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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1964, p. 23

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27--Real Estate For Sele SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 723-2265 IF YOU LIKE '27--Real Estate For Sale ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 MONEY-MAKER Corner Store. You may move - right in and start earning im- mediately. Just buy the stock at invoice date and the Ven- dor will take a Mortgage on the balance of the equipment on this proven corner grocery store. Illness forces sale of this business. DUPLEX 4 large rooms up, and 4 large rooms down. All modern con- veniences. The best Duplex buy in town. FARM Suitable for sub-dividing. Near Oshawa on paved high- way. Investors call now. Try $400.00 an acre. Good build- ings on this property and new barn. $11,900.00 5 room, 3 Bedroom Bungalow. All newly decorated and im- medate possession. Close to bus and new shopping plaza will soon be opening. Once in a lifetime opportunity with $1000.00 down, MOTOR HOTEL AND FACTORY SITES We have the ideal locations with water and sewer facili- ties right on the 401 High- way. Investigate these sites and prepore your plans im- mediately 5 Dorothy Wood | For full particulars call Steve Aehon | 723-2265 ng aaa OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Pauline Beal Bob Johnston Steve Zurba . 728-1066 Ralph Vickery . 728-5868 Bill Horner 728-2233 Hertha Kirk 133-8075 48 Simcoe Street, South, 728.3376 across from Post Office. 723-7996 723-1358 725-3867 27--Reel Estate For Sale GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL Try your offer on this mo- dern year old brick bungalow with electric heating. 3 bed- rooms, 4 pc. bathroom tiled and with vanity. There are 2 finished rooms in- basement nicely panelled and with re- cessed lighting. Located near King St. East in o fast grow- ing area of new homes, Full price $15,900. A LITTLE DIFFERENT Spotless 3 bedroom brick. bungalow with separate din- ing room and large modern kitchen, Finished recreation room and den in basement. Twindow in living room gives a commanding view over. the entiré city. Garage and paved driveway. This home is only six years old and is situated on a nicely landscaped lot. Asking $19,900 with 544% N.H.A. mortgage. CLOSE TO HIGHWAY. 401 Immaculate 4 room. brick bungalow with large modern kitchen and 2 pc. bathroom, Lot 75 x 112 ft. zoned Cl. Asking $11,900, DOWNTOWN AREA 3 bedroom brick ranch bung- alow with double attached garage. Master bedroom is extra large. Living room has natural fireplace and dining area. Efficient modern. kit- chen, panelled recreation room with fireplace. Located in-a good residential district and asking $18,500. FULL PRICE $6,900 A comfortable 4 room bunga- low .with forced air oil heat- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 12, 1964 233 a "= 25--Apartments 23--Wanted To Rent PORT PERRY -- Ti jocal| TWO-BEDROOM house or 17--Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN for mai : 'apariment re Be ott elton, Focpnne Patan" "Ice: Avan miedaey 10 Benefits. Apply person to D. A.|\FHRER ROOM Vurnished private apart" Houlden, General «teal Lid., 57 Simcoe pig lars Pogo an ae FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment. THE "AHOO P BOLAHOOD BROTHERS irings |Oshawa yi entrance and bath, Paci i $40 per week i 'here 728 'elephone 725-1829. Welle Box 21! OsN8W9) FAREE-ROOM house required immedi. ' ately by family Ca four, in Oshawa. Call -- REAL ESTATE -- = INSURANCE ----- MORTGAGES 18--Male or Female 725-735 or 728-9 Help Wanted $15,700.00 i 25--Apartments ISOR RN. OR. Apartments to Rent ATTACHED GARAGE No it's not just four walls and Position open now. To organ- 1 and 2. bedroom apart- ize and devel 3.0. R. nents now being pith service in new ital. Sal- pleted. Occupancy ~ from ary recognition for experience Sept. 15th, Range, refrigera- and educotion. Written fies tor, drapes, hot and. cold a roof, The builder has taken st to Nursing Office water. jal intargaet dave great wig doit trode, teak rsonne!. 5 ariand, e i room n= Ajax and Pickering General _ 728-1544." Led ae po ae inica aieared bin will plesse those who Hospital bapa dl - pocern linear duplex avait. gli a Day care ulabie. want the best in yepneyt TEACHERS WANTED monthly includes heat, light, water.