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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Aug 1964, p. 10

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2 --EE aoc ree at pare RS rida icdiss Bivainn "YQ THE-OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, August 25, 1964 PORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' RUN OF RAIN during the last three days of last created some havoc with numerous playoff sched- in the OASA and OBA ranks. North Oshawa staged a thrilling four-run rally in the final inning on Saturday afternoon to nose out the Cobourg youngsters 4-3 and take that series in two-straight. They will now meet the winner of the Port Perry-Markham series, but that one saw a game rained out on Saturday. Thanks to some hard work by a@ group of volunteers, with 'Lefty' Burke as foreman, Sunnyside Park diamond was made ready for their game on s, particularly championship playoff session. Foley's Plumbing nosed ou Dodd's Motors: 4-2 last night a Thornton's Corners and the loss ended Dodd's last hope of catch- ing a playoff berth. At Radio Park, Rundle Garden Centre boosted their own: cause and Civil Service League Nears Schedules End Oshawa Civil Service Softball League cleaned up their sea- son's schedule last night, with four games played and while several postponed games have been re-scheduled for this week, the nine-team league is on the verge of starting their 1964 on base in the sixth but couldn't get them home and the game was called at this point, on ac- count of darkness, WIN FOR FIREMEN In the game at Radio Park, Perkins limited Ontario Steel to five hits and struck out 12 bat- titers to dominate the situation. t|Steelers threatened in the fourth and finally clicked for their three runs in the fifth on a single by Knight, an error, choice play that missed, an in- field out, walk to Naida and Fleury's single, But that was Oshawa Tony's Play 1-1 Tie, New Toronto SPORTS CALENDAR 'Scotty Reid' Oshawa Tony's and Owen. Robertshaw's of New Toronto Carl Earle in the fourth inning. G. Butler started it off, Sweet connected and so did Petitclerc and then with one out, Carrie also came through with a hit, which gave Scott's their two runs. Earle stopped them com- pletely after that, while Al Glas- pell was just as effective against Thompson's. REYNOLD'S BEAT EXCELSIORS In the nightcap at Alexandra Park, Reynold's Aluminum dis- played a steady attack to earn Saturday afternoon, in spite of the mud-and-rain. The Sunny- side lads showed their appreciation by nosing out Pickering 5-3. They' settle their OASA round with the third game at Whitby on Thursday evening, 5:45 o'clock. Storie Park travelled to East Woodlands, got the game started but rain stopped play in the first inning. Last night, Storie Park the doubleheader at Alexandra Park, Scott's Chicken Villa tied Thompson's Plumbing 2-2 in the closest game of the night. and in the nightcap, Reynold's Aluminum: defeated DeHart's 'Excelsiors 7-4, a 7-4 decision over Excelsiors. The winners scored in every inning except the second. Excel- siors opened 'with a run on a walk to Gorycki, an infield error and a sacrifice fly by Noakes. the end of their success, Rundle Garden Centre got a run in the first when Knocker was safe on an error an scored when Greentree doubled, afte: two out. They added another by. = Baty found the Pickering Midgets to be stern opposition. The Osh- awa team broke a 2-2 deadlock with a five-run rally in the 9th inning. They play the second game of this set, at Storie Park, tomorrow evening, at six o'clock sharp. PETERBOROUGH'S playoff pattern was also disrupted by the rain and things were further fouled up when their series was tied up last night. "'Georgies" and Little Electrics «will now play their deciding game tonight. This means, since they haven't a winner ready, there will not be an OASA play- off game at Alexandra Park tonight, however Oshawa A. and W. travel to the Liftlock City tonight, to open their Senior "B" OASA series with Peterborough Monsens, with the return