ANG PE BAR RS EAS Thought For Today Getting ahead is no problem at all to the man who looks for- ward to the future. VOL. 93 -- NO. 170 The Oshawa Time 10 Cents per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1964 Weather Authori Second Claw'Mall Post Departmerit gy agp gl ga andi pct oes eo ea Report 'A few thunderstorms this eve- ning. Sunny and slightly cooler Wednesday. Winds light, EIGHTEEN: PAGES Cypriot Leader Blames Tu For Tensio NICOSIA (AP) -- President, Three more ships were re- rks ns jdreou rejected a similar appeal) Makarios of Cyprus says he/ported waiting off Limassol, ap-| from President Johnson. | shares United Nations concern parently to land supplies. over' the weapons buildup on Greek- and Turkish - Cypriot! In Athens, Cypriot Ambassa-|forces pulled out of positions the war-torn island, but blames| dor Nicos Kranidiotis confirmed] around the village of Temblos Turkey for the import of weap-' reports that Makarios would ar-|in north Cyprus Monday after ons by his Greek-Cypriots. The archbishop indicated the Monday for talks with top|tion. The Greek forces left ar-| Greek-Cypriot arms buildup will) Greek officials. tillery within range. | what young people can do in jthis country if they have noth- ing else to do." "But it's their constitutional |right," he added as the 'We! thelers are idle along with 220 ITU rive in the Greek capita] next)seven days of tense confronta-' FLEEING THE BIG STICK IN HARLEM Harlem Boils After More Night Ri NEW YOR K(AP)--Turbulent|largest demonstration was a Harlem simmered down today from two nights of racial riot- ing and a third of continued disturbances. Police pistol fire .still shat- tered the air Monday night. Hundreds of steel-helmeted po- lice patrolled the area. Major streets were again closed to traffic. - Chanting Negro demonstra- tors marched through the) streets, Roving gangs harassed police. Looters broke store win. dows. A melee between police and bar patrons wrecked a tav- ern. Two. dozen persons, including three policemen were injured. | There were a score or more ar- rests: Mayor fice reported after he was given | Robert F. Wagner's of-) Three Papers Reach Pact With Engravers. iiss an TORONTO fourth day (CP) of After al government-|a wage increase of $23 a week sponsored negotiations, repre-|with a guarantee during the| Monday, : a moment Goldwater|sentatives of the three Toronto|contract period against unem-|ported no progress toward set-|kept track of outbreaks of vio- said: "It's really sort of 'pitiful daily papers and their striking|ployment stemming from auto-|tling the strike which closed De-|lence by walkie-talkie radio. printers recessed late Monday! mation. until today. A statement from Louis Fine, | gravers. Chief Ontario labor department|yway MAKE CHANGES conciliator, said only that there! The agreement permits the|lers union, Local 10, struck the|fatally shot a 15-year-old Negro want Rockwell' chant began|was a full day of negotiations|employers to introduce and use|evening Detroit News and the|boy. Demonstrations after the between the publishers' spokes-\new types of equipment and|morning Detroit Free Press unsmiling an d)men and the Internativnal TYP0-| new procseses, and to use its|over-new contract demands. (CLC), which) staff as efficiently as possible.| Members of other craft unions|Killed and more than 100 were a graphical Union laims it, Ss were lock s t July 9. |that there would be ng, enforced The papers have been ~pub-|javoffs of ej vees prior - . lishing since then, The 680 print- sf mance gia members in the papers' mail-| equipment processes ing rooms. Other craft unions ee have continued to work. lone } The union represents 106 en-jeight days ago. |In return, the newspapers agree|have not been passing picket| injured. " 'tirement age because of the in-|television stations WWJ AM-FM| jtroduction of new types ofjand WWJ-TV, which are owned Dismissal pay at the rate of|tion, publishers of The News, week's pay for every fivejhave been picketed also, but} --__--------- a report on the situation by tele-| phone that he was returning to-| day from a European vacation.