Sa Oy ment og topo MN RN year etal a Orc be iy ST ly aint on ' 18 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 27, 1966 EATON'S AUGUST FUR SALE This Is The Year of the BIG CHOICE Make It The Year of Your BEST FUR BUY | See the Collection! You'll love the prices! All year we've planned.and purchased for this sale . .. Now You can take advantage of some of the lowest prices ever for furs of comparable quality! YOU CAN'T MAKE A SAFER BUY ,.. . Every fur is is back- ed by EATON'S Famed Guarantee "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded". Never before In EATON History has there been such a pS ete Tremendous variety From All Over The World! ian Fox, South American Nutria . Superb Furs Cariads, Germany, Newfoundland, Australia, and Brazil. Trend-Setting Styles, new lengths, exciting collars, differ- ent sleeves . . . In other. words Furs With the EATON Flair For Fashion! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY, PLEASE NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS Black (dyed) Persian Lamb --. some with natural. Mink trim. Natural Grey Persian-Lamb -- some with natural Mink trim. Beaver (blended) China Mink (dyed) Brown (dyed) Beaver -- some with natural Mink trim Mink (dyed) Centre back Northern Muskrat Hudson Seal (dyed sheared Muskrat) -- some with natural Mink trim Sheared Raccoon (natural and blend- ed. Blonde (dyed) Sheared' Flank Musk- rat -- some with natural Mink trim Brown Hudson Seal (dyed sheared Muskrat) Long-haired Raccoon (blended) Natural Pastel Mink Gills EATON AUGUST FUR e SALE, Ecch .. EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 248 Let-Out China Mink (dyed) China Mink (dyed) Split-Skin Russian Kolinsky (dyed) Natural Canadian Beaver Shorties -- with natural Mink trim Brown (dyed) Canadian Beaver Short- ies -- with natural Mink trim Black (dyed) Persian Lamb -- some with natural Mink trim Natural Grey Persian Lamb -- some with natural Mink trim Blonde (dyéd) Sheared Nutria with natural Mink trim. Hudson Seal (dyed sheared Muskrat) Fouke (dyed) Transveldt Seal Jacket with natural Mink trim EATON AUGUST FUR 'e SALE, Each .. EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 248 Blended Otter Blonde (dyed) Beaver --: some with natural Mink trim Russian Kolinsky (dyed) China Mink (dyed) Black (dyed) Persian Lamb -- some with natural Mink trim Natural Grey Persian Lamb -- some with natural Mink trim Brown (dyed) Persian Lamb -- some with natural Mink trim Natural Wild Mink Jackets EATON AUGUST FUR Oo SALE, Eoch .. " EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 248 BUY ONE... GET A Beauty Bonus AT NO EXTRA CHARGE... HELENA RUBINSTEIN ONCE-A-YEAR SALE--SAVE 21% to 50% For A Complete Beauty Treatment! BUY: Convertible Lipstick Case with creamy lipstick in dazzling shades. AND REC- ped Lipstick Refill in fash- ion pinks, corals and reds. 3.00 Value! EIVE ALSO: Extra Pink-Cap-: BUY: Silk Fashion Liquid Make-up which helps bring pretty features into focus. AND RECEIVE ALSO: Silk Fashion Face Powder. Extra fine base. 2.75 Value! Special, BUY: Deep Cleanser with Penetrel. Creams deep as it cleans deep, AND RECEIVE ALSO: Skin Dew Moisturizer . an all day beauty treat ment for dry skin. BUY: Beauty Washing Grains. Foaming granules which help to clean clogged pores. AND RECEIVE ALSO: 'Water Lily' Pore Lotion, Medicated lotion to help tone and refine the skin. (NOT ILLUSTRATED) BUY: Headliner -- Hair Groom RECEIVE Colour - Tene Shampoo Concentrate. 2.60 Value! 1 50 Special, both for ... BUY: Heaven Sent Creont De- odorant. RECEIVE: Heaven Sent Eau de Parfume 2.37 Value! Special, 1 25 - ' BUY: Heaven Sent Eau de Por- fum, RECEIVE: Heaven Sent Bath Powder. 