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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jul 1964, p. 2

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LIKE TOUGH 'PUG' 3 Commonwealth Gets Fresh Wind After Bout LONDON (CP)--Once again|family association in its new| It works in the weekend gath- the Commonwealth ¢omes)and enlarged torm would Prove erings at Chequers and Dorney- bouncing off the ropes, breath-/to be worth all the effort that wood, the: mellow Elizabethan ing a little harder after some| goes into preserving it, if ulti- u , h kidgh roundhouse swings but appar-|mately only the lowest common Tetreats in the Buckingham- ently as resilient as ever, if not/denominator of agree ment, Shire woods where British hosts, more 50. ; coulg be achieved. | showing a bred-in-the-bone. skill After all the doleful reports ' jin "softening up" their visitors, that preceded the 13th meeting NEW NATIONS EAGER put on a siow of relaxed, round- of prime ministers--including a, , The experience of the eight the-clock hospitality. few premature obituary notices 44ys of the conference was re-| Perhaps occasionally, as: the the impression is that assurfing. It showed that the | diplomatic British wined and the Commonwealth emerged Johnny - come - latelys to Com-| wooed the Africans, the Cana- 'strengthened from its eight-day monwealth membership are as/dians may have. felt a little ordeal at Marlborough House,| Ca8er to preserve the frail but taken for granted, but they are) displaying a new vigor and binding links as is that most| willing. to agree that it is all vitality eae wi of fe tes ng? n, = Stag ear joi ia i rune rime Minister Menzies of Aus- In the working sessions, Pen Gord = gor es tralia, : : emerging nations had tacit priv- squarely faced such issues as The Commonwealth magic | ileges, being allowed to say. out- Southern Rhodesia Cyprus and works in various ways. It oper-| rageous things that would, have Kashmir with all the stro' {ates in the intimate discussions|aroused strong reactions com- feelings they arduse, abd ma between a wide assortment of}ing from a more. sophisticated aged through goodwill 'and com* Statesmen, who meet in a fam- source. A certain sympathetic promise to arrive at a consen- ily framework not easily dupli- understandin¥, as long as it | sus acceptable to all, or nearly| cated in the United Nations or|shows no signs of condescen- | all. "| any other world forum, 'sion, goes a long way, |tives of the old Commonwealth, | Pearson Brushes Off Race Fight Objection }such as Prime Ministers Doug- las-Home of Britain and Pear- json of Canada, came to the conference with fingers crossed,/ a little dubious whether the | OTTAW A(CP)--Prime Minis-|\Commonwealth is a multiracia ter Pearson, tired but obviously arg om of hae in hires 8 : hi fF A A there should be no racial dis-\nize that more important. than pleased with his 10 day trip nf crininstiat, the auiner ad se eeunen: London, said Thursday night re- fm galisbury Thursday night, wealth countries is the nature jection by Southern Rhodesian|Prime Minister Smith said the of the increase in peoples rep- Ruled Le al Prime Minister lan Smith of the conference was an intrusion in|resented. "All but four were g Commonwealth prime minis- Southern Rhodesia's domestic/Asian, African or Caribbean TORONTO (CP)--Magistrate ters' demand for racial equality|4ffairs, and "'I treat this inter-/nations. |George Guardhouse ruled was unfortunate. ference hg ee it de-| «phis hs introduced a new | Thursday it is legal for a person, Arriying aboard an RCAF S°TVes 8" brush it aside. [concept of multiracialism in our |to fix a car in a do-it-yourself yukon to be greteed by a crowd STILL RESPONSIBLE discussions. It had begun some | garage. of politicians and diplomats, Mr, Pearson said Britain still|vears ago, Of course, but it has | He dismissed charges. against| yr, Pearson held a brief press|is responsible for Southern Rho-|89N€ @ long way and it hasn't |three Toronto men--Paul Robi-|conference, noting that by his'desia since it is not yet an in-/Teached its culmination yet. |chaud, Peter Lyttle and Albert! watch--stil] set on London time dependent member of the Com-| Holding Commonwealth prime |McFadden -- who rented space|_jt was after 2 a.m. He ar-|monwealth, and Britain put the|ministers' meetings in other and tools to, repair_cars of |rived at 9 p.m. EDT at Uplands! subject matter on the confer-|capitals than London was dis- friends in a garage. terminal ence agenda, It was only nat-|cussed but no conclusion The labor department con-; The most significant feature)ural that other prime ministers|reached, Mr. Pearson said. R i I Dil i : n Asia ar reat tended the men broke the Ap-jof the London conference, he)would express strong views. Apart from the formal con- 4 é prenticeship Act because they |told reporters, was the fact that Of the conference as a whole,|ference sessions, Mr. Pearson MOSCOW (CP) -- The tense)--unspecified --. of the growingjas they are about American in-|did not hold apprenticeship pa-|18 Commonwealth leaders with Mr, Pearson said it was a dem-|had lengthy talks on 1 wide 1 since the/pers and were not licensed me-|widely varying countries, peo- = -- - ---_-- been| chanics. ples and economies, could meet} Magistrate' Guardhouse said |together and agree on a com-} SPOTLIGHT ON MILLER Center of attention in San inated this afternoon | as the the presidential mominee, and Francisco Thursday is Rep. ply Mr ra yag em gy bryan state chairmen. Willi idate, iller is being inter- Pat gee > of viewed by newsmen as he ar- ,. bce OF Se ' om- ives for a breakfast session inu mittee, who's due to be nom- with Sen. Barry Goldwater, |Just rd M: te wit Ald Pe aie it an mela. |. 1 + On the phone with @ ebnm } ' Nee | teous DONALD TRAVEL consul- onstration of the vitality of the|range of subjects, including the| tent ond you'll find yourself well jnew Commonwealth, Canadian proposal for an inde-/on the way to solving ee He said it was vital to recog- pendent peacekeeping force to tiewler travel problems, Call : = |be kept in readiness for United) end see. Nations support, 668-3304 CANADA SPACE PROJECT ' Fix-Yourself This is an artist's sketch of globe. The station which is to 500,000 for a share in the Canada's first communica- be built at Milf Village, N.S., world's first commercial ven- tion satellite ground station. about 80 miles southwest of ture in out space--a_ global | The cutaway view shows the Halifax will cost $5,000,000 satellite communications net- | antenna of the balloon-like Canada plans to put about $7,- work. INTERPRETING THE NEWS oe 66 the money our termDlan loan extra chair99 military situation in Southeast/U.S. commitment there andjtentions, particularly Asia has served to bringicriticized the ambassadoria] ap-/Soviets evidently have sharply into focus a crucial] pointment of Gen. Maxwell D./having their own conflict of in-| ? the! , | problem now confronting Rus-|Taylor as part of a program ofjterest with an expansionist the men did not represent/munique. That. communique gia: Which country to suspect|"threats, intimidation and China. themselves as mechanics and|called for recognition in fact as and fear more, the United sabre-rattling." It is generally accepted here;Were not employed for profit. well as in principle that the States or China. On the other, there have ap-|by Western observers that there a Re RSL TS WEATHER FORECAST In a sense, Russia's position|peared recently what many have been a number of inci-! is more difficult than that of|Western observers interpreted|dents along the border between either the U.S. or China, since/as hints to Communist China/China and Asiatic Russia. it is not a prime mover injthat it might not be able tO) The supposition among West- events taking place in South/count on Soviet support in the/erners here is that Russia has Viet Nam and Laos and hence'event of a shooting clash be-|peen on the defensive in the ts denied the power of direct tween China and the United majority of cases fnitiative. States. . All this has placed the Soviet Its policy therefore must be One such hint was contained Union in the painful position of limited to one of response toin an Izvestia article June 22. having to weigh ideological and the actions of other states,|Noting that Chinese leaders|ypestige considerations against ; - neither of which is likely to con-|still say the two Communist! reality in framing its Asian pol- issued by|Winds south to southwest 10 to sult the U.S.S.R. before taking|countries will stand together ;, 5 20 knots, except occasionally 25 knots, fair today, variable cloudiness with scattered thunder showers tonight and Saturday. Lake Erie, Lake Ontario: Winds south to southwest 10 to 20, except occasionally 25 knots today and Saturday morning; fair. w + TRADE We have an older couple who own a six room 1 storey brick home with large lot and garage, clear, valued at $10,900, in College Hill area. Very anxious to exchange for smalier home on one floor. Call Lloyd Corson at 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S, REALTORS 723-1121 See Royal Bank first before you shop. Arrange for a low-cost termPlan loan. It puts buying power, bargaining power in your pocket, leaves you more dollars to spend on that new set of furniture, or any other "big buy", Save money next time you borrow .es | | Finance in advance at Official forecasts y the Toronto public weather of- If it fails to support the Chi-|five at 5:30 am: nese in a showdown with the| Synopsis: Hot, humid air will U.S., it stands to lose face|Work its way across southern among the Communist parties} Ontario today. Scattered thun- of the