the dresses by rem - : é frills and do-dads, ogee MONTREAL or. OD eet Biew ; no tradition of worth the try, but unless you/has de are pleased with a dress youland its ci should not be pressured into|fewer Wearing it just because it is|/where in free. : : bes of aia ie -- of Far better + "s 'onth, Do ¥ be 0 have fewer! says Pad 'ou in wae To i fi .|although some of the best clothes--in which you ee eabie in the goam Mottresses % off fortable. . i me a fod "tao vat 723-0762" 4 a 4 particularly interes - Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Edito- Dial 723-3474 AR Zs letter from the woman who ; gir _ | wrote to say she was THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 7, 1964 7. e% s ' | |because her invitations to piay, yg y j : si yas | }eards were on the decline. Sho felt perhaps the reason might St. Gregory's Rites Unite oT. fae) te that she was'a conc F: | F 1] H ] G j g ' Having been a fairly good ann 4 : : ae >. ; bridge player myself for more I 0 of e en Tace i i canes ig a P than 20 years I -- = to p th ie ee ; give this woman some ing to St. Gregory the Great Roman feta Herre ea : og sp oS ae y think about, Some card plasers Catholic Church was the setting] ing Skirts, topped by sca : j love to be invited, but they Tecently for the wedding Gh peried "conti rewigd Y '4 . never want to have the game Helen Teresa, daughter of Mr. elbow-length sleeves and en . e at their house. Over the years, and Mrs, Jerry Grace, to Frank hanced with a sash and front : |I have dropped several excel- ' |Folkmann, son of Mr, and Mrs. bow of organza, Their matching! , © jlent card players because they Peter Folkmann, ali of Oshawa. |roral headdresses held wispy] i d _jwere not interested in return- The Reverend L. T, McGough veils of silk illusion and they| | ing the courtesy, | jofticiated and the soloist, Mr. carriéd cascades of white andj F You may think I am cold | [Ross | Metcalf, "Bowmanville, Iblue-tinted chrysanthemums, | | |blooded but I feel tha: hospital- sang "Ave Maria" and "O Per- The best man was Mr. Peter| , ity and friendship should be a '/fect Love" accompanied by Mr. Folkmann Jr., and the ushers two-way street. A woman who Jack Driscoll. were Mr. George Dowdle. Mr.| ; is too lazy or too cheap to clean Given in marriage by heriLeslie Kababik and Mr.| . Bue wack he he ta father, the bride wore a classi- Ralph Mason, all of Oshawa. ' " a 5 Y i ment should. not be entertained in- HERR cal gown of pure silk organza definitely, CANADIAN s neckline y-poin sleeves and/ Picea" Room of "the Hote OSHAWA MAN TAKES OHIO BRIDE | 'there. Now 1 can go back to Genosha, t ride's mother re PR pes ; ' |Genosha, the brid minding 'my own buSiness in- johe full-length bell skirt em- Geneaie, the her te : cnet ae -- ome pSbing he ally soft sheath with sheet acten white A wedding of interest to tor Stroud, Oshawa, in a |stead of yours.--Committee of LAVA, | aro wifes LIMITED eawaed's wines * osstiacties \ One of Oshawa's very senior She is een here putting the | Oshawa residents was held re- iocbie-ring Tatiohtee op ate |One Against Oar Draggers citizens, Mrs Pieeces Maria finishing touches o her latent ly trimmed with garlands of re-lsage of white roses The bride-| cently in the Sanctuary of | ris ra the daughter : le Dear Committee: Many ; y 7 Aenag : embroidered rose appliques of ' ther assisted, wear-| ¢ , ; . and Mrs. Raymond Robert (thanks for minding my busi- will celebrate her 90th birth- creation, a bedspread. She Swiss lace, studded with minin.