2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, August 17,1964 ~ VENEZUELA VIGNETTES -- PART 1 | Red Raiders Retreat Sana = SARA, teerat ot eee atk South American republic of 'Venezuela. In .this story, Kidd, an expert on the By PAUL KIDD \ 'AS (CP) -- The day I in Caracas, the white skyscraper - studded capital of Venezuela, two municipal police agents were assassinated on a becoming increasingly isolated an hard-pressed. But although the threat of vio- lence is declining, troops con- 4 tinue to guard such strategic corner of bustling downtown © Andres Bello Avenue. Machine - gun bullets zipped from a speeding late - model American -built car and the agents, Jesus Gomez and Carlos Becerro, poe to the ground. Two days after the gunning, terrorists blew up a highway bridge 70 miles from Caracas. In another part of- Venezuela, one person was injured when a hand grenade was hurled at a National Guard checkpoint. The three incidents were prominently reported on the front pages of Caracas newspa- pers. Nine months ago, however, they would have been treated as routine news, For such acts of violence by the Communist, pro - Castro Armed Forces of National Lib- eration--known as the FALN-- were then everyday occur- rences. Today they are not. Terrorism has not disap- peared from the political battle- ground that is Venezuela. But it is fighting a rearguard action against the forces of democracy in this oil-rich South American republic. NO LONGER AFRAID After five years of terrorism, a lull has settled over the coun- try. Ang its 8,100,000 citizens are beginning to adjust to living without fear. Caracas, framed in a valley of mist - bathed mountains, is DEMOCRACY WINS hug the walls but stand unhel- meted in the middle of the streets. Ever-vigilant armored cars and tanks are tucked away, silent and out of sight, in their depots, Only in the Bachiller moun- tains, 75 miles from Caracas, is the war between the govern- ment and terrorists going on., There, crack troops are striv- ing to mop up guerrilla bands operating from scattered hide- outs. No one knows how many rebels are holding out in the rugged, jungle-covered country- side, 'but they are believed to number no more than 400, The terrorists, reported by the government to have been partly financed, trained and equipped by Fidel Castro's Cuba, -make sporadic raids on small towns and villages. FLEE INTO HILLS During such raids, they at- tack police stations and political party headquarters, seizing guns and scrawling Communist slogans on walls, Then, as gov- ernment forces advance, the terrorists flee back into the hills. With virtually no support from peasants im the Bachiller re- peaceful. Policemen no longer gion, the FALN guerrillas are installations as factories, oil company properties, bridges, tunnels and ment offices. govern- ae airports, | The memory of FALN terror: | ism, which preceded the De- |. cember elections, is still vivid. FALN forces destroyed more than $10,000,000 worth of prop- erty, mostly U.S.-owned Creole Petroleum Corporation pipelines were blown up and Sears Roe- buck warehouses were set. aflame. 60 POLICE KILLED For weeks, terrorists kept their pledge to "kill cop a day."' Sixty. policemen, at least, lost their lives. And almost every day, bullets screamed into crowded plazas, sometimes injuring or killing women and children, The FALN vowed that Presi- 'Ident Romulo Betancourt would never finish his five-year term, and warned Venezuelan voters they went to the polls to choose a successor to Betancourt, who, self. Betancourt replied by order- ing the military to go all out against the FALN. Tanks crawled through Cara- cas' hillside slums, policemen blasted rebel. strongholds with bazookas and National Guards- men set up road blocks at stra- tegic intersections. By the time the elections took place -- on schedule -- Bet- ancourt had won his battle with the FALN, Risking bullets, Venezuela's voters answered the terrorists' threats, Standing in line for up to three hours, a record 93 per cent of the electorate went to the polls. And Betancourt com- pleted his full term as presi- dent. Today, there is little doubt, democracy is winning in Vene- zuela. U.S. Boosts A-Potential Round Asian By ELTON C. FAY Brings Blast For Barry WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- Gent Johnson