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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jul 1964, p. 4

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ee re 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thumdey, July 30, 1964 Ajax Mayors Will Wear A New Chain AJAX -- A silver, gilt and enamel chain of office to be '|worn by Ajax mayors has been presented to the town by in England, ceived the chain in Cheltenham, of the town, The chain was pre- sented by Robert F, Hunt, dep- uty chairman of the Dowty Engineering Group in Chelten- ham. E| Hunt, who became general Ms manager of Dowty of Canada in : '11949, was chairman of the REMAIN board of trustees that in 1951 took the first steps toward hospital board bought the |creating the municipality of structure back this year from | Ajax. |, whi He returned to England in beg Ae cng -- 1956 and hit on the idea of " presented the chain during a Smivenactoalinns athe visit of former Mayor William Parrish, who admired the Chel- tenham mayor's chain. The chain includes the Ajax crest, identical to that used by Royal Navy ships that have borne the name, and places for the names of former mayors. ONLY MEMORIES WILL -Soon only memories of Bow- tal.is being torn down to make manville's first hospital will room for a parking lot for the remain as the wrecker's ham-* present hospital. The old hos- mer continues to demolish the pital first opened in 1913 and landmark. The former hospi- was in use until 1951. The Reeve Backs Motion For 2 School Areas BROUGHAM (Special)--More there were any new facts and,of the points she had previously! C d C k representations on behalf of the|'igures presented at a school|raiseq and said: | e ar ree establishment of two school|trustees meeting last week, "I would like to ask, after) ; a : Heffernan proved the giant - former resident who now lives killer last'night as the Brooklin Treasurer Bolton Falby re- Sr. Lacrosse Club clubbed the England, Wednesday on behalf fleet-footed,, good-looking fellow FIVE GOALS, FOUR By CLIFF GORDON BROOKLIN (Special) -- Grant Huntsville Hawks, 14-6. The bagged five goals and assisted on four more for a terrific nine- assist to build on his ever-grow- ing total. Don Bruce and Bob Hanna added a pair each with singles going to playing coach Ken Crawford and Ken Ruttan. There was nearly a repeat scorer for the hapless Hawks who have yet to gain a point over the pride of Ontario County. The locals have won four of the four meetings, with one game so far ruled as no contest. Bob Clark, John Rob- erts, Ed Hutzel, Stu Weiler 'and a couple of ex-Oshawa Green) Gaels, Dave Lough and Tom| Conlin all had single markers. Pat Baker, the masterful) goalie of the Brooklin team was| once again to the fore as he) made several fine saves, de-| spite a couple that eluded him} ( had. Baker is making a deter- mined bid for the best goalie award again this season. Going into last night's game he had something like a 27 or 28-point lead in department. Baker also picked up 2 assists on the night. --~ We just got the word that St. point night. Captain Glen Lotton|Catharines beat Peterborough added a trio of goals and one Speedy Erns 12-6 last night in the Garden City and this means that the Brooklin team have got to pick up at least one more win in their next three games to clinch the top rung. However a St. Kitts loss would mean the same thing. We know full well that with the team spirit and determination that Brooklin has, they will not. want to back into the playoffs but will be making a sound bid to win the remaining three games of the schedule and prove they are, as Cassius Clay would say, 'the greatest.' For the second Saturday night of the schedule there will be no Sr. Lacrosse action at the Brook- lin arena, The team will travel Heffeman Guns Down Hawks As Brooklin Nears Pennant | mination as he did last night. The big fellow was playing tre- mendous both ways. He checked him check in two years in the popular red sweater... . His five goals and four assists moves him well up in the scoring race. .. » Had he not. missed the first fernan play with such deter- " harder than we have ever seen|! yee Conlin .ess.. 6,43) AS vheenes T. enemas ver eeeenege We Penalties -- Burrows 6.17, Tren i333, Rutten tase OY three or four games of the schedule he might well be lead- ing the league right now. .. . Once again the defencemen of the Brooklin team showed that they can pot the goals... . No less than five of the 14 goals scored by the local crew were by blueliners. . . . The final home game of thé schedule will be next Saturday night Aug. 8 when' those hardrock Brampton Sealtests will be the visitors, SUMMARY BE IT KNOWN -- That the Edward Bouckley reported Ist Period 1, Brookiin, Heffernan, K. Lotton ..1.06) 2. Huntsville, Roberts ..........,. 3. Huntsville, Conlin, Weiler 4, Brooklin, Bruce, Campbell . 