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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Aug 1964, p. 15

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; i : i ? ¥ : | Political Paradox ures weren't popular, but they|found little support for Accion VENEZUELA VIGNETTES-PART 4 Despite a good record of progress, po pular voting sup port for Venezuela's Democratic Action govern- cusses this apparent ambig- uity. : By PAUL KIDD CARACAS (CP) -- On paper ihe Democratic Action govern- nent of Venezuela has an im- Today, the budget vis bal- serves, from oil tax revenues. From 1904 to 1958, only 883 anced and Venezuela has some/the government $700,000,000 in international re-)mendous political capital out of 'The national treasury is kept|barrios, but that it really looks: in good condition by the billion|/upon them as a forgotten people dollars which annually flow injand keeps such projects to a ie i Be FF Salvation Army Head 'Has Ideas For Youth By CAROLYN COLE (CP)--'"We shall may be losing its way among the youth. MUST FIND LINK "We must find a way to speak to youth in the idiom of today. Religious feeling is in- herent but we need a spiritual awakening." Commissioner Grinstead, him- "|self an accomplished musician, jis proud of London's Joy Strings, an army group which has taken hymns and gospel songs and made them "'swing" even on the steps of St. Paul's Cathedral. "They've made the first 10 in work|the recording business. It is to see them carry ~a Screws of 2,000 teen-agers." Commissioner Grinstead plans to inaugurate such groups in Canada as soon as possible. "tt has priority," he says, but tanicaljhe feels he should study the Rock Delays Mine Digging day heavy, hazardous rock con- ditions have forced them to of two men trapped in the ground. The officials said it may be believe killed in a rock burst be reached. ing the two, Donald Yaworski, 45, and Edouard alive. "We feel sure the men are take the chances we might take if there was some hope," mine Wednesday. are using only hand tools.in dig- ging. four or five days before the pas-|of sage is completed and the men,|tax stamps were purchased by|arette manuf: lacturers moving stocks at the mine last Friday, canjout of warehouses totalled : 2,815,329,190 in July. This com- Mine spokesman say they|pared with 4,016,039,280 in June|® have given up all hope of find-|and 3,319,927,235 in May. poe ne one month do not reach' manager Frank Buckle said|Packages of cigarettes before ms " -- another po weeks to two Because of the danger of for Namen er 80. the excive ther rack blasts, rescue crews cae Py pene -- -- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 21, 1964 43% Statistics Indicate ofa toe, weet | A Decline In Smoking ---- OTTAWA (CP) --Latest fig- start digging a new passage injyres issued the bureau of}general an attempt to reach the bodies|statistics Sar. an apparent i 4,000 feet) cline in smoking in July as com- pared with June and May. The bureau said the number cigarettes for which excise Sources at the bureau said Duschene, 55,/1ne stamp sales, while indicat-\and ing general: trends, cannot be dead--so- we are--not-going-to|™terpreted too precisely. For one thing, the stamps sold smoked 10, 15 or 20 years." campaign, he: said, would de- pend on the youth of the coun- ] NEW ALPHABET Some 20,000 U.S. schoolchil- dren will begin leaming to read and write with a new British alphabet this fall. Gives a hot dog status seem Any anti-cigarette smoking NEW YORK (AP)Dr._ Lw-jtry. Democratica, which is the rul- ing party's official name Many residents consider that makes _ tre- every project it launches in the minimum. Certainly, amid the teeming ressive record. schools were built in Venezuela.| shanty towns, I saw scant evi- Yet only one in three Vene-|The Democratic Action govern-idence of government activity. lans support it. ment has constructed some|put I observed ample evidence n the ambiguous climate of|3,000. of the need for it. tin American politics, there}. Elementary school enrollment) Another criticism of the gov- no clear-cut answer to this|has jumped 80 per cent since/erpment has been its inability litical paradox. 1958, and five of every six chil-\to deal with Venezuela's fierce But in searching for an ex-|dren now receive at least some) ynemployment, now running at nation, one encounters some|education. ; more than 13 per cent of the sresting facets to the move-| According to official figures,/work force. ent which has led the fightlilliteracy has dropped from 53/ With one of the highest birth fainst communism on the|per cent to 20 per cent during/rates in the world, about 3.5 outhern continent. the last five years. per cent, new jobs must be The most salient, perhaps, is| Although sident Beta n-/found for 70,000 workers a year he rapport between the ~ court gy 2,000 be gays for = during the next 10 years to edly left - wing democratic|pousing Communis' leas, the k ace with the Corpdiaient and American biginumber of primary school pong -- business, teachers has risen from 20,000) Even the much-lauded agrar- As one Canadian resident of|to 40,000. ian reform scheme has a black Venezuela told me: "The| Government expenditures for/side. Of the 150,000 landless or. United States will continue tojeducation have increased from|jand-poor families expected to do all it can to keep the Demo-|10 per cent of the national|be settled under the first phase cratic Action party in power." |budget before 1958 to 20 perjof the program, slightly more In many ps si baad "pod cont: today. than one-third are in business tag is a misnomer; during its on their own little farms. five years in office, the govern-/PRODUCTION RISES It is not