game back at Alexandra Park on Thursday night, under the lights. It's expected Oshawa Bad Boys will now play their Inter. "'A" opener, in Peterborough, the same night, with the return game back here on Saturday. Cobourg and Port Perry Bantam teams will settle their series with the third game here in Oshawa, on Thursday evening, at a park to be named later today. MEANWHILE, Wednesday looms as the busiest day for some time. Rundle Garden Centre will 'play a Civil Service game against Reynolds, at Cowan Park at 6:30 p.m., and, of course, as mentioned, there's the OASA Midget playoff at Storie Park with Pickering as the visitors. The Oshawa- Peterboro Inter, Industrial game booked for Wednesday, has been postponed, due to shift work. Oshawa Scugog Cleaners will open their Junior "A" OASA series with Belleville, over at Whitby Town Park, under the lights, tomorrow night, eight o'clock while Cornwall Juveniles are booked to open fheir series against Oshawa Genoshas, here at Alexandra -Park, tomorrow evening at 6:00 o'clock. Then at 8:15 p.m., Oshawa Tony's have their final schedule game of the Beaches League, against Randall-Roy Metals. QUICKIES: -- Haven't heard of the new dates for Osh- awa's teams still in OBA playoffs but perhaps somebody wil! pass along the information soon. . . . BROOKLIN tied the game with 35 seconds to play and then got another to beat St. Catharines last night and so their senior lacrosse semi- final series is all tied up and they'll settle it tomorrow night, in Brooklin. . . . BROOKLIN Concretes won their third game, Inter. "C" OASA play, in Markham last night, 3-0. Local Youths Win Consolation Cup On Saturday, August 22,the; Oshawa Minor Lacrosse Asso-| ciation held its first annual in- vitation midget lacrosse tourna- ment. A total of ten teams took part in the very successful event with 13 games being played be- tween them throughout hte day- The consolation final saw the Royal Crown boys beat Fergus Thistles after a slow start. Tommy Vann led the winners with three goals, while Charles Marlowe, John Johnson -- and Mike Lewis added two each. FOLEY'S TOP DODD'S apiece and then in the third Foley's scored three Bill Giddings for Dodd's and Don Nichols for Foley's, pitched shutout ball for two frames riins. Nichols opened the inning with a walk, with one out Bob Delves was safe on an error, then Gene Graham in the second and two in the third on Greentree's homer, walk to Robinson and singles by B. Hooper and Perkins, | The winners added two in the fifth, doubles by Robinson. and Perkins doing the job and in the sixth they got two more on an error, walk and two infield outs They got two more in the sec- ond when Linton was safe on an error with two out, then Gorycki and Beare both hit safe- ly and an outfield error let the |former score, Beare's double, to open the fifth and a single by Rogers with two out, gave the Excelsiors their fourth and final run, off pitcher Branton. battled to a 10-inning, 1-1 dead- lock, last night at New Toronto, in their Beach*s Major ' Fast- ball Leagre: fixture. Bev Smith for Tony's and Gary Nolan for New Toronto, were the rival hurlers, with Smith giving up only four hits while Oshawa tagged Nolan for a total of eight safeties but could score only the one run. Oshawa's orphan tally came in the first inning when Dave Kelly singled to left, stole sec- ond base and scored on a two- bagger by Nick Mroczek. New Toronto tied it up in the third The UAW Golf Club declared their mid-season golf champion- ship, winner of "The Scotty Reid Memorial Trophy', this. past weekend at the Erin-Li' Golf Club. m Murray Marchant, who went into the second round with 4 three-stroke . TODAY'S GAMES SOFTBALL OASA Senior "B" Playdowns --Oshawa A and W ys Peter. borough, at Peterborough, 8:15 pert first game of 2-out-of-3 series Civil Service League -- Dodd's Motors vs Reynold's Aluminum, at Cowan Park, 6.15 p.m. WRESTLING Exhibition. of Professional Wrestling, Three Bouts, at Osh- awa Children's Arena, 8.45 p.m. BASEBALL Eastern Ontario OBA Tyke score for