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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jul 1964, p. 12

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\ Nelson Starr's Team Wins Union Rod-Gun THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 14, 1964 "a Dixie Juveniles Beat Green Gaels Scoring four goals in the final period, Dixie went on to defeat Oshawa's Juvenile Green Gaels 8-3 in an OLA Juvenile League game at Toronto's Dixie Arena last night. Dixie had little trouble with the young Green Gaels, leading 2-1 after the first perigd and this time of year, anyone in,drifting around over "sure that area who is out of work ag ge a fd re near , neck - of - the - a classifies himself as a first rate} acation and fishing trip, wateh guide, with a knowledge of the your P's and Q's about-guides. A TIGHT LINE so-called hot spots, Well, these) NEXT WEEK -- More on Fishing Enthusiast Likes Flin Flon Area 288s" ""* Skeet Tourney Trophy , . The Union Rod and Gun Club "skeet league" winners have been announced, after 12 weeks of keen competition. ' ~The winning team on the day \ was team No, 5 under Captain Nelson Starr. They broke 95- out-of-100, good for five: points, plus the forty and a half they * had, for a total of 45 and a half © points, and 1098 broken birds. 'Both Nelson Starr and Jiggs . Harlock broke 25-out-of-25. We 4-1 at the end of the second. goals each forthe winners. lough added singles. marksmen for Oshawa. lowe, Lloyd, Vann, Greenwood, Gray. Sheedy. Hagerty and Krasnaj. Gary Lewis and Gord McCul-|fishing, still accessable by road,| guide is essential unless fishing this continent has ever snown,/with seasoned local tourists. Tom Vann, Fred Greenwoodsti!l a relatively virgin laud and Gary Davie were the/eyen where roads are' pushed|to fall in with a group of through, a route north vf Win-|American fishermen who had OSHAWA -- goal, Bremner; |nipeg, where moose are com-|been up the year before. These Keenan, Howard, Sutton, Mar-| mon sights on the roadside andj/men had hired a guide the pre- Laxtin,/fish are common fare for break-|vious year and were acquaint- Davie,| fast North of the 54th parallel,|Cranberry chain -- Cranberry By KEN ROBERTS were Athapapuskow and as heavy all but the largest Ken Sparrow, George Wilson|that's what the sign read asjone, two and three. and Danny Russell scored two|we headed north in Manitoba. Athapapuskow Lake is quite a North, to some of the finest)large lake and the use of a We were fortunate enough ed with the spots where trout going back from their valiant fight. While we did chance going out without a guide, it is not rec- ommended. And we don't hesi- tate to say the run of luck we had was just that -- luck. For, it is possible to spend days wandering these lakes before connecting. efore closing, a final word on guides. Some _first-itme American tourists confided) thin this was Jiggs' first per- é P ' | The Flin Flon area of north-|were being taken. The pot their plight to us. Apparently, | fect score of ao tense Wanted Scott ae ba par ern Manitoba was our home-jon this lake that proved Sree they were new to the area and Jim Potter broke 23, Jack Par- Wilse gti 4 Pisehaiee ay \*'laway-from-home on @ two-week/ductive for us was about seven| were in search of a guide. In- ker 22 and Leo Mofatt missed 4 _-- MeCulie "pia vote (vacation. Rough'y a three-day/miles west of Cranberry Port-|Stead of going to the Chamber