Vain, Aopen ves Struck Paper Publishes But 't Deliver Youngstown Vindicator published an eight- page edition Wednesday with a skeleton crew made up of sup- ervisory personnel, But a man- agement spokesman said home deliveries were cancelled for the first time in the paper's 75- year history. I. L.. Mansell, managing edi- tor of the city's only daily newspaper, said about 3,000 cop- fies were sold over the counter. He said there were several picket line incidents as mem- bers of the American Newspa- per Guild kept about 20 non- union employees from entering the downtown building. A guild spokesman «enied re were any scuffles on the cket lines around the build- ing. he guild struck The Vindica- tor Tuesday night in a dispute over a contract for outside cir- culation delivery men, Other unions at the paper refused to cross the picket line. Third Man Jousts For SIU Throne HAMILTON (CP) -- Kenneth Jukes, 39, announced Wednes- day he will be a candidate for president of the Seafarers' 1n- ternational Union of Canada (ind.). Also seeking the post once held by Harold C. Banks, de- posed by a federal government trusteeship last spring, are SIU Executive Vice-President Leon- ard McLaughlin and Stan De- vine, the union's port agent in Halifax. Mr, Jukes, a seaman for 22 years, came to Canada from Britain in 1057. He joined the SIU that year and rose to the position of union patrolman. in Thorold, Ont. He said Wednes- day he was fired from the post by Barks in 1962. Quebec Group Makes Bid For DOSCO SYDNEY, NS. (CP) -- The Cape Breton Post says a syndi- cate of French-Canadian busi- nessmen has made a $50,000,- 000 offer to purchase contro] of the Dominion Steel. and Coal Corporation. The newspaper says the offer was.made about a month ago to the-London office of Dosco's parent company, the Hawker Siddeley group. : It quotes an_ unidentified source as saying it was appar- ent the offer was made on be- half of the Quebec government, which has been pressing for a steel complex for that province. Dosco President Ted Emmert said he was unaware of the of- fer. Plant Crews Back UAW Strike Call LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Plant workers at Wolverine Tube Di- vision of Calumet and Hecla of Canada Limited went on strike and set up picket lines as a shift change was due at mid- night Wednesday. A shift of about 65 men due to start work at midnight pick- eted the plant's two gates in support of the strike called by Local 27. United Auto Workers (CLC). No workers attempted to enter the works as the shift, which would normally have been relieved, left. Company spokesmen refused comment while union men said they were acting after talks broke down Wednesday with management in negotiations for a first contract with the com- Buy On Easy Terms Just Say "Charge It {" : HOSTESS _ CHAIR : r Ried: Pabst ne Your Choice of SEVEN Electric Blankets Headboards Double bed size, single control. Assorted colors. 2 year guorantee. 11,99 Our Choice, of Tollywood Bed Exsemblea -- 3 quality sleep sets --. . 7 different headboards Serta "Smooth Master" Smooth Top in Print Cover Resilient, 220 coil construction with heavy duty sisal pads and layer on layer of fluffy white felted cotton for real' comfort. No buttons or tufts anywhere. Beautiful print ticking with prebuilt borders with taped edges, vented plastic turning handles. A complete outfit -- at a special SERTA price. INCLUDES MATTRESS, BOX SPRING, HEADBOARD AND LEGS KITCHEN STOOL Foldaway . ladder HEATING PADS A real buy! Washable cover. Full year guorontee, 3 position heat control, 2.11 C.5S.A. approved. Serta 'Kent' - Fine Scroll Quilt in Damask There's extra comfort in this firm, 252 coi meatiress and it's beautifully covered in blue and gold imported rayon damask with a luxurious scroll quilting that adds extra comfort and good looks. It has heavy-duty prebuilt bor- ders, vents and plastic turning handles. fit. SERTA built and backed. INCLUDES MATTRESS, BOX SPRING, HEADBOARD AND LEGS E CONTEMPORARY F WOOD & BRASS RECORD | G TUFTED VINYL CABINET 95 Formica top, Walnut fin- ish, Brass trim, Serta 'Perfect Contour" Deluxe Quilt with Foam Beautiful all-over continuous quilt with cloud-like foam over 405 resilient, electrically tempered Serta inner- springs. Special levalizing layer for firm, healthful sup- port. Beautiful gold on beige ticking, teped edge, rope hendies. Our top-of-the-line best at a wonderful SERTA saving. " 4 33" . | TWIN SIZE INCLUDES MATTRESS, BOX SPRING, HEADBOARD AND LEGS TOP QUALITY BEDDING BUYS! By a maker of the tamous *79.50 Serta 'Perfect Sleeper' Mattress ROLL AWAY BED Spring Filled Mattress ELECTRIC KETTLES Gleaming chrome with automatic shut-off, C.S.A, approved, 4.99 Cord included. "Same kettle with detachable cord .......... 5.39 FOOTSTOOL : Upholstered in Vinyt 1 98 Hordvood les, Flor ' BATH SCALES Reliable and eoqueate | Ate for weight- A shades to ma your 3 PC. DIN' Ideal for smoll opartme CANADA'S FINEST FURNITURE & APPLIANCES ON pany. DIVIDENDS The British American Bank Note Co., 50 cents, Sept. 15, rec- ord Sept. 1. Canada Permanent Mortgage Corp., 50 cents, Oct. 1, record Sept. 55. Canadian Scudder Investment Fund Ltd., common 10 cents, Aug, 31, record Ang. 21. Globe Envelopes Lid., com- mon Class A 13 cents, Nov, 2, record Oct. 15. Machine and Tool Co. Ltd., Class A 12% cents, Oct. 1, record Sept. 15. : Johns - Manville Corp., 50 cents (U.S.), Sept. 10, record Aug. 31. . The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ld, 5 cents plus 10 cents ex- tra, Oct. 1, record Sept. 4. Waterous Equipment Ltd., 15 cents Sept. 15, record, Aug. 31. EFFECTIVE INSECTICIDE VANCOUVER (CP) -- Phos- phamidon, a new insecticide tested in British Columbia for- ests, has done its job without harming fish and wildlife, ne- tomologists here report. Sprayed on 1,600 acres of hem- lock and cedar, the insecticide appears effective in destroying insects, : SPACESAVER 'ices 2 Versatile suite Converts to comfortable double bed. Feotures $ leather like vinyl upholstery that wipes clean in @ jiffy, attractive diamond quilted back, foom eushioned beck and seat, concealed storage compartment, Choice of 7 decorator colors, 100% VIRGIN WOOL BROADLOOM RUGS | ROOM SIZE RUGS | Wah a ee SIZE |ORIG. | SALE BROADLOOM | 6x 9 94.20 | 67.14 | x 9 [ 139.05 | 98.46 Fey a ' vxiz| san90 1129.78] 14.95 1 044 : 9x15") 22875 | 161.10) %- 12-15 ave ia) : 214 80 Your choice of' wall-to-wall or room size. rugs! Thick) ug dense pile broadioom woven from 100% Virgin: Wool, . 12" x ia ¢ 245.20 y 12'x 15", 305.00 | 12' x 18" ~ | yd a yord loomed to stand the tough- ; 298.32 Ever-so-slight imperfections will not: affect wear. Buy now during this big sole ond save on every one of the beautiful colors! 12'x21°| 424. _ SAVE SAFELY at (@herney's ... 'First With All That's New! ' ,