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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Aug 1964, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, August 25, 1964 15 Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings aren i Net 1 WN In' 1963 Denma ous PRINCE STUDIES HIMALAYAN ROAD ee le Eg a Stock -- Sales High Low a.m, Chrge Stock Sales High Low a.m.Ch'ge; Sock -- Sales Uhm Lense chee Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge NEWS IN BRIEF sane than' 90 og UITO ae" ie of the (AP) -- Prince Philip) KATMANDU, Nepal (AP)=--A) Toronto stock Sxchange--Aug. 25 Du Pont 300 $52 52% S24 -- V4) Salada 265 $12Ye 12% 12% Bo Bay Yon eS ee ee! world's total insulin production. ° 315 31S 315 500 63 a i moun of 26 Soviet technicians| (Quotetions in ents unless marced #| ES MIY salted" ape" 290 +5 | Seven Arte 225 SIM 15M 15% Buff -RL 4 Matel Mine 4518140 135, 136. 42 OFFER ANNOUNCED will visit the Galapagos Islands|gtoup : Moneta 400 147 147 47 ot Mt Wright 3500 61 60 60 --1 Standard Oil Co. (New Jer- 18 5 : ; 1--Odd lot, xd---Ex-dividend, xr--Ex 75 $75 75 75 Shell Can 727 $19% 19% 19+ | Bunker H 1500 21% 21% 21+ Ve aboard the Royal yacht Britan-|is due in Nepal in September| fonts) xw--exwarrants. Net change Is 7750 19% 19% 1934 Shell | pr 215 $28 28 28 | © Dyno 500 170 169 169 +1 nia in November to study thelto start surveying the first east-| trom previous board-lot closing sale.) 30 $186 186 186 =2 |. Shell | wts 3080 620 620 620 | Candore Wo Nat Expl 4700 18 18 sey) has announced that it has| fauna and flora of the isolated|west. road across this Hima- ee ee Oe sina te ie | New Hosee 'S00 22 an ame Fr [agreed to buy Potash Co.~of archipelago, it was announced|layan har see be ae ed INDUSTRIALS 225 $iva 1 Te Slat Steel a 19 an ee pe Cont "Pat 152° 152-152 Newner 1000 14% Ie 14% America, the largest potash i i ill finance part 0 e pro- 220 $26 26 3 Slater s f eskir' 10 610 «610 New Rovyn 2000 13 13 13 -- here. The islands are 650 = -- P P Net ; 200 $22% 22% 2% Sitr BSV2 pr. 250 $18% 18% 18% + Ye\ Chester Wh Uh Wl Meee ee ae ae a ogg in the United States, west of the Ecuador mainland. |ject. Stock Sales, High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Great West 300 30 30 30 Southam 150 $207 30% 20% + %| Chime 0 80 --1 | Norbeau 300 120 120 120 +3 on : ut $73,700,000 worth of | pOCTORS SOUGHT INCREASE ACTIVITY Mae Se Wt IEE Wl Goeaee® ° abo 'me mo 90, | Suptet ord So sate 204 foie + 4) Con" shaw Moree: isu: "Toa Mlogend purchase te sableet bere : 4 Bo 75 $18Ve 18% 18Ve Switson _ se ree ee N Coldstrm 825 71 7t 71 --1 i son LUMPUR B98 on ' agen 1 ated sega ee A ae S| ae ee, - 15 $88 a = 32) ¢ Mogul 380 375 a5 N Golder!" $00 188 a proved by Potash Co. of Amer- Malaysian government is leges a 44 fi ow on Negus | Glee: ARSE + 3 "100 470 470 470 --5 ica stockholders to corals wh Filipino and 10)compulsory physical education pas 2 si Sarg Fi si ewe > C Red Pop 10%4 10M Wht % 1500 8h 8 OB "a : : ; . i ci South .Korean doctors to help|Mext semester, the Nationalist 2 Dauch a lg 'ay Oe age Su aeeerm pia gel) =! My 125 3s LIBYAN CENSUS a aed TRIPOLI (AP)--Preliminary e a staff rapidly growing medical|Chinese education ministry an- ee Trans-ttt 740 $20 19% 19%---~ ™e| Cowich facilition. nounces, 'Included will be 15] Alum 4 pr 525 | 74 Trane ppt 1050 ah " ns poteg results of an Aug. 1 census put Daering Libya's population at 1,559,399 ; i Anthes A 715 $1616 minutes * ee Ati Sugar. 