(2room 8 mother a ed, is Central Methodist Church, Schuliz, Springfield and the |,., Y letter was a good day on Sunday afternoon with says her longevity is due to seb deine pe ' he overal|"%,2 pink-mauve lace Sheath,) ¢ ringficld, Ohio, when Kay bridegroom is the son of Mr, |n¢S* nT ak ith t " say I ture self bows. The overa lwhite hat and accessories and Bette ; € y orideg s the t One and I agree with you, no 4 reception at the home of her hard work and no smoking or effect. was highlighted by Sle siméar vonage Ann S¢ hultz of Springfield be- and Mrs. Kenneth Stroud, {oniy insofar as card players daughter, Mrs. Elsie: Chum- drinking"'. chapel train. Her semi-Juliet| The bride donned a two-piece|_c#me the bride of Donald Vic. 7 : are concerned but all types of bley, 1275 Meadowvale street. --Oshawa Times Photo headdress of organza, satin| ye and white suit with white |guests. /roses and pearlized leaves held! ocessories and a white rose , Patricia Thickson, John DeKoker ies" a bouguet oe, peer, the cowle 'etl ANN LANDERS Mee od ane BURN Ss. of pink sweetheart roses and/Falls and Lake' Placid. Mr. and/ stephanotis. (Mrs. Folkmann will live in| FOR THE FINEST IN Tour Europe Following Wedding 'ivan, hn' ber bay ai were present at the! Opposites Ar e Known P 7 | Custom Made JEWELLERS LTD. Mr..and Mrs, John J De-|nations and rose buds. The|the other att .|wedding from Montreal, Hamil- > *. F DRAPES a 20rg sha N ville, New! > Koker are on a honeymoon in/matron of honor's- and George Dowdle, both of Oshawa. |ton, Toronto, Bowmanvil i > Holland, Germany and France |Dride's gowns were made by|'They were dressed alike in del-|York, Ohio, Chicago, Syracuse O ttract ac t er 6 SEE CF ees ei ik the bride. jPhinium blue organza over taf-lamd Windsor. M. & C Dry Goods following their wedding recent-| : toh ee Ges ; | Py is : A a ana | The best man was Mr. Luigi: : i ly in Elizabethville U nite dine Koker, Brooklia Dear Ann _Landers:--What}. . Reese raperies J g jtype of a woman do men fall/\'© Varieties of sea shells No Church. The bride is Patricia) For the reception held at the ee for? You are the pert so//¥0 are' alike. Some men love} 74 CELINA STREET Beryl, daughter of Mr. and/none of the bride's parents, nlbave' tell nat reer "a domiiuering betne axe and PHONE 723-7827 Mrs. Henry Thickson, Elizabeth-|the bride's mother received , 4 bee pa others go for the clinging vine.| ville and her bridegroom is the! wearing a two-piece blue silk ln, Pave, always been underiYou gotta know the territory, | Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. De- shantung dress with a corsage , [the impression that men want! Honey met Koker, Brooklin, of pink rosebuds, The bride. ihe wet et ee He scien Dear Ann Landers: My prob: | ------------ | 2 el important, | v> BE iati i om' s sisted, wear: -- : ; gx . Pee iret Corer. | a [Ng RN ar mre : - ¥ ; : f ae F : jrnelr way. Yet-a big brassy|COusins. i kha at af Oshawa, vy agg er _ Silk with a similar corsage j -- j ; [broad in this office Sean tolcity and we are all the same| YOUNG PEOPLE! was played by the bri es aunt! The bride chose for her ' Se BS [work wearing a diamond the|@&® which is 14. 1 Bey ett THE fare: Chereace Mee iavilling' 'costae' a aqual a * 4 size of an apricot evidence|"lothes when they are through ee them Oshawa Given in marriage by her/ three-piece Serrano suit with: ; : that she has snagged a guy an |white accessories and a corsage) | % « i of us would have o t| I hate their clothe because] i 5 ; f e given a front - ies because $$ of red roses. Mr. and Mrs:| #4 : 'p d tooth for. ss they are so babyish, My mother} Busine College father the bride wore a fomall | " s \thinks they are just darling, |] Would sincerely appreciate the pri- gown of white silk shantung with a round neckline edged|De Koker will reside in Whitby. 4 ee béssy, domineer Vilage 'of wrelaleg ete, fhe, eat folds. The.front skirt was lavish-lhat and accessories and a cor- wikgaes FALLO-CAMAGA DISTING Ti | | "ole 2 selfic ay. am| fiance finish a sentence, She) rai ge preimage decd Bo, tinh sou as ones : fe Wntick 3. 