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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jul 1964, p. 7

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pil ibaphippuye yom sguD Wemen Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 21, 1964 7 PERSONALS. The annual picnic of SS No. 1, Pickering, was held recently at Springhill Park, with approxi- mately 150 attending, The pres- ident, Alex. Collins, welcomed everyone and led in singing grace. One minute's silence was observed for relatives of those deceased in the past year. Con- gratulations were offered to Mr. and Mrs. William Heron of Brooklin, celebrating their 42nd anniversary the following day. Brief speeches were enjoyed fram two elder "neighbors", 'Mr. Heber Down and Mr. Elmer Powell, Races and the usual peanut scramble held and time for reminiscing with old neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roxburgh, were)" | Emmy Rooks Wed he the latter's sister, Mrs, Victor Price and her daughter, Shirley, of Vancouver, B.C.; another sis- ter, Mrs. Anthony Becker, and Mr. Becker of Brantford and Mr. Eric Gear of St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gibbie, Mary street, have returned from @ motor tour through the United States to Yellowstone Park and on to the Okenagen Valley. They spent some time in Calgary quring the annual stam- pede and visiting their son Mr. Karl Gibbie, Mrs, Gibbie and family, and returned by air. | To Dick Noort Alan, Joyce and Brenda, Low- lell avenue, were in Carol |Stream, Wheaton, Illinois, last) lweek, attending the opening of| the New Baptist Church and) lalso the ordination of their son,| Robert L, Roxburgh to the min-| istry. He is the pastor of the} new church. | trict) Mrs. J. W. McLean and extreme right, Carol's mother, Mrs. Mortimer Brown. SEEN WITH All -. Round party are Captain Mrs. W. F. 'Corder Carol Brown cutting Hayball, left, and District the cake at the presentation Commissioner (Westport' Dis- 29th Company Honors Guide | SOCIAL NOTICES peer to the ordination coun- First To Fam All-Round Cord [oz and bs, eter the burgh and fs svatening th Mr. and Mrs, Peter Fuller, burgh and also attending the Miss Carol Brown recently|orated cake and her patrol pre-/engagement of their daughter|Carol Stream, Illinois, where] had the honor of being the first|sented a gift. June' Rose Marie, to Mr,|Mr. Roxburgh has heen called| ide to earn her All Round| Many other badges were pre-|Viadimir Elias Handera, son of | tO minister. Cord with the 29th Guide Com-|sented by Mrs. McLean, assist-\/Mr. and Mrs, Elias Handera, ue: Waller 'Liamn, Hakville, 3| Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lunney| of Brooklin were delegates from} Meadowcrest Baptist Church, at the ordination council. Mr.) MARRIAGE Roxburgh was ordained Tues-| William J./day evening, July 14, in the new! Visitors at the home of Mr.| and Mrs. J. S. Burnett, Jarvis) "----~"istreet, during the past two| weks were Mr. Burnett's niece,| Mrs, John Peterson and daugh-| ter, Glenda, from Winnipeg,| Manitoba. Guests over the weekend at) bee home of Mr. and Mrs, Mur-| In Hebron Christian Reform- ed Church of Oshawa the Rev- erend D. N. Habermehl solem- nized the marriage of Miss Emmy Rooks, Whitby, and Mr. Dick Noort, Oshawa. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Rooks and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Noort Sr., all of Hol- land. Mr. William Bouwma played |the wedding music. ; | The bride who was given in) marriage by Mr. Anthony Syts- ma, wore a waltz-length gown of nylon chiffon over taffeta. The bodice was styled with a wide, Oshawa. round neckline and sheat sleeves and embellished with appliques of Guipure lace. Pear- lized orange blossoms and rhinestones in a tiara held her veil of illusion and she carried |dark red roses and stephanotis ding Prayer'. in a cascade bouquet. Her maid of honor was Miss Anne Haan and the bridesmaids *|were Miss Geraldine Schievink|length gown. The long-sleeved and Miss Elizabeth de Wolf. 'ollowing t recepti for|They wore semi-formal dresses back panels were fashioned of aces "Caen injof blue nylon chiffon over taf-|Chantilly lace and the bouffant feta with lace bodices; white bandeau headdresses, white ac- cessories and carried bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums. Mr. Peter Stegenga acted as best man and the ushers were Mr. Frank Glasberger and Mr. John Schievink. A reception was held at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel and the couple left for a wed- ding trip to the United States. Mr. and Mrs, Noort are mak- ing their home on Farewell av- ray Smith, Eulalie avenue, were enue south. ae This demure miss is Suzanne Groleau, one-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Groleau, Division street. She is the granddaughter of Mr. any. Special guests at the oc-ied by the Guide Captain Mrs./Toronto. The marriage will take as | peo Ae ears Corel's parents, Mr.