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FOREIGN TRADING Agnico so 685 (85 Cc Halll 1000 43 «43 Glenn Uran 1000 40 40 1500 204 204 as a 0 204 'RELIGIOUS ISSUE ced By ROD CURRIE Canadian Press Staff Writer Deletion of a clause that would leave the Roman Cath- olic Church virtually above the law of Malta has finally cleared the way to independence for the underdeveloped, over - popu- lated Mediterranean Island, The new agreement was signed in London Tuesday and the British Parliament. agreed to rush it through, despite op- position from the Labor party's left wing, so independence could come in September. The compromise agreement will be. opposed by a minority, accepted. by a majority, en- thusiastically embraced by none. It is said that Malta, con- verted to Christianity when St. Paul was shipwrecked there in 60 AD, suffers from too many politicians. It also suffers from a lack of natural resources: and its big population is 'supported by the royal naval station and dockyards. = Various previous attempts at integration with Britain and, later, at independence, had mei with disappointment. At one London meeting some Sitektinas even refused to: sit down with others and they all packed. up and went home. STUCK TO GUNS ""Phrough it all the powerful archbishop of Malta, Msgr. "Michael Gonzi, stuck to his "guns. 'I will never yield to any measure that may weaken the authority of the . church," he said some years ago. But in this round, the British went directly to the Vatican for the Pope's approval before ap- Federal Judges Back Validity Ot Rights Law ATLANTA Ga. (AP) -- Three federal judges ruled Wednesday that the new U.S. Civil Rights Act is constitutional under the powers of Congress to regulate commerce. In the first two court tests of the law, the court rejected at- tacks on the legislation's legal- fy and_ issued injunctions against the operation of the Pickrick Restaurant' and'. the Heart of Atlanta Motel Corpor- ation as segregated businesses. Effective date of the injunc- tions was delayed until Aug. 11 to allow time for appeals di- rectly to the U.S. Supreme Court for final decision on the issues, The court said in the motel case the attack "on the con- stitutionality of these sections of the Civil Rights Act must fail." And in he restaurant decision, pit said "the defendants' attack) f on the constitutionality of the! act as applied to their opera-| fon must two hardest hit--it was thought proaching either Prime Minis- ter Borg Olivier. or the arch- bishop. The compromise agreement includes two major changes as a concession to the opposition Labor leader in Malta, Dom Mintoff, but they are not likely to satisfy the former prime min- ister. His contention is that there should be free elections before independence on the grounds that the church interfered in the 1962 election campaign by mak- ing it a sin to read Labor litera- ture and by threatening excom- munication to anyone who sup- ported him. Olivier's National- ist party unseated Mintoff but won only 42 per cent of the Malta Independence Last Clause Cleared ment is the provision that "no law shall make any provision that is discriminatory." And de- leted is the clause saying that "nothing done by the Roman Catholic Church . . . shall be held to be in contravention of any of the provisions of this chapter" -- the chapter on hu- man rights. This, in effect, condes that the special position of the church whcih previously put it above the law now no longer exists. Mintoff, himself a Catholic and member of a. prominent family, was excommunicated along with his entire party exe- cutive, but there is nothing in the new_ constitution which popular vote. Inserted in the new agree- would change this situation for Mintoff--and many like him. TORONTO (CP)--An invasion of army worms has resulted in crop damage across southwest- em and: eastern. counties of On- tario, but the worst likely is past, a department of agricul- ture spokesman said Wednes- day. There were isolatea cases of Crop Worm Pest Hinted On Wane protect their fields of oats, bar- ley, wheat and some pasture fields and corn crops. Mr. Weber said Wednesday that the normal invasion of the worms runs about a week to 10 days when they reach the peak of their destruction. Full extent of their damage will -then be known. Wholesale Tag On Sugar Cut Canada and hree major Montreal sugar re- price 15 cents to $9.65. wholesali of 0 bm to 4095 01084 pon changed 50 times this year--37| "g am. -- get ee and ree increases and 25 decreases. a . Lawrence not. three ea _ the price to cents