5. Brooklin, Crawford 6. Brooklin, Heffernan, Doug Vipond, Ruttan to the resort area for another] 5 tangle with the Huntsville Hawks. JUST TALKING . .. We doubt that we thought he might have|if ever we have seen Grant Hef-! 9. Brooklin, Heffernan, Ruttan ... 4.06! |Trory 3.43, Roberts 4.35, Oke 12.25, Don 7. Huntsville, Hutzel, Trory P) in, G, Lotton, Penalties -- Doug Vi Vipond 4.43. 2nd Period iated with Mr. Edward Bouckley (Osh- awa's Mr. Car Wash) of Auto Magic Wash Limited 116 Bond St. West. sentenced to a jail term in Tuesday's 4 issue of the Times is in no way assoc: areas rather than one -were heard Monday by Pickering Township councillors. Arguments were presented by N. Kinsman, secretary - treas- urer of school section 5 and Mrs. Eleanor McKean, who has rep- 'resented the rural trustees on several occasions. Mr. Kinsman referred to coun- cil's endorsation of a resolution by school area 2 board request- ing one school area, and asked that council be polled again to see if there is any change of heart in this matter, and if so, to advise the Minister of Educa- tion. He said the Minister, now in receipt of the endorsed reso- lution, has no way of knowing how others feel about it. "I feel it was endorsed before the full knowledge of all the facts was obtained," said Mr. Kinsman NOT UNANIMOUS Deputy Reeve Mrs. J. McPher son said that the resolution did mot go to the Minister as a tifanimous endorsement, but by @ split vgte--4 to 3--of council. "T would like to point out that this does not follow the usual procedure of this council," said Councillor John Campbell. ""This 'was done by our clerk and I intend to bring it up when the clerk is here." |school without frills. I think if| |you are going to keep in line) motion was Mr. Newman, | Councillor Hubert Wank ob- served that he did not think New Curriculum Training Session SOLINA -- Several from here attended the Yellowlees family reunion on Sunday at Orono. Reverend Catto gave an inter. esting sermon on the new cur- riculum on Sunday morning, He will be absent from the charge until August 30, During that time he will be following up Operation Beaver bo holidaying at Dorset, On- rio, TRAINING SESSION A special New Curriculum "Frankly," he said, "and at the expense of getting my fing- ers burned, I feel that facts should have come from profes- sional people in education. I feel the Minister does have the facts, and has dealt with profes- h ring all reasons, instead of endorsing any resolutions, that as an administrative body you act on behalf of the whole town.| ship. Now we would like you to} take an official stand either one} way or the other. Prepare a res-| 'Host Women's Intitute we ar ' olution of your own." | "I do agree there is a cost) |factor," he continued. "So, aerare as ' rural people have something to|,, *imally, Mr Newman's resolu- be concerned about. But I feel|tion to endorse a two school) that some of these concerns can|#"e4 township advocated by the be adjusted. The long range rural school trustees, was put, problem is education of our chil-|@nd the surprise vote in favor ment, north vs. south, is the real|passed it. | problem." | The Reeve explained his ac-| PRESENTS MOTION tion thus: Councillor Bill Newman pro-| "At the meeting last week, it duced a motion to endorse a|was suggested that the Reeve resolution of all of the school|nust be at his wit's end in trying trustees, with the exception of|to placate the north and the School Area 2, that there be two) south, I suggest that maybe the jareas. He reminded council that/Minister is in the same position, "top notch students" were pro-|The facts brought forth in last duced in the rural areas, accord-|week's meeting have convinced ing to high school staff, 'I feel|me there is much to be said for I am entitled to ask for this|a two area system." motion," he said. Mr. Laycox explained that he Councillor John Campbell said understood that a decision has "the Minister is trying to bring|/been made by the Minister, and up the standard of education in|that it would bein council's this automated age in which we|hands within a week saying that live, where people are unem-/a decision one way or the other ployed because they are not/had to be made quickly so that skilled in trades. This education| preparations could be made for is not the sort you can get in a/the election of trustees. Supporting Mr Newman's with the future age, you are|Harvey Spang, Mrs. McPherson, going to have frills. The Minis-|and Mr, Laycox. Opposing were ter is trying to bring in bigger|Councillors Wank and Campbell. schools and better equipment,/Councillor Donald Waring was and give the children an oppor-|absent. |tunity to take advantage of tech-| 'The Minister,' saiq Coun- inological knowledge in this}cillor Campbell, "coudl not help country." |but wonder what sort of idiots Mrs, McKean reiterated some| comprise this council." dren. I don't think. this argu-|of the