14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 7, 1904 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 ' BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountants Instruction Mortgages 7 VULTURES GEE ALONG THE HIGHWAY ARE REALLY AMERICAN Building Trades CEMENT WORK WALKS, STOOPS, FLOORS, CURBS, ond PATIOS B. McLEAN _ Phone 725-5946 WILSON "ir vjeelgerter Petar d ad countants, Street East, Oshawa; Ronald R, D. Wilson, CA; G. Edmond] Burrows, CA, 728-7554. LEONARD iAVES BROOKS, Chartered Accountant, Su'te 205W, Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, 53. ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered AccounF-| ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4 Oshawa, Ontario. 773-1221, FOR T and sep- tic tank installations, cat) Frank Brink, Hampton 263-2710. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service, bookkeeping service, 184. Bond) Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. HOPKIN: <i gigs» AND CO., Charter vd procssrga ares Build- i 167_'Kil Street East, Oshawa, Onta rio, wee T. Hopkins, CAi H. E. Beadle, CA; 4a Lukow, CA. YALE, FRIEDLANDER and , CO, Char- fered Accountants. Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, a King Street East, 728-7371. MONTEITH, Ly WL, Ware S and Co. Chartered Keates. 728-7527; Oshawa Shopping Centre, rites 21SE, Alex, 942- 0890; Whitby, 688-4131 CARPENTER work, new, and repairs, lay cement blocks. Telephone 728-7680. BULLDOZING and excavating. For free estimates, 26 Hillcourt Drive, Whitby, 668-5612 SS rere ai CHIMNEYS, new and re-built, roofing and repairs, sidewalks and stoops. F. Mc- Cann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3061. PLASTERING, new and repairs, stucco, A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street, 728-3420. Cartage LA LONDE, ail types of cartage. Bay Ridges, 839-419 91. V-J'S TRUCKING, any light cleaning basements, garages, etc. for contracts. 723-6804 or 725-6880. JOHN'S MOVING } AND CARTAGE, Osh- awa, Whitby, Reasonable rates. Fully | equipped and insured, 728-3661. Barristers CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND 'MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of Commerce Buliding, $ Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ovr "uid T. K. Creighton, : G. K. Drynan, . Murdoch, QC, 723-4758; ges rlis, aranees and Sale bought, sold and) trucking, Open Agreements of arranged. | HUMPHREYS , 5 BOYCHYN, = HILL: Dentistry isters, solic'tors n ies Sie Sell, Coie; R. D. Humphreys,|BIALEK Dr. C. P..--Dental "surgeon, 3 QC; G. $. Boychyn, OC; W. A. Hillman, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For appoin BA, LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, te ment 728-5842 or 728-8441, Office: '725-1177. Residenc>: 728-4326, 725- 4604; Whitby 668-1761. NHA and other third mortgage funds av: connie' Sa Be YMA <5i1., ORESSMAKING and alterations. Mrs. AND HYMAI Soli gg Monel Suite 305, The Times ae ee vei tee Dundas Street East, Building,' 86 King Street Gast, 723-1137.|Whitby, 668-5085 Clients' funds available for mortgages.|DRESSMAKING -- Suits, costs, dresses, Lovis $. Hyman, QC; Herbert $. Hyman, |aiterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting BA. specialty. Mrs? Toms, Whitby, 688-2372. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli- citors, etc, il4 King Street East. Dial 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, ECL. 728-5832, e ts MANNING F. § F. RTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, sacraters, Solicitors, Notaries Money to loan. Henry Block, 26/2 KING oka East, 723-4697.- Residence: Dia' 723-4029. Dressmaking Gardening and Supplies wi "BUG CONTROL KING BUG KILLER DDT and DITHANE POMOGREEN: SPRAY GARDENALL SPRAY MULTISPRAY ANT & GRUB CYGON 2E SPRAY WEED KILLERS CALCIUM CHLORIDE Est. 1909 COOPER SMITH CO. 16 Celina St. MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers-Soli- citors, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds available, 36' King Street East, 723-1107. THOMAS H. GREER, fies Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Suite The Times Building, 86 King Street East, 728-6209. Mortgage funds available. eee McGIBBON 'and 8A' , Barristers.) Solicitors. Clients' fu available for first mortgage, 37 King Street East (ard floor), 728-7336. Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. Edmondson. | PH P. MAN NGAN, QC, Solicitor searh to loan. Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232. Building Trades ED LANGLOIS "HOME BUILDER" GENERAL WORK 173 ALBERT STREET 728-4169 FINANCING CAN BE ARRANGED ~~ PIGDEN ROOFERS EAVESTROUGHING 723-2312 DAVEY TOEE SERVICE Wruning, spraying, feeding, bracing, tree ond stump re- movals. "The oldest and lar- gest tree saving service in the world". Telephone 723-1361 BLUE GRASS SOD "ALL GREEN" NURSERY SOD GROWERS Townline N. ¥2 Mile North of Taunton Village OSHAWA 725-9674 | CEMENT WORK Fertilized Weed Treated | GENERAL REPAIRS FIELD SODS Phone | i Check sods before you buy! | Bowmanville 623-3610 Pick: 14 j West Hill 282-0943 icked up 14c and 'delivered 20c ROOFING, concrete floors, flat rooting| 725-9674 our specialty. _ og rly and repairs.) cane atts ee Large and 5 «and H. Rooting) WEED KILLING and fertilizing. Residen- tial. Industrial. General Lawn Spray Serv- mall jobs. L. and Construction, RR '3, 725-6937. A-] CARPENTRY, See Arborite,|ice, phone 728-4974 for Oshawa, Cobourg, Alax-Pickering, bathroom and kitchen remodelling. eal -|Port Hope area. ing, wall and floor tiles. Nect 985-2674, 5 GARDENS plowea with Gravely Roto| SAND, GRAVEL, loam and fill. Delivered | plow Telephone Brooklin 655-3104, to Ajax, Oshawa and area. Telephon? REEL TYPE iawn mower sharpening and| Whitby 668-2660. Eric Branton. repairs, shears sharpened. Pick-up and pon ig = building repairs, roofing, delivery 484 Montrave. 728-6879. eplaces, aie stoops, | ie 7 Ha gored LEN BOWLER, Landscaping and Gar- porta a ening Services, sidewalk slabs, patio} YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim-| slabs, flag stones, planters, dry walls,/ neys built and repaired; gas linings in-/ Bowmanville, Whitby, | | | sand, gravel, lawns seeded, sodded, fer- stalled; roofs repaired. Free estimates,|tilized, power rolling, pruning, hedge 723-2997, clipping, fertilizers, trees, hedging, nurs- pln 8 6 5S ROR TCT ATCO VCRRON aE 7, QUALITY CARPENTRY, custom buiit|ery stock. Phone 728-778 kitchens, and rec-rooms, floor and cell foam and gravel. Armstrong sod. Announcement We are pleased to announce that Atlantic School was ac- credited by the Accrediting Commission of the National Home Study Council meeting in session on January 23, 1964, The Accrediting Commission hos been approved by the U.S, Office of Education os a "nationally recognized credit- ing agency" under the terms of Public Laws 82-550 and 85-864. Each accredited school meets the following standards: 1, If has a competent facul- ty. 2. It offers educationally and up-to-date courses. 3. It screens students care- fully for admission. 4, It provides satisfactory educational services. 5. It has demonstrated ample student success and satis- faction, . Its tuition charges reasonable. . It advertises truthfully. . It is financially able to deliver a high quality of educational service. We ore proud of this recogni- tion of our school and: train- ing programs, ond we shall always strive to maintain the standards which are ex- pected of an _ accredited school . ATLANTIC SCHOOL, R are its' courses INC. President. EXPERIENCED teacher desires jschool 'students for private' tutoring dur-| 728-1742. jing. August. $2.00 per hour. Call anytime, | ------ NURSERY and-field sod, cui dally, rd | Whitby 668-5174, ele ONTARIO DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to Drive 1964 Models PICK-UP SERVICE ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Dual Control Cars Licensed Instructor Automatic and Standard Oshawa 728- 6934 | TUTORING Announcing the opening of Academic Tutoring College. Summer school soon to com- mence. All ages grades, sub- jects. Reading, Math, English, Science, etc. from students own textbooks, private or group. Academic Tutoring College | Call 723-6701 EZE METHOD DRIVING SCHOOL Telephone 728-0881 Rate $3,75 Per Hour ~ LEARN TO DRIVE | at the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard and automatic cars. Professional Instructors OSHAWA AND WHITBY Ing files, painting, roofing, etc. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. 725-8576. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD MINIMUM Better describea offers get faster results. CASH phone 725-5864, CHARGE 6 Consecutive days, original copy $4.13 3 Consecutive days, original copy Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviotion os one word. