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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1964, p. 4

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SKETCH SHOWS PROPOSED APARTMENT PROJECT IN AJAX An architect's sketch shows 18-storey buildings are in- cluded in the proposal. They would be the highest buildings between Toronto and Mont- real. Four buildings would house 398 suites of medium to high priced apartments. No architect, Paul Meschino, The land, just south of the town hall on Harwood avenue, is owned by Duffins Creek Estatés, but it was not di- vulged whether they were building the apartments. Two passim starting date was revealed by the architect. The town plan- ning board has approved the proposal in principal and no permission is required from the council. --Oshawa Times Photo IN BOWMANVILLE Toren a Bobby Faces BOWMANVILLE (Staff)--For 18 hours a day during the past four months, two enterprising brothers have been hard at work in Bowmanville. 'Harry and Jack Locke have high hopes that their long work- ing hours will eventually pay off. This week, construction started -on their new 3,600 square foot machine shop in the; town's industrial park. The plant and new machinery will cost over $40,000 but both men feel it is a sound investment. Brothers Work Hard Preparing For Future Status Issue In New York they . will help. 0 of s at the Goodyear, i . plant in Bowmanville and hopes fontion for: Ce. Be his new shop is completed in six to eight weeks. -- both born and'raised in Oshawa. Courtice and Harry in the town. date for the nomination. Both brothers agree, '"'the future looks pretty good." PERRET RN gp aE RG RD GORRE NEW YORK (AP)--A Demo-/general election. crat said Tuesday he would probably hire more/challenge U.S. Attorney-General/state law required that a sena- : Robert F. Kennedy's residential|torial nominee to be a resident Jack, who supervises the ma-|qualifications if Kennedy seeksjof the state at the time of nom- operation, has. talk-|the New York Democratic nom-|ination. The candidate will be The announcement came in for some new business when Albany from George Palmer of Schenectady, a top strategist in Harry, 35, and Jack, 30, were|the camp of U.S; Representa- tive Samuel S. Stratton of Am-jof Olympic coverage from Ja- Both are married. Jack lives jn|stetdam, an undeclared candi-|pan.each day during the Games Kennedy, brother of the late}/munications satellite. Syncom president, is a Massachusetts|III. sg now living in McLean, a. Federal law says that a sen- ator "'when elected, be an. in- habitant of that state for which he shall be chosen," making it appear that Kennedy would be eligible if he moved to New York before the Nov. 3 U.S. But Palmer maintained that chosen at a state convention Sept. 1. USES SATELLITE CBC-TV will receive one hour in October by using the com- Jointly, the two men operate the town's only machine shop, located behind Harry's T.V. Shop,. 20 King street west. Four men are employed in the ma- chine shop and they have been working up to 10 hours a day during the past few months. Most of the machine shop business comes from General Motors, and as their working hours indicate, it keeps them busy. : Their new plant will 'be four times as large as the existing plant and Jack said Tuesday if business continues to boom, Disturbance | UK. Train Robber | Escapes Prison , DISCOUNT PRICES These SPECIAL PRICES Effective Until August 15 ENO Fruit Salts cc. usr KAOPECTATE ¢ 0x: vottie sugs. List 1.39 RAID House & Garden Bug Killer ro. 1.» 1,29 1,09 MINERAL OIL 1.D.A. Brand 10. res ox 536 PEPSODENT Tooth Paste 69c Q.T. Quick Tanning Lotion sus. ts 10s {,57 TAMPAX 4Tc DYNACHROME 8mm. Movie Film New High Speed "=== «0 3.59 DODD'S Kidney Pills sucé. List 79° 69 D ETTO L Antiseptic = suce. usr 1.25 1 .09 KOTEX ni SUGG. LIST 5le Rhy DELSEY tite tists ...1 o™ 1.09 Velue 10's Sugg. List Sle the multi-million dollar apart- ment project planned for Ajax, across from the Shop- veiled at a town council meet- ing Monday by a Willowdale ° | 4 Plead Not uilt | | LONDON (CP) -- A 32-year-) old convict serving a 30-year) BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --/great train robbery escaped be-| James Brayley, RR 3, Bowman-|fore dawn today from Birming-) ville, was fined $250 and costs! ham prison. he il (Staff) -- A and Frank Laroche, 20 of wal = : Bagi nate oo he pleaded guilty in court here|all major roads surrounding 