erson, ullough, ' Ratchiffe, |; from this city, thejage and a mile from shore. of Commerce or Outfitter, they! fee Protect and beautify your shingles Sotah, Stewart, Hurdle and Me ciate of the road are welll Methods in this neck-of-the-\2ecided to bypass these spots and all exposed woodwork with... ley. gael i ; oo. lworth the scenery and fishing}woods shocked us out of our rt ee pick one up at a e : lto be had. To go into a li'tlelwits. Instead of deep trolling)"°°- TREES PLANTED more detail, we think we should| rigs, we had-anticipated to use,|_ !%ey are now aware that WINNIPEG (CP)--J. G. Lees,|divide the weeks' events into | of Carling's (who presented é t spinning rigs with lines from 6 his company's trophy to the |city parks superintendent here,/the main species of fish Ww|to 8-Ib. test were being suc- F " winning team, along with |reports that almost 60,000 trees|sought -- Lake Trout, Pickerci,| cessfully used on the big lakers. UAW Picnic "steins" 'for the individual |have been planted on Winnipeg|Northerns. |This was where the location of out. Team No: 2, under Pete Tros- , ki, was second on the day with 93 out of 100, good for four bevy? ry a total of 38 points, mine Seonen, Daves. WINNERS of the Union Rod Pete Troski was high man on , the day with his perfect score ar eres cue p Ag a ees ot Se ge show above, with their laur- The finest protection in such an excellent range of colours... STRAW LIGHT BROWN MEDIUM BROWN from @ MAHOGANY WALNUT Fleming had 22 birds each. Rick| ¢!. Left-to-right, they are:-- Sherjdah misseq out. eam No. 1, under Captain Bilt Rudyk, were third on the day with their 90 broken birds, good for three points, and a -total of 41 and a half and a stotal of 1085 broken birds. ... Bill had a perfect score of 25. Stan Starr had 23, John Law- rence 22, Roy Balson 20 and Jim Harrison missed out. j Team No. 3, under Captain «Paul Branton, picked up two _.points on the day with their 89 broken birds, and a total of #28 points, and a total of 1061 broken birds. (front row)' Jack Parker and "Jiggs" Harlock; (setanding) --Leo Moffatt, Jack Stewart, ,of-25 and Grant Morrison and |Harry Lyons broke 20. |FINAL STANDING The final scores after 12 weeks of. competition and the winners are: Team No. 5, 45% points and 1098. broken birds; Team No. 1 -- 41% points and 1085; Team No. 2 -- 38 points and 1084; Team No. 3 -- 28 points and 1061 and Team No. 4 -- 7 points and 1054. ; j : This fellow was at the top|the feeding holes was so vital. ! . A | members), Nelson Starr, cap- [boulevards and in parks since| of oyr jist. Just south of Flin) The local sporting goods con-| inners | 1892, including more than 1,000\ jon we chose four main lakes|cerns sold the bait that was} lto concentrate our efforts. They/getting the action, a 2% oz. tain of the winners, and Jim Potter. | "Photo by: Al Wood (te: rat w'ncten'aves' Woods Transport jammunition division, plus point }money of $100. |their third place and the receipt of $60. | Team No, 3, under Paul Bran- |ton, was fourth and received? Wood's Transport continued jig in assorted colors. These jigs were simply lowered in 2 to 300 feet of water and bounc- ed along the bottom as you drifted through the deep holes. Results were fantastic! | Team No. 2, under Captain) | The day before we arrived |Pete Troski, was pleased with) Blaz vk Ont. Steel at Cranberry Portage, a 10- year-old' lad from Florida The winners got their final|caught and successfully landed their league-leading