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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1964, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, August 1, 1964 13 [TZ KEEP HITTIN' HIM AN' HE JUST Hie HEA AN' KEEPS A COMIN MICKEY MOUSE TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Chanpe) Li--Hamilton CBLI-TV Channei 6~Toroate WGR-TV Channel 2--Bulfuie © WBEN-TV Channel 4--Bufialo WKBW-TV Channel 7~Buffalo WRUC-TV Channe! '--Rochester CFTU-TV Channel $--Toronto CKVR-IfV Channel 3--Barrie 10:38 AM MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M --ramity Theatre %--Five O'Clock Matinee 6:00 AM iperman i ngaree %--The Eariy Snow er Me iverbost 1 oe Gear ao rong Show Z 4~--Popeye's Pisyhouse pe Oe 2--Mike Dougies Show 6---Space--The New Ocean 3--East Side Kics oy A The Ernie Ford 10:00 A.M. $2--Make Room For Daddy i--Gri sale 6--National Schoo! 4--Caienday 10:30 A.M. @2--Word For Wore 7--Price ts Right 63--Chez Helene &-The Fugitive ToPrice. Felon poses is TUESDAY 63--Chez Helene +! Love Lucy 4-Ri 2 Yoo tT 6:00 PM, 6--Citizen James 4--News With Ven Miller 2--Today, 1964 4:13 Om 4---Sports with Chuck Healy rh Ti 4--Pate and Gisdve 12:08 NOON %--Noonday Report @2--Say When Tsuriside 6 4:30 PLM be 11-9--News, Weather, Sports 4--i Love Lucy 11:00 AM. &-2--Concentration ii--Family Theatre 7 &2--Huntley Brinkiey é--Loretia Young Report 4--The Reai McCoys 00 P.M 1:38 A.M. 9--The Farme.s Daughter |1]--Musicale 7-6---News, Weather, £2---Jeopardy J--M-Squad 6--Maritime Gazette 0:43 PLM Ni--The Buccaneers 9--Piaytime with Uncle a Consequenc 4~Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. Take Refugees Members Urge OTTAWA. (CP) -- Three Conservative MPs -- two from urged the government Friday to mit French refugees from North Afica. as immigants. ton South) said in the Commons ord and background. The government should "con- sider seriously whether they should be able to emigrate to been unable to adapt themselves to farming in France. Mr. Hales was joined by Har- From N. Africa jold Danforth (PC--Kent) anc Theogene Ricard (PC -- St. Hy acinthe - Bagot) in questionin; an agreement between Canada and France establishing the terms under which the refugees could enter as landed immi- They spoke during debate on Ontario and one from Quebec--jgrants. ; reconsider its agreement to ad- gg erg spending authority August and September. Hubert Badanai, parliamen- Alfred D. Hales (PC--Welling-|taty secretary to Immigration Minister Tremblay, said the refugees from Al-|French refugees would come to geria, Tunisia and Morocco who|Canada on the same immigra- fled to France when the French|tion terms that apply to any colonies gained their independ-\0 ther immigrants concerning ence have a questionable rec-|Character, responsibility and skills. DOLPHIN SPECIES There are more than 50. var- Canada." Many of them hadiieties of dolphins. CROSSWORD Sports 7--Missing Links 4-Zane Grey Theatre Girl Talk 3--Shannon 4--Pete and Giacys 2--Bachelor Father 12:60 NOON 30 Pa %--Noonday Report 9--Movle 8-2--Say When | &2--Movie 7--Surtside 6 | /= the Outer tminy | $-Elwood Glover | 63--Dr. . Finlay's Case} 4--News and Weather 12:15 P.M, 4---Speaker of the House 12:30 PLM. 1l--The Buccaneers '| 9--Playtime with Uncle 4--Guiding Light Nove 1:00. P.M. Ti--Lucky Score &~Matinee 7--Afiernoon Snow 3--Cartoons 42--Meet the Millers 1330. P.M. ll--Love That Bob 9--Caravan 4--A the Worle turns »o --Movie 2:00 P.M. li--Mid Day Matinee 9--Channel 9 Theatre 4--Password 2--Loretta Young 2:3 PM. @-2--The Doctors 7--Day in Court $2--Movie: Matinee 4--House Party book 4--To Tell The Truth 6:00 Pm. 1l--Star Route | 4--I've Got A Secret 6:30 PM. | 4i--Poika Party 9--Movie 7. Wagon Train 63--Singalong Jubilee | 4-Vacation Playhouse | 9:00 P.M. | ##~ fhe Untoucnabies | g--McHales Navy | 6&3--Playdate | 4 Danny Thomas 9:30 P.M Bobby $-2--Truth or Consequences J--Father Knows Bes) | 6--Movie Matinee | 4--Search for Tomorrow 12:45 PLM. 4--Guiding Light 3--Movie | 1:00 P.M | li--Lucky Score -- 8--Matinee 3200 PLM. 8-2--Another World 1-G 'a) riospital | 7--Afternoon Show | 9--The Texan | 4Meet The Millers Feataere Syadioate, lac, 1964. Wovtt sights omerved. I DIDNT KNOW WE COULD THAT TRICKY/ BUT I Just LET HER SPOIL THIS FOR US LIKE oa EVERYTHIN« A'S HEERD "AH WANNA HOLD YORE HAM" FOR FOUR HOURS, STRAIGHT. AH WISH IT WOULD GO AWAY 8-2--Hollywood . Story | Cartoons 4--Star Performance | 2--Divorce Cour? 3--Summerama | 10:00 P.M. | 1:30 P.M. ' 3:30 P.M. | }--Steve Alien Show li--Bachelor Father *--Theatre | 9--Dr. Kildare 8-2--Yo Don't Say | 8-2--Sing Along With 7--Queen For A Day Mitch Breaking Point $Movie Matinee ta bs po 63--Inquir 4-Edge of Night 4--East Side, 4:00 