oe ey ge epee TENNIS, LAWN BOWLING CLUBS sae? THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 21, 1964 5 WHITBY And DISTRICT Rotary Offers Land To Town ae Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West : Tel. 668-3703 a similar stand saying that the Manager: John Gault Help is near at hand for twojthe clubs. were put back on| The Bowling Club was not would attach only one string to|{wo Clubs "provided recreation of Whitby's most popular|their feet. Creditors were paid|so lucky. Its present member-|the deal -- that the council|for both young and old." The _|sporting clubs -- the town's|and the clubs once again be-|ship of 35 is only just able to|undertake to maintain the land| Rotary Club's offer he describ- -\Tennis and Lawn Bowling}came just about solvent. |make ends meet, for recreational purposes. ed "'as very fair." clubs, In recent years, however, the} Both clubs operate from the} If they failed in this condi-| "A very Rotarian act," added Up until 1941 these two clubs}two sporting clubs have be-|same "shanty" pavilion. Neith-|tion the titles of the land|Mayor Warren Mowat when it owned and organized their own|come a bit of a headache forjer club can afford any money|would ~ automatically switch| was pointed out that the land property. It didn't work. The|the Rotary Club. |to invest in its repair or fe-|back to the Rotary Club. would have considerable value prumieation ran into financial] oe iemng rosy inpoweed Me placement. For the Council, Deputy-Reeve|if sold to a land developer. roubles, : [membership steadily. And) go the Rotary Club came to|George Brooks Opened. by say-| After di To save them. from liquidas through the increased interest! , qecision. It would offer theling that he had aaa T saiiea on "4 poser gio. tion the titles of the land werejit was able to meet its finan-|titjes of the land to the Town|the two clubs and agreed that/to the Town Property Commit- taken over by the Whitby|cial responsibilities and still)Council. Through their spokes-| the pavilion was in a pretty|tee with full powers to meef Rotary Club. Slowly but surely have a little bit to spare. man, former President Charles] poor state. with the Rotary Club and dis- | Rycroft, the land was officially) He thought, however, the|cuss the matter thoroughly. * offered to the Council at its a | S hhh- The B ylaw 'ae phages councillors, | ras Mr. Rycroft stated that if the) land was taken over by coun-| You only e cil it would automatically be! H ¢ Man Is. Coming |released from town taxes. | live othe i F Thus the two clubs would be! j Whitby Town Council's anti-| Mayor Warren Mowat replied| able to plough more of their| SO S86 e , jnoise bylaw has been made/that the new bylaw was "'meant/collected funds into perhaps} Pink Panther {| |more comprehensive. to protect not to discriminate".| building a new pavilion or in| The decision to enlarge the/The byiaw officer, he said,/some way restoring the old. | | |bylaw was taken amidst. oppo-| would not prosecute needlessly.| The present building is call-| sition at last night's meeting of/ put to the vote the bylaw was|ed "a disgrace." the council. passed by four votes to three. | The Rotary Club, he said, Four new clauses were pro- _ iaeete ONG Ren RES ONDER RRC] posed by Councillor George Bevan and accepted. The first involves the noisy ringing of bells and blowing of horns. These acts are now def- initely "taboo" when done with no definite or legal purpose. A heavy fine faces any trans- gressor. ~ s é Mig The second clause concerns j we WIRISCH conan reser 1 BLAKE EDWARDS rrocucron = _ pets. Any owner who allows a - 11] DAVID NIVEN - PETER SELLERS 8 f- by THIS WORK IS FINISHED rene. "ta hig, aaighteor can: be || ROBERT WAGNER - CAPUCINE.. Whitby's newest industry, is designed to take in scrap planned for the near future. pear in Thursday's Times. |fined under the revised bylaw. j - which began construction last steel, and spew out tinished 'The management at the Lake Shown above is a picture of | Third on the list of new 2 A LT | "THE PINK PANTHER; } all and cost a whopping steel re-enforcing materials ntario steel mill will open ; A . ' s the making of noise Fi: e a $7,000,000, will celebrate its for the construction industry. its doors to the press to- the util taken during the con: | clauses a" -- ' jaa This : ce. ENTERTAINMENT BRENOA DE BANZIE- COUN GORDON: FRAN AEFFRIES official opening