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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Aug 1964, p. 2

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Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 19, 1964 VENEZUELA VIGNETTES-PART 3 Newfound Democracy Paces Cuba's Regime Since the 1958 revolt over- .By PAUL KIDD CARACAS (CP)--Guns bristle around Miraflores Palace in downtown Caracas and the cre- deritials of every person enter- ing the building. are metic- ulously checked by steely-eyed 6 police. Inside, President Raul Leoni get about his job of running enezuela. After the five-year occupancy of the palace by his dynamic predecessor, Romulo Betan- court, the recently elected 58- year-old president has yet to make an impact on either his; fellow-Venezuelans or on other/hecome the 'first democratically; Betancourt's coalition govern- lelected president to succeed a ment, boosted their tally from Latin Americans, Betancourt did both--with a political bang--as he strove to show the rest of the hemisphere that Venezuela's way to prog-| tess was better than Cuba's. gh quiet, efficient ad-) ministration, Leoni is continu-, ing Betancourt's policies. Venezuela's experiment is the Same age as the Cuban one. At almost the same time as Castto was seizing power in Ctiba, stocky, ex - Communist Betancourt became President of Venezuela. DICTATOR JAILED Betancourt, whose moderate Demecratic Action party was held together by the backroom political expertise of Leoni, be-| 4 his presidential term with) avy handicaps. When he took power, Vene- zuéla had just emerged from nine years of misrule by dic- tator Marcos Perez Jimenez PAUL KIDD chief of state who had gone the constitutional route in Venezu- ela, Since Venezuela became a na- tion in 1830, the Latin-American nation has had 26 constitutions and more than 50 rebellions. Of its 25 presidents, three - fifths have been military men. The political careers of Bet- ancourt and Leoni, in many ways, parallel each other. BOTH DEPORTED As students at the Nationai University in Caracas, both were leftists and conspired against the dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gomez. During this pe- riod, Betancourt joined the Communist Party, but left after two or three years. Both men were subsequentiy jailed, clapped in irons, and de- ported. During one period of exile, you can always talk him into concessions." Betancourt .is currently on a hard-earned informal tour of Europe ;later, he plans to write a book. As a former chief executive, he is guaranteed a Senate seat by the constitution, but his fu- ture role in the Leoni adminis- tration is uncertain. POLITICAL HONESTY In a country where presidents usually left office with millions of dollars stacked away in for- eign banks, Betancourt is con- sidered a relatively "poor" man with total assets of less than $175,000 -- a reflection of his scrupulous political honesty, Despite the success of the Betancourt administration, how- ever, the December elections lowered Democratic Ac- tion's strength from 49 per ceni in 1958 to its current 33 per cent. The second-ranking Christian 'Democrats, who were. part of 15 per,cent to 21 per cent. They!" ~ then refused to join 'the new) e government, Leoni, after failing to form a See Bi coalition with the remaining four moderate parties, ap- Tr able Congress--from which the ' Communists are barred by law BY ARCH MacKENZIE --with the Christian Democrats WASHINGTON (CP) -- Presi- so far playing a responsible op- dent Johnson and S2nator Barry come Venezuela's second demo- In fact, they are both already cratically elected president to well on the road to the Novem- finish his term. ber showdown in what is ex- Ree a pected to be an unusually flwid NONG's Farris pointed independents to 12 of | position role. Goldwater have set. official an' probably bitter campaign. the 15 cabinet posts. The result has been a work- If Leoni continues the way he|starting dates for ther election has started, he could well be-| campaigns. Latest public opivion samp- lings: show that pechaps 30 per leent of the more than 70,000,000 leligible voters haven't made up itheir minds. Don't Involve Sabres Ottawa Tells Turks Mr. Hellyer said the