P.M. 10:30 P.M. Bar 11 Movie Explorations 9--Mickey Mouse Civd 11:00 P.M 6--The Match Game 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News; 7--Trallmaster Wee'her and Sports 3--Matemoiselie de Paris 11:20 P.M. 4-The Secret Storm 9--Metro Fina) 2--Captain. Bob 7-4--Late Show 4:90 P.M. 6--Night Metre 11:30 P.M. i--Music 9--Dougias Fairbanks tamtate Show 4--Te Teli The Truth World Turns West Side|ll--Midday Matinee 9--Channel 9 Theatre 4--Password 2--Loretta Young 2:30 PLM. 8-2--The Doctors 7--Day in Court &3--Movie Matinee 4--House Party 9--Theatre 2:00 Pm. 7--Genera! Hospital 8-2--Another World 3--Summerama 4---To Tel) The Truth 9--Kiado 63--Vacation_ Time 4--Leave It To Beaver 2--Popeye poss. 48. Biblical name 50, Ger, river 51, Stitches 52. Require DOWN 15. Grow old 16. Movers' vehicle 18. A wing 19. Evening gun god Egypt. 20, Puzzles 22, Ares' ings 11, Com- panion 12. With- out: Law 14, Fina) 17, Pinches 21. Ancient country 28, Breaking waves on the shore 27. A meat 29.0 30, " $1, Inters IGIAIGRBASR} I PAIT IE MmO!AITIE Saturday's Answer 33. Small measure 35. Merit 86. Perishes 38. Not real 39. Back of a ship 45. Mandate 47. Hint 49, Pronoun Bede" sister 24, Resort TRY 25, Street: abbr. "4 26. Under- water 4 craft 28, Girl's nick- name 30. Jewish month - -- -.4 tae i le Opening lead -- two of hearts, All national and world cham. pionships are played in duplis cate form. The luck element ig thus greatly reduced, since the good or bad cards you hold are also held by the other contest- ants with whom you compare results. But lack is still a factor, since a good contract may produce a bad result and a bad contract may produce a good result--due to the lie of the opponents' cards. For an extreme example of this, look in this hand played last year in the match between France and the United States. . At the first table, the French pair arrived at three ciubs, There is no question that thig contract was sound and the French declarer easily made ten tricks for a score of 130 Mer | But at the second table, wit an American pair North-Sout! the bidding went: ba [North East South West | North 'Pass ANT Pass 3a Pass Pass &8NT West led a diamond and de clarer won the jack with the king. South was faced with an apparently hopeless task, but he went all out to make the con- tract. He played a heart and when West followed low, he finessed the ten. When this lo shot came through, decla cashed the A-K of hearts, West obligingly dropped the Q-J. South was not yet out of the woods, however, since he still had only eight sure tricks. He had to find the spade suit favor+ ably divided to make the con- tract. His luck did not desert him, SECRET AGENT X9 THE LONE RANGER el KEO SABAY, COME SEES dumm] MOU Mt" LADDER WE USE TO GET UP HERE--GOME/ DONALD DUCK WANTED! YOUNG SALESMany MUST BE ae aN! BE AGGRESSive ! Bic . L.__ FAyy il 2 L DONT KNOW WHAT GETS INTO ME... SPEND 86¢ TO i oe, eS MUGGS AND SKEETER PARK MY CARIN A 1OT 4. 7 SURE. J UST INSTALLED. ONE OF THOSE ROTATING ANTENNAS / AT A CLEAR TV PICTURE / od (oseaager) || ( CHANNEL WORKS CAB JULIET JONES TLL STAY AROUND FOR A FEW DAYS NOT AT ALL, MISS JONES. STAY AS LONG AS YOU LIke: WE'VE LOADS OF 4 because, when he played a spade to the king and cashed the nine of hearts and A-Q of spades, it turned out that the spades were divided 3-3. As & result, he made ten tricks for a score of 630 points. South had about a 10 per cent chance of making the hand when he starts ed the play, but the gods were with him all the way. Nixon Boasts : Backing Of 200 Delegates ST. GEORGE, Ont. (CP)-- Robert Nixon (L -- Brant) claimed Friday to have nearly 200 delegates committed to vote for him at the September lead- ership convention of the Ontarie Liberal party. 4 This was the first word from Mr. Nixon, 36, on known dele. gate support. A statement is. sued from his campaign heads quarters estimated that with an- other 250 committed delegates, Nixon would have the leadership sewed up. Mr. Nixon's headquarters fig. ured on about 1,200 delegates being accredited to vote at the convention, starting in Toronto Sept. 17. For an eventual vic- tory, Mr. Nixon would need about 450 votes on the first bal- lot, the statement said. Son of Harry Nixon, one-timé Liberal premier of Ontarié, young Bob Nixon entered the legislature in 1962, winning the seat left vacant by his father's death. SALLY'S SALLIES . ~ « " COULD You DO ME. A FAVOR, MR. BEASLEY? WILL YOU KEEP AN EYE ON MY STEW. WHILE I RUN NEXT HE DID MORE THAN GROWL THIG MORNING / AS I WENT BY ERNIE CAY /, DOORS « SAS and ROOFING FREE DELIVERY . "lt it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" PHONF seine haiaeag

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