2.87 Value! Special, both for BUY: 2-Speed Home Permanent. RECEIVE: here Share ; Concentrate. 3. 'alue Special, both for 2-25 BUY: Bio-Clear Medicated Cream. RECEIVE: "Water Lily" Pore Lo- 3.62 Value! 1 75 Special, both for .. #4 2.50 Value! 1 50 BU Y: "Pasteurized' Face tion, 2.25 Veluel Special, both for .. Cream Special. RECEIVE: Skin | 10". + 1: SPecial ..-- . both for Dew Moisturizer. 3.87 Valuet | Special, both for ...... Listed are Just 10 of 20 Exciting Combinati ons -- Available for a limited time only. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 312 PHONE 725-7373 OPER GELS BY) Super Jumbo Garment Bag Mothproof 4 - gauge plastic bag. Screw cap opening for moth crystals, 4-hook frame and 50" zipper. Navy only. Approx. 20 x 20 x 57", Boys' Summer Casuals For comfort and good looks! LEATHER OXFORDS "SISMAN SCAMPERS" SUEDE CASUALS Made of high-quality suede DESERT BOOTS Featherweight and flexible, they are refreshingly relax- ing. Comfort features in- clude suede uppers with a 3-eyelet tie, and crepe rub- ber soles, Suitable. for all informal wear. Also Available With connate Comfortable and relaxing, yet sturdy. This well-built leather shoe includes a 4-eyelet tie, durable stitching, ond crepe rubber soles. Made in Canada, Pair 6. 98 with @ crepe rubber sole for summer comfort. Has 4 i j~- EATON Price, each durable stitching and o 3- ~ 5.98 | A Qed oD EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 222 PHONE 725-7373 COOLING UNIT Installation includes: Pair 5.98 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 239 PHONE 725-7373 A central cooling unit adapted to your present forced warm air heating system offers you the convenience of maintaining year 'round comfort. EATON'S now offers excellent savings on this Home Cooling Unit! @ Modification of your present furnace plenum @ Installation of coil in furnace @ Installation of compressor @ Installation and wiring of thermostat EATON'S BUDGET - CHARGE TERMS... NO DOWN PAYMENT @ Installation of wiring from your hydro panel to air conditioner. In order to install this unit you must have a minimum of 100 ampere hydro panel service. If any alteration is needed to this service the cost of such service is the responsibility of the home owner. If your, present blower unit requires modification to ensure satisfactory operation of this cooling unit, such modification will be made at an additional cost. There are many advantages with Comfort-Aire! Utilization of your present heating system. The blower of your furnace distributes the cool air throughout your home. For 5-6 room homes complete with "A" or "H" Coil Cooling-unit in your furnace dehumidifies and helps €leur the air. 15 ft. tubing and room thermostat removes that damp muggy sensation so often felt on hot moist Summer days. EATON : os : : Special Price Cooling unit is located in the plenum of your furnace -- either ; : : ; aAP . 4 an "A" Coil or "H" Coil is supplied to give maximum perform- . : re ance. see Saeeeses (INSTALLATION INCLUDED) For 6-8 room homes complete with "A" or "H" Coil, 15 ft. tubing and room thermostat Cooling unit is controlled by comfort control thermostat located : ---- : in your living area. ] ttt = be +t x4 EATON Tecumseh compressor and operating controls are enclosed on rm Special Price, remote unit which is located outside the home and connected to cooling unit in your furnace. (INSTALLATION INCLUDED) You can rely on EATON'S . . . your protection 'is assured through EATON'S guarantee -- 'Goods Satisfactory or, Money Refunded.' EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 556 One-year warranty on-all parts and service. PHONE 725-7373