his second round, to end up with a 127 total net-seore. Oswald Sponer kept the pres- sure on Marchant all the way as he also snared a 64 net score, to end up with a 130 total. Edward Simmons, who also stand up when he shot a 64 net' LOA RP np plant Murray Marchant Wins started the second round three Ueironse behind Marchant, 'ped a little in the final round. + Best gross score of the day | was carded by Tony. Lupel, be ta score of 83 and the |score of the day was Murra lead, made this,Marchant's 64, tied by Oswald joner and Blake Walls, all with | Winners of the special prizes for hidden holes "or -- jalker and Tony ¢ with low count on the 4th hole. Don Fisher was all-alone with ithe high score on the 8th hole. Playoffs: Oshawa Legion at tinning when W. Gordaneer homered, sixth for Oshawa's next best scoring chance but they failed Mroczek and "Squib" Elliott | |had back-to-back singles in the| SOFTBA Peterborough, second game of |2-out-of-3 series. WEDNESDAY LL Keith Ross Is Steelworkers. Kent's Edge Beaches Major Fastball League: Randall-Roy Metals ys to make the grade. Smith struck out eight batters| Park, 8:15 p.m. and Nolan fanned nine, over the} OASA Junior "A" Playoffs: 10-inning distance. Mroczek had| Belleville Ellis vs Oshawa Scu- two of Oshawa's weight hits and|/gog Cleaners, at Whitby Town Hill had a couple for the home-| Park, 8:00 p.m.; first game of sters, 2-out-of-3 Eastern Ontario zone Tony's close out their regular' finals, Beaches League schedule, here) OASA Midget Playoffs: Pick- fe Oshawa Tony's, at Alexandra Golfing Champ Members of Steelworkers Golf Club turned out Saturday for an (Irons Only) golfing event at Grandview Golf Club. This tournament is a prelude each year to the regular Steel- workers Golf Tournament, Scugogs 5-2 . In UAW Play . Kent's Western: Tire moved UAW Softball League last night | defeating Scugog-Cleaners 5-2 at | Alexandra Park, It was the final game of the McAvoy walked. Frank Cullen) niys a wild pitch. Reynold's got one in their first was safe on an error and Grant Bait inning when Whiteley opened DeMille followed with a double, SCOTT'S TIE THOMPSON'S: with a triple and scored later to establish the rally. In the first game of the weekly on a wild pitch. He singled in The winners got another run) twin-bill at Alexandra Park. | the third and scored with two in the fifth when McAvoy har tll Ch i k "s Wen And) out: on a hit by Rick Craggs ed with one out, Cullen connect-/Thompson's Plumbing played to} RR % - led and then when DeMille was|a 2-2 tie, in spite of an exttal, ae eee ae gee jsafe on the catcher's error, on|inning. : singled, Taylor drew a walk, \the third strike, McAvoy scored.| Alf Lawton walked in the S€C-| Courtney singled and Whiteley | Dodd's got their two runs inond inning for Thompson's and . |doubl then Remego singled. the third when McGuire was|scored later on Danford's sacri-|2 ed. ae 8 he g 4 safe on an error, with one out.| Singletons in the fifth an fice fly. He singled in the! . : t \Skultarow singled and scored|fourth, Milne walked and Law-|sixth completed thelr Regen lafter a wild pitch and passediton scored with help from Con-| Whiteley, Rick Craggs an ball, when Schram grounded out./nors and Williams. Courtney were the big hitters |Dodd's had a couple of runners| Scott's got their two runs offifor the winners. Fernhill Park | FIFTH RODEO Blanks Storie | Rain Aids Contestants In Bantam Tilt Fernhill Park won its second- {straight game in the Kiwanis | | The North Oshawa Western {Bantam Softball. League round-| Horsemen held their fifth show] Jack Brown. jrobin playoffs at Storie Park,| 5+ the season on Sunday to a| Ladies' Barrel Race -- Gail agp ager gens Merge ee CE of about 300 spectators, |Barlow, Nova Strachan and) jan _ ' "as 'pac' |Mona Pelitg: Patch Race --| eo vor es oe soe tne tata toe tna tee PRE Paipy, Marie Leggette| pea Wovevey. fe horses run in some of the events|and G. Barlow. Ladies' Special | The Fernhill boys have a 2-0), record-breaking speed. The|(Pole Bending) -- G. Barlow, record in the city league play-\15.