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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Aug 1964, p. 11

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Memorial Sloan-Kettering Can- Ba cer Centre and Dr. Irving §. Cooper of the department of By B. JAY BECKER medeedt € Ory, tt, Scents record-holder in ' ospital, told about Progress| individuel Championship ) in reports to the first annual -- hon. il South dealer. THE OSHAWA TIMRS, Tuesdey, August * 1964 u Icy N eed! ps TELEVISION LOG |Freeze Away CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto Si | Ti WGR-TV Channel 2~Buffalo © WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buftalo| wl issues . biology. ose gi3nes EANWHILE, ALL NAVAL THE TYPHOON MODERATES. WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester WASHINGTON (AP)--Use of Liqitid nitrogen, with a temp- CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie|super-cooled probes to make in-jerature 320 degrees below zero, flamed tonsils disappear in vir-jis made to run through special tually bloodless surgery was de-|probes inserted into the body. scribed today by two New York|The -probes freeze the ailing doctors. The tonsils are cooled|body tissue. 11:20 P.M, 2--Loretta. Young T-4--Late Show 2:99 PAM 11190 PA, 8-2--The Doctors TUESUVAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. l--Family Theatre %Five O'Clock Matinee! 11_us ie 7--Day In Court to temperatures as low as. 76 Describing two years use of DESERTED HUT, EVEN AN AXE, MAnp BEST OF ALL, COCONUTS, T 8--Superman 6--International 2--Woody Woodpecker 5:30 P.M. 6--Space--The New Ocean 3 2--The Rifleman 6:00 P.M, 9--Douglas Fairbanks 8-2--Tonight Show 3--Canada At Wear WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 9:00 A.M. 7--Jack LaLanne Show Cinema 6-3--Movie Matinee 4--House Party 3:00 P.M, 9--Theatre 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 3--Summerama 4-To Tell The Truth A ting it away. degrees below zero Fahrenheit. The doctors also told of other' promising uses of cryosurgery-- that is, techniques involving use of extreme cold to "kill" dis- eased tissue instead of just cut- such techniques at his hospital, Dr. Cahan said: 'In general, targets of the freezing were necrosed (killed) with little morbidity (ill effects on the pa- tient). In particular, there was ne immediate or delayed hem- NOW.,..GET ON THAT HORSE... ORL: TURN THIS CUTTER LOOSE/ 3:30 P.M. 9--Theatre 8-2---You Don't Say 6--Broadway Goes Latin) 4--Popeye's Playhouse 4--News With Van Miller) 2--Mike Dougiss Show 9:30 A. 7--Queen For A Day ee ' =i 6--Movie Matinee in certain.types of brain. dis- u crders, such as Parkinson's dis-|fects. i orrhage, little or no subsequent The technique has been used nein, and ne syetemic Wl of id ' ease (shaking palsy), and in treating cataracts of the eye, diseased prostate glands and certain forms of cancer, 6:15 P.M, 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford | 4--Edge of Night 4--Headline News 10:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. guuxhlowe:/ 2-Make Room For |!I--Bar 11 Movie 6:30 P.M. Daddy 9--Mickey Mouse Club '11-9-8-6-4-2--News? ?--Girl Talk 8--The Match Game BUSY HARBOR Every 20 minutes a_ vessel leaves or enters New York Har- Dr. William G. Cahan of the'bor, one of the world's busiest. Weather; Sports Nat 7--Highway Patrol . se ae! Schoate 6--The Observer Fi 6:45 PM 10:30 AM. 7 2--Captain Bob $ li--Family. Theatre 8-2--Word For Word 4:30 P.M. 8-2--Huntley - Brinkley| 7--Price Is Right 9--Kiddo 6-3--Chez Helene 6--Vacation Time oN id Come becy 4--Republican National 9--The Littlest Hobo | Convention 8--Democratic Convention 1:00 A.M, WEDNESDAY EVE. 7-6--News, Weather, 8-2---Concentration 5:00 PM. st 7--Message --Family neatre 