eee Sete est he er dla oe be a aoe HITBY And DISTRICT $2 Theft And Shame Manager: John Gault Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West rv «wa0| Aare Suicide Factors Requiem For Limpy-Johnny, By JOHN GAULT (Whitby Editor) And who will morn for Limpy- Johnny? And who is Limpy- Johnny? : He is a recluse -- was a recluse -- a man who died on the front steps of his squalor- stinking, two-room shack. No one knows who he was, or where he came from, or where he has gone. John Macko was 84 years old. He was found by a neighbor on Monday evening, slumped on broken, unfinished concrete blocks. He was a homely, cfip- pled, dirty little man, and he lived in a homely, dirty crumb- ling two-room shack at the northern end of Perry street. He had been in Whitby beyond memory. Grandfathers here recali him stumbling up Brock street from the now-dis- continued buckle - factory. He was always bent, and crippled, and homely, and insignificant. John Macko is a man with- out an obituary. He is no one, Without An Obituary i. A Coroner's Jury took. less than 15 minutes to decide a sui- cide verdict on the death - of an AWOL Mounted Police Re- eruit, here last night. They concluded that Gary Wayne McKim, 19, had dived under the wheels of a 33,000- pound cement truck on Ross- land road July 6. Evidence supplied by recruits and an officer of the RCMP training base at Rockliffe re- vealed that McKim had left the base after he was caught steal- ing money from the wallet of another recruit. It was further learned that he had followed the cement-truck driven by Brian Masson God- frey of 125 Byng avenue, Osh- awa, throughout the morning, prior to the 12.50 p.m. acci- dent. McKim's father, Sgt. Fred- erick McKim, Canadian Army at Montreal expressed shock at the first mention of suicide . at the inquest. He said it was the first time he had ever heard it suggested. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck in his opening remarks, told the five men that the case had "all the appearances of a sui- cide'. After the evidence was heard, he once again asked for the suicide verdict, and for an official exoneration of the dri- ver, Godfrey. Mr. Affleck suggested the pending dismissal as the motive for the suicide. ; According to two sisters, one of them McKim's fiance of two years, the deceased had arrived in Cobourg, his old home town, on Sunday afternoon. He informed them that he "had worked some overtime', and therefore did not have to report back until Tuesday. Nancy Robinson, 22, and her sis- ter, Joan, 17 had been in their native Cobourg on their week- end off from secretarial work in Oshawa, Joan, it was learned, was Mc- Kim's long-time girlfriend. He drove her back to Oshawa that Sunday night, and slept on a cot in the sisters' Simcoe apartment. Both girls agreed jthat he showed no signs of |stress that night, and discussed |his Mountie training favorably jand freely. "He was a very religious per- json", Nancy said. "He beliey- led that, when it was your time to die, you died.' | Naney alse informed the jury | that the RCMP had made an in- |quiry at her Cobourg home, ask- ling for McKim. When she told |him of it, he said to tell of his whereabouts, and insisted he had nothing to worry about. This occurred the following street) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 29, 1964 § HOUSEHOLD HINT Keep refrigerators fresh and sweet by adding ammonia to the wash water. driver for 10 years, said he spot- ted what eventually turned out to be the McKim car following him around all morning of July 6. He first saw it about 10.15 a.m when it cut him off on Simcoe street neat Nonquon avenue. The second time was about 12 noon: he was northbound on Simcoe on his way to the Reddi- mix Cement Plant, and McKim was southbound. The third time he saw it was heading west toward Whitby with a load of cement. Despite his slow speed, and attempts to hug the right shoulder, McKim, he said, had remained behind |him. es) When he finally passed he stopped once and looked back, then_drove on. The fourth sight- ing was the fatal one. Mr, God- frey came upon the car, park- jed paft on shoulder, part on |road at a point just east of the |Whitby Boundary Line. The driver, he said, was standing in front of the car, peering at him through the windshield. Godfrey pulled out jinto the eastbound lane to go around. "He moved toward the door! Then he ran with three