| Telephone 723-4569. ond mrererty. he preg: is - PART TIME Adults. Apply 929 Crescent,|THREE ROOMS and bath, un ae wa ea ath oe Teachers earn extra money why wait? Buy now: and be the proud owner of this home. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. ni Whitby. $70 monthly, parking space, orieay en- tutoring in your spare time. |OFF WILSON ROAD NORTH, onebea |'Tance. Apply 517 Drew Street anytime. _ ings during Aug. and PRESTIGE LOCATION ' room apartment. Stove, _refrigerator,|BYNG AVENUE, 125 -- Four room un- washer and dryer. Avaliable August 1,|/furnished apartment, available September evenings and Saturdays dur- » ing school .term. Phone Six room ranch. brick bunga- low. with attached garage. Telephone 728-8508. Ist. Stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities. Academic Tutoring College $80 8 three room and bath apariment. Un- Fireplace, wall to wall broad- THREE ROOM, fully furnished apart|Uillities paid. Adults. 723-2006, ment. Suitable for working couple, Ab-|TWO- and three-bedroom apartments; 723-6701. EXPERIENCED nurserymen for season, moard, ufrnished Downtown location. Adults only, "Y! call 725-1212, loom in living room, dining room and hallwoy. Finished stainers. Apply 200 King West. Telephone|aiso one-bedroom apartment. All conveni- 723-5804. pay, eventuaily room and Feteorone Bowmanville 623-2837. tejbal, Mearns Avenue, Bee Pb ic NIE ARES ISTE Tea | THREE ROOM heated apartment, private recreation room with 2 piece ences, central. Children welcome. Park- Pe he bes «All hk 5 ROE FOUR WOMEN or older boys, bath.. Large professionally ing.. 300 High Street, Whitby, Apartment 11, 668-8931. 26---Rooms For Rent lentrance and bath, Heavy duty wiring. Wert Nan land work. Telephone sip monthly. Apply 67 or 22 Orchard View landscaped lot with shrubs and trees. Substantio! down ta | ALT RACTIVELY payment required. Be the 27-----Real Estate for Sale apart Children wel- Call 655. LIST pe MOVE 27--Real Estate For Sale LARGE 3 BEDROOM -- BUNGALOW Almost 1350 square feet liv- ns TWO-ROOM unfurnished apariment, Private bath and entrance. Close fo bus stop. Adults only. Call 725-8352." SMALL unfurnished apartment, Simcoe Street South district; also furnished rooms, bathroom to share. Parking. Tele- phone 725-2915. Bek a: YOUNG working girl to share modern two-bedroom apartment with same, Share expences. Telephone THON. ELENA, 29 -- Four-room, private en- trance, three-piece bath, Apply above ln ONS Ts) rae ee ONE BEDROOM apartment in new Whit- by apartment building. Range, refriger- ator, $89 monthly. Dial 668-2660. WiLL of your free 'Times. : at i ' sj -- Donovan 1959 Monarch fordor i. Gleaming bleck ge ' accent stripe. Automati trans- mission radio and new white wall tires. This car is in Al mechanical condition and is -- inside and out. Ow payment, months to pay. $75 monthly. 314 Jackson Avenue 1980 Ford Fairlane 500 for- dor sedan. Fully equipped automobile in smart tritone ~ tan and brown. A/T, radio ond whitewall. Al through- out. Your older model os ddow payment, Terms to suit your budget. , $1295 Bill Johnston . Steve Macko :.. Maible Boudreau Margaret Lee ... Allan Thompson . Ralph Schofield . Charles Chaytor .. Marg. Hall Irene Brown .... Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 360 King St. West Free parking. 1959 Ford Galaxie fordor sedan. Standard transmission. and Snappy V8 engine, radio and new whitewall tires, Fin- ished in tritone rangoon red and white with accenting chrome. A true beauty with - luxurious. black contrasting upholstery. Easy monthly pay- ments. $1295 For Professional Services, GO ACTIVE List your home with ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 ONE OF A KIND And in just the right loca- tion on LaSalle Ave. Close to all schools, Boy's Club, Play- ground and shopping close i . Large airy bedrooms, eae aie @ cheerful bright 3 bedroom | ing 2109: , dinette, ex: bungalow with attached saoae takai 'Utility SEAWAY breezeway and double garage room, Landscaped lot hes on a % acre lot coll us for 140' frontage. Asking $14,- ee Porticulars, 500. Terms. MOTORS LTD. THREE BEDROOM , Paige te hi i , and fin- ; ed ise tome aaged op | et ae eee 200 DUNDAS W, weil