a fi MONTREAL (CP) -- One of refineries Tuesday lowered their|a Jpe-pound bag. eT. 0 'ineries Wednesday reduced its} The price of sugar v it ote OAD LOGE LEADON LE EPO GET eg oer gg bo eras tl wee hey, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 23,1964 23 BIG SALES Major purchases. of wool by "agus te and 13: increases. In - : lowered by the end of the week' and $1.15 @ 10-pound bag on Japan ten wisi tacll teak. shtpt spcican are 06 cteld| tebteauan "= A spokesman for a r hasichain said retail prices will bejand $1.19. serene pleatiess and beltless models . . charcoal, blue or brown in the lot. EATON Special Price, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 332 @ SHORT SLEEVED DRESS SHIRTS -- Choose from a wide range of stripes and plains in various colours. Sizes 14 to 151% in the lot. Reg. 5.00 to 5.50! EATON Special Price, each 'a to "Fa SHORT-SLEEVED SPORT SHIRTS -- Make your selection from a wide var- iety of collar styles, fabrics and body styles. Patterns include.stripes, checks and batiks, Sizes 13% to 1514 in the group. Reg, 3.95 and 4.00! EATON Spout - 29 6 3.90 Price, each .. SWIMWEAR -- Styles include boxer and beach boy trunks. Waist sizes 28 to 34 in a wide range of colours and fabrics. Reg. 2.99 to 6.95! EATON Speciel 9 OG 6 56 Price, each BERMUDA AND WALKING SHORTS --Fabrics include cottons and "'Dac- ron"-and-cotton blends. Waist sizes 28 to 34 in various colours. Reg. 4.99 BUSINESS BRIEFS By THE CANADIAN PRESS ORDER EQUIPMENT Mill equipment worth $328,000 has been ordered by two major steel Cirms from Bertram Ma- chine and Tool Co, of Dundas, Mi os of Levy Indus- Wednesday. The Steel Co. of Canada Lid.; Hamilton, and the Algoma Steel Sorp., Sault Ste. Marie, have ordered rail cars to transport molten metals. BOLD SPAC E E. D. Smith and Sons Ltd., food products manufacturers, has embarked on a $1,000,000 expansion program at its plant in Winona, Ont, that will add 40,000 square feet to present fa- cilities. Bulk of the new space will be used to make tomato and apple products, the firm said, PLAN MEETING Members of the Grocery Pro- ducts Manufacturers of Canada will meet Sept. 14-15 at Ste. Marguerite Station, Que., to discuss problems encountered since its annual meeting in April and to hear reports. of various internal committees, President Philip M yes said. The GPMC is composed of se- nior management officials of makers of grocery products across Canada. MAKE OFFERING A secondary offering of 50,000 shares of Industrial Life Insur- ance Co. at $250 a share is be- ing made by Trans -Canada Corp. Fund, it was announced today in Montreal. A syindicate of 36 investment dealers headed by J. L. Levesque and:L. G, Beaubien, Ltd., is handling the offer, which is extended to Ca- nadians only. H heavy damage to grain, but hail had also taken its toll of the crop this summer, he said. The infestation, which has not reached epidemic proportions, was about as widespread but not as heavy as the 1955 out- break. -- Crop dusting and spraying was continuing, but as crops ripened the danger was likely to decrease. Army worms pre- fer a diet of younger grain. Total damage has not been es- timated, the spokesman said. In Essex and Kent counties--the about 20.to 30 per cent of the at crop had been lost. Both crop had been lost, Both areas were likely to be cut of danger in a few days, Oxford, Lambton ,Huron, Brant and Waterloo were other southwestern counties where the army worms struck. In eastern Ontario, Renfrew, Carleton, Grenville, Prince Edward, La- nark, Leeds and Dundas experi- enced, outbreaks. BRANTFORD (CP)--An out- break of army worms which have infested most of Brant County's 2,000-odd farms, should reach a turning point this week- end, says Lee Weber, assistant agricultural representative. The worms, described as the worst infestation in 50 years, were first reported in the Onon- 401 DEATH STRIP ST Gawping Drivers Blamed For Toll | LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- High- ways Minister Charles Mac- Naughton said Wednesday his department is considering a pos- sible reduction of the speed limit fr m 60 to 50 miles an hour on the -"suicide strip" of Highway 401. The strip, a 70-mile section of two-lane pavement running west from near London, has been the scene of 17 deaths in the last nine months. Speaking at a press confer- ence, also attended by Commis- sioner Eric Silk of the provin- cial police, Mr. MacNaughton saiq a review of the projected widening of the section to four lanes shows that further accel- eration of construction is "im- He called