| James Farmer, national di-| rector of the Congress of Racial) Equality, said his office had) been in touch by telephone with President Johnson's aides. He year agreement that combines)tional Printing Pressmen and FOLLOW OUTBREAKS ssistants Union Local 13 met| C€.0.R.E. set up a makeshift but spokesmen re-|first aid station at its office and troit's two daily newspapers} Acting Mayor Paul Screvane said a grand jury would con- The pressmen and the Asso-|sider. today the case of the ciation of plate and paperhand-| white detective lieutenant who 'the riots, in which one man was relatively peaceful march by about 1,000 persons across sev- eral blocks along 125th Street. At Second Avenue police fired into the air and broke it up. Later, a crowd of about 250 marched in circles in the street, chanting "We want justice." Then they moved to a residen- tial area. When: shouts of "Get some guns' started, police moved in, fired shots in the air and the crowd dispersed. Disorders also broke out in the predominantly Negro Bed- ford - Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. They started, police said, with a demonstration by about 100 members of the C.0.R.E.. who appeared calm and displayed no violence. A crowd formed and after the demonstrators left some 300 to 400 persons surged through the streets. Bottles were thrown and a store window was smashed. Several pr ot eictive metal screens were torn from store fronts. In-&an hour or two police had broken up the crowd. City officials met with Negro leaders in city hall, Farmer, who led one delegation, asked s het ots Lieut. Thomas R. Gilligan, wh® bg the Negro boy last Thurs- lay. Farmer's delegation alse asked for the immediate ap- pointment of an independent board outside the police depart- ment to investigate complaints of police brutality. Police Commissioner Michael J. Murphy has opposed such boards, In Chicago, detectives said 11- year-old Loretta Nolan was hit in the calf by a .22-calibre slug in front of her home on t he city's south side Monday night, Police said witnesses told of six white youths in a converti-+ ble which sped through the pre- dominently Negro neighborhood while one youth leaned out of the car, firing indiscriminately with a pistol. Frank Mixon, 21-year-old white man, was treated at hospital after he was beaten by four Ne» groes. He said they forced him to stop by halting their auto in front of his. At Cambridge, Md., Charles Cornish was elected president of the city council to become the first Negro to hold such @ for the immediate suspension of NEW YORK (AP)--A steel- helmeted policeman, moving in |slaying touched off the first of alone to disperse a group of two dozen shoutifig teen-agers, drew screamed obscenities and ges- tores from a stylishly dressed up by the two union Jo-|. The detective said he shot the Poy Operations of radio and|boy in self-defence. Screvane also said that more by the Evening News Associa-jinto Harlem. During the day, photograph-| months of service to a maxi-|their operations haven't been | <a several crowds when they ers were allowed into the meet-| ing room at labor department vided for the event of layoffs headquarters for pictures just for other reasons, f before the lunch recess, but re- porters were barred The engravers will receive a acs = __ |ump payment of $750 to cover Meanwhile, the three news-\the period from April 30, 1063, papers and the Internationa when the old senator because they do not » TIni "Tt agreement ex- Photo Engravers' Union (CLC) nired, to the signing of the new mum of 38 weeks' pay is pro-| fected. appeared to get unruly, The K To Celebrate |trio of Negro girls, # | A young Negro man walked ibetween rows of police lining Negro policemen would be sent| the sidewalks, jeering aloud at, \the Police fired warning shots in|would deal fairly with a white|down Harlem's main shopping the air Monday night to dis-\detective's killing of a 15-year-|street with a 'Wanted for mur- idea that a grand jury old Negro boy. Several hundred young men chanted 'kill him, kill him," when the detective's name was mentioned by James Farmer, national director of the Con- gress of Racial Equality, who was trying to explain how the city would deal with the situa- tion. post in Maryland. Harlem's Youth Jeers Doubting Fair Verdict lessly, constantly forming small crowds, breaking them up and reforming somewhere else, won- dering when and where the next incident. would. be, ways. "We want justice, we want justice,' was the chant of more than 100 teen - agers der' poster showing Lt.