world, But if it supports derstorms west and north of the China it may hasten the day|Gteat Lakes will edge. slowly when Russia itself, from its rel- southeastward so that there: is atively empty eastern reaches,| chance of some isolated thun- lhas to confront the growing! dershowers in southern Ontario {might of its populous neighbor. or afternoon and eve- iting g. | Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, |Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Ni- 'agara, Haliburton region, Wind- | sor, London, Hamilton, Toronto, Killaloe: Sunny, warmer and more humid today. Mainly sunny, hot and humid Saturday with chance of a few isolated them, This fetter is no doubt)when the hour of trial comes highly frustrating to Sovie tthe writer, Yuri Zhukov, asked leaders who like to have the of the Chinese: controlling hand in interna- "How are you planning to se- tional situations. cure that in the conditions of Russia's response to develop-|the filthy anti-Soviet campaign ments in Laos has centred on| now on foot in China. . . .? third-party attempts to arrange), aD aoe a pohgres seit the warring! DANGEROUS GAME i ; ae. "Isn't. this dangerous political een Ca sir -- de" | game, with its aim of undercut- Communist-controlled parts of ting the very foundations of the jungle kingdom as "erimi-|Chinese-Soviet friendship, fear- nal and inhuman," but avoided fully risky?" giving anything in the nature of Some Western diplomats saw : | ies All an ultimatum | Worri es in this much-discussed article an expression of anxiety that CAUTIONS REACTION ithe Chinese and ta The Soviet Union's reaction to,North Vietnamese are rocking developments in Viet Nam has|the boat too boisterously in| Save Caouette thunderstorms Saturday after- been marked by both caution Southeast Asia for Moscow's noon or evening. Winds south- OTTAWA (CP) -- Canadian) westerly 15 with gusts to 25both and ambiguity comfort 1 On the. one hand it has deliv-| The Russians, they suggested, |political leaders, with the ex-|afternoons. ered carefully - phrased warn-|may be at least as deeply con-|ceptionof Creditiste chief Real) Georgian ings about the "consequences'"!cerned about Chinese intentions) Caouette, expressed views rang-/gions, North Bay, Sudbury: ing from mild disapproval to) Mostly - sunny, warmer and 5 ' strong hostility Thursday fol-/more humid today. Variable Saigon And Washington ® Dispute On Methods lowing the nomination of Sen-| cloudiness, hot and humid Sat- SAIGON (AP) U.S. and|face the possibility of a general Forecast Temperatures | Low tonight, High Saturday Windsor ..cccoscee 68 92 St. Thomas.. 65 90 London ... 65 90 London 65 90 Kitchener . 65 90 Mount Forest. 65 85 Wingham 65 85 Hamilton 65 90 St. Catharines.... 65 90 65 90 65 90 65 85 62 90 65 85 65 80 65 80 60 80 62 55 5h 55 55 Barry's Win Bay, Algoma re-| Peterborough i a Trenton . Killaloe . Muskoka .. North Bay. Sudbury .. Earlton .. . Sault Ste. Marie... Kapuskasing .. White River... "TAKE FIVE) "', ator Barry Goldwater as Re-jurday with scattered thunder- publican candidate for U.S.) storms. Winds southwesterly. 15 president. with afternoon gusts to 25, shift- Members of the Pearson cab-|ing to westerly 15 late Satur- 'inet declined to be quoted di- day, rectly because officially they, Timagami, Cochrane, White apr to avoid involving Can-|River regions: Variable cloudi- Gieh Vietnatnese leaders: op-\war over South Viet Nam if a in the interna! political af-|ness with scattered showers and pear to be locked in a disagree-necessary. They have studied ment. The outcome could mean| contingency plans for carrying the difference between a gen-)the war into North Viet Nam. eral war in Asia and a contin. But they never have. speci- uation of the current low-key fied the point at which the anti - Communist fighting in United States would move into South Viet. Nam. the fight lock, stock and bar- Saigon says regular troops rel. Asked about this point, a from Communist North Viet spokesman in Saigon said last Nam have begun coming into, week: "Well, we're certainly the south and are fighting as not going to let South Viet Nam units against South Vietnamese go down the drain." troops. The United States says Presumably he -meant the it isn't so. U.S, would move in to stop a Both allies are agreed that a general Communist take-over in real North Vietnamese a the south, inst the south would justify ss wemetee renee ifaie extension of the| DON'T BELIEVE I war into North Viet Nam. This, _ American leaders do not be in turn, could lead to Chinese lieve such a take-over is immi- Communist involvement. nent and are strongly inclined On Tuesday, the South Viet: to continue with current tac- namese foreign minister and a 'Cs. at least for a while. top ranking U.S, military There are Bi bivisdins, Sea spokesman held simultaneous tions, however, that the South press conferences in different Vietnamese government of parts of Saigon. Maj.