<6 shows, which are regular-|M. Pelite and N. Strachan. downs, while Bathe and Storie!) noid every two weeks will be| Men's Pole Bending -- S. Am- Ambrose, B. Woodward and have a 1-1 mark. Woodview has istruck for five runs in a wild 9th- \inning rally last night at East or aWa © woodiands Park in Pickering, to at home tomorrow night, when|ering vs Oshawa Storie Park, at Randall-Roy Metals will supply | Storie Park, 6:00 p.m.; second| the visiting opposition game of 2-out-of-3 series, | OSHAWA TONY'S -- Oldfield, | OASA Juvenile "A" Playoffs: | c; Kelly, 1b; Armstrong, ss;/Cornwall vs Oshawa Genoshas, Mroezek, cf; Elliott, rf; Sud-|at Alexandra Park; 6:00 p.m; |dard, 2b; Hill, If; O'Connor, 3b; first game of 2-out-of-8 series. Smith, p; Booth, If in 9th. Civil Service League: Rundle NEW TORONTO -- W, Gorda-\Garden Centre vs Reynold's ineer, 2b; Hill, 1b; Sobezyk, ss;| Aluminum, at Cowan Park, 6:30 Nolan, p; Klazer, ¢; K. G | 7or-| daneer, 3b; Edwards, If; Pease,' Oshawa Minor Assoc, Kiwanis cf; Rogers, rf. Bantam League (Round-Robin| Playoffs): Storie Park at Bathe| Rally In 9th Park and Fernhill Park at Woodview Park; both games at Wins Game For Storie Midgets 6:30 p.m, Oshawa Storie Park Midgets Oshawa Minor Assoc. Midget League (Round-Robin Playoffs): North Oshawa at Rundle Park and Nipigon Park at Connaught Park; both games at 6:30 p.m. UAW League: Dover's vs Mavericks, at Alexandra Park (east diamond), at 6:15 p.m, Neighborhood Assoc. Bantam Girls League: Storie at South- mead; Brookside at Valleyview; Radio Park at: Fernhill Park; defeat Pickering boys 7-2, in the first game of their OASA playoff Ist round series. Second game of the 2-out-of-3 series will be played here at Storie Park tomorrow (Wednes- day) evening at six o'clock. Up until the time the Oshawa boys broke out in the top of the 9th inning for their big splurge, |St. this was a real Park; all games at 6:30 pm LACROSSE Catharines which will be held this year O|regular season schedule for the Saturday, October 17, at Grand-\teams and both wound up with view. ten points, Scugog's and Kent's Frank Lawrence, who is\are already assured of a playoff -- of the perky ry aod Who! spot in the 1l-team league. * couldn't cate less if they out-| » 4 lawed all the golfing woods tt-laube ti tne coment wk ae morrow, is sole originator of broke into a 2-0 lead in the first this event. Frank also donates' inning on an error, a walk, plus the trophies for this tournament. |two singles, However, Scugog Keith Ross, winner of the;came back in the top of the trophy this year, takes over)second to tie the game on two from Bill Germond, last year's|singles and a wild pitch. winner, Keith came in with a} Kent's made it 4-2 in their low net score of 66. half of the third, when Short Other prize winners in this jed off with a walk. Weeks fol- tournament were--Bob Heard, lowed with a triple and Howes low gross, Bob Germond, and)smashed a double to give the Brian Moorby tied for second|winners the lead. They scored low gross. their other run in the sixth on Special event prizes were: won! three singles. by Ray Grills for longest drive;| Jackson went the seven-inning close-to-the-hole, won by Bill/ route for Kent's and was nicked Germond; highest count on 5th) for four hits, He struckout six hole, George Martin and lowest ang walked only one, Tamblyn count for 11th hole, Stan Clarke.| started for the losers and was North Oshawa at Courtice; Ha man Park at Connaught Park and Woodview Park at Kingside OLA Senior League Playoffs: Athletics vs nip-and-tuck| Brooklin, at Brooklin Commun-| Oshawa Tykes Top Peterboro In First Game Oshawa edged Peterboroug! the first game of the yet to win a game. FERNHILL TRIUMPHS Fernhill exploded for five runs changed this week only, and the} next show is scheduled for this Sunday, in order that some of the contestants can compete in} in the first inning and just coast-|, rodeo on Labor Day weekend! ed to their victory. They added single runs in the second and seventh and scored two tallies lin the sixth. out of town. A few. of the members also} entered a Western Pleasure) Class at Oshawa Fair on Thurs- brose, J. Brown and R. Pelite.