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage siieged to arise through either foilure ot delay in forwarding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise. Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Each additionol line, per munth wg (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements). DEADLINES 1.60 |Mortgages costal |Telephone 725-3521, Harriman} MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% No charge for valuations Mortgages and. Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages Fast Service M..F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Musical Services |PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic; organ |tuning and repair, instruments aporaised. A. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664. Painting and Decorating GENERAL PAINTING and decoratirg, wallpapering and 'turniture re-finishing. Telephone 728-0225, Plumbing and Heating ALL TYPES of rep rs and remodeling, VULTURES WHICH ARE EAGLE- 'SIZED BIRDS WITH HOOKED BEAKS AND STRONG CLAWS, ASTER IN THE SKY, THEY ARE KEPT ALOFT BY TURKEY VULTURE 4 (© 982, KING FEATURES SYHDICATE, Ine hb SPORTS OUTDOORS By Jack Sheridan THEY LOCAT 'THEIR NESTS FREQUENTLY NEAR RIVERS AND ROOST IN 'TALL TREES. THEY COME NORTH IN THE SPRING AND ROOST TILL THE BIRDS PAIR OFF FOR NESTING. THEN THEY MIGRATE SOUTH IN OCTOBER . THEIR VOICE 1S LIKE A HISS, THEIR EVE* SIGHT IS EXCELLENT. Dil 723-1191, J.) suppiise. | Harold H. Stark, Ltd.) | Plumbing Heating and Engineering. 285|----- |ALL PLUMBING and heating : |Simcoe Street South. | \Rug- Uplicletacy Service AJAX AUTO UPHOLSTERY CENTRE Harwood North, Ajax (Next to Harwood Cleaners at rear.) CALL 942-0301 RE-UPHOLSTERING by experis. Estab- {lished 17 years. Complete range of mate-| rials. Workmanship guaranteed five) years. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat-| tresses re-built. Furniture _re-finished. Oshawa Upholstering Comvany, 287. Dean Avenue, 725-0311 |REUPHOLSTER and refinish your furni- ture by J. and J. Custom Furniture. Free estimates. Whitby, 668-5753 or 668-5376. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re-| covered like new. Get the best for jess at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe $ Call 728-6451. Free estimates. |CHESTERFIELDS 're-upholstered and re- styled, Free estimate. See our material 723- 7212. Charles re for re-covering. Dalton Upholstering, dd 'Sales an end' Service \Trade Schools "ATTENTION MEN 17 to 49 | Heavy Equipment | i Operators Are in demand for bull- | dozers, scrapers, motor graders, draglines, back- hoes, and shovels. If you ed by top instructors right cn the equipment. Don't delay --- enquire now. Write giving name, add- - and telephone num- ber: NATIONAL SCHOCL OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION BOX F3 Out of town enquiries invited. 'Sales and Service "ONE CALL DOES IT ALL 2--Kitchen re-modelling 725-7373 EATON'S OF CANADA 1--Oil or gas heating installations 3--Room air-conditioner in installations 4--Central cooling and home air conditioning 5--Bathroom re-modelling -- each installation by dependable craftsmen. EATON'S IN OSHAWA FLINTOFF Hardware Ltd. 13 King St., West Will Be Closed for Staff Holidays Aug. 10th Re-open Aug. 17th GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer | |Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street |West, Whitby 668-2563. Mortgage Money | Available Low Interest Valuation, Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED ee /Surveyors |DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN,| |Ontario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue) |Prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. |. