Deu Satie ae CN a ag RS ei nent NERD att tt IRENA DRESS BCCI. '27---Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale ae ana dae ae A Rl te i ne ---Real Estate For Sale 1 eR en ne Gi sles a I eae oa a en ree a 27--Real Estate For Sele i BS ti ea el he Bs THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 21, 1964 7 CLARKE STREET 143 -- Two-room fur- ; bachelor MODERN, two - bedroom apartment in a eee inished apartment, stove, re frigerator and TV, 728-3420. 26--Rooms For Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. no Chiken, obstainers ne : Call GUIDE REALTY, R 82 PARK RD. N. _ 728-8671 PARK RD. 5., 107, Room To Rent for Fa a parking space. Telephone) FURNISHED room. Gentleman preferred, Apply 118 Division Street. he ccggl room, sult two ele | Near General Motors and 723-1878 after 6 p.m. 16 Simcoe St, S. CLEAN room to rent, near North GM, parking. 723-7917. Apaetmante To Rent Re cas tae teore, Lunches packed, el JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor 728-7377 833 SIMCOE ST. $, NEW 2 STOREY $1,500 down. 6 huge rooms, 2 bathrooms, broadioom in living & dining rooms, - ot- toched garage. No qualifying. Seeing is believing. NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE $1,000 down with easy terms. Beautiful a kitchen. Asking $9,00 OPEN HOUSE 219. SOUTHLAWN THIS WEEKEND 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Beautiful Ranch Bungalow on Ravine Lot, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ALSO OPEN FOR OFFERS A. WEINBERGER Realtor 725-8851 BLOOR AND Two bedrooms with kitchen. Private, floor. 'Suit two ladies or two gentlemen. Quiet @por is w bing completed, Occu- pancy fron Sept. 15th, Range refrigerator, drapes, hot ond cold ee p sing F | com service, ie land, 728-1546. -- 00 PER MO One-bedroom apai with free piri, Elcrontaty vide ony th Limited, gestions 16 Sim- wee a -- SOUTH 1268 -- Un basement apartment, vy af ga ge cupboards, available, wits only, o aon. ly. Apply immediately. Telephone 728-7443, SINGLE ROOM with cooking facilities, sultable one or two gentlemen. Immediate possession. Apply 310 Rossland West, Whitby 668-5149. TWO CLEAN furnished rooms, fridge, stove and TV, Central. $11 weekly. Suit- able for lady or gentleman. Telephone 728-5327. CHURCH STREET 174 -- Double room. Two single beds, furnished. Suitable for 2 brothers or friends, Private entrance. Apply above address. FURNISHED room for rent In quiet home. Apply 574 Crerar Avenue after 6 p.m. (O- AND THREE-ROOM apartment, i} conveniences. Central, Children wel- + parking. 300 High Street, baile ¢ partment 20. Telephone 668-8931. SOUTH END -- Large nicely furnished bedroom for gentleman, $7. weekly, 723- 1359. rooms for rent and board if DUR-ROOM apartment, 103% Sal eet East. Available immediately. Ap- William Davidson, 700 Brock Street th, Telephone 668-3749, Whitby, 1E-BEDROOM apartment in modern ding, stove, refrigerator, washing fa- es. "aoa adults only, Tele NISHED three room apartment. Pri- bath and entrance. Parking. Imma- e. Responsible tenants only, $25) -- ly, Dial Whitby 668-3242. ROOM APARTMENT, les, poring, stove, 0 ithly, References required. welcome. Call after 6 p.m., 728-2949, laundry} refrigerator, desired. Near South General Motors. Telephone 728-7282. it END Neat six room home with ga- rage and fruit trees. Low taxes. Near Separate and Pub- lic schools, $10,900 asking price. LET'S TRADE Your present home, lot or car can be considered os a Down Payment on a new home built by Hogenboom Construction on Wilson Rood North, S. D. HYMAN 728-6286 TOWNLINE LOT -- 71 x 306, very beautiful, on paved road, full price, $3,000 Open for offers with 'ow down or would consider trade-in on 1 YR. OLD Owner built with. finest mo- terials available, 6 attractive rooms, separate