| piayoff -battle. Pickering scored Men's Special (Teamed Barrel|the first run of the game when Race) -- B. Woodward and G.| Jackson doubled in the second Barlow; J. Brown and_S. Am-|stanza, with two out and scored brose and B. and M. Peliteé.|\when Ryan was safe on an Pony Express (Teamed Event)|outfield error and Bishop fol- --D, and B. Leggette; B. and}lowed with a double. M. Pelite and B. and J. Wood-| Storie Park got two runs in the fourth. B. Taylor opened d. Bareback Wrestling -- Pete)with a single that went for ity Arena, 8:30 p.m.; senveth| and deciding game of semi-final!' series. Oshawa Minor Assoc. PeeWee) League Playoffs: Kelly DeGrays|, 9CCOne same vs Johnny's Pals, at Bathe Park, ta lls a 6:30 p.m.; first game of 2-out-| Both hurlers. Paul of-3 final series. Oshawa and Jeff Gilmour LAWN BOWLING |Peterborough put on a Ontario Tyke League baseball playdowns, here a Alexandra Park last night Second game in the bést 2 slated for) gog's hits. | Welsh went all the way for one member, Jim| ' Ithe winners and tossed a neat ~ was rewarded by re- Petes, Buster Ehlert and Jim two-hitter. He gave up a single! ceiving a first out of 25 entries. Richards. Children's Class -- to Nestig in the first and was) Newt Woods also placed in the Robert Smith, Ricky Smith and |touched for a single by Sar-|top ten to prove that these high| Alex LaSalle. |gent in the fifth. | Losing pitcher McKenzie was |nicked for ten hits, strung running horses used in) 121. as follows: Men's Events-- the games at the horse shows)p Wo oaward 12 and S. Ambrose | Top point winners of the day|Locke singled to score Wright, Mixed Doubles Tournament|Pitchers' duel. Jubb gave (Black Memorial Trophy) at/*hree hits, struckout 11 Peterborough Lawn Bowling walked two, while Gilmour Club, 9:00 a.m. lowed four hits and | seven, Peterborough scored their lone run in the top of the sixth extra bases on a bobble and G. Wright doubled to right. Cam- eron drew a walk and so did Glecoff, then with one out, making it 2-1. : | Pickering tied the score in Shamrocks Even but "his| can also be used for pleasure ithe fifth inning when L. McKay But Oshawa came right back '\charged with the defeat. He lasted until the fourth when Lyons relieved him. Lyons and Tamblyn gave up nine hits and combined for nine | Strikeouts. : | Jackson had two hits for the winners. Weeks, Howes, Legree, McCabe and Murray had the other safeties. 1 Jackson, Weeks and Howes had two hits each for the win- '/ners. Legree, McCabe and Mur- tiray shared' the other safeties. MacDonald, Wallace, Sutton -and Tamblyn collected Scu- Jubb of of real yp year by more than 109,000 tour- ana ists, who spent £9,000,000. al- sere fanned N.Z.. TOURISM. ' New Zealand was visited last 1 JAMES | teammates didn't help any 4S/ riding and some are even gentle|* |they committed nine errors. lenough for the inexperienced os Women's Events -- G, Bar- | Centrefielder Oleksuik led the| riders. wf long affair. Oshawa entered two teams in, this affair along with squads from Sarnia, Kitchener, Toronto Township, Mimico, Long Branch, St. Catharines, Peter- borough and Fergus. For the Oshawa teams, it was their first competition outside of the House League, here in Oshawa. The Oshawa Royal Crown Cola Also, Dave McMaster and Fred| Winners' attack with three hits, Greenwood chipped in with|including a home run in the singles. Following this game, |first. Fred Whalley, manager of the) BATHE TOPS WOODVIEW Oshawa Green Gaels, 1963 Minto, Woodview led Bathe 2-0° after Cup Champions, presented the|the fourth inning, but Bathe Oshawa team with crests as\tied the game in their half of consolation winners. the fifth and went on to post the Toronto Township easily wal-| Win. loped St. Catharines 22-5 to cap-| The winners added two runs ture the Group 'A' title. in the sixth and sewed up the | 'The winners of the events Sun-| iday are as follows: Potato Race) \-- Dave