKY" STAMPS @ GROCERY HAMPERS EVERY DAY MON.-FRL 1-1.30PM. ano 1040p. mer. merchandise. Shop now and save WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 3~6 07. TMs OF egg DEW a 3~$1, 00 a COUPON EXPIRES JULY 'AND PURCHASE OF 4 PROS OF PRE-SWEETENED FUNNY FACE DRINK MIX 225¢ COUPON EXPIRES JULY 11, 1964 4~ 9.07. JARS OF ST, WIL LiAaes ASSORTED JAMS mms 4~$1.006 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 11, 1964 Sorry: no refunds or exchange: 'WITH THIS COUPON on PURCHASE OF 2, TINS OF YORK WHOLE KERNEL. FANCY CORN WITH THIS COUPON AND PIACHASE OF 416 07. ICE BOX JAR OF YORK PEANUT BUTTER a. 8 set WHITBY 'wit THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 4=1.LB. PKGS. OF ALLSWEET COLOURED MARGARINE cm cx 4'~$1.00 é ° FOUGE HILL SHOPPING PLAZA _ ISLAND STREET ROAD EIJEX

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