NSIDERED . | pice paces THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 19, 1964 3 CAPSULE NEWS | ; Ontario Names Pension Officer TURK BOMBERS (Continued from Page 1) Makarios yielded to pleas for a relaxation of the blockade around Turkish - Cypriot towns only after a long and heated discussion with the UN com- mander, Lt.-Gen. K. S. Thim- Area Development : Study Is Planned tla auet ae Corporation; and Hans Blumen-\representative, Galo Plaza A, TRANSPORTATION TO BE CO TORONTO An_ intensivejada that such an intensive study study of short an diong-term re- gional development prospects within the area bounded by Hamilton, Barrie and Bowman- ville has been launched as part of the Ontario government's study of transportation require- feld. internationally-known land- Lasso of Ecuador. use planner, | One hardship resulting from The 3,200 square mile region,|the blockade has been a short- containing a population of 2.6 age of kerosene, chief cooking million people, has been divided /fuel on the island. Two baker- into six development sectors jes in Nicosia's Turkish quar- which are considered economic-|ter have closed because of the ally identifiable units. |shortage, cutting -into the bread fas been' carried out on the needs and impact of modern transportation in the develop- ment of a particular region," Mr. MacNaughton observe. The economics portion of the jstudy is being carried out by 'Larry Smith and Co., a firm |Bentley, employee pension plans in Sas- katchewan, has been appointed superintendent of pensions for TORONTO (CP) -- J. Wells;the contest determined by the former registrar of series of about 15,000 specta- VOLCANO EXPLODES JAKARTA (AP)--The Sangl- ang volcano on the Indonesian island of Flores exploded Aug. Ontario, L. E. Coward, chair- man of the pension commission ments for the region. In announcing the project to- day, Highways Minister C. S. MacNaughton said it consists of These are: | supply. --the Metropolitan Toronto! 4 senior UN ofifcial said he Planning area; ithinks Makarios also may al- --Oakville; ' llow freer movement by the UN |--the census area of Hamilton; |peace force ; --_ Guelph ppt ph oreing 'of, In Geneva, talks continued on the townships "ot Pustlinch, |@ solution to the Cyprus dispute, Guelph, Eramosa, Erin, Nas-/¢ven though UN mediator Sak- sagaweya, Esquesing, Cale- ari S. Tuomioja of Finland re- don, Chinguacousy, Toronto|™ains seriously ill. He suffered Gore and Albion: an ja stroke Monday, A UN an- --a sector composed of the nouncement said Tuomioja's townships of Adjala, Tecum-|aides are in contact with the seth, Innisfil, Gwillimbury|representatives of Greece, Tur- West, Gwillimbury _North,| key, Britain and Canada as welll|that if this is being done 5, the Antara news agency re+ ports. The official news agency said the area around the active volcano 'has been evacuated. It did not mention casualties. TRY EVEREST AGAIN NEW DELHI (AP) -- India, . twice beaten in attempts to cone -. quer Mount Everest, is sending. . a team for a third attempt next . spring, an official announce. . ment said Tuesday. Veteran climber Lt.-Cmdr. M. §. Kohli. \that has had wide experience in economic and land develop- ment analysis in Canada and an evaluation of the economic|the United States. Economists potential and future patterns of|from the Department of E:cono- development of the region pro-/mics and Development are as- jected for the years 1972, 1980 sisting in the work. and 2000. The. Community Planning He said it will provide vital)Branch of the Department of information for the govern-| Municipal Affairs in consulta- ment's Metropolitan Toronto and tion with the Metropolitan To- Region Transportation Study, |ronto Planning Board is carry- which now has underway sep-|ing out the second phase of the arate studies om the genera!