|W. F. Hayball and the Guide place on Saturday, August 1, Hagel apie ag guetta na and Mrs. Mortimer Brown, now Lieutenant Mrs. G. J. Dulyea, | 1964, at 12 o'clock hoon in Saint Nill aemubtes ih Mh pasa residing in Toronto, The guides entertained their|Nicholas Eastern-Rite Catholie|? pens ye be hay | The All Round Cord was, pre-/mothers with a hilarious fashion|Church, 4 Bellwoods avenue,|'" poh i daeancs ANY ke het . |show. Many outstanding 'coS-\roronto, sented Calvary Baptist Chure sented by Mrs. J. W. McLean, tumes" were shown. The com- Westport District Commissionet| mentators were Bonnie Sullivan| FORTHCOMING to Mrs.. Brown who in turnjand Heather Huzar. Mr. and Mrs. sven 1 fastened it to her daughter's} Refreshments were served by/Payne, Oshawa, announce the Baptist Church which was open uniform. The Guide Co. present-|the guides assisted by the Par-\forthcoming marriage of their,ed July 12. | ed Carol with a beautifully dce- ent Committee. jonly pag oe) "cig ig --_---- pass op RRS SSRN Le Sauer ORR asec ATO OTE ------~lence, to Sub-Lieutenant John} ati : . ' |Bdmund Croft RCN, son of Mr. the Chinn-Vance wedding | Ordin t dsl Shirt Sh {S| and Mrs. Arthur Croft, Toronto, | Bowmanville, the guesis were| a e Ims, a or aoe of Belfast. Northern entertained by the bridegroom's ' : ® \Ireland. The ceremony is to hang we He. 5 gels Ideal Wardrobe For Holidays iste piace'n Saturday, august Al Chalmers: Horiop street. ' ' 8, 1964, at 7.30 p.m. in Christ Vacation time is just aroundjlengths to suit most fashion and|Memorial Church. the corner. |figure needs, One of the most)------------ peidbiacsust For most, the planing stage|popular lengths for summer is| ee is over, and all that is left is|the panty brief which is design- Living Plants to. et, up the airline ticket,jed to be worn under short or; -- or che "the chr tres, and pack./Jamaica length shorts, swim- S ft Austerit The wise vacationer has plan-|suits and tennis dresses. All! orten Kg ned her wardrobe too, thus say-)panty girdles are available in ig herself that last minute dash|the new lightweight fabrics for| Of Modern Decor to the store for a forgotten|extra comfort while still doing : item. an excellent controlling job over| By ELEANOR ROSS | RES Preparation includes -deciding|the hips, thighs, tummy and| America's outstanding inte-| # about the type and number .of/derrier. rior decorators have gone in for clothes you must take with you, For sportswear, a regular|house plants in a big way. In then packing only what' y oujbandeau bras or a long line/fact, one of our very favorite will really need. |will be a must, but with so|interior decorators, Ellen Leh- If you are travelling by air,)much emphasis on decollete,)man McCluskey, Fellow of the, weight restrictions will make it/'ou may find you require ajAmerican Institute of Design, | necessary to plan carefully. At|strapless or low cut bras forjinsists that she never does a| any rate too much baggage be- wear with cocktail, dinner or|room now without using -plants gomes .a nuisance. evening ensembles. You mayor flowers. Co-ordinated slims, shirts,|find that one bras can be worn) The importance of living); shorts and skirts give you the|with more than one neckline,/plants, expertly selected to) least number of garments with but now is the time to experi-complement home decor, long); manf, many changes. ment. understood by professional dec- Most resorts prefer their) Try on all of the blouses or orators, is being increasingly) guests to dress for dinner, S| dresses you plan to take. De-|ywnderstdod by the homemaker.) here again wardrobe co-ordina-'cide upon the style of bras hest)|; The growing concern of| tion is a must. Several pretty|suited and pack it. A good)women with tasteful living and/ silk or chiffon blouses may he choice might be one of the wide|the example of beautifully done| worn with. a long or Street/set stretch strap styles which|"decorator rooms" that have length skirt. Change the blouse sit just at the shoulder line and|become a part of department and you have a change of cos-/allow for a wide low. neckline,|store furniture displays, have tume and stretch strap comfort. contributed-to the awareness of} Plan your foundation garmetit) When packing, roll your foun-| the role of living plants in home wardrobe carefully too. You will dations so that they fit compact- decoration. require different garments for ly into the side of your suit-| With the contemporary look different fashions, but with alcase or 'flightbag. They will|high among our national pref-| little extra thought, you canjtake very little space, andcomejerences in furniture styling,| keep this part of your packing/out