Zimny of Poland and Pyotrislower time of 13:34.2. Kidd, 18 a Se ts R ins N eded IB , F it R Bolotnikov of Russia iwho had won a six-mile race a e ar e- feje) unner |. The barefoot Briton will prob. the day before, was third in /13:36:4, just ahead of Tulloh CANADA OUTDOORS fe For Duck Crop Seeks Gol d Medal 'Cana din . ee Bruce Kind, with) wh was' tiehe ta Wie? & key! Reel ron gy al on etd two meetings over the slightly, | JAPANESE SYSTEM e | 5 | has watertow! production this i 'shorter three-mile distance. | " ® anda '@ | eaming p jyear, according to _the July LONDON (AP)--A beer-drink-| Tulloh, an agricultural! re-| Tulloh beat Kidd by four CTO ae ae hd : Duc! al just r by ing: scientist who rans in his|search scientist, drinks beerlyards in London in July, 1962,/°5° SY Stem of hydrophonic the General Manager of Ducks|hare feet is out to win thejdespite the criticism of track| winning his race in 13:16 to the|/farms may be adopted in Brit- Unlimited (Canada), Angus'5.900 - metre gold medal atiand field experts. 'Toronto youngster's 13:17. lish Columbia, Vegetables are i . } Gavin. Tokyo, one of the toughest' At the European games in, y | iti F urray Halberg of New Zea-,grown under glass in gravel- ' To Pr otec oop g Beige. Ha neo Olympic events of all. Belgrade in 'September, 1962,|land beat them both in the Brit-filled trenches living on water § : : | oh Gavth stated. bie _ Bruce Tulloh, reigning Euro-\Tulloh came from behind andjish Empire Games three milesifed automatically through EDMONTON (CP) -- Cana-|pectation that aviculturists can pride in our frag mentar yjsuccess. In 26 years since man) chewan, Gavin stated, poor- jean 5,000-metre champion, is}won the 5,000 metres in 14:00.6,at Perth in November of thejtubes. Yields by this .method dian and United States wildlife}improve upon nature; and any, knowledge of nature, to say that/tried to help by remote controler in the northern parklands of Britain's brightest long-distancé|streaking. ahead of Kazimirlsame year, winning in the muchlare said to be unusually high. icials have given up on N@-\. tive propagation should be? species is in a cul-de-sac or.--such as establishing pre- Saskatchewan and Alberta|/hope for the Olympics, ae, -- pecan Boe a and have decided upon|°8?! propag : 2€' doomed to extinction. We sim:|serves and providing protection|where good rains would be at the Rome Olympics in limited to those birds now in ply do not know what the fu-\through game laws--the wild|helpful. He pointed out that the 199, British fans pinned their direct intervention to stop the) i : : ie whooping crane from skidding | #008. 'ture holds for the whoopers." | population has little more than| Saskatchewan prairies remain faith on Gordon Pirie. He ran 5 ] j into extinction. INCREASE FOOD | Wood Buffalo Park, a vast| doubled. jin the grip of drought. Water|in the 5,000 and 10,000 metres, re ou fi { @arifi Droo - rawers cm, The wildlife depariments in| wr Clement said rather than| Wilderness region of 11,072,000! The new siep taken. by the| conditions were greaily im-jand failed in both: } both countries have agreed to| gamble with the' wild whooper| acres, on ~ es a ae he ig Ayed six ease tse southern Alberta al-' 'Tylioh, 25, thinks his chances, unch an egg-gathering pro-| ;.