Leggette, Bob Harlock) and John Lajoie. Flag Race --) Jack Brown, Bob Woodward and Skip Ambrose. Apple Dunking--| Dave Leggette, Robert Pelite and Bob Harlock. Sack Hopping -- Bill Leggette, R. Pelite and) Stamps Gain Revenge 0 B. Woodward. Pickup Race 1 Roughriders {B. Woodward, Bill Cruwys and| walked after two out, advanced on a wild pitch and scored on a single by Larocque. Pitchers Bishop for the home club and Higham, who took over in the fourth inning, kept Oshawa tied up from there until the 9th while Taylor, for Storie Park, held Pickering off, | 'O'MALLEY! |in the bottom of the sixth, when | \ |Terry McKee singled and was \driven in by brother Dave. Jeff" Construction Ltd. Junior Series 1-1] Shamrocks evened the best-of-| with a long triple to give Osh five Western Canada junior Ja-|awa the win. : crosse series 1-1 Monday night| abi by dropping New Westminister) yay FEVER SUFFERERS Salmonbellies 13-4. One in 20 North Americans although they loaded the bases jin the 7th, The big break came in the 9th) lwhen the Pickering hurler sud- ldenly lost control and walked three batters in succession, Gle- | three goals each, Ken Alexan- Rod Nesbitt and Rangit Dil-|suffer from hay fever to som lon led the Shamrocks with|degree. VICTORIA (CP) -- Victoria|Stapleton drove in D. McKetig 723-7122 @ Homes @ Additions é 1° Offices @ ponte || der, Nirmal Dillon and John Al- len got two apiece and Tom Black one. Larry Henry, Ken There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES John Greer, president of the|22™¢ with three big markers Junior Green Gaels, presented]! D. Leggette. Barrel Rac in the seventh. Woodview scored cath las eae the Oshawa Green Gaels Trophy team lost only one game and went on to win the consolation draw with convincing wins over Peterborough and Fergus. Their only loss came at the hands of Toronto 'Township, who even- tually' came out as the tourna- ment champions, winning all three games. Oshawa People's Clothing lost 8-4 to Mimico in first round ac- tion and were eliminated from further. competition when Peter- Tory, Wayne Bellwood and Ken Henry scored for New West- minster. By RON MacDONALD coff, Clark and Locke, to load REGINA (CP) 4 Calgary|the bases. Solomon popped up Stampeders gave Saskatchewan|pyt Logeman singled and E. : ; Roughriders a taste of their\wright doubled, then Taylor ey game of the series wil! own medicine Monday night as| was safe on an error, G. Wright at New Westminister Sun- AND SALESMEN For personal use or for @ ACADIAN Other Company use there are Models definite advantages when od PONTIAC On vou lease a new... @ BUICK Request No insurance costs . . . No maintenance costs . . . One rate covers everything on one or two.yeor lease items .. 'Phone or come is for full details. MILLS AUTO LEASE a single run in the last of the to the Toronto lads. Lloyd Gib S¢Venth when B. Morrison clout- son, president of the OMLA,|°4;@ homer. presented the winners with Winning pitcher Starkey crests, emblematic their Nurled a two-hitter at. Wood- championship view and was-in control The SOA oe the Gikew throughout the game. Germond Minor Association were ver got the other Woodview hit in leased with Y| the first inning when he singled. Pleased with the success of the Starkey struck out 15 and entir y Q -ertai ; re day and are certain that| walked: six. Shestowski, who suf- of Connaught Lads they edged Roughies 14-13 with| singled and when the dust clear- y. os pho Football Conference! crossed the plate. : INDUSTRIALIST'S WIFE I Mid et Set gene Larocque had three of Pick-| a g | A capacity, crowd: of 16,443 ering's seven hits while Loge-|movie, "How to Murder Your lfans, used to seeing Roughrid-|man had three for Storie Park,|Wife," in private life is the wife . Top Lake Vista ja second-half comeback in Aled, five Oshawa runners had | Virna Lisi, a star in the lers work "miracle" comebacks! with E, Wright, G. Wright and/of one of Italy's wealthiest in- Connaught Tigers edged Lake next year another tournament will be held with possibly more iteams participating. : FORT ERIE RACE RESULTS Copyright 1964 by McMu rray Publishing Co., L! (Daily Racing Form). oo" borough whipped them 7-3 in the! second round. FIRST RACE -- Purse $2300. Maiden) 1A-Dr. three-year-olds, foaled in Canada. and one-sixteenth miles (7) King City, Dittfach &Wee Lass, Fitz'ns 7-Prince Sied, Burton Start good, won easily Also Ran in Order: Last Stand, Squat- QUIN oly Rights, Line Me Up and Sinner's winner, sara ue Time by On Trust. Trainer J ¢ Winner, ch 9, 3, Requested -- Wonderful p ccieila © wh You by Brown King. Trainer W Cole. 