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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jul 1964, p. 7

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= srecerneerenatter ae Se ae eae aa : 1 from cottage walls; never leave| When in use they should be Cottage F 1res Cost hem burning and unattended.|placed where there is no, danger | Spark screens on chimneys) of them falling oVer. $200,000 Annually), * stovepipe outlets will pro-| Store outboard motor (uel, Each year in Canada more tect your roof and the nearby|and other inflammable liquids than $200,000 worth of property| woods. jaway from the cottage. | is destroyed by fire, according, Oil, kerosene and similar, Take care with cigarettes.) to the All Canada Insurance|lamps should never be left|particularly in the area around Federation. Fire hazards in-|burning when cottage is empty. the cottage. crease during the summer cot-) tage season. The Federation, ' A which represents more than 220 Je Aline, Women's Eater Dil 124474 suman awn 1 SIMCOE ST, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 7 surance companies, suggests the . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 9, 1964 7 | following precautions for cottage i safety: i Gala Chinese Dinner Celebrates ass «25 om' sie covase TO-NIGHT ONLY . f Ki ' Outfit the cottage with ade.| a ' : Re-Opening of King Street Cate gists tue xinsuinen,' ane 730 SPORTSWEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Mr, and Mrs. Hong Seto were hosts at a Chinese dinner on Tuesday night to celebrate the re-opening of their entirely re- modelled Globe Cafe. assisted in receiving the guests and Alderman Waiter Branch acted as master of ceremonies All the delicacies of a Chinese menu were served; stuffed egg rolls, fried shrimps, sweet and sour spare ribs, chicken almon- dine, chow mein and an end-| Members of the Seto family Seto and the Chinese commu- president, Greater Oshaw a Community Chest. Accepting the gift as the first donation to' the 1964 campaign, Mr. Fairthorne thanked Mr. nity for their continuing sup- port. Mrs. Walter Branch added Have stoves and heaters regu-| larly cleaned and repaired. Be) sure they are mounted on a) metal sheet, concrete or brick-| work, | If you use electricity, have) wiring checked as often as pos- sible; it is subject to more | wear and tear than at home. | Stovepipes passing through) good wishes and praised the! Chinese people in Oshawa and! across Canada for their kind-| ness and' good citizenship. ' uests attending included | ceilings or partitions should be fitted with metal or asbestos collars. REV. NICHOLAS BHENGUI THE BILLY GRAHAM OF AFRICA Keep stoves and heaters away| TOMORROW AND SATURDAY ARE THE BIG DAYS less variety. ending with for-/Mayor Lyman Gifford, Alder-| i |tune cookies. man and Mrs, Walter Branch, | LESS Pi iti bai i} ; His Worship Mayor Lyman|Mr. and Mrs, / ie ' Se Sag ai -- we |Gifford expressed re and Mrs. Ross Murison, ® se ' a gage ~ |tions and. goog wishes to Mr.|Pickering; Mr. and. Mrs. Ray} MR. AND MRS. NEWTON EDGAR - [Seto for his courage in invest-/Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. T. 1 | --Oshawa Times Photo jing in the downtown district. | Wilson, ; Mr. and Mrs. Leon} Meat ' a . .|Osier, Mr. S. F. Everson, Mrs.} SS 4 5 | Greetings were als@ exptess | aiin F. Annis, Dr. and Mrs. Periwere tierr ty Til et ts thas se et ed by Mr. Albert Walker," . | : Over 300 Guests Honor IMPP: Mr. S. F. Everson and|C. Y. Kwan, Dr. and Mrs.| , : iMr. H. J. Lowe who rapresent-|0- ee ay = he Mes . | t Simpson Com-|Cameron 'E. Stewart, Dr. and) Oshawa Pair 50 Years Wed. ta PN ES 1 ae he oe er Pi nd I Osier paid a tribute Stanley Lovell, Mrs. eee ' | Mr. Leon r |Lovell, Mr. and Mrs Amid a profusion of fiora!|Osborne, a son Kelvin, and six, the host, recalling early|yoce 'yy : : | " arrangements, Mr, and Mrs.