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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jul 1964, p. 11

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* biglaiiaeron ee rn rs teste . aerate ge es NE eS oO ee cys, igi Leen aay eal pele Seek THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 13, 1964 11 The trophy final saw Valley- Valleyview Park Wins ("2825 tied 1-1 at halftime, on goais Minor Soccer Trophy _[mssvmne CHIROPRACTOR The Oshawa Minor Soccer|but paid tribute to the fine workjhave '"'whistled the games",for Valleyview and although} Spinol Disc Injuries League wound up their first|that has been done by the team|without pay. Simcoe Hall gave it a gallant! Hay F annual soccer tour t, at! and h along The Kelly Cup competition) tr: the | CY Fever. Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stad-|with the league committee, in was played apart from the|'>', ""'e W@S 90 further) 100 King St. E. 728-5156 ium, yesterday' in a colorful|developing such a fine calibre|regular Minor League schedule|*°!!"8- finale, with Valleyview Parkjof soccer in the first season ofjquring the past three weeks, --------------= mecmucerrs nosing out Simcoe Hall Boys' |operation. lwith St.. John's, Lake Vista, THE . Club 2-1 in the deciding game,| Each member of coach Frank) Uxbridge, Ferphill, Valleyview, I ARE to claim The T. V. Kelly Trophy,|Malawy's. team _ receives alUkrainian Youth Assoc., Brook- The Owiarte Football Associa-|championship crest and the SW side, North Oshawa, Simcoe] TUESDAY, JULY 14, 8:45 P.M. OSHAWA ARENA tion president officiated at the|jners-up were presented with a|}aji, Bathe Park and Woodview] 3 --s é = a Ri official presentation of his tro-;new soccer ball. Concluding the| Park all ceunetne, Loge j ' RAY VILLMER phy, following the final game,|preseniations, Minor League) Bimooe Hail Bove' Club, North r with team captain Bill Holmes|chairman Walter Rohrer voices Gwiawe Valleyview and St.| '§ vs 4 accepting, on behalf of the|his thanks also to the adults * ie re i oe j Valleyview Park squad. |who have given so much of their see hal pierengh aig OP gta j HANS SCHMIDT ' In his remarks, the trophy|spare time to help promote Sag Pos Z Tae LAT IL TIRE Rie el donor not only congratulated|minor soccer and in particular, or te eds Oe sc eltl 4. ~~ THE aac RIP and CHUCK | | the winners and the runners-up,'lauded the various referees who} net in a- feature doubleheader, . 4 BIG BOB STANLEE & LEE HENNING |to decide first, second, third and! ' : Billy Red Lyons vs. Timothy Geohegen fourth places. 3 Tickets for thesee fine Shiite at the 'Keen Competition "Crortnates, St, John's were Ya, . © Cosino Rest. 1.50 1.25 75¢ Pat M Ptr. bridge was invited to fill-in and} were named as_ fourth-place | In Picnic Shoot _ [itso ciave'*ioser fl SALES GAREER OPPORTUNITY S$ awarded the third-place honors. i Rapidly dine Cenedi will select @ represonte- | The trap shooting at the Local,$10.00 for breaking 12 birds, and) tate , F 222 Picnic had more shooters|if he had been paid at the same| In the exhibition game played, @ tive in the Oshawa area. Will give professional: individually ' than ever before, and they shot|rate a couple of weeks ago when|Coach Peter 'Arts' Uxbridge if supervised training to an industrious person over oge 28 with VALLEYVIEW PARK tear:, Oshawa Minor Soccer tea- Kinsmen Stadium, are shown trophy, following their 2-1 vic- |at 2,300 clay birds, The weather\he broke 100 straight, shooting|team nosed out Florence Van| fal sites: ar b experience end who has manege- | winners of the T. V. Kelly gue's special 'tournament, here, with their coach, Frank tory over Simcoe Hall Boys |was beautiful until the rains|skeet at Lewiston, he would/Belleghem's North Oshawa team| ment potential Trophy, as champions of the which concluded yesterday at Malawy, grouped around the Club, in the final game. came a little early. Otherwise|have felt like a millionaire. 