6 3 2 § any BPE as Sincacity ini "Buj Over eds enslish in front of| iY wear, H oirarcrity, i, education Building Bigger to Serve You Better" ual instruction the back, short sleeves and ajville, Brooklin, Toronto and bell skirt, A cornet of lilies of| Oshawa. the valley held her shoulder.) everybody and butts in to sup. : 'ybods utts in to sup-| When I show up at school in| n_machines and equipment length veil and she carried a TIGHT SPACE , ¢ 1 Iply just the right word when tional techniques bouquet 'of red roses and white} LONDON (CP)--Thirt , 4 | i! ie ashes ¢ ruffles ws | -- y-three |he stops for breath jSashes and ruffles and DOWS|f Othe ty to set carnations UP When he bought her a Valen-/My friends howl. Another box|] "sGtime i ell se ag BURNS JEWELLERS LTD. Fe cut-out lace, buttoned down] Guests attended fn Belle- | cE and loud. She never lets her| When I tell her how I feel she] "Ms? of taining in Busines Oe toeteli et Wet homes built "'on a postage| | he ol in WaSistamp" were opened recently) tine's day gift she returned it}of junk came yesterday andif @!nstruction and training in harm Mrs, Herman Duivesteyn, by the Lord Mayor of Holborn, to the store and got something/these dresses are the worst or eni" the demands of em. |MOVING SOON T Whitby, who chose a blue shan-!a district of London.' On {ess| ta wi ats ones yet A 'cites lower "thon Whe na: by Pa oe the same as|than a quarter - acre site 331 PLAN LATE SUMMER WEDDING (eM Van song this} Do you feel I should beif. 5 average | 20 SIMCOE NORTH ' ' A a : ' P 2 $ expe a ills secant hose ogg "pom 7 ee oe Mr. Robert James Porter, made today by Miss Dryden's |beast broke all the rules, but|forced 'to wear clothes I hatc j ---------- Tied a bouquet of pink belie pa fixed Oshawa, will take as his bride, parents; Mr. and Mrs. John {She got the guy. Will you tell/I need some advice and J needif gradu oe of "batiliad 'etalon - ------ Miss Helen Elizabeth Dryden, Dryden, Brooklin. Tne Foes case, Ann Landers--what|it now--Rags I] SOver 100 'plocemanta: serovar Brooklin, on Saturday, August Prospective bridegroom is the |8°eS enyway * Bystander | par Rags: No 14-yedr-old) @Assistance to graduates in finding 29, in Brooklin United Church, son of Mr. and Mrs. James C. | Dear By: There are as many/should be forced to wear clothes|} 2 our FREE copy of "CHOOSING according to an announcement Porter, Oshawa. jdifferent types of men as thore she hates YOUR CAREER" -- Phone, write or | If vou can simplify some of]f visit the College. PR abst 2 . | guests was the future brids- to September 18, 1964 ACT | Teas, Showers Parties Honor [eet vaste tuure "bid yt, sr» te | . men mite | Miss Barbara Jean Burnett The attendants, Miss Maureen|{| Spinal Disc 'njuries ! Busi Colle | |\Cook, Miss Marilyn Barnett, Hay F H usiness Go ge ' : ' 1 ever | y 10 Sithcoe Street, North Saturday afternoon to Glen|hostess was Mre Martin Han-/the gift display | Walter Parks in Northminster ley. le Ouring tea were Mrs.| Mrs, Wilfred Foote, Agnes|assisted by Miss Susan Ferneley| Those serving were Miss Jeanne FAST \] street, aunt of the bride-to-be, at Miss Burnett's home on Gib-|Smith and Miss Joan Hanley, | by (Mrs. Foote were Mrs. penald| neighborhood. {Mervyn Bemis, Attending the Treasures Later | McMullen, Mrs. Joseph Michal tea was held by the stage| Suest book was Miss Batbara ther ho: Adelaid Parsons sa of the future bridegroom's_ par- [per home on Adelaide avenue|Parsons and. an ee, ents, Mr. and Mre one Roy| 723-3680 her daughter to receive the | ar. thy 1966 Ropeieetlon meaye Parks, and Miss Susan Pottery, | Ithe flower girl, | CHIROPRACTOR | Oshawa | | Miss Barbara Jean Burnett,| Miss Jeanne Smith at her home| Mrs. Ronald Drapak and Mrs . |whose marriage takes place this|on Tweedsmuir avenue. The c0-|Duglas Montgomery assisted at|t 100 King St. E. 728-5156 Oshawa United Church, 'has been the A kitchen and pantry shower| Thomas Young, Mrs. Brian| honored guests at a number of was given by the junior brides-/ Whitmarsh, Mrs. Edward, THEY GROW showers and parties, maid, Miss Marilyn Burnett,/Brown, and Mrs, Wilfred Foote, was hostess at jbons street, where the Suests/ Assisting in the kitchen were Portraits Now Will Be shower at her home. Assisting| were younger members of the/Mrs. Clayton Burnett, Mrs. A A Asn --by-- jmond, Mrs. Allan E. Mitchell of Dr. S. J. Phillips School {Ann Pottery, | jand Mrs. Norman McCue. |Where the bride-elect was pre.