landscaped grounds. At- ge sa vig mind ' Mi ts Wor 21608" dows" | spit level' Bion with dining WHITBY. $ room and 3 bedrooms. Ask- os FOR THE PERSON ing $14,500. Open to thot likes 6 country seer. offer with terms. Contact: phere close to city we PR : ' hove thi brick 3 bed- room bungalow. This 1392 |DOUG ANDREWS EXHIBITION 3 '4 yn byt ye ; for $99.00 monthly including ¢ SPECIALS taxes. i Wi grounds 'with povio'end wea- 2° A: Willoughby & Sons ing pool complete the enjoy- Ltd., Realtors ment this home con offer you. HARMONY HEIGHTS | P:R. 1, BROOKLIN py mn ge A eng PHONE 655-3195 Complete with a panelled in' basement "peed" ave, | 9900 BONUS patio, and an outdoor barbe- | We are taking orders for cue. Priced at $17,500.00. homes to be built this $1,000 DOWN winter under the govern- Buys this white frame bunga- | Ment bonus plan. low on Cromwell Avenue. DON'T WAIT FOR Close to punlie, sched, i 4 INCREASE IN PRICES tat jopping. Don' love aut. Call ron BUY NOW AND SAVE $490 | (FULL DOWN) | To One N.H.A. Mortaage $13,990 FULL PRICE 3 and 4 bedrooms, storms, screens, fully decorated, col- ored bathroom fixtures, elec- tric heat available, twin sinks, hollywood kitchens, lot sodded front and rear, trees, choice of colors throughout. Roads, sidewalks, curbs, sewers and water in and pre- paid by builder. Located in Whitby or lee Alex Dial 942-0221 or 942-4261 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD, PRIVATE WEST END AREA Six room brick bungalow with attached garage. 3 piece bathroom, well landscaped grounds with a stone patio; In quiet and convenient area. FOR SALE South of Sunderland on Highway. Lovely family home, brick, 4 bedrooms, dining room, living room, panelled kitchen and office or study, full basement and attached garage, large larid- scaped lot. This has an ample water supply on pressure and modern conveniences, Full price $11,000. with terms or try your cash offer, Owner anxious to sell as he is tak- ing over a new business. 1960 Lincoln Cepri tudor hardtop. Finished in beautiful : ermine white with spotless contrasting upholstery, Equip. ped with all the luxury op- pointments synonomous with its name, Low mileage aute- ~ mobile in Al condition. $2298 |FIVE-ROOM apartment, main floor, cen: 3589. tral, ol! heat, garage, $90 Including peat,| orator Included. Telephone 1% 589. ail water. Young couple preferred. Also three: TWO furnished rooms for rent at 271) room partly furnished apartment. Suitable|Jarvis Street. Immediate possession. Ap-| single lady. 29 Charles Street. |ply in person or phone 725-6384, ae | |MARY STREET, 394 -- Three- or four-|TWO unfurflished bedrooms for rent. Cen-| room apartment, unfurnished, for fam: | tral fo hospital. Apply 169 Warren Ave-| ily, spacious rooms, refrigerator, park- nue. 728-4265. | T: L. WILSON AT THE TIMES ing. Apply above, evenings after 6 ___/siN@LE room to rent. Apply afler 6 ONE-BEDROOM apartment in modern|p.m. to 574 Crerar Avenue. | MEDICAL OFFICES for rent, 706 94. ff. | building near Shopping Centre. Refriger-) SINGLE rooms, for gentlemen only, close| For further Particulars, phone 725-5122, [aed ay a b Unico balcony. Adults Pre lig South GM, parking space, Apply 25) el ept. 1. Phone 728-2570. | Sivision Street. 23. ent |FURNISHED or unfurnished two room| 5inx ROAD NORTH, 428--three single 23--Wanted To R Ps jbasement apartment; also bed-sitting| -ooms, furnished, kitchen privileges. Ap-| WANTED TO RENT [baderient_ apartment, 724-7200. _..| ply after 6 p.m, at above address. |ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments, | FyRNIsHED ROOM, close to North Gen-| In-Oshawa or Whitby, Three | With refrigerators, stoves, electric heat-| 0-4) Motors and downtown. Telephone 723- | , 95 or four bedroom house, |m- 9895. | mediate occupancy. Excellent TEACHER required for rural school. For! sapee ROOM rome ers sey FURNISHED ROOMS further Informatin. Mrs W. Bull, secre-| TARE yg id a ag i iP Al i i h contained, private entrance, unfurnished,' Available in private home | Currie. 725-0210, 20--Room and Board _|FIVE-ROOM apariment, private entrance. 82 PARK RD. N. Fi hi lent ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman.| Good location. Available now. Adults pre- 728-8671 irst to inspect this excellen Lunches packed, parking, television priv-|ferred. References required. For informa- a i | home by calling Mr. Irwin lleges. 