-Gen, Nguyen Khanh would Foreign Minister Phan Huy welcome an escalation of the Quat said the conflict with Com- Wat. Khanh has repeatedly said munist guerillas is marked "by "the best defence is offence.' violent fighting by entire units He also has said he believes of soldiers coming from North there can be no ultimate solu- Viet Nam." tion until the war is carried to North Viet Nam or even China NO INDICATION SEEN Some Americans agree with The U.S. spokesman said:|him on the theory that no ma- "There are no indications of the jor guerilla insurgency has been presence of any Pavn (Peoples) destroyed as long as the gueril- Army of Viet Nam, that reg- las have had safe havens ular North Vietnamese) units on Safe havens for the Viet Cong South Vietnamese soil." are, presumably neighboring U.S. intelligence men agree, Cambodia, Laos anc North Viet that many so-called volunteers! Nam 3 from the North Vietnamese But other Americans in army have been sent south over the new belligerent tone in Sai- the years to fill in leadership| gon just so much talk. They do gaps for the Viet Cong gueril-|not believe the U.S. is going to las ent, they say, from see coming the big one--unles« the ommu down in combat units ' hoose it that was President Johnson and other And there no -ign American officials repeatediy;munists want to start anything have said the U.S. is ready to|serious now. "nists to pita the Com indica-} This is substantially differ-| allow itself to be panicked into gr fairs of its big neighbor. But Several of the ministers ex- pressed privately their deep concern for what might happen to Canadian-American. relations if Senator Goldwater became president. Mr. Caouette, leader of the 13- member Ralliement des Creditistes group in the Com mons, said in a formal state- ment he welcomed the Gold water victory as a triumph for free enterprise, He saw nothing but good in it, Opposition Leader: Diefen- | baker declined public comment, New Democratic Party Leader T. C. Douglas, in Re- gina for a provincial COF party convention, said it was "a trag edy that a man whose views are as backward and reaction- ary as those of Mr. Goldwater could win the nomination.' Pipes Selling | Like Hot Cakes MONTREAL (CP)--Canadian smokers are buying pipes at a record pace, the Pipe and To- bacco Council of Canada ported Thursday The dollar value of retail sales in the first half of 1964 increased by more than.75 per cent over the same yea The counci!] estimates $4,100,000 worth of pipes were sold from January to June com- pared to $2,300,000 in the first six months of 1963 First-quarter demand -was. so eat that many medium-priced vere out of stock by April ne wre period last 9 'one uncommon ould: not mee! the demand 'or women's 'models at one point, | re-}- 65 Between Toes Kingston ..... CORN Fastest Relief For This Painful Foot Trouble Thin special sive sud shape Dr, Scholl's Zinopade ble 10 to 20 knots, except gusty for cornm between toon slope pain al- ox | . nts mont inwtantly ... speedily remover to 25 In thunderstorms, variable! hem when waed with the noparate cloudiness with scattered thun-;medicated diaka included, derstorms today and this i Scholls Zino-pads A le scattered thunderstorms today. Sunny with cloudy periods and a little cooler Saturday. Winds southerly 15 today and westerly 15 Saturday. TORONTO (CP) Marine) forecasts issued by the Toronto weather office at 8 a.m, Fri day, valid until 11 am, HDT Saturday: Lake Superior: Winds varta- ening, fair Saturday. Lake Huron, Georgian RBay:| | May | Co-operate in planning your insurance protection 4 a @ AUTOMOBILE @ URBAN FIRE | sty @ FAMILY LIABILITY @ LIFE i. | ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS AND OTHER INSURANCE NEEDS JOHN McPHERSON 110 Cabot St. Phone 728-7207 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE and CO-OPERATORS LIFE Here's a great way to join fn the Festival! Take five for Canada's fastest-growing ale --Labatt's 50" Ale! Refreshing? You bet! "50" is the ale to start with... and stay with! See for yourself. Celebrate Labatt's HOUSE FOR SALE Lovely 3-storey home centrally located in Oshawa. Close to churches, schools and bus lines, Ideal for conversion to Offi- ces, medical clinic, nurses residence, rest home or large rooming house. Ample property for apartment development. This house is now-available and can be seen by appointment. Phone HARRY DONALD 668-3304 FOR FIFTY ALE BATTS SUMM STIVAL OF FLAVOU Labatts LABATT'S ONTARIO BREWERIES LIMITEL Summer Festival of Flavour with a refresh- ing bottle of "50" Ale---one of four great Labatt brews for summer 'do's'! For the fone taste Variety in beer, look no ui rther than Labatt's. le bert is AFERATITS EST

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