'ool 21,712 Quinella Poo! 24,776 Poo} 22,505 Double Pool 49,364 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2600. Allow- SECOND RACE -- Purse 82000. Claim- S fpore st desea 6a Furiongs (Main ing. Three- and four-year-olds. One andis-river Party, Baile ' y 10,40 $1 one-sixteenth Miles (12) 4Our Princess, Dittfach 1000 in 3.20 Giddings, Dittfach 8.90 3.70 2, One'4 -King Gorm, Gomer 2.60 rs 2 -Swerve, Parsons 2.20 6.50 3.50 2.50 Start good, won driving 660 3.80 Also Ran in Order: Johns Champ 3.30 A--Willow Downs Farm and E B Seed- house Entry 1A_AND 4, PAID $28.80 4, Paper Tiger -- Feature 7-Hereforell, Harrison 7.20 3.80 3.00\g.cam Shaft, Harrison Ti-Artista, Dittfach 7:00 4.10)Start good, for all but Top. Victory, won geting saabitp Griving. \ : Also Ran in Order: A-Top V' Also Ran in Order: Royal Picture, SNOW Beverley, Canisteo and He Bihagnel alg Bright, sly Stag, Mr. Maxim, Acanthus,| a windtields Farm Entry ; pee oO Bg A Ticket Home, Teo K.' winner,» c, 2, Rivet War -- Wild Party ry ucayan. Rough ' 5 DAILY DOUBLE, 5 AND 7, PAID $26.10 Pool sai ee ee Winner, b g, 3, Fairforall -- Here Kittie Gscadru. Trainer FH Merrill Jr. ..)| SEVENTH RACE--Purse $2200, Claim- by Pool 34,313 jing. Three-year-olds and up. 6¥2 Furlongs (9) THIRD RACE -- Purse $1900. Claiming.' sem's Pride, Three-year-olds end up. 6' Furlongs (10) 7-Sky ping fish 10.60 7.00 &Mencheval, McComb $3 5.2 420\) Nakina, McComb 10.20 'STiny Fruit, Fitz'ns 7.00 5:80'start good, won driving phage pg tie a BO Bosses Ran in Order: Ali Canadian, Well Also 'Kon' tn Orders. Secret Star, Pene-|NOW- Ocean, Pearl me paple, ituiyarss, Stor Talk, Edgro's Gael, winner, dk 6, or br 1, 4, Pipe Royal -- 'Toronto Street, Buc Fever. Squaw Hill by Rhodes Scholar. Trainer # 'Winner, dk b, or br G, 5 Menetrier --) 5 wWarris, Brooktown by Liftietown. Trainer E Harp .0) 41315 bourne. Pool 48,308 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2400, Ciaim- " ing. Three-year-olds an " mi FOURTH RACE -- Purse $7200, Claim | 9)... Mltes (6) me ee oe ing. Two-year-olds. 6 Furlongs (8) 8-Nona's Charger, Fitz'ns 7.10 3.70 7.60 Home, Rogers 4.30 ed He 4Roman Thunder, Walsh 4.50 3.00 5.50 6Mystere, Shuk Start good, won driving | Also Ran in Order: Sagéiiia, Hop Hop, jand A-Tavy Blue. Late Scratch -- A Sun White, Roborante. 10.40 5.50 4.10 Spinnerette, Sca- 'Winner, ch : ® Tipoquil 'Wer Jeep. 'Trainer L Cavaleris Jr. Roque, A--J J Gregory and & Lieberman Entry Pool 52,294 Winner, ch g, 4 Kings Charger -- Nona FIFTH RACE Purse $3000. Three py by Beau of Mine. Trainer JC sy © | Maver. yeerolds and up. Allowances. One 86 | PG) 53,685 Total Pool 4 Miles (4) Attendance 704 oe r | j\fered the loss, gave up nine hits land fanned 14. Starkey had three hits, in- cluding a double and 'a triple. Plob and Przysiezny clouted jhome runs. Cutler smashed a double plus a triple. Beaupre s Oust Bosco's Youths Beaupre Spurs advanced into Oshawa's Juvenile - Junior La- | crosse League finals last night |when they whipped Bosco Real Estate 13-8 here at the Chil- dren's Arena. | The winners capttired the | best 2-out-of-3 series 3-1 and will meet Brooklin for the league championship. Beaupres led 4-2 after the |first period and 8-5 at the end ofthe second, They drew nine of the 13 penalties called in the fast, clean game. Saltr and Lloyd were the top sharpshooters for Beaupres with thre. goals each, Bill Little, |who plays for the OHA Jr | Oshawa Generals, had two |goals, while Rowe Barrett, Bill Braiden, Hentig, Krasnay