25 7 4 $10% beng Hg ve Un Gas rr $24 he 8A Wad 14 0! week 0 S-| Bank Mont 195 170 $13% "% 1 Ve Denison 'a 152 154+ a day, tee bears & ed . 25 $u/4 20% 2004 2 ee Py Be ae pu © Gane 204 30" i" a 8 persons, the government said. 8 : Bank NS 259 4 ' ical education courses and aj pan » 100 Inland Gas 1160 Wartidest $17% 17% 17% Donalda -- | @ Stran rts 2750 A 1954 census gave the popul: ?P Status' weeekly 90-minutes of extra-Cur-) peay Lum 50 $45 45 Int-City Gas 160 $8% 8% i+ Ve! 1034 10% 16% a} Duvan $00 13) 13 13 Quemont 200 9 ; easant a ricular physical activity. Bell Phone 752 Saat v4] IMC 73% 734 73a Westeal 106 1084 ONS Te Mal i iss Guonto 1908 4 tion figure at under 1,250,000. Bicks 100 12% 12% + Ve; Int Nic! . 25$107 107. 107 El Sol soo 77 7 'agian 38600 7 7 LOCAL MONSTER Bowater pr 50 514+ %| int Util $272 27¥4 2a + Ve) 129 950 950 950 --§ | Brwest T 1000 12 12 12 --%| Realm 2000 9 ANCIENT MAN FOUND rivers it | Bell Knit 200 50 Inter PL $897 892 89% Woodwd A. 265 $27 26% 26% F Mar 20-208 208 1 | Rio PERIGE OVIEDO, Spain (AP). -- Vil- Brazil 131 370 370 370 --S5 | Int Hu ® Pod a ae xm Wrataser 18 18 18% +3 _ Con 2B a 'UX, France (AP)-- * (3% J nm ie " 'ef lagers in the mmaustale . village Be Pe eee sec ul eer 405405 «405 +5 OILS Geco Mines si, 384 er 20 40 as aad 35" | raved Ma a hae var my of Felechosa have reported see-| scph 5% pr 10$105¥4 105% 105% -- 2 320 320 +5 $12 12 12 + | Silvmaq 12% 12% 12'4 o~ * i Royal Staff ing a snake seven yards long sale Prod fd Hd hes mss prot aia Ohh rfiioge pe be on lie Vie We nce se ti eae porsee 4 has been hailed by 8. " q , urns Va 260 360 360 +5 if : 3% 374 37% ren cientist: i Dixon 8, Chan LONDON (Reuters) -- Two |r say" A police investigator| E°ras"A aw an wee Sie Tew aie | Bell Pre i tin ning Sah Sr ah hve] Step R188 HO BB B24 Inston Importance in_ the. study Bh Wallace, 68 nolice say. ci ac $25% 25% 25% -- %4| Aig ae a Mm 2 , . a, chauffeurs have walked out said the village has offered a| Con.Perm 25 @ At 200 390 390 390 ; Semana er ee 164 16¥ Ther 4 S$ s6 = jof_ ancient man. Dr, Andrejan a tment on Queen Elizabeth on holi- |reward for anyone killing the| fae" \00 'some om gu 18 ey oo --18| C.Ex Gas 500 146 146 146 rinow bal yg Bug deh Cheynier, ex-president of the|DixonS. Chantas Vice day in Scotland, alleging "me- |,ake. So far there have been| C Brew 1000 $10% tee 1900. si0se 10% 10% Cdn: Sup Ol 200 $20% 20¥2 202+ ve) [He ad Trin Chib French Archeological Society,|President of Duplate Canada o dieval h itions.") |e aay € Br A pr 100 $51 10 $23% 723% 23%--- 2] Cent Del 400 BIS, B10 810 Jolie : Butfad aid the sh f the skull indi-|Limited ion. to the eval hours and conditions." ing takers " man ANS Gr Plains 100 $10% 10% 19% + | Joliet 34 si e shape of the skull indi Fi . ¢ BAIA w 110 145 MB PR 65 $31% 21% 3%-- ho] Kerr Add ted th ' |Board of Directors of the Company. They resigned while the : Can Can A 100 819% 19% 1 100 225 225. 225 --10 | Medal 2290 520 S15 S15 --10 | KOE cate e specimen was of ad royal family was holidaying MUCH TRAVELLED Cdn G inv 5 $60 6060 Meee at Mill 300 $1684 16V-- 18% + v2] N_ Davies 2500 2218 22 aa Ws vanced type. 7245 Lakehead i = : ;.