THE OSHAWA TIMES, ednesday, August 12, 1964 Chinese Book =a --¢-q > OF SUMMER Vilifies K As "Hyport' -- <i." VALUES IN sian Premier Khrushchev, Tues- day was called " a big conspir- ator, careerist and double-facec : : = 4 : hyprerite" in the publisher's in- : - , " troduction to a collection in . ' " nil ay r . Chinese titled Khrushchev's 4 get - : Statements. ' - . os = d ~ a : --_----= The first volume of the col- lection went on sale here today The collection, compiled and published by the Shijie Zhiski (World Knowledge) Publishing House, contained 98 speeches, reports, articles and letters by the Russian leader. All appeared in the Soviet Communist party newspaper a Pravda between 1932 and Sep-| 'gg tember, 1953. The first volume contained material up to 1941. The publisher said in the in- troduction a "systematic under- standing of Khrushchev is of na on great significance for the strug-| 7 e 4 es a E 1 apr Styles gle a gains modern revision- ism." --_? He said that yesterday the) 2% Soviet prime minister "fer- : 4 pric 00. 4 vently extolled Stalin," while| ; Ms sient FOPF™ tue ie & 4aT. today he "maliciously vilifies"| igur R Stor K-Me f reMert tive He him "as a 'murderer' and . ing: £ LS 'idiot'. ra *s ® ' \ Khrushchey "usurped the| * i oil Led leadership of the Soviet party) (ay *, > _ Sif and state," the introduction) #™ a ' states. a 4 ] It concluded: "'Khrushchey's| # early statements .. . reveal] the needs of revisionist betrayal of a COMPLETE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION - THE DAY-TO-DAY POLICY AT K-MART Athens Envoy Sees Martin K MEN'S Men's Dan River Jr. Boys' Short MEN'S Men's Short Boys' Short Sleeved Boys' Short Sleeve 7 Short Sleeved Sleeved Sleeve Tapered S ort tas Minster Marin 'conerred K Straw Sport Sport Sport Sport a Sport again uesday wi ntonio pitisees s a Barrette, Canadian ambassador| J " Shirts s ; " hirts 4 preg yrotied omegge ho j Hats Shirts Sean sha ate saa Pre Shirts Shirts With button-down col- shirts | stripes and checks, week, 74 Assorted colors and With button-down Hak batten: colle, S005 With button-down col- With button-down col- lar. 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Regular K-Mart of the country. ! / guiar ar _ Johnson recalled he had) { 5 asked for the resolution approv-| #2 Regular K-Mart Regular K-Mart Regular K-Mart Regular K-Mart Values up to Regular K-Mart Regular K-Mart suetein aor dereey Gl Value $2.87 Value $2.87 Value $2.87 Value $3.99 $12.95 Value $7.77 Value $4.99 Tuesday to send air strikes} 4 ee PAYA PA ee PACE AID ROYAL A EoOS RL! Roonw 4a Rooyaly stroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.| 4 "This resolution," he added,"'| | CA gn SHOP THE EASY, THRIFTY WAY - SHOP WITH A K-MART CREDIT CARD ers with all the wisom an judgment God grants to me." With passage of the resolu: tion, he said. "our gourse i ba A known - every Lin i a ' : "There can no mistake--| ? 5-PiECE er s no miscalculation -- of where ate "e Sur Boy America -- poll what bo ; Stainless Insul B . Men $s (>) Jr. generation of Americans stands) j a ag ts tor." i el sonic nks Se a heast A | foe ~~ Set sii trerns: Swim Tru H Cabana He said in Southeas sia| tea atterns- "there is mats ve ae f Pan Assorted P ee nothing we see r one de-| 7a Mart i sire--our one determination--is . Reguler K-Mart Regular K-Mo Reguler K-Mart ye ae Value that th le of . Southeast) ¥ 66 : fas be Bett in' peace to work] # Value $3: 99 Value $2.6 Volue $4.6 ae Special $3, A] Special 1.97 Special (2.37 Spec Special 1.37 VISIT SARDINIA OLBIA, Sardinia (AP)--Prin-| g cess Margaret and her husband, Lord Snowdon, arrived by plane) # from London Monday for a Sar- dinian vacation. They were greeted by the ry haa, at i ; ose villa on the Sardinian L d 4 h N 2 B re h d h b pes coast they will be ocate on ig way 0. etween : snawa an W it y guests, and by Saverio de Ich- ; eli, mayor of Olbia.