| grandchildren. el ee Hamilton and Terenure ee beg ti og it ee LONG LASTING Newton Edgar received over' Both Mr. and Mrs Edgarjand included Mrs. Seto in his) Wangan es and Mire. W. TI 4 300 guests, on a recent Satur-|are loyal and dedicated mem-| greeting. Payne, Mr. and Mrs Richard| day afternoon and evening, on|bers of King Street Unite ne \S : ee oa tral Mrs. | | Mr. Seto, in reply, thanked) Fairthorne, Mrs, J. A. Ald-| i ' a the occasion of their golden/Church and its various STOUPS.\ nic friends for joining him on|winckle, Mr. and Mrs. Freder-| HAIR SPRA wedding anniversary. During the tea hour Mrs.ithis happy occasion and as @lick Lengauer, Miss Gabi| To receive, Mrs, Edgar wore|Thomas Sobil and Mrs. Carl|further gesture of goodwill pre-|Nothaft, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. an afternoon dress of turquoise| Bradley prepared and served al ented a cheque for $200 to|Lowe, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs.| silk organza studded with seed)peautifully set buffet supper. | Mr. Richard Fairthorne, vice-|William Clarkson, Toronto; Mr. | New Large Size pearls and complemented by-@ Guests were present from|------ ----~Jand Mrs. N. S. McFadyen, Mr:} corsage of ogee ca ppg a Detroit, Ottawa, Orillia, Toron-| pridegroom ably responded andjand Mrs. Joseph Seto, Bow- ; FOR OUR ed to her by her niece, 4 | to, Scarborough, Port Hope and|while doing so presented his|manville; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. | ' ee , Ross Bee : |Surrounding districts |bride with a diamond ring. Alexander, Dr. and Mrs, Frank/ : GREAT f Mrs, Vernon Osborne Egg 3 On the Friday evening, a din-| Tributes were paid to the/Sebastian, Mr. and Mrs. George| iy ' ONLY as hostess, assisted by Mr.iio- was held in King Street|couple by the Reverend Wesley|Chow, Mr. and Mrs. Tun Seto,| ; Mrs. Edgar received her|liam U'Ren, Mr. Allan Lavis,/mura and others | J 1) LY pee ig eictr weve 'ele ven | United Church for 65 guests. |Herbert and relatives, Mr. Wil-|Mr, Jack Woo, Mr. John Kita-| Mr. Kelvin Edgar, Mrs: Edge" guests in an oyster shade crepe| Mr. Willis Gladwell, Mr. Han-| | - é ARE 3 oa ; sees... dress with a lace top, and wear-|son Richards, Mr. Ivan: Rich- | a is ' Misses Katen and Laurel FARA" ines corsage of vellow roses anus and ar. arthur Sinton." SOCIAL NOTICE ' CLEARANCE and Miss ~ : Mrs, Ross Lee, a niece, pre-|These were interspersed with | j It's KRESGE'S FOR SUMMER VALUES took charge of the door and) onteq both her aunt and uncle cal __selecti by Mrs.! A : s t musical selections y Mrs. ING IN anniversary guest book. with a corsage and boutonniere. Lloyd Ayre and The Sportsmen maeseepide aI The tea table was centered) Sitting at the head table(Quartet, comprised of Mr. Wil. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burnett | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED roses -- Big | chrysanthe:| wedding fifty years ago: Mrs.|Hutcheon, Mr. Eric Booth andjment of their eldest daughter, | mums, flanked by candles 1") Hanson Richards, bridesmaid;| Mr. Vernon Osborne ; ; ' y double silver candelabra, These Mrs. Ross Lee, flower -girl;) Master Paul Osborne pre- wach cage ee candles were beautifully made) yrs, Ross Pearce, soloist; Mrs.\sented Mr. and Mrs. Edgari-i bos. oi of Oshawa. Thel theme by a friend of the fam-|tyan Richards, ring bearer:|Edgar's sisters, nieces and) : ' % : ily, Mrs. Richard Roberts of!Mr. Russell Heard, best man, nephews. Grant Osborne was LH emagag a OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE REDUCTIONS Los Angeles, California. was unable to be present. Mr.|charge of the guest book. greta urday, August 8,/ H : UP TO Pouring tea in the afternoon|Robert Osborne, the couples') Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Osborne peers O* SVP ; were Mrs. Ernest Brown, Missjoldest grandson, acted as mas-| also entertained Mrs. Osborne's Jrene Winters, Mrs. Percy|ter of ceremonies. lparents. at a family dinner/, Langmaid and Mrs. Harvey! Following dinner, a toast to|party at the Guild Inn, honor Skinner, Serving were Mrs.