|project, an investigation of prob- travel havits of the region's able and desirable patterns of population and the feasiiblity of\development and their relation- establishing an experimental ship to transportation. rail commuter service along) To assist them, they have en- |the Lakeshore, gaged a group of consultants in- The information also will be cluding L. 0. Gertler, former of great value to other agencies|deputy planning commissioner interested in economics andjof the City of Toronto; Dr. trade promotion, he added. Albert Rose of the School of Social Work, University of To- GET CONSULTANTS ronto; Humphrey Carver, of| ] | "This is the first time in Can-|Central Mortgage and Housing|sector will be assessed. of Ontario, announced Monday. He succeeds Dr. John Rowat, who resigned. APPROVAL NOT GIVEN OTTAWA (CP)--Defence Min- jister Hellyer said Tuesday he is not aware that military can- teens are distributing book matches depicting the govern- ment's proposed maple leaf flag design, Replying in the Commons to Alfred D. Hales (PC--Wellington South), he said 401 SCENE -- ACCIDENT SNAGS TRAFFIC CITY AND DISTRICT | ROUTINE CALLS The Oshawa Fire Department reports that in the 24-hour |period up to 9 a.m. today, four }routine ambulance calls were were answered. Early Tuesday I 'ee | | | | igi fi the two} : justi eine ind Crate we tigi Real thee Subeme our ste ln fn themselves causing disunity for Wounds that will be inflicted on) hte ites goa) onal as political and partisan purposes,"| half the people in a. riding ca [oni fags rt and 1 a Mi Stary' declarad "** leause they are divided evenly|OTandums of fact and law i cai Z on this issue? Should one follow|the case. He said he came from people | The charges against the 45-| will lead the attack on the ~ i si ' orl i i ithe Gwillimbury East, King, Whit-|as President Johnson' personal|ihrough the use of canteen|" d's highest point. church, Scott, Uxbridge and ey, state secre- funds it would be under the jur- - Reach. tary an Acheson __,, isdiction of the officers of the ait Basic data covering present) U Thant said Tuesday night messes involved. It was not be- LATE DEATHS - population, employment, labor|that he had asked Pier P. Spin-lirg done with the approval of ae care force, earnings; the volumes of elli of Itary "'to oversee tempor-'the federal government. lesnreg bie tat he as eas manufacturing, agriculture andjarily the office' of Tuomioja. Hospital on Wednesday, August 19, 1964, ° trade; transportation, communi-| Spinelli, director of the Euro-| CRASH KILLS SIX Frank Ellis Stapley, beloved husband of cations and utilities facilities; /pean office of the United Na-| BEAVER FALLS, Pa. (AP)--|Ciayion bennett (Lillonh, Anne Roy ern: and natural resources of each/tions in Geneva, had been on a ciy persons were killed and|bury, (Madge), Mrs. Pros anne meehtie my dri at resentative, |{Hree injured Tuesday night in|Pritcherd, and brother of Earl, Leslie, * TE Sean Ra |Thant's special repres "_|a head-on collision of two cars|ang. ce" ,siapley: all of Oshawa: Roy: on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. | Oshawa; in is seth year. Resting et ine % s |A state trooper said one of the/Armstrong Funeral Home, awa, Ses | service in the chapel Friday, AUg-.., PC Back-Benchers Cheer Adjourn Case i ein tonite teritrernsamcna Ke six persons, crossed the divid-| Comatacy 7m Srehee Lenes under hee lw ' ° ' 5 In Minister's jing hareier sf the toll road and|ine sonersi home 'Thuredey, 720 pm? 3 | ; collided head-on with a west- "= morning the department went k St Fl I lk | : d | to. 329° Adelaide street east, Mi e arr S a c | a car carrying three per. |where they extinguished a fire | Morals Plea sons. SERVICE STATION jin La saa pina sap e OTTAWA (Special) Con-|from the sub-amendment, the|who believed in _ tradition | CROWN HOBO KING | AVAILABLE fp bpikined a schoulderieg servative back-benchers 'were|oPPosition leader replied: and who did not throw it out the TORONTO (CP)--An appeal preg dows: (Af). --~ Bow Excellent Opportunity cigaret for the blaze. 'ubilant here yesterday over the. "The honorable gentleman window when it had served its)by a Chatham United Church|stake Charley of New Yozk| @ GOOD GALLONAGE No esti vas made of the " tae ; ho was speaking may not belyseful H F thou-| Minister, charged with eight City, who says he has been al e GOOD LOCATION No estimate was made 6 speech of Ontario Riding MP who was sp g may jusefulness. He said many thou rhe uwecthobe for 98 of. his 48 dama ns speaking in a way that appeals ; ¢ ; ..