blasted Arizona Genator Barry Goldwater by name Saturday on the question) * nuclear weapons in Viet am, accusing him of loose) o Charges and doing "a disserv- ice to our. national security, a disservice to peace and, for that disservice to the in 'the election, U.S.Represen- tative William E. Miller of New York, inty his line of fire. He lumped both men together as ving made loose charges. . Johnson said he gave no ad- monition to the U.S. 7th Fleet to arrive back in the Pacific Washington _|linked via radio at all times WEATHER FORECAST pressure centre stagnating over ¥jsome sign of breaking up, little | | | | with Polaris submarines on pa- tral, This communications link- age is through a "redundant" (alternate) network of radio cir- cuits, so that if ome fails an-| Hot Spot Mare Island naval yard, is due from firing tests and training in the Atlantic by er af gpd ati fl af L = ti 'o| Shot In Yard lanes. n\crowde residential area. *ithrough the head as it charged other workable system is ready| to take over. | Polaris submarines can re-| merged--as they usually are-- Steer On Loose KITCHENER (CP)--A_ wild steer was shot to death three blocks from downtown Kitch- ener Saturday after a frantic 'five - block chase through a The 800-pound animal was fi- nally brought down in a back- yard by Constable Dennis Leddy, who shot it three times him from 10 feet away. The animal, described by its owner as a killer, bolted from the CNR bull pen shortly after noon. No Relie Forecasts issued by the Tor- onto public weather office at 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: The unsettled and coo] weather which has plagued the province most of this month is unlikely to change in the im- mediate future. A deep low central Quebec keeps cool] air from Arctic regions circulating southward across Eastern Can- ada, Until this pattern shows warming can be expected. Lake St. Clair region, Wind- sor: Clearing. Sunny Tuesday, clouding over during the after- Cyprus Feuding 'Worries Pontiff VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- Pope Paul has sent telegrams to the governments of Cyprus, and Turkey expressing anguish" |Ontario, Georgian Bay, Halibur-|Killaloe tegions, Toronto ying | Sudbury The telegrams said the Pope noon with chance of showers by evening, Cooler tonight. Winds light. Lake Erie, Niagara, southern Lake Huron regions, London, Hamilton: Clearing. Sunny Tuesday, becoming cloudy in the afternoon. Cooler tonight. Winds light. Northern Lake Huron, Lake , North Bay, Killaloe: Sunny this afternoon, Sunny with a few cloudy intervals Tuesday. Cooler tonight. Winds "draws hope from the signs of lessening of tension which have shown Gmgecives in these last] ¢ light. | White River, Cochrane, Tim From Cold Spell f Seen a few brief showers today and Tuesday. Cool. Winds light. Marine Forecasts Lake Superior: Northeast winds near 10 knots, partly cloudy. Lake Huron, Georgian Bay: Northwest winds 10 to 15 knots; partly cloudy, . Lake Erie, Lake Ontario: Southwest winds 10 to 15 knots, becoming northwest 10 to 15 this afternoon. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, Windsor ... St. Thomas London .. Kitchener .. Mount Fores' Wingham .... Hamilton os St. Catharines ..... Toronto Kingston Peterborough stereos ones that they would be killed if & by law, could not succeed him- : IN VENEZUELA, oil brings $2,000,000 a day in royalties to the country's treasury; peace is bringing gradual re- laxation in security precau- tions as illustrated by this single soldier guarding a ee get 7 -' |sent a letter to Naldo Bracci, '|\chairman of the improvement pumping station. Policemen no longer hug walls but stand unhelmeted in the middle of penptgs |S Soan Bracci Gets Apologies ' |bishop of the Sault Ste, Marie Roman Catholic UNPAID UN DUES | Communist Countries May Stage Walk Out | calendar years behind in his over-all dues "shall By WILLIAM N. OATIS UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- sources warn ments are low, Arrears z ¢ i 2 af Ht i ie Bs 4 3 z e 1 ag Seven are Communist -- the Soviet Union, The Ulsnaine, By- elorussia, Cz Hun- Poland and Eight are gentina, Bolivia, Nationalist -" | China, G , Haiti, Para: e-| guay, Uruguay and Yemen. FOUR OTHERS REFUSE In addition, four other munist countries--Albania, Bul- garia, Cuba and Mongolia--re- > FRE