JQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 23, 1964 We're into the delightful sum- Orange-Date Dessert Bread Delightful Partner For Fruit Though it tastes so delicious Y% cup orange juice 2 teaspoons granulated sugar aalanees ohaucet deg. F. 9x Sinck loaf pan. baking Sift together flour, powder and salt, Stir in dates mer season when we can sate|that keeping qualities are un-|and orange 'rind. Set aside. Swe : J ourselves on luscious ; fruits,| ely to be of any major con-| Cream margarine or butter. oe) " FURNITURE WORLD Here's a quickbread that's the/that Orange-Date Dessert Bread ded. it a ideal accompaniment for juicy|retains its excellent flavor and Fw Bard Prgms auaes ie berries and other succulent|texture for a couple of days,|with milk and vanilla. Add to summer bounty -- It's also a/if kept wrapped tightly in foil. cern, it's of interest to note|Cream in % cup sugar until MR. AND MRS. AVARD G. FLOYD Daughters Arrange House Party As 35th Anniversary Surprise Their two daughters, Mrs. Edward Powell and Mrs. Rob- ert Galpin arranged a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Avard G. Floyd, Adeline avenue, to celebrate their 35th wedding an- niversary recently. The party was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Powell, Colborne street east, and was attended by close friends and the couple's four grandchildren. A presentation of a set of flight luggage was made by Mr. Galpin; a timely gift as Mr. and Mrs. Floyd are planning to take a holiday in the British Mrs. Floyd is the former Win- nifred Toye of Brighton, Sussex, England and Mr. Floyd is a na- tive of Amhurst, Nova Scotia. Mrs. Floyd came to Canada in 1927. The couple met in Oshawa and were married in the par- sonage of the Revereng John Galt. They have spent their married life in Oshawa. Mr. Floyd is an employee of General Motors and both are members of Christ Me- morial Church. Their family consists of their two married daughters and four grandchil- winner when served with tall, cool fruit drinks or soda pop. It's elevated from the standard orange flavor and the chewy character of chopped dates, Orange-Date Dessert Bread is fairly compact in texture, but tender and with excellent cut-|3 ting qualities. A novel topping-- orange juice and granulated sugar -- is applied right after ; it soaks into the split- top loaf, leaving a slightly glaz-)1 ed surface and enriching the ORANGE-DATE LOAF (Yield: 1, 9 x 5-inch loaf) -\with the addition of refreshing|2% cups once-sifted all-purpose 4 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt : 2-3 cup chopped pitted dates teaspoons finely grated orange rind ¥Y%, cup soft margarine or butter ¥% cup granulated sugar egg % cup orange juice naturally moist quality of the|1%4 cups milk loaf. ¥, teaspoon vanilla dry and ending with latter, blending well after each addition. Spread in prepared pan. Bake in preheated moderate oven (350 .deg. F.) 50 to 60 min- utes, or until cake tester insert- ed in centre comes out clean. Let stand 10 minutes on cool- rack; then turn out of pan. Slowly pour remaining orange juice over top of loaf; sprinkle remaining sugar on top. Don't cut until thoroughly cool. To store, wrap tightly in foil or plastic film. days). GIGANTIC SUMMER SALE ALL SUMMER WEARING APPAREL GREATLY REDUCED SAVINGS UP TO 30h Shop at KRESGE'S for Values 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Lon ee an ay Isles later this month. FIX-UP your HOME For GIGANTIC | WAREHOUSE SALE ""™ In the Store and Carnival Tent BROADLOOM RUGS se Tastnereer == | Check this list for Room Size thick, dense pile broadloom woven from 100% Virgin Wool, every square yard loomed to stand up to the toughest wear, Ever-so-slight imperfections will not af- fect wear. Buy now and Save! Save! Save! SIZE U 6'x 9 x F U U x12 7 7 9x15 See the wide selection in our carpet 12' x 12' Dept. 12' x 15' Enjoy outdoor living more make arrangements with us today -. have that Patio to enjoy this summer ! RED, CHARCOAL OR GREY 8"x16"Slab ™' 25< CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE PHONE 668-4159 HAMBLY CONCRETE -HWY. 2 AT THICKSON RD. i rea' PEAS tur Gs. WIFE PRESERVER Cut a U out of a wide closet shelf so both side sections and back ere available for storage. HOUSEHOLD HINT It soup gets over-salted, drop a few slices of raw potato into it and simmer slowly. The po- tato absorbs the salt and can be easily removed. John Ovens, 0.2. | OPTOMETRIST 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA PH. 723-4811 RODUCTS OSHAWA - WHITBY REG. $ 94.20 $139.05 $183.90 $228.75 $245.20 $305.00 SALE 67°" 98°. 129°" 161° 173" | 214" 12'x 18' | $364.80 | 256° 12'x21' | $424.60 | 298™ : REG: $6.95 to $10.95 DRESSES. . - + Now: $4.63 to $7.30 7 Beautiful colours to choose from... REG: $3.98 to $4.98 e SHIFTS . + + + now:$2.63 to $3.30 REG: $8.95 to $14.95 SWIMSUITS Now:$5,97 to$9.97 REG: $2.98 SLEEPWEAR now: $1.97 REG: $2.98 to $3.98 NOW: $1,97 to $2.63 REG: $3.98 to $5.98 NOW: $2.63 to $3.97 REG: $1.98 to $2.98 NOW: $1.30 to $$1.97 REG: $2.98 to $4.98 NOW: $1.97 to $3.30 REG: $1.98 to $2.98 NOW: $1.30 to $1.97 REG: $2:98 to $4.98 NOW: $1.97 to $3.30 Also Savings in the Girls' Department Visit our Girlswear Department at 29 Simcoe St. for 331%% Sevings. Reifman WEE RE SMART WOMEN 5:H:0.P © Cinnamon Sand Beige Autumn Gold Quartz Green Nutmeg Spice Dresden Blue annual coast-to-coast summer clearance SALE i I WV SLIMS. . SKIRTS . BLOUSES HANDBAGS SHORTS . 3 OFF regular stock merchandise NOW ON! INCLUDES FINISHING CHARGE DUSTERS. a Ld a 7 BROADLOOM Widths Limited Quantity . 14.95 Ad SALE ENDS SATURDAY Swe TTT: eee tee awe eee ee REITMAN'S: 725-6211 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. 29 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 725-4361