pace in the|rum in the sixth when Aitersley | (with the aid of dad), a 36-lb. $40 Oshawa Civic Softball League,/doubled to open and scored on|10-0z. Laker. The storekeeper | Team No. 4, under Captain A ;|when they blanked Ontario Steel'a single by Reid, followed by|was more than happy to show 10-0, in a league fixture last another error in centre. us his Record Book. Beside | The winners of the putting and chipping contest at the an- nual UAW Picnic were as fol- jlows: Robert Shearer, Joe |Smith, Tim Zavitsky, Bob Ir- vine, Bill Short, Alan Glaspell, Elwood Bradley, Allan O'Don- jnell, Len Rose, Don Ibey, Alex |Anderson, Ross Twining, Louis |Grenier, Don Lorusso, Johen |Ford, Don Yuill, Ellen Irvine, \Ceorge Hubbard, John Gow, |Tony Lupel, Ken Beer and |George Jones. Prizes may be picked up at 499 Miller avenue (Jim Arm-} e @ DRIFTWOOD REDWOOD BRUNSWICK GREEN @ GRASS GREEN gal. $4.20 Ask About Our 6-Month Deferred Payment Plan MILLWORK & Building Supplies LIMITED 1279 Simcoe N. 728-6291 The winning team, No, 5,|Wood, received $35. night at Alexandra Park. Cairnes, Brown and Masiewich|the name was -- "white jig, 8 Open Daily: 7 A.M. till 6 P.M. Paul also turned in a perfect|made up of Nelson Starr, Jack score of 25 and Doug Branton|parker, Jiggs Harlock, Leo had 24. Don Henry had 21, Bill) Moffatt and Jim Potter receiv- Strutt 19 and Sid Knowlton miss-| {PRESENTS PRIZES "Big John" Masiewich was in/each had two of the winners' Ib. test monofilament line." Jack Parker, of Canadian Tire|tare form in pitching this win. total of nine hits. ielded a single to Black, W0OOD'S TRANSPORT --|major part of our diet, with! "/strong) any time, except for the| |- 'Tasty lake trout |two weeks of holidays July 18| played ito Aug. 4. FRI. TILL 9 P.M, e* out. Team No. 4under Captain Aljnated by Jack Stewart, Cana- and individual pewter mugs, do-|t 8m captains with 'Wood, ran into windy weather,|dian Eastern representatives for especially if they get lost i which brought their scores|Carlings, in place of down, The 83 broken birds were).'~hnson, local good for only one point, for ajwho was total of 27, with a total of 1054/This team also received $140 dian Tire Store, which was wo broken birds. point money. ed the Carling Breweries Trophy|Store, presented all shooting|He y lighters, |the first batter he faced - - and which they will always cherish,|after that Ontario Steel got only nithree runners as far as first Petejthe bush. Jack Parker also do-|base. Loople walked with one representative, donated "the high average/out in the first inning. In the away on_ holidays. trophy", on behalf of the Cana-|second stanza, Lovelock was on nivia an error and was then |by Bill Rudyk, closely followed |forced by Harding. After that, Sheperdson, ss; Jenkins, 2bjour buddy getting a 15-pounder. | and 3b; Lyzun, 3b; Cairnes, c; | Neither of us had any difficulty) Reid, 1b; Forgette, If; Edwards,|in accumulating lesser fish rf; Brown, cf; Masiewich, p;|from 5 to 10 Ibs. After a few Attersley, 2b in 5th; McHugh, rfjdays on the Athapapuskow, we in 4th. |decided to move to the Cran- ONTARIO STEEL -- Black,|berry chain. We acquired a rf; Cook, If; Loople, ss; Brav-|topographical map of the lakes ner, 1b and p; Denau!t, 2b;|from a local store and proceed- MERCURY TAXI om 725-4771 OSHAWA'S LARGEST AND MOST MODERN TAXI AND U-DRIVE--OVER 30 CARS AND TRUCKS AT YOUR SERVICE! RENT-A-CAR $1.00 A DAY PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE GEO. RUTHERFORD (Oshawa) LTD.