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Oniario Land) Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone| | 725-6881. Economy and Deluxe Priced 'to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED © OSHAWA TV public) washers and ranges. Free estimates, Call! | | TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS [Well Drilling--Digging [WELL DIGGING by machine specializing jin 30-Inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut | Street West, Whitby 668-2563 or 668-3809. F ULTON weil digging and "drilling, Water if | is our product. Hampton 263-2790, 2--Personal LEN PULLAN | (ENGLISH TAILOR) CUSTOM TAILORING BRITISH WORSTEDS SUIT & DRESS ALTERATIONS INVISIBLE MENDING 10-12 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 Removal of superfluous hair, Marie 'Murduff will be in Oshawo, Aug. 7th, 18th, & 19th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-464 | (3--Pets & Livestock POODLE + pups, $, white, miniature, 1 regis-| tered, house trained, with needles, ex-! pede breeding. Sired by international mpion. Reasonable. Must sell. Whitby |S68-2090. lcozy J RANCH Kennels. | German Shepherds, puppies. Registered Champion | bloodlines. Stud services, Boarding. Quar-| |ter horses, foals. Trailer Ashburn, Brook- |BEAUTIFUL baby 1 | | lin 655-4662, budgie, ready for |training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, W4 Elgin East. TWO FEMALE purebred Dachshund pup- jes, $30. Also female purebread Beagle two years old, $10. Mr. Rice, RR 3, Thickson's Road North, 728-1875. | | LOTS OF TREES dee ag 7--Trailers SIX BY 'FOUR steel box. "trailer, Tent} and camping equipment, in good condi-| tion. Dia} 623-3894, 8--Hunting |DEER HUNTERS! Openings for hunt camp available. For further information, telephone 728-5664 after 5 p.m, 9a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent SUMMER COTTAGES FOR SALE 2 Only cottages 20 x 30, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, liv- ing-dining orea, Kitchen cup- boards, Insulated, Hydro Asbestos siding. Ceiling tiles throughout. IMMEDIATE OC- CUPANCY. Lake Scugog, close to Toronto. $5,995.00 (ea.) Terms arranged. Cali Wilf. Picard Oshawa Wood Products LTD. Bex 368, Oshawa Telephone 728-161} ___._ Syeolies 74859727 BAPTISTE. LAKE n 'Eden like Setting in the land of Hidden Lakes, creat- ed for leisurely summer liv- ing. Mile upon mile and thousands of acres of water travel and exploration. Turn left at Bird's Creek North of Bancroft to sign. Lakefront 125 ft. sandy beach. LOT AT $1,370 UP. OPEN WEEKENDS INFORMATION: -- BAPTISTE LAKE DEVELOPMENT 583 King St., Peterborough, Ont. on this cottage lot. Two bed- room cottage with all the facilities. and some furnish- ings. At Shingle landing this cottage has nice grounds, sleeping cabin, living room, kitchen, bath, screened' sun porch and sun deck. 20 miles from Oshawa. Call Harvey Dowe at Bowes and Cocks LTD., REALTOR Lindsoy, 324-6145 or write same ot 129 Kent Street, Lindsay, SWIM, _ FISH and relox on beautiful Buckhorn Lake. Quiet, picturesque area, mo- dern cottages, ideal for child- ren. Vacancies weekly or weekends, Some August va- cancies, Also campsites. Phone or write 'Cliff and Beg al Wood-Wharf Point, |9c--Marine Equipment _ '(steering wheel and controls, 18 HP Jonn- ~| Formals, ----|building, All 9a--Summer P. iia on narte atethe cnet 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 2 16--Female Help Wanted ae For Sale or COTTAGE FOR RENT. Stoney stacied convent on PONTOON and platform, 20 feet by | 8 feet. Ready for cabin, giving you a float- ing cottage. We Sales Company Limited, 728-4883 or 942-6620. 18 FOOT gg cruiser, 1 year old, sleeps 30 Johnson -- ore two, ' trailer, saty equipped, ready for water, eae Finehting riirtoane. T 1086. ss FOOT p plywood boat with windshield, son motor. Two life jackets, new, Call anytime 728-1056. yas tk 21-FT. OWENS inboard, sleeps two. Three years old. Like new! $3,500, Telephone Dunbarton esas : ote i4 FOOT mou! plywood boat, motor (40 gale) and ra trate. Call 728-9947, 12FT. FIBREGLASS boat, 40 HP Scolt motor, also. trailer, electric' starter and fully equipped. Call NEW! Boat, cedarsirip. Will take up to ee eer Must be seen. Telephone board. Reasonably Leaving country. 