|counts of contributing to juve or of. his years, was All Replies Confidential ee _---- __|Michael Starr during the flag §P weer . jsands of immigrants, including nije delinquency, against alcrowned king of the hoboes wana ae to the sentiments of the honor-), . , 4 : , i | | WRITE BOX 43 = debate, able gentlemen opposite, but if his own parents, had come to/judge's ruling was adjourned|Tuesday at the 64th annual U.S.) | Two Township Many described it as perhaps ever there was anyone speak-|Canada and found freedom Twseday gy eg A Ay Me ae oe ee, ee Oshawe Times | the best speech made by their|ing with authority of the heart) under the Red Ensign. | Seach Code s eded the nsylvania Kid in ; . J party since the debate started and experience, it is the mem: pEELS CERTAIN Rev, Rosell D. Resbordi OUTNS INJULEG ana Mr. Starr received many ber for Ontario," Mr. Diefen- : ] Z lati baker declared Mr. Starr said he was sure appealing a ruling by Judge W. "KERING (Staff)--Two 17 ee ' that every member represent-|F, Fox of London, Ont., that PICKERING (Staff}--Two lv) «t have been afraid that the, Mr. Starr pointed out that-heling @ French Canadian riding| the eight charges against him year-old tow ang Aaa were/ debate would soon bog down out was speaking, not as a Cana-|would vote in favor of the three|are based on sufficient informa- é rag eager night when the car! of repetition, but Mike's speech|dian of English or French ori-\manie leaf design because that\tion to permit preparation for in which they were passenger igday and a few other speeches gin, but he was proud to be Of wos the will of the iniajority ofl ix -detence. | T went out of control and crashed jerore it, have kept it at a high|Ukrainian origin and a good : ; ' h on Altona road " Cc vative toid Canadian the people in Quebec. Mr. Justice Haines ruled that Ronald Parliament, -RR 2 earn: Venere rene : : ...| "What consideration is being) Mr. Horsburgh is entitled to ddoxaring suffered a broken|ane CUawe bureau of The) "It makes me, as « Canadian given to the feelings of the peo-| 'full and precise information of leg and head injuries. Carl ANMES. : ' of other than French or English ple of Ontario?" he asked, "How the charges against him." The ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE Morozuk, RR 2 Pickering, sul-| auting Sy ee oe pei ASSOCIATION fered lacerations to his right)" rea tS ° arm and shoulder and head in-| tion leader Diefenbaker. When Wing No. 420, Oshawa, Ontario juries. Both were admitted to government House leader Guy 8. ANNOUNCES THEY ARE AGAIN SPONSORING |the Ajax and Pickering General Favreau rose to protest that agp? Hospital and are reported today {Mr. Starr was straying away |the wishes expressed by one) ihalf of the people in the hope| year-old minister accuse him of A SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING SICKROOM EQUIPMENT, jin satisfactory condition. | The two injured youths were| |passengers in a car driven by) Donald Parliament, Ronald's) brother. He was shaken up in THURSDAY, FORT ERIE ENTRIES |that the remainder will forget |about the situation?" August 20 nite |ment to remove the issue from the crash, Pickering Township| |police said the car was a total wreck. F jue Xmas, Walsh 118 The auto skidded on wet pave-| RU? cmas een ina ment near a bridge on Altona'sunshine Blond, Potts 118 Ballistic, Fitzsimmons 118 {road between the Ist and 2nd Sa evan ticles sik |Concessions at 8:30 p.m. The|colour Her Fleet, Hale 118 |vehicle went into a ditch, struck |Chopparis, No por, ae * er arque, ja telephone pole and smashed Coluroal. No Boy 118. into several. large boulders in| the creek bed. FIRST RACE -- Purse $2200. Maidens, |two-year-olds, foaled In Canaday*fillies, 5' Furlongs. | SECOND RACE -- Purse $1900. ($2500 |clalming). Three-year-olds. 6 Furiongs. PROGRESS CAN BE SLOW said, her lace-trimmed nightie | Say Woman Shot ticiter When he rolled up the Ice Cream Truck jear windows and locked the | doors, Miss Lafevers climbed SPARTANBURG, §.C. (AP)--|on the hood and beat on the Police pulled a nightgown-clad| windshield. woman from atop an automo- Steen said he drove off bile hood Monday and charged| Slowly, Miss Lafever clinging to her with kidnapping the driver the windshield wiper and --a former