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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Aug 1964, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 21, 1964 AT BLACKSTOCK 90-Year-Old Minister Delivers Fine Sermon . BLACKSTOCK -- Rev. H. G. Crozier of Whitby, one of the oldest retired ministers of the church (90 years of age) de- livered an_ enthusiastic and thought-provoking sermon on "The Wells of Salvation" in the United Church Sunday morning. Ernest Swain and daughter Judy sang a duet. past week with friends in Port Hope. , and children have moved from Oshawa into their new home in) north Blackstock 4 Richmond Hill, Janice Crawford spent the Mr. and Mrs. Barry Fisher Mr. and Mrs, Roy Plewman, were Friday Majority Have Va By JAMES NELSON ' OTTAWA (CP) --£xcept for party leaders, most members of the cabinet, and a few ranking frontbenchers in the Commons, talk of a summer holiday for MPs has become little more than an academic exercise. Most of the backbenchers have slipped away from Ottawa at various times during the pas: six weeks for a vacation, and only a few will not have had a holiday by the time Labor Day tioned A Prairie Conservative not only is caught up with his work but has had a holiday abroad-- jlargely at the taxpayers' ex- pense. He was sent off on a par- liamentary mission. Eleven others now are in Copenhagen, and a trip to Moscow is being planned for later this year for another. group. j | As another MP put it: "We're. really not able to gripe too) much about not having a re- cess, I know if I said anything "SEMI-ANNUAL OMEFURNISHINGS | IN 95" LENGTH 20% OFF! REG. PRICE! Ready-Made Lined Draperies These gracefully hanging drapes are textured Tone-on-Tone rayon acetate sparkl- ing With Lurex thread the colour of gold in the cross bar effect. In colours of nutmeg, beige, green, blue, gold-colour. Lined with natural colour cotton sateen for extra body. Well tailored from the deeply pleated headings to the deep hems with \push-in-hooks easily removed for cleaning. Decorate your home with these drapes while they.are sale: priced. Ends of lines. guests and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hill of Richmond Hill were Sun-| Weekend rolls around. Mn ae ie ok oth ge Me This is the first session of|Stituents, they might get the day guests of Mrs. David Hill, | pa yiament since 1903 in which|idea someone else should be RECENT VISITORS /Commons sittings have gone on Sent down here. At $18,000 a Recent visitors with Mr. and|so long without a recess either|Yeat, you know--" Mrs. Richard Wall were: Mrs.|at Easter or midsummer. (The| Party whips deny that there Sid. Smallman and son Doug.,|1903 session took four days off/has been any formal rotation Haileybury; Dr. Bev. Smallman|at Easter.) |system. in effect to. let some and daughter Sylvia, Kingston;| Some MPs admit that as|mémbers take a holiday while and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Needham, Bow-|things have turned out, the new) thers remain here to carry on) Maik Minday. Rev. David manville; Mrs. Mansfield andjholiday-less schedule has/the debates. Romeril is to be guest speaker|80" Frank, Toronto; Mr. and worked relatively well for them.| Another Liberal MP says the) in the. United Church /Mrs. Ben. Smallman, Port) One eastern Ontario Liberal devive of slipping away for a We Re Perry. MP, for instance, says it has |holi lay unofficially has resulted iss Jean Boyd, Pelican Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow resulted in a clean desk, A'l oidji" @ real holiday for most of Sask., gave a very interesting ang j4r. and Mrs. John Veaning|correspondence has been han-|{R€ members who have done so. Church Sunday morning. Miss|2ttended the wedding of Mr.|dled and the last few weeks has phos The eo a have not Rovd 1 ee and school|2"4_ Mrs. Reg. Philip (Linda|seen a vacation-time decline of |> ne home, but to some other joyd is a etna J Cl ts) in Greenb Satur-|constituents' requests. part of Canada or abroad, teacher in Pelican. lday. Miss Clement taught] There has actually been time), If @ Tecess had been called, 'CAMPING TEST lschool in Blackstock last year./left over to do a little research.|2€ S@YS, constituents would In Sunday School, Mrs. P. Romeril introduced a_ friend, Mrs. Corinne Thompson of Nas- sau, Bahamas, who then gave an interesting and informative "talk, partially on life in the Bahamas and quoting some im- pressions she formed on her trip to England, Scotland, Europe AND THREE WIDTHS EATON Semi-Annual Sale, Pair 13.35 .. 43.15 1 pair 1 iwdth covers approx. 48" Reg. 17.95. Sale ce eee see eke *\ege bene eseie s saci ¢ covers approx. 96" «whens teke oe eke 2-0 wleseie o.ene remene '1 Pair 2 widths Reg. 35.95. Sale 1 Pair 3 widths covers approx. 144" Reg. 53.95. Sale EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 267 PHONE 725-7373 Miss Mary Bradburn took a) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bryan,|~ " jhave expected: me mH ey 4p $ chanel ++|have been no holiday with con- ing trip Friday and Saturday.