7 723-1671. tion telephone 720-0963. «| WHITOY -- Gundas Street West, 40s, ROOM AND BOARD, or room only for, THREE-ROOM apartment with bath. All) Furnished room with range and refrirer- 728-5205. Telephone 728-3350. Stave. pvelleple Rectamver |. Apply: 264 eURNISHED. room, jouth plant f MR. EXECUTIVE D BOARD, ; ser | eine street East. | | Motors employee. Parking facili- ROOM AND BOARD, seven-day week,! eats General J 1,900. posit located, lunches packed, pri-/ BACHELOR apartment, in modern apart.|ties; TV privileges. Telephone 723-3744, $2 ' 00 vate room. Gentleman preferred. $17.|ment building. Drapes, stove, refrigera-|afternoons 12 to 6 | ATHOL ST. EAST FURNISHED room, home-cooked meals, JACKSON APARTMENTS --- {wo-bed-|suit 2 gentlemen willing to share. Close|Homes that we have had the lunches packed for gentlemen. § minutes |room, unfurnished apartment, fully equip-|to south G.M. After 4 telephone 725-8645./ 1. to offer for sale. awa. Telephone Bowmanvilie|ped, adults only. Telephone 725-3388. |LARGE, clean, bright room. Central, in| Natural gumwood +i 263-2654. | 'e 7 m ¥ t home. Parking. Telephone 725-8169. . _|FURNISHED three-room basement apart-|quiet home. irking. P| 6 throughout. Very spacious ing gentlemen. Abstainers. mete aes Hy couple. Whitby 668-3192. Ispace. Telephone 723-1830. } Parking, Close to South GM and Shopping 24 ROOM furnished apartment. Privatel ar 7 % taining separate spacious ¥ ' ISHED light housekeeping room for " Centre; 728-9287, bathroom, Suit quiet people. 218 Aethur Sauer wntiogan. Near orth Generei| dining -room, completely TWO SINGLE rooms and board for! Street. Motors. Dishes, linens, hot plate, refriger- modernized kitchen and bath- share. Parking, close fo South | Gi¥/room \nfurnished apartment, cupboards, Street East Ege roam ceramic. tiled: with: van- mediate possession, . Located Lunches packed, five-day week. |sink, parking, laundry facilities, Suitable|agqe ROOM wilh kitchen, suit couple, f A | on Bloor St. East. for couple only, Telephone 726-8112 in new home, parking space, Telephone) ar. Just listed so why not be | 22--Offices, Stores, Storage|two-seoRoom apariment, electrically| 723-1950 evenings. ies first Nig ao sige KINGSDALE CRESCENT A SR 2 it is exceptional home. Ca 3 bedroom stone bungalow jfember 1. Telephone Whitby 668-2445 able immediately, at 97 Elgin East or) Mr. Ed Drumm right now at 9 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -- Three-room phone 725-6304. H unfurnished apartment, Private entrance | single ROOMS for gentiemen with car.| deep irregular shaped lot with jand bath, Available immediately, Tele| 5 ntiac inn, west off of Taunton Road BOLAHOOD BROTHERS attractive garden, Broadloom i shar' sas sine LIMITED ond tile floors throughout AVAILAB |$100, PER MONTH. One-bedroom apart-|ompioyed gentieman, 'parking. One block 101 Simcoe Street North Must be sold. There is a lot jment with free parking. Electronically trom north GM. $8 weekly. Telephone jheated. Above the new Windsor Plaza. 728-6697 F f ly $13,900 H H i Guide Realty Limited, Realtors, 16 Sim- = ia -- es price of only - i | In Times Building LARGE light housekeeping room, gentie- | iBUSINESS OPPORTUNITY W FRANK H T.V. Appliance sales and ser- . | vice business in the Oshawa REAL ESTATE | LIMITED | 177 Church Street, | | | | CONTACT Store with very reasonble rent has good stock of well known brand appliances 'including T.V. and Hi Fi. Ill health reasons for selling. Priced at a very reasonable $8,000 with stock, by. Aski ice _ $13,500. HIGHWAY FARM For this real nice eley brick 85 acres with frontage on 3 bedroom bungalow. both Hwy No. 401 and No, 2. sized landscaped lot ond on 4 bedroom brick bungalow a quiet street, See this home with pressure system and tonight and give us an offer furnace in a good state of ot about $2,500. down. repair. Garage and_ barn, MADISON. AVE. Good water supply, Asking Real nice 5 room clay brick $40,000. bungalow on a very large FOR THE BODYMAN ot et ste ee Gare with 1150-9n. t. of shode 900 trees. 