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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jul 1964, p. 14

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A a BONN NT HAE ARENA up Tipe die cet etree TORS Eg aN ES APS PRB IEE IE LS 14 TIME OSHAWA YIMES, Prigey, July 24, TI8® TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1i-~Hemiltop CBLT-TV Chanvel 6--Toronte WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffuile WBEN-TV Channel 4--S=!talo WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buftalo WRUC-TV Channel 3--Rochester FRIDAY EVENING 6:00 Pom N--Family. Theatre 9--Five O'clock Matines 7---The Early Show 4-Riverboat 2-Magilla Gorliie sy et 3-The Rifleman 4:00 P.M, Srilelhywoed and the 4--News With Van Miller 3-Frontier Doctor 2-Today, 1964 6:15 PLM. 4-Headline News 4100 PM N4-43--News; Weathers 'Squad é---Town Crier--Publi¢ Affairs 4145 PA. V--Family Theatre 8-2--Huntley - Brinkley nee P.M, 9---~-Theatre 8--Honeymooners 7-6---News, Weather, Sports 4--People Are Funny 3--Wagon Train 2--Fractured Flickers 130 PMA. $-2--Internatione! Showtime yas sgh 6-On The Scene 4-The Great Advenwre $:00 P.M 11----Combat $3 PM, 9--Andy Griffith &-2--Bob Hope 7---Burke's Law 63---The Defenders 4-Route 66 9:00 PLM. li-Jamboree 9--Gunsmoke 1:90 PLM. Vie Petticoat Junction S--Let's Sing Out €-2.-That Was The Week 7---Price is Right . 4---Twilight Zone 10:00 P.M. 1--$teve Allen Th N8-7-6-4-9-2--News; Weather 11118 PM. %--Metro Final 14:20 PLM, T-4----Late Show W180 PLM. 63----A Piace For Bvery- thing ret and Trial 6--Premiere Theatre SATURDAY 9:00 AM, 's Playhouse the Cat 6:30 AM, 1--Farm Home Hour 2-Three 0:00 A.M. +P 2-Fell Vee St Bill Lawrence 4-Puppet Carnival 9:30 AM. %--Mets Presents 1-P 4~-Field Trip with Fred Heil 2--Cartoon Capers 10:00 A.M. 4--Quick Draw McGraw 0:30 A.M. llCiub 11 Dance Party Sen Tonamnggrer Junior ion 6-2--Fireball XL-5 paw Allakazam 4--Mighty Mouse Playhouse 1:00 AM 9--Mele Presents 62--Dennis The Menace 7---Cartoons 6--Cousin Bil) 4---Rin Tin Tin 1:30 A.M. 14:00 NOON $-2--Bullwinkle 7--Bugs Bunny Robin Hood 4--Sky King 12:38 P.M. Hi-John Bradshaw 9--Up The Garden Path $-2----Mr. Witard 7--American Bandstand 6-Mr, Magoo 4--Cartoons 1:00 P.M. li-Hobby Time With Jane Gray 4----Rural Review 2----B/wana Don 130 PM, 3--Roller Derby 4--Baseball Game of the Week 2--Telesports Digest 2:00 PLM. Matinee é 63----Basebaill Game of the Week 9--Theatre 2--Parade of Champions 2:9 P.M. 3:00 PM, 2-Richard 1 2:30 PLM. fir Lance TWrectiing wg 4:00 PM. 11-9---Wrestling $--Bowling 5:00 PLM. "Have Gun Will Travel 9--HI-Time 43-20-20 Documenta: are of Willlam ell %--Telesports Digest 0 PM. Grand Jury &-Leiebel Show 63--Cartoons 4-Ted Mack Amateur Hour SATURDAY EVE, RB BPR AE EGO L EIT BIEL sag o 11:30 P.M. 6--Fred Asteire Theatre 12:30 AM. Tight Rope SUNDAY 9:00 AM. 4~Popeye's se seo 'gd 2--Cartoons * 7:30 AM, Ni--En France 7--The Christophers 2----Portraits of My People' 10:08 AM, H---McMaster University Presents The Bible Answers rtd Unto My Feet Christianity 10:30 AM. 4--Look Up and Live This ts The Life 1:00 AM, VierLet's Talk With Father Meehan 9----Mete Presents This is The Lite The Holy Mase 6--Church Service "Sor, &--Spectrum 7--Mind Over Myth 4--The Way 2-Secred Heart (2:00 NOOR ~~ 9--Fiim cores i Seth branes 1238 Pe sap aoe ' inental Miniature Stoum Vv 9--Plattorm 7---Discevery 4-Flim Feature 1:90 PLM. rh ster Theatre eancountry calender 1:00 PLM, 4--Camers Three 1--Billy Graham Crusade! he 4:00 P.M. New is t-Gariy Show 6--Countrytime 4---Wrestling 3---Mr, and Mrs. North 2-Superman 6:90 Pm 9--Wagon Train 6--Keynotes Ripcord 2~Billiard Champions +14) PLM, 0-64-3---News; Weathers Sports 7:0 PM, \l---The Dave King Show 6-3--Hancock 4-UB Round Table Panvi 4----Dragnet 1" P.M. i1--Ciub 11 Dance warty &2--The Lieutenant /~ 'Hootenanny 4----The «Saint 4--The Lucy-Desi Comedy 3--Danger Man 4:00 P.M. %--Donna Reed 0:30 PLM. %--Movie 8-2--Joey Bishop l--Lawrence Welk Show 63--Beverly Hillbiiiies 4-The Defenders 9:00 P.M $-2--Movie 63---Great Movies 9:30 P.M. Wrestling 7----Hollywood Palace 