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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jul 1964, p. 10

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ire ath Se, ra a aa os : sg ot EE I RNR ANN LANDERS 'Dad's Generosity Is Selfish Folly Dear Ann Landers: We are middle-class people of modest means, My husband's take home pay is slightly under $118 a week. It is mot easy to man- age today on his salary. For- tunately we own our home free and clear, and the company provides us with a car or we ,couldn't make it. The problem is that my hus- _ Band insists on giving our 14- year-old son $10 a week to spend on anything he wants. This does not include clothing, school supplies or tickets to rts events. I've told him this is not right, put he says, "Money gives peo- ple confidence. When I was a kid I was so ashamed of not) having a nickel in my pocket I swore it would never happen' to my son." Last night I sat down with the boy and asked him to tell me what he hag done with his week's allowance. Almost all of| it was spent treating friends to) sodas, sundaes, hamburgers) and movies, My husband says! this is "generous." I say the) boy is trying to buy popularity. | May I hear what you have to say? Could I be wrong?--Min- ority of One Dear Minority: I hope you ¢an get an outsider to talk to your husband before he ruins his son for life. Teen-agers who are handed a large-allowance just for breath- ing, grow up spoiled, lazy and with no motivation to achieve anything through work. Your son is not making friends. He is supporting leeches. Please urge your hus- band to seek some professional | help or he may wind up giving, the boy money for the rest of; his life. | Dear Ann Landers: I am 22 and the only girl in our crowd who is not married. I pretend I am fussy but the truth of the matter is nobody has ever asked me--until Bennie. | Bennie works as a waiter in a cafe where I am assistant cashier. He is 28, handsome, has been married twice but has no children. The big problem is that Bennie drinks too much and qoesn't remember what he) says. | Last weekend he said he had to go see his sister in Martin's Ferry but it turned out he took off for the lake with the blonde hat check girl. When I asked | him about this he said he sees her occasionally for "kicks" and/| that if I would marry him he'd quit drinking and straighten around. You always say in your col- umn people drink because they are unhappy. Do you think if I married Bennie I could make him. happy and he would stop drinking? Please help me.-- Dottie Dear Dottie: Marriage never) cured a drinking problem yet.| If Bennie is looking for "kicks | I suggest you kick him in the | direction of Alcoholics Anony- | mous. If he proves he can stay, off the sauce for one solid year PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. George Finn,| New South Wales, Australia, are summer. visitors at the home of their son, Mr. George Finn and family, Bay Ridges. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horton, | Ajax, accompanied by their daughter, Miss Penny Horton Longford Mills United Ceirch was the setting for the recent) wedding of .Wilma Patricia Burke, daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. Wilber O. Burke of Long- ford Mills, to Elmer R. Nicker- son of Oshawa, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Nickerson of Wey- mouth, Nova Scotia. The Reverend E. J, Robert- son officiated. Organ 'music was provided by Miss -Carol McRae of Longford. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a floor- flip a coin to see who pays for|length gown of peau de soie, the 10 o'clock coffee. I've kept|with long sleeves. It featured track just for the heck of it and|a scoop neckline, accented with| I lose five times out of six. This|a large bow at the back. Her} seems like an unusually high|headdress was a crown of percentage. 'aurora borealis crystals holding) I don't see how anybody could 4, bouffant white: nylon net veil.