| C Imp Bk € 140 $6 FP $20% 28% 2056+ ve} NC Oils 700 300 3 rs at kf ogee home, Bal-| MEXICO CITY (AP)--Presi-| © ifg°Gas 725 810% 10% 10% eas eee. Ie Marae 2600 172 I 7m 1 | LOM moral, and returned to Buck- | gent Adolfo Lopez Mateos, the] c ind G pr 165 $13% 13% wa + " $8% 8% 8%--- Ve! Pamoil 3500 72 Latin AM ingham Palace, London, to % i Cc Mare 200 450 450 a5 345 45 | Place $00 55 55 Leitch . : : most-travelled chief executive) ¢,& 05 $470 47% se+ Yo) Sait Brick 330 330 330 +15 | Provo Gas. 2120 2 590 4 ES i 5 . 24 222 Lorad 8 b pina out their two weeks' |in Mexican history, will bree Cdn Pet 200, $1394, 19% 1384 | Monten Te ae | Scurry R234 slaw Me Louvict 3500 21 2 --y | Zenmac = 1500-27 FRO NT 2. | ici ips i hemcell 1335 $16% | "th Th Th | k C 432 5: ---- 14 more official trips outside) Chemce 35 Montex pr 100 $7¥a Teck Corp Macassa et siiis te i a ae 00 «5 5 5 Wespac 744 15V2 is Oe Marchant Pamoil 3000 72 «72:«72 . ; | es When they turned up at the |the capital before leaving office Chrysler 455 $61% +) date Wie eos 408 "30k teas | Tried Ol 9085 207 202 5 in| Madsen E NI D ; M0 $424 4% + Va) One of the chauffeurs, Sid- 360 .$12¥ 12% | Nat Drip = 300 810% 10% 10% -- Ve) wetates 200 550 550 10 | martin 1 | Que Chib 500 17: 177 Claitrone 100 $5% 5% -- Ve! Unispher 5800 26 25 ney Baker, 28, said Monday BRAIN DRAIN } 180 $20 20 oe tan au emt vl eemuene 900 103 109 103 +2 | Maybrun 1500 ie. Raha 100 225 225 028 night: "We resigned from our | CHRISTCHURCH, N.Z. (CP)} be oS Be tna las Seren: Seen aate W Decalta $666 220 215 220 jobs as royal chauffeurs, sec- |so many brilliant New Zealand) Ciish int 250. $11 11% 11% Pac Pete 920 $12/2 12% 12% -- vl MINES ond class, because we were |siudents finish their education) Cygnus A 743 425 425 is out" ae a me | treated more like second-class [abroad and then take posts| Cygnus me aul, io a, 845 $12% 126 12% | Advocate 655 peasants. away from their own country $614 61% 612 50° $46. 45% 46 + %| Agnico 41 palace Monday they were told |pec, 1. All the trips will-be to 25 $23¥ V Mont Test 25 397-9 99 46%) On "Reet Pp 2000 2 22-22 + Jal Magnet 00 Y Scanian aikuline or tran tak ta | yandee 0 | Man Bar Int Hel 5000 180 180 150 294 i \ 2490 $10% 10% 19% + Ve Am Larder 15 "For a basic wage of £10 |that there are enough of them a4 pris fil hg cealaia il Wie cit] A Am, Moy, We ~yiths, " ve! Moo they were fired. cther Mexican states, we ee yk al More A 128 Slave WHA ain ($32.40) a week with board aff an entire university, 100 575 575 575 Ang Rouyn 1300 4a ' d odati lus 25 pansy: 'ent ee $58 58 58 + %| "Atl C Cop 200 100 100 100 NU-WAY. RUG and accommodation, plus worried educationists SAY.) oom Stores 00 $2 % Ml $15% 15" 15% + %| Atlin-Ruf 1000 ' shillings ($3.75) fixed over- |New Zealand claims to lose| Dom Tar, 070 $23% 2 | Royal Bank $794 79 79 --%4| Bethim 2710 700 70 7 OSHAWA'S MOST RELIABLE 50 $30 30 Magna E Malartic eee ol _ time we had to work up to |more academicians © proportion- | StL Cem A 0 + %! Bibis 7500 24 ' 23Ya 24 94 hours. a week." ally than other countries. : MONTREAL BOOMS = creer ssa He said he and the other TV SALES <, thes ot Suatold inoble driver agreed to work out ma | The Port of Montre: | . sets injto be headed for its most suc- A NEW OIL | their notices at Balmoral but | Sales of television changed their minds when a |Sweden in 1963 totalled 228,000, | cessful year despite the prob- junior chauffeur was sent to {half the