126 Eastmount Street. RUNABOUT, 14° 6", motor and trailer, In good shape. Will sell or trade for small cruiser. Telephone 728-6708 after 4 p.m. 11--Articles For Rent ~~ RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT. -- massaging belts, rowing ma- chines, bike exercisers -- all $6 per month PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- FULL TIME SALESLADIES MISS CHAPLIN Five doy week. 40 hours.. Employ. discounts, Group in- surance and other benefits. Openings in notions and foun- dation departments. Apply: 2 p.m. to 4 pm. Monday to. Friday ZELLER'S LTD. Oshawa Shopping | Centre HAIRDRESSER | Licenced at least two yeors exper- ience with some own clientele preferred. Top wages, East end area. Apply. ATHEN'S HAIR STYLING 304 Stevenson's Rd, North 728-4286 LADIES An exciting new job may by yours, if you drive and nave evenings free. FOR INTERVIEW CALL pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, pipe threading dies toilet auger PAINTER'S "EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding compres- sors, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- cement mixers, finishing tro- wels, wheel barrows, electric vibrator, oir compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heot- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger, oscillating sanders, disc sanders, belt sonders, floor sanders, acety- | | asa ee ST MESA SOE |EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show Canada's | The 728-7942 |finest tine. of Christmas cards. | Novelties, etc. Over 350 items, illustrated on approval and the fastest Jeandron Greeting Card Co., Street East, ft, Hamilton, _Ontario, RELIABLE middle-aged woman to mind children while mother works. Days only. Dial Whitby 668-5493. Wraps, For free, amples service, 1253 King MIDDLE-AGED | woman to come in. daily to mind 'two pre-school while mother works, Light household duties, 9794, RELIABLE LADY fi sm. restaurant, Experience helpful. Daily, part-time, hours to suit. No evenings; Sundays. Excellent wages. Apply Car- michael's Barbeque, Park Road South, WAITRESS WANTED. Apply in person, Terrace Restaurant, 120 Brock Street North, Whitby. APPRENTICE Hairdresser wanted, 2 at least two years high school preferable. Carol's Beauty Lounge, ¢ 668-5722 NEED extra money? $50 and more, can easily be earned by showing our fabulous Telephone 725- lene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders, STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. | 223 King St. W., Oshawa |__PHONE 723-3224 Tubles and, Choirs Mink Stoles, Church Aisle Runners Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses Punch Bowls, Coffee | Sargeant's Rentals __ 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 ~ BOATS - A MOTORS, T TRAIL- ERS - TENT and CAMPING GEAR. Wilde Rental Service and Sales 1415 Dundas E. WHITBY 668-3226 CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church jaisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North. _ Call Ti3y24 2414, ENTERTAINING tity 10 one hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- quets parties, weddings, anniversaries. Facilities bar kitchen, parking. Rea- |sonabie rates. 723-2140, BRIDES, bridesmaids gowns! Crinolines, headpieces, veils (P.S, Garters too) semi-formals. All new styles. Sargeant's Rentals and Sales. 725-3338. WHEEL CHAIRS, hospiatl beds, wa kers, reducing machines, isck room supplies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, om -- SH AUTO WRECK KING Co. Wonts Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311 --- 89 BLOOR E. |7?__Business Opportunities leew RENTING -- 12-store develop Brand new fireproof and soundproof electrically heated. Good parking facilities. Available August 1. Food store, reataurant and bank in this attractive plaza.-For full details and rentals call Guide Realty Limited, Real- tors, 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-1121. 14--Employment Wented DAY CARE for children, Large yard well fenced, Also will baby sit evenings in my Lakefield, Ontario. sia oa on Rice serve now at Cedar Cove, it Le as home. Telephone 723-6424, |15---Agents Wanted Safe beach, spacious grounds. | Family accommodation, two- or three-| Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to friends land neighbors, No experience necessary. Our exciting, full-color catalogue makes it easy to get plenty of orders. Send no |money Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free catalogue. Monarch Card Co. Dept. 16, 217 Cannon, Hamil | WAITRESS, $, experienced required. ~~ Full lbenefits. For appointment dial 623-3373. | The Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel, 17--Male Help Wanted SALES WELDING ALLOYS National supplier of metal joining products of industriol maintenance has opening in loco! territory. Growth of automotion in industry hes created the need for our al- loy welding products to re- duce equipment. down-time and maintenance costs. Con- tinuous