PR Se es wit ¢ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 9, 99ge 17 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel li--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--~Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel §--Rochester A G, ill u LVN > swreir f e | . AG) Drea yi Ne rome vig Punsee nous Peon NOTRE THURSDAY EVE. 6:00 P.M. Sofive O'clock Matinee Early Show S-Huckieberry Hound 5:30 P.M . Piper 'ury 2-The Rifleman 00 PLM. .6--The Jetsons 4--News with A 7130 P.M. 6:00 P.M. Ni--Fractured Flickers 7--Donne Reed . @3--The Lucy Show 4--Rewhide 8:30 P.M. Ni--Route 66 9--To Tell The Truth @3--Eric Sykes 9:08 PLM. - One 7--Jimmy Dean €3--Grind! 4--Perry 9:30 P.M. 9--Jack Parr @-2--Hazei 63--Music Stand , Ner0e PLM. Ni--Steve Allen &2--Kraft Theatre 4~--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Mike Dovgias Show 9:30 AM. 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford 7~Maverick 7--Surfside 6 6--Alfred Hitehcock Hour| 6--Elwood Glover 4--The Nurses 4--News; Weather; 3--Noaked City Sports 10:30 P.M. 3--Popeye's Phe 1218 ee aicte cr cet" | 4-Soeaker ef 'The House : 11:06 PLM. 12:30 PLM, 1-8/4 3-2 News, 9--Playtime Sports With Uncle Bobby 118 Pm. #2~Truth or 9--Metro Final /--Father Knows Ges? ioweiet Movie 11:20 P.M. 4--Search for Tomorrow Show Movie uu 12:48 PM. %--Late Show 4--Guiding Light pore Lucaste 1:00 PM NmLucky Score &--Matinee PRIDAY 7--Afternoon Show 8:00 AM. = Millers '--Captain Kangaroe Mov *:00 A.M. 2~Divorce Court 7--Jack Lalanne Show 1:30 P.M. lBachelor Father %Carayan -- Part 2 aAs World Turns 2:00 P.M. 4-You and Your Family/1;--Mid-Day Matinee 10:00 A.M. %--Channn! 9 Theatre 6-43--Password &2--Make Room For 2-Loretta Young Daddy 7--Girl Talk sactae bean' 63--National Schools scticnce ie) ech, 10:30 A.M. 4--House Party #-2--Word for Wore 3:00 P.M. 7--Price 1s Right 9--Theatre 63--Chez Helene &2--Another World 4--1 Love Lucy 7--General tel 63--Take Thi tte A.M. 4-To Teli The Trum 1i--Musicalle y--Cartoon Party 3:39 P.M. & 2--Concentration 9--Theatre 7--Message $-2--You Don't Say é--Loretta Young Show 7 For A Day 4--The McCoys 63--Friendly Giant 1190 AM. +Sdge of Night _ 400 PM, 9--Caraven " Part V iiBar 11 Movie 9--Marla De Negay 9--Mickey Mouse Club 8-2--Jeopardy &--The Match Game peop) ne 7--Tralimaster 6--Girl Tal le de 4--Pete and Gladys yey 7 nr 12:00 NOON 4--Secret Storm T--Albert J. Steed show | * Contain Bob 9--Caraven igo: &-2--Say When 9--Kidde 4--Leave it To Beaver 2--The Rifleman 3--Popeye 6:00 PLM. 6% Pn FRIDAY EVENING § | 6 Hollywood and the | nog Theatre $:00 P.M, Stars ie N--Family Theatre Pi nis ig A aaa 7:00 Mm -.9--Five O'clock Matinee | 3--Frontler.. 0 @--Superman " 9--Theatre 7-The Early Show 4:15 PM. §3--Razle Dazzle 4--Headline News TooemNews, Weather, 4-Riverboa 20 PM. Sports 2--Magilla Gorilla i-a_News) Westen: | SePeople Aro Funny 6:30 P.M, Sports Train . Piper T--M-Squed CROSSWORD 46. Fencing LA dance sword p 47. Golfers' aids 4A plot for 48 ems flowers 9. Pers, weight 7. External seed coating DOWN 8. Exclama. 1. False show tion 2. Trouble 10. Goddess of 3. Slumber volcanoes 4. Cheat . 11, Great 5. Jewish quantity month 12, Except 6. 