boytriend. screaming for him to stop. Pretty Joyce Lafevers, 23, The pair was arrested when was being held Tuesday under Steen stopped at a traffic light $10,000 bond in the kidnapping Steen told police Miss La- of Grady Steen, 27..Both are fever's wrath was aroused from Kannapolis, N..C when he spurned her love. He ' 95 <an-Said she told him she' would Po gg agg le 0k kill him if he didn't marry her. eau of Investigation says aided Bigham wanted $5,000, Steen Miss Lafevers in abducting said, and threatened to kill him Steen, also was charged with if the ransom was hot paid. kidnapping. ee -- Steen told police he slipped out of a motel about 6 a.m.. Frenchman -Louis .Daguerre with the keys to a car Miss|invented the first practical Lefevers had rented, and her camera in 1839, although many pistol. of his countrymen thought h Miss Lafevers followed, Steen was 'faking' the pictures. FIRST CAMERA t Wedded Bliss, Walsh 110 | Lady Domain, Harris 101 | Say Woman 27 |Mr. T F, Harris X108 A--E B Seedhouse Entry Out of Pocket, No Boy 116 Windkin, Royal Piper, Potts 116 Reap The Wind, political partisanship, C.C, Street, Parsons A-X118 Lebon M L, Dittfach 116 Davidson 116 War League, Robinson A-120 |sign with respect, Mr. Starr said QUINELLA BETTING into bumper stickers, and bath- gayantn RACE -- Purse $2,900,,ing suits -- beer and bologna venroias and' pe fringe shy Mee had been sold under the in- signia. "This is what we are being asked to adopt as a flag," he said scornfully. 'Everything else that has stood for our flag in the past is being dumped in the ashcan and thrown out of Ontario Holiday, No Boy 111 Muskeg, Gomez 116 . Neros Hero, No Boy 113 Buttermilk Pike, Cuthbertson XXX109 Your County, Turcotte X114 Swoon Star, Davidson 119 New Member, No Boy 116 River Bully, Leblanc 116 Turcotte X113 | He appealed to the Govern- Ignoring the appeal to treat} the Government's suggested de- |the design had been made up couraging sexual intercourse among teen-agers who were |members of a group formed by jhim called Youth Anonymous. | Eight charges laid previously were quashed July 21 by Judge | Fox on the grounds that they | did not contain enough informa- j\tion. The charges were laid jagain with additional informa-| tion. | Mr. Horsburgh's trial, sched- uled to begin in Chatham Wed- nesday, now will be adjourned for one week, The minister was arrested | June 29. | | -He is free on $1,000 personal | bond bail. 4 This equipment will consist of crutches and miscelloneous small Your MAGAZINE ORDER (new operate. persons. Donations Are Not Or Acce W. PATERSON Treasurer able to any resident of ONTARIO and DURHAM COUNTIES, FREE OF CHARGE FOR HOME USE. this. community project ond every resident is urged to ¢0- Residents when called upon should request to see the sentative's letter of introduction s This is te eliminate any misrepresentation by unauthorized W. EVANS Past President wheelchairs, invalid walkers, equipment ond will be avail- or renewel) will help further repre igned by Wing 420 Officers. To Be Solicited pted 8. CHANNING President Tried Kidnap Of Boytriend |Brief Star, No Boy 110 |Mineral Wealth, Fitzsimmons 111 TORONTO (CP)--A' 29-yéar- old Toronto mother will appear jin magistrate's court today charged with shooting flat a tire on an ice-cream truck. Driver Andrew Black, 20, told police he stopped his truck July 23 and tinkled bells to attract nearby children. He _ said woman carrying a_ .22-calibre rifle shouted from a. nearby lawn: "Get off the street." Seconds later a shot rang out, he said, and the right rear tire lof the truck went flat. Black said he wrestled the gun away and then drove to a police station. a | Benedictus, No Boy 120 |Cushion, Dittfach 108 Sign Play, Potts 115 Will We, Harrison 106 Jive Girl, Turcotte A-X113 | Also Eligible: Hash House, A-X113. A--J L Appelbaum and The Pheasant Stable Entry. Turcotte, THIRD RACE -- Purse $2200. Maidens, two-year-old fillies, foaled in Canada (Divn, of Ist). 