--14 ALBERT ST. Meet Your Imperia Esso) Dealers in Oshawa . the Home of Happy Motoring For You and Your Car! ...and Now... A New Member of the Family ! a gas SHAWA €sso SERVICE CENTRE KING ST. WEST at PARK RD. Ph: 728-1601 ESSO & ESSO EXTRA @ LEISURE & PICNIC CLASS "A" MECHANICS FOR ALL YOUR GASOLINES SUPPLIERS ESSO MOTOR OILS @ THERM'X CATALYTIC oe SERVICE AND REPAIRS large service bays. ATLAS TIRES, BATTERIES, HEATERS TUBES, ACCESSORIES @ BARBECUE EQUIPMENT AUTOMOTIVE AND SUPPLIES ACCESSORIES @ COMPLETE MODERN HOME & COTTAGE PRODUCTS SHOWROOM year-olds and under, Purse $700 (8). Also Ran in Order: Widower's Pick, USE YOUR "ESSOMATIC" CREDIT CARD FOR ALL PRODUCTS & SERVICES 2-Tom's Trailer, Hicks 7.4 4.20\and Keystone Killean. ee oe ws te 74 S-Uncle Bun, Findley 2.70 Tota} Pool $288,256. | , 4 Start good won driving. Attendance 5,744, CANADIAN WHISKY ' ') ae = ° ( HE of ( anadas aay Creat Vhiskios PROUDLY EXPORTED TO MORE THAN 50 COUNTRIES DISTILLED, MATURED AND BOTTLEIL George Brown all broke 21-out|Bill Rudyk, the runner-up team, 4+ finaiized until the last day|seven innings. He fanned an|Trousse, cf; Naida, p and Ib;| After trying different 'locales |the fifth, the homesters broke|and Gun Club, was pleased|two out on singles by Lyzun| Midget Boys |double being the pay-off blow. |have another league going next|singled and Sherperdson belted played last night, North Oshawa|run parade. in their eighth in- and Gun Club range, for there isjror on Edwards' grounder. In) Zieh Calne Ae Gree WA) SAME WeeTA -- MoGraw,:|Giye" for the ey ee een, Soule oF the game snd! Vista their first run. They didn't] rf. Christie pitched for lLake|1b; McAvoy, 2b; Bramley, rf; year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8). Noral Atom, Galie's Jet, Belmont Dale, Start good, won driving. olds and up. Purse $800 (8) Start good, won. driving. \-Prima Paddy, Shea 20 5.00' "QUINELLA 1, AND 5, PAID $14.30. + red, Wil Lor Bob, Go Go Countess, and!> Frisco Van R:, L'hart 5.00 3 30 0 30 year-olds, maidens. Purse $500 (8). Also Ran in Order: MacDuff's Lassie, ate of shooting. even dozen batters. Mohnes, If in 5th; Knight, c injin Cranberry Two, we finally |the 1-1 deadlock with a three-| with the way in which all shoot-|and Cairnes then a walk to Reid. | i . : * Top Lake Vista The winners added two runs in|season, which will be bigger|a homer, to make it 3-0. ° ithe sixth, got one more in the/than ever. The winners added two runs "was at home to Lake Vista and/ning, Selleck, Reid, Woods and|both skeet and trap shooting) the fifth, they splurged for four) "Bilinski's drive, opening the|Kram, c; Myers, ss; Bilinski, ship", for the trap trophy, inja homer by Masiewich con- score again until the 8th when) NORTH OSHAWA -- Selleck, Vista. Ewart opened the second| Reid, If in 8th. 2Safety Man, Crowe 6.00 3.80 2.90|and Ida Byrd B Also Ran in Order: Geoffrey Direct,||-Lemac, Feagan 6.20 3.20 2.30 SECOND RACE -- Ln pace for 2. iso Ran in Order: Theigiers, Big Way STwinkle's Adios, Larkin 2.90 30 Ann Barmin. rand Blaze, Filion 40 &Buster G'tan, Holmes 14.60 6.90 3.80/Bishop Song, and Hau! Away. ' . ;,|by Pete Troski, Nels i tario Steel went down in 1-2-3 i Al Wood, Bill Welsh and) Team No. 1, under Captain'ang al wood. ils eveut waslarder for the remainder of the|Lovelock, 3b; Harding, c;jed to set out on our owa. jwith a hit and scored later on "Jiggs" Harlock, our shooting} Wood's threatened