without a wrinkle and be-/Mrs. McCluskey thinks that! to a minimum too. . cause the new man made elas-|plants are a "must" to soften| A panty girdle is a good all|tics are' so light, they will add/the boxy, rectangular 'alr of| round garment. Ideal for sports- very litte weight to your lug- modern rooms and furniture. wear, panties come in several gage.' Ssiecklertiindai EXPERT ADVICE |} Though all styles of furniture) | will be enhanced by living | plants and flowers, same. ex- pert advice on. specific plants may be of help in making a {selection. The decorator suggests that jtropical plants go excellently) |with contemporary -- furniture, | and says that "these large clay- potted green plants are partic- jularly effective in contempo- rary and provincial settings." ; In more formal traditional jrooms, she prefers cut flowers jor delicate flowering plants, the! . latter "double-potted" into por- celain pots. The porcelain pots} should be chosen to harmonize jwith color schemes or a. more formal 18th century back- ground. | William Pahiman, also a Fel |low of the American Institute| jof Design, suggests out-sized| igreen plants as excellent \choices of modern decor, too. | | Both decorators recommend) choosing flowering and foliage plants that add a "decorative plus" to room settings--plants that are associated with a par- jicular style or era. CLAY-POTTED PALM If you're an enthusiast of Vic-| torian furniture, now staging such a successful comeback, a jlarge clay-potted palm will add much to the mood of the room. z i s . |Ferns and rubber plants are : jalso reminiscent of the period,| land the latter go with French! SMILING BRIDE SIGNS REGISTER |Proviscat 100m sotines, to | Those whose preferences are} The marriage of Barbara . Mr. and Mrs, Harold Douglas |for period furniture, such as Ann Fowler and Wilfred Jo-. Fowler, Oshawa, and the |=nglish or French Regency, seph White' was solemnized kK ridaaiion: ie [M Empire, Georgian, etc., shou'd in Holy Cross Roman Catho- ree mls e son Of MY. | use smaller plants to blend with! lic Church: recently by the ad Mrs. Fred Joseph White ithe more delicate scale of the| Reverend Marshal! Rerriault. of Bathurst, New Brunswick. |furniture. Flowering plants are The bride is the daughter of : Photo by Hornsby |interesting in this type of room. Rug Cleaning 4 Her headdress was a white flor- ; jal bandeau and she carried a °+ | chrysnthemums. : Mr. Jack Goldsmith of Oshawa! » |was the best man and the ush-| | | MISS LULU JOHNSON Ireland Studie Larry Chinn, Carol Ann Vance Are Married in In a double-ring ceremony in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, Carol Ann Vance became the bride of Larry Allan Chinn, recently. The bride is the | daughier of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnston Vance, Bowmanville, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chinn, The Reverend W. §S. Framp ton officiated and Mr. C. Evans played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs G. E. Bridges who sang 'The Lord's Prayer" and "The Wed- Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- bodice, peplum and front and |skirt of nylon tulle. Pearls and Bowmanville ing their home in Oshawa. Guests were present and Bowmanville. Bridal Portraits and Albums House, Church, @ PHONE 723-3680 e Mr. and Mrs. Chinn are mak- from Ajax, Toronto, Oakville, Bata- wa, Peterborough, Campbeliford Capture the Moment with Studio Reception a ckintcan aoa mn o wh gt bape Beale Soins Honor Bell Telephone Employee On Eve of Her Retirement A popular, long-service em ployee of the Bell Telephon Company, Miss Lulu Johnsor -was honored at a tea on the ev: of her retirement last week. Held in the staff lounge, the tea table was decorated by Mrs Winnifred Causley and centered with an anniversary cake and attractive floral arrangement. A corsage was pinned on the guest of honor by a fellow- employee, Mrs. Emily | Clark, who arranged the téa and re- ceived with Mrs. '"Buddie" Moore and Miss Sharon Nor- moyle. Among the 150 guests attend- ing were fellow-employees, for-| mer employees, friends and re- latives. Miss Virginia Broken- shire acted as hostess.and was also in charge of the guest book. Pouring tea were Mrs. Flor- ence McMillan, Mrs, Wanda Loscombe, Mrs. Maxine Karr and Mrs. Gwen Payne. Serv- ing were Mrs. Audrey Swart- APPLES WITH HEART WELLINGTON, N.Z. (CP)-- {An orchardist has found a novel jway of putting his trademark on his apples. Heart - shaped jtransfers are stuck oni the ap- |ples before they ripen. When| {removed later, they leave a white heart-shaped mark on the) otherwise red apple, One such} apple is placed on the top cen-| tre row of each case of Jona- thans. Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR Spinal Disc Injuries Hay Fever 100 King St. E. 728-5156 |} yan, Miss Susan Marvin, s anet Mountjoy, Mrs. Joan seant and Mrs, Louise LeBlanc. A presentation of a black calf andbag containing a sum of noney was made by Mr. John McCullough, traffic superinten- jent, and a basket of was presented by the girls in plant department, The guest of honor also recely- . ed numerous cards and mes- sages of good wishes. HOUSEHOLD HINT You can freshen white gloves easily by donning he gloves and nibbin crumbs between the Butter 'Em Up Hot ar cold, plain or toasted, open face or covered up to two or three decks... there's extra scope for sandwiches in summer. And any sand- wich_worthy of the name includes plenty of butter-- not only because of the die- ¥ sinctive flavor it contrib sequins adorned the bateau jneckine and a crown of pearls and crystal held her shoulder- | length veil of pure silk illusion. |She carried a cascade of red | Sweetheart roses, white' carna- tions and stephanotis, The maid of honor was Miss Janet Hunt of Batawa, Ontario, wearing yellow nylon over taf- |feta styled with a street-length, | bouffant skirt, fitted bodice and |a brief jacket of yellow and white lace. She wore a match- ing flower headdress and car- ried mauve and yellow chrysan- themums. The flower girl, Lin- da Vance, sister of the bride, wore a full-skirted dress of mauve nylon over taffeta with a fitted bodice and puff sleeves. nosegay of yellow @nd mauve jers were Joseph Roberts, Osh- awa, and Gary Barltrop, Peter- + | borough. | 4 | For , |church hall, the bride's mother the reception in the |wore a sheath dress of heaven-| blue barcardi with a matching, petalled hat, white accessories} and a corsage of yellow Sweet-| heart roses. The bridegroom's) mother chose a two-piece dress ' of shrimp pink silk shantung, | white organza-petal hat, white| © jaccessories and a corsage of § & |pink and white carnations, | On their honeymoon the cou-| . |ple visited several points in New! ' 4 SUZANNE and Mrs. Welland, Ontario, and Mrs. J. E. G, Bolduc of Quebec. --Aldsworth Photography Edmond Groleau, | York State and Niagara Falls.) As they left, the bride was |wearing a pink suit, matching |hat, white accessories and a "JUST ONE CALL |corsage of: white carnations. LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME | APPOINTMENTS 1 | PHONE AFTER 9 P.M, 728-9317 | i! | | | | | | | | "Over 80 Years' Experience' Your local Agent... "I'LL SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOF TOPS!" Baker-Cleaned rugs ore the cleanest! It must be the ex- perience ond "know-how" gathered 6ver 80 years that makes Beker-Cleaned rugs go fresh and new looking, That's what my folks claim. And I'll back them 100%! Why not eal! Ress Mills (local agents), and. discover for yourself just how thoroughly elean your rugs can be, ROSS E. Co, LTD, eB SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 but eiso because it serves ag 8 moisture-proofer, ao to speak, between the bread and filling. A Chill Idea For a new sandwich treat, add chili sauce to uncreamed or "dry" cottage cheesa. Beat until smooth, then add crisp crumbled becon bits for extra flavor. infallible Recipe to Preserve Children We'd like to share this "recipe" from a favorite magazine: "Take 1 large grassy field, % dozen chil- dren, 2 or 3 dogs, a pinch of brook, and some pebbies. Mix the children and dogs well together and put them in the field, stirring constant+ ly. Pour the brook over the pebbles, sprinkle the field with flowers, spread over all @ deep blue sky and bake in the hot sun. When brown, remove and set away to cool In a bathtub". DOES THEM ALL" BAKER CARPE Cleaning Co. MILLS Buttermilk Coleslaw Adding a little buttermilk to ise for coleslaw | Gives a fresh tang to the dressing for this perfect kind of hot weather salad, Good on green ones too, may Instant "Viehysoisse" You can make 8 pretty good facsimile of this classic French soup by adding milk to frozen oreanned cream of potato saup, as. the label' directs, then adding gener- ous amount of dairy sour cream. Chill deeply, then at serving time beat until smooth, serve in chilled dishes and 'sprinkle with chopped chives, Pass @ variety of cheese and crackers---for @ sensational _summer lunch! Prepared by the Home Economists of THE CANADIAN DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 147 Davenport Rd., Toronto &, Ont. = aca sTopP AT ' Ancus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa ® Tel, 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum Miss Christa 71 CELINA ST. anna We are very happy to announce the to the staff of Modolla Hain Stylists We would also like to wish Miss Christa the very best, and suc- : arrival back cess in the future with us. Modella Hain Stylists for appointment Call 725-4531 SS 78 | The Management FULLY AIR.CONDITIONED *

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