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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jul 1964, p. 7

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ann pnt ae nae are apna yaa ects peut gn i cept MOISES aco i SAAN SLED INS 1 AIEEE EEA IES TT it IE MEMBERS OF DR. B. A. BROWN'S FAMILY HOLD MEMORABLE RE-UNION Club on Dominion Day. The host and organizer was Dr. Bryce A. Brown of Oshawa, seen standing on the extreme left. Next, in line are Mrs. Dan J. O'Connor, Windsor, An occasion long to be re- membered was the gathering of members of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. James @Brown of Cornwall at the w-Grandview Golf and Country Ontario; Mrs. Ernest C. Groves, Long Sault, Ontario; Mr. Wilbert G. Brown, Corn- wall, Ontario; Mrs. Herbert C. Murray, Martintown, Ontario; . Mrs. John Reardon, Detroit, CUTTING THE CAKE Photo by Sneyd Marilyn Major, James Smith United In Pretty Ceremony » Bridesmaids in mint green| sheath sleeves of imported Alen- zand flower girls in yellow at-jcon lace. The bateau neckline THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Congenial personal relation- ships will mark this day; with the result that any group activ- ity should prove highly enjoy- able. Also favored: romance, travel, sports and creative pur- sults, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates a sat- isfactory, though not a spectac- ular. year. Job affairs will be more or less routine, except for some Smal], but good opportunities to advance in late November, late And, where financial matters are concerned, you can expect but few gains, and these most In the interim, you'll have to "play it safe" in monetary matters. No extravagance! No fover-expansion! No speculation! servatism must be the Leo- nths, In .your personal life, it's. a. different and more interesting story. Best periods' for romance: August, September, late Octo- ber, next May and June. The matrimonially - minded could wend their way to the al- tar during any of these cycles with assurance of stellar bless. ing. : And, if travel's on your mind, the months of August, Septem- ber, December and May will be highly auspicious. | Social and domestic interests \will be happily influenced for most of the year ahead. A child born on this day will be endowed. with a magnetic December and - or next March. | likely in September and Octo-| § ber. tes byword for the next 12)" tended Marilyn Lorraine Major at her wedding to James Es- mond Smith. The ceremony took place in King Street United Church, last Saturday after- noon. The bride is the daughter "of Mr. and Mrs, James' E. Major and the bridegroom is 'the' son of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- iam H. F. Smith, all of Oshawa. was embroidered with iridescent sequins and seed pearls. Two tiered overskirts, bordered by deep flounces of scalloped lace, billowed over the bouffant|DAY AFTER TOMORROW skirt and a headdress of pearl-/ Monday will be one of those| ized lilies of the valley held her|days in which "to expect the; scalloped veil of pure silk illu-junexpected." Many changes are sion, She carried a cascade of|Possible -- either in your per- red roses and stephanotis. |sonal or business life--but take personality but will have to curb tendencies toward arro- gance and false pride. The matron of honor, Mrs.\2!! in stride. They should prove Michigan, and Mr. George M. Brown, Cornwall, Seated, left to right, are Mr. Robert J. Brown, the senior member, and Mrs. Edson Clark, both of Cornwall. In-laws and MARITIME cousins enlarged the group as well as second and third gen- erations, Later Dr. Brown en- tertained the gathering at his residence, Simcoe street south assisted by his sons, Bryce and Robert. RS WED HERE Mary's Studio Wedding Trip To New Brunswick Follows Blackett-Chiasson Rites In Holy Cross Roman Catho- lic Church last Saturday morn- ing, Janet Mary Chiasson and Bernard Joseph Blackett, both of Oshawa, exchanged nuptial vows. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Joseph The Reverend L. W. Herbert iChiasson of Grand - Anse, New | Miss Erika Mary Elizabeth Vielhaber, Oshawa, was the maid of honor wearing powder blue organza with a. triple-tierd overskirt. A blue veil held by a big blue bow at the back for- med her headdress and she carried a nosegay of white chry- : |with thiamine, riboflavin, niacin "officiated and the chureh "organist, Mr. Rhyddid wil- *"iams; played the wedding "music and accompanied Mr. Fred Densham, soloist, when he ,Sang "O Perfect Love," "The Wedding Prayer" and "The word's Prayer." | The bride, who was given in »'marriage by her father, wore|matching petalled headdresses ra. gown of pure silk organza aover taffeta with a bodice and * Rose Willoughby » Bride Of Today Feted At Showers Rubert T. Gay and the brides-|Deneficial in the long run. maids, Miss Suzanne Smith\ror THE BIRTHDAY and Miss Joan Major were) If Monday is your birthday.| dressed alike in afternoon-lyour horoscope indicates that it| length, mint green silk organza|would be advisable to take ad-| over taffeta dresses with belllyantage of all possibilities for| skirts and sleeveless bodices, advancing your job status dur- topped by bolero jackets of im-ling the next six weeks, since ported Chantilly lace with e!bow- your efforts during this period length sleeves, They w OT €/should bring some ratifying late November | S€S'recognition in }and smal] veils. They carried|and-or late December -- about spepette yellow and white/the only chance you'll have for led ations and chrysan-\adyancement until next March, t ums, when another boost should The flower girls, the Misses|prove pleasing. Sharon and Cindy Gay, wore) Be conservative in financial jyellow organza dresses trim-|matters, however, since your med with greén sashes. Theirjonly outstanding periods for ad- headdresses were yellow flow-|vancing monetarily during the ers with mint green veiling and|coming year will occur in Sep- | Brunswick-and the bridegroom's|santhemums centered by white parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jos--|carnations tinted blue, eph Walter. Blackett of Bathurst,| Mr. Robert Huard Oshawa New Brunswick. |was the best man, - i The Reverend Marshall Ber-| A reception was held. at the riault performed the ceremonyjhome of Mr. and Mrs. Octave and Mrs. Gary Booth accom-|Landry, Drew street, uncle and panied herself at the organjaunt of the bridegroom. when she sang "Come Holy| Later the couple left on a Ghost,"' "Ave Maria' and "On|wedding trip to Bathurst New This Day." |Brunswick and will return to The bride was given in mar-jreside at 147 Cadillac avenue riage by Mr. Octave Landry.jnorth. For travelling the bride Her floor - length gown of silk|donned a three - piece powder organza inset with lace was|blue suit with white accessories, ee ee ee enero ee Doe Jo, Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, July 25,1964 7 Gerald F. Cockwell Weds Karen Flintoff In Orillia Miss Karen Flintoff, a kinder- garten teacher at West Ward Public School, became the bride of Geralg Frederick Cockwell of Oshawa in a double ring cere- mony held in St. Anthanasius Anglican Church, Orillia, Satur- day. " ' The Rt. Rev. C. C. Robinson assisted by Rev. R. T. McKim officiated during the ceremony. Miss margaret Graham of Oril- lia and Mrs, Martin Bertelsen of Mistassiny, P.Q., sang "O God of Bethel" and "The Lord's Prayc:". They were accompan- ied by Mrs. Clark Johnstone of Orillia at the organ. As the couple left the church, they passed through a guard-of-honor formed by the junior choir. The bride, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robert Flintoff, Orillia, plans to teach kinder- garten in the Lord Elgin Public School in Bowmanville in Sep- tember. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cockwell of Calabogie, Ontario, Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of .white chiffon over taffeta with a bodice of chantiiiy lace embroidered with aurora sequins and pearls, an Italian scoop neckline, and lily- point sleeves. The full skirt fea- tured a circular panel of chan- tilly lace gathered to a chiffon rose at the back and front, Her headdress, a crown of crystals and seed pearls, held a bouffant shou!der-length veil of pure silk illusion. She carried a prayer book and shrimp rosebuds, ste- phanotis and white streamers. She was attended by Miss COMPULSORY .ENRICHMENT Fiour enrichment in the U.S. and iron was made compulsory between January, 1943 and Oc- tober, 1946. Allison Harvie of Orillia as maid-of-honor, and Miss Bar- bara Cockwell of Toronto, and Miss Lynda Flintoff of Orillia, as bridesmaids. They were gowned. alike in shrimp street - length sheath dresses of organza over taffeta' featuring scoop necklines and overskirts of organza over net with bows at the waistlines, They carried natural straw bas- kets with white shasta daisies, shrimp carnations and nile green streamers. Their head- dresses were shrimp wedding ring hats trimmed with white shasta daisies. The best man was Thomas Cockwell of Oshawa, and the ushers were Richard Cockwell of Oshawa and Brian Flintoff of Orillia. Guests attending the reception in the parish hall were from Mistassiny, P.Q.; Oshawa, Tor- onto, Greenville, Pa.; Uxbridge, Newmarket, Hawkestone, Bow- manville and Coboconk. The bride's mother received wear- ing an ensemble of white guipure lace over pink taffeta, a pale pink hat of net with white and deep pink flowers on the crown, and white accessor- jes. Her corsage was of steph- anotis and an orchid. The bride- groom's mother was in a dress of pink and white striped nylon with a corsage of stephanotis and an orchid. For a honeymoon trip to the west coast the bride wore a surah shift of white with yellow, green and brown pfint and a soft yellow sleeveless .topper. Accessories of white, and a gar- denia corsage completed her en- semble. The couple will live at 76 Lib- erty street, Apt. 106, in Bow- man.ille. SOCIAL NOTICE \) WIFE PRESERVER Rub both sides of a power saw blade with a piece of soap and it will cut more easily. WHITE AND P Wed In Albert Linda Pearl Patterson, Osh- awa, and Clarke Wayne Caskey of Whitby were united in mar- riage in Albert Street United Church last Saturday afternoon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Melville Patterson of Bobcaygeon and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, Lee James Caskey of Whit- by and the late Mrs. Caskey. Mr. Ross Cotton sang "'O Per- fect Love," "The Lord's Pray- er" and "The Wedding Prayer" accompanied by Mr. Harold Ellis and the Reverend A. E. Larke performed the ceremony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a classic gown of pure silk organza over taffeta, featuring a bateau neck- line, lily - point sleeves and a high waist, encircled by a cum- merbund of imported Alencon lace in a rose design. The floor- length skirt flowed from the high waistline in soft box pleats and was dramatized by a shoul- der train bordered with the same lace, A self rose headdress AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke, Greenwood, will be at home to their relatives, friends . and neighbors on Wednesday, August 5, from 3 to 5 p.m, and 7: to 9 p.m, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Spinal Disc Injuries Hay Fever : 100 King St. E. 728-5156 Experienced Hair Stylist APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 held her bouffant veil of silk illusion and she carried a bou- quet of pink and white carna- tions accented with ivy sprays. sr i INK WEDDING Mary's Studio ~ Linda Patterson, Clark Caskey Street Church Mrs. Clayton Coulter, Oshawa, was the matron of honor and Miss Jane Kittle, Bobcaygeon, bridesmaid. They wore matching petal pink dresses of satapeau with scoop necklines, cap sleev- es and afternoon - length bell skirts, accented by a self bow at the front waist. A self rose and small veil formed their headdress and they carried the same flowers as the bride, in smaller bouquets. Mr. Lorne Caskey of Whitby was the best man and the ush- ers were Mr. Lee Caskey, Osh- awa, and Mr. Ross Patterson Taunton, The Hollywood Motel, Whitby, was the scene of the reception. The bride's mother wore a sheath dress of turquoise linen shantung with white accessor- ies and a corsage of pink and white carnations. The couple are honeymooning in the Maritimes and will live at 183 Arthur street on their return. For going away, the bride chose a full - skirted dress of white, lace over pink taffeta and a corsage of white carnations and pink Sweetheart roses. CALL US... for Prompt PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 241 KING ST. EAST 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH SHOPPING CENTRE JAMIESON DRUGS 725-1169 MITCHELL'S DRUGS 723-3431 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE 728-5101 723-2245 COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN PRESCRIPTION IS, Jury & Lovell WHITBY OSHAWA OUR PROFESSION BOWMANVILLE "WE SEND MEDICINE TO EUROPE" studded with sequins