in the first Sth. |hit the spot, action was hot North aWa jan error and o'Neill's single. In\chairman for the Union Rod|inning, loading the bases after ~ run rally, Selleck, Ross andjers handled themselves on the|They scored in the next inning} | Woods all scoring, with Ewart's| shooting field and he expects to|when Brown walked, Masiewich| In the only . Ontario Minor|7th when Sharp opened with a} This does not, in anyway, haltjin the fourth, with Brown's 'Softball Association game triple and then put on a four- the shooting at the Union Rod| double following an infield er- ' their visitors 11-2. White, backed up by O'Neill's)every Tuesday evening and Sun-|more, Cairnes' opening double, | ¢ gooey pitched the win 'for double, doing the damage. day morning. The next big event/an error in centre field, Brown's | second, followed by hits by|1b; Wallace, cf; Christie, p; early September. -- stituting the rally. "Christie and Riley, gave Lake|Reiley, 2b; Cairnes, lf; Stewart, Myers doubled and scored on a'cf; Ross, lf; Woods, 3b; Ewart, hit by Bilinski. \e; White, ss; Sharp, p; O'Neill, FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile trot for 3{ Also Ran in Order: Kawartha Helen, 3-Maidover, Curran 5.50 3.60; A-Star Nib, MoNutt 3.00 SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile trot for 3-year- Happy's Mac, Chub Hanover, Yankee/5-Chuckmor, Hilliard 3.70 2.40 Titan, and Slade Hanover. 6-Dictator Pick, Mcintyre 2.70 Ids. Purse $700 (8). y YMecily Mac Hal, Varcoe 2.70 22 12 Pa ps ag ore gern Start good, won easily. ' é SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile trot for Also Ran in Order: Lil' Annie, Whirl| year-olds and up. Purse $1,300 (6). DAILY DOUBLE, 2 AND 3, PAID $10.80|ceicrvdale Bob, Findley THIRD RACE -- 7 Furlong pace for | 'art_ 908d won handily. [Billy G- Express, Galbraith 6.00 210) gIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile pace for 3 year-olds and up. Purse $1,300 (7). 7-Beverly Dillard, Shea 11.60 6.70 3.40, 5Mr. Key Witt, Filion 7.20 3.80 6&Pine Ridge Danny, McNutt 3.40 Start good, won driving. FOURTH RACE -- 7 Furlong pace for Also Ran in Order: Colonel C. Volo, maider year-olds. Purse $500 (8). Armbro: Bingo, Superior Richard, and SMiss Adios R'ell, Crowe 8.40 4.20 4.30/ George Volo. &-Patriotic, McKinley 4.10 3.90|\Late Can., Jonairo. 3-King Grattan S, Waples 12.70 te Start good, won driving. NINTH RACE -- 1 Mile pace for 3 Also Ran in Order: Major's Missey,|yéar-olds and up. Purse $800 (8). Long Distance, Sugar Babe' C, Twelve|4-Roselawn Boy, Lockhart 6.00 4.20 2.20 Steps, and Fleeting Pick. 3-Kentucky Colonel, Curran 5.20 2.80 2-Floyd's Honor, Hawke 5.20 FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile pace for 5-Start good, won driving. Start good, won driving. Also Ran in Order: Armbro Explorer, Go Man Go, Johnny Ringo, The Leo, and Active Pick @ Specializing In @ @ Brake Service, @ Front end alignment. @ Wheel Balancing, @ Muffler Service, @ The latest undercoating service. @ Electronic tune-up service. JOHN MARKOVICH For Convenient Home Delivery --Call-- | | CIRCULATION DEPT. GRAHAM -- Oshawa Fines) Peroune < XS; | ROBINSON WINDER ©) COLLISON @ : at : at at at 1004 SIMCOE ST. S. BLOOR ST. W. at MONTRAVE | SIMCOE ST. $, at BRUCE | KING ST. E. at RITSON RD. ae hel 728-1411 728-3293 : 723-9531 725-8507 -TOWNLINE AUTO PARTS Sat Ai aa ip ih ili a Si KING ST, E, 723-3474

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