|Territories border, is the-only|or the product o ree nests|thoug! e rains came too laté at Tokyo are better. | am in Wood Buffalo Park, yo. cheat a: comcntate ap iknown nesting area of the taken from Wood Buffalo Patk|to have much effect on this HO eee octet ein Tokyo} Last year dozens of harrassed husbands took note of our warn- miles north of Edmonton, A whoopers. The birds' winterin 1965. The eggs will be flown|year's production. than it in Rome f irs : : ; ; and raise. the stately birds in ht haggy neg {ts food supply 'home is the 47,261-acre Aransas to a propagation centre in the' -Turning to the duck crop now ngs hs Hi The 'Maseaitl ing about being called a Johnny Droop Drawers and they came tivity. | F {National Wildlife Refuge. near|United States where théy will|being produced, Gavin ted!b >» like 'the British cli- : equa IN UT Pl crating fo capacity of "the ustwell, Tex., and a number be hatched and the young birds) a aoe bat peeeed nick aes aca in and bought a new suit at our HALF YEARLY SALE and have the decline of North America's! Aransas, Tex. of nearby islands, reared with special facilities. early nesters (mallard, pintail "I didn't even qualify for the' : ; , : ' oie tallest bird. Civilization forced! "We know so little about their, TAKE SIX EGGS | ae mespeering. pian il and canvasback) in northern 5900 metres in Rome. This time lived in comporative marital bliss ever since. You, too, can be Bea ante reer reduced (etribution and habits, it would) Each April the whoopers|birds make the northward OO be dal gag es come a Hero In Your Own Home by discarding your out-of-style Bae ee eon to Teej Ao are in with hell-\ieave Aransas for Wood Buf-/and if long-range forecasts iN-lis below average, itions, | WES HAPPIER i by "*/copters in the expectation of|faio Park, a distance of 2,500/dicate a wet spring and sum-|-- 18 40 sais : "T run in my bare feet be suit and buying a sharp new suit at JOHNSTON'S HALF YEAR- mmation, he: had this to\cayse I'm' happier that. way," ~~ . peak of -- thou-| stealing eggs without jeopardiz-! miles, They return in late Oc-|mer. In such years the wildlife "© ; gan years agi ing the whooping crane's climb! tober or early November. 'population has suffered its|.*™ ver-all production should he said LY SALE OF FINE CLOTHES that starts on THURSDAY 16th be on a par with 1963 if present But he trains in heavy army Through the captive rearing pack to safe numbers Efforts to hel : j | Seats » p the birds in-| worst relapses. A program it is hoped to raise UP/ « 11s time we recognized that crease their numbers in the! jconditions continue and there is|poots, sloggi 'S in | i " ; ' : , a s, slogging around the coun- 'sicain walle [ganitions continue and there is boots, siogging around the coun} JULY at JOHNSTON'S in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA. to 7,000 of the spectacular white|,, ; ; : ; " : jit is pure dogmatism, a false\wilds have had questionable : eranes, which boast a wing|------ ripe eee ilar en er mean-| ASOT, elgit or. 1¢ . capliveldispiaced (prairie Mids.' {tharnes: whtre ha. lives. fan + ove fon and stand S ll yaa < 'breeding pairs are obtained) pemont a 7a feet Se - ifrom the eggs the wildlife serv-| OPPOSED BY SOME ma Chickens lices hope to increase the cap- "Tt' ' " |tive populative to about 25 pairs| s not a new idea," said | Ron Mackay, operations super- jand from their production ob-} visor for the western region of, May Hatch Eggs wha 100 birds for release to the| the Canadian Wildlife Service Fred Bard. director of the in "Nor is it one that has the un- ' i @\s ualified support of all wildlife ' , |Museum of Natural History at) j : ts. i aidin n in gov- or |Regina and a leading force in \¥ mated nt wildlif oo , oopers Canada to help: protect the! ; 4 Si Pongt to b istic, t's the species, has long been an ad- b ! only ri we pues deg We've DENVER (AP) -- One of the! flown to the Monte Vista Na- vocate of a captive-rearing 'pro. : \ xy : : smallest members of the tional Wildlife Refuge in south-.8"am , . tried to let the birds increase - ; : ri . ©\ chicken family may get the job 4.) Tei ; "Even zoo birds are better on their own without much suc-; 5¢ hatching eggs for the largest aon they pee Shan do biida at all' We Mall cess. To