tours of chity of all five men will expire « in the néxt few months and ' that they will not be replaced unless the Cyprus: situation is" stabilized. Mr. Hellyer and Mr. Martin © repeated that all military as- ~ sistance to Greece and Turkey LEONI SPEAKS DEMOCRATICALLY tter Fight By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP) -- External Affairs Minister Martin . said Tuesday Canada has told Greece and Turkey that their Canadian-built Sabre jet fight- ers must not be used in any | Cyprus operations. | He said Canada has supplied iGreece and Turkey with 107 |Sabres each under NATO's mil- itary assistance program on the condition that the planes be used to strengthen the alli- ance's capacity to deter or re- sist aggression. "The implications of this con- Greek NATO Pull-out Makes 'Watch' Futile By JOSEPH MacSWEEN can "initiate or facilitate pro- Canadian Press Staff Writer |cedures of enquiry, mediation, The 'watching brief" that the|conciliation, or arbitration." North Atlantic alliance under-| [hig envisages something took over Greece and Turkeyimach stronger than a '"'watch" jlast May has turned out to belpyt an obstacle raised a: the Ino more effective than Was €X-/time was that NATO must in no pected. way appear to be usurping the Greece's decision announced) prerogative of the United Na- Monday to withdraw forces 4S-|tions as the mediation agent in |signed to NATO gives a futile|the Cyprus dispute itself. liook to the "watch" which, in vos Br COSENS & MARTIN lany case, never seemed a par- Insurance ticularly powerful device in 67 King St. E., Oshawa jview of the deep enmity be- ltween the two countries, 728-7515 fituen The 15 NATO foreign minis- Res: 725-2802 of 725-7413 stances are being brought again to the attention of the govern- ments involved," Mr. Martin said in reply to a Commons question by T. C. Douglas, New Democratic Party leader. Prime Minister Pearson said in reply to Opposition Leader Diefenbaker that Canada pro- posed a special meeting NATO foreign ministers to dis- jeuss the "very delicate and dangerous" Cyprus situation. | bers felt such a_ meeting shouldn't be held at this partic- ular moment. Barry ters at their May meeting in One interesting phenomenon The Hague spent much of their of the campaign so far, which time debating the darkening some suggest smacks of the 1948 quarrel between Greece and dition in the present circum- But the majority of NATO mem- ' ; ; «a, under the NATO mutual aid pro- Mr. Diefenbaker said the "de- pram was suspended when the to | teriorating' Cy prus situation 7 A and Greek and Turkish ithe te eee prey drawal of some of their mili-| in reply itary forces from NATO com- pride 4 that the govern: [mand are "full of menace 10\or'the 'Turkish Sabres witch a [the continuing integrity' of! o we oan aan ate 5 | NATO, 2b bed v6 |Canadian-built. If it were 0p. STILL IN TURKEY 'irmed that they were, : Defence Minister Hellyer con-| would taise the matter at once. firmed, in a reply to Leon Bal-\in the NATO council cer (PC -- Trois-Rivierés), that ~ i ithere still are RCAF members Tage A Minute sae 1 & are contempleting |stationed in Turkey to assist the | Turkish Ait Force in Sabre op-. . . If erations. bid in | very neor, & distant He-said RCAF officers were future and you went proper stationed in both Greece and/type of travel edvlee 5 a i Turkey to facilitate the supply 723-2564 ber of DONALD of Sabre spare parts. The officelraayve, ; in Greece had beeti losed some, itime ago but the on@ in Turkey, was kept open for liaison with both the' Greek and upkish air | forces. There were an RCAF squad-| l|ron leader, two sergeants and two Canadian civilian aircraft technicians in Turkey. The offi- cer had been instructed to cease! visits to the Greek and Turk-) ish ait forces "pending further developments." i} " PROMPT. SERVICE | PRESCRIPTIONS so "SERVICE STATION MANAGER All replies confidential Write BOX 141 OSHAWA TIMES CITY - WIDE DELIVERY MITCHELL'S campaign when Harry Truman Turkey -- sister members ol upset Republican challenger the alliance -- over Cyprus. Thomas Dewey, is the large) They finally evolved the com- mass of voters outside those al- promise under which the secre- ready committed. tary-generai, then