21-year-0 Oshawa man wasiKing street west, Oshawa. charged wi R chasie of court:! yesterday to causing a distur-|London on the hunch that the accused of "'lying" by Magis- |Details on both charges are con-|hance in Newcastle Aug. 2. escapee, Charles Frederick Wil- bow. lengthy court case here Tues- <vaggs no a sc page. : the stiff fine was levied as altal. ; eo : The other four pleaded not) petective - sergeant Kenneth|deterrent to anyone else in the! Most of the $7,600,000 loot in I don't pelieve one word you|guilty to both charges. Laroche/young of the Oshawa police de-|area who likes to use obscene|the robbery just a year ago has teed Bag glare ag 4 : aia -- and Pins ag Poe a bir a os a person to Z D5 e five men w re arrested|driveway a ing street)jail for e offence, charged with breaking, entering|and charged June 30 in connec-| west, Oshawa at 2.40 a.m. One| Crown Attorney G. F. Bonney-} perv men b nag Pyare agro ay ory ~~ a aang eA cog and has not been located.|navy but had never heard any| "a possession of s goods. }a y Annie Wilkins at 171|Fifty-one cartons of cigarets language worse than what the! V C Four and one half hours of/King street west, Bowmanville. vas found in the car. pe admitted he had said.| Isits ourt testimony was eat i Pos-/A service station operated by! pc Ron Parker of the Bow- He called for a severe poy * session charges but the case|Roy Wilkins, Annie's husband, manyille Police department said) PC Cook, Bowmanville OPP. | usiness had not been completed at 6.40|is located nearby. lafter questioning the five men,|Said he was in Newcastle, off ¢ase will continue next week. ; BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- : m : testifi igh Also charged are Walter] During the hearing, two Crown gon ie RD ha enat-the otha that Draviey sad ad _ 'the fa 62 Jackman road, visit- a meat. 3, s0 hing sires Fowler, 18,170 Sing ieont west lfive men in an Oshawa hotel|@tm and was pulling her up|ed magistrate's court here Tues- éast; Oshawa; David Bruder, 25 Bowmanville was charged with|June 29. He said he knew only | b sha was bruised andiviai ited in a $3 savi ' ri i lHenry, After the hotel closed the| WS cut, she was bruised and visit resulted in a $3 saving. Of 18 Flett sireet, Bowmanvillelperjury and Jack Chambers, men bought beer from.an Osh-\her clothes were badly dis-| Mr. Lucas pleaded not guilty Girl, 16 Breaks D UIT, re own ping Centre. The plan was un- e Costs $290 term for his part in Britain's| In Possession ase ' or three months in jail after) scotland Yard posted men on ; Laroche pleaded guilty to the|,": . 7 frate R. B. Baxter during a P eee tained in separate stories on| Magistrate R..B. Baxter said|son, would head for the capi- have said," the magistrate told|was not charged with posses-|nartment stopped the Gray-|language in public. He added/not been recovered. Principal and theft. Gray and three of the|tion with a break-in and theft at/of the occupants of the car es-|castle said he had served in the| rincipa p.m, when court adjourned. The "no one knew" who the sixth|duty on Aug. 2 when he heard a| MORE CHARGES school principal Len Roy Henry, 22, 48 King street ithe street. The woman's mouth|day -- on official business. His awa bootlegger, drank it while arranged. to charges of permitting . his driving around and then headed|, The policeman said a woman|qog to run at large and not for Bowmanville, apparently to|i" an apartment one block| having a dog tag on his dog-- take two. of the men home. jaway was awakened by the/pyt was found guilty by Mag- Gray said his car had a flat) Snoutling and screaming. Bray'iistrate R. B. Baxter. The mag. tire near the Wilkins' |ley was given two weeks to Paylistrate, however, reduced court Cries In Witness Box BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Stephenson, 16; of 170 King street west, Bowmanville, broke down and cried in the witness box Tuesday before She admitted her boyfriend had lied to the coourt while under oath. Magistrate R. B. Baxter, after hearing the admission, ordered Gordon Fowler, 18, also of King street west, placed in cus- tody and charged with perjury. Fowler was a witness in the case of four men charged with possession of stolen goods. He testified that he was with his girlfriend Cindy and three other youths in front of her house shortly after midnight, June 30. Fowler said he noticed three men changing a flat tire of a car on the Wilkins service station lot across the street but added he fell asleep and saw! nothing else. | Miss Stephenson testified she saw the car leave and then came back to the station and observed three persons run from the back of the Wilkins house to the car, She said all) three persons were carrying) something, | '7 thought there was some-| thing funny about it," she con- tinued. After memorizing the licence number of the car she telephoned Mr. Wilkins who discovered the break-in at Annie's Place. 