research produces superior welding alloys thot insure repeat sales in this fast expanding ond essential morket, Proven sales retraining pro- gram. Excellent commission compensation, Some welding experience essential, Car ne- cessary. Send resume in confidence to: CERTANIUM ALLOYS ond RESEARCH COMPANY 1 ATTWELL DRIVE, REXDALE, ONTARIO 17--Male Help hebescomd THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY --REQUIRES-- YOUNG MEN TO TRAIN AS: - TELEPHONE CRAFTSMEN MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High School or ' Technical School graduation diploma Above average mechani- col and mathematical apti- tude Must be willing to move Age 18 to 25 years * Driver's licence (no nificant demerits) Good health and physique sig- Apply-In-Person To Our Employment Office 15 Victoria, Oshawa 9am.-To-4 p.m. Mon, to Fri EXPERIENCED | beverag: ° | lounge waiters. Also ter bovs. Villa. Hotel, Whitby, 668-3306, 18--Male or Femole ____Help Wanted SUPERVISOR R.N. O.R, Position open now. To organ- ize and develope 3 O. R, service in new hospital, Sal- ary recognition for experience and education. Written op- plications to Nursing Office Personnel, Ajax and Pickering General nee Hospital TEACHERS WANTED PART TiME Teachers earn extra money tutoring in your spare time. Mornings. during' Aug. and: 4 evenings and Saturdays dur- - pe Love term. Phone cademic Tutori ol 723-6701. 7 ow EXPERIENCED nursery; season, *; onto "halts Lit a pe board, é lowm i Trejbal, i, Mearns pinay oer Saabs HAIRDRESSERS. Wages 5030. Modern'"? shop opening on King Street West, res - Hair Styling. Telephone 728-5444, : EXPERIENCED short order cook. 'e tunity promotion to chef, Sait. Sener. , available. Apply Ontario Trading Post, led 11S. Telephone Orono, 10, Ring FOUR WOMEN or older boys, 1618 yan for light land work, Telephone 20--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD 'for ge Lunches packed, reon television priv ileges. Telephone 7: COLBORNE | ear east 57 -- Room betes Peete Oe gentlemen, willing te share, single beds, centrally | Ap y address, sb eae: ROOM AND BOARD, or room only ay 4 tor' "We own 50 acres, land, Oshawa vicinity, that must be ploughed and worked in August. Runnymede Investment Corporation Ltd. 45 Parliament Street, Toronto Mr. Attridge 363-1138 SENIOR SALESMAN fo call on stores, offices, garages, motels, nice r |. Parking, Telephone. 728-3350, ROOM AND BOARD | for ye young iady, sié weekly Includes weekends, clean warm room. Lunches packed. Close to ie: Hospital and downtown, 728-3577. ROOM AND BOARD for young iit ing to share. Good Mpa Eo. Parking, 95 725-8902. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage MEDICAL OFFICES for rent, 700 9a. fe For further particulars, phone 725-5132, Clean home, home cooked" meals, Albert Street, Telephone? \23---Wanted To Rent WANTED -- one-bedroom ai partment for business woman with choise child, industries, schools, etc., with our engineered lighting products. Age no Call Whitby 3338. if wa barrier, car necessary. Side-line or full time. Highest commissions paid weekly on automatic year-round repeat business. Exclusive Premium Program will make '64 the biggest of our 20 years of success. ful business operations in Canada, Choice protected territory of Oshawa and dis- trict now open. For complete information WANTED -- three-room apartment Whitby, two young children, babysining if possible. Contact Mrs, VanDuffelen Byron Street North, Whitby, after 4 jibes' WANTED | by two adults by September 1, four to six rooms. Telephone before 3 o'clock, 725-4409. write Hi-Test Corporation, 206 King West, Hamilton, 'Oritario: MODEST HOME -- 2 or 3-vedrooms. Can supply good references. Telephone 725 5675 anytime. WANTED furnished two bedroom apart. ment or large one bedroom apartments couple with one child, school a phone between 5 and 7 p.m.. 723-9761, Ask for G, Bosancich. 24---Houses For Rent THREE house, Sep- tember 1. $90 monthly. 