2 baths and 2 extra rooms in basement i space with some equipment for © bachelor opt. to. rent. dro, creek. Full price $16, ; 4 ; j $12,900 FULL PRICE f ingluding hoist. Separate Only $13,900. See it and 900 with $7,000 down, bungalow, NHA\ financing, one "eo. ree ete winene, room. make ore offer: now. Vii i Suheertone. Bulle Hyman Real Estate Ltd., 720-6086. within city limits on age of Sunderland. Build- S Wy a ee MELROSE STREET $10,900 FULL PRICE for this tiveroom ; ing on large lot, point and hed age h er yaa yom Highway ale ae mane em nue body vee electric welding, av son or "Brea : ; , ' H : " . B. jn it ie we Sa sking - $13,000. tier davaei. Bic. all etc, Full price $2,900, yman Reel Estate 728-6286. plastered ond finished. 6 AUSICH Or. sort, by Iesf. | Lecy EXECUTIVE HOME rooms all large including further Intooretion, tenet -- re The better home that you full Hollywood kitchen, Won- eum ches bulb Gk oe a f ice 75 ft x ft. have been looking for located derful landsceping must be with shade trees ane chain length fence. in Pinecrest. 3 master sized reed, Giee seen to be appreciated. Yours Paved e to is ; ; and bedrooms with double closets. ror only Siege Wh Gand Folios" ee 4 pc. tiled bathroom with . terms on N.H.A. mortgage. coloured fixtures and vanity Call us now for your inspec- y . tion. Thi with diffused lighting. Broad- porhediakte ieee aes loom in living and dining | rooms as well as hall. Kitchen $12,900 14 x 10 has an abundance of Asking price $12,900 for this cupboards and counter space, real nice 6 room brick home, double sink and eating area. modern kitchen and bath, Sliding glass doors lead from | pry in excellent condition. : en ery good 4 the dining room to patio and | GA Seuth Bost loca terraced lawn with view over | tion close to Holy Cross and all of Oshawa, Attached gar- or schools. Really worth a a 100k. I > Ken Hockin 623-5055 age, full stone front are but se ta eee, ee Joe Barnoski couple more of the many at- pointment to inspect. S D HYMAN | Newtonville 2202 tractive features you will find ; : in this immaculate home. ADILLAC AVE. SOUTH REAL ESTATE LIMITED EXCLUSIVE, Clean six-room home with Priced at $24,900. Lovely 5 room raneh bunge- two bathrooms and beautiful recreation SOLID clay brick bungalow wilh a bea. (81200 DOWN, Four-bedroom nome with] tery-treasu |, Orono, 30-R-1, | err-tremwrer: RR 2 . off} Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Cruikshanks 728-5123 or nice gentleman, Parking, Clean home. conveniences including refrigerator, | ator. Call after 6 p.m address. weekly. tor. Laundry facilities. Dial 668-5940. LARGE furnished room, separate beds.) One of the finest 2 storey ROOM AND BOARD for two quiet work-|ment. For two single men or working! "to rent for genite Pe Ki ir 1 od * i | fot io © ROOM to rent for geniteman, par! ing) living room for your enter- gentlemen, also room for two, wilting. | COLBORNE STREET EAST -- Three|ator in room. Abstainers, please. 12 Elgin ing and T.V, Antenna. Im- ity: Rec room complete with pee one heated, Washer and dryer. Available SeP-/(ARGE FRONT ROOM, furnished, avall-| with attached garage on a OFFICE SPACE 728-5123. or 725-9345 | | 723-7215, wena 7s |SINGLE FURNISHED ROOM for steadily ' of ! itt Open Every Evening good living with a low j Street South, 723-1121. : ; . | ope: Sireet Seas man preferred, parking facilities, reftig- area. No direct competition. Bowmanville 1964 Galaxie 500 XL twe door hardtop demonstrator. Silver-smoke grey with luxury red vinyl interior. Fully power equipped, low mileage auto. mobile, Automatic transmis- sion and console. Full factory warranty. Low down payment, New car finance rates, $3598 623-3393 Member: Oshowa and District Real Estate Board TELEPHONE 728-0133 10 ACRES, Concession 4, side road 20-31 Whitby Township, school one mile, Mr. E. M. Freek, Whitby, 668-4781, 100 ACRE beet cattie farm, with fast run- ning trout stream, 11-room brick house. {SS $16,000, Terms. Call Hampton 150 acre highway doiry form. Excellent 8 room home, point ed barns 40' x 60', 40' x 72', 2 silos. Valuable com- mercial frontage. Toronto milk contract. 2 ponds. Port Perry area, Excellent invest- ment at $65,000 -- $20,000 down, hot water, drapes, hi-fi, elevator, ling, |swlmming pool, Whitby 668-8560. | WHITBY -- attractive two-bedroom apart- ment on main floor, private entrance, TV 'lantenna, paved parking. Adults preferred. Going concern. Farm, stock, implements and 1964 crop, 100 acres, good clay loam neor highway Lindsay-Sun- derland district. 