4---Summer Playhouse 10:00 PLA. +-Gunsmoke 10:90 PLM. 11---Biockbuster 9~The Twilight Zone T-Ensign O'Toole 11:00 P.M, 11-9-6-7-6-4-3-2---News) Weathers Sports 11:18 PM. VieeBiock Buster Con- tinued 8--NBC 7--lop Star Bowling 6---World of Sport 4--Baseball Game of the Week ing Service &2---Saturday Night ay The Movies é--Night Metre Movie CROSSWORD LAcirele. of police 2. Wine receptacie 8, City: Fr, 4, Severe 5, Viper 6. One of the peerage T. Malayan boat 14. Old Dutch: abbr. 15. Blunder 17. Time of the month 18. Large snake agent 27, Btt 8. Musical composition for six : 11, Asian desert 18. Longs for 16. Decide 29. Enemy 30, Exclama- DIE ILIAIWIAR IE IAIN] 2) ADIAIVIERBONISIE IT WAT Te ie So] T ESI: 1A mL, 'Sind ae) Yesterday's Answer 40, Russian mountain range 41, Serpent- lizard 43, Narrow inlets: geol. 46. English river 48. Single unit me TEA 7, * $8. Greek letter 89. Burden q 42, Audience 44, Tin: sym. 45, Employed 47. Public Opening lead ~ queen of spades, The United States team, hav- ing defeated Canada in the semifinals, and the Italian team, having defeated Great Britain; met in a match in the final round of the Second World Bridge 0 Italy won by 158 The U.S, team got off to s good start, After 13 boards they were leading Italy 42 to 11 and it began to look as though the famed Italian Blue Team might lose its stranglehold on world championship. But, seven boards later the Italians had taken the lead, 56 to 49. The Americans fought back and were ahead a; after 29 hands, 92 to 82, but, from then on, the Italian team scored steadily and eventually won by 46 IMPs, The Italians were especially effective in the last 20 deals. Playing with machine-like pre- cision, they were utterly invin- cible. No team in the world could have beaten them in this third of the match. They not only made no errors, but were uncannily accurate whenever a close decision had to be made. Italy gained 13 IMPs on the ances 49, Recording device THE LONE RANGER 07 MUST BEAT TME OLD PUEBLOS MUST HAVE } INCONSIDERATE ONE SUCH NERVE--LEAVING THE } LIGHTS ON AND RUNNING UP OUR ELECTRIC BILL ying hand. The Amer. ican North-South pair, Jordan and Robinson, had reached six hearts and made seven on the tbidding shown. When Belladonna and Avarel- li had the North-South cards, they reached a sound d slam on the following bidding: Pane Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Some of the bids were strict Jy conventional, being based on the Roman Club system--which features many highly special ized gadgets to deal with po- tential slam hands, The grand slam was easily made by es- tablishing an extra club trick in dummy and Italy gained 750 points on the deal. NEWS IN BRIEF SEIZE PLANE MIAMI, Fla, (AP) -- A plane reported destined for Cuba with four bombs aboard was seized Sunday night by U.S. authori- ties, they reported Monday. Ex- iles said the seizure foiled @ plan for a raid on Cuba coin- ciding with the Organization of American States meeting on Cuba starting today in Wash- ington. ROCKETS HIT CLOUDS GENEVA (AP) -- Swiss farm. ers fired rockets in the Geneva area Monday to disperse hail forming thunderclouds threaten- ing their crops. The clouds dis- persed and no hail was re- ported. DENY CHARGE WAHINGTON (AP) -- The United States rejected Monday a Cuban charge that American marines at the Guantanamo na- val base, Cuba, had shot and fatally wounded a Cuban guard stationed near the base. The state department announced a protest has been sent to Ha- vana against a shot fired by Cu- ban sentries at a Guantanamo marine sentry post, The state department said only two shots were fired and that only one of those was fired by a U.S. ma- rine guard and it went over the heads of the Cubans. SALLY'S SALLIES WELL, FT HADN'T PLAN! WAY, BUTCH / IED IT THAT } I JUGT HAD BAD LUCK TRYING TO EVEN THE LEGG ON THIG YABLEY "Let's only score the good shots for a change." SERVICE STATION AVAILABLE EXCELLENT opportunity for right man. Good gallonage, god location All Replies Confidential WRITE BOX 43 Oshowa Times

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