leaping jumps and threw himself on his stomach on the pavement." Constable Don Simmons of on Rossland road, as he was| Family Monuments Created To | Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS | 318 DUNDAS EAST | 668-3552 | | | One-Sto DECORATING © Wellpeper end Murals © Custom Droperies © Broadioom and Rugs © CLL, Paints end Varnishes © Flo-Gleze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron $t. $., Whitby } | Adults 1.50 | WHITBY SAT., AUGUST Pardennink Paak In Aid KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS Performance at 2 p.m. end 8 p.m. Activities commences et 1 p.m. ond 7 p.m. Children 1.00 ST. Reserved Seats .50 extra from somewhere in the Balkan states, presumably Rumania. It was estimated by Duncan Mc- Intyre, a lifelong resident, and solicitor for John Macko that he had worked in the same job; for 40 years. | The homely crippled 1itt1!e)was loved by no one. He spokeyalmost-ancient tools, man in the rags died. without only badly-broken English. Few|ties, and stone fences. relatives, It appears there ispeople could understand' im | He. had no cleric inepusey FAIRVIEW LODGE! on duly 4 in the alterna, he srious thinker, always question Dial informed the inary that cept rusted, warped garden|of women, At one time he had ally beside his iron-rung, sheet- Mr. Macko, when he was/had observed mchitn page ng aid aed cage ny a Oe ant tools, and a flock af chickens, (respectable home on Ceatrelless, blanketless bed. A coal-(ousted from his Centre street|desk drawer of another recrull, wpyep 19 BUY GUN er ta test at ine ta He belon j he street south wood stove was in one corner,|home, was invited to enter inspect a wallet, then put it) He is alleged to have said: eh tha the left shoulder hadi ged to nothing, he street south. back g e Sala: heen dislocated. The jury complied with this,/day, shortly before the death. I 0 amo expressing unanimous opinion| "Gary liked to live too much|OPP Whitby said McKim's skull that the death was in no way|to do that," she concluded/had been crushed by the left a | caused by Godfrey's negligence.| through quivering lips. rear dual-tires. His investigation ig Training C onstable J. R. A.| Joan revealed that McKim had|Placed the impact at a point just|[¥Fy Bourret, 20, of Thetford Mines,| discussed death frequently onjopposite the front end of the Zo) ar , was a recruit in the same| Sunday, but said this didn't sur- parked car. ~) eatieh : Gn OP Pe , P.Q. cua 1 pin newspapers lay along pookitte barracks with the de-|prise or bother her because she| Dr. R. M. Clark, chief patholo- B HE DIED ON THIS STEP reer ERT nae = "Limpy-John- and rough, the walls unpainted|Macko refused to go. He could éted the cottiers, "When I die, would you want tolthe suicide verdict. }mal for a while, burrowing into lthe Jury that McKim had twice) NEW YORK (AP) -- A fed- cracked icebox stood beside his|Panion--his dog Remanded he died in front of. | lor, Training Officer at Rock-|and Wesson revolver. \fice burglary operation in a fast-moving .vehicle as she His garden already starting to |memories are etched forever in . 4 niles serews |Fairview Lodge. Mr. MclIntyre "lr w vher ' i eecrgaee : But the women stopped for|Jars of rusted nails and screws, 000 tt arrange. After that, he continued, Mc- I wonder where you go when! 'There was no alcohol in the : ® lhim, and his home was taken rather than clothing set in the Seite. o Br Lecim' 'went to another desk. re- you die? and: "I_ wonder if system. iil K lI laway. |broken, half-opened drawers of ; moved a wallet, took out some|= will be buried in Cobourg Coroner Dr. J. O. Ruddy sec: 1F. gy 1 er | John Macko, the crippled, |his stand. The floors were bare rdh But at the last minute, |yin, put some back, and pock-|9r Montreal?", and, to Joan:|ondeq Mr, Afflecks' request for {homely man lived like an ani- . ie ic : . s pipe icine d= clothi pred ans oe hed et He told his story, 'without 5 Oshawa Shopping the haystack of a friendly farm-| Dirty, ragged clothing was getty : names, to the whole 30-man)_,° . ig is Convicted, ler on Chestaat street. ' hung neatly over paintless|that he would not be allowed tol trou, the following day, July 5,|Cemtre hardware merchant, told aL ay Sas aes ordered him to| Wooden chairs and a warped,|take along his only earthly com- McKim. admitted. there 'that hel 'al ty in wronkive § sig vganglbgitese brs hand | had: taken 'two 