18. Hesitation 7. River: sound Am. 15. A flower 9. Jostle part 12. Chief god 17. Before Baby' 18, Cherish 14, Decl quantity W2 28. Island off Greece N7 poi 36. Flightless 53 bird 37. Memoran- u dum 40, Perform uN NN Ww ~N N ® OONEY LITTLE ANNIE Ri Ay OH, Leake mano! TERee THAT Nice, OLD MAN FLYIN' HIS KITE AGAiN-- nE SEEMG TO HAVE LOTGA FUN the bidding shown. West led diamond and South tricks for a score of 980 But at the second table, with a Swiss pair og | the North. cards, the bidding went South West Worth 16 _ 36 Pass 46 East was Terence Reese, parte nerered with Boris Schapiro, They were p! their newly devised Bh 'oe system known as Little Major ttle The one spade bid was sys. temic and showed a ite opening bid with length in either one or both minor suits. The spade bid was not intended ag dey ac ms was merely an are show a specific type of hand. But the effect was that South, in overcalling with two spades, was &@ minimum over- call and not a jump bid--which was what the South at the first table had done. This collateral effect of the one spade bid made it much more difficult for the Swiss GLACE SE FORME SUR LES COURS D'EAM, /~JEAN DE LA VERENDRYE NE POURRA CRAINS QUE ER DE PLUS GRAND ENNEMI..LA FAIA. "MES CANOTS ONT ETE GLACE--J'Al FAIT LES SECRET AGENT X9 North to visualize a slam, Not having the benefit of the jump overcall made at the first table, he went directly to four spades. He did not even have available a cuebid in Reese's minor suit, since Reese had not yet. indi- cated which minor suit he had. West led a club and South made seven, but Switzerland lost 370 points on the deal. NEWS IN BRIEF THE LONE RANGER ZA SHORTY, WE HAD A 2 IN LUCK! THe kbs HORSE ZF 1 10, But SOME I~) ANIMAL GOT Loose, "\. THE CROWD 67, itl BROKE MY GLASSES... MUGGS AND SKEETER ish roads JULIET JONES HAV' MR, DITHERS, (0 LIKE TO ORGANIZE A COMPANY GLEE CLUB linen ORE ory EVE DAY IN : THE OFFICE | bT}) cao eae HOW 'D ~~ @ King Facmaen Spedioaty, Ines 1964. Week sights BROLLY LOSERS LONDON (CP) -- Londoners the ate at 200" day. London e 3 a 5 Transport's lost eerve ice reports one in four of all items brought to them are am: brellas, CANNY CANINE MARLBOROUGH, England (CP)--A collie dog in this Wilt shire town has taught itself @ ripping trick--it opens milk bot- tle tops and drinks the con- EXPORTS CATTLE LONON (CP)--Nearly 214, 000 head of cattle were ex. colina, lect heel campleel >» compare with 58,000 in 1960, SIGN PETITION OF WIGHT, England alg pop 82,000. have a petition protesting the proposed closing of the last rail- way in the Isle of Wight, off the Hi coast, The is- land comes under a new plan to trim redundant railroads, END TO END LONDON (CP) -- If all the motor vehicles on Britain's roads were placed end to end, they would stretch 26,000 miles ence of the earth. There are 250 vehicles for every mile of Brit- if PISTOLS SOLD LONDON (CP)--A world rec: ord price of £3,800 was paid for a pair of l7th-century Dutch wheel-lock pistols at Sotheby'y auction here. : EER DECLINES BUENOS AIRES (AP)--Ar. gentine brewers blame soft drink bottlers for a sharp drop in beer sales. The Chamber of Beer Manufacture: aid beer consumption had di from 19 litres a year pei person in 1954 to seven litres F SALLY'S SALLIES "Don't you think it would be better, Charles, to wear a leas revealing costume?" By 8, JAY BECKER . greater than the circumfer.