2-1, Terry Trevail scoring for} * ic ----|the shooters would have shot in' Shelley Benham also broke 12) he, losers while eed he toe Substontic! starting salary with- incentives for repid 'growth. UKRAINIA INS 0 joff against Hungaria at 7 o'clock| . . |the moonlight. out of 25, but had a run of 4, to!t) aide counters. Group life_and health i Kenstits lackedad. Wie to lan AA ndivon ne game wins sere' JAW Pieri sre can ower, wes cut on second se HON oy Gay lor Valyview andl eran Ye Box F2,Oshewe Time, ing bce od Ld . yin | the local Canadian Tire Store birds, but had a run of only 3,/Peter Bryant for Simcoe Hall. experience. e The struggle between these C ti E t negate bar leg He came third " "In the second half, Mike Buta 1g. ace reVal Ing teams was extremely tough and as Ing ven : Rick Sheridan was high man) degen |booted home the winning tally' from the touchline. it was/ {in Class A, with an excellent; Also competing in Class C a frequently heard and seen, that} The casting and spinning at|Score of 24-out-of-25. Jiggs Har-jwere, Bill Bray, Mike Tibi, EP. many kicks were not checked in Local 222 picnic was well pa-|lock was second with a 23 and/Keith Van Volkenberg, Bill Wil- n S 1V1Si0n occer time to miss boots or legs. tronized, especially by the chil-|a consecutive run of 15 brokenjliams, Gus Bodnor, Bill March- ' Walter Szagala scoreq two dren. There were more casters{birds. Bill Rudyk was third with|all, John Towns, Bill Rowden, F : ; oals for Ukrainia, Francesco|and spinners than in any other|a score of 23 anda run of 12./Duke Miller, Bill Hinds, Alex After the troubled preceding|players scored against himself. | orrego ak, and Eugene Dzia-\year. y Bill broke 25-straight in a |Greenley and John Luffman. | eiccce tar hee Boi Mond or ferites in aire one. Julius Sebok scored for Ernie Ford and committee|practice shoot. | The open class was open to \ A\\ +] Districk Baosar: Aséociation, thalC wis etd Frank Harwoon |Hungaria. took over from Bob Middleton,) Also shooting in Class "A" any shooter who wished to pay| \\ y r Ass ion, the . | Gerry Ploeger was the referee|the regular casting Chairman|were Don Anderson, Bill Shortt,|$1.00 entry fee. i | | ' =e} ~ ; ; \\\ ( oat et ng a gd poi RANGERS BLANK NAPCO (of this game after having been of the Union ®od--and GunJBill Welsh, Jim Potter, Roy; john Cameron . was -winner| } \ ; "| Another second division game|abse..t for a long time. - Club. Pete Dyett of the Sports|/Fleming, Jack Hefferman, Jack with 24-out-of-25, after dropping } t the Kinsm ium. re 9 i ig Thistres Sicke Ca tives aiwas played between Rangers) The second game, between|Haven on Bond street west, do-|O'Donnell, Jack Webster, Bill|the first bird. double-header against Italia, re-|@"d Napco. The scorers for|Rangers and Thistles, was re-\nated some extra prizes to the/Barta and Don Hubbard. ; Paul Branton was second with , e L : ; i ang-|kids, which were eagerly ac-| «py ; i j spectively in the First ana|Rangers were Nick Vander-|fereed by Jim Harrison. Rang ' y_ ac-/\CLASS "B 23 and Rick Sheridan was third| P y Setad Division. Thisties' B.|Stoep (1) and John Vesters (1),/ers won this fast game with a coe the a There were) Joe Twaddell was winner of with 22. | team defeated Italia-B 5-0. while Napco did not score. close 2-1 score. pe hia k the casting thisiqjas. B with 17-out-of-25 Joe) Also shooting in the open class HII Thistles have a fine 2nd Divi-| The goalie for the Rangers) Left-winger Martin Vesters > pet : .4, Says this year he expects to winjwere, Doug Branton, Jim 4 Men's Cating (level wind)|the club championship. Potter, Bill Bray, Gus Horslem, sion team, that presently shares;was the competent Bill Van|scored twice for Rangers and : the leadership of the competi. | Dyk. Napco : has really im-|George McMillan once for -- peng Pesrig aes Paul Grant was second with|Bill Bray, Nelson Starr, Mike Ih FOR FXTRA TRACTION tion with Ukrainia-B. |proved a lot since 'the begin-|Thistles. {ities "Clowes os te t, "an 16 out of 25 and a run of 10,/McLeary, Mike Bandour, Bill /u ' Thursday night. these two top|ning of the season, but are not) Monday night's games will be|"'*€ cad' . lwhile Kemp Smith was third|Marshall, Bill Carter, John teams will meet'in one of the|up to scoring yet. The defense|Napco versus Italia (2nd Divi-/CLASS B WINNERS lwith 16 out of 25, and a run of|Vancott, Bill Cody, Joe Twad- deciding games of the season'is doing well but the forward|sion) at 6.45, and a Ist Divi-| Cec Burtch, 37 ft.; George |6, 'dell, Bill Welsh, Tom Irvine, at 6.45 p.m. lline lacks the stamina to be|sion game, between Hungaria|Patfield, 52 ft. and Ken Foster,! Also shooting in Class B were, |Bill Williams, Jiggs Harlock and Scorers in the game against|very dangerous. and Italia at 8 p.m. Thursday|96. ft. ees /Gus Horslen, Bill Clader, Bing|/Leo Moffatt. Italia were Vic Agnew (2), Ian night: sees the last two games| Also competing in the level-/Crosby, John Hubert, Roy) Asher (1), Bob Plumpton' (1),, _ WIN FOR UKRAINIA --pefore the holiday _period,|wind casting were Stan Man-Wood, Bill Strutt, Bob Strutt "meee A and Fred Zellie (1). | Rangers played versus|tjkrainia vs Thistles (2nd Divi-|illa, Jim Williams, Paul Grant/and Ray Migstok. RENTAL | |Ukrainia in the first division!sjon) at 6.45 and at 8.00 p.m.,|and Ben Locke. 