MARGARET MASTERS Strong Contender For BRENDA LARGE hole competition at the Seign-| fory Club, the Ladies Invita- tional at Toronto Ladies and the and District Ladies' Day at Ottawa Hunt. - Earlier this month she reached the semi-finals of the Ontario Ladies Open but was knocked out in a close match with defending champion Sue Hilton of n. Miss Hilton, who described the match as "nerve-wracking," later lost in the final to Sandra Post of Oakville, During 15 years in golf Miss Masters has held the Austral- ian, New Zealand and South Af- rican championships. She was a member of the first Common- wealth golf team at St. An- drews, Scotland, in 1959, and a member of the Commonwealth team again at Melbourne last year. IMPRESSED BY MARLENE It was during these competi- tions, she says, that she first met such Canadian women golf- ers as Marlene Streit, Rae Mil- ligan and Gayle Hitchens. "I was so impressed with their form and with the number of competitions you have here in Canada that finally made up my mind to move to Ot- tawa." Canada's best are much bet- ter than the best in Australia, she says, adding that Marlene Streit is "the best woman golfer I've ever seen--she's magnifi- cent." Stan Pttit,; Miss Masters' 73- year-old manager and a fellow Aussie, agreed with her opinion of Mrs. Streit but added that he thinks Margaret has what it takes to beat Canada's finest, if not this year, then next. "She's in terrific form, She practices three and four hours a day now and I have a wonder- ful sense of confidence that she can accomplish great things." Mise Masters says she has only one problem -- homesick- ness. "I fa miss ed poge oi although I love Canada." Her father, a Melbourne business- man, and her mother got her started in golf when she was 18. She has three younger broth- ers at home. An assistant pharmacist in Melbourne, Miss Masters is con- "ne on golf for the pres- ent. That she has the sort of cour- age a champion needs is indi- cated by an incident some years ago. "When I was in my teens, a Harold Cooley New Hit With Alouette Fans NEW YORK (AP) -- New York Mets bought. rookie in- fielder Bobby Klaus from Cin- cinnati Tuesday night and sold first-baseman Tim Harkness to San Diego, the Reds' farm club in the Pacific Coast League. Harkness, a 27-year-old na- tive of Lachine, Que, had 13 RBI and two homers in 38 games this season and had only recently returned to action after suffering a pinched nerve in his shoulder May 17. His batting] average was .282. | Klaus, 26, played in 40 games for the Reds with a batting av- erage of .183. YESTERDAY'S ~ STARS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Batting -- Jim Fergosi, An- geles, hit for the cycle and drove in two runs as Los An- geles defeated New York Yan- kees 3-1, snapping the American League leaders' winning streak at five. Pitching--Jim Bunning, Phil- Hes, shut out San Francisco 4-0 on four hits in opener of cru- cial series as Philadelphia ex- tended its National League lead over the Giants to 1% games. | HAS BACK SURGERY BOSTON (AP) -- Ted Wil- liams underwent back surgery at New England Baptist Hospi- tal Tuesday and doctors. said the operation to relieve pressure on a spinal nerve went "very well." Williams' condition was| described as good. IS DISABLED ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Pitcher Ray Washburn of St. Louis Cardinals has been placed on| the disabled list effective July) 23. Washburn was complaing of} a@ sore arm. He has a 3-4 rec- ard. Sydney Halter announced Tues- eae zon, Montr uettes;/st, Lawrence University Hockey|a 10-round bout at Henry Huth, Calgary Stamped-|7 caeue. Dube was coach of the\Square Garden Friday night. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 29,1964 17 '|a number of concessions to Ed- Ladies' Open Tourney SPORTS IN BRIEF ers; Milt Campbell, Toronto AT-\cherbrooke Beavers. which\Giardello took the title from MAKES CONCESSIONS cial arrangements" made with oust "Parsons, Cal , 'EDMONTON (CP) -- Cit y|the city before: decline in gate| ay Stampeders." of. the 'Allan Cap. piayetis inlaion in" Atlsntic City's Conver. couneil voted Monday to make|"ccipts which began two years . "So me _toin Hall last Dee. 7. which amount of about $25,- ions--bu' monton Eskimo; READY TO FIGHT MAKES GRANT | toa total subs: NEW YORK (AP) -- World) LETHBRIDGE (CP)--A grant champion, J 0 e yjof $300. to the Canadian Olym- Tuesday he was|pic Committee-to help send Al-| e, has beenjready to give Dick Tiger a Segoe sraletes be {he Bex: somhe) | Sherbrooke|turn bout provided the ex-cham-|in Tokyo has been approved by in the Ottawa-ipion defeats Jose Gonzalez in council, each for conduct resulting in match alties in pre-season finan-|games, league I ot aor] FURNITURE WAREHOUSE -- MATTRESS Serta Ortho Quilted Mattresses COMPARE WITH 89.50 -- HALF PRICE Sealy Smooth Top Mattresses SOLD FOR 69.50--WHILE THEY LAST Smooth Top Mattresses WAS 49.50--HURRY FOR THESE Serta Smooth Top Mattresses SOLD FOR 79.50 -- 3 ONLY Spring-Filled MATTRESSES sxx ALL SIZES, HUNDREDS OF COILS CONTINENTAL BERR covas Spring-Filled Crib Mattresses WITH WATER REPELLANT VINYL COVER BUNK BEDS s5 7 | WILSON'S MATTRESS PALACE 20 CHURCH ST. 723-3211 5 | YOUR cash WE WEED - SS >>. 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