dining room, built in garage, Terms avail- able, east end, Doug Skinner Murray Boyle Elmer Fredin John Gravelle Walter Mittler 728-4900 723-4270 725-2753 728-0594 728-7083 FURNISHED ROOM, Close to North GM and hospital, bus stop at door, Apply 240 Division Street, Oshawa, Oshawa property with additional down Neil Campbell 725-1015 payment. Arthur Weinberger Realtor, 725- 8851. LOT -- 50-55 ft. x 110 ft, Northeast COMPLETELY furnished rooms for rent. Gentlemen only, Apply 25 Division St. COMFORTABLY furnished bedroom, suit. able for a gentleman. Apply 177 Athol Street East. FURNISHED room, suit one or two, will- Ing to share, cooking facilities, Apply 568 Crerar Avenue, 728-4439, 27--Real Estate For Sale Downsview. Services pald. Apply even ings, 149 Agnes Street, 7 bric! In er condition, Northwest location. lot, paved driveway, Telephone 728-1457. COUNTRY LIVING, close to Oshawa, neat 7-room home on nearly 2-acre lot, Owner must sell, Sacrifice. Call Bob Stevenson at 728-6286. S. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd. 50-ACRE farm on paved road near Black- stock, Brick house, pressure. system, bathroom with stool, small barn. Full price only $9800. J. J. Van Herwerden, 741 King, Lary neds extras. MONEY MAKING duplexes, triplexes, apartments, trades or straight purchase, For private interview, Mr, Campbell, 725- 1015, Investment Department, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. Realtor, Oshawa. Telephone 723-447) (€ unfurnished rooms, ilght and 5 minutes from Ajax and Picker- Should have car, 942-0187, SANT living ations for girl, preferably joo! teacher or . Share house with business woman, of your own. Phone Whitby 668-8749, ings or week-ends. Child welcome. | e+. EnCLUSIVE, clean six-room home with 286. BUILDING LOT 50 x 142 ft. Available im- mediately. Reasonable. Apply 849 Byron "mt North, Telephone 668-5681. two bathrooms and beautiful recreation room. Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South, 25--Apartments OPEN BE SURE THE MODEL SUITES Open this from a OXFORD PAI 1 Block from G. 86 APAR One, two and three bedrooms. Balconies, elevator service, broadioom corridor, swimming pool. Take advantage of choice location by making deposit. on lease now, EXCLUSIVE GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 SIMCOE ST,' 123 - HOUSE TO SEE week-end 7 P.M. RK TOWERS M. South Plant TMENTS Early possession. fully equipped kitchen, AGENTS S., OSHAWA 121 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS $1,500, DOWN buys this S-room frame bungalow with attached garage. Priced|LARGE barn for sale, located nine-tenths at only $10,900, Ask for Bill Swarbrick at|of mile directly north Brooklin, Price 728-|ridiculous for quick sale, Write Box 504, Oshawa Times. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited, REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE 3 bedroom brick bungalow, nicely decorated and in good con- 'dition, Full price $13,700. Call the office for inspection. OWNER TRANSFERRED . Immaculate 3 bedroom Semi, features 20' living room, attractive kitchen, partly finished ree, room -- Call for information. LYNDVIEW DRIVE Restricted oreo -- ranch bungalow with attached garage -- 2 bathrooms, breakfast bar, many extras. Ask for Audrey Moore. OSHAWA Switzer Dr, 6 room bungalow, L-shaped living and dining room -- beautifully decorated -- ask for Pauline Hobbs. Grocery stores in Whitby and out of town for sale --- owners retiring. Forms for sale. 3 building lots for sale -- socrifice. Call OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5853 Evenings Call Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 or Audrey Moore 668-4088 SOCK TWINS By ALICE BROOKS Twins are more fun than one! Delight a child with this cuddly, jock twosome. Sister and brother sock twins. Stuff with foam rubber chips -- ey're washable. For bazaars, ifts, Pattern 7140: patterns; di- ctions. : THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) or this pattern (no stamps, Jease) to Alice Brooks, care of e Oshawa Times, Needlecraft ept., Oshawa, Ontario, Ontario sients ad 1c sales tax. Print ainly PATTERN NUMBER, AME, ADDRESS. First time! 3 FREE PAT- RNS in big, exciting 1965 eelecraft Catalog! 