motion by Reeve Laycox,|7, Personals CEDAR CREEK -- Mr and) Mrs, Jack Craighead and fam- ily have returned home after a vacation at Smith Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Johnson and family are vacationing in British Columbia with Mrs Johnson's brothers. Miss Irene Blain and Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood and Bob and Sandra are visiting rela- tives at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Mr. and Mrs. John den Boer and family are visiting Mrs. Den Boer's brothers in the State of Michigan, U.S.A. Mrs. Bruce Cummings, Jack, Karen and Brenda visited rela- tivse at Brampton a couple of days last week. Mrs. Irene Little of St, Cath- arines and Mrs. Lila Barnard of West Hill have been visiting their brother, Lorne Martyn. Mrs, Ronnie Larocque and baby daughter came home on Saturday from Oshawa General Hospital. The baby was born on Sunday, July 19. Mr, and Mrs. Stan Mills of Magnetawan and Ken Mills of Maple Grove visited the Victor Larocque family on. Sunday afternoon. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kieze- brink of Scarborough spent the weekend with the B. Benscop family. Thirty Day Dryout For 6-Time Drunk Twin Lakes Cottagers Maple Grove -- loads of Women's Institute|Fred Ashton, Red Wing Nurs.| members and some non-mem-|ing home, Toronto, also called|/Bruce Affleck told the court, men, leftito. see her brother and wife,|was found drunk three |north, made his sixth appear- Four cas calied to see her mother, Mrs.|to jail for 30 days. WHITBY (Staff) -- Harold W. Burrows, of Brock street ance in court on liquor offences at Whitby Tuesday - - and went Burrows, Crown Attorney in Dundas Training session is being organ-| bers, . and ized for the weekend of August|Maple Grove Church last Wed-| 29-30. Experts for every depart-|nesday to wend their way to} ment will assist our Sunday|Twin Lakes to enjoy the day School staff in preparation ses-| with Mr. and Mrs, L, C, White sions on Saturday and assist at their cottage. them on Sunday. They were greeted and wel- Promotion service for the Sun-|comed by their host and hostess day. School will be held on Sun-| also Mrs, S..S, Morton, and her day, August 23, at 10.30 a.m. |sister, Mrs. Clare Allin, who Mrs, J. Knox, Mrs. R.| was-tnjoying the week' with her Pascoe and Mrs. H. YellowleeS/sister, The committee in charge accompanied Mrs. Catto, Mrs.|was Mrs. Gordon Beech, Mrs. C, Bradley and Mrs. Killens to|§. Jeffery, Mrs. H. Bradley Belleville where they attended|/anq Mrs. R. J. Metcalf, who the UCW Conference, arranged the noon meal. The rest of the ladies and . men- enjoyed a social chit-chat Bi e hool sitting in-the shade until the Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ashton, andistreet on July 25. He was one sister, Mrs. Jean Hubbs,|of two people brought in. Toronto, Sentencing him to 30 days Mr. and Mrs, A. E, David|Magistrate Jermyn commented: and family spent Sunday at| "Maybe that will sober you up." Calver's Cove at Waupoos, Involved in the same incident Mrs, Fred Stevens and-Miss\was Sterling Southerland, of Susan Laird accompanied Mrs.|Dovedale drive, Whitby. He, the Alfred . Laird, Bowmanville,court was told, was found spent a couple of days at the/jying on the sidewalk in Dundas Stratford Festival. istreet. Mr. and Mrs. Ted White and| Magistrate Jermyn sentenced) family spent the week-end at)him to 10 days in jail. win Lakes, guests of Mr. and Mrs, L. C. White at their cot-| tage. bd | Mr, and Mrs. H. Cooney and} Driver \family are spending their holi- days camping at Mazinay Lake. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Snowden, A call came for dinner which was Work Shown BRROKLIN--Parents' Night, a display of the work achieved in the 10-day Vacation Bible School held in Brooklin United Church from July 6 to 16, con- cluded this successful venture in Christian Education. Mrs. G. Mundy, superinten- dent for the school, ably assist- ed by 25 helpers, guided the children through their songs, Bible study and crafts, which were graded to suit boys and girls from four and a half to 14 years. The average attendance for the 10 day school was 186 with a high attendance on one day of 205. The children gave an offering to send colored pictures and helps to children in Africa. During each morning session the ladies of the United Church Women served refreshment to the eager children, Leaders in each department were--Kindergarten, Mrs. E. Larish; Primary, Mrs, R, Hol- man; Junior, Mrs. R. Hum- phreys; Intermediate, Mrs. R. Thompson. LENGTHENS, RUNWAY MANCHESTER (CP)--|Stevens, returned home to To-/Mrs, Clarence Hicks, Welling-|Mesia, about $400,000 a year. Manchester Airport Committee has borrowed £2,000,000 to- wards the cost of adding 1,500 feet to the 7,500-foot main run-| Wayne Pickard, were suppet|news, which should have readjhe raised this question in his way. The extension will make it