9. Mild cigar $--Loretta Young 9--Five O'Clock Matinee | 10, Crippled 4The McCoys 8-2--Superman 12. Seraglio 1:30 AM, 7--Tr 63--R.C.M.P, Drama 4--Secre! Storm CROSSWORD ACROSS 48. God of war 1, Stylish' 5. Girl's DOWN nickname 1, Division of a sentence 2. Red deer 3. Anger ports 4--Car 54, Where Are You MICKEY MOUSE HANE TO GO HOME JAP TO DINNER! MY NAME Is MURIEL SMITH, AND I THINK | You'RE cute! HOWLL \ Basyl! She's AH DO that's big, male, and breathes regularly? fascinated by anything THEN IT'S A CINCH! IE THAR'S ONE THING AH aie DO,/TS BREATHE 7--The Early Show 13. A color 4. Direction \\1--Musicale 14. Forth 4--Riverboat 5:30 PLM. finder 9--Movie | §-2--Jeopardy 6-3--The Fores' Rangers 15. Knave of 5. A sweet- | 7--Missing Links 2--The Rifleman clubs in loo heart 6--Wanted Desa or Alive Sir! Ta itn vex sues 1 Sees 6. Male sheep en jad or Allve| 4--Pete and Gladys 4--News with Van 18. Part of 7, Pulpit & | et . 4--Democratic Convention 'iis sib 2--Today 1964 "to be"? & sewing $-Petticoas Junciiws | | 6--Sportsfolio : 8:00 P.M. | 9--Noonday Report 6:18 PAM. 19, One of the implement : | 8-2--Say When 9, Group of 29. Bountiful \s--'gpecial Movil 4--Headline News planes of a r 9--Movie | 7--Surtside 6 3-T.V. Derby diamond church 30, Coniferous escutcheon 6-3--Patty Duke Show | 6--Elwood Glover 21, Music note singers tree 42, Even: 11, Reverie 31, Pat poet, 4--High Adventure 4--News and Weather iad Fy 22, Put upa ---- 12:19 P.M. 7---Highway, Patrol * atruggle 16.Perform 32.Expunge 44, Swiss river &--Moment of Fear 4--Speaker of the House | 6--Prairie Spotlight . The same: /--McHales Navy Spooker Lat. 1 a 4 7 Ta | 63--Ben Casey 12:30 PLM. 6:45 P.M. 6. Half 2--The Lawbreakers 1l--The Buccaneers N--Family Theatre 26. Half ems 9:00 P.M. 9--Playtime With #2--Huntley Brinkley 27, -- seapor 7:30 P.M. 5 1i--The Flintstones HIEIAIRIT BC [DIRIANY) 28, Island off Greece 35. Cautions 38. Otherwise 40. Voided 6:30 P.M. 1)-9-8-4-3-2--News; Weather 9--Jack Benny Uncle Bobby 7:00 P.M. 2 --Truth 3 8-2--Richard Boone 62---Truth oF 9--Best of Groucho = Dreeeed Opening lead--king of dia- monds. A play which is likely to in the long run, as com to another play, is generally called Sia] |2 Percentage play. The player who follows percentages regu- iT] AFIU ilarly is bound to come out tie] |jahead in the end, even though the indicated percentages will ¥| [occasionally betray him. South is in six spades, The Lie] =| contract appears ironclad when 'play starts, but when declarer leads the ace of spades at trick two, West shows out and com- plications set in, South has no entry to dummy to take a spade finesse against the queen. He also has a heart loser to worry about, and he therefore has a real problem to solve in trying to escape the loss of both a spade and a heart. The actual declarer 'went down quickly. After playing the ace of spades he cashed the A-K | Consequences 8Democratic Convention 7--The Greatest Show On| »_ Father Knows Best | Jb-cNewn,. Weather, Earth 6--Movie Matinee Sports 33. Sun god ell ll dase cba 4--Search for Tomorrow) 4_The Honeymouters 34. English author 36, Land 9:30 P.M. é 3--Glynis iBsh ay ri 2--Death Valley Days 9--Joey IBshop 4--Guiding Light ' 6-3--The Planermakers 7:30 P.M, measure 4--Jack Benny Show Movie %--Dick Van Dyke ; 1:00 pas 8-2--The Virginian 37. Seth's 10:00 P.M, ¥ /--Ozzie and Harriet mother Steve Alien V--Lucky Score 6--Wheelspin 39. Constella- 9--Eleventh Hour 8--Matinee 4--Democratic Convention tion 8-2---Bell Telephone Hour) 7--Afternoon Show 3--My Favorite Martian 01 7--The Fugitive 4--Meet The Millers 40, Dan. money 41, Doorkeeper of a lodge of hearts, as a result of which he was down one. Alternatively, after cashing the ace of hearts, South could have played the king and an- other