200 designs smart stoles, jackets, hats, ys, afghans, linens, every- ing! Send 25c. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 pmplete quilt patterns--pieced nd applique, for beginners, ex- rts. Send 60c now. PRINTED PATTERN we 4503 SIZES 10-20 SLIM STREAK By ANNE ADAMS A stroke of slenderness -- stroke of genius on your part to sew this tab-front shift now! You'll love to slip into it on busy days ahead. Easy! Printed Pattern 4503: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 Size 16 requires 3 yards 35-inch fabric. * FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pattern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa 'Times, Oshawa, Ontario, Pattern Dept. NEW! 300 sparkling designs, 5 exciting fashion and fabric features plus coupon for ONE FREE PATTERN -- any one you choose! Send for new Fall- | Over 50 homes to be built. Bungalows, Duplexes. WHY NOT SAVE $500 NOW! Order your home for the Winter Works Program. Your choice of built-in ranges, walk-out basements. Three locations: East, West, South. GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 THINKING OF BUILDING Don't overlook these two lots eta ee 5 y= Bg Good cl land just off Sim- coe St. Excellent corner loca- tion across from A.P, Super- market. NORTH END OF CITY Older 2 storey insul 'brick home with stone foundation, contains large living room, separate dining area, and three good sized bedrooms, 3 pe. both, T.V. antenna. Why not call about this one. RESTAURANT Thriving highway establish- ment catering to capacity crowds. Fully equipped and serving first rate meals and light lunches. Spacious 8 room living quarters upstoirs with modern kitchen and 4 pe. bathroom, 246 ft. front- age, has large parking area. 3 gas pumps and fruit stand. This Is @ going concern and a good potential for expan- sion. Owner must sell due to ill health, Asking $25,000. INCOME HOME In immaculate condition a 2 storey brick home just recent- ly decorated and new plumb- ing, 3 apartments give o monthly income of $190 per month leaving 7 rooms for the owner, Early pete Full price $19,000.00, 200 ACRE FARM With 8 room 1t¥V_ storey home dnd barn. Just 2 miles south of Gooderham. on high- woy 507. Asking $5,500 cash. Additional 100 acres with creek fed natural duck pond adjacent to property, will sell separately for $2, 500.00. FOR RENT Ideal for tool and die shop-- body shop or for storage over 2,000 sq. ft. floor orea is divided into 2 bays, 550 power, high doors for trans- port trucks, good location, BUILDING LOT Just at the city limits in ~ North West area, 74 x 200 ft., why not call us and have a house built. Asking $2,- 000.00. LARGE FAMILY Lovely 8 roomed house, only 5 years old, 3 bathrooms, 3 kitchens, large rooms, Gar- age and good sized lot locat- ed in the North West area close to shopping. INDUSTRIALLY ZONED This property hos a lorge older home, but- well main- tained, with 2 kitehens, 2 bathrooms, new forced cir oil heating, over sized garage where auto repairs or other small industry con be carried on, For full particulars call 723- 1121. Open doily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, John Hutchuk 723-9266 Roy Flitoff 725-3454 Leon Manitius 723-1121 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Ellouise Hoggard 723-2106 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Richard