6 room brick house, latge hip roof barn, ete. Woter on pressére, hy- 1963 Pontiae Parisienne con- vertible. Oshawa white with blue interior. Economical 6 cylinder engine, power steer- ing, power brakes, and radio. Low mileage gutomobile in Al condition. $2993 room} 125 acre stock farm, Stream, 8 room house, barn 30! x 80'. Located north of Orono. $13,000 terms. 100 acre orchard farm with Lake Ontario frontage, Good stone house, all equipment included ot $47,000 terms. 20 acres with stream and pond, located north of Orono. Only $4,000 terms. Blackstock Village, lar, family home, 3-piece bath, oil furnace an Front St. on highway. Suitable for home ond/or business. Full 'price asking $6,500. with reason- able down poyment. 1963 Ford Gelexie 300 tudor sedan. Finished in raven black with spotiess red interior, Eeo- nomicat 6 ¢ylinder engine with standard transmission. New cor condition, $1995 10 acres market garden near Maple Grove, $5,000 -- $1,- 500 down. 190 ACRE beet cattle farm, with + running trout stream, li-room bric We have several small acre- house, Price 816,000. Terms, Call Hamp- ages with good buildings, [ton 263-2021. also cottage and lots ot very reasonable prices. Please come in ond see us $00n, 10 scenic ocres with stream and view near Oshawa. $10,- 000 terms. Cal 623-3393 After 9 p.m Pat Yeo 623-3077 $14,500. Three-bedroom brick bBuhgaléw, : $3,000, Three y a teat, ey een SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. : PRIVATE. $2,000 down or less, 810,000 full price. Five rooms with two kitenens, 200 DUNDAS W., WHITBY - 668-5893 CARGE furnished room, close to down- | town Whitby. Can be shared by two, If} references, Call 668-5811 desired, $10. weekly. Whitby, 668-5071 | ; Phone 728-2633. TWO furnished rooms. Ground floor. from 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. |RAREWELL STREET {10 Threcroom Kitchen and. bedroom, TV outlet. Apply| WANTEO TO RENT! Modest home Fe-| sertment. ath ot isa |e Westmount Siret aperiment: Phone 723-4712 of 728-0422.| Sc een Nore lg oe Leni «Syn fg * wom 5 --_- ---------------- ae 'e wo. Telepfione 728-3146. TWO-RGOM "furnished "apariment, util Mone ae [eae | RE Rp RSE - ties paid, Abstainers, . Monthly. Tei tegen - say torts wank 'and P. Stores employee | nae Te eres, tet OMe ith TV and es onl entrance een 5a yA. * ' -- "a * _-- and _priva 5 | Wonaticred fo Oshawa. Teleohon' 7200610. COLBORRE, thd oly sp lg Mary Street Bast, Whitby or call 668-2322. | Serta ee , i Hy 1 +} TEACHER requires September a Bese loom, free washer and dryer, $112. per! Sparen', Vicinity Gshaws Central Hign|mentn. Apply Apt. 1. _____-- | 27----Reol Estate For Sole School. Will be in city Friday. hy og iarer egg bondage ae aa reply stating all particulars to: Box 239,)ment, stove, refrigerator, h A Oshawa Times. ° |209 Brock Street South, Whitby 668-4977. KINGSMERE GARDENS OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS _[c. A&ustroNs ond sons PRESENT PRINTED PATTERN 30 new homés consisting of splits, bungalows and two stories on serviced lots over- looking the City of Oshawa. Every home features a built in stove and oven, complete | decorating as well.as N.H.A. | financing. For more informa- tion phone 728-6286. | garage 20 by 20, with large garden, fruit ren Apply 756 Gifford Street or phone 2 2. MARGARET [fie aso-easere BALLARD cent, Call AMherst 1-5475 (eollect), RI. REALTOR Lambert Real Estate. 28--Real Estate Wanted SUNDERLAND, ONT, PHONE 303 PROPERTY WANTED Wanted good two and three bedroom bungalows for cash buyer, also buyer with sub- stantial cash for two storey . Please phone Henry Stinson at 723-1133, even- For: full 723-1121. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Roy Flintoff .... 725-3454 John Hutchuk ... 723-9266 Leon Monitius .. 723-1121 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Edith Gifford 728-0766 Ellouise Hdgqard . 723-2106.. Lloyd Corsén 723-2537 Richard Young .. 723-7183 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Ernest Mueller .. 728-0208 Anthony Siblock . 725-4362 Kenneth C, Toms 723-1121 | kitchen with loads of cupboards, 3 bedrooms with washroom -- | Steve Enplert ... 