* Thomas Gilligan, the policeman who shot the boy last week. He# said it was self-defence, UK's Doctors j Demand End To Free Care LONDON: (AP) -- Britain's: family doctors have decided to press for an end to free treat- ment for patients under the na- think he Is a real conservative. put their seal on a new four- one | Polish Red Coup agonized, -- The old wage rate for engray-| Clamp Tr ial Ends ers was $145 a week for da An elderly Negro janitor, cringing deep in a theatre lobby as gunfire echoed from two ferential for night work, The Khrushchev arrived in Warsaw]little time for political talks|blocks away, wondered aloud: night premium has been in-|today to help. Poland celebrate|Gomulka and the other Commu-|'Why do they do all this? They creased to $20. A $15 general|its 20th anniversary as a Com-|nist leaders. But they are ex-|know this ain't going to bring wage increase, the first of three,|munist nation and to confer|pected to find time to consult /that boy back. Why don't they goes into effect Aug. 1, 1964.|With three other Red chiefs of|on Communist - bloc problems|stop all this and go home? work and an additional $15 dif-- WARSAW -- Soviet Premier|chev's crammed schedule left Clearing 2 MDs An additional increase of $4| Eastern Europe. TORONTO (CP) -- The last)Feb. 28 that Miss Morgan. died 80eS 'into effect May 1, 1965,| Khrushchev, accompanied by Split. from an acute intestinal ob-/and another $4 increase {is ef-/his wife, Nina, grinned broadly struction caused by a surgical/fective a year later, las he waved his hat to a crowd including the Moscow - Peking} These scenes from a Harlem tional health service. jtorn for three nights by riots,| The decision, announced by police gunfire and demonstra-|the British Medical Association tions. The crowd on the streets Monday, is intended to reduce Monday night was young, from/govyercrowding in consult. WANTS RED TALKS The Kremlin. has indicated it continue. Makarios is expected to meet} A-UN spokesman said both Makarios said in a cable to with Premier George Panpan-' sides accepted a UN agreement UN Secretary-General U Thant dreou, who returns Wednesday for disengagement in the area. Monday that the Greek action|from talks in London with Brit- UN Canadian troops who took was "rendered inevitable' by|ish Prime Minister Sir Alec positions between the feuding irivasion threats from Turkey Douglas-Home and Foreign Sec-| factions also pulled out, leaving and by continued smuggling of/retary R. A. Butler. only Turkish-Cypriot refugees, Turkish arms and military per-| British officials are believed Who had swelled the population sonnel onto the island. He said urging Papandreou to open ne-|of Tembos, and routine UN pa- the weapons are needed "'to pro- gotiations with Turkey, Papan-' trols. ee cmy on ima ened externa! invasion as well a . as from actual internal subver- rk Shouting Youths Ruin Thant had appealed to the governments of Cyprus, Turkey Ba t R ll | R . and Greece to land no more pp the east Mediterranean} ITy Ss a ¥ n ain island. Since Thant's message was) WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen-|some 500 supporters waited de- sent, a UN spokesman said, no| ator Barry Goldwater, the Re- spite the weather. arms imports or landings of publican candidate for presi-, When he started to speak, a military personne] had been|dent, returned to the United Small group of young men be- observed on the Turkish side. States capital Monday. But rain ug) Been But a shipl wha ./showers and the shouts of a ,. he tee PPB Pan ge re he small group of Nazi sympathiz- They apparently meant was unloaded secretly Sunday|¢rs broke up an airport rally) "Porte ee eee in the Greek-Cypriot port of Li-| that was to have been a tri- an ie tee massol and was carried inland|Umphant arrival, pera oar headanarters in in a blacked-out convoy of 36, Goldwater arrived about 35 "CarPy Arlington, Va. trucks minutes late at the rally where| :"elr cheers were drowned odessa 2 pinta de AR aaa al "|out by boos from Goldwater supporters. é , After | 'Orphaned' Planes Bring P R again, LONDON (CP) -- Britain'sjwork on the other 10, suspended Goldwater, struggling aircraft industry re-ja year ago at BOAC's request,|stern, said "I'll take my cei new gloom headlines to-|will be kept at a stand-still for|chances with a majority of, day & statement by|the present. | Americans who are Ameri-, Aviation Minister Julian Amery| Says the Conservative Daily|cans." Then he walked to his! ~--tubbed "aimless Amery" by|Mail: "Mr. Julian Amery has) limousine. : the mass-circulation Daily Mir-|produced one of those magnifi-- Reporters ques tioned ror. cent British compromises that hecklers and one of them iden-| Amery announced Monday in)manages to make everybody tified himself as Lynn Giesy. al the House of Commons a com-| concerned miserable." representative of 'the Ps Ps promise solution to the problem! si, Gijs Guthrie, the mer-| Nazi party. He said they were of uo vest eee roel chant - banker brought in as|against Goldwater and had| Se publicly-owned British 'Over [BOAC chairman early this year) come out "'to protest his liberal ' > jto put the airline on a business record." | ee ee saia| Date, -- turned thumbs down) : Giesy said the seven-member| ' . jon the VC-10s because they are Rockwell band wore Goldwater en Bic Fayre Po of por 30 more expensive to operate than| campaign buttons to infiltrate The RAF pen eng three, anal onited States Boeing 707s. the crowd, and shout down the ----|DAMAGE ORDERS . | There have been Stan Laurel Sick [protests that the debate over the VC-10 in newspapers and . 