Dirk Stikker Some are Democrats from/% the Netherlands, was to thé South who cannot st jh Maintain the so-called watch pies © cannot stomach vor the two. The task now has the Civil Rights Act and who/falien to his successor, Manlto emotionally and. philosophically |Brosio of Italy. seem on Goldwater's wave- Cynics commented that it length. would be odd if the NATO exe- Others are Republican moder- cutive chief did not "watch" a ates who dislike the Goldwater|developing danger of war be- NEW! a Blue Bonnet package " ~ * s & a a i) who had left behind economic|Leoni and Betancourt lived by chaos and now is in jail on em-/selling fruit in the -streets of bezzlement charges involving Barranquilla, Colombia. $13,000,000 of public funds. At Betancourt's grim inaugu- ration in 1959, tanks and ar- mored cars rumbled. along Ca- racas streets while leftist agi-| tators threatened mob violence} . Kill Charges -- : x A TORONTO (CP) -- Ralph K. Their fruit - vending partner- Parris, 53, of Vancouver, presi- ship developed into a politival gant of Northern Ontario Nat- partnership and, in 1941, thelyral Gas Company Limited, is pair launched 'the Democratic) reported so seriously ill that the Action movement as a clandes-'Grown may not proceed with tine party. two additional charges against They show that day-to day events such as the gulf of Ton- kin naval incidents and Negro riots in northern U.S. cities can cause significant shifts. They suggest that November is a long way off The president has said he will hold his fire until after next \rightwing slant. tween two member bes Hn he i t e It may be a measure of things) There seems no dou to come that the civil rights is- meeting would have attempted sue and the Negro, regarded|# anvatreeed es for emg eneral s , - by the sree 'oreign minister, wntigg ee meee. tare Stavros Kostopoulos, who at been avoided so fer by both|i*st rejected the idea that the leaders : quarrel was any of NATO's haan business. Northern Negro convention riots bene- that contains and army officers talked openly of pulling a coup. But Don Romulo, who had spent years in prison and exile Then, in 1945, with a group of young military officers, they overthrew the dictatorship. Betancourt became president him. The charges are that he con- spired with Leo Landreville, now an Ontario Supreme Court week's Democratic anoints him officially Aug. 26. But while some Democrats grumble that he's starting too slowly, Johnson as a 24-hour-a- i Canada and 'other countries fitted Goldwater in the Eastern raised the possibility of invok- U.S. and trimmed Johnson's\ing a section of the. NATO lead, pollsters say. Conversely,|charter which empowers the the President's quick North Viet|secretary-general to offer "good 'HANDY-SHAPED' POUNDS fighting the iron autocrats and army rule that had strangled the country, was made of tough during the three-year period of justice, obtain a gas distribu- provisional government, ee nd tion franchise from the city of when, in 1948, the Democratic sudbury while Mr. Landreville Nam intervention earned him offices" to disputing member points in the South where Gold- countries. day politicial seems adequately active for a professed non-cam- Action party won national elec- tions, Leoni became minister of labor. BACK INTO EXILE A few months later, however, ported Armed Forces of Na- Democratic Action was thrown tional Liberation. out of office by its former ; military allies, Leoni went back TERRORISTS ROUNDED UP |to jail while Betancourt went Finally, after the national/into exile. elections last Decembery the) Finally, in 1958, after students legitimate transfer of power|and navy officers overthrew the from Betancourt to Leoni took! military-backed Perez Jimenez place. dictatorship, Betancourt was Before the presidential cere-j¢lected President and Leoni mony, however, National president of the Senate. Guardsmen and policemen; Both Betancourt spent 50 hours combing the|are devoted family men -- labyrinthine alleys of Caracas there the resemblance ends. slums, jailing hundreds of sus-| Betancourt, whom I met on pected terrorists. Then thejan earlier visit to Venezuela, is army moved in and cordoned|hatd-driving and almost arro- off-a 50-block area around Con-| gant. | gress. Leoni, on the other hand, is Against this tense back-| prudent and friendly. ground, Leoni was presented by| As one Western diplomat put Betancourt with the symbols of/it: "Betancourt, when he was office--the red, yellow and blue| president, was like a spotlight-- presidential sash and the key|you were either with him or to the repository of Liberator against him. Simon Bolivar's remains -- to! 