Young 723-7183 Lucas Peacock Ernest Mueller Anthony Siblock Kenneth C. Tom' 723-1121 Steve Englert 728-5581 GUIDE REALITY LTD. Realtors 16 Simcoe St. S. 725-4330 728-0208 725-4362 CONTACT: W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 67 King St. East. OPEN HOUSE AT NORTHRIDGES | (Sommerville and Orchard View) 2 P.M. TO 5 P.M. THREE and FOUR BEDROOM HOMES For Your Inspection H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-1679 OPEN HOUSE THIS SATURDAY 12 to 5:30 QSHAWA BLVD. AND ROSSLAND RD. W. AREA ENTER FROM RITSON N, 3 bedroom clay brick bungalow $14,975.00, hollywood kitchen mahogany cupboards and trim, ceramic tile both, storms and screens, sodded lawn, prepaid services, KEITH PETERS REALTOR 103 KING ST. -E., 728-7328 HOMES OF DISTINCTION AT BEACONSFIELD Model Home Whitby ---- South on Athol St. Built by Robert McEwon -- 2 storey houses. 1,750 sq. ft, 3 bathrooms, full dining room, fireploce in the living room, large kitchen and family room, teakwood kitchen cabinets, built on treed lots. Bungalow built in th Old English tradition, OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST, E. WHITBY 668-5853 725-1186 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 NORTH-WEST 3 Bedroom rug Brick Bungo- low close to all schools and Oshawa _.Shopping' Centre. SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 ECONOMICAL LIVING 3 fick' bonged a tonnes bock yard. Gly § $12,900 with hue ieated on ¢ Aevste Pork VINCENT MASSEY SCHOOL 3 bedroom bungal METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST, E, DIAL 728-4678 ONE OF A KIND ' And in just the right location on La Salle Ave. Close to all school, Boys' Club Playground and shopping close pg ee ing Price $12,900 this real nice clay brick 3 bed- room bungalow. Good sized Lovely on Harmony Road, North, A beoutiful home throughout. Ask us ye details. Priced at just $17,500. AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE REAL MONEY Owner forced to sell through bereavement. 83 Acres ex- . cellent land for. subdivision a present zoned a Reduced te iow asking pte $97,000 with easy poy- ments, Good frontages on Kingston Road and Highway 401 western fringes of Whit- by. An outstanding property! Make an offer now. THICKSON ROAD SOUTH Near the crowd but not in it! Unique to own a roomy new brick home so very close to the city but yet with taxes only $260.00. Country living with 'city facilities. This is one house we all dream of « ond yet it can be bought for just $16,900. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION May be obtained on this brand new 6 room brick split- level bungalow with attached garage, List price $18,500. N.H.A. mortgage for balance. Surrounded by lovely homes. Moke an offer. Call us to- night. FOR THE SMALL FAMILY Four cosy rooms -- centrally located on Verdun Road. This home carries for only $65 month plus low, low taxes. The down payment is easy too, Asking only $8,300. WHITBY ACREAGE 7.76 Acres town iimit east side Anderson Street, 256' x 1319'. Asking $25, 600, Ow- ner must sell. Moke an offer, 5 ACRES TAUNTON ROAD Frontage 555' depth on side road 380', Lovely lot for im- mediote building, Asking $15,500 with $1,000 down, Make offer for prompt sale. $1,000 DOWN Buys this frame bungalow on Cromwell Avenue, Close to public school, transportation . ond shopping, Don't lose out. Call now, BEVERLEY STREET 5 room brick bungalow in per- fect condition, Nicely land- scaped, List price $11,850. pov to-night for more de- toils. MARQUETTE STREET Five room bungalow features large rooms and better than average quality of construc- tion, It is in perfect condi- tion inside and out, Requires $2, Pg down. Call for de- cae PRICED HOME $1,500 down. Full price $9,- 300. Taxes under $174, Three