tomorrow. At present only one furnace is morrow afternoon and a full struction last spring. neat 8 SO : : / ; end win LAU The industrial giant, LASCO in operation and a second is report, plus pictures will ap- --Oshawa Times Photo | again can land the offender in is i en 'As The Princess seat 0 na el A: tl a OD a BLAKE EDWARDS MAURICE RICHLIN aw BLAKE EDWARDS MARTIN JUROW ENRY MANCIM alt aed -- ----|trouble. But only if suitable Z u | signs are placed outside the TECHNICOLOR' TECHNIRAMA' 4 wriscHc.e procucron Remade UNITED ARTISTS 300 Watch Local WHITBY PERSONALS sim ='erso' ; j f . e,° Visiting for a few weeks at| Owing to inclement weather) digo By ree aa br -- 1 p AIR CONDITIONED , t the home of her brother and) several branches were not reper rie that tt ome fod : j ' : THEATRE 3 FOR COMPO! wim ompe ] ION) sister-iniaw. Mr, and Mrs.|resented, Mrs. Sam Cawker, |" habs a ae d igs ; : : er |A. C. Riddell, 167 Hillcrest| District President for Ontario|Olo8ists pet ene ---- } / ae Lest Day -- THE CARDINAL -- Last Show 8:30 The first intertown swim-meet|-- Andrew Roblin, W; David|drive, is Mrs. J. W, Fothering-|South, was in charge of the! ew : / between Ajax and Whitby for/Duffy, W; Alex Rogatinsky, A.|ham of Glasgow, Scotland. |event held in the auditorium| Fleer ee waar will ( , 4/7 TO ne oO a R 1063 was presented last night) Jr. girls back crawl (35 yds) Gordon, son of Mr, and Mrs.|°! the Port Perry school. |$' 'te ah ae aout i : F Ow at the Whitby Community Swim-|-- Sally Roblin, W; Joanne! nougias MacKay, 801 King] si ' ioopieaeiiee » lla kill th. , F | sh, A: McL: -| s , : | Mrs. Stan Jewel, istric ' ead Oo} t -- gy when about 300 ciesitne s" eis haat aug? street, s ket gage his _ loth | President for Ontario werk eer." il acid koi Se co ee DWARFING THE MIGHTI EST! watched the young swimmers} Sr. sidestroke (open, 50 yds) pe today. ha ade ae was in charge of half of the} First-on his feet to protest y " through a series of races and|Sandy Sandford, W; Marty, th = many happy r S/program for the North. There| was Deputy Reeve George i ; ba TOWERING OVER THE G events, The following are the|Ward, A: John Goodall, w. |° the day. jwere several guessing contests,|Rrooks, who pointed out that ------ ; RE wingers (Whitby -- W;. Ajax| "ee Pemba A om yds) Mrs. John Kubis left for aj fines, ae 3 me under the new bylaw if he chose i : -- A): |-- Andrew Roblin, W; Joe Con-| month's vacation to be spent am & aughter/tg mow his lawn in mid-agter- ' ; Sr. boys front crawl (50 yds)|nolly, A; Sally Garratt, W. _|in Poland where she will Visit| from Claremont. After the Pr0-lnoon when his next door pape oe ne Joseph E, Levine presents ~~ Jim Duncan, A; Dean Rivett,| Sr. Legs only (open, 50 yds)| members of her family. gram all enjoyed a grand pic-/14, was trying to take a nap : 'W; Sandy Sandford, W. -- Keith Beillinger, A; Lauri) nic lunch, that neighbor could, if he want- ry : ~~ Sr. girls front crawl (50 yds)|/Bryant, W; Mike Rogers, W. | Maureen, daughter of Mr. ' ed, take him to court DON T BELIEVE THIS -- ED. -- Lana Kaukonen, W; Rose-| Jr. Legs only (open, 35 yds)|and Mrs. Ted Farrow is cele-| Mrs. Ronald Rieger and son|*"* ' m , ; mary Snow, A; Linda Garratt,|-- Debbie Bremner, W; Sally|brating her first birthday to-/Reinhart recently left from] "This new bylaw means ay Two eggs -- fried please, England fried his lunch yes- Ww. |Roblin, W; Jimmy Heslin, A.\day, July 21, Friends of the|International Airport, Toronto,|we can't make any noise 24) and go easy on the butter. terday. He used a heat source Jr. boys 'front crawl (35 yds)| Jr. underwater swim (open)|family wish Maureen a happy/for a five and half-week vaca- hours a day," ies ____} Who said it couldn't be done gracefully provided by old -- Andrew Roblin, W: Cam Dun-|-- Debbie Bremner, W; Chris-| birthday. jtion in Germany where they we did it -- eggs a la fender. King Sol. Cheap lunch, and bar, W; Alex. Rogatinsky, A. |tine Connoly, A; Alex Rogatin-| 4 jnumber of members of | fami visit members of their/and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Ross| Smothered in salt, pepper and quick too. Jr, girls front crawl (35 yds)| sky, A. Whitby Women's Institute families, Black of Highland Creek. butter. Times staffer Chris : -- Barbara Horton, A; Sally| Sr. boys breast stroke (50/motored to Port Perry Tues-| Mrs. W. GH T M wie. Perey MeNinh Dennett, newly arrived from --Oshawa Times Photo Roblin, W; Sally Garratt, W. |yds) -- Keith Bellinger, A;|/day afternoon to attend the he ' = ammond, To-| hg nae iat have e-- 0 rset Sr. butterfly (open, 50 yds)|Sandy Sandford, W; Bill John-|joint picnic for all branches of decay "a wl oe Roy se g Hagel aod nett ee -- Keith Bellinger, A; Edward| son, W. Ontario South and Oniario|311 Gilbert street east, '|their cottage at Kirkfield aC ree Heslin, A; Lauri Bryant, W./| Sr. girls breast stroke (50 yds) | North. : ; i IN-DOOR Ti lhe Jr. Butterfly (open, 35 yds)|-- Rosemary Snow, A; Fiona! - Mr, and Mrs. F. T. Bendal!