| possibly rig a flipped coin, yet She carried a prayer book and I think there's something fishy White and pink roses. about it. | Mrs..Gary Gray of Oshawa,) I'm tired of being a sucker sister of the bride, was the ma- but I don't .know how to get tron-of-honor. Mr, Jack. Burke) out of it. Where's the out? -- of Oshawa, sister-in-law of the Busted bride, and Miss Linda Burke, Dear Bus: I don't know how cousin of the bride were the! anyone could rig a flipped coin other attendants. Miss Deborah either, but I'm sure there's a|Burke, niece of the bride was way--and if there is, somebody the flower girl. They were knows it. I do know, however, dressed alike in street-length| that you are even before you'gowns of yellow. satin with flip. So why not say "Count me nylon overskirts. They featured out, fellas," pay for your own large satin bows at the waists. coffee and let them pay for All wore yellow nylon and chif- theirs? fon petal hats and carried nose- then you might risk marriage. Dear Ann Landers: I don't care if you call me a lousy sport, a cheapskate or just plain dumb, but please tell me how to handle this. Every day four of us guys Elmer Nickerson, Wilma Burke Wed In Longford Mills ~ Se Se, a cae a pride wore a pink iinen sneath | and, matching three - quarter length coat with white acces- sories. Her corsage was a white gardenia and pink rose . buds. |The couple wt live at. 97 Al- gays of yellow roses and white Pert. street, shawa. | Out-of-town guests were from baby 'Chrysanthemums. 'Orillia, Oshawa, South River, The best man was Mr. Weymouth, Nova Scotia, Severn righ > <iglibonlig og gee cd Bridge, Toronto: and Beaver- . ton. Burke, brother of the bride and) ---------- "4 Wega Gaudette, both of HOUSEWIFE RELIEF % Pe ak | Oslo, Norway, operates a The ale tars dressed] «housewife relief" service that n a pink and white lace dress' aids housewives with children and matching three - quarter) <hould they become ill and un- length coat with white acces*|aple to carry on their regular sories. received the recep-|quyties around home. tion guests at Longford com- : munity centre. The bride- groom's mother wore a dress of| pale blue printed silk and white) accessories. Their eorsages were of white gardenias and pink rosebuds. } For a month-long honey-| moon trip to the east coast, the! CHIROPRACTOR . Spinal Disc Injuries Hay Fever 100 King St. E. 728-5156 THEY GROW FAST ! Portraits Now Will Be Treasures Later ap Qroland sw 723-3680 Se Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. | Fae et ne ae at ROBES PRESENTED SPEEDY DAN | CONDEMN PROPOSAL BRANDS HATCH, England) BATH England (CP) -- Arab TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)--The (CP)--California racing driver|robes and headgear once worn Far Eastern Council of Chris- | proposal for total disarmament, A resolution ado W ° day at the council's fifth" eral assembly said de Gaulle's Dan Gurney recently broke the|by Lawrence of Arabia have/tian Churches has condemned « ; lap record at the Kent. track,/been presented to the Museum president de Gaulle's proposal mm sts sha eet eae al notching one minute 38.4 sec-|of Costume here by Dr. Mon- to neutrali i 96.95 miles an hour.|tagi. Lawrence brother of the! Babibe ip sweety soe was 100 bottles of/First World War desert -cam-) onds or His prize champagne. |paigner. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE _ FARMERS MARKET - OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NOON UNTIL 9 P.M. FRUIT -- VEGETABLES FLOWERS -- PLANTS - FRESH EGGS CENTRE j appeasement, retreat and de Premier Khruslichev's|.<. : For Convenient -- Home Delivery --Call-- CIRCULATION DEPT. . Oshawa Times 723-3474 Ready-Made DRAPES 1 WIDTH 5.50 Open Every Day From 9:30 A.M. -- 6:00 P.M. Thursday and Friday 9:30 A.M. -- 9:00 P.M. 2 WIDTHS 11.00 CHARGE IT -- NO DOWN PAYMENT Reg. $6.99 to $20.99! Magnificent pinch pleat- ed, floral patterned drapes of 'Jumbo' cloth that add a restful sophisticated touch to any room. In beautifully muted shades of grey nut- meg or white. 1 width (40" overall) by 84'/ 90/95" long. Reversible "HEIRLOOM" > 36" " egsy-core prints in gay, colours. cottin BEDSPREAD ZELLER"S RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS WIDE PERCALE PRINTS in fresh, Wonderful oe ae Reg. $12.99! Add atmosphere to your bedroom with this "Duchess" pattern CARDED SATEEN PRINTS. SAVE UP TO MANY MORE SUMMER SALE ITEMS NOT AD- VERTISING. SAVE NOW . Reductions ! 98¢ SAVINGS ON SPUN RAYON PLAIDS! Prepare for the fall now with these attrac- tive 36' wide: plaids . . . ideal for 'like mother, like doughter' dresses and light- weight sportswear! yds. Res, WP WH: Sis eae * §1,00 voriety of attended the wedding last Sat- urday of their son Mr. Fred- erick Charles Horton, to Miss Renee Patricia Hill, in the Salvation Army Citadel, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. % $1.02! 