bedrooms,. nice lot, pri- vate drive, good garage. Right on Drew street. Why look further. Make on offer new. For Full Por.'wars Call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9AM. to 9PM. 728-2870 723-7996 723-1358 725-3867 728-1066 728-5868 7282233 723-2894 Allan Thompson Charles Chaytor Marg. Halli Irene Brown Bill Johnston Steve Macko Maible Boudreau Margaret Lee Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill: McFeeters 725-1726 360 King Street West land: d lot and on a quiet street. See this house to-night ond give us an offer at about $2,100. MELROSE STREET A really delightful ranch bun- galow wth drive in bosement garage. Rec Room I! plaster- ed and finished, 6 rooms all large, including full holly- wood kitchen, wonderful land- scaping, must be seen to be appreciated. Yours for only $16,900 with good terms on $16,900 with good terms on N.H.A. mortgage. Call us now for your inspection. This home must be sold immediately. ELENA STREET Asking price $12,900 for this real nice 6 room brick home, modern kitchen and bath, home in excellent condition. Very good South East loca- tion close to Holy Cross and other schools, Really worth a look, Call now for your ap- pointment to inspect. SOMERVILLE AVE. Asking $13,900 with $2,000 down --.5 room rug brick ranch bungalow on a really good sized lot. See it now and make your offer before its tco late. GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS Priced at $14,995, new clay brick 5¥% room bungalow, $1,883 down to one N.H.A. mortgage. SUMMER COTTAGE Brand new cottage at B.B. Beach on Rice Lake, on a nice wood lot with creek --- LOOK WHAT'S INCLUDED -- Boat- house, boot -- 25 h.p. elec- tric start motor and trailer -- al for the sacrifice price of $3,500. Buy it now -- Ven- dor wants it sold immediate- ly. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Ken Hann Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Barriage |27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sole KINGSMERE GARDENS G. ARMSTRONG and SONS PRESENT in' stove and oven, complete decorating os well as N.H.A. financing. For more informa- tion phone 728-6286. S. D. HYMAN UTIFUL) FARM, i acres rolling oe "Included 2 le tarm, 'erms. Call Hamp- two beaut!tul room. Apply 117 Oshawa Dovlevee seo $17,900 Beverley Street, six room, me storey, modern . Call Tierney, 725-5207, Keith Peters Realtor. REAL ESTATE LIMITED FOR SALE 11 ocres near Manilla on highway. 4 room house, new oil furnace, hydro and bath- room, ample water supply on pressure. Small barn and ga- rage, stream. Full price $7,- 900 wth $2,000 down, : Margaret Ballard Realtor SUNDERLAND, ONT. PRIVATE WEST END AREA Six room brick bungalow with attached garage, 3 piece hath eee 4 , well iP grounds with @ stone patio, In quiet ond convenient area. TELEPHONE 728-0133 Private -- Sacrifice $15,400 6 os ' gto detached, so) rick, cor port, ed drive, fully a corated throughout. Must. o seen to be appreciated, Liverpool Rd. and No. 401 Pickering 839-3366 HARMONY ROAD NORTH, & room bungalow, on large lot with recrea- tlon room, Small down payment required, Ul) 728-6206, $. D. Cal at Hyman Real Estate Ltd. $500 BONUS We are taking orders for homes to be built this winter under the govern- ment bonus plan. DON'T WAIT FOR INCREASE IN PRICES BUY NOW AND SAVE (FULL DOWN) To One N.H.A. Mortgage $13,990 FULL PRICE 3 and 4 bedrooms, storms, screens, fully decorated, col- ered bathroom fixtures, elec- tric heat available, twin sinks, hollywood kitchens, lot sodded front and rear, trees, choice of colors throughout. Roads, sidewalks, curbs, sewers and water in and pre- paid by builder, Located x Pa ad or Dial 942- ol" o 942-4261 |mortgage. beg aE HE 28--Real Estate Wanted | NEED three- and four-bedroom 1 have cash and time gird f.