'Apply in og at 1125 Byron Street South, Whitby bee. tween 6 and 7 p,m. FIVE ROOM stucco house. Dinig Toor and two bedrooms. Adult family only. Telephone 725-1317. ' BEAVERTON 9-room brick fi house, half acre land, rent or sell, September Ist. $75. per month. Write 71 Hounsiow Heath Road, Toronto 9, Ontario, Mr. Meius BEDROOM house. Apple Hill vicinity. Available middie of August. References and lease required. $110. month. Apply 748 Chesterton Avenue. |PURE 'GERMAN ~ shepherd | puppies 4 4) |weeks old. Sell cheap. ._ Telephone 725-5079, |WELSH | PONY, cart and harness, Also jwestern saddle. Telephone 725-8772. MINIATURE white poodle puppies, eight |weeksold. Registered. Both males and 'females. Reasonable. Telephone 725-1753. | TWO SIAMESE cats, eleven months old, male and female, both neutered. Scratch- ling post trained. $20 each, Apply after six p.m. Ajax 942-5793 or 40 Exeter Road. TWO KITTENS 4 mos. oid, 1 male, 1 fe |male, box trained, to give away to good jhomes. Telephone 728-1412. WIN A TV MAKE EXTRA MONEY Win a portable TV set, while you SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 a TOWERS -- Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA | 728-5143 "TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-6286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS CITY TV towers, antennas, also repairs. ro |All work guaranteed. S11 Dean Avenue. bedroom, with refrigerator, stove, flush! toilets, etc., $50. weekly; $60. with boat.| Reduced rates, August 22 to October 15,| $40. with boat. Daily $8. - $6. Folder, Ji Frisken, Harwood, -- Ontario, Phone 4R4, HALIBURTON -- ~ Housekeeping coftages on the lake. Inside conveniences, Sate beach. Boats included, $45 and up. Va- cancies from August 8 on. Phone or Onn Silver Birches, RR 1, Minden, nt 112 Simcoe St. North Oshowa, Ontario - 725-3568 "NEED MONEY? -- TO REFINANCE YOUR MORTGAGE? TO REMODEL -YOUR HOME? TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR? TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS Let's discuss, without obli- gation, your financial plans: Our 10 to 15 Year long- term 2nd mortgage with low interest and small repayments may prove much easier for your budget. CORONATION INVESTMENT CO. £70. A Canadian Public Company In Oshawa area coll SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King St. West |723-2265 (after hours 728- 3376) | PRIVATE and corporation + monies for all mortgages; mortgages and agreement of |sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan and \Murdoch, (See Barristers'). WORD ADS... 5 p.m. Day Previous. Card of Thanks .... In Memoriams .... Lost and Found .... . 9:30 Day of Publication. Births and Deaths 9:30 Day of Publication. Lote Deaths . . . 11:00 a.m. Day of Publication (Page 3). CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 2 Column or Larger 1 Column Space .... SATURDAYS: Word Ads. . Classified Display CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Concellations and Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M. Deadline will be processed for the following day's paper. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charge tor a -- insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the case of display advertisements, The Timeés wil not. be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- tising motter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if eyy inaccuracies in any form ate contained therein. For Classified. Service. Telephone the Direct to Classified Number 723-3492 For All Other Departments, Coll The Times Switchboard, 5 p.m, Day Previous ORI 5 p.m. Day Previous DRIVING SCHOOL INSTRUCTORS with late model automatic cars, Evenings and Saturdays or full time. OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL : 728-0091 TAXI DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Appy MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 BARTENDER for | liquor | lounge. Must be fully experienced and fast mixer. Em- ployment in Oshawa area. State ex- perience in application. Replies will be Urals Write Box 350, OshawalexecuTIVE HOME, fully furnished: ° svn Available September Ist, for one year.. BARBER wanted, $90. weekly. Paid|Convenienfly located Ajax, Contact sa" jholidays, steady employment. Write Box/S133. }127, Oshawa _Times. a OLDER HOME with four | |WAITER for beverage room, Full or part|King Street West, close to shopping |time. Must have good character, refer-|Centre, $100. monthly. Immediate occus jences, experienced man preferred. Hotel|pancy Apply Box 137, Oshawa Times. Lancaster, 27 King Street, West, Oshawa.| NEW three-bedroom bungalow with large 1F YOU HAVE. sold -acuums, cook-|Carport Landscaped, Paved driveway. |ware, brushes, etc., and have car and|Vicinity Park Road, north of 401. 