2 jelsewhere may be damaging With Diabetes |Overseas sales for the high-per- -- - formance , aircraft which , has Pra ag Neca ee iene striking short-takeoff and land- member of the all-time great|i"8 capabilities. : comedy team of Laurel and; In recent years British air- Hardy, lies ill today in a hospitaljcraft manufacturers "have been diabetic attack. waging a losing battle against He's. been there since Thurs-|U-S producers, who have bet-|two of six defendants were ac- day--and no one is supposed to|ter access to a much larger/quitted Monday on charges of know about it. But somehow, |market. 1,006 letters a day have come to the hospital from Laurel andjSir Matthew Slattery, said in Hardy fans. jevidence released Monday that West Valley Baptist Hospital|the 10 super. VC-10s now in in nearby Encino won't even|"suspense'" had been ordered admit that the English - bornjunder "very strong' pressure comedian is a_ patient. Butby the government. Laurel himself, via the close| Complicating the whole prob- friend, leaked the word so that|lem is that BOAC is laboring he could publicly thank the thou-junder a £80,000,000 ($240,000,- sands who have written him. '000) deficit. Before Medicare OTTAWA (CP)--Health Min-jties of the federal and provin- ister Judy LaMarsh said Mon-\cia] governments. An_ interim day the start of public medi- report was to be made by the ca] care insurance on a nationaljend of this year, with a defin- level in Canada--as wel as ex- ite. version in early 1965. pansion of the existing hospital) However, a spokesman in the insurance program--must awaitiprime minister's office said a detailed study of the coun- later Monday that the commit- try's tax structure tee has not yet been estab- Miss LaMarsh, speaking to|lished. He said arrangements reporters after the opening of a'for its work now are being com- closed two-day conference of pleted and the study probably health ministers, was referring will begin this fall. to the féderal-provincial minis-| Speculation here is that a de- terial study envisaged by thejtailed report will take at least premiers and Prime Minister|a year. Pearson at their Quebec City! Miss LaMarsh cautioned in conference last spring. her opening statement to the That study has not yet began./health conference that the re- As conceived in Quebec, it was!cent recommendations. of the to be a "review in depth' of|Hall royal commission on hea'th Canada's tax resources in rela-'services involve big expendi: tion to the financial responsibili- tures (The Hall report said Car- CITY EMERGENCY ada's present system of 'health PHONE NUMBERS services will cost $4,015,000,000 POLICE 725-1133 by 1971. It said that for another $466,000,000--probably raised by FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 > higher taxes -- Canada could have a greatly expanded sys tem, including complete medica! care for everyone) | Miss LaMarsh said her im pression of opening "_--- failing to notify the coroner of!clamp left in her abdomen dur- jthe Toronto East General Hos-!Oct. 18. DETROIT (AP) Repre- sentatives of the Detroit News- paper Publishers . Association jand officials of the © Interna- Taxes ralism."' and that it was in keeping with] with de Gaulle, down with net) The employers undertook not) of 10,000 at Warsaw's airport. A former BOAC chairman,|the death of Patricia Morgan at\ing an operation at the hospital|to employ any new apprentices} 'The Soviet for the life of the agreement.' kisses | | | | pital here last Nov. 4, -- Earlier in the two - week trial Magistrate Frederick C./pr, Alan Nobel and attending Hayes dismissed six counts of| physician Dr. Kenneth A. Brown jviolating the Coroners Actlwere convicted and fined for jagainst the hospital administra-|fajling to notify the coroner. Dr.| jtor, Eric Willcocks, and Dr. Burns Plewes and Dr. S. F.| |Alexander J. Kennedy, an East! Penny acquitted. | ee ica | Magistrate Hayes said the France Protests A coroner's jury ruled last) yunpose of the Coroners Act! section under which the men = Ld were charged could be served) Saigon Riot with common sense. He was! referring to a defence claim) that there is some ambiguity in| At Embassy the act. about '"'everyone" be-! ing supposed to notify the cor-| SAIGON (AP) -- France pro- joner of suspicious deaths. itested to the South. Vietnamese He said he was satisfied Dr.