i : : if s Ey 3 ¢ & 2 F Romania, Ar- i i i | | E z z 34 : : i because their regular assess-| fuse to pay the peace-keeping assessments, but they are not so far behind in over-all dues, For Actions Of Priest WHITE RIVER; Ont. (CP) --|nill were involved in circulating . Alexander Carter,|a petition last August demand- ing an inquiry into the affairs and administration of the muni- cipality dating back to 1960, It U.S. OPPOSED In Washington, U.S. officials subsequently told Thant the Russians are bluffing and that diocese, has they would eventually pay their OPH PR district .of White River, apolo- gizing for the actions of a priest who had accused Mr. Bracci: of maifeasance and corrupt con- streets. Armored cars and tanks stationed in their depots also attest to relaxation in security, --(CP Photo) duct while in public office. Mr. Bracci and his family Viet Crisis Kills U.S. Forces Feud By MALCOLM W. BROWNE SAIGON (AP)--A long-smol- dering feud between the U.S.) Army and the U.S, Air Force! 'in the anti-Communist war in| ™munist tree line, The South Viet Nam is moving to- ward a settlement. It may mean close co-operation for the first time between armed helicopter! units of the army and air force! 'fighter planes. In anticipation. of a_truce,| very high frequency (VHF) ra-| dio equipment of the type assed! in fighter planes is being in-| ceive radio signals, even sub-|Stalled in army escort helicop-| 7), operating philosophy of ters. The truce has been drawn UP| for the signatures of air force) Maj.-Gen, J. H. More and army ;| Brig-Gen. Delk M. Oden. It is expected to conrect the kind of delay which occurred) during last Wednesday's heli- copter assault on Communist ' Viet Cong guerrilla positions. A | Another SIU Vote Seeker | Said Exiled MONTREAL (CP) -- Vice- | President Leonand McLaughlin lof the Seafarers' International Union (Ind.) was accused Sat- urday of having another candi- date 'in the union's upcoming election removed from | close contact with the membership. Jack Dormer, a spokesman for one of the two groups con- testing the fall election, said Montreal-based. or i Rene also asked whether Mr. Bracci had used his office to better his own financial position. At a hearing in February, Father Kaptein testified that White River was: a "one-horse| town . . . ruled with an iron fist" by Mr. Bracci. But, when COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St, E., Oshawa 728-7313 fii iene Insurence Res: 725-2802 or 725-7413 DELIVERY MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe. North 723-3431 the formal inquiry d in ramet May, Father Kaptein, Mr, Dun- nel] and 127 signers of the pe- tition ignored requests by Judge James Frederick Ross of Port Arthur to come forward with evidence of any wrongdoing. helicopter pilot requested an air Carter congratulated --_ 7 a pray ge we : 'orce fighters flown by U.S. - i .| Charges' of municipal corrup- Ae re ae ort Bac tion, However, in his letter, he pilot was told that air force fire he did not want the mes- mission requests could not be accepted from army helicopter men. o HALF-HOUR DELAY Thus the request had to be fil- tered through various control centres in Saigon. Half an hour after the request, an air strike force was dispatched. believe that he has been ill-ad- Mr. Bracci said he was deeply moved by the letter and that he now believed Father Kaptein and Rev. Michael Dunnill, an Anglican priest who has since moved to Cobalt, Ont., were misled and became the victims of a conspiracy by others to dis- credit him, DEMANDED INQUIRY Father Kaptein the expected inter - service agreement would make army and air force aircraft almost in- terchangeable. The problem, goes much deeper than mere bureaucratic confusion. The U.S. Air Fonce both at high levels and at operating Id levels, has disapproved of U.S, Army combat aviation jon. Many air force men feel this function can be Vhandled better by the air force. | Army men, in turn, believe |the air force has not been able |to provide the close support for NEED A NEW... OIL FURNACE? Call PERRY Dey or night 723-3443 "lletter, Since those who accused and Mr. Dun-| The bishop said: "I write you |this letter for no other neason jthan the performance of what I jconsider a duty, No other. mo- tive does or could prompt this you did not hesitate to do. so publicly