726-598) | | | | | : fz4 off the master bedroom, extra large panelled rec, room -- call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, ) | | porticulars Your Authorized Dealer For Ford's Family of Fine Products call Priced at onl Apel Fh $12,900, with GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS Priced at $14,995. new clay brick 5Y% room bungalow, $1,883. down to one N.H.A. mortgage. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE . DIAL 728.4678 Ken Hann Dick Barriage Bob Johnston Jack Osborne ce. Sept. 30th possession. 2 edrooms, living room room. Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South "e nth parte, raoiht; Wn Pléketibe Wiese Telephone | garage Full price $13,000. Phone §. DB, kitchen, large lot with patio, Bay Ridges 639-3226 after seven p.m. lyman Real. Estate Ltd., 728-6286. THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, Dunia LOT, 45 feet by 130 feet. Northwest sec: {Street East in Whitby, penta natural | ior. hag No agents please. Telephone treed yard, lovely lawn, attached Qarage,| 25-2518 RANA ARO GSE SESSA TaN Pe | jbroadioom in living room and master|/EXCLUSIVE, clean six-room nome with) bedroom, modern kitchen. One block|two bathrooms and bedut'ful reeréation| from new school, two blocks from shop-|room. Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South. | ing ¢ }-- sh aga hat a Rh a a tm Lake SCUGOG, 110 acre loam farm with| appreciated excellent buildings. Red brick home with! ebiirtrotach ener " ws _ |conveniencés, Large steel barns, Valuable! PONTYPOOL: 2 miles from Oshawa, 7/location for multiple income. Full price large rooms, all conveniences, furnished. |$35,000, with easy terms, Call Howard| $500 down, $50 monthly, $5,000 full price.|Forder, 723-3568, Evenings Brooklin 655-| 33 Dundurn Crescent, Toronto 10. Tele-|3853, North Shore Realty Company Ltd., phone LE 1-0934, 112 Simcoe Street, North, Oshawa, | iver PONTIAC fadio, V-8, white blue. terms. Telephone 728-7017. ; DOUGLAS J. M. ings 725-0243. Carl Olsen, |1987, BELVEDERE. P rtrd custom B U L L | E D Realtér, 299 King St. West, Poe ak. power ity REALTOR | nave ens WuVaR-e-as_poge fine ele nf 723-1168 723-4391 DEVON PARK Situated at Athol St, East, neor St. Gertrude's -- si x hew homes undér construc- tion with N.HLA. financing os well as 15 serviced lots aveilable for the home of your choice. For more in- formation call Howard Me- Cabe at 728-6286, S. D. HYMAN _REAL ESTATE LTD, STE. THERESE, OUE. 5 room bungalow with gorage laundry room, family room | in basement 6n fully land- scaped lot. Néar schools, churches, shopping centre and marina. A few minutes from new G.M. Plant. Law down Payment with terms. Write: 'anch Bunge Jow in horth area. Call Bill Johaston,| black 728-1086, Schofield Aker Real Estate, Offer. 728-9385. WANTED -- Farm on lease at reasonable : : rent, by farmer with full line of equiP/29__ Automobiles For Sale . Particulars te Philip Johnson, Rei, Hampton" oF hone. 269-2693. (Continuéd on Page 26) COMING EVENTS OSHAWA THUNDAYAY RINGS rs LIONS CLUB vast. eon us Game oe Bie, $20. BINGO $156 IN JACKPOTS WED. NIGHT Door Prize $18 $1,200 in cosh prize' Jackpot Nos, 50 and 5 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION Children Under 16 Not Admitted OSHAWA JAYCEES Monster BINGO Thursday, Aug. 13th Large ranch bungalow, country setting featuring extra large INVESTMENT 2 storey, 6 room brick home in @ very central location, Property is presently rented for $100. per month On ex- cellent lease. Priced ot $10,- 500. with $2,500. down. NORTH WEST 2 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage, large kitchén, eombined living and dining room. Situated on a lorge lot in @ quiet area. Full price $13,500. COMMERCIAL Simcoe St..N., 100 ft. by 160 ft. zoned C1. Two homes pre- y's on property. Full price $36,000. for further information Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. $, KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East Grocery store and gas pumps, garage in Whitby, doing an ex- cellent business on a lot 132' x 132' with large modern apart- ment. Owner's retirin@----reason for sélling, Ask far Audrey Madre. Switzer Dr. Oshawo---3 bedroome--L-shaped living & dining room---beautifully decorated, partly finished rec. roam--Moesaic tile flor ih bathroom, excellent lOtatio. For information ask for Pauline Hobbs. 