7 ESTABLISH PERJURY Police Chief Bernard Kitney of the Bowmanville police de- partment asked for a short ad- times and the witness began to Ty. "Was he asleep," the magis- trate asked. *'No,"' Miss Stephenson finally replied. As Fowler was escorted from the court room, Miss Stephenson was excused. She followed her boyfriend out of the court, still crying. The other three youths on the lawn were Jim Cowling, 16, of RR 4, Bowmanville; Ron Harp- service| station and he 'lost track of La-) roche, Waugh and the sixth man| while the tire was changed. He} said the three men were not in| the car when they drove around the block but that Laroche waved him down near the sta-/ tion. | "T didn't see them get into the car... I didn't pay any atten-| tion to them," Gray told the court. He said he did not know) the cigarets were placed in the| |back seat of his car and that) jthe first time he saw them was) the fine. costs in connection with the COURT REMANDS | QUIET SPEAKER BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- David Adams spoke in soft, quiet voice when he pleaded not guilty.in court here Tuesday to charges of careless driving and caus- ing a disturbance. Magistrate R. B. Baxter told the youth several times er, 17 of RR 4, Bowmanville/when his car was stopped by the} to speak up and warned if and Jack Chambers, RR 3, Bowmanville. |policeman in Oshawa. | "You know you are lying,' he did not speak up the case would be adjourned. Harper said he saw three Magistrate Baxetr told Gray.| Adams spoke quietly again. men come out of the bushes "carrying big parcels," and enter the car. Cowling claimed he asleep on the lawn and Cham- bers failed to appear in court.| \Thee whole thing was talked! lover and arranged in the bev-| lerage room -- you know that He was remanded in cus- tody until next week. charges and ordered the Bow: manville principal to pay $10 in fines and costs. | During a sometimes humor- ous, sometimes serious discus- {sion of the town's dog control by- jlaw, the problems dog control officer Archie Hoskins has in enforcing the bylaw and of {court procedure, Mr. Lucas told \the magistrate he was impress- ed with the manner in which the court was handled. : "Everyone got a fair shake . . . it was quite enlighten- ing," commented Mr. Lucas, who said it was his first time in court. Mr. Lucas admitted during his case that he was a teacher but the magistrate was not aware that he was the W 4S/don't you?" the magistrate ask-| ed Gray. "No," he replied. Fowler pleaded guilty and) Laroche admitted 'kicking in" was remanded in custody untillthe snack bar with the unidenti- court next Tuesday. Bail was)tieq man and said the other oc-| refused. cupants of the car were not jaware of what was happening. Under questioning by the mag- : 4 | Youth Fined listrate, Laroche admitted there For Contempt BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Jack Chambers, RR 3, Bow- manville, was fined $50 and costs or seven days in jail Tuesday when he pleaded guilty jand was convicted on a con- tempt of court charge, Chambers was subpoenaed to appear in court at 10 a.m. to testify in the case of four men journment during Miss Stephen- son's testimony so he could talk to Crown Attorney Bonney- castle. Mr. Bonneycastle returned to court and said from information} A received he thought that by|castle said a person probably|don't know whether he looked or Miss Stephenson he} could establish the hostility of|than to assist in the adminis- questioning a previous witness--Fowler. "Tt warrants laying a charge," remarked the Crown/operating," stated the Crown| Tuesday. The other three men, Attorney. Magistrate Baxter asked Miss Stephenson if Fowler was charged with possession of was "no reason why Gray couldn't see us with the boxes| {full of cigarets". | Henry testified Gray could not) /drive his car too well because) he had been drinking. | Bruder testified that the sixth| man was an "Indian guy nick-' named Chief". He said he first) met "Chief" in a reformatory, but did not know his real name. "There was nothing planned," Bruder stated. "If the tire hadn't been flat I don't believe anything would have happened." (KIN pew goods. He failed to ap-| Bruder added that Gray could |pear and was arrested later in}have known the cigarets were \the morning by police. being brought into the car. 