continue as we now are flying bird -- the whooping placed under Japanese silky "R h b th as doing would only contribute to|crane bantam hens. "ggs should be gathered every the eventual extinction of the Details of the project were Wellin says the silky bantams eed until Fgh apd ta rsgpes Bis : : . whoopers." outlined Tuesday by Ed Wellin, are very faithful and stay close) recins & OC ES. 0 Me win ' a 9 Not so, says Roland C. Cle-| chief of the migratory bird pop-|to the eggs. meee cranes Hee: sheen el : Z ' ' yd ' feasibility of the program. We : 3 ment, staff biologist with the| ylation in the research centre' In addition to helping in the i National fe Society. here of the bureau of sportsihatch, scientists are 'hopeful pred not approach the task He acknowledged the precari-'fisheries and wildlife that. by careful lifting of the/"midiy. a x i ous situation of the whoopers! Start of the project depends ess from the nests in Canada, ss seciediansoemiiae ZS / SPECIALLY SELECTED FRESH Picnic Styled SHOULDER af J GE and the fact that a single na-jon a wet spring next year in/ the whoopers will be induced to f tural disaster could reduce the|the breeding area for the !ay more eggs there. NEW YORK (CP)--Nathaniel Y j birds to a point where recovery! whooping crane, the Wood Buf-| There are 39 known whoopers| Woods, 31, was charged Sunday / ) 7 would be impossible. falo National Park in the North-|left in the world, including the|with homicide in the June 17 el- The conservation group says|west Territories. six in Audubon Park in New/evator slaying of lawyer Leon- 4 nature knows better than man} As soon as the whooping Orleans.. Seven young birds ard P. Simpson. Police said ° i , how to raise whoopers; it would|crane lays any eggs, they will/ were counted last fall at the! Woods admitted killing Simpson be folly to risk a further reduc-/be picked up by helicopter,,winter Aransas refuge in south-'during an armed robbery to get STORE HOURS tion in the population in the ex-|placed in an incubator andiern Texas. money for narcotics. Open Thursday Friday and Saturday Nights till 10 p.m, AMPLE % FREE PARKING PP PPP PPL PPP PPP LLL LLLP LLLP LILI ' Extra Lean -- Choice Meaty Selected Sliced QO BUTT PORK ¢{ {COOKED c CHOPS lb ; HAM pkg, TO % BACON 'BOLOGNA } WIENERS; PIZZA : aeons CHICKENS. ' T-lb BY THE 3-LB. pke 59c¢ PIECE LB. 39 BAG .00 PIES ea. 49¢ Deliciously Cooked at SPROULE'S SS ee TRY YOUR LUCK! gamm FREE! mums YOUR ORDER OF GROCERIES BRAND NAME MERCHANDISE . : G R o ¢ E 34 I E s Just write your name and phone number on Cash Register Tape and deposite it in box. TERYLENE and WOOL . : 5 U | 4 h 4 Regular to 9 95 GRANULATED SUGAR 5. 538° | CHARCOAL 18. 3Qe : ' COMPARE AT 2 FOR Sle -- COLORED a COHOE SALMON "4 398 ROSE BRAND MARGARINE Sync: 1.00 | oir SING "Soh 37¢ JAR oo 45c -- DOLE DOG FOOD tee 10° Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink er. 1 08 See cat TN LIQUID DETERGENT °°" 89° SHORTY TERYLENE AND COTTON COMPARE AT. 1.39 -- 13c OFF PACK ; : . 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White and Colors i Country Fresh G ugpune oo de "A" Small Reg. 4.00 to 6.00 -- SALE , a sie BAKERY NYLON HOODED | FEATURE Zipper Hooded, Zipper Opening and Zipper New Product -- Old Mill { aes "in || 295 48° LIEGGS 2.99: es :» Dozen TWIRLS PKG, : , WITH CINNAMON COMPLETE STOCK OF CABANA SETS Sproule's are big enough to serve you -- Small enough to appreciate you SUMMER Reg. 15.95 and 16.95 caps 20%of | sen 2-95 3-95 | SPROU LE'S aman LTD. '| \* DAVE * CANN ING 20 KING E SUPER SAVE SO ners | | MB | | connen or KING «1 RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA ven Beat the heat in lightweight ready to wear, . . easy to care for SALE terylene and wool. Various surnmer shades -- various sizes