for suggestions from the public to cut down the death toll. He said it takes_"a while" to adjust to driving on two-lane highway after four-lane traffic daga district, about five miles southeast of Brantford, a week ago. They spread to other areas) pn 0 Some farmers have ed in spraying aircraft to but a major problem is that of "rubbernecking"' drivers who missioner Silk are making a two + day inquiry into the sec- tion of highway, Thursday they will drive down the strip them- selves. Mr. MacNaughton said the condition of the road is adequate by any North American stand- ards. Commissioner Silk said motor cycle officers on the strip wil' be increased to 10 from thre and cruiser patrols also will . increased. A study also will be made of speed limit and other traffic signs. Mr. MacNaughton told th press conference that two ac- celeration programs have al: ready shaved a year from orig inal plans. Over-all completio: ossible."" jof the section is expected nex July "or earlier if we hav good weather." Statistics produced at th press conference by Thoma Mahoney, safety officer for th highways department, showe that the fatality rate for "'s) cide strip" is 13.9 deaths ' keep too much-eye on the con- struction around them and not enough on the road. Mr. MacNaughton and Com- 100,000,000 vehicle miles travel, conypared with the 1 provincial "average of sev deaths. Pane ON Special Price, each 3.99 to 8.76 SPORT COATS--Lightweight jackets styled with natural shoulder design and classic 3-button clesing. Cottons and linens , . . sizes 36 to 40 in the Spas ee EATON'S in OSHAWA _ 20% Seasonal Clearance Of Summer Merchandise From The Young Men's Shop Summer Sport Slacks - Reg. 6.95 to 11.95! Choose from cottons and cotton blends in sles 28 to 34 in the group. Colours of beige, . waist sizes 38 to 34 in.the group. Colours of beige, 5.56 to 9.56 Also Included In This Outstanding Clearance You'll Find PERSONAL SHOPPING CNLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) @ HANDSOME DOUBLE KNIT CARD- EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 332 ieee eee AS 'ee ee Rey PHONE 725-7373 group. Choose from a wide range of colours. Reg. 29.95 to 45.00! EATON Special 23.96 ,, 96.00 each IGANS -- With suede trim Sizes 34 to 40. Various colours in the aroup. Reg. 16.95 to 29.95! ; EATON Special 13.56 "4 23.96 Price, each TURTLE NECK = SHORT - SLEEVED KNIT SHIRTS -- Combed cotton of interlock knit in plain shades of white, black or blue. Sizes small, medium or laroe in the group. Reg. 2.95! EATON Special y] 36 i) Price, each SHORT-SLEEVED ZIP-NECK SWEAT- SHIRTS -- Crew neck styling in plain shades of red, white or navy blue. Sizes small, medium or large in the group. Reg. 3.95! EATON Special Price, each 3.16 JACKETS -- Included in the group are jackets for golf, yachting or lei- sure wear, also some windbreakers. Various colours in sizes 34 to 40. Reg. 9.95 to 24.95! EATON Special 7 Of . 19 96 e ' Price, each .. Clearance of Boys' Short-Sleeved | SPORT SHIRTS Much Below Usual Price! Canadian-made for Canadian Summers . ... and now cleared by « the manufacturer in time for hot Summer days! These washable cotton shirts in blue, green, brown or red come with button-down or regular collars and include prints of all types. Some Jac shirts in the group, but not every colour is available in every style, ' so please state second colour choice. Sizes 8 to 18. EATON Special Price 1 49 eac © 01sse lean ese1etb spans @ BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 PHONE 725-7373 Eligaboth. Arden . . BLUE GRASS Summertime Specials! Blue Grass -- The fragrance is like a bouquet of delicate flo Make this a 'Blue Grass Summer' and tak wig cial offers from Elizabeth Arden. nd ee A. Blue Grass Flower Mist with Atomizer. Special, each 3.00 B. Blue Grass Flower Mist with Fluffy Milk Bath. C. Blue Grass Dusting Powder with Hand Soap. Special, Set 3.00 D. Blue Grass Fragrance Set with, Perfume Mist and Perfumair, Special, Set 5.50 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 312 PHONE 725-7373 7 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT. SPECIAL On Sale Only While quantities last PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) "Wonder Bra" Bandeaux "Seconds" Of Much Higher Priced Line @ Slight imperfections in the weave which should in no way affect wearing qualities, @ White cotton, contoured bandeaux in sizes A cup, 32 to 36; B cup, 32 to 36. SPECIAL, each 1:79 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 +s egenezee OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 | po