--4 chases. Call Bill Johnston, 1066, fleld-Aker Ltd. SMALL ACREAGE wanted, 2 to 10 geres ake on or with access to Li Scugog. can er 06, Ceeey: Times giving best offer, iD -- a 3-bedroom beosmond api artinent, Client down payment. jd Ear! Salter at 'or 723-3052 evenings. Paul Ristow Lid Realtor, 187 King Street East. 29--Automobiles For Sole CLAS 29 FALL CLEARANCE of Used Cars '59 DODGE 4-door, 6 cylinder. 'Nice cleon Only $795 58 CHEVROLET 4-door, 6 cylinder. b a Only $695 57 DODGE 4-door, 6 cylinder automatic, 2 tone, Real nice, Only $595 56 VOLKSWAGEN 2 door, real nice, new motor, Only $425 55 BUICK 4 door sedon, Very good transportation, 4 door sedn, Very good trans- very $325 MITH PORT 353 KING W., OSHAWA 728-734] -- Open Even Try it, SSTATE SALE -- D0 "cea ESTATE SALE -- $10,000 cash, &room yellow brick home, La: ep oa and fenced y: and bus 'or 723-3052 evenings, Pavi Ristow Ltd. Realtor, 187 King St. &. PRIVATE, Whitby, pd full price, $1,600. down fo one six per cent iA low, Close ve see Carries ly Including Whitby -- Three-bedroom bungalow, located on lerge lot. Tile, bath, reerea- tlon room, large kitchen, Recently decor- bes. Private, T 655- $2800. TOTAL PRICE, Low bt onc Me --_ | yh of jand, 35 mine ria Oshawi Migr vallsble Phone Little Britain 87. |S" ROOM rick 'bungelow, paved drive water softener. No agents. Apply 583 September _1.| soft vagy luggage rack. Excellent Conde, VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road, Oshov o 728-0921 1958 CHEVR . "" Pane Bean Van Saat are we PONTIAC 4-door sedan, "standard oot good {1955 BUICK hardtop, new tri 1.| Mechanically good, $100. = aa 1960 MGA 1600 deluxe, red, spoke top, tonneay cover, radio, 'ort Perry, 985-2816 after 6.30 p,m, im FORD, eee coach, excellent body, re-built motor, radio. Cheap for quick sale. Telephone 725-8863, Dean Avenue. PONTYPOOL, ONTARIO, Seven room|C! house, hydro, large lot, near highway, low taxes. $3,500 with $1,500 down. Balance on easy terms. Apply Sam Manetta, Tele phone Bethany SéR1IW. TRADE your present home, @ new home built by struction on Wilson Road North. Call S. D. Hyman, Real Gstate, 726-6286, more particulars. pl ag Fi] MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. BRAND NEW and-4 ag whoa spacl- SPECIAL, $1,050 tekes this lovely Chevrolet Impala. No rust tever in this car, as it has not been driven In the last year. Everything on this ear, Ce fon ek peingid is in ye ears : y August 22 nauire ot 'once. 200 Bond Street West. 'on-|1962 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2-door herd top, excellent condition, 283 V-8, standard for| shift. Call Ajax 942-6616 after 6 p.m, convertible, 1956 FORD Fairlane, automatic, ate. new fires, Excell ous living and dining garage, many extras. tall. Kel Keith Peters, » 728-8694. 1964 CHEVELLE Malibu sedan, me You have' immediate possession on this immaculate og Owner asking $15,- 98 ACRES Only 15 minutes from Osh- awa on paved oer Good buildings, bra new barn. Owner asking $400 per Acre, Call today. HOME AND 1 ACRE OF LAND This home has all modern conveniences, well land- scoped and treed lot with Bor-B-Q in the. back yord, There. is a garage and small barn on the premises. This property has 5 registered lots that may be sold now. Call us today. 