'All Crown Attorney G. F. Bonney-\he had to do was look, but I has no more binding obligation/not." Bruder and Laroche, who tration of justice. |were both in custody, were re- "This isn't kid's stuff we are manded in custody until next calling for a_ stiffjout on bail, were remanded out} penalty as a lesson to all youth.\Of custody until next week. | Magistrate Baxter fave| Oshawa lawyer Tom Jermyn) | Attorney, actually asleep on the lawn. He|Chambers one week to pay the,appeared for Gray, Henry and| repeated the question several fine. Waugh. CONTROVERSY IN INDIA Religious Pilgrimages | By RUKMINI DEVI Canadian Press Correspondent)rinath, 11,000 feet up in the jis the sacred shrine of Bad-|their trip to Badrinath © until) the road is fully repaired has} BOMBAY (CP) -- A difficult|Himalayas. Worship in the 900-/fallen largely on deaf ears. mountain road has set off a de-/year-old temple is believed to bate in India over the worth of religious pilgrimages. Thousands of hymn-chanting| children de-| men, women and train every morning and even- ing at the tiny railhead at}in places. hil kesh in north India to be- L : Chanting "Badrinath-ki-Jai"| confer immortality on the hu- (glory to Badrinath), some man soul. |2,000 pilgrims took the buses Avalanches and _landslides|for the high shrine on the very) have damaged the road at/day the radio and newspapers many points, making it risky) Were announcing news of the accident. | | Recently a packed pilgrim) CALLED DEATH ROAD own | principal. Dramatic Beauty Practical Economy Distinctive Simplicity ALL GLASSES one low price| at AT THE SAME LOW PRICES. 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor SINGLE VISION COMPLETE WITH FRAME, LENSES AND CASE The Cary is the latest addition to our line of beautifully styled ladies' frames, The soft luxurious colors blendi light in the one frame, coupled with stones, make it a joy to behold--a thrill to wear. 65 OTHER STYLES, SHAPES & COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM AT SAME ONE LOW PRICE PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES AT SAME LOW PRICE @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT e@ WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. BIFOCALS 1 ing from. dark to the flattering, matching DRISTAN tabi SUGG. LIST 1.25 KLEENEX 'ine. 200's Special T " : KLEENEX 'om: TOT Special For reliet of Seasonal Allergies, Hay Fever take 4 mgm., SUGG. LIST 1.00 RO " S0 A TYPHOON SMOKERS KIT Kit contains Ronson Typhoon Lighter, one 4 oz. can of Ronsonal Lighter Fluid plus 5-flint pack of Ronson Flints CHLOR-TRIPOLON 79: 3.45 VALUE 3.19 by Helene Curtis SPRAY NET 12 ounce plus 312 ounce can, Big Savings only 2.28 VALUE 1.88 1,.D.A, Brand EAT ANYTHING! IDASORB For Summer Complaint 8 ounce.. 1.25 Eat too much? Drink too much? FEEL GREAT AFTER DINING Tongue USE Holds dentures fast...all day! 49¢ 89¢ 1.29 pn... HOURS: MON. TO SAT. 9 A.M. -5 P.M, KARN'S 28 KING ST. EAST 723-4621 Gums sore? Mouth irritated? CAACLINLE once a day on a toothbrush Upg=zzz THERAPEUTICS Fungistatic--Antiseptic McCORDICK'S 360 WILSON RD. S. 725-8711 coated? _ OUT LATE Fam refreshing relief fast... or your money back! 41/2 oz. jar -- 79¢ MITCHELL'S 9 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-3431 "or 1.50 gin a 175-mile road journey to) bus skidded and. rolled d a mountain shrine--despite the|into a ravine 3,000 feet below. government's warning that the/Twenty-eight of the 40 pilgrims road is in a bad condition and) were killed. serious accidents are possible. The government's appeal to The goal of the pious Hindus' intending pilgrims to postpone | Many newspapers have called for an outright ban on pilgrim-| ages to Badrinath wntil the} road repairs. are completed.) The route is described in edi- 'torials as the "death road." | PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA Closed All Day Wednesday POWELL'S 351 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-4734 JAMIESON'S 241 KING ST. EAST 725-1169 LAW'S 1204 WECKER DRIVE 725-3525

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