and a tiara| aon of rhinestones and pearls held her shoulder - length veil of net. | She carried a bouquet of pink roses and white Fuji chrysan- LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of The Corperation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct asphalt pavement on the streets as shown below, as local improvement, and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work: ESTIMATED COST jthey carried baskets of yellow,|tember and October. ;Mauve and white carnations} In the intervening months,|~ and chrysanthemums, pursue a sound and realistic Mr, Edward W. Smith was the|course. ; est man and the ushers were| Romance, travel and happy (8 rag S. Smith and Mr. ie hte social relationships ; illiam D, Smith. 'ould enliven most of the year, bg er < Pay non ey) For the reception at Club|With the accent on sentimental Mrs. Graham White, Saguenay Camelot, the bride's mother|™matters in August, September, avenue. The hostess was assist-| Wore @ sheath of organza over|/@te October, next May and ed by Mrs, Richard March. |taffeta in yellow print with a June; on travel and social ac- Mrs. Fred Ticknor, the bride-/™@ "3 three-quarter length|tivities in August, September, groom's grandmother, held aj°°2t* white accessories. Her December and May. miscellaneous shower at her|©°!*4! as composed of yel-| Do try to avoid friction in) home in Toronto. [low ~4 and mauve carna.|Close circles during .the early The women of the Free Me-|"ons. part of November, however. thodist Church held a miscellan-| 1° bridegroom's mother who A child born on this day will eous shower at the home of|#SSis':.', was in a light mauve|be sensitive and compassionate| Mrs. William Imerson, Fare-|Sheath of peau de soie with|4%4 will loathe injustice of any well avenue and Mrs, W. H. Mc-|™atering silk duster coat and|Kind. ! Millan presented the bride elect|Whi:e ~-cessories. with a cor- with bed linens on behalf of|S#%¢ °f white carnations. the Sunday School : The toneymoon is being spent! Mrs. Walter Dobroshinsky,|!" * nrida, As the 'couple left,| Valencia road, was hostess atte hr'"e was wearing a blue| cher home for a neighborhood|/@ce *hc>th and white acces- shower at which Miss Willough-|5°!/¢s- Sey by received numerous articles) .M"- *"¢ Mrs. Smith will re- for her kifchen. side at ( 4 Central Park boule- The prospective bridegroom) ¥@"4 orlh on their return. was presented with a set of] pyro-ceram ware by his co-| PUPPET THEATRE workers at General Motors and) 'Litt'» Angel Theatre in the the future bride was presented Islington district is. the first! with a carving set from her co-\devoted s ly to the art of the workers in the City Welfare of-/marionete to be opened in Lon. tice, * idon in a century. | Prior to her marriage to Mr. Donald George Ellis which is taking place today, Miss Rose Willoughby has been entertain-| ed at several showers Her co-workers at city hall en- themums. FOR THE FINEST IN Custom Made DRAPES SEE M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 ' Owner's Annual Rete Per Ft. Frege. $ 0.20 Owner's Cost Per Ft. Frge. $ 1.50 1.50 1,50 City's Share $ 2,719.41 993.98 555.00 7,434.18 7,286.68 Name of Street From To Width Total eranrernmenccs ser een oe -- name $ 5,035 80 1,715.36 '1,339.80 9,936.54 10,148.05 Bernhard Cres. Juliana Drive Juliona Drive' 28' 1 De | Conant St. South Side) Melrose sve. W, Limit Lot 1, Plan 758 Applegrove Ave, W. Limit Lot 48, Plan 741 $, Limit Plan 781 14' 28' 0.20 0,20 Nelson St. N, Limit Plan M-52 Olive Ave. 35 30' 1.50 1.50 0.20 0.20 Grandview Sty S. N, Limit Plan 781 Oshawa Bivd, N. Capture the Moment with Bridal Portraits and Albums 2. The estimatec cost of the work:is $28,175.55. The special assessment is to be paid in ten equai annual instalments. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the work and any owner may, within twenty-one days, after. the first publication of this notice, fileywith the City Clerk his objection to the work being undertaken. ' 4. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so, it may appoint a time and place when any ob- jection to the work will be considered. House, Church, Sfudio Reception © PHONE 723-3680 © L.,R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshawa | J DATED at Oshawa this 18th day of July, 1964.

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