sales of the peak year lem Sli gre oe cae FURNACE | MOST CARS pick up Prince Charles at the jin 1959. jeargo handled to July was | ; ease of With our tailor made duct station. HYDRO POWER }11,079,386 tons, an incr Baker said: 'I was sent to . wy tae %4 per cent wget d es - work will provide complete : 5 Cuba Mees pate : pick up the Queen Mother's | Quebec generates nearly halliriog last year. Most of the in- : | By NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS, jargest broadioom fagenge and the other river [of Canada's total hydr-electc/crease is attributed to the] home heating comfort i. Gere eee ae fee PLEASE PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT was put on picking up the |power and produces a third Oflwheat deal with Russia. Economical too. ; if necessary giving extra special attention to ; groceries. I do not mind the world's newsprint supplies. | stains, returning them to your floors fresh-air fresh fs ; | ing. it od lean- : whether I'm driving royalty |taste for peppermint. DOUBLE FLOUR EXPORTS Convenient Purchase Mad Cetipment NU-WAY'S. efficient' methods Keep BRAKE | 4.95 CARS + ama ae see or horses. But working for NKEY' aes ss Plans available. prices low... . for example a 9 x 12' rug costs "royalty. ia based. on. protocol. WORKING MONKEYS Canada doubled wheat flour| only $9.75. For fast 3 day service call now, RELINE cart ie In Malaysia, working mon-jexports in the last crop year,| : : -- poate parean oly paa you keys drink their wages earned |but fell short of a record, the Call for a Quotation without Obligation 728-4681 A palace official said: 'The for climbing coconut trees.|/board of grain commissioners | i They are paid in soda pop. reported Monday in Winnipeg. rT] | NU - WAY RUG ns pr Is Ae ogee and , r ; Exports for the year ended July. An Approved Member of the General Tire of Oshawa S where the chauffeurs INDIAN EXPORTS 1 tall 54,400.00 h National institute of Rug Cleeners 534 RIT. were needed--so, by leaving, 81 totalled 54,400,000 bushels H i SON RD. SOUTH 'they in effect sacked (fired) | Indian exports to the Euro-)compared with 27,600,000 in the] 313 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA 723-4663 PH: 72 themselves." pean Common Market countries|1962-63 crop year. The record : : | : 8-6221 f have increased by 43 per cent!was set in 1946-47 when exports Serving the public over 50 years 'in the jast six years. totalled 79,500,000 bushels. | Hurry! Only a Few Models Left! at Savings Beyond Compare ! 1964 DEMONSTRATOR CLEAROUT A VERY LIMITED SELECTION OF MODELS REMAIN + me * Greatest Discounts in Our History On Our 1964 ALL DRIVEN LESS VAUXHALL :--- . For the Deal of the Year See Your Cliff Mills Motors Salesman! ! RAY McLAUGHLIN @ MORLEY STALKER @ MIKE JACULA ' AL ATKINSON @ BILL HAYNES @ BILL ORDE DON GAVIS @ DAVE BATHE @ DENNIS GREGG ' LARRY MARSHALL ~ @ MORLEY HUGHES . @ BILL LING @ BADE CRANFIELD BRIAN KANE : @ FRANK WONNACOTT Used Car Manager Assistont Used Car Manager Model - End USE YOUR PRESENT CAR AS DOWN PAYMENT ¢ i a A @ re ] u T EASY TERMS on the GM.A.C. PAYMENT PLAN!! aa t @ Weare now accepting orders for early delivery of your new 1965 " e @ Pontiac or Buick, ™: THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD.- 266 King St. West Downtown Oshawa Phone 723-4634 2

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