| Following the wedding a Mrs, Raymond Bemis enter-| sented with a silyer butter-dish, |hearsal tonight, the bridal Party| STUDIO tained at a personal shower at The best man, Mr Larry) Will be entertained at the home| West, assisted by Mrs. Mervyn] Robert Morrison, : [Bemis the future bridegroom at a party --aien Cibbome street |_, Miss Marilyn Quantrill, Celina|in St. Mary's hall, where a jStreet, entertained at a buttet| Presentation of @ sum of money supper for the women members) Nd @ cocktail set was made | Of the teaching staff of Dr. § J| Co-workers of the prospective] Phillips Public School, where aj bridegroom, at the Dominion of; Presentation was made of a|Canada Insurance, entertained | wooden ice-bucket. |for him at a party, where hej A linen and kitchen shower| WAS presented with a wallet and | Was given by the maid of honor,|@ Sum of money eee Me, _ |Miss Maureen Cook and her} The bride-elect's mother, Mrs,} - A tik tl '.|mother, Mrs. David Cook, at/Gordon Burnett, Gibbons sireet, | : aif their h Adelaide ay tertained at rousseau | A LOVELY LITTLE LADY [tat Siew Mas tated" sar ee | Wile Geinty Bitie. gird tg fe Sane was given by! Assisting se, BaUneHE And : "FEEMSTER"" TRIPLE-EDGE pee | : ong i Tt + A Lo Cynthia Lynn, the one-year- : old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S P 3 | ' - ; 'i i hicks: Se Edward Romanuk, Scugog CIAL OF. F E R | Hospital, avenue. She is the grand. t Reg. 5.00 | bs it pos he daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | } ' wih Frank Bennett and Mr. Value i ka vba Mrs. John. Romanuk, of | A : ; : howenldas Oshawa. Her big brother is » This is a Stainless Steel Knife that will do an excellent j ellent job on all Household 20, Con- Paul Romanuk, two and a half * slicing and cutting, It P Is Potat , le . r t Sordigerr on dry cleanin icing g. eels Potatoes, etc., Shreds Cabbage, ete., Dice and you feel you're surrounded by sound } did no' ' ere Phetepiephy CLEANING CAROUSEL USE THIS 9 H Trims Vegetables, Meats, Poultry, etc, Scales Fish, Decorations for Salads, fies mang stereo. It's balanced 4 speak- F ioeplted | | hos A ti .V i 8 advertised on T.V, changer with counter balanced arm has a diamond fas com- HOUSEHOLD HINT a Perfume that has become Se KE V L 3 : stylus, lo ki -15 i oncentrated can be stretched! If A > ; : NOW ONLY Fase Tp ty ¢ with ea rearere and 50-15,000 CPS frequency truck the the west- att ore SOM TY qe, mn bovine eae + ter. | . REGULAR | and provision for externa | 9% ]5+| 8 tbs. of bh CLEANING rol | | & 3 wosters, Ut yur san as thrown , le judge, me isten to : L ADIES! ] CARLTONS CLEANING CAROUSEL |" i, @ this 'stereo, soon hear the sea sma No Baby Sitter, S SPECIAL FOR "i ; a ir' value. Yet only: costs ...... (PEAL Ne Cer Fore" Ty CARLTONS 7 5 A ' Ty Bente Peeler ai ve MR, BERNARD || 1X4 CLEANING 9%. f | Knit =) =m tan Re Ot Leading Toronto Salons ff : ee On MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDEL ay) eTrney Ss Experienced Hair Stylist fit IMG Cc oSMtTH ae | HAG TS! cshavenres 75° ||? STORES To SERVE You BETTER | Raxcntemereeee aes AT N OPPING CENTRE "r,s fe TS Cyan oaks DOWNTOW OSHAWA | =a SINISE 5 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 80 KING ST. E., OSHAWA 728-9317 | Meeesiedesisents a SAAN eS |