2 storey houses with 1550 sq. ft., Custém Built, full dining room, fireplace --- modern kitchen with family room, 3 bathrooms, di! heating, attached garage. Built by 4 builder of fine homes -- coll Whitby 668-5853 onytime or 668-8981 afternoons and evenings. ALL KNIT 'N' PURL By ALICE BROOKS Suit or separates -- twice won- derful for little girls, for Fall,| Winter and Spring Young version of the knit suit mom loves, All knit and purl---| jacket has smart, block design! panel. Pattern 7457: directions sizes 2, 4, 6, 8-incl. $2,500 DOWN Split levels and bungalows 6A larger than overage lots, pric- ed from $17,990. Located just west 6f Oshawa, all with attached garage, some with four bedréoms ond dining' OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE WHITBY 668-5853 | | storms and sereens j Evenings Call 745. BATISCAN ST _ Audrey Moore 668-4088 or Paul'ne Hobbs 728-5886 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY) PUVERNAY MTL. 40 QUE sacar vat i alumi: | Choice location 6h Simede |FIVE-ROOM, ivaaterey house Watch for the Opening |num siding." F 4 treet North, s of lot 70 num. sid ented yard. Low $ shad ot payment. Bist Aine plnbaia for turinen | | a? x 115. particulars "BEACONSFIELD" $1,200 DOWN _itaorcean "an Sty Sl LOOK LEANER Yy ANNE ADAMS Scallops in the sunlight : sole detail on a dress in which THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) youl) cast a leaner shadow. for this pattern (no stamps,|Sew it in eyelet, rayon, pique,| 218 DUNDAS ST. E. please) to Alice Brooks, care of Surah, linen, The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Pe ane 'ae we a 20! Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario|991,° Size 161, requires 41% residents add ic sales tax, Print) yard 35-inch fabric. plainly PATTERN NUMBER,| FIFTY CENTS (50¢.) in coins (no stamps, please) for this NAME, ADDRESS. pattern. Ontatio residents add First time! 3 FREE Want-Ads Dont' Cost -They Pay JOHN HOWSON BILL SMIT 333 King Street West LET'S TRADE Your present home, lot or Half Wilson Road South. Close te schddis, {$4,000 Bown, Take aver private norinee , OF $9,500 at 41% per cent Write Box 138, ear con be ednsidered a8 o $8,700. 'Full Price, $70.00 PAT-|2e, -sales tax. Print plainly TERNS in big, exciting 1965)SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS Needlecraft Catalog! 200 do-| STYLE NUMBER : send order to ANNE ADAMS, signs -- smart stoles, jackets,| ..1. of The Oshawa Times hats, toys, afghans, linens,| Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario everything! Send 25¢. NEWL 300 sparkling designs, 5 excit fash d fab ' b ing fashion anc abri¢ DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16| F-atutes plus' coupon for ONE complete quilt patterns--piéced)/ mre PATTERN--any one and applique, for beginners, ex-|choose! Send for new perts. Send 60c now. Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. vou Fall-} Fine. traditional homes custom designed and éustorh Built OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St. East Whitby 668-5853 or 668-898T per month, 7 rooms, 4. acre lot, | Pile from City limits. $60.00 PER MONTH $5300. Full Pree, close City Limits, $700 DOWN 728-7328 NHA RESALE, asking $2,000 down, Full|Anderton High and separate sehools in price $13,500. Vendor anxious. Gall &, Hyman Real Betete Ltd, Hiab. jOshawa Tithes |WHITBY, 813,505. Threebedreom Bunga: low, hear schools. 6 per cent NHA Mort Gage. Dial 668-5377 ATTRACTIVELY landscaped 3-bedrdorn [brick Bungalow, attached garage, choice 'tsidentia| area, Grahdview Gardens, hear schools, bus, Churches. Private sale 728-0654 Wa STOREY house bh two deres, near ®.|Whitby. Good Investment and potential 606 Stewart Street, Whitby. Down Payment home built 'by Hégenboom Construction on Wilson Road Narth. S. D. HYMAN 728-6286 on a (new 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 1 -- $150 JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS 53 PER FULL CARD 2 = $250 JACKPOTS aa JACKPOT NOS, 53 and = 10 LINE PLU . PER FULL CARD | ' Rie THIS were LU G25" ONGUATION Bade $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAME EARLY BIRD GAME RED BARN, OSHAWA | gawd? | Bets PRIZES DOOR PRIZES

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