|/Z0vernment today following an Kennedy did not have a guilty,invasion of its Saigon embassy state of mind necessary for con-|Py 50 students, viction. The students burned a small Magistrate Hayes ruled that/©mbassy truck, tore down the Mr. Wilcocks knew that Dr,./French seal over the entrance by several of the provinces was\Brown, who operated' on Miss|@"d smashed teletype equip- that they are concerned over Morgan Oct. 18, had been told Ment, furniture and windows. the cost of such a system, anditg notify the coroner and the A leader urged them on, shout- some felt that the Hall Com-|woman's family of the deathiing '"'Down with France, down mission underestimated the : amount of additional money|hospital practice at the time. needed. However, the principle of med- ical care insurance was re- ported to have drawn support AT NEW FLASHES from all provinces although Quebec said "it is. not ready, for the moment, to establish snoh & viserea" Barry Butt Of UK Ban-Bombers Miss LaMarsh .said it would LONDON (Reuters) -- A British ban-the-bomb organ- take at least six months to pre- ization, the Committee of 100, said Monday night it planned eel had get ang gsr a mass rally and twice-weekly pickets in front of the Am- ins Ge a he. cocomunend. ae here to protest against Senator Barry tions of the Hall commission é On Monday the conference . : dealt chiefly with hospita! in- French Freighter Afire At Sea surance -- especially provincial NEW YORK (AP) -- The French freighter Marquette demands that Ottawa start shar-| radioed today that' she was afire. about 795 miles. east- ing, 50-50, the costs of hospital) southeast of Cape Race off Newfoundland, the U.S. Coast treatment for mental and tub-| Guard reported. 3 erculosis patients. Ottawa's share of the exist- i i ine. prarant re tne {xis Ships Collide Off U.S. Coast $420,000,000 this year. The en- NEW YORK (AP) -- Two freighters groping through a' | largement sought by the prov-| tog, collided in the Atlantic 30 miles southeast of here today | inces would cost the federal) but were able to reach New York harbor under their own power, The U.S, Coast Guard said there was no report of |.. injury. | government an added $53,000,000 this year, it is estimated, a may be on the verge of issuing premier exchanged) call for preparations for a cisses_ on both cheeks with world conference of Communist Polish Communist leader Wla-|narties despite Chinese threats dyslaw Gomulka. Khrushchev) tg poycott such a parley. arrived minutes after Czechos- Novotny and Ulbricht, Mos- lovak President Antonin| cow's staunchest East-bloc sup- Novotny and East German! porters in the dispute, have re-| oor boss Walter Ul-| peatediy endorsed the idea of a! : showdown , meeting. | "Wh in' i Khrushchey is to spend two) Gomulka has showed signs ot|sround like that?" rg Paige days in Warsaw taking part in|wavering, apparently sharing) "They'll shoot us as soon as events marking the birth of Po-|the fears of other Communist|iook at us," said a man on the land's Communist government|leaders that such a meeting fringes of a street rally. "They in Soviet-held Lublin July 22,|could do irreparable damage to/hate us. They hate us worse 1944 the world Communist move-jthan we hate them." Polish officials saiq Khrust:-! ment. The young people moved rest- early teens to early 30s, bitter) land resentful. | They made their distrust of} the law plain at every oppor-| tunity. "Why don't you go home, whitey," screamed a Negro girl as a policeman ordered her to move along. ing rooms. Many doctors say they are desperately ov er- worked, Most of Britain's 49,000 gen- eral practitionerss are members of the BMA. But their plea for consulting room charges is un- likely to make much headway in an election year. At the moment a Briton whe calls in his doctor or goes to his surgery need pay no fee ex- cept one shilling (15 cents) for a medical certificate. The only other charge is two shillings paid to the pharmacist for each prescription, ca DISCUSS MEDICARE REPORT : Federal Health Minister George Dumont (left) and Judy LaMarsh talks with New 'Quebec Health Minister Al- Brunswick Health Minister Yhonse Couturier at start of today's federal-provincial con- ferences on health at Ottawa. Preliminary dis@ission on the Hall royal commission on health services was at the top of the proposed agenda, :