'Leisure prints 38"/39" wide in very smort, unusual patterns, and 'Sport- life' prints 45" wide in combed. sateen. All Sanforized: plus!s TI¢ Reg. $1.49 and $1.79. ...... yd. FLANNELETTE - OUTSTANDING VALUE! 36" Maori printed flannelette at ao new low price to satisfy frugal housewife and mother! So 'pretty too, reversible ."'Heirloom" bedspread with its elegant bullion fringe. In machine woshable, pre-shrunk, strongly looped cotton. Snow white or an- tique white. Double or single bed size, "COLORAY" DRAPERY in rich solid shodes, 45' wide and attractively designed with, tone on tone novelty weave, Colour- fast, washoble, so easy to care for! 88° Reg, $1.59. Save 7le! ...... yd. DECORATOR PRINTS, 36" wide in strong serviceable sailcloth, Adventurous Ameri- con patterns in gay bold colours ideal for kitchens, dinettes and children's a, Reg. 63e! 57° rooms, Reg. 67¢ yd. ....+-.. yd. * ad PRINTED CORDUROY! Sportswear, loungeweor, sleepweor . . . nome it and you are sure to find a gay pattern here to suit both yourself and your children! % : Reg. $1.29 jer POP oP? To? Out-of-town "guests attending the Yoo-Johnson wedding in St. Pau,'s Presbyterian Church, last Saturday, were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beard, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kopi Jr., Mr. and Mrs. T. MacRae, Mr. and Mrs, V. Kopi, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cembol; Mr. and! Mrs. Thomas Tyrrell, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert James, all of Scarborough; Miss Jan Parkin, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Croxall, Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnson, Mrs. J. Harding and Mr. and Mrs Charles Lawson, all of Whitby; and r, and Mrs. George Judd, Astoria. Oshawa guests attending the Nickerson-Burke wedding in Longford Mills recently were: Mr. and) Mrs. Wallace Tidd, and Mrs, Albert Theriault, : 2 ° PRP PSPS LSPS > PDP Pp 25% SAVING! CUP 'N SAUCER! Ce | and Mrs. Wendell Ford,| 3 and Mrs. Richard Gaudett, | yy Yoo beeen : z " and Mrs. Raymond. Gau- a F & ; Se xg. FOR GANISTER SET | BREAD BOX . Mr. Donald Gaudet, Miss iy \ 5-97 6-97 Carol Hubbell, Mr. and Mrs. Ny Pind 87 c This snappy eosily stacked Reg. $6.99 cannister set ond the John Tidd, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Burke, Mrs. Gary Gray and i Master Steven Gray. i (Os RL, enti, } large, hygienic bread box, Reg. .$7 99, are only two of a range Reg. 39c each! A selection of attractively °F well-made pantry accessories) shaped semi-porcelain cup 'n saucer sets gold Also available, handy Paper Dispenser, 4.97 edged, with bold, clear cut, floral pattern de-: ie Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rzany, Reg. $5.95. signs. Buy now at this low Zeller price! ~ FOR GRACIOUS penne QUILTED PILLOW 4-47 Reg. $1.99. Gay quilted pillows with soft, non-allergenic shredded foam filling and floral striped quality cotton covering, In pink, blue or maize. Size 18' x 25". BATH MAT SETS 3-77 set Save up to $4.22! 2-pe, sets, reg. $4.99 to $7.99! Dazzling array of quaity cotton chenille bath mats in a profusion or shapes, colours and patterns! All with rubberized, non-skid backs. . Washable f beeen Reg. 6.99! Enhance your table with these gold trim- med delicately patterned semi porcelain ""Ambas- sador" or 'Fantasia' 20-piece starter sets. Includ- 2s 4 each cups, saucers, cereal bowls, dinner and side plates! : over the weekend to attend the wedding of Mr. Rzany"s niece, Miss Rita Mary Adash to Mr. William E. Van Weghten. The many friends of Mr. «- Norman. MoAlpine will be happy to learn that he is making a satisfactory recovery following | major surgery in Oshawa Gen- era! Hospital and is no longer under intensive care, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reese, Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan and STEP ON CAN with removable aluminum pail. Reg. $7.99. family were in Troy, New York, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PHONE 723-2294 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE. PHONE 723-2209 i

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