6 ROOMS Only $1,900 Down, This Is a handyman's opportunity to acquire a large home. Cen- trally located to town and available immediately. A little paint and it looks like a List price only $11,- Doug Wilson Ralph Vickery Steve Lehon Steve Zurba D. W. McQUAY REALTOR 313 BROCK STREET SOUTH WHITBY ONTARIO 668-5868 Large seven room oder home in south Whitby on o , landscaped fot with and gardens. garage and pri- vote drive. Aski-z $12,500, terms arranged, To inspect call Keith Lunney. Two modern three bedroom brick bungolows with private drives and landscaped lots in the northern section of Whit- by. Asking $12,500.00 with $1,000.00 down payment. To inspect call Keith Lunney. RESIDENTIAL---ACREAGES TROUT STREAMS--LOTS FARMS--COMMERCIAL BUSINESS CARL OLSEN Realtor Phone 723-1133 299 KING ST. W. KENDALWOOD AVE, -- Just listed q beautiful six roomed brick bungalow with circu- lar paved drive, double gar- age, an extra large lot with plenty of trees and shrubs. Home contains lovely living room with stone fireplace, full dining room, modern kitchen and three large well decora- ted bedréoms, with lots of closet space. equipped with reens, TV aerial, and mony extras, A home listed at only 725-0243 $800 DOWN Three bedrosm brick bunga- low. Possession October Ist. Owner transferred. Will con- sider trade. Phone Horry Bates 725-1186 or 728-6923. W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Limited 67 King Street East Realtor, 725-4162. GIFFORD STREET, ies - Biscay By on half house, large gar Schools, lot 50' x 150', private sale ais. oat Carry \ike rent, $80. monthly. 725-6792. engine, whi idises, etc. $2400 'Including tax. 728-6386, 1963 BISCAYNE Chevrolet, standard, under warranty, thousand miles, $1895. Werry's Shell a 987-4446 Service, Highway 115, we FIVE-ROOM brick of Wilson Road South. Close to Fawn, boyy down. Take over private mortgage, 29--Automobiles For Sale of $9,500 < 6% per cent. Write Box 138, (Continued on Page 18) COMING EVENTS KINDERGARTEN CLASSES FOR BROOKLIN PUBLIC SCHOOL Starting September 8, 1964 MORNING All children with birthdays from August to Dy ber (ine BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, AUG. 22 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4--$40 Jackpots to go 1--$150 Jackpot to go hild: clusive) plus the who Cheildi "Under 16 Not Admitted will come by bus. AFTERNOON All children with. birthdoys fon January to July (inclu- sive). ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO Corner Bloor E. & Simcoe Every Fri. at 7:45 P.M. 20 Games $10 and $15. . Jackpot 58 Nos. $180, Jackpots and Share the Wealth THE WHOLE FAMILY at enjoy the Oshawa and District $?7th Annual Feir, and $atur- BINGO U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, AUG, 22° 7;30 P.M. 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50. JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH TPS UN to cead "Personals" Oshawa Ligon Classified Séction, Don ts Me tema' he the 'D find there Guy Bell .. .. Bill Horner Dorothy Wood Bob Johnston Pauline Beal Hertha Kirk 48 Simcoe Street, South, across from Post Office For professional teal estate sirvices, GO ACTIVE. List your home with ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORB LOT -- 96 feet x 260 feet on Elizabeth Crescent. Price $3,200. Telephone Whitby Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. or AFTERNOONS ond EVENINGS CALL 668-8981 68-5718. DEVON PARK Situated ot Athol St. East, near St. Gertrud-+ --~- six new homes under construc- tion with N.H.A, financing as well as 15 serviced lots available for the home of your choice. For more in- formation call Howard Mc- Cabe ot 728-6286, 9. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. NORTHWEST AREA 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW: Featuring livingroom, Holly- wood style kitchen. Ideal located, close to Public and Separate Schools, bus lines and Shopping Plaza; Comple- tely decorated and landscap- ed with aluminum awnings. Phone 728-0122 "HOLY CRO FRIDAY, AUG. 21 20 REGULAR bap a3 --1 1 $20 CONSOLATION -- $10 $20 CONSOLATION -- SS BINGO MORE. PRIZES st. AT 7:45, P.M, 8 GAMES AT $10 EACH 1 Game $50 SPECIAL JACKPOT -- $160 IN 56.NOS., EACH HORIZONTAL LINE REGULAR JACKPOT $100 IN 57 NOS. SHARE THE WEALTH ' GOOD PARKING NO CHILDREN PLEASE