728 a pleasant personality, call Whitby|2405 after 7 p.m. 668-8587, Mr. Thompson. AJAX, five-room house, 31 Tullock Driv ASSISTANT maintenance man, age 25-|Storms and screens, $97 monthly. Avail' 40, for residential school, starting Sep-jable September 1. Toronto, HO 3-2429. tember 1. Must be. good worker, andlnew four-bedroom house for rent. For further information telephone 728-4590. abstainer. Honest, reliable, trustworthy. AT THE LAKE: House, five rooms and This position would suit married couple. eisai |north of Marmora. Refrigerator and girl to work in paint and olibanat siore,/Lady to work in kitchen. Four-room bath. Large yard. Children 'welcome, Telephone 725-2054, ™ jrangette. Accommodates 4 persons. From|Fringe benefits. Apply to Box 135 Osh-japartment supplied. Apply Principal, | August 20 to September 7; 723-7140. |awa Times Classified Whitby, 668-3358. Felephone "2054. LAKEFRONT | cottage "for rent. All con- |EXPERIENCED | presser and a checker BARBER, : steady, ly, good ¢ on brush - FOUR-BEDROOM house in Oshawa. Cen- * veniences. Sleeps seven. Can been seen 'on| required. Telephone 723-1159 before. 5.|good guarantee. 19 Bond St. east trally located, $125 monthly. Possessian weekend. Telephone 725-5582. 1723-7388 after 5. 2091 or 728-9615 August 15, Telephone Whitby 668-48ne, +4 make extra money. No experience necessary. Sell exciting top-value Christmos Cards and Gifts. Friends and neigh- buy on sight. Write for catalogue and samples Earn big profits. 10 o.m. Day Previous .. 4p.m. Day Previous | cottage, three-piece bath,|, Pours kilenen sink, cupboards, also boat, and |houseboat. Harry Chinn, Lakeside Beach, jor phone 723-7088 st ( LAKE, ¢ cot- tages for rent-from Asgust 8th, $45 and laa ely: All inside conveniences. Dial | AVAILABLE June = luiy, 2 August and Sep-|-- |tember. Park Lana five-room efficiency | bungalows Good fishing. For full particu- }lars write C-O Erinsville P.O. or tele- phone 4785. Percy Davidson and Son | sturGeon LAKE -- Reni from August 728- 1343 : 15 to 31. Three-bedroom cottage, all modern conveineces, completely furnish- {CASH oo "the spot! Highest prices paid|ed. Telephone 726-6848. lor dead and crippled farm stock. Tele-| FURNISHED -- Scugog la | ug09 lakefront cottage, hone collect. Hampton 263-2721, Mar- jfive rooms, flush toilet, $50. weekly. Call will Fur Licence 333-C-64, |Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton 986- 4894. TOMATO crates for sale. Telephone| | COTTAGE Lor, | approximately 100 the YY 468-3647, Earl Pascoe. jake frontage on West Twin Lake, Safe {Telephone 725-0500. BALED WHEAT straw in the field. $0. 25 beach Hydro and road to lot, Reason \SOUTHEND TV towers and aerial ser-\Pe! bale. Telephone 728-5919 able. Telephone 723- 7139. : vice. Formerly Lake Vista T.V... 484 Wanar "straw for sale. T 728-| EEPING "cottages, ~ alectric, in- Montrave, 128-6879. |side facilities, fishing, skiing and swim- 4 |ming. 725-2909 Or write Maijac Cottages, condition, corn RR 3 Burks Falls. cutter, Telephon anes ne Rae oe LOTS -- Willow Glen, 'hree miles, {st traight north of Lindsay. A few water- front lots jeff for sale, Telephone Lind-| say 324-6438 |CROWE LAKE COTTAGE - free colour pp I, Special king plan for Churches, Clubs, Schools. Dept. 24, 411 Toronto, on y 12 Noon For Monday 10 A.M, For Monday |S--Farmer' s Column Custom Farm Work - Forage harvesting, raking and baleing and combining. Telephone Homer-Warren Co., Clendenan Ave., 16--Female Help Wanted TCYS, FUN $ $$ We are looking for ladies who want to earn extra Christ- mas money by working even- ings, September, October and November. : Farm. Resch bedrooms We will train you as a porty demonstrator to sell a full line of toys and gifts. | Commissidh; cor essential. No investment, deliveries or collections. Call now: Oshawa 728-3608 waive D, in |binder and | 728-9395 450 BALES wheat straw. One old type New Holland baler with V4 engine, $200, 10 ft. Massey Harris self-propelled| combine, $900. Wind, Orono, 9 R 18 ~ working insilage 2 Smort Business People Sing the Praises of Oshowa Times -Classified Ads + Want-Ads Dont' Cost -They Pay SALES GIRL "required, "part-time ~sales-| 7--Trailers NEW BOATS and boat trailers: also used > outs, | Call 725-49: 728- camping trailers at @ new low price. 20,