and even seemed to seek publicity, I have no objec- tion to your using this letter in any way you see fit," Mr. Bracci said he has with- drawn a libel action against Father Kaptein resulting from. an October statement in a church bulletin, | Mr. Bracci had opposed the establishment, of a separate school here because he said there were not enough ratepay- ers in White River, a commu- nity of about 900, to support jboth a public and separate school. COMPLETE COURSE SoS Bice VERN MORTON EARL SALTER SERVICE STATION MANAGER All replies confidential Write BOX 141 OSHAWA TIMES Paul Ristow Limited, Realtor announces the ep- pointment of the above representatives to the sales - staff of its real estate firm, Having completed the Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards' course in Toronto, they are qualified te providecom> {'™ petent advice and service in real estate motters. ood ground forces that can be pro- vided by army-controlled heli- |copters. In any case, the army jargues they provide a much more stable and accurate plat- form for firing rockets and me- chine-guns into enemy emplace- ments at close range than con- ventional fighter planes. Bitter arguments persist be- tween helicopter and fighter pilots and a final truce will de- pend at least partly on improv-| ing relations between these two) groups, Turcotie has been ordered to "He is the third member of this slate to be either fired from office or transferred to areas where contact with the rank and file membership is seriously curtailed," Mr. Dormer charged. Mr. McLaughlin, who became the senior officer in the union following the dismissal of pres- ident Hal Banks, said the dis- missal of one. candidate and transfer of two others was a "mere coincidence" and that any other interpretation is "a lot of balderdash."' Andre Bansett, who an- nounced Monday he would run for the post of Quebec City port agent, was subsequently dis- missed from his paid job as a Johnson, who also revealed his candidacy Monday, was sent Tuesday to Fort William from Montreal on an organizing job. "They're organizers," Mr. Mclaughlin said, "So they go where organizing is needed." Both men are tf on @ make a survey in Newfound- dock patrolman and Gilbert) CLEANING A BIG 'a Why Arthur Murray Offers a°30 course $m 00 for only LIMITED TIME We are offering a special $30 introductory course for only $15 becouse we went to see for slate headed by Stan Devine, Halifax port agent, who is con- testing the presidency against Mr. Mclaughlin. __ FAMOUS KEY The key to the Bastille, Paris's. notorious prison, was presented to George Washing- ton after the French Revolution in 1789, HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST, Sault' Ste. Marie ... Kapuskasing White River .. Moosonee .... agami, western James Bay re- gions; Variable gloudiness with 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS y how quickly and egsily you can learn the new steps in an Arthur Murray franchised |studio. Find out how much fun it jis to master the Fox Trot, Che- \Che, Waltz, ete. REGULAR Free Studio Parties ™ Even if you've never danced be- fore, you can go dancing after a lesson or two! And at gay student parties, you'll meet new friends... | gain poise and popularity. There are | no strangers at Arthur Murray's. | Everybody dances and has fun. | This $30 course for $45 is good for | a limited time only. ARTHUR MURRAY School of Dancing <> ola bate € | W..MARKS; LICENSEE | 11¥2 Simeoe S. 728-1681 AIR-CONDITIONED STUDIO Open Daily 1:00 to 10:00 P.M. CENTR 'wexs SATURDAY DURING ene CARLTONS F]| | CLEANING CAROUSEL OSHAWA SHOPPING CARLTONS CAROUSEL 8 LB. FAMILY LO am ) FOR ONLY s¥ AS WITH COUPON This coupen good until September 5, 1964. SPECIAL FOR rf NEW! SELF SERVICE ~ DRY CLEANING SAVES YOU MONEY FOR ONLY Pennies per Garment 'Try Carltons do-it-yourself dry cleoning! At Caritons you can offord te dry clegn more things mere often for enly pennies per garment, . - all the ¢hildren's 'back te school" clothes... PLUS .. . dresses, skirts, cor coats, dressing gowns, baby's woollens, ang even Dod's ties; and sport jackets, At Carltens Automatic Cleaning Ceroysel, @ counsellor will show you hew you can do your OWN dry cleaning, ef money-saving prices. CARLTONS CLEANING CAROUSEL OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WITH | COUPON