'Leoni is like an Malian cop~ political stuff. He coped with four military) revolts, an assassination at- tempt which left his hands; scarred for life, economic de- pression and the Castro - sup- and Leoni but | a | BELOW-NORMAL tempera- tures and -heavy rainfall 'is forecast for all of Eastern Canada and the Atlantic prov- inces in the long-range out- look of the United States weather office. Southern Al- berta and British Columbia will have above-normal tem- peratures. Map and figures gover the period to mid-ep- tember. Precipitation will be light over nearly all of the | Prairie provinces and will be moderate in most of British Columbia. Other normal tem- peratures: New York 69, New Orelans 78, San Francisco 64 Other . normal precipitation New York 3.9, New Orleans 5.0, San Francisco 0.2 l * weather continues --CP Newsmap (day. was mayor of Sudbury. Farris was sentenced to nine months definite and three months indefinite and was freed on $109,000 cash bail pending an appeal when found guilty last April of perjury arising from sworn statements he made in 1958 and 1962 that he did not know who received a block of 14,000 NONG shares. At the same time, the Crown announced it would appeal 'the jury's acquittal of Farris on a second perjury count. Although the information . sworn out by the Crown last month contained the new charges against Farris, no at- tempt has been made to arrest or summons him. The Globe and Mail says that following his court hearing here last April, Farris entered hospi- tal in Vancouver where explor- atory surgery was performed The newspaper says presence of a malignancy in the pancreas made further surgery out of the question. BIG SNAKES The Pilot black snake, which grows up to eight feet long, is Ontario's largest and occurs around Lakes Ontario and Erie:! WEATHER FORECAST their neral water leads the prasident in| It provides that, with many areas. leonsent, the secretary - ge Goldwater Joins Bond On Paperback Shelves followe that with Why Not Vic- tory? and now is coming out paigner. ON THE MOVE He has been having a steady round of dinners with large and influential groups and a num- ber .of press conferences. He has lashed back at Goldwater's allegations concerning what weapons were specified for US. air strikes against North Viet Nam. "i ger By ARCH MacKENZIE The Republican senator | aie | gested that the <r Wil uae a fg os with Where I stand." peared to include nuc 4 yee presidential election, Senator It is a fact that the first two ons in es arsene . me Aa Barry Goldwater as an author|publications are ifficult to get be used if necessary. Jo pa: has President Johnson pinned|hold of in Washington. Two denied it speedily as loose an to the mat by: sheer volume|bookstores said they tod hed harmful talk. has| lone. them on order for two to four But' if the president ute With time running out fast,|)weeks, which may indicate stayed pretty close to the ei Melthe Arizona Republican's third|strong demand or merely an in- house, his family with his bless hoo is being published Sept. 8.adequate initial printing. ing has been song pee that President Johnson has! However, paperback stocks around the country from 'ac* going for him on U.S. bookstore! are plentifyl of collected John- Bird's river ee wonee shelves is a collection of old are plentiful of collected John- ockied S vatiiul "barbecues speeches. : ifrom the Texas Quarterly, and other socializing by Daugh- 'That 8 really all that ron wrapped up with a foreword by nd other 500 rng oy et Luci Water has done in this third)yy.s, Ambassador Adlai Steven- ge Lynda Bird, 20, an volume himself, his. publishers} con under the title: A Time for Pe eallanger Goldwater fired melon pict og think it Action, f re is c aign. 1 cpieete his own starting gun a long; Ine ta enta Uy oe