|the couple was made by theirjing them on their fiftieth wed- Tubb, Mrs. ! with an arrangement of yelloW|were the attendants at the liam Corbett, Mr Albert|wish to announce the engage-| ted in a. bridal rah p19 he 4/2 Mrs DOWNTOWN and decorated |Robert Shields, pianist; Mr.jwith a money tree from irs wedding will' taka (plate. atl OSHAWA | : Kemp son, The ding anniversary me Smith, Miss Doris Moncrief, jms a MS Ah eadltnc Wsts diate i" | Miss Hazel Rundle, Mrs. Boyd| tes Ayre, Mrs. Lioyd Ayre, Mrs.| Bi PRICES , Ivan Richards and Mrs. law ar PRICE son Richards. | Presiding in the evening ire SALES Just in time for FINAL The Hot Weather Mrs. Wallace Butler, Mrs COME AND George Shreve, Mrs. Stella Mountenay. and Mrs. Albert) Moring. Serving were Mrs. Ara. old Gardner, Mrs. John Dean, | Mrs. Allan Werry, Mrs. Brian} Lee and Mrs. Neil, Oliver. | Mrs. Ross Lee and. Mrs. Thomas Sobil acted as dining) room hostesses. Mrs. Neil! Oliver and Mrs. Carl Bradley presided in the gift room Over 300 cards, many floral bouquets and gifts showed thei esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Edgar are held in the com munity, Congratulatory messages were received from: The Hon- orable Lester B. Pearson, the Honorable John P. Robarts; the Honorable John --e (And we don't mean Sloe Gin.) baker; the Honorable and Mrs. Michael Starr, Mr. A. V. Walk er, MPP; the Honorable Far- quhar Oliver; His Worship, the Mayor of Oshawa, Mr. Lyman Gifford; the Honorable Joh a Yaremko and Mr. Gordon V Hawker, clerk of Session of King Street United Church Both natives of this area, Mrs, Edgar, the former Eliza- beth Trull, is one of nine daughters of the late John and Phoebe Trull, of Pioneer United| Empire Loyalist stock. Mr. Newton Edgar is one of two) children of the late William and Rose Edgar who were also raised in this district Married June 27, 1913, by the @ SHORTS BEAUTIFUL Js @ SUMS BATHING SUITS 8 @ BERMUDAS © JAMAICAS | | of © POP-TOPS ~ © T-SHIRTS But as long as you like the way they make Half - Size ; @ BLOUSES gin, we're in no hurry to change them. Dresses Look at the one on the left. We brought it @ DECK - PANTS here from England in the 1920's, when we : imported Burnett's complete distillery. F @ SKIRTS The men who mind our old Pot Stills know | : them as a good cook knows her seasoned | 3 @ SWEATERS and pans. They'd never forgive us if Bas Pi re decided bo nize Ge cia @ suits Switching to modern, monster stills ~ would save-us trouble, time and-money. But @ DRESSES our Sterling Gin would no longer be a "slow" gin. And you'd be quick to tell us that it didn't taste the same. DRESSES 77 KING ST. E. -- Opposite Genoshe Hotel Telephone 725-4561 late Reverend S, C. Moore, the couple have two children, a TREE FAREINE ts the veer' daughter Joyce, Mrs. Vernon [| Es ¢ Fe F @ 2_) -WOOLWORTH'S TERRIFIC SPECIAL! PATIO TABLES | == For Indoor or Out- : door use. Ideal for entertaining .. . Gleaming High : Gloss .Enamel. : Rust proof finish -- Heavy Gauge Steel. An out standing value at @ ; only Burnett's Open Thurs. & Fri. Nights till 9 p.m. "Slow" gin and Sloe Gin sound the same. But they couldn't be more different Sloe Gin, flavoured with sloes, is on the sweet side. Our slow" gin--Burnett's Sterling --is very, very dry. Why do we call it a "slow" gin? Because we make it slowly. Instead of being mass- produced in oceans--like most other gins on the market--Sterling is distilled in small, unhurried batches. : What sets the slow pace is our little English copper Pot Stills, which are more than @ SUMMER SUITS WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA Godgeous New Transition Dresses Arriving . Daily. 14.98 Up. : IDEAL AND A MUST FOR TRAVELLING SHOPPING CENTRE ter] 1 ng London Dry Gin DISTILLERS CORPORATION UMITED, MONTREAL

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