'dollars attempted to buy guns from him|¢"a! grand jury in Brooklyn in- vacate, he moved into the shack door, Ia. the other rout' & few| So Joh' Macko, " on the fatal forenoon. At first he/dicted 13 men Tuesday on --_----___________--------|ny" to'at least three genera-|CERTAIN DISMISSAL claimed to be a Mountie, and|Charges of taking part in pos-| | John rg ™ ere : tions of Whitby children, died as| RCMP Inspector William Tay-|requested a .38-calibre Smith/sibly the most lucrative post of- ' _ {a railroad track, a ditch, and a V ll V he lived. He was alone. p : 1 noe = eres Monies airt road. He kept his chickens 1 age otes | When others 'die here their liffe assured the inquiry that) He was refused this, and left.|United States history. Authori- jouse was struck and killed by|ang an old dog for company. : this action would have meant|He returned later, Mr. Swan|ties said the gang stole more a sees bons a certain dismissal for McKim.|said, and wanted to buy a .22-/than $700,000 worth of stamps e was reto before Magistrate Harry Jer- myn at Whitby yesterday. Before the court was 21l-year- go to weed, was a complete oe To Close Up The yard about the part brick Dance Hall old Clair Raymond Brockman, |P2!tblock, part-tin, RR 3, Bowmanville, who plead-|e™ part-unpainted wood house ed not guilty to a charge of gl : SUTTON, Ont. (CP)--Village with remnants council has voted to close down an old wagon,/, dance hall at nearby Jack- strewn the past: dangerous driving. Later in his case. however,| Brockman changed his plea to one Of guilty: Magistrate Jer- myn adjourned sentence until August 18. He also ordered a pre-sentence report. Doug Trivett; who was one of the first people on the scene of the accident, described how he had been driving along Taunton road near the village of Taun- ton. The evening was light. He was in no hurry. It was then, he said, that he noticed a small girl in red shorts and white blouse cycling along on the other side of the road. He passed the girl and then "moments later, he went on, a car went past him in the oppo- site direction "with a flash and 2 zoom"'. "It seemed to be going very fast," he said. Mr. Trivett's wife said in the witness box that she turned to watch the car as it went past. The next thing she saw was the girl go up in the air. Outside in "his garden at the time of the accident was Charles Noble. He told the court that he was feeding his dogs when he heard a whooshing sound. He looked up and saw Brockman's car. | He estimated its speed at 80 miles per hour in a 40-mile zone "It was going very, very fast," he said. ""T closed my eyes. I knew, there was gding to be an acci- - dent. When I opened them I saw the girl up in the air." After a further witness had "testified as to Brockman's high speed, defence lawyer Terry Kelly notified the court. of his client's change of plea. Concluding the Crown's case, Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck said that the girl's bike was dragged 234 feet by Brockman's car When later interviewed by a 'In N. Rhodesia |son's Point if possible to curb |disturbances among teen-agers in this area. Reeve George. Lamont said |Tuesday the decision was made jafter a disturbance Saturday |whech reached near-riot propor- | tions. | Police put in emergency calls when they were unable to stop 100 brawling youths and girls. Six persons arrested in the me- lee are to appear in court Fri- Officer Dies Fanatic War LUSAKA (Reuters) One white police officer was killed and another seriously wounded} Tuesday while investigating dis-|°4Y- turbances among the pine Mr. Lamont said a petition is Church religious sect in North-|being circulated among cottage ern Rhodesia, a government|owners in the area asking them spokesman announced. to buy $100 subscriptions to- The announcement of new po-| Wards the purchase of the Pep- lice. casualties in a remote|permint Lounge Dance Hall northern area followed the kill- from Mr. and Mrs. John Me- ing of 34 persons and_ the! Millan. moening of 15 in weekend dis-| ~ HAVE A WILL : THAT WILL WORK The government sent "strong" troop reinforcements SEE YOUR LAWYER ABOUT YOUR WILL to the area Monday and Prime Minister Kenneth Kaunda an- nounced Tuesday that Governor Sir Evelyn Hone'had assumed emergency powers to restore order. The centre of the distur- bances is the Chinsali district, about 450 miles northeast of Lu- saka, Thirty villages were