5' Furlongs. Mydar, No Boy 118 Moosonee, Walsh 118 Twenty Francs, Davidson 118 Close Formed, No Boy 118 Countess Tana, No Boy 118 Miss Scooter, Parsons X113 Tie Pilot, McComb 118 Liqueur, No Boy 118 Darbykin, Shuk 118 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $1900. ($2500 Claiming). Three-year-olds. (Divn. of 2nd) 6 Furlongs. Abitibi, Davidson 111 Taranto, Harris X108 King Rip, Parnell 118 Select Rythm, No Boy 111 Bar Hostess,Turcotte A-X106 Yo Te's Pride, Leblanc 113 Rose Tudor, Parsons X105 French Twist, No Boy 111 Glenscot Miss, Harrison 113 Roman Bertha, No Boy 110 Power Factor, Shuk 118 Exhortator, Cuthbertson XXX103 Also Eligible: ODek's Levy, Walsh, Maple Way, Turcotte, 'A-X103. A--The Pheasant Stable and Mr. and Mrs J. Roach entry. | | FIFTH RACE -- Purse $1900. ($2500 Claiming). Three-year-olds and up. 6 Fur- jlongs Ws; me | Secret Star, No Boy 113 |Big Native, McComb 116 Star Tally No-Boy X111 Maple J /Parsons X103 Tarpon Run, Remillard A-111 Susie's Roman, No Boy 107 Maljabar, Turcotte B-X103 !Rubria, Tuurcotte B-X103 Hill, No Boy 119 Real Black, Bailey C-116 % |Faithful Tom, Robinson 119 " "GET" CLUB MAKES DONATIONS Retarded children in Osh- awa will benefit from the dances' run by the "GET" Club of Oshawa. Brendan Cal der. club president. is shown above. 'left, as. he presents a $200 cheque to.G. C. L. Wilson, charter president of the Osh awa and District Association for Retarded Children. Bob 4 GET member, look sentation is made Crothers executive on as the pre- --Oshawa Times. Photo | }lalone, No Boy 117 Also Eligible: A Ticket Home, Fitzsim- | mons, 112; Hash Boy, Harris, X114; Canadian Royal, No Boy, 119; Breconing, Harris, XI; Zenarchal, Parsons, A-X111; Mr. Yo Te, Bailey, C-119. A--F Junger and J P Hogan Entry. B--Mrs E B Seedhouse and Mr and Mrs J Roach Entry C--J J Gregory and Audiey Farms Entry SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2600. City Club of Buffalo'. ($10,000 claiming). Three- year-olds and up. One and one-sixteenth Miles. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS POST TIME 2 P.M. the window." Mibiz, Walsh 116 eral Also Eligible: Belfort, Potts 114 TV STATIONS Excluding. relay and rebroad- | HOMES FALL, 15 eeteaiars joasting stations, there are 320) BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($2500). For Sickroom Equipment Phone 728-6123 LAHORE, Pakistan (AP)-- Fifteen persons died Tuesday in Lahore when their homes col- Claiming, three-year-olds snd up, 1 1-16 miles (11) Cassis Miss, Leblanc 113 Copper Cliff, Turcotte A-X108 radio and television stations in operation in Canada. Grey Beau, No Boy B-116 Glenspeed, Davidson 115 Cairnfield, Bailey 113 Brigitta Skol, No Boy 119 lapsed in a heavy rain. Radio |Pakistan 'reported eight inches of rain fell here in a 24 hour |period. PAUL RISTOW LTD. REALTOR D. Seven Deal, Fitzsimmons A-11§ | Eltoro The Great, Rogers X-113 | Money More, Dittfach 113 Enlyn Lad, Fitzsimmons 8-118 INSURANCE | ALL KINDS | |BOB STROUD Lid.| 73 King Street East Sir Demijohn, Walsh C-115 A--R. C. Siegel and $. Rotenberg entry B--S. N. Shapiro, P. J. Enright and G. E. Lyons entry C--A. E. Powell and R. Henderson entry X--5 tbs. AAC XX--7 Ibs. AAC XXX--10 Ibs. AAC 728-9474 723-4932 723-3315 187 King St. Eost fe * OO see vay 'xy < BIG 3 DAYS ALEXANDRA PARK AUG. 20, 21 22 Thurs., Fri., Sat. 4" Exciting NEW FEATURES FOR ALL! © CHECK THIS PROGRAMME e THURSDAY EVENING -- Gates Open 5.00 p.m. Buildings 6.00 p.m. Record Hop - Cooking School - Saddle Classes - "Miss Oshawa Fair" Contest. FRIDAY -- Livestock Judging - Lincolnaires - New Westminster (B.C.) Cham- pionship Junior Concert Band (120 pieces) - Horse Racing (Wagering Privi- leges). AFTERNOON and EVENING -- Olde Tyme Fiddlers' Contest SATURDAY -- Square Dancing 8.30 p.m. - 4-H Club Activity Day - Livestock Judging, Horticulture, Needlecraft, Floriculture, Domestic Science. For specitic times see the "Oshawa Fair' tabloid in Tuesday's issue of the TIMES ADULTS 50¢ -- CHILDREN 12 and UNDER 25¢ -- CARS 50c © MIDWAY - EXHIBITS - BANDS °® "COME SEE!" A demonstra- tion on how to bake good nou- rishing Health Bread ! Also at the Sunshine | Shop there will be a nu- tritionalist there to onswer : ony questions on Health © Foods. THURSDAY AUG, 20 | P.M, to 9 P.M. Fhe Sunshine Shop 'COUPON ... COUPON ... COUPON Please clip this coupon and bring it in on THURSDAY FROM 1 P.M, TO 9 P.M, which entitles you to: ONE FREE LOAF OF HEALTH BREAD See THE SUNSHINE SHOP