possible for the largest trans- atlantic jet aircraft to take off here fully loaded. served in the spacious room at tstington, were. Thursday last| Dunned the' cottage. In the afternoon visitors with her parents Mr Mr. White took a number of| ang Mrs, R, R, Stevens, and on jthe ladies out for a boat ride. Monday, Mrs. Leetooze visited The ladies journeyed to the/with Mr. and Mrs. R, R. cottage of Mr. and Mrs. S. S./Stevens, Morton, which was in walking |distance, some donned bathing P-E.I. VISIT ENDS | suits, and some just paddled) Mr. and Mrs. Steve Doyle in the water. and family have returned from The group arrived home 2n enjoyable trip to Summer- labout 10.30 p.m. feeling that Ville, P.E.I. where they visited ithey had spent a wonderful the former's parents. lday. Gary Jeffery has returned from his exchange trip to Sas- | BIBLE SCHOOL *katchewan in the interests of | Bible Vacation School was the 4H Club. jheld from July 6th to July 17,.. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Mayberry There was a registration Of and family have returned from | 58. Parents night was held on|their holidays where they were |July 16 in the Christian Educa-| camping on Georgian Bay. jtion Building. A program con-| Miss Linda Newton _ returned sisting of music, dramatization,| with them for a visit. and a TV show was presented.) Mr. James Greenham, Port On the closing day a picnic|Huron, Michigan, spent the | was held at noon for pupils and| weekend with his sister-in-law, |teachers. |Mrs. Charles | Church Service will resume|Miss Carol, and visited his this Sunday at 9.30 a.m, We!brother Charlie in hospital, +will welcome our pastor, Rev.| Mrs. S. S. Morton, and her |J. P. Romeril, who has been sister Mrs. Clare Allin, Provi- lon holidays. idence, have returned home | Charles Greenham was | from the cottage at Twin Lakes. moved from Bowmanville] On the way home they had Memorial Hospital to Oshawa|supper with Mr. and Mrs. |General Hospital last. Sunday./Charlie Smith, Cavin. Jim Topping, who has spent} Mrs. Gordon Beech, Misses the past month with his grand-| Janice and Bonnie Beech, parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred!spent Sunday with Mr. and |tonto: last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Snowden} and family, Mr. ton, Prince Edward County. and Mrs.|correct an error in last week's guests of their sister and}Miss M. Hills, Mrs husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley|White visited at the Down and family, Ebenezer. | brother, Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Swallow' Stevens. Charlie latters Fred Greenham and) Dunlop WHITBY (Staff) -- William Peter. Ross, of 303, Adelaide javenue west, Oshawa, vleaded |guilty at Whitby Court Tuesday |to stealing tires valued at |$157.80 from the Whitby Dunlop |factory. | Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck told the court that Ross was a truck driver for Dunlop. Five tires were missing from one. of Ross's shipments. Questioned about their disappearance Ross admitted he had taken them and sold them for $5. apiece in Osh- awa. After hearing the case Magi- strate Harry Jermyn remanded sentencing Ross for two weeks. | Canada Continues To Aid Indonesia OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- ter Pearson told the Commons Wednesday that the government has no intention of cutting off {aid to Indonesia under the Co- \lombo Plan. | He said all the aid to Indo- goes toward buying flour and The correspondent wishes to|Wheat, and there are no plans) to eliminate it. Mr. Pearson said discussions with Prime. Minister |Tunku Abdul Rahman of Mal- j|Aysia Tuesday and "he quite j understood." This is a History book --daily style! CP is owned by the daily newspapers of Canada and delivers {ts news to them by 35,000 miles of telegraph lines. The news is transmitted as it happens--in depth--from Atlantic to Pacific, from 10,000 miles away or from the street where you live. The Canadian Press is recognized as one of the finest news+ gathering services in the world. If you've ever had to search for facts about some past event in your community, you know how true this is. Your daily news- paper isa permanent printed record of a town's life--day by day. And it doesn't stop there. World news, national news, provincial news--anything important is printed-for you and for the record. Thousands of journalists in Canada and around the world contribute their objective reports to your daily newspaper. The Canadian Press news service (CP) is the central clearing- house for these news reports. This is why you can depend on your daily newspaper tor complete, objective news reporting. Keep abreast of all the news every day .. . in your daily newspaper. THE OSHAWA TIMES 'AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS THE BEST GUARANTEE OF FREEDOM Ta CR ASR NE Rg gE

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