spade to establish an en- try to dummy, planning to lead the ten of hearts later and finesse. However, this method of play would have failed if ir turned out that West had Been dealt the Q-x of hearts. The proper play -- the per- centage play -- would have suc- 1:45 PLM. 4--Keefe Brasselle's 3--Popeye Variety Gardens 5 Ohoce Court é--Wheelspin 6--Old Home Week 2--Cine Club N--John Bradshaw Show) 9_my Favorite Martian 48. Roman 9--Caravan 7--Patty Duke house gods Weather and Sports 2:00 P.M. 9--Movie 46, Not real 1:15 PLM, 11-.Mid-day Matinee 7--Farmer's Daughter 47. Barnyard 6:00 P.M. 10:30 P.M. : oe 11--Michael Shayne 11:00 P.M. 4--As The World Turns | 6--Camera West 45, German 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2-- News 3--Movie 4:30 P.M. city 9--Metro Final 9--Chennel 9 Theatre 63--Perry Mason fowls 6--Viewpoint 4--Password 4--Suspense rd at the 85° Street address... LIKE I TOLD YOU, BABY--WHEN THE HEAT COOLS 'WE PICK UP wLeI CANT SPEND ANOTHER NIGHT IN THIS DINGY HOTEL. -- SECRET AGENT X9 SHUCKS | | MADE A MISTAKE! SURE GOTA BETTER RIP UP THE LOT OF SIGNATURES / LET WHOLE THING / 1E THERES NO MINE! PETITION=- THERE CAN'T BE LEGAL ACTION 70 GET RID OF MY CASINO! ded. Declarer's best chance is to lead a low heart to the nine at trick three. East takes the queen and returns a dia- mond or a club, which South ruffs. After entering dummy with a heart, South leads the jack of spades and finesses. The bidding tells declarer that West, who bid up to: four clubs single-handed, is prac: tically sure to have 6-5 or 6-6 B jdistribution. On this basis he cannot possibly have three hearts. Once it is clear that East has two or more. hearts, the low heart play at trick three guarantees an entry to dummy to take the proven spade finesse. Tomorrow: An Important By THE CANADIAN PRESS Naramata, B.C. -- Capt. Er- nest C, Tennant, 67, a soldier in the First World War Battle of Vimy Ridge and one of the first members of the RCAF. Vancouver -- Jack Patterson, 53, Vancouver Sun librarian and former sports editor; in a fall down stairs at work. Montreal -- Nester .Horodo- wenko, 79, a director of Ukrain ian-Canadian choirs in Mont real. Bowmanville, Ont. -- Charles Henry Carter, 79, a baker wha had written books and articles on his trade. Toronto -- Thomas .Arthur Evans, 66, a. former official of the Canadian. Association of Broadcasters. Victoria -- Arthur .Vernon Macon, 82, golf course architect. Montreal -- Robert Patterson Jellett, 83, retired chairman of the board of the Royal Trus' Company. 5 LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER NOTICE ANYTHING. DIFFERENT ABOUT MY APPEARANC! E TODAY? WELL, NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT... TA TREMBLING ALL YOU'RE LETTING YOUR HEELS GET RUN { OVER AGAIN! LARGE CITIES Romania has 15 cities with populations greater than 100,- 000. SALLY'S SALLIES DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER wr Hi/ NOTICE ANYTHING EBL ae Mnee gag ie Fectit ehlign Aa MY NEW HAT I'LL CLOBBER MERCY! NEW ON TOP OF HER BL ecdeduepartehanl peur. YOU BOTH! SOU MEN be! 4 : f Now BACK TO IF HE DOEEN'T NoTice EI < ARE ALL ALIKE/ ob "Didn't I tell you last night I never wanted to see you again, Johnny Gates!" JULIET JONES L THE WATER 7 [PAGwoOD, THE NEWS HAS SPREAD DEPARTMENT Is i THAT YOU HAVE THE ONLY WATER MAKING REPAIR IN 'THE NEI Ye) WHEN DID YA, FIND THAT OUT MR. OTIS ? I GUESS I'M NOT AG NIMBLE AGA KID ANY MORE, GRANDMA / «WHEN T TRIED TO JUMP OVER A SMALL MUD PUDDLE / ) ERNIE CAY /, DOORS ° SAS and ROOFING FREE DELIVERY "1 it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 33 ALBERT ST. WATER TURNED OFF ALL ALONG THE WHOLE STREET / wree Syudicate, lac, 1964, World rights r BD Kin

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