'CLASS "C" | ITALIA BEATS THISTLES and were defeated 4-2, 'Ukrainia vs'Thistles in the 1st; Men's Spinning (Picnic) July} Pete Troski won Class C with GO-KARTS | The first division game started| Francesco Borrego gpened the| Division. 11, 1964,. Class A winners --/q 12-out-of-25. Pete says this is)" ----_ ---- -- ---- -- == om with Bill Simpson as referee. It|score with a penalty( shot, fol-| Ray Locke, 12 ft.; Cec Burtch |the first time he ever received|| Open Daily 1 P.M. to 10 P.M. was a hard Lee Breton thellowed by Ted Korec. | WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS 22 ft. and Gary Monery, 24 tt. in : : run- a CLASS B WINNERS : : : : y the first half, two g were| Remember When? ... George Hughes, 52 ft: George, Also competing in the com- 10 A.M, to 10 P.M. Z bs FOR THE ner-up Thistles. iscored for Rangers by John ; ; A i i b. : : Vancouver dominated the |patfield, 59 ft. and Davidibination were Brian Richard- . Bring The Family ] Italia featured a newly ac-\Cortwyn and John Van Hoof. | caragian Tennis finals at te gly avid son,. Brian Locke, Tommy Fos-|" PICNIC GROUNDS, CANTEEN | PRICE OF quired player in person of Bart) During tne second ha,f, a : | : ----_-- =< = = Zizzo, formerly a student-refer-| player ed Rangers was sent off,| Quebec City 21 years ago | Also 'competing in the spin-|ter, Terry Patfield, Ted Taylor | ee. Bart, on left wing, promises|<o they continued with ten men.| today, Don McDiarmid and |ning were Norm Delyea, Ernie|and Gavin Watts. : CLIP AND BRING THIS | to be # good gain for Italia,|eugene Dziama and Walter| Eleanor Young winning re- |Ford, Mike Glowaski, Paul] The four top boys. won fish- AD WITH YOU FOR A, . since he scored one in this first|szagala were the other scorers| SPective singles champion- |Grant, Stan Manilla, Tom Rich-|ing rods and reels for their] FREE RIDE ANY WEEK- || GEN ERAL TIRE + OSHAWA game and plays his position|ror Ukrainia. ships. McDiarmid defeated ardson and Jim Williams. jefforts, and the losers received! DAY, | GENERAL ) perfectly. | Montreal's Louis Duff in Bays' Combination (level wind|flashlight lanterns, donated Dy |y mee me ome ome mee me mem fl Other scorers for Italia were. TWIN-BILLON SATURDAY | straight sets, 6-1, 7-5, 6-2; jor spinning) -- Jim Grant, 17|/Pete Dyett's Sports. FAMILY KARTWAY |! TIRE 534 RITSON RD. S. 728-6221 Herbert Schmiedl (1), Adriano| Saturday night, two previous-| and Miss Young was ex- |ft.; Dan Foster, 30 ft.; George| Mike Rosnak won the motor | 1 Block North ef Ne. 401 Highwey Didanielli (1), and Angelo Bres-|ly cancelled games, were played| tended by another Vancou- |Patield, 34 ft. and Gary Locke,|boat and trailer donated by the | che had 1 Meso th ied Pella eid san (1) while one of the Thistles/at th. Stadium. Ukrainia kicked) verite, Jean Milne, 7-5, 7-5. '37 ft. Union Rod and Gun Club. Sg: GE as iS ie ie eaiiuianis ae, sh bs ck Bon peat 7 8 ifs TRADEN TRAVEL TIME? IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PO rr cs scceuyanaalsacaweee @ You've never had it so good . , . such an excellent range of autos to choose from + + + packed full of features you'll love ! @ You Get the BEST PRICE for your trade-in + + . the most convenient, budget-wise terms from the G.M.A.C. Payment Plan. CHEVROLET THESE CARS NOW IN OUR SHOWROOM... ial -- soe ao @ CHEVROLETS lively, jet-smooth '64' A J, vi sole peed iis myawee OF YOUR CHOICE... TODAY... TONIGHT CORVAIRS, Sporty, so maneuverable 3 = ; ona 6) OLDSMOBILES, 88's, 98's and F85's. CORVAIR EPICS, Envoys small wonder cars. "SERVING OSHAWA & AREA OVER 40 YEARS" the sensational P new small wonder car in a class of its own. ~ 140 BOND WEST LIMITED 725-6501

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