the law of land re- Despite terrorist sabo- | ment party has developed an , ;,_\form which has been criticized, tage, economic growth and in-inut the manner in which it has of the value of / : acute 2 gaan the private|dustrialization have given Ven-|)00, implemented sector of the economy. ewmela the highest per capita " pres Latin America |LAND COSTLY LOSES VOTES about a year--although at) In bi lan * Back in 1958, when former|least a third of its 8,100,000|tate seat tes cceenes President Romulo Betancourt|population haven't enough|widely considered to have often led the party to victory at the/money to be part of the con-|paid exorbitant prices, polls, one in two Venezuelans|suming market. Then, after giving a peasant stppported Democratic Action. Under each year of Demo-jfrom 10 to 25 acres, a house When President Raul Leonijcratic Action government, theland tools, livestock and seeds took over the party leadership/republic's gross nationa lprod-jat long-term, low-interest loans and the-chief executive's office|uct has been boosted an aver-ithe land world be unsatisfac- following last December's elec-jage of 4.5 per cent a year untilitory. for the type_of farming 4 tions, that support had dwin-|today it exceeds $6,000,000,000..| intended. R died to one-third of the elec-| In five years, the nation's) Conversely, a peabent would torate. consumption of electricity hasisometimes prove to be the It seemed a strange rejection| doubled. 3 wrong kind of person, by train- of a government which had| Since the 1960 agrarian re-jing or character, to make the given Venezuela fiscal stability,|form act, parcels of land have|most of his government-given made formidable inroads|been distributed to about 60,000/opportunity, and would give up. against illiteracy, stimulated 1n-/peasant families. __| Today, some 350,000 peasant dustrial and launched) With each family getting|families wait to be resettled. an ambitious agrarian reform|about 25 acres, the scheme has| It promises to be a long, hard program. cost the government aboutitask. But at least a start has The achievements--and criti-/$120,000,000 for the purchase/been made, and the agrarian cis , the Demo-jand supplementary preparation|program, when working prop- cratic Action party's record are of the land. erly, could well serve as a worth putting under the spot-) That, then, is the credit side/modei for other Latin American light. of the Democratic Actioninations. 'After inheriting some $500,-\party's performance. A minority government, the 000,000 of debt in unpaid bills} On the debit side, the govern-/Democratic Action party is and 10U notes from the free-jment's record is tarnished by|walking the tightrope of Vene- wheeling Perez Jimenez dicta-jangry criticism from its politi-|zyelan politics. the government im-|cal opponents. If it is to remain in power, HELP RURAL AREAS it must continue that precarious Broadly assessed, it amounts|Walk through Congress for the to this. Just as the Perezinext 4% years. Jimenez regime built Carcas into a metropolitan showcase at the expense of the countryside, the Democratic Action govern- ment has courted its political; support from the rural areas at the expense of the capftal. In this, perhaps, there is a half-truth, While Caracas is cur- rently basking in a construction 'boom, there is little evidence of social penetration into the miles and miles of hiliside slums, ; len} The Democratic Action gov- ernment may have spent more than $200,000,000 on housing) projects since it came into of- fice and it may have built 12,000 rural houses last year. But, for the most part, such accommodation has been out of reach of the barrio-dwellers, as 2 the 400,000 have-nots who live in the slung are known. in the big land FOR JUST PENNIES A DAY, a modern electric dishwasher frees you from the drudgery of dishwashing forever! It washes, rinses and sanitizes your dishes automatically. Don't be a dishwasher-- buy one! your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Ts OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-Operation With -- | : WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. . . . .. . . ». PHONE 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION. . ... .. . . PHONE 942-0500 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. . . . . . . PHONE 942-2930 Fig Satellite System - Pact Is Signed WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rep- resentatives of 10 countries and 'The Vatican signed an agree- ment Thursday to launch @ globe - circling communications system using space satellites. The signers included Canada. The $200,000,000 project is slated to get into world - wide illoperation in about three years. The first satellite, to carry com- munications traffic between North America and Europe, is to be launched early next year. The satellites will add to the commercial channels now avail- able through undersea cables and short wave radio. The con- ventional systems are becoming overloaded with today's grow- ing volume of communications. Under the two inter-related a5. #25 ¢ a Miller, Cramp and cepted NONG shares as a Com) sideration for granting fran- chises. to the gas company in 1956, for blocking franchises with Consumers Gas. Mr. Justice Landreville is charged with accepting the ghares as 2 consideration for agreements signed in a special state department ceremony Thursday, the U.S, Communica- tions Satellite Corporation gets 6l-per-cent ownership in the new system. The other signers receive smaller percentages down to The Vatican's .05 per cent. Canada's percentage of granting 2 franchise and with conspiracy. ownership is 3.75. ;

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