reported} to have been burned out by fol- lowers of Alice Lenshina, the sect's leader. Mrs. Lenshina, a former member of the Church of Scot-| land, has waged a_ vigorous and GREY camp aign against witchcraft T 1») Il ¢ T and has also told her follow-) '= id ers: "You cannot belong to the 308 Dundas St, W., Whitby Lumpa Church and toa politi- f cal party." See Us About Serving As Your Executor VICTORIA LOANS TO UAR DAMASCUS, Syria (AP)--Ku- wait, the rich oil realm on the! Persian Gulf, is reported ready to make a $27,500,000 loan to the United Arab Republic for 104 LUPIN DRIVE Ccemelilicmmadtiiensnstieee Mi] ithe undying print of the news- paper. They went to school here. They worked here. They belonged to clubs and societies, and X number of people regret to learn of the death. Some people will walk to Limpy-Johnny's graveside. The people he worked with for 40 or 45 years. The people in the buckle- factory, which, like John Macko, had outlived use and love, will say: 'It's too bad." *But John Macko died a non- entity. He was a burden to no one, and was loved by no one. He is survived by no one So now the man who had no obituary at least has a requiem. = COOL = Genuine ITALIAN SANDALS Reg. Price to 6.95 Wedge & Flat Heels |Now 3.97 1 Collins Shoes 119 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY OPEN FRI, TILL 9 P.M. TROUGHTON MEATS BLAIR PARK PLAZA He 'added that it had not.been|calibre repeating rifle. Because reported to him until after Mc-/his' identification was not com- |Kim had gone AWOL from the|plete, he was refused again. base. | Mr. Godfrey, a heavy-truck jand money orders from eight New Jersey post offices during \the first five months of this| year. 21,920 WORTH _ GET YOUR FREE "CIRCLE 5" CARD NOW! A new game will appear in ovr ad each Wednesday and ot your RED & WHITE STORE CIRCLE 5 WINNERS Play it like "BINGO" | WIN UP TO ! $100°° REDsWHi*: GAME NO. 6 CHECK YOUR CARD AGAINST THESE WINNING NUMBERS | NUMBERS TO PLAY 4/6/12 14| 20 | 22 24) 26 | 34) 36 44! 46 | 48 50) 52 | 54 64| 66/72 74! 76 |78 84 86 | 92 94| 96 | 98 | din (Ave, De wor WAN YwesE MOMBERS WITH Wrewwe CARD © Corrmerr. wt etaorure conroRaTion aun YORK KY, PLAY BRANDED ON ALL CARDS (32 38 is EASY To PLAY JOIN. THE FUN PRESSWOOD'S FULLY COOKED CRYOVAC HALF -- SKINLESS PLAY ALL GAMES 5-LB, AVERAGE -- NO WASTE FRESH SLICED--TASTY TREND cur. id MILD SEASONED -- PURE POR Sausage SPECIALLY SELECTED--VALUE CHECKED-- STEAKS Ib. 79. Round -- Boneless Rump -- Rib or Club Smoked Hams ,, 79° Bologna 2,,.: Trend Brand OPENING-TODA Red & White Foodmosters of frew, and @ Newly Remodelied Red & White in Desborats, Ontario, Rodney end Ren- MILD T 6-0. Pecks 41° fe SWEET ur, 99° ASTY CUCUMBERS DELICIOUS VINE-RIPENED CANTALOUPES EATING YELLOW PLUMS Sunshine Fresh Fruits and Vegetables FLAVORFUL HOME GROWN LETTUCE LARGE SOLID HEADS GREEN CABBAGE 1 LARGE HEADS > Taps a 25° 29° 23° 43* 99° No. 1 HEADS No. 1 LARGE SLICERS No. 1 FOR No. 1 6-QT. BASKET Try Our New Budget Freezer Plan Nothing Down--6 Month to Pay FRONT QUARTERS CUT & WRAPPED FREE ». 35. GRADE "A" FRESH EGGS 22 doz. 649. tray All Meats Government Inspected -- Fully Guaranteed -- PHONE 668-4633 police officer Brockman sho @+d! widening the Suez Canal. This) signs of having been drinking. would bring to $144,500,000 the "here was a strong smell of|total of Kuwait loans recently alcohol on his breath. ito the U.A.R.* SAVE 14c---SUNSPUN ICE CREAM «-....79* 5 VARIETIES---SUPREME FANCY af | BISCUITS = 3: 35° SAVE Ile -- LIBBY'S FANCY QUALITY 48-oz, tins $] 1.07 CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! -- TOMATO JUICE CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! -- SAVE 32c! -- INSTANT COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE 13e OFF PACK pg ST LAWRENCE CORN OIL CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! -- SAVE lle! -- 59° YORK FANCY PEAS 15-ox. $] CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! -- SAVE 19¢ -- ROSE BRAND COLOURED MARGARINE 4 iis. 83° pkgs. CIRCLE 5 FEATURES! PREM Luncheon Meat SAVE 30¢!--CANNED. MIDGET tin 39¢ MAPLE LEAF HAMS 1M -lb. l 39 tin e SAVE 8c!--FANCY COHOE GOLD SEAL SALMON ,,; 4, 43¢ BROCK. Evening Shows Start 7 & 8:20 WHITBY LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:20 FOR LOVE OR 12-0x, pkgs. REG. 39c---FRESH BAKED--. WESTON OR SUNBEAM Lemon Buns FROZEN FOODS! 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