and Powlenzuk added the others. Mike Lewis led the losers' attack with four goals plus two assists. Bill Gresham notched | two goals. while Ron Sutton and Dave Spencer shared singles. BEAUPRE"S -- goal, Abbott; Barrett, Robinson, Powlenzuk |McPhee, Salter, Braiden, Mar- jlowe Lloyd, Little, Krasnay, |Hentig and Campbell, |. BOSCOS -- goal, Johnston: Wood, Wilson, Gatch, Howard Sutton, Gresham; Lewis, Spen cer, Wright and Thompson. Vista 3-2 in the second game) of the Oshawa Minor Midget) League Softball Round-robin) |playoffs at Lake Vista last /night. In the other contest at |Nipigon Park, Nipigon wallop-| jed-Rundle 13-2. naught have a 1-0 record in the; iseries. Nipigon and Lake Vista} Ihave won one. and lost one,| while Rundle owns a 0-2 mark, | WIN IN NINTH | Connaught took a 1-0 lead in) the seventh inning on two hits} and a walk. However, Lake| Vista grabbed a 2-1 lead in the eighth when the first three bat- ters. led off: with singles. Con- naught won the game in the ninth, scoring two runs, on two walks and two singles. Both pitchers, Hough for Con- inaught and B. Christie for Lake lVista, hurled excellent bal]. Hough allowed six hits and struckout seven, while' Christie gave up seven hits and fanned six, but also walked six batters NIPIGON ROMPS Nipigon scored five big runs in the first inning and had| "Nittle trouble with the Rundle| squad. The winners stroked 17 hits off losing pitcher Anlough, includ- ing a homer by Hagerty and four doubles by Rose. Winning pitcher Wilson was touched for three hits and gave up the runs in the seventh and) ninth innings, | Stuart clouted a triple for the losers, while Hansen and Gramph had singles. | | TURN TO PAGE 4 | | FOR MORE SPORT | themselves, watched Calgary|taylor each having a pair. break a second-place tie with) PICKERING -- Waiterhall, PHONE 723-4634 dustrialists. LTD. 266 KING ST. WEST Saskatchewan in the standings./9h; McKay, 3b; Larocque, 1b; The first quarter was score-|W. Hall, c; Racippio, ss; Staley, less but Riders led 7-0 at thejcf; Jackson, rf; Ryan, lf; Bis-| half and 13-4 after three quar-|hop, p; Higham, p in 4th; Cop-| lping, rf in 4th. | ters. -| North Oshawa and Con-| Yalfback Lovell Coleman} OSHAWA STORIE PARK --| scored Calgary's touchdown,|Solomon, 3b; Logeman, 2b; E. Jim Furlong booted a single|Wright, cf; Taylor, p; 4G. and halfback Larry Robinson|Wright, rf; Cameron, ¢; Gle- kicked two field goals: and alcoff, ss; Clark; 1b> Locke, If. convert. Robinson's seven| -- points gave him the lead in the| WFC individual scoring with 40 points, five ahead of]! George Fleming of Winnipeg. Halfback Ed Buchanan and flanker Hugh Campbell scored touchdowns for Saskatchewan and halfback Gerry James con- verted one. LAUDS TEAM | Calgary coach Bobby Dobbs said after the game it was his club's 'best effort this year."'! He paid tribute to the efforts of quart ck Eagle Day and halfback Ted Woods, playing his first full game for the club. WRESTLING \OSHAWA ARENA Tues, Aug. 25, 8:45 p.m. 2 REFEREES INCLUDING BILL STACK Bulldog Brower & Hans Schmidt vs. Billy Red Lyons and Pat Flanagan 4 -- MIDGETS -- 4 BILLY THE KID and IRISH JACKIE Your Satisfaction Is Our Aim All Cars Car Our GUARANTEE KELLY DISNEY USED CARS Ltd. 1200 Dundas E. Whitby 668-5891 BUDGET TERMS DROP IN FARMER PETE end PANCHO LOPEZ BILLY STACK vs. BOB LEIPLER Tiekets for these exsibitions at - Casino Rest. "Pat Milosh Promoter PAT FLANAGAN As Usual... AUTHENTIC GYM CLOTHES ONLY AT JOHNSTON'S Johnston's Gym Shorts, T-Shirts, Athletic Supports a approved for use in all Oshewa-Gollegiates. And Johnston's.are ready NOW to supply the needs of your boy with the BEST IN Q and BEST IN VALUE. ; nd Gym Sox have been ' UALITY, BEST IN FIT, Over 1200 wide inch capacity. In School School Names. Personal Name Tags on avoid loss. Made from BEST QUALITY DRILL. SEE OUR NEWLY DESIGNED DUFFLE BAGS Colours and each Bag to WASHABLE AT JOHNSTON'S MEN'S 8 SIMCOE ST. N. =-- WEAR IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA

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