|Lioyd, Kirkfield; Mr. and Mrs.) T M b we She was tested by Mrs, Nelson,|Geo. Bryan, Courtice, wer el eens 0 stant telephone calls and politi- Ontario Lone Ranger to win this|Bob Bryan. Barbara Brown, test, Mary was accompanied by|Courtice, is spending a few) Macaulay May Archer. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright, Th B tl Run For Ma or Mrs. Peter Vanderhuel' (Anne Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright e Ca es Y Gibson) who were married in visited Miss Lorna Wright at) yas VEGAS, Nev. (AP) --/Macaulay, former Ontario. cab- Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Wright) the _ -- Convention Cen-}the provincial legislature three | tre ursday night as_ the|months ago, said T OF oo, Loyd) Grant Ferguson and family at x" a0, 0 ee oe om: (Glenda Wilso |their cottage on Lake Chand0s|Nevada desert resort. }mayor of Toronto, ed Church Saturday. week. |flew here from San Francisco.|been approached by groups of Jim Byers, who was chosen as) wr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock|They are on a month-long U.S.-|citizens and individuals asking -- oe oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 4H club of West Durham, en-/Mew and family, Toronto. All 7,500 seats wre sold out|Dec. 7 election. } Bus Trip this past week, when|Nancy, Heather and Janice vis-| Youngs ters crowded outside|yond that there cannot be any Eastern Ontario representatives |iteq friends at Palmer Rapids|the quartet's hotel rooms all/comment at this time,"' he said, 54 AND 95" LENGTHS Miss Janice Byers is away; Wednesday guests of Mr. and|Robert E.- Mullen. warned the|statement or announcement ' 'with a Toronto area group on a|Mrs. Marwood McKee were:/fans he would enforce a 10 p.m.|would be made soon. land States, Virginia and other|Mr. and Mrs. David McKinley,/even though the Beatles' sec- e g points including one day at the/Miss Lynda and David, Jr.,Jond show wouldn't end until } World's Fair. |Ajax; Mrs. Gladys Finia y,| after that hour. Juvenile Judge| S t h $30 000 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells|Thornhill; and Mrs, Ed. Law-|William Compton agreed with} natcnes ' a nt four days last week on a) yer ' wma trip along Lake Erie. |_ Mrs, Nivins and Mrs. French, could stay later if they were|saiq Thursday a thief walked y, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and|with parents or guardians. into an east - end branch of " Ray and Gary spent the week-| A @ They look like burlap yet these sale drapes are made of staunch, "lightweight" overnight camp-|Croton, Ont.; Ed. Bryan and| Come home and hee wong Port Perry, and was the first|Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. erin niath "ames. pak : "e' Las Vegas, her sister Betty and Sharon|*#¥S With the Bob Bryans. Ciagteliiations' to Mr ana|Los, Eleanor and Elaine and TORONTO (CP) -- Robert W. Blackstock United Church last|-2m™ Adelaide, Sunday. Screaming teen-agers. mobbed|inet minister who resigned from and family visited Mr, and Mrs. Beatles invade this southern/has been asked to run for were married in Nestleton Unit-| Sunday. Don remained for a) The London singing quartet} He said in an interview he has the boy representative for the|are yisiting Mr. and Mrs. John|Canadian tour. |him to run for mayor in the joyed the five-day Centennial) wr, and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell,|for both performances. here, "I have been approached. Be- : toured Western Ontario. jand Bancroft, Sunday. jday, Juvenile probation chief/He indicated that a formal ae ; p90 | 3 i mg Asai Ranger Bus Tour of New En-|Mrs. Pearl. Rainey, Unionville; |curfew for those under 19 years,|---------- See aMER S| % 4 , ; ' ul r a ss Montreal Thief | ' \son, Yelverton. |Mullen but said the youngsters) MONTREAL (CP) -- Police A Mrs. Bruce Mountjo: s Mr. and : |Mrs. Orr Venning, Thursday,! The Beatles were flown imto|the Royal Bank of Canada,| easy-care Fiberglas, endwith the Mannings at Wood-|2nd Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Tomp- the old McCarran field terminal!snatched a briefcase containing] ford and brought Bonnie and |inson and Erie of Toronto were and taken downtown in sheriff's |some $30,000 in cash and Paul home. |Saturday Suests. jcars with lights turned off. A|cheques from an accountant's Mrs. Russell Lansing, Toronto, | Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunsmoor half-dozen youths broke police|hand then fled. spent @ few days last week with visited in Belleville Hospital, line at the Shara Hotel, but} The accountant, James Rob- ir. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and|>aUrday, where the former's|were chased off by officers. jertson of the Canad tee! Oliver. |brother is a patient recovering| One fan offered newspaper|and Foundry Company, was Misses Gertrude Henry ang {rom a serious. motor accident. photographer Tery Todd of The|standing in line talking with the) Doris Griffin, Toronto, are home Wendy Archer, Port Hope, is|Review-Journal $10 for the elec-/bank manager when the crook} for two weeks holidays. |yisiting Janice Crawford and|trical cord to his camera '"'be-|grabbed the satchel. He gave |Kenny Crawford is spending a|cause it was used to photograph |chase but lost the thief in a Jane Mr. and Mrs: Bev. Dealy, To-| i A ronto, spent Sunday with' the|W°ek in Port Hope. __ |the Beatles. ia few blocks from the scene, Ken Dunsmoors, DROP CHARGE PROSTITUTION TORONTO (CP) -- A charge of prostitution against Shirley McClean, 27, was withdrawn by Mag- istrate Donald Graham Thursday as a '"'reward." Miss McClean didn't ap- pear in court on the charge. Her lawyer, Mannis Fran- kel, showed the magistrate a newspaper clipping re- porting that the woman was seriously injured last week when struck by a car after shoving a child out of it's path, Magistrate Graham said: "If people are to be pun- ished for their bad acts they should be rewarded for their good ones." Lesage Names Advancements QUEBEC (CP) Premier | Jean Lesage told delegates to, the convention of the Canadian Association of French - Lang- | uage Educationists Thursday | night that Quebec has "begun too many things she has needed for two centuries to risk losing them for lack of people pre- pared to follow them up." He named as "concrete ac- complishments" of Quebec in recent years "the reorganiza- tion of the administration of our | educational: system, our econo- mic renaissance and the new role of our government." French - speaking Canadians' | @ Fibreglas needs no more than an occassional wash, drips dry and never needs ironing, while resisting stretching or sagging year after: year. j @ Order your drapes at sale prices in gold, beige, green or tan- gerine colours, : H | SAVE Profitably | -- with -- | CANADA PERMANENT 3/2 For 4 or 5 Years on _ CANADA PERMANENT DEBENTURES These debentures have been a favourite for more than 85 years with Canadian investors who want a good return and complete security, Issued in any amount from $500 to $50,000 for periods of | to 5 years. Interest may be mailed to your address, deposited in your savings account or you may prefer to clip your own coup- ons. EATON Semi-Annual Sale Prices, Pair (sizes approx.) 54" length For windows up to 48" Wide. .ceceseeesese 9.99 For windows up to 72' wide...s.se+e 15.99 22.99 For windows up to 96" wide.s..sceseee 30.99 For windows up to 144" wide. .eeeseees ag ag p wi e PHONE 725-7373 95" length ' For windows up to 72" Wide. .seeseeees EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 267. Defective Hearing Need Not Be - A Problem! EATON'S_Hearing Aid Centre has a trained hearing consultant who can help you. First . . . a*simple audiometric test, either in your own home or our office. Then, if you need a hearing aid, positive advice on the right kind for you. Many 'Viking' Hearing Aids have AVC (automatic volume control) which means, no straining for small sounds, no blasting from loud noises. If you want to hear more, call, telephone or write for leaflet or appointment, without charge or obligation. progress came in spurts, the| 5% on | year debentures 514% on 2 or 3 year debentures ' . e Ro "« rena apt ha re ; pecome Y a Haddon Hall To prevent its losing its mo- | . SERVING CANADIANS FOR BEVELLED MIRRORS & fiding duty toward the French: OVER 100 YEARS f PLATE GLASS mentum, educationists must see | Canadian community." | : , "But I don't ask you to teach As in, cll Haddon -Hall homefurnishings you'll notice the plus-factor quality of the silvering Baroque Wall Groupings MIRROR, CANDLE SCONCES, WALL SHELF You can buy any piece separately or save 2.00 on the complete ensemble, Mirror» is Pittsburgh. "Premium" quality, sheet glass and the elegant embellishments of frames, sconces, table wall-pedestal are beautifully baro- que composition finished in a shimmer of goldtone. . . or you can have it in white with colour-of-gold high- lights, Approx. sizes. EATON Semi-Annual Sale Mirrors, 21 x 30" overall, Each » Sconces, 5" wide, 16" tall, icial . theo of histo > Baayen sareramins has pis process, 3 popular sizes backed with Masonite ved or to become the pro- and complete with hangers for easy installation pro . j horizontally or vertically, Approx, sizes. pagandists of the government's | | EATON Semi-Annual Sale Prices work." i 20 x 30", Each Fe Pd ca as 11,95 a8 x 44", 24.95 EATON'S HEARING Oe eevee caressa weees "AND OPTICAL CENTRE ; EATON'S UPPER LEVEL PHONE 725-7373 vzzen evor fi CANADA PERMANENT NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- The Canadian delegation to the Knights of Columbus conven- tion called Thursday for Can- Each ada to appoint an ambassador aoe ensemble ond save 2.00, to the Vatican. Charles J. Far- " : rell of Saint John, N.B., said a resolution to this effect was) adopted unanimously. The reso- | lution, addressed to Parliament, | noted that half the population of | Canada is of the Roman Catho-| lic faith. 4 'ow ; Shelves, 24 x 8 x 7", EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 276 PHONE 725-7373 OSHAWA J. W. FROUD, SHOPPING CENTRE , Manager

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