} Dr, E. A. MacMillan is visit- OUT-DOOR Uy -- Cam Dunbar, W; Sally Gar-| Robertson, A; Linda Garratt, W- lop relay, 'front crawl (100 yd |were Sunday dinner guests at|ing his sisters in Maxville, Glen- ratt, W; Jimmy Heslin, A. . ao a (35 yds)|*"" Whitby _ rigged 7) the home of their parents, Mr.| garry County, Ontario. St. Boys back crawl (50 yds); Cam Dunbar, W; Joe Con-| £8 * 2Njand Mrs. John McMinn, 1207 i -- Jim Dunvaa, A; Dean Rivy-|nolly, A; Tom Gordon, W. hao gel age a ol Byron street south. | mest wishin ate offered ta ge Pp hype wy S| rat beg ohne gh ok (5 ior Medley Relay (front crawl,! Mrs, Mabel McPherson re-|celebrating her birthday today, 2 c yds) | yds) wary Hesiin, A; 52¥/ butterfly, back crawl, breast|cently spent one week in Lind-\July 21 eS. -- Lana Kaukonen, Ww; Rose-| Garratt, W; Carol Ruent, Whit-| stroke) -- Whitby (1): Ajax|say . guest of Mrs Alva sbi joo" Nn . mary Snow, A; Fiona Robert-/ by, |(2). Senior' Medley Relay --|Stroule. On Sunday Mrs. Mc- WAL A wore Nays back crawl (35 yds) yah a Whitkeays aie (AM [Alex (D; Whitby (2). __/Pherson visited her nephew) Frantically Clear EWMAN KS"oust Ste Bahar: deo lute Wa daacbenen des eth aes : Deher= Gy Ended Production AN ictures Release Phewedy send ' Wheat On Track nr rm "e"*""TECHNICOLOR' TECHMIRAMA' =" carne aae ------ TILBURY, Ont, (CP)--| er ee ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Farmer Kenneth Mailloux,. of| (oa Tilbury, and an_ unidentified! Ol FLAVIN truck driver frantically shov-| f elled wheat from the New York) Central Railway track here Nova, Jon" motes = 2 BIG HITS 8 | qegeeeeweerrezaee =| before a freight came through. sOnh? > 150-bus m meu? RESTR Part of the 150-bushel load ADULT ENTERTAINMENT oaY "THE CARPETBAGGER aye od blocked 'one track and part of | 4 the second when floor boarding "Th "seer! f broke, spilli "6 d d 7 the wheat on a. crossing. The ondemne two men cleared the track be- * ay WwW = fore the freight went through. | " ee | | ------__-------- | Informers To Live : 0 Ly SOON... In response to ol BILTMORE > eo | A countless requests, we are } 6:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. TOU CAR BEE Mice honored to announce AL AML BUT AM Aens BY % Special engagement of "KWAI" | HOLIDAY SPECIAL v7 ; WHEEL : : dis desis ALIGNMENT ian anew ' e " f 2 _ TOP SWIM MING FORM on , MOST y SS ix te | SAVINGS Mpa | aw BROCK ow : {1791 Sovereign ACCOUNTS ' WHEEL see neerey Evening Shows Start TOMMY | Foun d I n Desk Cheaung Pri eae . ? ClIFF ROBERTSON 668-3356 6:55 and 8:20 ADJUST A local man is in a slight dil-/ter when he found the gold 728-9432 lemma -- he has # gold sover-|piece. ms '= BRAKES eign, but he doesn't know what) His uncle, it was learned, had| it is worth, |been a tax-collector in the area| VICTORIA The dilemma is compounded) after immigrating to Canada| by the age of the coin, which he|from Scotland. | ALL COLOR SHOW found in an old desk, as it was) : ae Y | ' ih, bain att minted in 1701. | As Mr. Munro is not a coin- and RE | "Take Her She's Mine George Munro, of 424 Perry|C0llector, he hoped that some- | j LTD. street, Whitby, found the coin,|one could assess the true value T R H] A.) T bearing the Royal Coat of Arms|®f the piece for him. | LAST TIME TONITE for e Appointment : "4 For Texas' FRANK SINATRA | ion the '"'tail" side, and a profile} It is in good shape, with the ; lof King George the Fourth on|coining still apparent, and the Ww WHITBY ithe "'head". writing and outlines discernable.! WHITBY 2 te or 401 Dundas UNIVERSAL |: He said he was rummaging|Its only real flaw is a whole 27 oronto Ave. Street Kast RELEASE. through a desk of his deceased|drilled through it, apparently | 308 DUNDAS ST. W. i Opp. Cloverleaf Motel reer -5ee i Juncle, Jack Munro in Manches-'render it useful as a medalli A A AA ON | ST -- 2 Locations -- é