other: a ein dente a wise, aeoniginng appears to be} Pent s ye Arig 4S capitalizing on the American} the: official opening date of his corner drugstore custom of slip- campaign. ping paperback political offer- arene ings in with the Dr. Spocks, the James Bonds and the numerous scantily clad ladies who don't look any better than they should | | NEED A NEW... OIL FURNACE? Call PERRY 723-3443 Day or night | Continuing Cool, Mostly Sunny Forecasts issued by the Tor-! ' onto weather office at 5:30 a.m. | Unseasonably cool across On- tario. There will be some clouds and scattered showers in the northern portions of the prov- ince today but elsewhere it will Synopsis: f be mostly stunny but cool, The prospects for Thursday -are for) | mainly sunny skies with some-| + what warmer air spreading into i the northwestern portions of the province. Lake St. Clair, Lake Enie. | Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- tario, southern Georgian Bay.re- gions, London, Windsor, Hamil- ton, Toronto: Sunny with a few cloudy periods today and Thurs- day. Continuing cool. Winds northwest 10 to 15 today, light Thursday. Northern Georgian Bay, Hali- burton, Timagami regions, North Bay, Sudbury, Killaloe: Variable cloudiness today with chance of afternoon showers. Sunny with' cloudy periods Thursday. Continuing cool. Winds northerly 10 to 15 Algoma, White River regions: Sunny with a few cloudy periods [today and Thursday a little warmer Thursday. Winds light today, southerly 15 Thursday Cochrane, western James Bay regions; Variabie cloudiness with a few light showers today Sunny with cloudy pé6riods Thursday. A little warmer Thursday. Winds northerly 10 to 15 today, southerly 15 Thurs-| i f ! be. | These political offerings in-| clude a number of works about | the Johnson and Goldwater ladies and various pro and con analyses of the two leaders and their rise to power. Goldwater first wrote Con- \science of a Conservative, He! | hice cae cholate aia NEED Mortgage Money? 7. Real Estate McGILL *:..: Day or Night - 728-4285 "NORM" FISHER'S § Meat Market ay. wae, For Personalized Veh : Service Ge - Marine Forecasts Take Ontario: Winds north- erly 15 to 20. knots, decreasing to 10 to 15 tonight, fair. Lake Erie: Winds northeast- erly 10 to 15 knots, becoming light variable tonight, fair Lake Huron, Georgian Bay: Winds northerly 15 to 20 knots, | becoming light variable to- night, fair. Lake Superior: Winds east to northeast 10 to 15 knots, becom-! ing southeast 15 to 20 this evening, fair, becoming partly, cloudy tonight. © FREEZER SPECIAL * ~~ FRONT QUARTERS Ib. 35 BEEF HINDQUARTERS Ib, 59¢ Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Thursday Windsor 52 78 St. Thomas. 50 75 London ... 50 75 Kitchener .... 50 75 48 48 52 52 52 50 48 50 45 45 45 45 40 45 40 35 40 e ANY ONE ITEM No charge for cutting, wrepping and freezing 2 Lbs. Shoulder Pork Chops S 2 Lbs. Lean Minced Chuck Steak 3 Lbs. Bologna (by piece) SKINLESS WIENERS 2 lbs. 69c MAPLE LEAF -- 8 OZ. PKG. SLICED CHEESE 2 for 5% Home Cured CORNED BEEF Norm Fisher's Meat Market Wingham .. Hamilton St. Catharines... Toronto Kingston . Peterborough ..... Trenton ....+ : Killaloe .. Muskoka «.csoesees North Bay..eseeess Sudbury Earlton Sault Ste Kapuskasing «...++ White River.. MOOSONCE sossseree FOR EASY STORING, SERVING! The package foil-wrapped to seal in Blue Bonnet's pure 100% vegetable oil goodness! Each golden-yellow pound conveniently shaped to fit the refrigerator compartment and your serving dish. Each pound Is individually wrapped In parche ment. Use one, the rest stay fresh. The whole package Is overwrapped in sparkling foil--you know it's fresh when you buy it! Famous ail vegetable, Yellow Quik quality! This new package contains the game, pure vegetable oj! margarine you've always known. Blue Bonnet is made only' with 100%o vegetable oi]...no marine oils or animal fats, Enjoy the nutritional advantages and sunny-sweet flavor of Blue Bonnet every dayl For real package-to-plate convenience, Blue Bonnet also comes in the one pound package of quarters. Unwrap one quarter, slice and servel 40 '22 SIMCOE ST, NORTH PHONE 723-3732 50 TIMMINS .sovecvees Kingston csccccese

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